CC - Item 4D - Additional Traffic Controls In The Vicinity Of Janson SchoolTO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: MARCH 21, 2002 RE: ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC CONTROLS IN THE VICINITY OF JANSON SCHOOL DISCUSSION Rosemead School District (District) is in the process of making improvements to Janson School that includes the construction of a new parking lot with a loading /unloading zone for students. This new parking lot will change the circulation pattern surrounding the school by limiting vehicle drop -off of students to this new parking lot, designed to reduce congestion and improve pedestrian safety on Marshall and Bartlett Avenues. In preliminary discussions with the District, City staff identified concerns regarding the intersections of Bartlett Avenue /Olney Street and Bartlett Avenue /Loftus Drive. At the February 7, 2002 Traffic Commission meeting, staff presented traffic control recommendations to address the District's modifications of the circulation pattern surrounding Janson Elementary School. After receipt of public comments and input from the District's staff and consultant, the Commission continued the item and requested that the Traffic Engineering Deputy evaluate additional traffic control measure options and recommended the District hold a meeting with the residents from the surrounding neighborhood to resolve issues not under the authority of the City. At the Commission's regularly scheduled meeting on March 7, 2002, staff presented a revised set of recommendations as follows: 1. Install Stop controls with limit line and "STOP" legend on Bartlett Avenue at Olney Street and on Olney Street at Bartlett Avenue (3 -way stop intersection). 2. Install Stop control with limit line and "STOP" legend on Loftus Drive at Bartlett Avenue ( "T" stop intersection). CC-50 _!9_01 1 MAR 2 6 2002 3. *Install 15 feet of red curb from the new Stop controls "back" (against traffic) at each location except at 8648 Olney Street where red curb shall be 10 feet (4 sets of red curb). (NOT PART OF RECOMMENDATIONS APPROVED BY TRAFFIC COMMISSION) 4. Install "25 mph" speed limit signs on Olney Street west of Bartlett Avenue and on Olney Street east of the west cul -de -sac (2 signs). 5. Install 50 feet of red curb on the west side of Bartlett Avenue from the new driveway access to the north. 6. Install 10 feet of red curb on the west side of Bartlett Avenue from the new driveway access to the south. 7. Install "Loftus Drive" and "Bartlett Avenue" street name signs on the existing street light pole on the southeast comer of the intersection. S. Remove the existing "Not A Through Street' sign on Bartlett Avenue south of Loftus Drive and replace with a "No Outlet' sign. 9. Install "Stop Ahead" symbol signs and "STOP AHEAD" pavement markings on Olney Street east of and west of Bartlett Avenue. 10. Install "KEEP CLEAR" pavement markings at the intersections of Marshall Street/Dubonnet Avenue and Bartlett Avenue/Loftus Drive. The Traffic Commission approved an amended recommendation that removed item 3 (highlighted by an *) and retained the remaining recommendations (items 1, 2, and 4 — 10) by a unanimous vote. Exhibit A depicts the approved recommendations of the Traffic Commission. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the City Council approve the amended recommendations of the Traffic Commission. Frhihitc- A. Amended Recommendations Site Plan B. Janson School Drop -Off Area Plan C. Janson School Meeting Report D. Traffic Commission Staff Report, March 7, 2002 E. Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes, March 7, 2002 F. Traffic Commission Staff Report, February 7, 2002 G. Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes, February 7, 2002 Janson School Meeting Report JESSICA WILKINSON From: Joanne Itagaki Ditagaki @WILLDAN.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 11:15 AM To: BILL CROWE; DONALD WAGNER Cc: KEN RUKAVINA; Ken Rukavina; JESSICA WILKINSON Subject: Janson School Meeting Report Page 1 of 2 I did attend the meeting held at Janson School last night. Also in attendance were Commissioners Knapp and Baffo. From the School and School District (I didn't get all their names), Superintendent Amy, "Student Welfare ", Ed Diaz, Tim McShane, Principal Andre, Vice Principal David Estrada, School District Consultants Maria and ? ?? (a gentleman). About 20 residents. Tim McShane did send around a sign -in sheet that I will try and get a copy from. Andre opened the meeting and then turned it over to Maria. She made a -20 minute presentation on what immediate improvements'are being made to the Janson campus. About 5 -7 minutes were on the new circulation and the rest was on infrastructure improvements (water, sewer, electrical, etc.) that will be completed in the summer. Maria stressed that the District is in the process of creating a "Master Plan" regarding improvements to the schools. The immediate concerns directed by the Board, however, were things such as fencing, heaters, "relocatables" (portable classrooms) and parking /circulation situations. With regard to parking /circulation situations, the District concentrated on safety, security, traffic and student paths. Thus, the "new" circulation pattern was formed for Janson School. Question from C. Baffo: Why is the driveway at such a "sharp" angle? Answer from Maria: Future plans in that area of the school will "straighten" out that angle but we (School) didn't want to make that change at this time. We (School) also used the existing driveway. Question from Resident: Will the front still be used for student drop -off? Answer from Andre: When the new circulation is opened, the front drop off will be closed. School: The circulation in the Preschool lot will also be one way. Preschool parents will be required to drive through the new parking lot to the Preschool. (This is a change from their previous design) School: The District is "seriously" looking into a crossing guard at Marshall /Bartlett. School: They did get a grant for additional personnel (2 ? ?) that will be used at the new drop off area. Question from C. Knapp: How many spaces are in the new lot? Answer from School: 35 Knapp: School should use cones on the line separating the drop lane and the thru lane. School (Andre): No pedestrians will be allowed to enter from the new driveway. I Question from Resident: Whatabout bus transportation? Answer from Maria: There is no current funding for bus transportation. If the District was to fund buses, it would come from General Funds. Comment from Superintendent Amy: Right now there are no available funds for buses. This is the first she's heard of residents requesting buses. Most districts 3/5/02 EXHIBIT C Janson School Meeting Report Page 2 of 2 now have parents pay for their children to ride the bus and that's how we (District) would probably fund buses. Question from Resident: Now that there will be more traffic on Olney, where will our children walk? There are no sidewalks on Olney. Answer from Me: I replied that I will contact the City Engineer to determine if Olney is scheduled to have sidewalks installed. Comment from Resident (Veronica): City personnel comes down her street daily, honks his horn, smiles and waves. She feels he is rubbing it in her face that he got away with something. Trucks still coming out of school, there's no flaggers and driving down Olney and Bartlett unsafely. Trucks are pulling out when the kids are getting off and almost hitting some kids. Answer from Maria: They spoke with their contractor after our last meeting and told him the safety issues required of him in the spec. Comment from Resident: What about the church? What are the agreements with the Church? Answer from Andre: The church has a key to the gates because they have an after school program that about 100 students attend and they access the school and church through a mutual gate. They also use the preschool parking lot on weekends. However, if we feel this is becoming a problem we will take the key away. The meeting ending —8:45. Please let me know if you have any questions. Joanne Itagaki Project Manager Willdan Direct (562) 908 -6226 Fax (562) 695 -2120 Email jitagaki @willdan.com 3/5/02 T Staff Report Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS. ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: February 26, 2002 RE: Additional Traffic Controls in the Vicinity of Janson School — Continued Item BACKGROUND At it's last :regular meeting, the Traffic Commission continued this item regarding traffic controls in". the vicinity of Janson School. _Commissioner Knapp had made several suggestions'that needed to -be addressed before the Traffic Commission felt they could ' ..make ..b - motion. Commissioner Knapp further suggested the School District and. residents meet together to discuss issues of concern by the residents. This report has been prepared to address the suggestions of Commissioner Knapp. DISCUSSION77— ' ;- 1. Crossing Guard at Bartlett Avenue /Marshall Street Commissioner Knapp's first suggestion was the assignment of a crossing guard to the intersection of Bartlett Avenue and Marshall Street. There are two crosswalks Mat -this- intersection (west leg and south leg). A crossing guard is assigned.'- ssigned to ,the signalized intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Marshall Street: ' Due to the future changes in the traffic and pedestrian patterns surrounding Janson School, staff recommends analysis of the need for a crossing guard at Bartlett Avenue and Marshall Street some time after ( -1 -2 months) the new driveway entrance is in operation. There is likely to be a change in the pedestrian pattern with the new driveway entrance. I 2. "KEEP CLEAR" at Bartlett/Marshall, Marshall /Dubonnet, and Bartlett/Loftus The use of "KEEP CLEAR" markings was suggested due to the queue of vehicles in the westbound direction especially during school begin /release times. Often time vehicles on Marshall Street block access for vehicles on the side streets causing congestion and delay. The intersection of Bartlett Avenue /Marshall Street is a 4 -way Stop controlled location. The Stop controls provide a rotation of right -of -way that should not EXHIBIT D March 7, 2002 Traffic Commission Agenda Additional Traffic Controls in the Vicinity of Janson School — Continued Item Page 2 of 3 delay the side street (Bartlett Avenue) traffic. •There may be times when the intersection is congested however staff believes the "KEEP CLEAR" markings at this intersection is not necessary.. For the intersection of Marshall Street/Dubonnet Avenue, Dubonnet Avenue is stop controlled at this T intersection. As such, queued westbound vehicles on Marshall Street are not always-willing to.allow vehicles into the flow of traffic from Dubonnet Avenue. Therefore, the installation of "KEEP CLEAR" markings at the intersection of Marshall Street/Dubonnet Avenue is recommended.. The intersection of Bartlett- Avenue /Loftus Drive is a T intersection. Bartlett Avenue experiences queuesEof traffic. due to vehicles trying to access Marshall Street. This queue sometimes' blocks traffic on Loftus trying to access Bartlett Avenue. Therefore, the ihstallation of "KEEP CLEAR" markings at the intersection of BartlettAveriuelLoftus Drive is recommended. 3. Reduction of Length. of Red Curb Commissioner Knapp inquired as to .if the recommended -red curb could be reduced in length. She felt parking space was an' issue and that less red curb should be considered - The 50 feet of red curb recommended immediately;; north _ of the new driveway entrance could be reduced. However, with the 50 feet of red curb, there is over 150 feet of available.. parking..area,_The 50.feet of;red._curb allows for a better turning area for vehicles entering the school Staff has also recommended,.15 feet`of red curb be installed in conjunction with the recom mended .Sfop isigninstallations. This red curb provides a clear visibility of the recommended Stop signs. Often times, Stop signs are blocked from view when vehicles park directly adjacent to the sign. In all but one location, there is - sufficient parking available for -the affected property. The one location, 8648 Olney Street, with the 15 feet of red curb has -17 feet of remaining parking area. At 8648 Olney Street, staff has no objection to reducing the red curb to 10 feet ( -22 feet of parking area). Staff does not feel a reduction in the length of red curb in other areas is necessary. 4. Relocation of Fluorescent Yellow Green (FYG) school signs. Commissioner Knapp suggested several FYG school signs be relocated. However, the location of school signs follows the guidelines provided by Caltrans. In addition, the City currently has a project that is installing /replacing school signs with FYG school signs. Therefore, the relocation of FYG school signs' is not recommended at this time. After the current City project is completed surrounding Janson School, staff will contact Commissioner Knapp to discuss possible adjustments to the school sign locations. March 7, 2002 Traffic Commission Agenda Additional Traffic Controls in the Vicinity of Janson School — Continued Item Page 3 of 3 RECOMMENDATIONS Exhibit 2 depicts the recommendations to install "KEEP CLEAR" pavement markings at Marshall Street/Dubonnet Avenue and Bartlett Avenue /Loftus Drive. Attached is the staff report from last month's meeting regarding this item. Staff recommendations remain unchanged except-for the red curb at 8648 Olney Street being reduced to 10 feet. The following recommendations are made and depicted in Exhibit 1 "Revised ". 1. Install Stop controls with limit line_and, ?:`STOP'' legend on'Bartlett Avenue at Olney Street and on Olney Street`atBertlett:Avenue (3- way'stop intersection). 2. Install Stop -control with _limit Ilse -and ,STOP legend on,- Looftus..Drive at. Bartlett Avenue ( "T" stop- 3. Install 15 feet of red curb from the new Stop controls back (against traffic) at. J,-AV; each location except -.'at:8648 Olney Street where red curb, shall-be 10 feet (4 sets of red curb) 4. Install "25 inph!' speed limit, slgnsron Olney, Street west of Bartlett Avenue and.". on Olney•Street'east of the west- cut-de sac;(2 signs). r , 5. Install 50.feet.of red .curb -on themeest =side�of Bartlett AvenueJrom the new driveway access to the north. 6. Install 10 feet of red curb-on the..westfside,.of,Bartlett Avenue: from the new driveway access to the south.