CC - Item 2A - Public Hearing Resolution 2002-39 Certification Of Compliance With The Los Angeles County Congestion Management Plan9'/ TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEM D CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CRCITY MANAGER DATE: AUGUST 20, 2002 RE: PUBLIC HEARING: RESOLUTION 2002-39 - CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY CONGESTION, MANAGEMENT PLAN The Congestion Management Program (CMP) requires each city to annually adopt a resolution, following a public hearing, stating its compliance with the CMP. The attached resolution attests to the fact that the City of Rosemead has met all requirements of the CMP. The City of Rosemead,has previously adopted a transportation demand management ordinance as well as a land use analysis program consistent with the requirements of the CMP. The CMP deficiency plan requires all cities to monitor new development and compare the corresponding increase in trips with mitigation projects that increase highway traffic capacity. The attached 2001 Deficiency Plan Status Summary indicates new development resulted in 504 debits; there were no offsetting credits. The resulting debits are applied to the City's credit bank, which will leave a credit balance of 4,338. COON CH AU G 2 7 2002 ITEM No. =.4, August 20, 2002 Page 2 0 As was the case last year, no credits were provided for transit subsidies (RTD Bus Pass Program) or Rosemead transit (Dial-A-Ride and Shuttle) because the average daily ridership remained constant or declined from previous years and credit is only provided for an increase in usage over the highest previously report levels. In 2001/02, the total number of participants for the bus pass program was 955/month, Rosemead Shuttle ridership was 229/average weekday, and Rosemead Dial-A-Ride ridership was 41/average weekday. These numbers compare to peak numbers of 1,194 (in 1999), 244 (in 1999) and 52 (in 1997), respectively Last year it was reported that 130 credits would be provided for the construction of the Garvey Senior Housing/Community Center Complex, with anticipation that additional credits would be awarded this year upon completion of the project. Unfortunately the MTA did not accept this project as a qualifying transportation improvement strategy for CMP credits as a mixed-use development because the Senior Housing/Community Center Complex did not meet the minimum 24 dwelling units/acre density requirement nor was it within one quarter of a mile from a transit corridor as defined by the CMP. Upon adoption of Resolution 2002-39, staff will forward the self-certification to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority for review and adoption. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2002-39. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-39 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, FINDING THE CITY TO BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (CMP) AND ADOPTING THE CMP LOCAL IMPLEMENTATION REPORT, . IN ACCORDANCE WITH CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 65089 WHEREAS, the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority ("MTA"), acting as the Congestion Management Agency for Los Angeles County, adopted the 2002 Congestion Management Program in June 2002; and WHEREAS, the adopted CMP requires that MTA annually determine that the County and cities within the County are conforming to all CMP requirements; and WHEREAS, the adopted CMP requires submittal to the MTA of the CMP local implementation report.by September 1 of each year; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a noticed public hearing on August 27, 2002. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City Council of the City of Rosemead does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1. That the City has taken all of the following actions, and that the City is in conformance with all applicable requirements of the 2002 CMP. By June 15, of odd-numbered years, the City will conduct annual traffic counts and calculated levels of service for selected arterial intersections, consistent with the requirements identified in the CMP Highway and Roadway System Chapter. The City has locally adopted and continues to implement a transportation demand management ordinance, consistent with the minimum requirements identified in the CMP Transportation Demand Management Chapter. The City has locally adopted and continues to implement a land use analysis program, consistent with the minimum requirements identified in the CMP Land Use Analysis Program Chapter. The City has adopted a Local Implementation Report, attached hereto and made a part hereof, consistent with the requirements identified in the CMP. This report balances traffic congestion impacts due to growth within the City with transportation improvements, and demonstrates that the City is meeting its responsibilities under the Countywide Deficiency Plan. Section 2. That the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution and shall forward a copy of this Resolution to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority. PASSED, APPROVED and AD OPTED this 27th day of August, 2002. