CC - Item 4D - Approval Of Application For A Tatoo Parlor For Sam&Liz Needle Works, 8966 Garvey Ave, #1Xq, TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD~CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CROWE, CITY MANAGER DATE: DECEMBER 2, 2002 RE: APPROVAL OF APPLICATION FOR A TATTOO PARLOR FOR SAM & LIZ NEEDLE WORKS, 8966 GARVEY AVENUE, #I Pursuant to the Rosemead Municipal Code, an Administrative Hearing was held on December 2, 2002 regarding the aforementioned application. Terri McLaughlin, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Business License Investigator has completed an investigation on the applicants, which included fingerprints and an oral interview with the New York Police Department, where the owner's previously lived and owned a similar business. Based on the background investigation by the Sheriff's Department, staff is recommending approval of the Tattoo Parlor contingent upon the attached list of conditions. Attached for your information are the following items: List of Conditions. Copy of the Sheriff s Department License Detail Investigator's report. Copy of letter from the New York Police Department. 4. Copy of the minutes from the Administrative Hearing on December 2, 2002. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council grant a Tattoo Parlor license to the Sam & Liz Needle Works, 8966 E. Garvey Avenue, #I. Attachments CA.UNCI1, DEC 10 2002 ITEM No. - Ee- J~ LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDED BODY TREATMENT BUSINESS LICENSE CONDITIONS SAM AND LIZ NEEDLE WORKS 8966 # I E. GARVEY ROSEMEAD The entire premises is subject to inspection by the Sheriff's Department at anytime. Any locked or otherwise secured rooms shall be opened upon demand. The approved floor plan and/or room use shall not be changed without prior approval of the Sheriff's Department License Detail. All licenses, permits, and these conditions will be displayed in the reception/lobby area immediately viewable upon entry into the establishment. All such permits and licenses will.be maintained valid. All employees shall possess, at the site, a valid California Department of Motor Vehicles driver's license or identification card. They shall present such identification upon demand. 5. An owner and/or manager shall be present at all times while the business is open. i. The owner and manager shall be familiar with the City laws regulating massage establishments and these conditions. 7. The manager shall beat least twenty-one (21) years of age, possess on his/her person a valid California Department of Motor Vehicles driver's license or identification card, and be able to communicate effectively with City Regulatory Officials. 8. The owner and/or manager will introduce him/herself to any City Official (Sheriff, Fire, Code Enforcement, etc.) at such time as the official's presence is announced to any employee. The owner and/or manager will cooperate with the City Official's investigation. 9. No person(s), other than employees and customers, shall be allowed anywhere in the premises other than the lobby/reception area. 10. No locking mechanisms of any kind shall be installed on therapy room doors or door frames. LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDED BODY TREATMENT BUSINESS LICENSE CONDITIONS SAM AND LIZ NEEDLE WORKS 8966 # I E. GARVEY ROSEMEAD 11. Any violations of any applicable laws and/or these conditions shall be grounds for suspension and/or revocation of this license. 12. 13. I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTOOD THESE CONDITIONS. OL fti'1 o-3i SIGNED DATE C-C/ ' cGt~ DATE S DATE WITNESSED Tuunt`lt of Uos Angeles $heriff'o Department 1~eabyuarters 4700 Ramona Noulebarb Aonter U JJark, (Ra[ifarnia 91754-2169 LEROY D. BACA. SHERIFF November 13, 2002 LICENSE UNIT INVESTIGATION REPORT 102-01469-3410-446 City of Rosemead a Application for Business License and/or Permit Body Treatment Business Name: Sam & Liz Needle Works Address: 8966 Garvey #1 Applicants: Siswath, Elizabeth Result of investigation fails to indicate a basis for protest. Result of investigation indicates a basis for protest. See narrative report attached in clarification of recommendation. Investigating Officer T. McLaughlin Report Approved R. Nelson, Lieutenant #449065 #253688 Departmental Recommendation Approval With Conditions - (see attached) LEROY D. BACA, SHERIFF Robert A. Osborne, Captain Major Crimes Bureau 1 rgrad'vion 0 'IcSerulce ( uuntp of Klt$ AUgvIro sheriff's 3Qepartment Aicabquartero 4700 Ramona i ouicbarit Aontere►u Park, Tafifornia 91754-2169 LEROY D. BACA. SHERIFF November 13, 2002 LICENSE UNIT INVESTIGATION REPORT 102-01468-3410-446 City of Rosemead Application for Business License and/or Permit Body Treatment Business Name: Sam & Liz Needle Works Address: 8966 Garvey #1 Applicants: Siswath, Sam Result of investigation fails to indicate a basis for protest. Result of investigation indicates a basis for protest. See narrative report attached in clarification of recommendation. Investigating Officer T. McLaughlin Report Approved R. Nelson, Lieutenant #449065 #253688 Departmental Recommendation Approval With Conditions - (see attached) LEROY D. BACA, SHERIFF 0 .l04e ~ A- .ef Fyne Robert A. Osborne, Captain Major Crimes Bureau _iradfeon f cSepuice TEL: POLICE DEPAk'I'MI?N I 11th ,fin.,, r' x't4 (t 110'h Pct /r 'A~: etas 94-41 43rd Ave, Elmhurst, NY l 1..; 71 I,Crr~, L. McLaughlin Major Crime Bureau 1,1 S I5 S. C'olyma Road-C) i 1 W'hitter, CA 90604 Nov 12'02 14:13 No.015 P.01 November 4, 2002 To Investigator Mcl.aughlin: .This letter is to serve as verifimition that I.C'Irns R. Chappell, is currently assigned as a Sergeant, shield P 371, to the 110x' Prertne( t,rtlcn the New York City Police Dcpartmcm and have had the priviicgc of knowin. Silo) and Elizabeth Sisyath for approximately six years. I primarily knew Sam throw-,h his tattooing business and I can ancsi to his running a legitimate and " ImiJ1y-run' umoo business which was located on (n eenpoint avenue in the Long Island k'try Seiaioo of New York. We have mutual friend's in the area and I have never known bin, tit have any type of legal or business trouble,; or any problems that f atn aware of. Please feel f-me to call me at (718) 476-8271 if you any further questions. 