CC - Item 4I - Authorization To Attend 7th Annual California Joint Powers Insurance Authority Risk Management Conference September 11-13, 2002, Santa BarbaraJf~ TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSE*IkE, MEEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CITY MANAGER DATE: JUNE 4, 2002 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND 7T" ANNUAL CALIFORNIA JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY RISK MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 11-13,2002, SANTA BARBARA Attached for your consideration is information on the aforementioned conference. This year's program includes sessions on the following: Handling Risk Change, 9/11 Preparing for What's Next, Playground Safety, and Transforming Your Safety Culture. Members of staff and the Council have attended past conferences. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the attendance of any Councilmember, the City Attorney and staff as designated by the City Manager. R COUNCIL AGENDA JUN 112002 ITEM No. 1Z - -r I I WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER II, 2002 10:00 - 3:00 PM "Survivor: Life in the Land of the IIPP" Speaker. Steve Damewood 11:00 AM Golf Tournament - Sandpiper Golf Course 6:00 PM Welcome Dinner - Fess Parker's DoubleTree Resort THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2002 7:00 - 8:45 AM Breakfast - 9:00 - 10:30 AM General Session: "Altitude with an Attitude... Handling Risk, Change & Other Challenges" Speaker: Dave Rodney 10:30 - 10:45 AM Break 10:45 - 12:15 PM Concurrent Sessions SESSION 1: "Transforming Your Safety Culture" Speaker: Charles Gray . ' SESSION 2:. "9/11: Preparing for What's Next" - Speakers: Richard Odenthal and,james Petroni SESSION 3: "Who Wants to be an Employment Practices Millionaire?" Speaker.-Jeff Thompson 12:15 - 1:30 PM Luncheon & Sponsor Recognition 1:30 - 3:00 PM Concurrent Sessions SESSION 1: Part I: "Gambling with Playground Safety" Speakers: Sam "Butch" DeFillippo and Edward Gallegos SESSION 2: Part 1: "Winning Discipline Cases Isn't Everything - It's the Only Thing" Speaker: Steve Filarsky SESSION 3: "Risk Transfer: When to Hold and When to Fold" Speaker- Scott Haith 3:00 - 3:15 PM Break 3:15 - 4:45 PM Concurrent Sessions SESSION 1: Part II: "Keeping Lawyers Out of the Playground" Speakers: Sam `Butch" DeFillippo and Edward Gallegos SESSION 2: Part 11: "Winning Discipline Cases Isn't Everything- It's the Only Thing" Speaker: Steve Filarsky SESSION 3: "Gambling and Insurance: Do You Know the Odds?" " Speaker: Mark Priven 6:00 - 9:00 PM Casino Night - Fess Parker's DoubleTree Resort FRIDAY, SEPTEM BER 13 7:00 - 8:30 AM Breakfast 8:30 - 10:00 AM Concurrent.Sessions SESSION 1: "Dogs, Cats and Keeping the Peace" Speaker: Anthony Baron SESSION 2: Part I: "The Risky Business of Writing or What They Covered the Day You Missed English 101" Speaker. Sandra Holt 10:00 -10:15 AM Break ` 10:15 - 11:45 AM Concurrent Sessions SESSION 1: "Workers' Compensation Bingo 2002" Speakers: Robert Heywood and Keith Epstein SESSION 2: Part 11: "The Risky Business of Writing or What They Covered the Day You Missed English 101" Speaker: Sandra Holt 11:45 AM Conference Concludes 10:45 - 12:15 PM "Transforming Your Safety Culture" Presented by Charles D. Gray, CSP and CPEA, Bickmore Risk Services, Sacramento Topics will include: • Foundations of culture based safety • Symptoms of a dysfunctional safety program • Leadership, accountability, and culture • The climate assessment tool • Culture gap analysis • Safety's Holy Grail: Measuring the financial impact of your . safety program • Addressing safety from a structural perspective • Benchmarking safety performance and the safety culture "9/11- Preparing For What's Next" Presented by Richard Odenthal and James Petroni, OPCON Group, Los Angeles Topics will include: • Handling threats and terrorist actions • Security concerns for City governments . • Civil Rights considerations • How to effectively prepare and protect the City's resources • What your public safety personnel should be doing to prepare "Who Wants To Be An Employment Practices Millionaire?" Presented by Jeffrey P. Thompson, Partner Declues & Burkett LLP, Santa Ana