Rehab Appeals Board - Item 2B - 2467 Stevens Ave HearingTO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS BUILDING REHABILITATION APPEALS BOARD FROM: BILL OWE, CITY MANAGER DATE: JUNE 18, 2002 RE: 2467 STEVENS AVENUE - HEARING The subject property consists of a tenant-occupied duplex located in the R-2 zone. The case was initiated in September, 2001 and no compliance has been achieved in over nine months. Case chronology as follows: • September 11, 2001 - Please letter mailed to property owner. • October 11, 2001 - Inspection. No progress. • October 18, 2001 - Property declared substandard by Building Official and a Declaration of Substandard Property filed with Los Angeles County Recorder's office. 15 day certified letter mailed and posted. • November 6, 2001 - Inspection. No progress. Jack Dalton, the property manager, contacted the building inspector and stated that the property owner intended to demolish the dilapidated garage. • December 6, 2001 - Inspection. No progress. Inspector left telephone message for property manager regarding lack of progress. • January 14, 2002 - Inspection. Minor progress. Inspector left another message for property manager. REHAB AGENDA JUN 2 5 2002 ITEM No.7 ,6 • January 17, 2002 - Mr. Dalton at Building and Safety public counter. He disputed the necessity of a "Rehab" permit. • January 21, 2002 - Building Official and inspector at site to meet with property manager. List of defects discussed and explained. • January 23, 2002 - Property manager picked up application for permit January 28, 2002 - Building inspector received letter from Howard Schneider, the property owner's son, explaining financial hardships and inquiring if any City assistance was available. (The property owner does not quality for CDBG funds, as the program is for owner-occupied single family dwellings). • February 7, 2002 - Inspector received another letter from Mr. Schneider requesting a 90 day extension. • February 18, 2002 - Extension granted. Letter sent to Mr. Schneider explaining that progress inspections would be made during the extension period. • March 19, 2002 - Inspection. No progress. • April 21, 2002 - Inspection. No progress. • May 20, 2002 - Inspection. No progress. To date, no permits have been obtained. The garage roof covering has been replaced, however the damaged and deteriorated rafters were not replaced or reinforced. A Notice of Hearing was mailed and posted on the property on June 11, 2002. All interested parties have been notified. CITY BUILDING OFFICIAL'S RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board find the property substandard and order all substandard conditions be removed and/or corrected by August 1, 2002. However, if the required permits are obtained and sufficient progress is achieved by August 1, 2002, the abatement date maybe extended to. September 3, 2002. MAYOR: ROBERTW.BRUESCH MAYOR PRO TEM: JOEVASOUEZ COUNCILMEMBERS: MARGARET CLARK JAY T. IMPERIAL GARY A. TAYLOR June 10, 2002 i cy P~seffie&d 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569-2100 FAX (626) 307-9218 _ Howard Schneider SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY Trustee of the Schneider Revocable Trust 2467 Stevens Avenue 2650 Lake Avenue, #7 Rosemead, CA 91770 Altadena, CA 91001 NOTICE OF HEARING The City Building Official has determined by inspection that the following property is substandard, as defined in Section 9905 of the City of Rosemead Building Laws, because of the defects listed on the attached letter. THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesdav, June 25. 2002. at 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California, a HEARING WILLBE CONDUCTED before the City of Rosemead Rehabilitation Appeals Board on this matter. All persons who desire to be heard shall appear before the above Board at said time and place to show cause why the substandard conditions should not be ordered, abated. ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ASSESSOR'S A----'JAMES D. DONOVAN Deputy Building Official 2467 STEVENS AVENUE TRACT 1985, POR. LOT 36 5285-011-013 Date Posted: 6~"/o`O:)- By: (L = CC~C~~2.c May 20, 2002 LIST OF DEFECTS SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 2467 Stevens Avenue Substandard Conditions 1. House appliances are being stored at side of property. 2. Hazardous wiring at light fixture located at rear exterior door. 3. Driveway is damaged in several areas, causing water not to drain properly Building Code Violation 1. Unit lacks posted address. Garage 1. Exterior walls are damaged and required repair and paint. 2. Hazardous electrical wiring. 3. Roof is deteriorated and lacks the sound and effective weather protection.. 