CC - Item IV. C - Request For Parking Restrictions On The South Side Of Grand Ave Between Halkett Ave And Bartlett Ave1 l ip , IRD st af �NPoRPREO� TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL epor FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: NOVEMBER 6, 2000 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF GRAND AVENUE BETWEEN HALKETT AVENUE AND BARTLETT AVENUE DISCUSSION Staff has received iequests from residents in the vicinity of Grand Avenue between Halkett Avenue and Bartlett Avenue for additional parking restrictions due to a recent increase of parked vehicles. Based on a field inspection and a reported accident history, staff recommended the installation of red curb in front of the driveways of 8620 and 8636 Grand Avenue and of signs indicating "2 -Hour Parking 8 AM to 5 PM Monday — Friday" on the south side of Grand Avenue between Halkett avenue and Bartlett Avenue. At the November 2, 2000 Traffic Commission meeting, staff presented the findings of the study. At the meeting, the Commission voted 5 -0 to approve this recommendation. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council approve the installation of red curb in front of the driveways of 8620 and 8636 Grand Avenue and of signs indicating "2 -Hour Parking 8 AM to 5 PM Monday — Friday" on the south side of Grand Avenue between Halkett Avenue and Bartlett Avenue. EXHIBITS: Exhibit A — Staff report, dated October 16, 2000 Exhibit B — Draft Traffic Commission Minutes, dated October 5, 2000 COUNCIL AGD NOV 14 CUJ +: Staff Report Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY N� DATE: October 16, 2000 RE: Request for Parking Restrictions on the South Side of Grand Avenue between Halkett Avenue and Bartlett Avenue BACKGROUND At the last Traffic Commission meeting, a request for red curb was discussed for the south side of Grand Avenue in the vicinity of 8620 Grand Avenue. The initial request was from Mr. Henry Sakaida to extend red curb at the driveway to his nursery. Ms. Lydia Apocada, 8636 Grand Avenue, also called with a concern for vehicles parking in the immediate vicinity of her driveway. With these requests, staff initially recommended the installation of red curb on both sides of the driveways on Grand Avenue between Halkett Avenue and Bartlett Avenue. Ms. Carolyn Garcia, 8658 Grand Avenue, sent a letter with concerns regarding the vehicles from the Pacific Bell facility parked on Grand Avenue on a daily basis. Discussions at the Traffic Commission meeting revealed the residents present (Mr. Sakaida, Ms. Apocada and Ms. Garcia) indicated they felt a time limit parking restriction on the south side of Grand Avenue would be most beneficial. Ms. Roselie Calderon of Pacific Bell requested the Traffic Commission delay taking any action on this issue until she could discuss this issue with the managers of the facility. Ms. Calderon requested the delay so those questions brought up during the Traffic Commission's discussion could be addressed. These questions included "What are the future plans for accommodating all employee parking on site?" "is this 'boom' in employment expected to continue and are additional employees anticipated ? ", "Is there a way to 'encourage' employees to park on the north side of the street ? ". The Traffic Commission voted to delay action on this item until the November 2, 2000 meeting. Refer to the staff reported dated September 25, 2000 (attached). EXHIBIT "A" Request for Parking Restrictions on the South Side of Grand Avenue between Halkett Avenue and Bartlett Avenue Page 2 DATA Refer to the staff reported dated September 25, 2000 (attached). DISCUSSION Based on last month's discussions and the concerns and needs of the residents, it appears that a time limit parking restriction on the south side of Grand Avenue would be appropriate at this time. A time limit parking restriction would direct Pacific Bell employees to park on the north side of the street and allow more ,. open" on street parking, on the south side of Grand Avenue. However, until Pacific Bell responds to questions posed at last month's meeting, a time limit parking restriction may not be appropriate in the long term. RECOMMENDATION Unless significant information regarding the Pacific Bell facility is received, the installation of a "2 Hour Parking 8 AM to 5 PM Monday — Friday" restriction is recommended on the south side of Grand Avenue between Halkett Avenue and Bartlett Avenue. It is further recommended that an additional 5 feet of red curb be added on the south side of Grand Avenue west of the driveway of the Sakaida Nursery. This recommendation is shown on Exhibit A -1. Attachments Rsd12000Wov -Grand btwn Halkett and Bartlett U O O d m v U O L d V) L 7 Z .7 Q O i-- C W . d ix L d N L 7 Z v O O m C N D X IL U C] (4 to � t= U C � CL If) Exhibit A -1 JI\Rsd\Exh Fig \8620 Grand Ave - Revised