CC - Item 4A - Request From The Rosemead Chamber Of Commerce For Reimbursement Of Expenses For Costs Related To The 15th Annual Run/Walk Against Drugs, Alcohol And TobaccoAl TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSE CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL OWE, CITY MANAGER DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2002 RE: REQUEST FROM THE ROSEMEAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES FOR COSTS RELATED TO THE 15TH ANNUAL RUN\WALK AGAINST DRUGS, ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO In the past, the City Council has contributed towards the cost of the t-shirts for the Rosemead High School's annual Run\Walk Against Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco. The 2002 event was held in conjunction with the Diamond Jubilee and was co-sponsored by the Rosemead Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber also paid the up front costs of the t-shirts and awards. This year's event drew over 500 participants, up from the previous year's 300 runners and walkers. Targeted students ranged in age from kindergarten to twelfth grade. The purpose of this event is to raise the awareness of our youth regarding the danger of using illegal drugs, alcohol and tobacco. The event was held at Rosemead High School. The actual cost incurred by the Chamber of Commerce for the event was $4,029.25. The City's 2002-03 Budget includes $3,000 for cost of the t-shirts. The Chamber of Commerce agrees to the $3,000 amount. Attached are copies of letters from the Chamber of Commerce and Rosemead High School. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the budgeted expenditure of $3,000 as reimbursement to the Rosemead Chamber of Commerce for the costs associated with the 15th Annual Run\Walk Against Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco. c taf. .I5mnw lkagainstdmgs COUNCIL OCT 2 2 2002 ec ITEM No.~ -A ROSEME\ CHAMBER of COMMERCE \ swce Rosemead Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Information Center 3953 N. Muscatel Ave., Rosemead, California 91770 TEL:(626)288-0811 FAX:(626)288-2514 October 9, 2002 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Bill Crowe 8838 E Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Bill: On behalf of Rosemead High School and the Rosemead Chamber of Commerce, I would like to thank you for your generous support of the 15th Annual Run/Walk Against Drugs, Alcohol & Tobacco tee-shirts. To increase participation and help generate more interest and enthusiasm, this year's event was held in conjunction with the Chamber's 75th Anniversary Diamond Jubilee on.September.28th., As in the past, we look forward to your reimbursement of $4029.25 for-the-Run/Walk Against Drugs, Alcohol & Tobacco tee-shirts. With more than 500 participants, we believe that the Run/Walk was a big success and a very worthwhile event. We were very pleased and proud that Rosemead High School agreed to hold this event in conjunction with the Chamber's Diamond Jubilee. Each participant in the Run/Walk that came to the Chamber booth received a free Diamond Jubilee pen as well as a tee-shirt, awards, and recognitions. The Run/Walk combined with the Diamond Jubilee was a huge event for youngsters and parents, and helps to win the continuous battle against drugs, alcohol and tobacco. Therefore, we are hopeful that you will take this opportunity to reimburse the Chamber of Commerce as you normally do the High School for this expense. Thank you again for your support. Sincerely Ma~Jo el Executive Director CC: Diane Bladen, Principal, Rosemead.High;School ' Businesses Joined together since 1927' INVOICE ROSEMEAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE P. O. BOX 425 3953 N. Muscatel Avenue Rosemead, CA 91770 (626) 288-0811 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Bill Crowe 8838 E Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Thank you for your continuing support of the Chamber. Statement Date: October 9, 2002 Run/Walk Against Drugs, Alcohol, & Tobacco - $4,029.25 Total Amount Due Thank you for your support! $4,029.25 (please return bottom portion with payment) CITY OF ROSEMEAD Bill Crowe 3524 1,000 Run/Walk T-Shirts @ $4.02 ea. $4,029.25 Enclosed is my check for the amount of: $ Thank you INVOICE ROSEMEAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE P. O. BOX 425 3953 N. Muscatel Avenue Rosemead, CA 91770 (626) 288-0811 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Bill Crowe 8838 E Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Thank you for your continuing support of the Chamber. Statement Date: October 9, 2002 Run/Walk Against Drugs, Alcohol, & Tobacco - $4,029.25 Total Amount Due Thank you for your support! $4,029.25 (please return bottom portion with payment) CITY OF ROSEMEAD Bill Crowe 3524 1,000 Run/Walk T-Shirts @ $4.02 ea. $4,029.25 Enclosed is my check for the amount of: $ Thank you 10/14/2002 15:49 FAX ROSEMEAD CHAMBER PHONE 1626) 2M0814 - FAX (626) 288-2514 P.O. Box 425 - 3953'N: Muscatel Ave. Rosemead, CA 91770 TO: SCOT YOTSUYA PHONE 626-569-2103 FAX: FROM, MARY JO MAXWELL 626-288-0811 FAX: Message- Re: Clarification for Rosemead High School's Annual RUnNValk billing (6001 "FAX" 626-307-9218 626-288-2514 Per our phone conversation, attached is.the copy of letter from Larry Callaham, Vice Principal of Rosemead High School to Frank Tripepi dated March 15, 2002 requesting funding for the Annual RunNValk Against Drugs, Alcohol & Tobacco tee shirts & awards. As I mentioned, the High School normally takes care of this entire project, but by holding the event earlier in the year to coordinate with Chamber's Diamond Jubilee on September 28th rather than later on in October, the Chamber came to their assistance and took care of the production and ordering for the high school thus we got the bill and paid it and the school referred us to you. As soon as summer school is out, both the principal and vice-principal and bulk of the school staff leave for their annual vacations before school starts up again. We were happy to help them out and it was a win-win for all parties. Therefore, the Chamber took care of the up-front money and arranging delivery, distribution, etc. and everything was completed when they returned from vacation approximately Sept. 24th or 25tH Call if you need further information. 10/14/2002 15:49 FAX a r P~ I\ nosemeaa' a1gh School 9963 E %i Dq Dr'm Rosemead Gfileri2 917704498 (626) 286.3141 FAIE (626) 286.6396 March 15, 2002 Mr. Frank Tripepi. City Manager City of Rosemead 8838 Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mr. Tripepi, 21 002, Acct P aw atv=al v6ji f On behalf of the staff and students of Rosemead High School, I would like to take this opportunity to than k you for your generous. contributi on to last Falls 14" Annual Run/Walk Against Drugs, Alcohol & Tobacco. Your reimbursement of $2,900 for the purchase and printing of t-shirts enabled us to offer this cortrmunity-wide event. Although participation in the event has fallen off somewhat over the past few years, we were able to see an upturn in participation this year, with over 300 participants. We ate looking forward to an even greater response next Fall; as we continue to tie into Red Ribbon Week activities and expand the promotion and advertising of the event to local school district boards and many of the new businesses in town. We would very much like to make a presentation to your city council in September 2002, and will contact you as that time nears. I have enclosed copies of the invoices for t-shirts and printing for your files. Once again, please accept our heart-felt appreciation for your generous contribution to the worthy event! .S/'C= Assistant Cc: Mayor Jay Imperial for Instruction n