4. Rafters are deteriorated/damaged, causing roof to sag. Access to interior of dwellings was not gained; therefore, other substandard conditions and building code violations may exist. PERMITS ARE REQUIRED for repairs and may be obtained at the Building Department between the hours of 7:00 - 11:00 a.m., Monday through Thursday, and between 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., Thursday. ROSE ARGUELLO Building Inspector (626) 569-2132 February 18, 2002 Howard Schneider 2650 Lake Avenue 97 Altadena, CA 91001 Re: 2467 N. Stevens, Rosemead Property Dear Mr. Schneider: COPY In response to your letter dated February 5, 2002, requesting a 90 day extension to complete repairs on your mother's property, Mrs. Esther Schneider, the City is in agreement with your request and has granted you an additional 90 days to obtain your Rehabilitation permit and complete all work on the list of defects dated November 6, 2001. Progress inspections will be made durin==182001 period to determine compliance. If the required repairs are not completed Mis case will be scheduled for a hearing before the Rehabilitation Appeals Boar e forwarded to the City Attorneys office for prosecution. No further extensions will be granted. if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or Steven C. Bailey, Building Official at (626) 569-2132. Sincerely, Rose S. Arguello Building Inspector cc: Jack Dalton - Property Manager February 5, 2002 Ms. Rose Arguello City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Re: 2467 N. Stevens Ave, Rosemead property Dear Ms. Arguello, Thank you for referringg my 1/25 letter regarding the repairs requested for my mother's property to Mr. Michael Neil. Unfortunately, according to Mr. Neil, we do not qualify for re-hab allocations because the property must be owner occupied. The simple fact of the matter that as of this date, the funds do not exist. I am hoping and have good reason to believe that the current cash flow situation will eventually mend. But it will not happen overnight. The burden of recent repairs to the garage have stapped all available resources. Would it be at all possible to extend our due date for repair another 90 days? I will have a much better chance of resolving all the repair issues by then. Please feel free to contact Jack Dalton at Ramona Properties, my mom's property manager, or myself. My phone number is (626) 797-0987. Mr. Dalton's is (626) 448-7882. Once again, thank you very much for your time and careful consideration., Sincerely, c e~l *m,,, Howard Schneider 2650 Lake Ave. #7 Altadena, CA 91001 cc: Jack Dalton ri'F~;6:IVE® ,'ITY OF ROSEMEAD FEB 07 2002 January 25, 2002 Ms. Rose Arguello City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Re: 2467 N. Stevens Ave, Rosemead property CITY OF ROSEMEAD JAN 2 8 2002 1-7y Cl_FRK'S OFF!r7 Dear Ms. Arguello, I am writing on behalf of my mother, Esther Schneider. She is the owner of the above property and I am its trustee. My mom resides in a nursing home and suffers from Alzheimers and Parkinsons diseases. She has no funds. Her only additional income is Social Security, which goes towards her stay. I've tried my best to manage what's left of her well being, her health care, her property, and my own business, which has been in decline since April 2001 and has been paralyzed since 9/11. This time has been pure hell for me personally, if you'll pardon my language. Despite a small teaching job, I'm not currently able to pay the property tax, much less anything else. And now I get the news that Mom's property is in need of $2500-3000 in additional repairs and permits which are above and beyond the $1400 already spent on the garage roof. The funds simply do not exist. I don't know what else to do except to ask for your kind consideration. Does the City have any re-hab funds available to help out on projects? Do. you need any proof as to income verification? I sincerely need your help and understanding, guidance and assistance. I'm trying my best, but since the recession hit and especially since 9/11, everything seems to be slipping away now. Please feel free to contact Jack Dalton at Ramona Properties, my mom's property d ih manager, or myself. My phone number is (626) 797-0987. Mr. Dalton's is (626) 448-7882. Thank you for your time and'careful consideration. OOU Sincerely,- Howard Schneider 2650 Lake Ave. #7 Altadena, CA 91001 X° rV ^ A /X v~ MAYOR: JAI' T. IMPERIAL MAYOR PRO TEM: ROBERT W. BRUESOH COUNCILMEMBERS: MARGARET CLARK GARY A. TAYLOR JOE VASQUEZ Octob6r 17, 2001 Howard Schneider Trustee of the Schneider Revocable Trust 2650 Lake Avenue, r#7 Altadena, CA 91001 Dear Mr. Schneider: ff~~ r VZ it Psefficad 8836 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569-2100 FAX (626) 307.9218 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 2467 Stevens Avenue Rosemead, CA 91770 A recent inspection of the propertyat the above address has found it to be substandard as defined by the City of Rosemead Building Code, because of the defects enumerated in the attached list. -Section 9908 of the Code declares all such substandard buildings a public nuisance and requires the abatement -thereof by correction, if practical, or demolition of the substandard conditions. As the owner of record, you are hereby notified to comply with the requirements of the above code, and to correct or remove the substandard conditions listed. All such work shall be completed within fifteen (15) days after receipt of this letter. Be advised if von are renting this property to others the City may file a Notice of Non-Compliance with the State Franchise Tax Board. Revenue and Taxation Code Section 17274 states: "No deduction shall be housins]"..:.,;::_. allowed for interest taxes depreciation or amortization with respect to substandard (rental) -This notice will be posted on the property. If in your opinion, you disagree or cannot comply with the above findings or order, you may request a public hearing. The request for hearing must be within fifteen (I5) days after posting of this notice on the property, must be in writing, and directed to the City of Rosemead Building Official, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770. For further information, please contact the inspector whose name is shown on the attached list. Required permits may be obtained between the hours of 7:00 - 11:00 a.m., Monday through Thursday, and 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., Thursday. Very truly yours, ORIGINAL SIGNED STEVEN C. BAILEY Building Official Date Posted: By: October 11, 2001 LIST OF DEFECTS SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 2467 Stevens Avenue Substandard Conditions 1. House appliances are being stored at side of property. 