Request for proposals - Public Notice~~ ~ ; ®~s ~• ~ 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 589-2100 FAX (626) 307-9218. .' PUBLIC NOTICE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The City of Rosemead is accepting proposals for the following: RFP 2008-OS PARKS, RECREATION, AND GENERAL FACILITIES MASTER PLAN Sealed Proposals will be accepted until 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, November 13, 2008, in Rosemead City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, CA 91770. Request for Proposals will be made available in electronic form upon request or it may be downloaded from the City of Rosemead's website at www.cityofroselnead.org. Questions or comments concerning this RFP are to be directed to: City of Rosemead David Montgomery-Scott Parks & Recreation Director 8838 E Valley Blvd Rosemead, CA 91770 Voice: (626) 569-2160 E-mail: dms~cityofrose~nead.org 9 DATED THIS 15`" DAY OF OCTOBER, 2008. ' Glori 4 Molleda, City Clerk City, of Rosemead 8838. E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 ~~t~ ~ ~~ 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569-2100 FAX (626) 307-9218 . October 15, 2008 The City of Rosemead is requesting proposals from qualified professional consultants for the development of a Parks, Recreation, and Facilities Master , Plan. The City of Rosemead is a general law city that was incorporated in 1959 and operates under the City Council/City Manager form of government. 65 regular full-time and 140 part-time team members serve 60,000 residents. Details of the Master Plan are on the attached Request for Proposals. We welcome your proposals for the project, as well as your assistance in forwarding this information to those you think might be interested in submitting a proposal. Proposals are due by 11:00 a.m. on November 13, 2008 and the City of Rosemead plans to conduct interviews during the week of November 24, 2008. We anticipate an award of bid on December 16, 2008. If you have any questions or need additional information, .please do not hesitate to contact me at the following: David Montgomery-Scott, Parks & Recreation Director City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Email: dms _cityofrosemead.org (626) 569-2160 Thank you very much. We look forward to hearing from you! Sincerely, Pa "ry-Scott on Director City of Rosemead REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL PARKS, RECREATION, AND GENERAL FACILITIES MASTER PLAN AND SUPPLEMENTARY WORK: FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR DEVELOPING PUBLIC OPEN SPACE AND TRAIL -SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON TRANSMISSION CORRIDOR PROPOSAL DUE: NOVEMBER 13, 2008 RFP#: 2008-05 INTRODUCTION The City of Rosemead desires to engage a professional service firm or team to create a comprehensive Parks, Recreation, and General Facilities Master Plan. In addition to the work relating to the Master Plan, a feasibility study for the development of open space/parkland/trails along the Southern California Edison Transmission Corridor shall be made a part of the scope of work and final report. COMMUNITY PROFILE The City of Rosemead is a general law City which serves an ethnically diverse population of approximately 60,000, and operates under a City Council/City Manager form of government. The City is 5.2 square miles in size and located in the San Gabriel Valley of Southern California. Rosemead is easily accessible to several southern California freeways which connect it to broader Los Angeles County, as well as Ventura, Orange and San Bernardino counties. Incorporated in 1959, Rosemead will soon celebrate its fiftieth year of incorporation. The City has approximately 65 regular full-time and 140 part-time team members. These personnel are stationed primarily at City Hall, the Public Safety Services Center, two maintenance facilities, and a variety of recreation facilities. The City offers a wide range of municipal. services administered by the following business units: City Manager's Office: Administration and Public Affairs Internal Business Unit: City, Clerk, Finance, and Human Resources External Business Unit: Development Services, Public Works Services, Public Safety, and Parks & Recreation The Parks and Recreation Department currently manages nine parks, two swimming pools, and two recreation centers. Rosemead offers a variety of recreational activities for all ages including aquatics and sports, special interest classes, senior programs, and community special events. The City is pursuing along-term lease of the facilities and grounds of the former Duff School site with the Garvey School District.. A separate Master Plan of Garvey Park is presently underway. However, its recommendations will need to be included as part of the goals of the proposed master plan. Rosemead is abutted to the southeast by Los Angeles County's Whittier Narrows Regional Park. The 1,500-acre recreation complex offers a wide variety of recreational activities. 2 z AREA MAP sots ^ •' ~ ~ d!! 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Plo r Ivd a ~ ~.