Rehab Appeals Board - Minutes 03-26-02NOT OFFICIAL UNTIL APFEbMTED BY "iii ROSEMEAD REHf BnITATION P.-_•^-PLALS BOARD MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING ROSEMEAD BUILDING REHABILITATION APPEALS BOARD MARCH 26, 2002 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Building Rehabilitation Appeals Board was called to order by Vice - Chairman Bruesch 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room of City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. The Pledge to the Flag and Invocation were waived as having been completed during the meeting just adjourned. ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Present: Boardmembers Clark, Taylor, Vasquez, and Vice - Chairman Bruesch Absent: Chairman Imperial - excused APPROVAL OF MINUTES: FEBRUARY 26, 2002 —REGULAR MEETING MOTION BY BOARDMEMBER TAYLOR, SECOND BY BOARDMEMBER VASQUEZ that the Minutes of the regular meeting of February 26, 2002, be approved as submitted. Vote resulted: Aye: Vasquez, Bruesch, Clark, Taylor No: None Absent: Imperial Abstain: None The Vice - Chairman declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. L ADMINISTRATION OF OATH The Board Secretary administered the oath to all persons wishing to address the Board. H. HEARINGS A. 7821 GARVALIA AVENUE The subject property consists of a tenant- occupied single family dwelling located in the R -2 zone. This case was initiated in August 2001, and no compliance has been achieved in over seven months. The case was previously scheduled to be heard before the Building Rehabilitation Appeals Board on February 26, 2002, but was rescheduled due to the property owner's health issues. REHABMIN:3 -26 -02 Page #I , There was no one present representing the aforementioned property. MOTION BY BOARDMEMBER TAYLOR, SECOND BY BOARDMEMBER VASQUEZ that the Board find the property substandard and order all substandard conditions be removed and/or corrected by May 1, 2002. However, if the requ permits are obtained and . sufficient progress is achieved by May 1, 2002, the abatement date may be extended to June 3, 2002. Vote resulted: Aye: Vasquez, Bruesch, Clark, Taylor No: None Absent: Imperial Abstain: None The Vice - Chairman declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. B. 2727 - 2729'/4 MUSCATEL AVENUE The subject property consists of three tenant - occupied single family dwellings located in the R -2 zone. This property was previously under the City's property rehabilitation program in 1997 (different owners). A new case-was initiated in May 2001, and no compliance has been achieved in over ten months. Steve Bailey, Building Official, stated that upon inspection today, the tenants had replaced fuses with aluminum foil, which could be considered a hazardous situation. Mr. Bailey stated that he recommends amending the Board order for 2729 Muscatel Avenue to have all of the hazardous electrical conditions abated within a 10 -day period, rather than the 30 -day period. Several of the Boardmembers asked if the time frame could be shortened. James Guerra, Consulting Building Official, stated that according to the City's ordinance, it cannot be less that 10 days. However, they intend to pursue this separately under the Electrical Code. Mr. Guerra stated that it is their intent to issue a disconnect order, which normally, the owner is given 48 -hours to correct. However, the property owner is in question as it is in a trustee sale at this time. Mr. Guerra continued that after the Board's issuance of a 48 -hour notice, it is then turned over to Southern California Edison (SCE). SCE has a further notice period which they follow under the PUC guidelines since the property is occupied. Mr. Guerra stated that this is the second time this has occurred at this property. Boardmember Taylor asked if this was in their records. Mr. Guerra replied that it is in their Inspection Records. The owners were informed of the hazardous conditions during the course of the job. Mr. Guerra stated that the fuse box is probably overloaded which keeps blowing the fuses. REHABMIN:3 -26 -02 Pas. #2 Boardmember Taylor requested that this be placed in their records due to the urgency of this situation, and that this is the second occurrence. Boardmember Clark asked what happens should a fire occur in the meantime? Boardmember Taylor responded that the Board does not have the authority to take action into their own hands above the rule and regulations as set by codes. There could or could not be a fire. Mr. Guerra stated that they are going to follow their emergency disconnect procedures. Once SCE is notified, SCE will wait an additional 7 -days before they disconnect. However, if it is an unoccupied building, they may disconnect sooner. MOTION BY BOARDMEMBER TAYLOR, SECOND BY BOARDMEMBER VASQUEZ that the Board find that all hazardous electrical conditions at 2729 Muscatel Avenue be corrected or the residence vacated by April 10, 2002 with no extensions. Further, that all remaining substandard conditions be removed and/or corrected by May 1, 2002. However if the required permits are obtained and sufficient progress is achieved by May 1, 2002, the abatement date may be extended to June 3, 2002. Aye: Vasquez, Bruesch, Clark, Taylor No: None Absent: Imperial Abstain: None The Vice - Chairman declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. III._ STATUS REPORTS A. SUBSTANDARD BUILDINGS AND PROPERTIES B. BUILDING REHABILITATION APPEALS BOARD C. CITY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY REFERRAL UPDATE No action was required on the aforementioned items. W. MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS - None REHABMIN:3 -26 -02 Page #3 V. ADJOURNMENT There being no further action to be taken at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for April 23, 2002, at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted: M.. • Board Secretary REHABMIN:3 -2642 Page #4