- 7. Install "Loftus Drive" and "Bartlett:Avenue :street name signs.on, the. existing street light pole, on the southeast,corner of the intersection. 8. Remove the existing "Not A Through Straeet' sign on Bartlett,Avenue south of, Loftus Drive and - replace with a ,No,Outlet ;sign 9. Install "Stop Ahead" symbol signs >;antl. "STOP:AHEAD "..pavement markings: -: ; on Olney Street east of and west. of Bartlett Avenue. Attachments P: \06- 160\JI1 \RSD\2002 Agendas & Documents \Mar - Janson School Add'I Controls- Cont'd.doc Marshnll Street Install "KEEP CLEAR" Ila ;pavement markings. i d331H CIEGR ?ltl31y� KIEEP P: \06- 160 \JI1 \Rsd \Exh Fig \2002 \Mar - Janson School KEEP CLEAR JL ! �•� 129 L d331H CIEGR ?ltl31y� KIEEP P: \06- 160 \JI1 \Rsd \Exh Fig \2002 \Mar - Janson School KEEP CLEAR JL ! �•� 129 L cl P i.• } d O .. r-0 NO 0� /YW&H 71 2002. T,4.Mif C'ONI� /55 /d�c/ �el�27 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 7, 2002 A regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Baffo at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Baffo, Commissioner Knapp & Commissioner Ruiz Absent: Commissioner Matsdorf & Commissioner Quintanilla Ex Officio: Director of Administrative Services: Bill Crowe Administrative Assistant: Jessica Wilkinson Traffic Engineering Deputy: Joanne Itagaki CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Ruiz The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner Knapp I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Ruiz, seconded by Commissioner Knapp, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes for February 7, 2002. II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - NONE III. OLD BUSINESS A. ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC CONTROLS IN THE VICINITY OF TANSON SCHOOL - (CONTINUED) Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki presented the staff report. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki went on to say that Commissioner Knapp made a suggestion that the School District meet with the residents to discuss this item, which they did on Monday, March 4, 2002, and which Commissioners Baffo and Knapp and Traffic engineering Deputy Itagaki attended. EXHIBIT E Traffic Engineer Deputy Itagaki also stated that due to the future changes in traffic patterns, she would like to review the placement of a crossing guard at this location a month or two after the new entrance is open. She would also like to install yellow crosswalks instead of the limit lines across Bartlett and Loftus and another one on Olney (on one leg). In addition, install "No Pedestrian' crossing signs, to direct the pedestrians to go down to Olney or go up to Marshall. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Install Stop controls with limit line and "STOP" legend at Bartlett Avenue at Olney Street and on Olney Street at Bartlett Avenue (3 -way stop intersection). 2. Install Stop control with limit line and "STOP" legend on Loftus Drive at Bartlett Avenue ( "T" stop intersection). 3. Install 15 feet of red curb from the new Stop controls "back" (against traffic) at each location except at 8648 Olney Street where red curb shall be 10 feet (4 sets of red curb). 4. Install "25 mph" speed limit signs on Olney Street west of Bartlett Avenue and on Olney Street east of the west cul -de -sac (2 signs). 5. Install 50 feet of red curb on the west side of Bartlett Avenue from the new driveway access to the north. 6. Install 10 feet of red curb on the west side of Bartlett Avenue from the new driveway access to the south. 7. Install "Loftus Drive" and 'Bartlett Avenue" street name signs on the existing street light pole on the southeast corner of the intersection. 8. Remove the existing "Not A Through Street' sign on Bartlett Avenue south of Loftus Drive and replace with a "No Outlet' sign. 9. Install "Stop Ahead" symbol signs and "STOP AHEAD" pavement markings on Olney Street east of and west of Bartlett Avenue. Speaking before the Commission was: Veronica Pena 8648 Olney Street Rosemead, California 91770 Ms. Pena asked if all these recommendations tonight are final. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that all recommendations made at this meeting are forwarded to the City Council for their final approval. Ms. Pena stated that she would like to see if a "No Parking" sign could be installed for the hours of 7:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m. instead of red curb. Ms. Pena stated that she would like to be at the City Council meeting when this is going to be discussed, and she stated that she and all her neighbors will be protesting, with a petition. In addition, she is speaking to a lawyer to have this stopped. Director of Administrative Services Bill Crowe stated that the Traffic Commission can handle the items before us that deal the public right -a -way (streets). The School Districts are sovereign entities, they are responsible of school facility planning decisions through the Rosemead School District's Board of Education. The City does not have a say as to how they design their facilities. Therefore, resident concerns about school construction matters need to go back to the School District, and through the Superintendent's office. Mr. Crowe went on to say that if Ms. Pena and the other residents have issues with the signage, crosswalks, markings, etc., those items will be discussed at the Traffic Commission Meeting and then forwarded to the City Council. At which time, the residents are always welcome to attend and voice their concerns. Commissioner Knapp stated that if the School District goes on with their recommendations/ changes, she feels the Traffic Engineer's recommendations will provide many means of safety for the children walking, and feels it necessary to have the stop controls. Speaking before the Commission was: Larry Luna 8608 Olney Street Rosemead, California 91770 Mr. Luna stated that their main concern is that they have a traffic problem that is getting worse everyday and feels that Traffic Commission should deal with these kinds of problems. Chairman Baffo stated that the Traffic Commission deals with items pertaining to traffic safety. Commissioner Ruiz stated that the streets are public right -a -way, the School District has every right to use the public right -a -way. The Traffic Commission deals with installing signs and curb markings, and these are installed for your protection, and that's why the Traffic Engineer has studied the situation and come up with these recommendations. Commissioner Knapp asked the audience if they would object to loosing 4 parking spots to install red curb or stop signs, in order to protect the children. Commissioner Ruiz stated that the Commission could drop the item on the red curb, but that the stop signs would still go up. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that she would prefer the stop signs be installed along with the red curb, but would not object to the Commissioners' revised recommendation. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki clarified the recommendations made by Commissioner Knapp. Commissioner Ruiz translated the recommendation to the audience in Spanish for the residents that did not speak/ understand English. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that she has spoken to the City Engineer regarding the installation of sidewalks. However, at this time there is no money allocated for sidewalks. The City Engineer will research funding options for the installation of sidewalks. After discussion regarding sidewalks, the Commission and Traffic Engineering Deputy agreed to not include the crosswalks or "No Pedestrian" crossing signs. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Ruiz, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation with the following changes: 1. To delete item #3 (do not install the red curb adjacent to stop signs) Commissioner Ruiz translated the recommendation in Spanish to the audience. Commissioner Knapp stated that this item will come before the City Council on Tuesday, March 26, 2002. IV. NEW BUSINESS - None V. STAFF REPORTS - None VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Knapp stated that on Sunday, March 30e (Easter Sunday), from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m., there will be an Easter Egg Hunt @ Neighborhood Covenant Church on Graves Avenue, and is open to the whole community. In addition, to the City's Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 23rd, at Zapopan Park. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m., with 24 people in the audience. The next regularly scheduled meeting is set for April 11, 2002 (delayed by one week due to vacation by staff). Staff Report Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: January 29, 2002 _ RE: Additional Traffic Controls- in,the.Vicinity of Janson School s _ REQUEST Janson School is currently undergoing, ?construction to install new'parking and circulation on school grounds. As pait ,6f4this constructiont�-SchooP-District officials met. with City staff to::discussaggeneralry:concems - regarding ,:.the new circulation pattern:: During -this meeting; City staff,;; identified concerns ::;regarding_, the intersection of,B et artlett Avenue /OlneyStre, andBartlettAvenue %f_oftus;Drive. This report will address the concerns at the "se twoJnterseetions, CONDITIONS Janson School is located on Marshall Street between Bartlett Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue. There is also accessto the °school'on Olney Street ` i` - Bartlett Avenue is a 36- foot'w_ide north /south residential roadway�wdh parking allowed on both sides of the street ?sBartlett'Avenue is stop coritroII(Yd- 'at'its intersection with Marshall: Street _T.here' ist'no'`ttaffic'- striping "on �the' street. - Bartlett Avenue "T's" into Olney Sheet �at,i;its,'•southern terminus: 'There is a' "School 25 mph When Children are Present" sign for northbound. Bartlett Avenue . north of Olney Street. Olney Street is a 36 -foot wide east/west residential roadway with parking allowed on both sides of the street. There is no traffic striping on the street. The prima facie speed limit is 25 mph. Loftus Drive is a 30 -foot wide east/west residential roadway with parking allowed on both sides of the street. Loftus Drive "T's" into Bartlett Avenue at its western terminus. There is no traffic striping on the street. The prima facie speed limit is 25 mph. Exhibit 1 depicts the existing conditions of the subject streets. (The Exhibit will be available at the Traffic Commission meeting.) EXHIBIT F February 7, 2002 Traffic Commission Agenda Additional Traffic Controls in the Vicinity of Janson School Page 2 of 4 DATA The reported accident history on Bartlett Avenue, Olney Street and Loftus Drive was reviewed for the period from January 1, 1998 through June 30, 2001. The accident history revealed one reported accident summarized as follows: Location & Description PCF' Date, Day & Time Bartlett Avenue at Marshall Street Right -of -way .01/22/98, Thurs.-& Westbound vehicle proceeding automobile,. -.- .1005 AM straight broadsided a southbound vehicle turning left. - PCF` = Primary Collision'Factor Traffic volume counts taken. at the intersection of,Bartlett;Avenue /Olney Street,!, . approximately one year ago revealed the following;w ` t 24 hour Volume a Peak Hour Volume Southbound Bartlett Avenue; `Kim ti'93 (7.00 AM) vy; Eastbound Olney;:Street .' ­373--F .F zs�; 69 (2:O0.PM), r.. Westbound Olney.Street`` " ' :' 257 (7:00'AM) DISCUSSION As the Traffic Commission is already aware the traffic circulation in.the vicinity of,• ,; . , Janson School has been an ongoing issue for many, years: This school; ,-. ' unfortunately, was built fronting.a collector. street (Marshall Strkeet),in the City. As'-',`:,t; population has increased so has traffic- volumes „resuftiggm�mcreased °,traffic r volumes on Marshall Street Several different traffic, controls have been implemented toimpro've traffic flow m the vicinity of Janson School.. Some of these include: parking . restrictions on' Marshall Street, addition of a crossing guard, and ` a -change in traffic signal phasing at Walnut Grove Avenue /Marshall Street. The new circulation pattern the School District is constructing will provide a parking lot on the south end of the property with access from Bartlett Avenue. This new parking lot will be a one -way circulation pattern (westbound) that connects to the existing parking lot at the northwest side of the property. The School District has also requested the installation of_ "no parking" areas at and across from the new entrance. A full size plan of the new construction will be presented at the Traffic Commission meeting. The intersections of Bartlett Avenue /Olney Street and Bartlett Avenue /Loftus Drive are 3- legged intersections with no traffic controls. Therefore, the California Vehicle Code (CVC) Section 21800 (b) (1) governs the right -of -way for vehicles at this type of intersection. This Section states, in part, "any vehicle on a February 7, 2002 Traffic Commission Agenda Additional Traffic Controls in the Vicinity of Janson School Page 3 of 4 terminating highway shall yield the right -of -way to any vehicle on the intersection continuing highway." This means that southbound vehicles on Bartlett Avenue would yield the right -of -way to vehicles on Olney Street and that westbound vehicles on Loftus Drive would yield the right -of -way to vehicles on Bartlett Avenue. Caltrans guidelines indicate Stop control is usually established on the street with the least volume of traffic. Additional control, beyond the basic right =of -way assignment, is usually reserved for those locations where the volume. of traffic exceeds 500 vehicles per hour for any eight hours of an average day and Where both streets having about the same amount of traffic, lends :credibility' to the higher level of intersection control. Without credibility, voluntary compliance is poor and without voluntary compliance, traffic safety is severely. "compromised. With the change in Janson School's. circulation patter`ri, it-;i; additional traffic will travel through; the - _intersections:; of. Bart I Street and Bartlett Avenue /Loftus Drive.- Exhibits 2 and 3�(avail Commission meeting) show,, 'the ;estimated, , traffic,;_vol'ur Avenue /Olney Street and Bartlett Avenue /Loftus Drive ;Thou increase in traffic volumes m ay" not'meefCaltrans guidelines:for Stop signs, it is recommended that a 3 -way Stop be ins Avenue /Olney Street and that a Stop be installed on Loftus Avenue. This recommendation is based on previous .exper circulation around Janson School -and the nee_ d to_ - controlAraffic school start and release times. at Bartlett with- traffic 'during- 5- e School District's request for no Parking" areas was' analyzedr�YThe new driveway entrance is approximately feet wide and .is_ a onerway,.