Rehab Appeals Board - Item 2A - 7821 Garvalia Ave HearingTO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS BUILDING REHABILITATION APPEALS BOARD FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: MARCH 19, 2002 RE: 7821 GARVALIA AVENUE - HEARING I The subject property consists of a tenant - occupied single family dwelling located in the R -2 zone. This case was initiated in August, 2001, and no compliance has been achieved in over seven months. The case was previously scheduled to be heard before the Building Rehabilitation Appeals Board on February 26, 2002, but was rescheduled due to the property owner's health issues. Case chronology as follows: • August 8, 2001 - Please letter mailed to property owner. • September 10, 2001 - Inspection. No progress. • September 17, 2001 - Property declared substandard by Building Official and a Declaration of Substandard Property filed with Los Angeles County Recorder's office. 30 day certified letter mailed and posted on property. • October 16, 2001 - Mr. Palmer, property owner, left message on Building Department voice mail system. He stated that he had suffered a heart attack and that he was dealing with uncooperative tenants. He requested a 60 day extension, which the Building Official granted. Later that day a letter was received from Mr. Palmer via fax requesting a 100 day extension. He provided documentation that he had indeed been hospitalized for a heart attack. • November 2, 2001 - Inspection. No progress. • December 4, 2001 - Inspection. No progress. REHAB.AGENDA MAR 2 6 2002 ITEM No. JZ • A January 3, 2002 - Inspection. No progress. • February 4, 2002 - Inspection. Very minor progress. The tenant informed the building inspector that the owner refuses to make any repairs with the exception of exterior paint and the repair of the garage wiring. • February 26, 2002 - Mr. Palmer faxed correspondence to the Mayor and Building Official designating his realtor, Lionel Moisa, as his representative at the Appeals Board Hearing. He also requested additional time and that his permit fees be waived. Due to Mr. Palmer's health issues, the case was not heard as scheduled, and was postponed until this month. • March 11, 2002 - Building inspector contacted Mr. Palmer to request documentation verifying the fact that he had commenced the eviction process of his tenants, as Mr. Moisa had indicated on the night of the originally scheduled Hearing. Mr. Palmer agreed that he would provide the information and also stated that he unsure as to whether he would attend the Rehabilitation Appeals Board Hearing, but that he would at least have a representative present. A Notice of Hearing was mailed and posted on the property on March 11, 2001. All interested parties have been notified. CITY BUILDING OFFICIAL'S RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board find the property substandard and order all substandard conditions be removed and/or corrected by May 1, 2002. However, if the required permits are obtained, and sufficient progress is achieved by May 1, 2002, the abatement date may be extended to June 3, 2002. MAYOR: JAY T IMPERIAL MAYOR PRO TEM: ROBERT W. EP.UES:CH COUNOILMEMBERS: MARGARETCLARK GARY A. TAYLOR JOEVASOUEZ March 11, 2002 Michael M. Palmer 15671 Davis Cup Lane Ramona, CA 92085 OSE'i3 cad 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569 -2100 FAX (626) 307 -9216 SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 7821 Garvalia Avenue Rosemead, CA 91770 NOTICE OF HEARING The City Building Official has deterrnined by inspection that the following property is substandard, as defined in Section 9905 of the City of Rosemead Building Laws, because of the defects listed on the attached letter. THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday. March 26. 2002. at 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California, a HEARING WILL BE CONDUCTED before the City of Rosemead Rehabilitation Appeals Board on this matter. All persons who desire to be heard shall appear before the above Board at said time and place to show cause why the substandard conditions should not be ordered abated. ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION ASSESSOR'S n: STEVEN C. BAILEY Building Official 7821 GARVALIA AVENUE COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON FILE 5284 -035 -011 Date Posted: By. February 26, 2002 LIST OF DEFECTS SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 7821 Garvalia Avenue Substandard Conditions 1. Floor coverings are damaged/deteriorated throughout. 2. Water heater lacks the required seismic anchors, T/P piping to exterior and vent system does not meet minimum standards. 3. Unit lacks workine smoke detectors. 4. Interior walls and ceilings are damaged throughout and require repair and paint. 5. Faulty plumbing fixtures in bathroom and kitchen. 6. Walls in bathtub area are damaged. 7. Window screens are missing in several locations. 8. Electrical cover plates are missing in several locations. 9. Frame around exterior doors are damaged and require repair and paint. 10. Exterior walls are damaged in several locations and require repair and paint. 11. Under floor vent screens are missing in several locations. 12. Bathroom sink and bathtub lacks proper seal, causing insanitary conditions. 13. Sink and water closet are loose. 14. It- appears roof is deteriorated in several locations and lacks the sound and effective weather protection. Page 2 Building Code Violation It appears windows at rear of dwelling have been replaced without the required permits and approvals. PERMITS ARE REQUIRED for repairs and may be obtained at the Building Department between the hours of 7:00 - 11:00 a.m., Monday through Thursday, and between 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., Thursday. ROSE ARGUELLO Building Inspector (626)569 -2132 L;peer e 13ai 4que of :Ro V REJ3�6E essors 16 C C 0 imic dfl au iead 'y hae rae LT I :t -:V, n In pa}mimit ed :me in arid years �. ..