-. ~~ Montebello a 90601 ` 9 ~ ~m Y Oletritt g a r ~ ~ ~ ~ m "~~ 040 ` 0660 Turnbutj:C-ar~_rY°n~Rd• °' 0 0 l '~-= m,,,,,,,,~~ . ~ O,l i Beverty'Bhrd~ SCOPE OF THE PROJECT Provide a comprehensive 15-year Parks, Recreation, and General Facilities Master Plan. Additionally, include a proposal to conduct a feasibility study for the development of parks, open space, and public trails along the Southern California Edison Transmission Corridor. '3 PARKS, RECREATION, AND FACILITIES MASTER PLAN OBJECTIVE The City seeks to establish a Master Plan for its parks and recreation programs and facilities and other general use- facilities (including City Hall, Public Safety Service Center, and maintenance facilities) that will guide decision making with regard to policy, operations, maintenance, and capital improvements over the next fifteen (15) years. J The Master Plan for the City of Rosemead should provide a vision for the future, taking into account the existing condition of all facilities and the total parks, recreation, and municipal service needs of the community, and provide clear implementation strategies. The Master Plan will be utilized to assist the City in creation and implementation of recommended capital improvements and securing funds for parks, facilities, and open space. The Master Plan will guide policy decisions regarding future development in the City of Rosemead. - SCOPE OF WORK INVENTORY / Compile an inventory assessment of all existing parks, trails, open space, and recreation facilities as well as general use/service facilities (i.e., City Hall, Public Services Center, and maintenance facilities). The assessment will include a comparative analysis to communities of similar size and density, using regionally and nationally accepted standards. The analysis should consider the capacity of each amenity found within the system (playgrounds, ball fields, trails, etc.) as well as functionality, accessibility, condition, comfort and convenience, and expected life span. / Record deficiencies or substandard elements of each site. / Develop a rehabilitation program and recommended hierarchy of priorities. / Identify and map Rosemead's public parklands and facilities. / Identify and compile existing programs and services operated by the City of Rosemead. / Investigate, inventory, and classify all public, private, or commercial organizations involved in park and recreation activities and other municipal services within the city of Rosemead. NEEDS ASSESSMENT / Identify the City's and community's 15-year needs for active and passive recreation facilities and program development and general municipal services through departmental and public consultation. This project will require significant Team Member and public involvement and should include interviews with all departments, .a minimum of three (3) public workshops, a minimum of two (2) 4 focus group meetings (participants to be determined), and acommunity-wide survey to keep community members informed and to solicit input from the public during the process. / Review and. analyze current department service levels relative to existing financial and human resource allocations and make recommendations for addressing gaps in service provisions. / Determine parks, recreation, facility, and service trends that will fundamentally affect municipal services for afifteen-year period. COST & FINANCIAL ANALYSIS / Provide information required to develop a 15-year detailed funding and financing plan -including costs to implement the recommendations for development of new parks and facilities and for the renovation of existing parks and facilities. / Segregate costs resulting from the correction of current deficiencies from those necessitated by growth from new development and from those that result from increases in existing standards. / Prepare cost projections in current dollars for the recommended priorities for capital improvements. Cost estimates shall include acquisition, capital improvements, operations (i.e., programs), and maintenance. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN / Develop an Action Plan to be incorporated within the Master Plan document to meet specific needs that include management alternatives, program opportunities, facility needs, and land acquisition. / Incorporate the following essential elements into the action plan and implementation strategies: (1) Results of research and inventory analysis, (2) Needs and demand analysis, (3) Facility enhancement and existing resource improvement (4) Site inventory/new site acquisition program, (5) Recommended new facility development, (6) Land use, existing facilities and proposed park sites, and their service radius, (7) Development standards and design guidelines for park development and facility design, (8) Preservation of Open Space, (9) Recreational program ranking and priorities, (10) Financial element detailing alternatives for funding and financing acquisition, development and operations, (11) Recommendations for updating existing park ordinances and fees, (12) and any other information consultant deems appropriate. / Prepare a priority schedule for implementation of programs, capital construction, facility renovation, and land acquisition and rank by order of most to least feasible. / Provide professional support renderings, maps, plans, graphs, charts, and photographs to illustrate all data. / Prepare Master Plan as a bound document, which includes all text, graphs, tables, charts, maps, plans, illustrations, photographs, and other reference or supplemental materials. / Include a summary of conclusions and recommendations. ` 5 SUPPLEMENTAL SCOPE OF WORK -FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR DEVELOPING OPEN SPACE, PARKLAND, AND PUBLIC TRAILS ALONG EDISON TRANSMISSION CORRIDOR PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City of Rosemead is interested in looking at the feasibility of developing a public trail along the nearly three-mile length of Southern California Edison Transmission Corridor (easement) that travels the length of the City. It is the goal of the