(ir'bound) circulation. The installation of red curb or no parking signs north of•this_driveway will help access to the driveway. South of the driveway, a `'n0 parking `''area would provide some additional clearance for northbound vehicles turning left into the driveway. However, very few vehicles are anticipated to make that left turn. As for "no parking" areas across the street, there is no reason with regards to traffic flow that such an area is needed. Field review of the subject intersections also identified needed changes /additions in traffic controls. These recommendations are included below. r Jpr. .t =" February 7, 2002 Traffic Commission Agenda Additional Traffic Controls in the Vicinity of Janson School Page 4 of 4 RECOMMENDATION The following recommendations are made and are depicted in- Exhibit 1: 1. Install Stop controls with limit line and "STOP" legend on Bartlett Avenue at Olney Street and on Olney Street at Bartlett Avenue (3 -way stop intersection). - 2. Install Stop control with limit line and "STOP" legend on Loftus Drive at Bartlett Avenue ( "T" stop intersection). =- 3. Install 15 feet of red curb from the new Stop controls "back" (against• 7;- .. '. traffic) at each location (4 sets of red curb). 4. Install "25 mph" speed limit signs on Olney Street west of. Bartlett. Avenue ,` and on Olney Street east of the west cul -de -sac (2 signs).: ; 5. Install 50 feet of red curb on the west side of Bartlett Avenue from the newx trtt« driveway access to the north. 6. Install 10 feet of red curb on the west side7of B6rtlett:Avenue from th'e new ` ',:•; „r driveway access to the south. a" 7. Install "Loftus Drive" and "Bartlett Avenue street name signs _on},the,<, existing street light pole on the southeast .corner bf the'intersectlon a; 8. Remove the existing "Not A Through Street':sign omBartlett,AvenuesouthF.`!:? of Loftus Drive and replace with a "No Outlet" sign.' Attachments available at Traffic Commission meeting SF j P: \06- 160\JI1 \RSD\2002 Agendas & Documents \Feb- Janson School AddlPControls doc,• -_,• ,..;3 fi a's ss1' t r - .s- o,M LOCATION: CITY OF ROSEMEAD MULTI -WAY STOP SIGN WARRANTS (FROM CALTRANS TRAFFIC MANUAL) DATE: DI 30 DZ The installation of multi -way STOP signs are based on the following: t, ; ::. 4 t - 1 Where traffic signals are warranted and urgently needed, the multi -way STOP may be an interim measure that can be installed quickly to control traffic while arrangements, are being made for the signal_ installation. Satisfied Yes No .4 t. 1. .. ._ .� 'F•P 2. u' An' accident problem, as indicated by five or more rep ortedwaccidents within Na a T2 month period of a type susceptible to correction by a7multi way STOP. * installation. Such accidents include right- and left -turn collisions as,well as �14nght angle collisions No 3. Minimum traffic volumes. (a) The total vehicular volume entering the intersection from all approaches must average at least 500 vehicles per.hour for any 8; . hours of an average day, and y ied a S tisf Yes, No (b) The combined vehicular and pedestrian volume:from the minor street or highway must average at least 200 units per hour for the same 8 hours, with an average delay to minor street vehicular traffic of at least 30 seconds per vehicle during the maximum hour, but Satisfied: Yes [� (c) When the 85- percentile approach speed of the major street traffic exceeds 40 miles per hour, the minimum vehicular volume warrant is 70 percent of the above requirements, �Phc�b�c Satisfied: Yes No VOLUME WORKSHEET - CouvNi-J Jars- 204) I Guideline V�k ib�� ���� Q� (a) Total Volume 500 (350) 1 46 I Ill 14b 11lq 1 161 I llq 166 1 5L 1 (b). Combined Volume 200 (140) 1 Z5 1 7g 1 ZS 142 1 81 1 36 1 24 1 Z3 1 Wo Peel. volu,Mcs� �N 01/96 LOCATION: CITY OF ROSEMEAD MULTI -WAY STOP SIGN WARRANTS (FROM CALTRANS TRAFFIC MANUAL) DATE: t O Z The installation of multi -way STOP signs are based on the following: . �r A•w1 t � � J'f 4t ry<,w Z,4 1. Where traffic signals are warranted and urgently needed, the multi -way STOP may be.:an.interim measure that can be installed quickly to control Z: traffic while. arrangements are being made for the signal installation.. Satisfied. Yes No r2 An accident prbblem; as indicated by five or more reported accidents within;., )' �'• ;_a 12 month peeidd:ofa type susceptible to correction by a multi -way STOP ti `'; € installation:- ;iSuch2accidents include right- and left -turn collisions as well`asi-. ♦: 4 if SY (b) sngle collisions .• � > :. r� w Satisfied: Yes lum traffic*. Volumes. The total vehicular volume entering the intersection from all apprgaches.must average at least 500 vehicles per hour for.any_8 hours of an average day, and Satisfied: Yes No The combined vehicular and pedestrian volume from the minor street "6`r highway must average at least 200 units per hour for the same 8 hours, with an average delay to minor street vehicular' traffic of at least 30 seconds per vehicle during the maximum hour, but Satisfied: Yes No (c) When the 85- percentile approach speed of the major street traffic exceeds 40 miles per hour, the minimum vehicular volume warrant is 70 percent of the above requirements. C"(a Satisfied: Yes No VOLUME WORKSHEET- Guideline �4vcco�t; leee ti�r IOOAour (a) Total Volume 500 (350) 14' I 1 1 1 1 1 1 (b) Combined Volume 200 (140) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 �lvecc� (es°� `'I-%avi hour N&A I ' ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING FEBRUARY 7,200 A regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called 'to order by Chairman Ruiz at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Ruiz, Commissioner Knapp, Commissioner Baffo;& Commissioner Matsdorf -- r Absent: Commissioner Quintanilla w Ex Officio: Administrative Assistant: Jessica'Wilku�sori' 1' t1 Traffic Engineering Deputy 'Joanne Itagaki CALL TO ORDER a .. :.;.: ; . fit;: � ,.,� -•'" , The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner. Baffo The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner Knapp r . :3H.r. 1' • z ?:t L APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Matsdorf, seconded by Commissioner Baffo- and - carried unanimously to approve the minutes for December 6, 2001. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Matsdorf, to approve the minutes for January 3, 2002, with the corrections below: Commissioner Knapp stated that she had a correction under "Commissioner Reports ". She would like it to read: Commissioner Knapp would like staff to look at the study to see if green curb could be painted on the south side across from the Post Office. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that Bill Crowe was present at the meeting, not Donald Wagner. EXHIBIT "G" Traffic Commission Minutes February 7, 200 Page 2 of 6 II. COMMISSION REORGANIZATION FOR 2002 Chairman Ruiz turned the meeting over to Administrative Assistant Wilkinson for nominations and election of the new Chairman. Administrative Assistant Wilkinson called for nominations. Chairman Ruiz nominated Commissioner Baffo. There being no further nominations, Administrative Assistant Wilkinson declared nominations closed, and named V. NEW BUSINESS A. ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC CONTROLS IN THE VICINITY OF JANSON SCHOOL Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki presented the staff report. Recommendations: 1. Install Stop controls with limit line and "STOP" legend on Bartlett Avenue on Olney Street and on Olney Street at Bartlett Avenue (3 -way stop intersection). Commissioner Baffo the new Chairman for the Traffic Commission for the year 2002. _ Commissioner Baffo assumed the chair and opened nominations for Vice-Chairperson.:. Commissioner Knapp nominated Commissioner Quintanilla. There being no further nominations: Chairman Baffo declared nominations closed, and "named* Coirimissiorier Qumta illa the Vice - Chairman for the Traffic Commission for the year 2002 ; ,. III. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE Speaking before the Commission was: :-.. :. Chuck Bolding 8612 Olney Street Rosemead, California 91770 - - - Mr: Bolding stated that he and the other residents of Olney Street were never informed -`• `' of the construction being done [at Janson School] on Olney Street. - IV. OLD BUSINESS - NONE V. NEW BUSINESS A. ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC CONTROLS IN THE VICINITY OF JANSON SCHOOL Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki presented the staff report. Recommendations: 1. Install Stop controls with limit line and "STOP" legend on Bartlett Avenue on Olney Street and on Olney Street at Bartlett Avenue (3 -way stop intersection). Traffic Commission Minutes Februanj 7, 200 Page 3of6, 2. Install,Stop control with limit line and "STOP" legend on Loftus Drive at Bartlett Avenue ( "T" stop intersection). 3. Install 15 feet of red curb from the new Stop controls "back" (against traffic) at each location (4 sets of red curb). Ms. Gunther stated that she sympathizes with the people living on Olney Street, because they only have one way in and one way out, and the people driving on that street do not go 25 mph as they should. She also feels the residents on that street should have been notified of the school district's plans before proceeding. Speaking before the Commission was: Resident 8725 Loftus Drive Rosemead, California 91770 4. Install "'25 mph" speed limit signs on Olney Street west of Bartlett Avenue and on Olney Street east of the west cul -de -sac (2 signs). 5. Install. 50 feet of red curb on the west side of Bartlett Avenue from the new {. y driveway access to the north. 6. Install 10 feet of red curb on the west side of Bartlett Avenue from the new �- z rrv. driveway access to the south. . stn 7. Install; .Loftus Drivel= and. "Bartlett Avenue" street name signs on the :r a .axr t ezisting street light pole on the southeast corner of the intersection. 8 Remove the existing "Not A Through Street" sign on Bartlett Avenue south of Loftus Drive and replace with a "No Outlet" sign. Traffic Engineering, Deputy Itagaki demonstrated the vicinity on the map to the audience on the board. "Speakmg"bef6re the Commission was: - a..y Helen Gunther 3644 Dubonnet Street . Rosemead, California 91770 Ms. Gunther stated that she sympathizes with the people living on Olney Street, because they only have one way in and one way out, and the people driving on that street do not go 25 mph as they should. She also feels the residents on that street should have been notified of the school district's plans before proceeding. Speaking before the Commission was: Resident 8725 Loftus Drive Rosemead, California 91770 Traffic Commission Minutes February 7, 200 Page 4 of 6 This resident asked if anyone ever checked the counts on traffic going down on Loftus, because people go down Loftus Drive to get out of Dubonnet. He feels there should be Sheriff's patrolling this area and ticketing people to aleft some of the parents dropping off their kids that are not observing the speed limit. - `r Ms:`Pena asked ;i _ all'tlly,wayuout c to -the traffic goi 4 rt location reallyf soil by speeding" Speaking before the Commission was: Veronica Pena 8648 Olney Street Rosemead; California 91770 new entrance coming in from the back, is going to be a one -way )lney through the Pre- School, and asked what was going to happen into the Pre - Schools :Ms. Pena feels the traffic goes through this and was upseb, hhMt one of the City's workers almost ran over her .his street.. Speaking before the Commission was: v tiMafia Romero Rosemead School District Ms Romero was, there on behalf `of.�Ms. Amy Enomoto- Perez, Superintendent of the Rosemead)-School' District. One of;the;151 concerns the district is for the safety of the students T-heH was a lot of probl&r with kids being. dropped off on Marshall Street and crossing' -tlie street and there have.been too many close calls. There are 820 students enrolled,at�]anson School, with a large percentage of those children being dropped off by parents/ caretakers. The idea behind this project was for an area for parents to stop, drop their kids off and not have to cross the street. The location of the parking was driven by the fact that the front of the school is not conducive [to being a drop -off area]. The side of the school has a small drop -off area that is used by parents to drop off their children and after 8:15 a:m., the gates at this location will remain closed in the new parking area to avoid on -going traffic. Ms. Romero feels a lot will depend on how the education of the staff members and the parents on how this [project] is going to work. Commissioner Ruiz asked specifically, what the school district is doing to educate the staff members and parents. Traffic Commission Minutes February 7, 200 Page 5 of 6 Ms. Romero stated that [the school district had] the Architect contact the City, and the City [informed the architect] to notify the parents and neighbors. The school district had a meeting with the staff, we asked the Principal to send out flyers out to the immediate neighbors, there was time when they were available for questions and answers. Commissioner Knapp suggested that someone be out there handing out flyers to each and every parent/ caretaker that drops off a child. Commissioner Ruiz apologized -to the citizens in the audience for not being informed of the construction going`on�'arid` feels the City made a mistake. In the.future at any site within our City_ where traffic ig" involved, he:: is, requesting that our staff notify the citizens in a two =lilock rakdiis 1 .> Someone' in the audience stated that there is-no flagman: on the jobaite and it is very 3, dangerous. Commissioner Rui �asked' 'if `'this ."job.was'beingr subbed- out.