CC - Item 4C - Authorization To Attend League Of California cities Annual Employee Relations Institute, January 30-31, 2003, MontereyTO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL WE, CITY MANAGER DATE: DECEMBER 3, 2002 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES ANNUAL EMPLOYEE RELATIONS INSTITUTE, JANUARY 30-31, 2003, MONTEREY Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned conference. There will be sessions on Unfair Labor Practices, PERS Employer Rate Trends, Recruitment Strategies, and Healthcare Cost Trends. Staff has attended these conferences in the past. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council authorize the attendance of any Council Member, the City Attorney, City Manager or staff designee. CQUNCIL A E , A DEC 10 2002 ITEW1 No. V , e@- ~ THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 1400 K STREET SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 916 6588200 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS INSTITUTE Montery Maniott Hotel, Alonterey Thurrda~-Friday, fanual?l 30-31, 2003 You'll Want to Attend If You Are A... , • Human Resources or Personnel Director • Employee Relations Officer • Human Resources Staff Member • Ciw T4anager • City Attornev • Department Head • I1Savor or Council Member You'll Benefit By Learning About... • The political climate affecting local government and city revenues • Recruitment strategies in a buyers market • Updates on legal issues that.vill affect the employee relations field • Developing competencies for success in human resources • The latest developments regarding employee versus contractor status • Birth order and its impact on your operations • Making valuable contacts with otter professionals This annual Institute is the best program to get both the political insights and the technical information that you, as local government human resources professional, need to do your job. Be sure your agency is well represented at this Institute so you can keep current. In addition, the Personnel and Employee Relations Department is excited about web-based training for Human Resources professionals. Find out more at the ERI.t Register online at ww",xacities.org /events Hotel Registration Deadline: Wednesday, January 8, 2003 Advance Registration Deadline: Wednesday, January 8, 2003 PRELIMINARY PROGRAM 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. 7:30 - 5:00 p.m. 9:00 - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. 9:15 - 10:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. - Noon Wednesday, January 29, 2003 Early Arrival Registration - Ballroom Foyer Thursday, Januar},30, 2003 Registration -Ballroom. Foyer CityBooks Open Pre-Conference Concurrent Workshops 1. INTRODUCTION TO THE NEGOTIATION PROCESS You are not "at the table" but you are interested in finding out more about the process. Explore what really happens and how to participate effectively during the negotiation process. II. RESPONDING TO UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES Our collective bargairnng lam (Dfeyers-.Nihas-Brown Act) is enforced by the Public Employment Relations Board. An unfair practice occurs when a party (union, employee, or employer) violates the rights of another party, or fails to discharge its obligation to bargin. Learn from the experience of others on the process of responding to an unfair practice charge and representing yourself in administrative hearings. Opening General Session PROTECTING CITY REVENUES FROM REDUCTION, REALLOCATION, REDISTRIBUTION OR DIVERSION BY THE STATE .200312004 INITIATIVES Achieving this League of Cahforma Cities goal is paramount to restoring effective long-term employer/employee relations at the local government level. Get an update on strategies and tactics being employed to protect city revenues and learn how you can be instrumental in helping protect those revenues. Concurrent Sessions 1. PERS EMPLOYER RATE TRENDS What can employers expect their rates to be in the future if they granted or plan to grant benefit enhancements? How does a positive or negative economy impact employer rates? Learn about the factors driving the major increase in PERS employer rates for the next few vears and how you can adjust to these changes. (Also given at 2:00 p.m.) II. ROLE OF HUMAN RESOURCES IN SUCCESSION PLANNING Cities are facing a drought of talent for the inevitable vacancies that will occur due to retirements among City Managers, Department Heads, and other leadership positions. The neat generation won't have the same experience or perspective that Baby-Boomers brought to those jobs, and all signs point to a sparse talent pool of skilled people Human Resources can play an important role in determining the talent, skills and abilities to succeed in leadership positions, foster mentoring programs, and provide necessary training opportunities for current employees. Learn what you can do to be ahead of the curve m succession planning for vour city. III. NEW PUBLIC MODEL FOR DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLANS Are you concerned about your employees' retirement plans? How can you enhance returns from their 457/401(a) accounts? Hidden fees and how to get a better deal for your employees using the competitive bidding process will be discussed. Learn about a master agreement for better service and pricing that has been established for all public agencies in CaLfonria. Also learn about revenues accruing to 457/401(a) providers, and how your employees can share in some of those revenues. Page 2 Thursday, january30, 2003, continued Noon - 1:45 p.m. 2:00 - 3:15 p.m. 