2. Floor screens are missing in several locations. 3. Hazardous wiring at light fixture located at rear exterior door. Building Code Violation 1. Unit lacks posted address. Garage 1. Exterior walls are damaged and required repair and paint. 2. Hazardous electrical wiring. 3. Roof is deteriorated and lacks the sound and effective weather protection.. 4. Rafters are deteriorated/damaged, causing roof to sag. Access to interior of dwellings was not gained; therefore, other substandard conditions and building code violations may exist. PERMITS ARE REQUIRED for repairs and maybe obtained at the Building Department between the hours of 7:00 - 11:00 a.m., Monday through Thursday, and between 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., Thursday. ROSE ARGUELLO Building Inspector (626) 569-2132 MAYOR: JAY T. IMPERIAL MAYOR PHO TEM: ROBERT W BRUESCR COUNCILMEMBERS: MARGARETCLARK GARY A. TAYLOR JOEVASOUE2 A 010 September 10, 2001 Howard & Esther Schneider 2650 Lake Avenue, #7 Altadena, CA 91001 Dear Property Owners, itch cxs~ad 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 , ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569-2100 FAX (626) 307-9218 . SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 2467 Stevens Avenue Rosemead, CA 91770 As you probably know, the City of Rosemead has had in effect for some time, a Building Rehabilitation and Property Maintenance Program. The purpose ofthis Program is to provide continued health, safety, and welfare for all Cityresidents. I know that you, as a responsible citizen, are interested in the present and future well-being of your communityand realize this interest can best be served by making this area an enjoyable place to live and work. With this thought in mind, the Property Rehabilitation Program is designed .to assist you in improving your property by pointing out unsafe or unsightly conditions which are detrimental to our community as a whole, and your property in particular. You, as an owner, can best accomplish the objectives of the Program by prompt compliance. To familiarize you with these conditions, and to aid you in solving your particular problem, we are enclosing a list of defects. If you have any questions, please contact the inspector whose name is listed on the request. Thank you for your continued cooperation. Respectfully, FRANK G. TRIPEPI City Manager City of Rosemead September 2001 LIST OF DEFECTS SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 2467 Stevens Avenue Substandard Conditions 1. House appliances are being stored at side of property. 2. Floor screens are missing in several locations. 3. Hazardous wiring at light fixture located at rear exterior door. Building Code Violation 1. Unit lacks posted address. Garage 1. Exterior walls are damaged and required repair and paint. 2. Hazardous electrical wiring. 3. Roof is deteriorated and lacks the sound and effective weather protection.. 4. Rafters are deteriorated/damaged, causing roof to sag. r Access to interior of dwellings was not gained; therefore, other substandard conditions and building code violations may exist. PERMITS ARE REQUIRED for repairs and may be obtained at the Building Department between the hours of 7:00 - 11:00 a.m., Monday through Thursday, and between 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., Thursday. ROSE ARGUELLO Building Inspector (626) 569-2132 t = SITE PLAN -:U2 r June 25, 2002 LIST OF DEFECTS SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 2467 Stevens Avenue " Substandard Conditions Duplex 1. House appliances are being stored at side of property. o v"• l Yom-{ /~Q 2. Hazardous wiring at light fixture located at rear exterior door. 0 C o 1"" 3. Driveway is damaged in several areas, causing water not to drain properly l.\ e Garage ; . 1. Exterior walls are damaged and required repair and paint. . CJ 2. Hazardous electrical wiring.. (o.,r 4- -c1 3. Roof is deteriorated and lacks the sound and effective weather protection.. I1--\C 4. Rafters are deteriorated/damaged, causing roof to sag. 0-0 rte' e ~e. cE~ Note: Rehabilitation permit has not yet been obtained. Building Code Violations 1. Unit lacks posted address. C -u v<ti r, r~. Access to interior of dwellings was not gained; therefore, other substandard conditions and building code violations may exist. PERMITS ARE REQUIRED for repairs and may be obtained at the Building Department between the hours of 7:00 - 11:00 a.m., Monday through Thursday, and between 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., Thursday. ROSE ARGUELLO Building Inspector (626) 569-2132 2467 Stevens02.JPG 6/25/02 2467 Stevens05.JPG 6/25/02 2467 Stevens03.JPG 6/25/02 2467 Stevens06.JPG 6/25/02