[subcontracied]. The Architect responded= yes "': 'Commissioner Ruiz -went on to request that a Code Enforcement.Office.be atrthe.job-location the very.next:morning. _... Someone in the audience asked how,this whole issue,came to be. Ms. Maria Romero; stated tliat,the school district +is regulated by a State "Agency, and in most cases any project needs {to lie submitted for alieir` approval; in addition to some interaction with then City "> Eetters -were sent:out­to the residents directly behind the school only! Traffic Sergeant Bob Izell informed the commission and audience that there were motor units at the school that day [February 7, 2002]. He also indicated that they will have their motorcycle officers monitor this location and start citing people to get them to slow down. Sergeant Izell cited also that there are only four motor units for the city. limiting availability. Commissioner Knapp suggested that the School and School District offer a meeting with the local residents to discuss these and any other concerns they may have before the deadline date of March 18th, in order to clear the air and allow the residents to voice their opinions. Commissioner Knapp made the motion to: 1. That we have a crossing guard at Bartlett, and three (3) "Keep Clear" signs Traffic Commission Minutes Februanj 7, 200 Page 6 of 6 painted on the street. One at Bartlett and Marshall,. one at Loftus & Bartlett & one at Dubonnet and have them policed. 2. To place a yellow/ green sign west of the bridge on Marshall Street. 3. To have the sign on Loftus attached to the stop ahead sign on the east side of the street, along side the Church building. 4. To cut down the 15 ft. of red curb on Loftus and narrow it down 10 ft. D. Have the. School Disf ict look`at -bringing back the bus service at this school. Chairman Baffo thanked everyone tn':the audience for ,atfending. Commissioner Knapp rescinded +he niiitial motion andtrecommended that a full decision not be made and'to>` ontmue - the item toi thefnezt meeting to allow the School' District and the re'sideints to meet and.resolve same ofpthese issues'. Commissioner Ruiz_ recommendedi =,to- the residents+L that they address the speeders in their neighborhood With Community organization. VI. STAFF REPORTS Traffic - Engineermg?.DeputyTfagakt� ' *.stated'thatat the "January 22na,.Cify':C6uricil Meeting, the Council'.,appro .Need #lie: removal of the red4curb,at the City of Angels Hospital. VII. COMMISSIONER REPORTS VIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 8:51 p.m. There were 26 people in the audience. J�L �. NYId 311S 0308rN3 N 11111��11� - - - -- p11i11u - - - 9 --- '7Y II1141III I IIIIII� _ u1 .3 NOD ./ t I o\ L 0 ME 10� 10 R is 32M CLEAR III NOII I ECEIV D r 4„ J, all 0 lot 5 k ; 4 O I o\ L 0 ME 10� 10 R is 32M CLEAR III NOII I ECEIV D r 4„ J, all that the Chamber will be 75 years old, and will be celebrating it with their 75a' Anniversary Diamond Jubilee Festival on September 28"'. They would like to hold their festivities in front of City Hall, and are requesting that the Council approve the closure of Valley Boulevard. Joan Hunter, Chester Gee and Ernie Ayala, Chamber Members and President, all spoke on behalf of the Chamber's Jubilee Festival and asked for the Council's approval to close Valley Boulevard between Ivar and Muscatel on September 28"' in order to hold a car show and to provide food booths and entertainment. The following item was taken out of order: V. A. MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION AND ACTION A. AUTHORIZATION FOR STREET CLOSURE OF VALLEY BOULEVARD BETWEEN IVAR AND MUSCATEL ON SEPTEMBER 28, 2002 FOR THE ROSEMEAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 75TH ANNIVERSARY JUBILEE AND CAR SHOW MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN VASQUEZ that the council conceptually approve the request, further documentation will be required (a site plan, a parking/circulation plan, and an event agreement) before final City Council street closure approval. Vote resulted: Yes: Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: Imperial Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. The following item was taken out of order. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR CC -D REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC CONTROLS IN THE VICINITY OF JANSON SCHOOL Bill Crowe, Director of Administrative Services, presented the staff report. Mayor Pro Tern Bruesch stated that the City has been struggling with traffic problems with Janson School and other schools for many years. Mayor Pro Tem Bruesch pointed out that there are two different agencies involved with this issue. The City does not have control of what school districts do on their property, nor does the school district have control of what the City CCMIN:3 -26 -02 Page 42 does on our public streets. The City is trying to mitigate a dangerous situation where parents are double parking while dropping off their children. Lorenzo Luna, 8608 Olney Street, Rosemead, complained that the kids can no longer play on the school grounds or street, nor can they use the small park at the end of the block because the school permits the church to use the lots on Sundays. Mr. Luna stated that the cars come speeding down the street, and they have not received any satisfactory answers from the school board. Ed Diaz, Rosemead School District, stated that he is not aware of any agreement to allow the church to use the park on Sundays for parking. Mayor Pro Tern Bruesch asked about the possibility of chaining that parking lot off. Rita Romero, Facilities Project Administration, Rosemead School District, responded that the lot will be chained off on weekends. Bill Crowe verified that he spoke with the school superintendent and was informed that the school is willing to restrict access to the parking lot off of Olney on weekends. Mr. Luna stated that when the street was repaved, the residents were promised sidewalks, That has not happened yet. Susan Martinez, 8608 E. Olney Street, Rosemead, stated that she has lived there for 18 years without any problems. Ms. Martinez said that with the redirection of the traffic she can not exit her driveway. The traffic is overwhelming. Ms. Martinez stated that she was not notified of any changes that would affect her street. Veronica Pena, 8648 Olney Street, Rosemead, stated that she does not want the "Stop" sign installed in her yard. Ms.. Pena stated that at their last meeting with the school district, it was indicated that the Principal would educate the parents to enter on Bartlett and exit on Olney, but they could not mandate that. Ms. Pena asked why are there four drop off areas. Ms. Romero replied that they cannot mandate where patents drop off their kids, however, they will encourage that parents use the one -way access on Bartlett and exit onto Olney. Councilmember Clark asked if a westbound car can enter Olney into the parking lot. Ms. Romero replied that at present they can. However, they want the cars to enter on Bartlett and exit on Olney, and agreed that cars entering on Olney can be ticketed by the Sheriff's. May Pro Tem Bruesch asked if a "No Drop Off Zone" will be posted in front of the school on Marshall. CCMIN:3 -26 -02 Page n3 d Ms. Romero stated that a sign will not be posted. However, communication will be sent to the parents indicating where the safest places to drop off their children will be. Ms. Pena asked if an Environmental Impact Study was done? Ms. Romero replied that a study,was not done as additional traffic is not being created, it is being redistributed. Councilmember Clark clarified that the City has no jurisdiction over the school's decision. That they are trying to