CC - Item VB - Consideration Of Request From The Rosemead Chamber Of Commerce For $2500 To Fund Publicity And Advertising For The 75th Diamond Jubilee Annivrsarystaf epor TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CROCITY MANAGER DATE: AUGUST 19, 2002 COUNCIL AGENDA AU G 2 7 2002 RE: ' CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FROM THE ROSEMEAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR $2500 TO FUND PUBLICITY AND ADVERTISING FOR THE 75TH DIAMOND JUBILEE ANNIVERSARY Attached'for,your consideration is a letter from the Rosemead Chamber of Commerce requesting °'$2500 twassisrthem in advertising their 75'h Anniversary Celebration on Saturday, September ..._.28; 2002.. The funds will be used to advertise in the local newspapers. They would also advertise on Charter cable television. RECOMMENDATION If the City.:Council,is in-favor-of the request, it would be appropriate to authorize the expenditure of $2500.from appropriated reserves. _ ITEM No. Rosemead Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Information Center t. ROSEMEAD 3953 N. Muscatel Ave., Rosemead, California 91770 CHAMBER of TEL: (626) 288-0811 FAX: (626) 288-2514 COMMERCE MINCE 19Zl August 7, 2002 City of Rosemead Mr. Bill Crowe, City Manager 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Intent on developing the Diamond Jubilee into a premiere event to put the City of Rosemead on the map, the Chamber of Commerce believes they have hit on the right venue! With a car show, business expo, food booths, history of Rosemead exhibit, live entertainment and performing `kids hour', essay contest for school children, Spanish War Re-enactment, the entire community will be involved on Saturday, September 28, at the -75 th AnniversaryDiamond Jubilee. From local dignitaries and VIP's, Friends of the. Library, various churches; schools, Scouts, youih groups, service clubs, businesses-large and small, we plan to offer something for all!! For many years; Rosemead-has struggled to come up with an event to market the city and draw visitors from out of town as surrounding cities have done. However, to make this happen, wide spread publicity and advertising will be necessary. To do this - professionally $2,500 is needed and we are hoping the City will help provide the advertising dollars. The Diamond Jubilee would be advertised by the San Gabriel Valley News-Group-in the;Pasadena Star News, the San Gabriel Valley Tribune and the Whittier DailysNews:as,well:as the-China.Daily News-and other newspapers. Spot ads would also be run.by Charter_Communications cable: television: We believe the return to the city will be much greater than this small investment. Again, we thank you for your assistance and support and look forward to a favorable response. I-, Hunter - iond Jubilee Chairperson Cc: Mayor Bob Bruesch & City Council Mary Jo xwell Chamber's Executive Director 'Businesses joined together since 1927' Rosemead Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Information Center ROSE)AD 3953 N. Muscatel Ave., Rosemead, California 91770 CHAMTEI-:(626) 288-0811 FAX:(626)28R-2514 COMM\ ~INLL IfaProposed Joint City-Chamber Newspaper Advertising (non-profit rates) Sample proposals for possible joint advertising: Coverage areas are: San Gabriel Valley - Tribune, Pasadena Star News & Whittier Daily News Circulation: Sunday deliveries - 107,200 issues Daily deliveries - 101,900 issues "U" tabloid magazine -daily - 3 column inch x 11.75 $1,105.75 (run 3 x's) Highlight strip across bottom of front page - one time - in color $ 549.00 All areas 1 x daily - all areas - 35.5 column inch $1,055.75 $2,710.50 'Businesses joined together since 1927' Councilman Taylor stated that he is concerned that Family Counseling Services, as stated in the staff report, has received less than a third of the required forms back from the participants. Mayor Bruesch explained that the Family Services contract is operated on a referral basis. A family is referred and either returns the form or not. Mayor Bruesch continued that HUD changed their forms and now require that one-quarter of those forms from the parents be verified through W-2 forms or paycheck stubs. Family Counseling is trying to continue their service to the classrooms without going through the data collection requirement from HUD. Councilman Imperial asked who will be monitoring this program. Mayor Bruesch replied that it will be monitored by the Family Counseling monitor and status reports will be provided to Council. Councilman Taylor requested that this program be monitored also because even though the parents are not responding, this program will be implemented regardless. Mayor Bruesch stated that the forms are sent home with the 6lb graders, and the forms are returned back to school. However, they are not filled out completely. The parents refuse to list their income range. Mr. Bruesch continued that-the parents will still be required to bring in proof of income. HUD requires W- 2 or income tax forms. Mr. Bruesch stated that translates to about 200 kids that will have to bring in those forms and that it is unconscionable to ask the school staff, kids and parents to do that. The schools do not have enough staff to handle that type of data collection and without the requested funding, the program will end in 1 I of the 13 schools in Rosemead. MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM VASQUEZ, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK that the Council authorize the expenditure of $8,000 from appropriated reserves and that the program be closely monitored with status reports provided regularly. Vote resulted: Yes: Imperial, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. B. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FROM ROSEMEAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR $2500 TO FUND PUBLICITY AND ADVERTISING FOR THE 75T" DIAMOND JUBILEE ANNIVERSARY Mary Jo Maxwell, Rosemead Chamber of Commerce, explained that people outside of Rosemead should also receive information about the Jubilee through advertising in the San Gabriel Valley Newsgroup, which covers four cities. . CCNIIN:8-27-02 Page #5 '1 - Councilman Taylor stated that he is concerned with the closure of Valley Boulevard how the cars will be handled once they are diverted to the side streets. MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM VASQUEZ that the Council authorize the expenditure of $2500 from appropriated reserves. Before vote could result, more discussion ensued. Councilman Imperial requested assurance from the Chamber that this money is needed toward advertising to ensure the success of the Jubilee, and that no more money will be asked for. Ms. Maxwell replied affirmative Vote resulted: Yes: Imperial, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. - • Sgt. Wayne Wallace, Temple Station, reported that Valley Boulevard will be closed between Ivar and Muscatel. Westbound traffic will be diverted to Ivar, north or south; vehicles traveling eastbound will have to go north or south on Muscatel. The MTA westbound bus will go southbound on Ivar to Marshall than Muscatel, then back onto Valley Boulevard to service the bus stop there and vice-versa for the eastbound buses. Sgt. Wallace continued that reader board lights will be posted on Valley west of Rosemead Boulevard and on Gernert that through traffic to Valley Boulevard will be closed. Councilman Taylor suggested that signs also be posted at Valley/Rosemead and Valley/Walnut Grove to give drivers the option of turning to Mission Drive from Rosemead Boulevard or.Walnut Grove Avenue rather than diverting at Muscatel or Ivar, in order to soften the impact of cars on the residential streets. This would permit the bulk of through traffic to be routed around the event, while allowing local business and event traffic. into the area. ` Mayor Bruesch commented that some forewarning is needed rather than signs at the actual diverted intersections. VI. STATUS REPORTS - None VII. MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS VIII. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None IX. ADJOURNMENT CCMIN:8-27-02 Page u6