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. General Luncheon AWARD OF EXCELLENCE PRESENTATION BIRTH ORDER AND ITS IMPACT ON YOUR OPERATIONS \X%hat are the best ways to effectively encourage and motivate our employees? How can we quickly identify a person's unique strengths and tap into their natural talents and abilities? These are just some of the questions lack Agati will answer as he talks about the relevancy of birth order in the workplace. Speaker. Jack Agati, A4auagemenl Consuliat>, Encouragla, Concepts Assoabtes, Neu, Hampshire Concurrent Sessions 1. INVESTIGATIONS AND CONSUMER PROTECTION LAW %Vhat do you need to know about legislation that regulates the conduct of background checks and other consumer investigative reports? Explore lmestigative Consumer Reporting Requirements including reports on employees. Newly enacted emergency legislation contains requirements relating to disciplinary or harassment investigations, including specific advance notice to the employee on their rights regarding the investigators report. II. RECRUITMENT STRATEGIES IN A BUYERS MARKET Spurred on by an aging workforce and improved benefit packages, the door is opening to a mass exodus called retirement. Some agencies have implemented succession studies and transitional plans in anticipation of a flood of retirements. Vfhat are some of tine effective strategies that might assist organizations with this challenge? Our panel of experts will discuss the challenges and strategies for filling vacancies primarily from the outside in a world of shrinking employment resources, III. PERS EMPLOYER RATE TRENDS \Xthat can employers expect their rates to be in the future if they granted or plan to grant benefit enhancements? How does a positive or negative economy impact employer rates? Learn what are the factors driving the major increase in PERS employer rates for the next few years and how you can adjust to these changes. Concurrent Sessions 1. DEVELOPING SUCCESSFUL COMPETENCIES IN HUMAN RESOURCES This session will provide you adth an overview of the training available using the International Personnel Management Association HR Competency Model (HR Expert, Business Partner, Change Agent, Leadership) and web-based distance learning opportunities being developed by the League of California Cities. ' 11. EMPLOYEE VERSUS CONTRACTOR Czrcdll y Metropolitan \X%ater District opened a door for PERS and unions to challenge the use of contractors for public agency projects and temporary services. A ream of city- leaders and League staff have been meeting with PERS and Mayor \X7illie Broom, the Public Agency Board Member, to look at sensible alternatives to the current definitions of "employees" under the PERS. Hear what legislative and local administrative options are being discussed. Ill. ALTERNATIVE PUBLIC AGENCY HEALTH PLANS Learn what has been done in the last year to create public agency health plans in California as alternatives to stand-alone plans or the PERS Health pool. Consultants will discuss what types of plans have been created. They will also provide information about how these plans would work, and the benefits provided. Leant how an agency can transition from their current provider into the new plan(s) in 2004. Hosted Reception Enjoy this great opportunity to renew professional contacts and make new friends. Page 3 8:00 - 11:30 a.m. 7:45 - 8:45 a.m. 8:45 - Noon Noon Friday, Januam 31, 2003 Registration and City Books Open Continental Breakfast Networking opportunity. Closing General Sessions HUMAN RESOURCES' CRITICAL ROLE IN BUILDING PUBLIC TRUST If cities are to be successful in gaining the public's support for stabilizing their funding base, we must first strengthen the public's trust. We are doing a very good job of serving the public interest and protecting the public resources. We must constantly work to hold the public's trust. An essential element in maintaining that trust is an ethical workplace and culture. Learn the role ethics plays in your joband department, and how the human resources function can set the standard in your cin'. HEALTH TREND COSTS What are the issues that have driven health insurance costs in California in the past ten years? What are the trends driving the current health insurance market? 'I'bis session will address studies and reports on the trends in health insurance for a non-profit health research organization. LEGAL ISSUES UPDATE Learn about the latest laws and litigation that will influence your work. Investigate how the laws provides a basis for some decision-making and affects just about all other aspects of your job. Adjourn (water and snack to go) Page 4 MOTION BY COUNCILMAN, IMPERIAL, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM VASQUEZ that the Council adopt Resolution No. 2002-56. Vote resulted: Yes: Vasquez, Taylor; Bruesch, Clark, Imperial No: None .Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR (Items CC-A. CC-B and CC-D were pulled for discussion purposes) Councilmember Clark stated that she will be abstaining on Item CC-F as the project will involve the street she lives on. -C AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES EMPLOYEE RELATIONS INSTITUTE, JANUARY 30-31, 2003, MONTEREY CC-E ACCEPTANCE OF R'ORK FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT TBE INTERSECTION OF HELLMAiN AND JACKSON AN'.ENUES AND AT TI3E ENTRANCE TO THE GAR\%EY COMMUNITY CENTER CC-F APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION, TO SEEK BIDS FOR STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS ON VARIOUS STREETS CC-G ANNUAL REPORT OF TB:E ROSEMEAD COMAEUNITI' DEVELOPAIENT COMMISSION FOR FISCAL YEAR 2001-2002 MOTION BY COUNCIL? 2AN BeERIAL, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM VASQUEZ that the Council approve the aforementioned items on the Consent Calendar. Vote resulted: Yes: Imperial, Taylor; Bruesch, N%asquez No: None .Absent: None Abstain: Clark Councilmember Clark abstained on Item CC-F. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CC-A LEGAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE LAW FIRM OF GOLDSTEIN. KENNEDY AND P:ETITO FOR REPRESENTATION IN FARINELLA V. CITY OF ROSEI7EAD CCMIN:12-1 0-02