mitigate the traffic problems. Ms. Clark stated to Ms. Pena that by not having a Stop sign in her yard, vehicles will speed down her street. Ms. Pena replied that she is not opposed to a stop at that corner, but does not want the sign posted in her yard. Edward Kuwada, 8644 Olney Street, Rosemead, asked if an Environmental Impact Study should have been done before this project. Mayor Pro Tem Bruesch explained that a study must be done only if there is an increase in traffic and/or pollution and increased development. The traffic is not being increased in this situation. Mr. Bruesch clarified that the school district has always been the lead agency for environmental processing of this project. Councilman Taylor stated that after listening to the resident's comments, he does not intend to vote on this item tonight. This item should be sent back to the school board to enable - the residents to voice their concerns. Simon Molina, 8641 E. Olney Street, Rosemead, stated that the school is doing this for the safety of other kids but not for the safety of the kids in their neighborhood. Mr. Molina asked if sidewalks or a block wall in the parking lot were going to be installed in Olney. Bill Crowe, Director of Administrative Services, stated that the Superintendent indicated that the installation of a block wall would require a review by the State Architect. Mr. Crowe stated that the City is not the lead agency, nor have the responsibility for overseeing any construction or improvements. Mayor Pro Tem. Bruesch asked staff to investigate the cost of installing a sidewalk at the end of Olney. Ms. Romero stated that the School Board directed staff to look for solutions, such as closing the parking lot on weekends or the possibility of constructing a wall. Ms. Romero stated that school construction is governed by the Division of State Architects. A wall was discussed as phase 2 of the project and that the approval process can take 4 to 6 months. CCMIN:3.26 -02 Page w4 C +7 Mayor Pro Tem Bruesch reiterated again that any type of construction on school property is not handled by the City. Florencio Molina, 8609 Olney Street, Rosemead, confirmed that the City is not the place to have this discussion. Councilman Taylor stated that the City has no authority with the school's project and that he is amazed that the residents were not notified. Mr. Taylor suggested that the neighbors request that the school board schedule a community meeting, have it posted and the item placed on their agenda. Mayor Pro Tem Bruesch asked the school district representatives how the residents were notified. Ms. Molina stated that the invitations were hand delivered to the residents on both sides of the street on Olney. David Estrada, Vice - Principal, Janson School, stated that on July 2, 2001, the Principal hand delivered the invitations only to the residents on Olney Street. They were left on their front porches. Mayor Pro Tem Bruesch stated that the people on Olney are entitled to address their parking lot concerns to the school board. Robert Kress, City Attorney, stated that the consensus of the Council is that they are not ready to take.action on the traffic mitigation measures until the community members meet with the school board or a designated administrative staff member in order to address their questions and concerns. Mr. Kress continued that the Council consensus is to continue this item and ask that the school district conduct a community outreach meeting to address these concerns, then the traffic matter can be placed on the City's agenda at a future date. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK that this item be deferred until the residents have had a chance to meet with the school board. Before vote could result, more discussion ensued. Roland Rodriguez, stated that a crossing guard is needed at Olney and Bartlett. Leticia Adauto, 8732 Olney Street, Rosemead, stated that Janson School is doing something good. However, crossing guards are needed at Olney, Bartlett and Marshall. Rene Noriega, 8652 Olney Street, Rosemead, stated that a Stop sign is needed at Bartlett and Olney. Vote resulted: CCMIN:3 -26 -02 - - Page #5 Yes: Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: Imperial Abstain: None '5he Mayor Pro Tern declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. A 5- minute recess was taken at 9:20 p.m. and reconvened accordingly. H. PUBLIC HEARINGS An explanation of the procedures for the conduct of the public hearing was presented by the City Attorney. The following item was taken out of order. C. PUBLIC HEARING: PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 01 -01— 3675 ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD Brad Johnson, Planning Director, presented the staff report. The Mayor Pro Tern opened the public hearing for the applicant or representative to speak on the project. Howard Mehler, 135 S. Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, stated that he is representing the property owners, who also own the Goodyear Tire Center as well as the adjacent back lot. Mr. Mehler stated that this project will provide an opportunity to improve a blighted lot and to add to the attractiveness of the environment. Mr. Mehler stated that plans include extensive landscaping, as well as cleanup and landscaping improvements to the Goodyear Tire Center. Mr. Mehler stated that that includes planting shrubs at regular intervals along Marshall Street, and embellishment of the 10' setback along Rosemead Boulevard. Another addition would be the installation of automatic sprinklers, and to include lease provisions to the new tenant to provide for weekly landscaping maintenance and litter disposal. Mr. Mehler stated that provisions have been made for permanent protective 6' block wall barriers for the parking area along the south and west portions; and 3' block wall plus F of wrought iron facing the north and east sides of the lot. Councilman Taylor stated that the only objection he has is to the south half of the east wall which shows 6' of block wall. Mr. Taylor stated that he is concerned for security reasons that no one can see into the lot, especially at night. Mr. Taylor pointed out that people coming out of the restaurant at night can observe any unusual activity at night if that wall had fencing one could see through, such as chain link. CCMIN:3 -26-02 Page n6 e 9 1 y; �s 0 Fic y �' h Ni11 . a ap Q a- I f' L a W 3 c.� W J W Y u = and�� �iaj1, a c -• V VA y 'o m cm Q m � ouch m ^� 411 Sl I.. Lo > IN Q 3 0 Fic y �' h Ni11 . a ap Q) Q I f' L '- a� 3 c.� u = a c -• V VA y 'o m cm Q IYYi45.CO { �., YI 1 t l�� ��Y> ouch m 411 Sl I.. Lo > IN Q 3 .> N N m > N 0)- Q x F- Qj a) � O , C = Q) Q w L '- a� 3 c.� u = a c -• Z-o o = CZ 'o m cm Q o" m o'o ouch m aMi Lo > Q.NO Q 3 .> N N m > N 0)- Q x F- d C M a) � O , C = O w C :_ NCN w a) N_a�f6 c)o U)0< $ > X X a+_ C - I� 01 [` O LLB o J ¢C a)L 3 N N N N Q O > m a) O O 'O O d N E L � N E O N C C co m Q L a 7 � O N C N '� O C N (n N E. 0 o a o�3 Na UN , nO N w aa) Y) F W 3. C -o Y N -o c C _. _ O m C (U N pI a) �C L1J N W 7 7 oa) NC�a oa � as r. CD a) L v O O 3 N C O O' u �0 MIS OVIR _J 0 � dOlS d T ,O O -p 0 Q w 0 L 9C /n <n Q C cfzz j� t• oI � O Ir, <�p 9+ i Vel � 9 STOP V P9 AHEAD STOP F 'F9,