'I hank your for your time to thk matter. Chris Chappell Sergeant COURTESY • 1) kOFESS1ON.\LiSM • RFSPISCT TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: . ROBERT KRESS, CITY ATTORNEY DATE: DECEMBER 10, 2002 RE: SAM & LIZ NEEDLE WORKS (ITEM CC-D) Councilman Imperial has inquired regarding additional Conditions of Approval for the above-referenced application. Staff recommends that the following conditions be added: 9. (Addition:) No loitering shall be allowed outside the premises. 12. (New) Tattoo customers shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age. The owner or manager shall require an official picture identification to verify age. COUNCIL PFr 10 701192 ITEM! No. :I,V . N d staf epor TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL ,R, DATE: DECEMBER 10, 2002 RE: SAM & LIZ NEEDLE WORKS (ITEM CC-D) Councilman Imperial has inquired regarding additional Conditions of Approval for the above-referenced application. Staff recommends that the following conditions be added: 9. (Addition:) No loitering shall be allowed outside the premises. 12. (New) Tattoo customers shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age. The owner or manager shall require an official picture identification to verify age. COUNCIL AGEM DFr 10'?002 ITEM No, d d FROM: ROBERT KRESS, CITY ATTORNEY ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING SAM & LIZ NEEDLE WORKS 8966 GARVEY AVENUE, #I DECEMBER 2, 2002 The Hearing was opened by the Hearing Officer, Donald J. Wagner, at 10:05 a.m. Mr. Wagner then requested everyone in attendance to state their names for the record. Attending the Hearing were: Sam Siswath and Elizabeth Siswath, owners, Terri McLaughlin, Los Angeles Sheriff s Business License Investigator, Brad Johnson, Planning Director, Jan Saavedra, Business License Clerk and Mr. Cordon, resident at 8930 Cortada Street, Rosemead. The Hearing Officer then asked Ms. McLaughlin to report on the Sheriff s investigation. Ms. McLaughlin stated that fingerprints were completed, an interview was conducted with the New York Police Department, and an inspection of the business was conducted and the business was very clean. The Hearing Officer then asked the Planning Director, Brad Johnson, to report on any planning issues. Mr. Johnson asked if a floor plan was submitted. Ms. McLaughlin stated that yes one was submitted and it looked all right. Mr. Johnson then stated that if any changes were made to the floor plan, it would have to be approved by the Planning Department first. Owners stated that they would comply with any regulations required by the City. Mr. Cordon, 8930 Cortada Street, stated that he had small children living with him and that he has had problems in the past with an older child who had tattoos. He was also worried about under age children entering the business and that he was opposed to this type of business. The owners stated that they would not allow anyone under the age of 18 years of age to get any tattoo, even with the parent's permission. Ms. McLaughlin stated that it was State law to not allow children under the age of 18 years of age to get a tattoo without a parent's permission. Mr. Johnson stated that if the owner's wished to put up a sign, it would need Planning Department approval. The Hearing Officer stated that this item would be on the Council Meeting of December 10, 2002 and that the City would send the applicants and Mr. Cordon a copy of the staff report. The Hearing was then closed at 10:17 a.m Respectively submitted: JA0aavedra Business License Clerk -D APPROVAL OF APPLICATION FOR A TATTOO PARLOR FOR SAM AND LIZ NEEDLE NVORKS, 5966 GARVEY AVENUE; >I Mayor Bruesch stated that with his years of involvement with anti-sane activities, the more tattoos of a sans nature the gang members have. themore involved they will be with the gang: Mr. Bruesch asked the owner if they will disallow the gang member from coming into their establishment to have Bang tattoos put on them Elizabeth Siswath, owner; stated that she and her husband are in agreement with Mayor Bruesch. They will not allow anyone to come near their business that is negative to the community or involved with gangs. Ms. Siswath stated that they agree with the stipulations discussed during the Administrative Hearing to not allowing anyone under 18 years of age to get a tattoo; even with a parent's permission. Councilman Imperial confirmed with Ms. Siswath that ne one under 18 years of age is to get a tattoo; if they are over 19 years the), can ask for identification, and they will not allow any loitering near at their establishment. Robert Kress. City Attorney, suggested one additional condition, no tattoos of a gang oriented nature be provided to customers. Mr. Kress stated for the record that a memo was given to the Council indicating that Condition No. 9, have an additional sentence stating that "no loitering shall be allowed outside the premises", addition of a Condition 12 stating that "Tattoo customers shall be at least IS years of age, the owner/manauer shall require a picture identification to verify age" and Condition No 13 -"No tattoos of a gang oriented nature be provided to customers`. MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM VASQUEZ, SECOND BY COTjNCILMAN IMPERIAL that the Council grant a Tattoo Parlor license; with amended Conditions; to Sam L Liz Needle Works; 5966 E. Garvey Avenue, ,LI. Vote resulted: Yes: Imperial, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: I,,'one Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly car tied and so ordered. V. DLATTERS FOR DISCUSSION' AND ACTION A. ROSEATEAD PLACE SI30PPING CENTER TRAFFIC LATPACT STUDY - REVIEW OF RE-CODTISTEN,DATIONS Bill Crowe, City Manager, presented the staff report. CCddIK a? 10-02 Pace >