CC - Item 4D - Jackson Avenue and Garvalia Avenue/'~` / F S O ~ 9 ° ROSEMEA® ~rlTl~ COUNCIL ~~~ ,,~. ,,, . _ , . STAFF REPORT ~Nr''*~oaa;rrs, ,~59 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER ~~Q'v'- DATE: OCTOBER 28, 2008 - SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR STOP SIGNS AT JACKSON AVENUE AND GARVALIA AVENUE SUMMARY On September 4, 2008, the Traffic Commission reviewed a request to add afour-way stop at the intersection of Jackson Avenue and Garvalia Avenue. After visiting the site, staff found that current traffic conditions do not warrant the~addition of stop signs due to low traffic volumes. However, after considering additional visibility concerns, the Traffic Commission decided that afour-way stop was warranted at this location. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation and authorize staff to take necessary steps to install afour-way stop intersection at Jackson Avenue and Garvalia Avenue. DISCUSSION Based on the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), certain guidelines are used in considering the installation of a traffic control device. After conducting field. observations related to traffic conditions at Jackson Avenue and Garvalia Avenue, staff found that current traffic volumes do not warrant the installation of a four-way stop at this location. The MUTCD does however, allow for the use of stop signs when additional visibility issues are considered. Field observations at the intersection of Jackson Avenue and Garvalia Avenue showed that there are some existing visibility concerns that effect traffic conditions. Currently, there is vegetation and fencing on private property that limits. the visibility of on-coming northbound and southbound traffic along Jackson Avenue. In addition, on-street parking along Jackson Avenue further reduces visibility for turning vehicles off of Garvalia. In compliance with the MUTCD, these visibility issues would provide justification for adding stop signs. APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: • s City Council Meeting October 28, 2008 Page 2 of 2 In addition to adding stop signs, staff will also inspect and if necessary, repaint existing roadway markings at this location. FINANCIAL REVIEW Funding for this work is included in the Fiscal Year 2008-09 budget. Prepar d by: Chris Marcarello Deputy Public Works Director Sub B nt City Manager Attachments: 1- Traffic Commission Agenda Report -September 4, 2008 2- Traffic Commission Minutes -September 4, 2008 • ATTACHMENT.. + ~ ~1 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONERS FROM: .JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC. ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE:. SEPTEMBER 4, 2008 SUBJECT: JACKSON AVENUE/GARVALIA AVENUE -Request for STOP signs on Jackson Avenue SUMMARY Two letters (attached) were received from Ms. Pamela Wark, 2457 Jackson Avenue and Ms. Wei-Ying, Ng, 2503 Jackson Avenue. Ms. Wark indicates that speeding occurs on Jackson Avenue between Fern Avenue and Graves Avenue. Ms. Ng indicates that there are a lot of accidents at the intersection of Jackson Avenue/Garvalia Avenue. Ms. Wark and Ms. Ng are both requesting the installation of stop signs at the intersection of Jackson Avenue/Garvalia Avenue. Ms. Wark further requests the installation of speed bumps. StafF Recommendation It is staff's recommendation that stop signs not be installed on Jackson Avenue at Garvalia Avenue. It is staff's recommendation that the Traffic Commission recommends the City Council approve the installation of advance. warning intersection signs on Jackson Avenue at Garvalia Avenue. It is further recommended by staff that the Traffic Commission recommends the City Council direct staff to determine other possible funding sources for the installation of speed feed back signs. ANALYSIS Jackson Avenue is a 36-foot wide roadway with one lane of traffic in each direction separated by a single yellow skip striping. Parking is allowed on both sides of the street except during street sweeping. The posted speed limit on Jackson Avenue is 