Topics will include: Sexual harassment Various forms of discrimination • Whistle-blower laws • Overtime IF,, 7 • FMLA • ADA 4 1:30 - 3:00 PM Part I: "Gambling With Playground Safety" Presented by Sam "Butch" DeFillippo, Managing Partner, P1aySafe, LLC, Albuquerque, NM and Eddie Gallegos, Attorney, Albuquerque, NM Topics will include: • Child Development • Surfacing • Equipment Supervision • Signs • Tools Part I: "Winning Discipline Cases Isn't Everything - It's the Only Thing" Presented by Steve A. Filarsky, Partner Filarsky & Watt, Manhattan Beach Topics will include: • A total discipline system • Progressive discipline • Documentation "Risk Transfer: When to Hold and When to Fold" Presented by Scott C. Haith, Of Counsel to the Law Firm of Robertson, Vick & Capella, Woodland Hills Topics will include: indemnification • Obtaining reimbursement of attorney's fees and costs from . insurers, indemnitors and self-insureds • Novel situations and what to do when you are the party to whom the risk has been transferred • Creating enforceable contractual indemnity agreements and additional insured endorsements • Recognizing contractual indemnity and insurable situations • Enforcing contractual indemnity rights, tenders of defense and demands for 3:15 - 4:45 PM Part II: "Keeping Lawyers Out of the Playground" Presented by Sam "Butch" DeFillippo, Managing Partner, P1aySafe, LLC, Albuquerque, NM and Eddie Gallegos, Attorney, Albuquerque, NM Topics will include: _ i •.Overview of playground liability r • Basic concepts of tort liability y: • Principles of Standard of Care Working with your attorney from planning h stage through operation of a playground y. Part II: "Winning Discipline Cases Isn't Everything - It's the Only Thing" Presented by Steve A. Filarsky, Partner Filarsky & Watt, Manhattan Beach Topics will include: • The administrative investigation • The "Skelly" pre-action procedure • Administrative appeals and litigation "Gambling and Insurance: Do You Know the Odds? Presented by Mark Priven, FCAS, MAAA Bickmore Risk Services, Albany Topics will include: • How is a bookie like an actuary? "IT • How are self-insured retentions like the ante? • Did.the Romans gamble? F. t_ • Why would a workers' compensation insurance company decide to start writing property insurance, even if workers' compensation were more profitable? And what does that have to do with my stock portfolio? • When are the casino odds in my favor? .x- S . .a,CONCUIZ_RNT`S~SS_IONS 8:30-10:00 AM "Dogs, Cats and Keeping the Peace" Presented by Anthony Baron, Ph.D., Psy.D., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Baron, Center, Inc., San Diego Topics will include: • The difference between "confrontation" and "care fronting" • How to speak to the heart as well as the head • Learn why people on your staff understand deadlines differently • Motivating others without manipulation • Understanding how you can be their ideal boss • Find out what really motivates you • The difference between dogs and cats Part I: "The Risky Business of Writing or What They Covered The Day You Missed English 101" Presented by Sandra Holt, M.A. and B.A. in English, Fullerton Topics will include: • An Overview of Writing: Get it out. Get it down. Get it right. • Rx for Writer's Block: 3 things you can do when staring at a blank sheet of paper • And some other stuff, as time allows • Please come with a writing project in mind 10:15 - 11:45 AM "Workers' Compensation Bingo 2002" Presented by Robert G. Heywood, Law Offices of Robert G. Heywood, Oakland and Keith A. Epstein, Attorney Hanna & Brophy, Oakland Topics will include: • New developments in workers' compensation • Statutes, benefits, presumptions, penalties, compensability • Psychiatric claims, retirement, fraud, subrogation • Vocational rehabilitation, evidence, liens Part II: "The Risky Business of Writing or What They Covered The Day You Missed English 101" Presented by Sandra Holt, M.A. and B.A. in English, Fullerton Topics will include: Getting it right, including but not limited to: • Editing vs. revising • Bad spellers of the world: UNTIE! Grammar checkers • Passive Voice • Helpful books and Web sites • And some other stuff, as time allows