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY OF ROSEMEAD Date Prepared: 22-Aug-02 2002 CMP Local Implementation Report Report Period: JUNE 1, 2001 - MAY 31, 2002 Contact: KEN RUKAVINA Phone Number: (626) 569-2151 CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR LOS ANGELES COUNTY 00 DEFICIENCY PLAN STATUS S UMMARY 1. Total Current Congestion Mitigation Goal [from Section 1] (504) Exempted Dwelling Units 0 Exempted Non-residential sq. ft. (in 1,000s) 0 2. Transportation Improvements Credit Claims [from Section II] 0 Land Use Strategy Claims 0 Capital Improvement Claims 0 Transit Claims 0 TDM Claims 0 Total Strategies Claimed 0 Subtotal Current Credit (Goal) 504 3. Carryover Credit from Last Year's (2001) Local Implementation Report 4,842 Net Deficiency Plan Credit Balance: 4,338 2002 CMP LIR (1. Def Plan Sum) Section I, Page 1 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Date Prepared: 22-Aug-02 2002 CMP Local Implementation Report Report Period: JUNE 1, 2001 - MAY 31, 2002 SECTION I - NEW DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY REPORT DEVELOPMENT PART 1: NEW RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY Category Dwelling Units Debit Debits Value/DU Single Family Residential 27.00 x 6.80 = 184 Multi-Family Residential 0.00 x 4.76 = 0 Grou Quarters 0.00 x 1.98 = 0 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY Category 1000 Gross Square Feet Debit Debits Value/1000SF Commercial (less than 300,000 s .ft. 5.12 x 22.23 = 114 Commercial (300,000 s .ft. or more 0.00 x 17.80 = 0 Freestanding Eating & Drinking 7.11 x 66.99 = 476 NON-RETAIL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY Category 1000 Gross Square Feet Debit Debits Value/1000SF Lodging 0.00 x 7.21 = 0 Industrial 0.00 x 6.08 = 0 Office (less than 50,000 s .ft. 0.00 x 16.16 = 0 Office (50,000-299,999 s .ft. 0.00 x 10.50 = 0 Office (300,000 s .ft. or more 0.00 x 7.35 = 0 Medical 7.33 x 16.90 = 124 Government 0.00 x 20.95 = 0 Institutional/Educational 0.00 x 7.68 = 0 University 0.00 x 1.66 = 0 OTHER DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY Description (Attach additional sheets if necessary) Daily Trips Enter "0" if none Debit Debits Valuerrri Water Well Plant 1.00 x 0.71 = 1 ENTER IF APPLICABLE 0.00 x 0.71 = 0 Subtotal New Development Activity 898 Adjustments (Optional) - Complete Part 2 = 395 Total Current Congestion Mitigation Goal (Points) _ (504) 2002 CMP LIR (2. New Dev Act) Section I, Page 2 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Date Prepared: 22-Aug-02 2002 CMP Local Implementation Report Report Period: JUNE 1, 2001 - MAY 31, 2002 SECTION I - NEW DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY REPORT (Continued) Enter information where it says "Enter." If not applicable, enter "0" so it will total. DEVELOPMENT PART 2: NEW IMPORTANT: Adjustments may be claimed only for 1) development permits that were both issued and revoked, expired or withdrawn during the reporting period, and 2) demolition of any structure within the reporting period. RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ADJUSTMENTS Category Dwelling Units Adjustment Subtotal Value/DU Single Family Residential 24.00 x 6.80 = 163 Multi-Family Residential 0.00 x 4.76 = 0 Group Quarters 0.00 x 1.98 = 0 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT ADJUSTMENTS Category 1000 Gross Square Feet Adjustment Subtotal Value/1000SF Commercial less than 300,000 s .ft. 8.00 x 22.23 = 178 Commercial (300,000 sq.ft. or more 0.00 x 17.80 = 0 Freestanding Eating & Drinking 0.80 x 66.99 = 54 NON-RETAIL DEVELOPMENT ADJUSTMENTS Category 1000 Gross Square Feet Adjustment Subtotal Value/1000SF Lodging 0.00 x 7.21 = 0 Industrial 0.00 x 6.08 = 0 Office (less than 50,000 s .ft. 0.00 x 16.16 = 0 Office (50,000-299,999 s .ft. 0.00 x 10.50 = 0 Office 300,000 sq.ft. or more 0.00 x 7.35 = 0 Medical 0.00 x 16.90 = 0 Government 0.00 x 20.95 = 0 Institutional/Educational 0.00 x 7.68 = 0 University 0.00 x 1.66 = 0 OTHER DEVELOPMENT ADJUSTMENTS Description (Attach additional sheets if necessary) Daily Trips Adjustment Subtotal (Enter "0" if None) Value/Trip ENTER HERE IF APPLICABLE 0.00 x 0.71 = 0 ENTER HERE IF APPLICABLE 0.00 x 0.71 = 0 Total Mitigation Goal Adjustments (Points) = 395 2002 CMP LIR (3. New Dev Adj) Section I, Page 3 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Date Prepared: 22-Aug-02 2002 CMP Local Implementation Report Report Period: JUNE 1, 2001 - MAY 31, 2002 SECTION I - NEW DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY REPORT (Continued) Low/Very Low Income Housing High Density Residential near Rail Stations Mixed Use Developments near Rail Stations Development Agreements entered into Prior to July 10, 1989 Reconstruction of Buildings damaged in April 1992 Civil Unrest Reconstruction of Buildings damaged in Jan 1994 Earthquake Total Dwelling Units Total Non-residential sq. ft. (in 1,000s) Dwelling Units Dwelling Units 0 1000 Gross Square Feet Dwelling Units 0 1000 Gross Square Feet 0 Dwelling Dwelling Units 0 1000 Gross Square Feet Dwelling Units 0 1000 Gross Square Feet Dwelling Units Exempted Development Definitions: 1. Lowery Low Income Housing: as defined by the California Department of Housing and Community Development as follows: Low-Income: equal to or less than 80% of the County median income, with adjustments for family size. Very Low-Income: equal to or less than 50% of the County median income, with adjustments for family si 2. High Density Residential Near Rail Stations: development located within 1/4 mile of a fixed rail passenge station and that is equal to or greater than 120 percent of the maximum residential density allowed under the local general plan and zoning ordinance. A project providing a minimum of 75 dwelling units per acre is automatically considered high density. 