City to establish a .public trail that would link the community via an open space/public walking/biking trail. The trail would consist primarily of pathways, turf, trees, and other passive elements, though bathroom facilities, playgrounds, and multi-use sports fields should be considered. Natural areas and viewing opportunities shall be preserved and incorporated wherever possible. SCOPE OF WORK / Review project area. Important consideration must be given to the logistical challenges of resource conservation, security for unstaffed facilities, and accessibility through private property. / Evaluate preliminary feasibility of potential park uses and desirable facilities. / Provide plan and recommendation for property tenure. / Identify any requirements and/or agreements necessary with Southern, California Edison and/or other existing property owners. / Prepare estimated cost for property lease and/or acquisition. / Prepare estimated cost for capital improvement. / Prepare estimated cost for maintenance and operation. / Identify liability and other risk exposure the completed project may have on the City, other agencies, and adjacent property owners and how to mitigate. / Identify funding sources for all aspects of the project - acquisition, improvements, and maintenance/operations. / Provide assessment of public use traffic and volume. / Identify all possible financial resources available for all aspects of the project development and operation. PROPOSAL CONTENT Responders to this Request for Proposal shall submit five (5) copies of the following: / Statement of Qualifications • Include the full name, physical and mailing addresses, phone number and fax numbers and identification of primary contact person. • Provide a brief history of the firm and number of years in business. • Demonstrate the firm's capability of completing scope of work. • Provide brief resumes on the key staff that will be assigned to this project. 6 • Any other information related to the firm's resources, background, or experience that may be relevant to the project. / Project Approach • Provide a statement of approach to the project, which addresses each of the tasks outlined above, include methodologies and plans used. • Provide a proposed schedule for the completion of the project. • Provide any other information, which would help demonstrate your understanding of what is involved in completing the project. / Related Experience/Customer References • Provide at least five (5) examples of projects similar in scope and size your firm has completed (preferably with comparable cities). • For each project identified provide the geographic location, overview and general description of project, and specific service provided. • Provide a list of at least five (5) organizations, which can be used as references for work performed in the areas of service required (three Master Plan and two feasibility studies/economic impact analyses). Information must include (1) name of organization, (2) contact person name and phone number, (3) dates of service, and (4) list of services provided. / Compensation and Fee Schedule • Provide a description of the total amount of professional fees associated with this scope of work. Compensation methods shall detail all direct expense costs for all anticipated services and be itemized by task. Please separate costs into two categories based upon (1) Scope of Work relating to Parks & Recreation Master Plan, (2) Feasibility study for the development of a public trail along Southern California Edison Transmission Corridor. / Additionallnformation • Provide any other information, which would help demonstrate your understanding and capabilities for completing scope of work. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS GENERAL INFORMATION / The evaluation and selection of a contractor and the contract will be based on the information submitted in the vendor's proposal plus the references and any required on-site visits or oral presentations. Failure to respond to each of the requirements in the RFP may be the basis for rejection. / Each submitting firm must have access to the technical and professional disciplines necessary to provide the full range of services required for the Scope of Work. If a particular service was not mentioned specifically in the RFP, but is necessary for completion of the project, the service is to be provided as part of this general contract scope and not as an "extra" or "additional-expense service," or "change of scope service" requiring additional billing to the City. 7 / City estimates award of bid to take place on December 16, 2008. / Selected firm must be available to begin work within thirty (30) days from award of bid. / The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. The City will not be liable for, nor pay any cost incurred by responding firms relating to the preparation of proposal or the making of presentations. An explicit provision of the RFP is that any oral communication is not binding on the City's proposal process or award of the contract. INSTRUCTIONS " / Proposals must be received no later than 11:00 a.m., Thursday, November 13, 2008. Proposals should be signed by an authorized individual to bind the firm, and must be valid for at least 90 days. Please submit the proposal to the following address: Gloria Molleda; City Clerk City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 All questions or request for information should be directed to: David Montgomery-Scott Parks & Recreation Director " City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 (626) 569-2160 8