CC - Item 4H - Authorization To Attend The Statewide Law Enforcement And Community REcognition Dinner, April 20, 2002, SacramentoTO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGE DATE: MARCH 20, 2002 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND THE STATEWIDE LAW ENFORCEMENT AND COMMUNITY RECOGNITION DINNER, APRIL 20, 2002, SACRAMENTO Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned event. One of the honorees at this year's dinner is Deputy David Komin, who works the D.U.I. Enforcement unit., in the City of Rosemead. Deputy Komin will be receiving the highest commendation awarded by the California State Organization of Mothers Against Drunk Driving for his enforcement efforts during the past year. Deputy Komin distinguished himself by effecting over 100 arrests during the past year. This activity is an eligible Brulte Grant expenditure. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council authorized the attendance of Lieutenant . Wallace and Deputy Komin. FGT:js Attachment COUNCIL AGEI}DA MAR 2 6 2002 ITEM No. • e- e- ' Al 761551 N25A-SH-AD32A(2 2) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT DATE MARCH 20, 2002 OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE FILE NO. FROM: WAYNE A. WALLACE, LIEUTENANT TO: BILL CROWE, DIRECTOR OF ADMIN. TEMPLE STATION SVS. CITY OF ROSEMEAD SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND THE STATEWIDE LAW ENFORCEMENT AND COMMUNITY RECOGNITION DINNER, APRIL 20,2002, SACRAMENTO, CA. ATTACHED FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION IS INFORMATION REGARDING THE AFOREMENTIONED AWARDS DINNER. ONE OF THE HONOREES AT THIS YEARS DINNER IS DEPUTY DAVID KOMIN, WHO WORKS THE D.U.I. ENFORCEMENT UNIT IN THE CITY. DEPUTY KOMIN WILL BE RECEIVING THE HIGHEST COMMENDATION AWARDED BY THE CALIFORNIA STATE ORGANIZATION OF MOTHERS AGAINST DRUNK DRIVING FOR HIS ENFORCEMENT EFFORTS DURING THE PAST YEAR. DEPUTY KOMIN DISTINGUISHED HIMSELF BY EFFECTING OVER 100 ARRESTS DURING THE PAST YEAR. THE USE OF BRULTE GRANT FUNDS IS AN APPROVED EXPENDITURE FOR THIS EVENT. RECOMMENDATION IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE ATTENDANCE OF LIEUTENANT WALLACE AND DEPUTY KOMIN. Honoree Notification _Statertrirfe ,Caen Er farcement and Cinninunity XeWyflitwn Dinner l'nngnu uha ions! g ou have 6cen chosen to receive MAD'D Ca(i fornia Cs highest comnendatiorn at the 2tMt2 ti latewide Laur •Lnjorcerneni and Community `A'ccognitiart'Dirmer. 'fis event is hosted by Mothers Against Drunk Driving ('MAL'I)) and spororored by the Ca(fomia Office of Traffic Safety through the Business, Transportation v Mousing Agency. As an (wnoree ai this etrent,your dinner unf be complimentary, provided that you complete and return the enclosed Dinner Aeservanon card by Aprill0, 2002. If anyone uafbe accompanying you :o the event, their dinners most be reserved in advance. Payment by checkorcredit card must accompany the Dirmer reservation card For registration purpose, the names of a((guests mast be inc(udedon the Dinnerreservation card `Ifwnkyou joryourcontribution to the fght against drunkdriving and underage drinking. 7M1re (aokforward to seeing you on Apri(20th. reservations must be received by April 10th. No tickets will be sold at the door. ')iru Are Cordiaflll I nvilcd to'loin 'its 'I('/ Out Statewide Law 'Lr forcentent and Community R,ecagnitton Dinner Saturday, Apri(20, 2002 'Mocktails' at sixo'cfock Dinner at seven o'clo, k Each year the California State Organi<.a tion of -.If(, thers Again=t Drunk Driving (MADD) recognizes fart, er yon-curent officers and other community leaders for their efforts that contribute to our mission: to stov drunk rfnvinp suFFort the vlllvw of tliB rrivfent crime and vrevent underage drirrkyy. Please complete and mail the enclosed Dinner reserzattion cardso that we willreceive it by Apri(loth. For hotel reservations, please calf the Holiday Inn Sacramento Northeast, 5321 Date Avenue, Sacramento, (800)356-9234. Mention you are withMAD'D'sgroup to receive specia(rates. Rooms may be reserved at a rate of $84 (Singfe or Double Occupancy) as long as reservations are made no later than Apri(5th. Reservations made after this date wif(be accepted on a space-avai(ab(e basis. Semi forma(attire or uniforms welcome. We hope you conjoin us. TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: March 5, 2002 RE: APPROVAL OF CONTRACTOR FOR LEAD TESTING AND RISK ASSESSMENT SERVICES On September 15, 2000, new federal regulations took effect to help reduce the hazard of lead-based paint in the environment. These regulations affect programs offered by the City of Rosemead that are funded through HOME and the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) programs. Specifically, these regulations affect the Residential Rehabilitation Program and the Mortgage Assistance Program. The City filed for a waiver of the regulations and implemented a Transition and Implementation Plan to implement those regulations. That waiver has now ended.' - As part of the requirements, the City needs to conduct lead testing and risk assessments for properties that are participating in the City's rehabilitation programs and must conduct clearance tests of HOME purchased properties where peeling paint has been identified and must be remediated. Accordingly, the City issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to qualified firms to conduct lead testing, risk assessment and clearance testing in accordance with federal requirements. The contract period is for a maximum of three (3) years, beginning in FY 2001-2002. COUP!C14 AGENDA MAR 2 6 2002 ITEM No. Z"• de, -F' Approval of Lead Testing and Risk Assessment Contractor, 2 In compliance with CDBG bidding requirements, staff put out a solicitation for proposals. The City received seven (7) proposals: • Home Safe, Lead Testing and Training • Lead Tech Environmental • Allstate Environmental Services, Inc American Environmental Specialist Company Bainbridge Group, Inc. • SCA Environmental • Executive Environmental Service Corporation Staff has reviewed prices and references, checked contractors' licenses and checked the HUD debarment list. All bidders are fully licensed contractors in good standing. Of the proposals received, Home Safe had the lowest overall cost for combined testing/risk assessment and clearance testing. In addition, Home Safe was selected by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to conduct HUD-sponsored lead training courses in lead testing and risk assessment, as well as for lead contractors and project designers. The break down of estimated costs follows: 'Firm Risk Clearance Testing Total Per Unit Assessment/Testing' Home Safe $500 $140 $540 Lead Tech $630 $165 $795 Allstate $495 ($295 $295 $790 additional for extra rooms) American Env. $374 (test)+ $497 $55 per hour and $1,037 Specialists (risk assessment)= $14 per sample $871 (assume 2 hours and 4 samples) _ $166 Bainbridge $375 for test and $250 $1,050 $425 for assessment =$800 SCA Env. $695 test + $1,020 $405 $2,120 assessment=$1,715 Executive Env. $1,700 $800 $2,500 , Approval of Lead Testing and Risk Assessment Contractor, 3 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve a contract with Home Safe to provide lead testing, risk assessment and lead clearance testing and authorize the City Manager to execute the appropriate agreements.