3. Mixed Uses Near Rail Stations: mixed use development located within 1/4 mile of a fixed rail passenger station, if more than half of the land area, or floor area, of the mixed use development is used for high density residential housing. 4. Development Agreements: projects that entered into a development agreement (as specified under Secti 65864 of the California Government Code) with a local jurisdiction prior to July 10, 1989. 5. Reconstruction or replacement of any residential or non-residential structure which is damaged or destro, to the extent of not less than 50% of its reasonable value, by fire, flood, earthquake or other similar calan' 6. Any project of a federal, state or county agency that is exempt from local jurisdiction zoning regulations a where the local jurisdiction is precluded from exercising any approval/disapproval authority. These locallt precluded projects do not have to be reported in the LIR. 2002 CMP LIR (4. Exempt Dev Act) Section I, Page 4 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Date Prepared: 22-Aug-02 2002 CMP Local Implementation Report Report Period: JUNE 1, 2001 - MAY 31, 2002 SECTION Il.a - LAND USE CREDIT CLAIMS Total Land Use Projects: 0 Total Land Use Credits (Points): 0 2002 CMP LIR (5. Land Use Claims) Section Il.a, Page 5 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Date Prepared: 22-Aug-02 2002 CMP Local Implementation Report Report Period: JUNE 1, 2001 - MAY 31, 2002 SECTION II.b - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT CREDIT CLAIMS Total Can. Imo. Projects: 0 Total Cap. Imp. Credit (Points): o 2002 CMP LIR (7. Capital Improvement Claims) Section Il.b, Page 6 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2002 CMP Local Implementation Report Date Prepared: 22-Aug-02 SECTION Ilx: Multi-Modal Transportation Centers Credit Claims - No. 223 2002 CMP LIR (8. MMTC Claims) Section Il.c, Page 7 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Date Prepared: 22-Aug-02 2002 CMP Local Implementation Report Report Period: JUNE 1, 2001 - MAY 31, 2002 SECTION Il.d - TRANSIT CREDIT CLAIMS Total Transit Projects: 0 Total Transit Credit (Points): 0 2002 CMP LIR (9. Transit Claims) Section Il.d, Page 8 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Date Prepared: 22-Aug-02 2002 CMP Local Implementation Report Report Period: JUNE 1, 2001 - MAY 31, 2002 SECTION Il.e - TDM CREDIT CLAIMS Total TDM Projects: o Total TDMCredit (Points): o 2002 CMP LIR (10. TDM Claims) Section Il.e, Page 9 Mr. White stated that when a resident sells their property, they have to inform any potential buyer of that particular facility in their neighborhood. Mr. Kress replied that it is the Attorney General's opinion that you cannot disclose that information. Councilman Taylor requested that the Attorney General's opinion be included in the status report. Mr. Crowe stated that he has such a facility on his street, and it is one of the best kept properties there. Mr. Crowe stated that several of the clients work at fast-food restaurants, and that the facility also allows people living in the neighborhood to move into the facility when they can no longer take care of themselves. Dolores Sanchez, District Director for State Senator Gloria Romero, introduced herself and thanked the Council for their support on SB 928, the medical emergency bill that would have funded the trauma centers throughout Los Angeles County. However, the bill was defeated, but the Senator is committed to work on legislation that will help produce funding for those centers. Ms. Sanchez stated that the Senator will continue to work with the Council on every area that she can. H. PUBLIC HEARINGS An explanation of the procedures for the conduct of the public hearing was presented by the City Attorney. PUBLIC HEARING: RESOLUTION NO. 2002-39 - CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PLAN The City Manager presented the staff report. The Mayor opened the public hearing for those in the audience wishing to speak for or against this item. There being no one wishing to speak, the Mayor closed the public hearing. MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM VASQUEZ that the Council adopt Resolution No. 2002-39. Vote resulted: Yes: Imperial, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: None Abstain: None ftmipe Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. ccMnN:8-27-02 Page #3