30 mph. • • Traffic Commission Meeting September 4, 2008 Page 2 of 4 Garvalia Avenue is a 40-foot wide roadway with a single yellow skip striping on the west leg at Jackson Avenue. Garvalia Avenue is stop controlled at its intersection with Jackson Avenue. Parking is allowed on both sides of the street except during street sweeping. The prima facie speed limit on Garvalia Avenue is 25 mph. Exhibit "A" depicts existing conditions at the intersection of Jackson Avenue and Garvalia Avenue. Discussion Traffic data was collected at the intersection of Jackson Avenue and Garvalia Avenue. The following summarizes the data collected: Average Daily Traffic Jackson Avenue Garvalia Avenue 2,870 (1,303 NB / 1,567 SB) 984 (716 EB / 268 WB) Recorded Screeds on Jackson Avenue Time 2:45 - 3:45 PM # observed 88 vehicles 10 mph pace 26 - 35 mph 50t" % 31 mph 85t" % 37 mph Reported Accident Histo Time Period 01/01/05 - 12/31/07 Accident Summary - 07/03/05; Eastbound v. Northbound - 04/03/06; Northbound v. Westbound - 06/05/06; Eastbound v. Northbound - 07/08/06; Eastbound v. Southbound Field observations of the intersection indicated that there are some visibility issues for vehicles on Garvalia Avenue. There is vegetation the limits some visibility of on-coming traffic. However, existing fences behind the sidewalk also limit visibility. There is also a vertical curve (southbound downhill) on Jackson Avenue south of Garvalia Avenue. The recorded speeds on Jackson Avenue identified 85% of traffic traveling at or below 37 mph. The speed data also indicates that 50% of traffic is traveling at or below 31 mph. This is higher than expected on a street posted at 30 mph. The reported accident history does identify a pattern of broadside/right-angle collisions. There is a consistent occurrence of reported collisions involving eastbound and/or northbound vehicles. Northbound vehicles on Jackson Avenue would be traveling in the vertical. curve area as they are approaching Garvalia Avenue. Eastbound vehicles on Garvalia Avenue could have visibility limitations due to vegetation and/or parking on Traffic Commission Meeting September 4, 2008 Page 3 of 4 Jackson Avenue. However, according to City records, no accidents have occurred since 2006. This decline may have occurred because of a change in travel patterns, change in roadway characteristics and/or other issues not related to traffic. Staff considered several traffic control tools that might be appropriate to address the resident's concerns in the vicinity of Jackson Avenue/Garvalia Avenue. These include the following: advanced warning intersection -sign, speed feed back sign and stop signs. 1. Advanced Warning Intersection Sign - An advanced warning intersection sign is a black on yellow sign. For this intersection, the advanced warning sign would be installed on Jackson Avenue as vehicles are approaching the intersection. This sign is intended to warn motorists they are approaching a four legged intersection. Therefore, the installation of advance warning intersection signs are recommended or Jackson Avenue at Garvalia Avenue. However, this signing does not address the speeding issue on Jackson Avenue. 2. Speed Feed Back Sign -This is a traffic informational tool that records the speed of vehicles and displays that speed back to the motorists.. It is usually accompanied by "Your Speed" and a standard sign with the posted speed limit. There is usually a drop in the speeds after the signs are installed. However, long term studies have not clearly determined if the speeds remain down. The installation of a speed feed back sign is more costly than a typical sign installation. These signs could be mounted on street light poles (not wood poles with electrical wiring) and must have access to a power source. Solar power can also be used. The cost for this speed feed back sign is in the range of $5,000- $10,000 depending on the specific details of the installation. 