CC - Item 5C - Promissory NoteE M F s ~ ~~~~- ~C5 4 O J )~ ~ ~ Y~ --. Q~~ ~~. _ /~CORPORATED 19g9 • ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER l7'~"~"~' DATE: OCTOBER 28, 2008 SUBJECT: RECOMMENDED TERMS TO BE USED IN A PROMMISSORY NOTE PAYABLE TO THE CITY FOR AN ADVANCE MADE BY'THE CITY TO RCDC ON OR ABOUT DECEMBER 5, 2008 SUMMARY On June 10, 2008 the Rosemead Community Development Commission ("RCDC") held a regular budget meeting. At that meeting, by a unanimous vote, the RCDC Commissioners approved the budget totaling $5,544,450. Subsequently the RCDC needs to borrow $3,055,000 for the purchase of property and secure the loan with a note payable. This report is to present to .the Council, for review, the terms to be considered for use in a promissory note to the City from the Rosemead Community Development Commission. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that Council approve the terms listed below to be used in a Promissory Note (Attachment A) made by the RCDC. ~N~I YSIS At the regular .Rosemead Community Development Commission budget meeting on -June 10, 2008, the RCDC Commission approved the FY2008-09 budget. Subsequent to approving the budget it has become necessary to purchase real property known as 3250 Ivar Avenue, Rosemead, California 91770 (the "Property'). The RCDC does not have sufficient cash to pay for the Property and desires to borrow the money from the City. As security for the loan from the City, RCDC will execute a note payable to the City on or about December 18, 2008. Below, for your review, are the terms contemplated by staff to be used in the promissory note: 1. Date: On or about December 18, 2008 2. Principal: $3,055,000 3. Rate : 4.00% annually 4. Term: 20 Years 5. Payment: Annually, interest only; principal due December 5, 2028 See attached repayment schedule. APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: O ~ • • City Council Meeting October 28, 2008 Page 2 of 2 PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitte Brian Sa Assistant City Manager Attachment A -Promissory Note • PROMISSORYNOTE $3,055,000 Date: December _, 2008 For value received, the undersigned Rosemead Community Development Commission (RCDC) (the "Borrower"), at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770, promises to pay to the order of the City of Rosemead, (the "Lender"), at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770, (or at such place as the Lender may designate in writing) the sum of $3,055,000 with interest from December _, 2008, on the unpaid principal at the rate of 4.00% per annum. The accrued interest only shall be payable in annual installments of $122,200 beginning December_ , 2009, and continuing until December, 2028, (the "Due Date"), at which time the remaining principal and interest shall be due in full. If the real property known as 3520 Ivar Avenue, Rosemead, California 91770 (the "Property"), to be purchased with the proceeds of this note, is sold by RCDC at any time prior to the Due Date the remaining principal and interest shall be due in full on the close of escrow. THE BORROWER UNDERSTANDS THAT THE PAYMENT OF THE ABOVE INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS MAY NOT FULLY AMORTIZE THE PRINCIPAL BALANCE OF THE NOTE, AND THEREFORE, A BALLOON PAYMENT MAY BE DUE ON THE DUE DATE OR THE CLOSE OF ESCROW OF THE SALE OF PROPERTY, WHICHERVER OCCURS FIRST. . .All Payments on this Note shall be applied first in payment of accrued interest and:any remainder in payment of principal. This Note shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. i Signed this day of December, 2008, at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 9 ] 770. Borrower: Rosemead Community Development Commission ~ By: John Tran, Chairperson • CITY OF ROSEMEAD Loan Repayment Schedule 4.00% Outstanding Principal Interest Total Principal Payments Payments Payments 12/5/2008 $ 3,055,000 - ., 2009 3,055,000 - 122,200 122,200 2010 3,055,000 - 122,200 122.,200 2011 3,055,000 - 122,200 122,200 2012- 3,055,000 - 122,200 122,200 2013 3,055,000 - 122,200 122,200 2014 3,055,000 - 122,200 122,200 2015 3,055,000 - 122,200 122,200 2016 3,055,000 - 122,200 122,200 2017 3,055,000 - 122,200 122,200 2018 3,055,000 - 122,200 122,200 2019 3,055,000 - 122,200 122,200 2020 3,055,000 - 122,200 122,200 2021 3,055,000 - 122,200 122,200 2022 3,055,000 - 122,200 122,200 2023 3,055,000 - 122,200 122,200 2024 3,055,000 - 122,200 122,200 2025 3,055,000 - 122,200 122,200 2026 3,055,000 - 122,200 122,200 2027 3,055,000 - 122,200 122,200 2028 3,055,000 3,055,000 122,200 3,177,200 $ 3,055,000 $ 2,444,000 $ 5,499,000