CC - Item 4E - Request For "Do Not Block Intersection" Signs On Valley Blvd At Muscatel Ave, Ivar Ave And Fire Station No. 42TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGE Z DATE: MARCH 19, 2002 RE: REQUEST FOR "DO NOT BLOCK INTERSECTION" SIGNS ON VALLEY BOULEVARD AT MUSCATEL AVENUE, IVAR AVENUE AND FIRE STATION NO. 42 DISCUSSION At the request of Temple Sheriff deputies, staff reviewed the intersections of Valley Boulevard/Muscatel Avenue, Valley Boulevard/lvar Avenue and the entrance to Fire Station No. 42 on Valley Boulevard. The deputies indicate these particular locations experience gridlock especially during the afternoon peak hour. They would like "Do Not Block Intersection" signs installed to remind motorists of the anti-gridlock law. The anti-gridlock law is found in the California Vehicle Code (CVC) Section 22526. This section basically states that vehicles shall not enter an intersection or marked crosswalk unless there is sufficient space on the other side of the intersection or marked crosswalk to accommodate the vehicle without obstructing the through passage of vehicles from the other side. This applies to through vehicles as well as turning vehicles. Field review and past experience of the locations indicates blockage of the intersections (Muscatel Avenue and Ivar Avenue) occurs frequently. During the afternoon peak period, eastbound Valley Boulevard experiences the most consistent blockage. The installation of "Do Not Block Intersection" signs would remind motorist of the anti-gridlock law, especially in the eastbound direction. COUNCIL AGENDA MAR 2 6 2002 C~' E ITEM No. F) At Fire Station No. 42, consistent blockage does not occur. The need to keep the entrance clear has been emphasized with "KEEP CLEAR" and "NO U TURN" pavement markings and "No U Turn" signs. Motorists, however, do not always observe these signs and markings. The Fire Station entrance is not considered an "intersection" by definition in the CVC, therefore, the installation of "Do Not Block Intersection" signs would not be enforceable. RECOMMENDATIONS The installation of "Do Not Block Intersection" signs for eastbound Valley Boulevard at Muscatel Avenue and Ivar Avenue is recommended. Exhibit A depicts this recommendation. At Fire Station No. 42, the installation of "Do Not Block Intersection" signs is not recommended since the signs would not be enforceable. Exhibits: Exhibit A - Recommendation P:\06-160V I1 \RSDWdmin & Council Matters\FY 2001-02\Council Report-DNBI signs on Valley-Musc., Ivar and FS.doc Install R66 "Do Not Block Intersection" signs on street light pole above signal head. e Not to Scale a Install R66 "Do Not Block Intersection" signs on street light pole above signal head. 1 Install R66 "Do Not Block Intersection" signs on signal pole above mast arm. Install R66 "Do Not Block Intersection" signs on signal pole above mast arm. o e d e a P:\06-160V11\Rsd\Exh Fig\2002\Council-DNBI signs-Valley, Musc. War tlU~ 0 ~~~~A-OO D PA K 8 "%~CC-E REQUEST FOR "DO NOT BLOCK INTERSECTION" SIGNS ON VALLEY BOULEVARD AT MUSCATEL AVENUE, IVAR AVENUE AND FIRE STATION NO. 42 Juan Nunez, 2702 Del Mar, Rosemead, asked why the installation of "Do No Block Intersection signs woul& not be enforceable in front of the Fire Station. Mayor Pro Tern Bruesch asked if a flashing signal was installed, would it then be possible to have the "Do Not Block Intersection" sign? Joanne Itagaki, Traffic Engineer, replied that the. Fire Station entrance is not considered a street intersection. Councilman Taylor added that the City of San Gabriel has "Do Not Block" painted on the street in front of the fire station. Mayor Pro Tern Bruesch commented that Fire Station #42 has not requested any signage. No Ken Rukavina, City Engineer, pointed out that Valley Boulevard in front of the Fire Station is already painted "Keep Clear". MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN VASQUEZ to install "Do Not Block Intersection" signs for eastbound Valley Boulevard at Muscatel Avenue and Ivar Avenue. At Fire Station 42, the installation of "Do Not Block Intersection" signs is not recommended since the signs would not be enforceable. Vote resulted: Yes: Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: Imperial . Abstain: None ~e Mayor Pro Tem declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. V. MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION AND ACTION - None VL STATUS REPORTS - None VII. MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS VIII. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None CCMIN:3-26-02 Page # 1 S