3. Stop Signs - "Stop" control is intended to assign positive right-of-way at intersections. The control is usually established on the street with the least volume of traffic. Additional .control, beyond the basic right-of-way assignment, is usually reserved for those locations where the volume of traffic exceeds an average of 300 vehicles per hour for any eight hours of a day and where both streets having about the same amount of traffic, lends credibility to the higher level of intersection control. Without credibility, voluntary compliance is poor and without voluntary compliance, traffic safety is severely compromised. Furthermore, numerous studies have concluded that "Stop" signs are ineffective as a speed deterrent. These studies found that slowing only occurred within 150 to 200 feet of the actual "Stop" location. Those motorists who slow for the controls at unjustified locations often reach higher speeds between controls to make up the time lost at the "Stop" sign. As previously indicated, many drivers fail to stop and others do not bother to slow due to the perception on nonexistent potential cross conflict. • • Traffic Commission Meeting September 4, 2008 Page 4 of 4 Exhibit B depicts the how the data collected for the intersection of Jackson Avenue and Garvalia Avenue compare to the stop sign installation .guidelines. This exhibit indicates the intersection of Jackson Avenue/Garvalia Avenue does not satisfy the guidelines for the installation of multi-way stop signs. Therefore, based on the .volume of traffic at the intersection of Jackson Avenue and Garvalia Avenue, the installation of stop signs on Jackson Avenue at Garvalia Avenue is not recommended at this time. It is difficult to address the concerns of the residents. Many roadways in this City, as well as many others, experience traffic speeds higher than expected on residential and/or residential collector streets. Sheriff enforcement of speeds is a continuing responsibility of LA County Sheriff. Recommendation It is recommended that advanced warning intersection sign be installed for northbound and southbound traffic on Jackson Avenue on the approach to Garvalia Avenue. Exhibit A depicts this recommendation. It is further recommended that staff investigate funding sources for the possible installation of speed feed back signs for future use within the City. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: Joanne Itagaki Traffic Engineering Deputy Exhibit A: Existing conditions at Jackson Avenue/Garvalia Avenue Exhibit B: Multi-way Stop Sign Worksheet K:\Willdan Work\Rosemead\2008\September 2008\Jackson & Garvalia speeding concern.doc • CITY OF ROSEMEAD Exhibit B MULTI-WAY STOP SIGN WORKSHEET (CA MUTCD 2006) LOCATION: Jackson Avenue/Garvalia Avenue DATE: 08/2008 The installation of multi-way STOP signs is based on the following: A. Where traffic control signals are justified, the multiway stop is an interim measure that can be installed quickly to control traffic while arrangements are being made for the installation of the traffic control signal. Satisfied: Yes No B. A crash problem, as indicated by 5 or more reported crashes in a 12-month period that are susceptible to correction by a multiway stop installation. Such crashes include right- and left-turn collisions as well as right-angle collisions. (Period 01/01/05 to 12/31/07:3 reported collisions-all 2006) Satisfied: Yes NO C. Minimum traffic volumes: 1. The vehicular volume entering the intersection from the major street approaches (total of both approaches) averages at least 300 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours of an average day, and Satisfied: Yes No 2. The combined vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle volume entering the intersection from the minor street approaches (total of both approaches) averages at least 200 units per hour for the same 8 hours, with an average delay to minor-street vehicular traffic of at least 30 seconds per vehicle. during the highest hour, but Satisfied: Yes No 3. If the 85-percentile approach speed of the major-street traffic exceeds 65 km/h or exceeds 40 mph, the' minimum vehicular volume warrants are 70 percent of the above values. ,, Satisfied: Yes No D. Where no single criterion is satisfied, but where Criteria B, C.1, and C.2 are all . ,satisfied 80 percent of the minimum values. Criterion C.3 is excluded f~this condition. Satisfied: Yes No ~ VOLUME WORKSHEET Hours Guideline ^ 8-9A / 2-3P /5-6P/ 7-8A/ 6-7P/ 4-5P/ 7-8P /8-9P / AVG (1) Total Volume 300 (210) [266] [265] [264] [247] [222] [213] [171] [116] 221 (2) Combined Vol. 200 (140) [145] [103 ] [132] [152 ] [129] [106] [116] [107] 124 NOTE: Combined volume includes a conservative assumption of 50 peds and bikes entering the intersection for each of the 8 hours. ~ ~ SCALE: 1 "=5fl' 18' C-~,hlr?1/,~L 1 A ~ R34(CA 8AM-12P NEIGH80RHOflD N =~; N_ c ., ~® m~ SNS R1-i ', SIGN "A" -~ M Rz-t {30) R30{CA), 8AM-12PM LEGEND EXIS111VG REO CURB PROPC3SEQ RED CURB , ~~ ~~~ ~ . `~ , ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~._ ~ ~~ SIGN' "A° r z0' ~ zo' SNS R1-1 ~~~ ~ O N ~R30{CA) 6AM-1 AM r~~. EXHIBIT "A" CCTY OF RflSEMEAD ~ JACKSON AVENUE AT ~ GARVALIA AVENUE -~® R2-1{30) R30{CA) 6AM-1 AM SIGN "A" 18' . 6:~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ mod`? ~~>2~y1 ~~ .~ ~~, ~ ~ ~_> }g~ ;~ i r ~C =-~- ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ,~ ~ t ~, n ~~~ 112..: ~ ~ ~ ~~.~ ~ , ~ ~h ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~,~-~ ~ .~~,~rh; ~ i ~~~~- ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~' j~ i • To: Rosemead City Traffic Conlnazssiozl 2/?5/20~8 I I am a t-esident ~f Rose~ne;ad City anc~ live at ~5031ackson. eve., Rnsenlead., C;A 9 t 770. I require have the ~ ~vay slop sins at the intef~sectic~n of Ja~:~~soz~ ~~n;~ ~~ x~~~alia 1\vL., l~c:~causc tl~e c~lr collide ;~recluc»tly iri this intersection. ~,ast ye~.r, there ~~ere tv~Tt~ cars ~;ot in my yard l:wice anti cla.n~a~ezl t11e fence just in a c~~uple month. ~t r,~fill lae safer i~' tlaerc is a 4 ~~~ays stop sing here. Pl:east; have a 4 ~~~ays stop. ~, singe here as sooxl as possit~le. ~:ttacl~ed is the accidert~t report frU.m filae police. ~Thar~ l~ s C Vie-~C'ii~.~; ~~~ • • ~.. ~FtCES F . ~~ A ~RaFESSlUNAL G~l~~~r3ATic~ty ~ t. 12{}0 S. 1-1tl~nt'sc F.i1vd. A1h~antira, Gallfornia 91803. Tel: (~26) 28~-5fl07 Fix: {Cy26} 45'7-875 f~u,rust 17, Zfl05 ~i%~i Yin .leg ?5(l3 Jaeson Ave. Rnserxread C:~ ~177(~ t2E: ~ccirlerat yoga. observed on 7/3; 0~ ~ 1 t7: 7 5 A.M) Dear'Ms: 'vg: This ~afface has infarar~atic~rr t3iatyc~u witnessed an auutcr accidetlt on 7131(}5 at Ja~ckscan~near Gaayalia: in tine city ol'.Rvsemead. Please ~i11 in the'int'orrrration reciuested be1~w indicating where you-were at the tirrre ofthc ac:~,~ident, then.sin and date taelc~w and retrain it !~a this c~fice as sc~~n as }~ossil?le: This iztfc~r~rnatitsn is ea~.trerrrely important to Ivlr°. Lee's china, 't'han.k.yau in at3v<~rra>~e for your courtesy said cucaper<rtioaa in this matter. 'very Lily voirrs, r r~~ ~ ., ,'' r •.: ~.,, ~ ,. DAVTl7 I,E.F.., V>~'~:I'~Uiv' T)L'~'rf i ~ ~ ~ t'ai' j m o rn j g O t a m m i7 ~ ,~ *~ . 3" ~ I . .~ i. ~ `. -s -a .SO ,.... ~ ``~~l r ~ . . , . 1: n` > > 3 y< ~ ~ ?r e n $o = ,n i ~ ~ 1 ss ~ ~ ~ ao z~ ~ x R ? 5 m s :e': ~ ~ agv ~ oN Ga i7 ~'+ . ~ ~~ fi y 'a b N~ ° , ~3 N ~ ¢ Ln ' ~ c S.' ~ c ~~ O~ y ~. ~ z~ O ~:, ~ O ~ 4 (~ .~ 1 ~ T7 O c= { c v .,; o s~ o ~,~, ~ ; m ~ r~ ~ m 3 ~ . e. A '#'' a . m i ~. a ~ '~ ~ m s , ......, ^s . . . i O ?ZJ ~n U C,, ~. N NJ b ~ O >~, . ,.. : I ~ ..., h C7 C1 "t ... { CJ ~ q. I i u . ~ a ,b ~c ~ ~ p D .<7 n y 4 ~~ .~_< ~ i ~~~ ~ ' Z ~'~ a ~' m u. tj ~ ~ ~ t7 ti t7 S -I n .~.~ n > ~ ~ -C c q r m n ~ ~' ~:~ ti O ~ ;~ m ~ -~~. i ~}~ ~, ~~ o`: s .. L C Q s ~ mi ~ ~ O v =' z ~ ~ ru ~ C? ~ ~ .{ ("' iq LJ "' m t11 ~ ~ ~a C ~ ~ ~ C~ ~ • m rn `p a 4 'S Qi y~ ~ Tam ro T. ~ ,-. .-. =o ~ ~I j. m x ~' C~ w: ~ 9. ro ~ ~ a ~ 3i ..,~ vi C7 m ~~, ~ ftt ti ohm ~~~:"~N ° `~ ~~ ~ o ~ ~ c~ji ~a ~~~rt ~'~v ~a ~- u' ~~< _' :K, ~ mss' ~ z Z +c x ~- m ~ i ~ 3 m ~" ~ ~ ~'Gy ~'~ ~ N~ j ~ ~: 3 ~, • b ~ a ~ a -~ w t, ~ ~ ~i y c ~.ro o ~ ... r..cy >7 -~ v N p o~ tn. y J~ ~~-~ ~ ~ b m T 2 ~~ Q m ~ ~~ ~~~ x j ~ ~ ~_ a o sa ~ ~ n ,~' m rt~t :~ ~ 4 :7 ~ ~ m z a ^~ n m > ~~ c a ip a n ~ I .,.__...~._... ~ 6-_ca ...,f, . __ . z_ ............................- -._-. o ~~ ~ ~ 2 ~, !v:-., ATTACHMENT 2 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 4. 2008 DRAFT The meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairperson Knapp at 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. PLEDGE OF ALLIGIANCE INVOCATION ROLL CALL - Commissioner Deary - Commissioner Lewin Present: Chairperson Knapp, Commissioners Deary and Lewin Absent: None 1. PRESENTATION A. Oath of Office _ Howard Masuda and Joanne Russell. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of June 26. 2008 Corrections suggested by Commissioner Lewin: Page 1, "Hunter" should be deleted as a "Yes" vote for Approval of Minutes. Page 2, under Mr. Todd Kunioka, 1St sentence, Mr. Kunioka's name is incorrectly spelled. Change T to K. Page 5, under Commissioner Reports, 3~d paragraph: add the word "sign" after "loading zone." It was moved by Vice Chairperson Masuda, seconded by Commissioner Lewin to accept and approve the amended minutes of June 26, 2008. Vote Results: Yes: Chairperson Knapp, Vice Chairperson Masuda and Commissioner Lewin. Noes: None Abstain: Commissioners Deary and Russell. Minutes of July 17, 2008 Corrections suggested by Commissioner Lewin: Page 3, number 7, 1St paragraph, add to end of paragraph: Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki suggested a study session. It was moved by Commissioner Lewin, seconded by Commissioner Deary to accept and approve the amended minutes of July 17, 2008. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting September 4, 2008 Page 1 Jl:mec (06160)17470/1002/Min03 L` DRAFT Vote Results: Yes: Chairperson Knapp, Vice Chairperson Masuda, Commissioners Deary and Lewin. Noes: None. Abstain: Commissioner Russell. 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE -NONE 4. OLD BUSINESS A. WALNUT GROVE AVENUE/RACKETY AVENUE -Request for Crosswalk on Walnut Grove Avenue Traffic Engineering .Deputy Itagaki presented the staff report. Recommendation It is staff's recommendation that no striping or traffic control modifications be made to the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Halkett Avenue. It is staff's recommendation that the Traffic Commission recommends the City Council approve the installation of white raised pavement markers (RPMs) behind the existing edge lines on Walnut Grove Avenue in the immediate vicinity of the start of the blocks between Grand Avenue and Mission Drive. Discussion Speaking before the Commission: Ms. Linda Kilpatrick 4716 Walnut Grove Rosemead, CA Petitioned for white line years ago that resulted in a "drunk line" being installed. Northbound scar marks on the trees indicate the number of accidents over the years. She has personally seen numerous accidents during the past 35 years.. Many years ago Walnut Grove became an alternate route for trucks. She will not take her grandson across that intersection without protection. She would rather cross midblock than cross at that intersection. Chairperson Knapp asked if the edge line helped? Ms. Kilpatrick stated it helped minimally. It is a fast street. Has to wait a long time to exit driveway. Commissioner Russell asked if Ms. Kilpatrick has spoken with any of her neighbors, if there are any other concerns. Ms. Kilpatrick stated she received notice of this topic and wanted to be here, but she has not talked with any of her neighbors about this. She does know that her next-door neighbor will transport her son in the car rather than let Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting September 4, 2008 Page 2 Jl:mec (06160)17470/1002/Min03 DRAFT him walk across the street. Ms. Kilpatrick uses the mailbox a lot and it is heavily used in the morning because there is less traffic. Commissioner Dreary, asked about when accidents occur. Ms. Kilpatrick responded they occur at various times of day and night, maybe 4 accidents per year. Chairperson Knapp asked Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki if the speed limit could be dropped from 40 to 35. Traffic Engineering Deputy explained that speed limits are determined by a study that is completed every 7 to 10 years. She explained the areas of the study: speed survey, accident history, volume of traffic, and. other factors not readily apparent to the motorist. All these items factor in to the determination of the posted speed limit. Ms. Kilpatrick stated perhaps the speed limit should be lowered. The crossing guard at Walnut Grove for Shuey School is of no help, he is not doing his job. Commissioner Russell asked Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki about the current staff report. She sees the recommendations and explanations of why something cannot be done but wonders about the negatives of not doing something. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that in her experience money has never been an issue with the City with regards to traffic safety. She presented possible scenarios for the items discussed in the report. She added that maybe a curve warning sign could be installed, in addition to a flashing yellow light above the sign. Speaking before the Commission Salvador Dela Cruz Earle Street Mr. Dela Cruz wished to speak about speeding on Earle. School is started and it is very dangerous with no sidewalks. Would like to see speed bumps. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki explained history of speed humps and that staff has not been given any other direction from the City. Mr. DeLa Cruz was told that the topic would come up at the next Commission meeting and he will receive notification. Regarding Ms. Kilpatrick's concerns, Vice Chairperson Masuda concurred with her. There is more traffic and speeding, plus motorcycles, at all times of the day. RPMs will help. Residents know the safest time to cross the street. When roadway was repaved, edge lines seemed to narrow the `parking' lane. His car doesn't quite fit. Even small, compact cars stick out beyond the edge line. Chairperson Knapp suggested the markers on the edge line be placed on the roadway side of the edge line. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting September 4, 2008 Page 3 Jl:mec (06160)17470/1002/Min03 • DRAFT Commissioner Deary suggested it might not be within the jurisdiction of the Traffic Commission, but with regard to the crossing guard at Walnut Grove and Wells/Edmond, perhaps the guard could be given a warning. Also, perhaps the mailbox could be moved to Grand so the people won't have to cross the street to go to the mailbox. People are crossing the street just to use the mailbox, so perhaps it can be moved. Deputy Public Works Director Marcarello indicated that the City does administer the crossing guards and he will talk to the crossing guard at Walnut Grove and Wells/Edmond. Commissioner Lewin asked about the location of the curve .warning sign. Traffic Engineering Deputy .Itagaki responded that will be staffs recommendation and the location will be appropriate as to the distance from Mission. Commissioner Lewin asked if it would be appropriate to widen the white strip area. Chairperson Knapp stated that that issue has been addressed with the dots being placed on the outside and that the line would be resized the next time the street is resurfaced. Commissioner Lewin suggested it might be many many years before repaving or resurfacing. Chairperson Knapp suggested that moving the dots closer to traffic lanes is a .good solution for right now. There was discussion regarding the distance along Mission of the raised pavement markers. Motion Chairperson Knapp motioned that the Traffic Commission recommends the City Council approve the installation of a curve warning sign with a flashing yellow beacon. on Walnut Grove Avenue north and south of Halkett Avenue. The Traffic Commission further recommends the installation of white raised pavement markers in front of the existing edgelines on Walnut Grove Avenue between Grand Avenue and Mission Drive. Commissioner Lewin suggested the motion be amended to include a recommendation that staff look into the appropriate speed limit. After .discussion he withdrew his. amended motion. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Deary. Vote Results: Yes: Chairperson Knapp, Commissioners Deary,_ Lewin, and Russell Noes: None Abstain: Vice Chairperson Masuda Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting September 4, 2008 Page 4 Jl:mec (06160)17470/1002/Min03 • • DRAFT Commissioner Lewin stated that when he visited the intersection of Grand and Walnut Grove he noticed that the STOP markings in the street need repainting. Deputy Public Works Director Marcarello indicated he would see to it that the markings get repainted. 5. NEW BUSINESS A. JACKSON AVENUE/GARVALIA AVENUE -Request for Stop-Signs on Jackson Avenue Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki presented the staff report. Recommendation It is staff's recommendation that stop signs not be installed on Jackson Avenue at Garvalia Avenue. It is staff's recommendation that the Traffic Commission recommends the City Council approve the installation of advance warning intersection signs on Jackson Avenue at Garvalia Avenue. It is further recommended by staff that the Traffic Commission recommends the City Council direct staff to determine other possible funding sources for the installation of speed feed back signs. Discussion Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated a fax letter was received from Pamela Wark dated March 31, 2008, and one dated February 25, 2008, from Wei-Ying Ng. Commissioner Lewin stated it appears there were two accidents in 2007 as evidenced by copy of accident reports included in Wei-Ying Ng's letter. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated it is difficult to determine from the Report Memo where the accident. happened, and that perhaps they were not included in the query used-for this analysis. The staff's query for accidents is for a specific distance from the intersection so she is unable to address this issue specifically. Commissioner Russell stated she lives near this intersection and .that it is scary. There are lots of pedestrians, residents walking along the street. From northbound Graves to Garvey there are not many stop signs, one stop at Fern. Eastbound Garvalia, southwest corner house has 7 foot hedge. If a car is parked there visibility is extremely limited. Westbound Garvalia, a wrought iron gate (6 foot) is installed and if a car is parked there visibility is limited. Curb corners could be painted red but that would upset the residents because they wouldn't be able to park in front of their homes. Commissioner Deary stated it is a difficult intersection. The vertical curve makes people want to speed. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting September 4, 2008 Page 5 Jl:mec (06160)17470/1002/Min03 • • DRAFT Chairperson Knapp asked if we can ask for the hedges to be reduced? Chris Marcarello, Deputy Public Works Director, will 'check. Commissioner Lewin stated westbound is very difficult, visibility is difficult. Would support installing the intersection warning sign. Stops sign are trickier because of the side streets. Commissioner Russell stated she believes, the intersection warrants a stop sign. She pointed out that speeding was minimized along Graves because of the multiple stop signs. A stop sign would slow down the traffic before entering the hill and a stop sign at Garvailia and Jcakson would force a stop at the top of the incline. tf the City is unable to resolve the visibility issues, stop signs are the only alternative. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices allows the use of stop signs when visibility of conflicting traffic is limited. In this case, visibility problems are caused by fences and vegetation on private property. Motion Commissioner Russell motioned and Commissioner Deary seconded that the Traffic Commission rejects staff recommendation. The Traffic Commission recommends the City Council approve the installation of stop signs on Jackson Avenue at Garvalia Avenue creating afour-way Stop intersection. This recommendation is made based on the limited visibility caused by Jackson Avenue's vertical curve and location of fences at the intersection. Vote Results: Yes: Chairperson Knapp, Vice Chairperson Masuda, Commissioners Deary, Hunter and Lewin. Noes: Abstain: 6. STAFF REPORTS Chris. Marcarello, Deputy Public Works Director, reported that the Rush, Angeles and Delta item presented by Kimley-Horn will come back in October and from there go to the Council. The Council also approved the Blue Curb policy that the Traffic Commission had recommended. 7. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Deary had no report. Commissioner Lewin welcomed Commissioner Russell and Vice Chairperson Masuda. Regarding Mission and Ivar and the previous decision by the Commission to wait until school commenced to perform a study of the crosswalk, he asked when the study would Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting September 4, 2008 Page 6 Jl:mec (06160)17470/1002/Min03 • • DRAFT be completed. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated the count would probably take place late September; and will be back before the Commission in November. Commissioner Lewin asked if prior notification of the study could be given so that Commissioners could observe. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated yes. She made a request that prior to leaving tonight's meeting that the Commissioners give her the best way to contact them. Regarding the Commission's request for potential studies list sent to the Council, Commissioner Lewin asked if the budget has ,been passed and finalized. Mr. Marcarello stated it has been: Commissioner Lewin asked if at this point some of the studies could be done. Mr. Marcarello stated he has the list and perhaps he should bring it back to be looked at with the new Commissioners and the caveat that there is somewhat limited funds and not every single thing can be looked it. When it comes back the Commission will need to pick and choose. Commissioner Lewin asked if it would be possible to have it for the next meeting and Mr. Marcarello stated yes. Vice Chairperson Masuda stated he is glad to be back and also welcomed Commissioner Russell. With regard to speeding, especially north/south streets, long blocks, he believes this an issue that will continue to come up and wonders what options there are, if there is a creative way to address the problem. Also, he has noticed there are more and more street lane lines, crosswalks and curb markings that need to be repainted. Mr. Marcarello stated the Public Works Department handles this and he will notify Mr. Bill Ornelas if the Commissioners will give him a list. Chairperson Knapp addressed Walnut Grove and Ramona. The southbound left turn lane extension is needed and wants to know when it will happen. Also concerned about potholes, specifically at freeway offramp at Hellman. Another one at Garvey and Earle at the car wash. Mr. Marcarello stated the Hellman location is on a Iist..Commissioners can make note of various locations and give the list to him. A form was suggested to list concerns. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki will prepare one and place in their mailboxes. Commissioner Russell thanked Commissioners for the welcome. She concurred with Vice Chairperson Masuda about speeding and speed bumps. During election time she walked with her mother and many people talked about speed bumps, especially between Garvey and Walnut Grove, San Gabriel and Rosemead Place. Also, at San Gabriel and Garvey, the CVS store. She is concerned with the exit at San Gabriel Boulevard; shoppers will leave that exit and try to make a left, yet it is adouble-double yellow line, and people coming out from Diamond Square also trying to make a left. It is really bad and heavily congested. Need to prevent this turn maneuver. (Name of drugstore corrected to Walgreens.) Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting September 4, 2008 Page 7 Jl:mec (06160)17470/1002/Min03 • • 8. ADJOURNMENT DRAFT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned until October 2, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting September 4, 2008 Page 8 Jl:mec (06160)17470/1002/Min03