-Thep ftta�e of me a o.repairs f me the -money B' a'nd you 411 e. cleaned: Clete Tiiest ix In C eviction an d., slaiv i Ig 91;1 nelo Oest hat y 11.46, '1 dy.j bled. My ne 06,0001;00 qpji �e . t i e;. arid It attadk�addl ieq: ... , /10(1C - Si AI I 3H, DEC•10.33 9:53AM ling' Inspector 928, 626 569 2100 ,ng!lnspector 626 569 2132 )semead, 1 da. 7 (dsemead amer 7821 Garvalia Blvd Rosemead C5284 030 011 ,MOISA ROLTOR, BROKER, CX . NX — Cq I )bone 6,26 513 3240 to represent . 'uture, Michael Palmer telephone A I !ride c,outt on an eviction and vA ::anti for Five years. When I trie Aa] ised this property which thgeI q 0onstruction workeres. Whenn; stopped payment rent. hired Richard Taylor of World S make all repairs so Century 21 ave a,clean nioce'neighborhood. the proPerty outside and are wai: I side .6 mpnths because the tennants ;e. �ais tiqp my time. This could 30 days do ccbmplete tyheir to an 4 iy I e the ;$400.00 AbateMent C 'ha r gi, heart diseasae and cansere. ve I ash flow is $10,000.00 Per.4 Ilion dollars in debt and dying- 1 ve'the $400.00 inspection fees over this problem. za�e help me to clean up my mel in &amona Calkif. n', i I e IM 9 P.001 i III-, ip,t-t�ey tux ecx�*In for ill I01gy toc ii,J'Ioan. to lc a. good Eli I. �Jl C. on I t . o I colf a rit hs i: ­At. -tees d. 60 0 . n - d gJ have ;a hez U Q all A ,I:; ell I: I J6111�^,Q 1V Si AI I 3H, ling' Inspector 928, 626 569 2100 ,ng!lnspector 626 569 2132 )semead, 1 da. 7 (dsemead amer 7821 Garvalia Blvd Rosemead C5284 030 011 ,MOISA ROLTOR, BROKER, CX . NX — Cq I )bone 6,26 513 3240 to represent . 'uture, Michael Palmer telephone A I !ride c,outt on an eviction and vA ::anti for Five years. When I trie Aa] ised this property which thgeI q 0onstruction workeres. Whenn; stopped payment rent. hired Richard Taylor of World S make all repairs so Century 21 ave a,clean nioce'neighborhood. the proPerty outside and are wai: I side .6 mpnths because the tennants ;e. �ais tiqp my time. This could 30 days do ccbmplete tyheir to an 4 iy I e the ;$400.00 AbateMent C 'ha r gi, heart diseasae and cansere. ve I ash flow is $10,000.00 Per.4 Ilion dollars in debt and dying- 1 ve'the $400.00 inspection fees over this problem. za�e help me to clean up my mel in &amona Calkif. n', i I e IM 9 P.001 i III-, ip,t-t�ey tux ecx�*In for ill I01gy toc ii,J'Ioan. to lc a. good Eli I. �Jl C. on I t . o I colf a rit hs i: ­At. -tees d. 60 0 . n - d gJ have ;a hez U Q all A ,I:; ell I: I J6111�^,Q 1V FROM- 1 7UL -30.93 57AM P.001 i MAYOR: JAY T. IMPERIAL MAYOR PRO TEM: ROBERT W. BRUESCH COUNCILMEMBERS: MARGARET CLARK GARY A. TAYLOR JOEVASOUEZ September 17, 2001 Michael M. Palmer 15671 Davis Cup Lane Ramona, CA 92085 Dear Mr. Palmer: itch ©SCmcad 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569 -2100 FAX (626) 307 -9218 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 7821 Garvalia Avenue Rosemead, CA 91770 A recent inspection of the property at the above address has found it to be substandard as defined by the City of Rosemead Building Code, because of the defects enumerated in the attached list. Section 9908 of the Code declares all such substandard buildings a public nuisance and requires the abatement thereof by correction, if practical, or demolition of the substandard conditions. As the owner of record, you are hereby notified to comply with the requirements of the above code, and to correct or remove the substandard conditions listed. All such work shall be completed within thirty (' )0) days after receipt of this letter. Be advised if you are renting this property to others the Citv may file a Notice of Non - Compliance with the State Franchise Tax Board. Revenue and Taxation Code. Section 17274 states: "No deduction shall be allowed for interest taxes depreciation or amortization.. with respect to substandard (rental) housing." This notice will be posted on the property. If in your opinion, you disagree or cannot comply with the above findings or order, you may request a public hearing. The request for hearing must be within thirty (30) days after posting of this notice on the property, must be in writing, and directed to the City of Rosemead Building Official, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770. For further information, please contact the inspector whose name is shown on the attached list. Required permits may be obtained between the hours of 7:00 - 11:00 a.m., Monday through Thursday, and 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., Thursday. Very truly yours, GIRICINU SIGNED STEVEN C. BAILEY Building Official Date Posted: 9 ' -? - 0 r By: September 10, 2001 LIST OF DEFECTS SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 7821 Garvalia Avenue Substandard Conditions Floor coverings are damaged/deteriorated throughout. 2. Water heater lacks the required seismic anchors, T/P piping to exterior and vent system does not meet minimum standards. Unit lacks working'smoke detectors. 4. Interior walls and ceilings are damaged throughout and require repair and paint. Faulty plumbing fixtures in bathroom and kitchen. 6. Walls in bathtub area are damaged. Window screens are missing in several locations: 8. Electrical cover plates are missing in several locations. Hazardous electrical wiring in garage. 10. - Frame around exterior doors are damaged and require repair and paint. 11. Exterior walls are damaged in several locations and require repair and paint. 12. Under floor vent screens are missing in several locations. 13. Bathroom sink and bathtub lacks proper seal, causing insanitary conditions. 14. Faulty plumbing fixtures in bathroom and kitchen. 15. It appears roof is deteriorated in several locations and lacks the sound and effective weather protection. Page 2 Building Code Violation It appears windows at rear of dwelling have been replaced without the required permits and approvals. PERMITS ARE REQUIRED for repairs and may be obtained at the Building Department between the hours of .7:00 - 11:00 a.m., Monday through Thursday, and between 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., Thursday. ROSE ARGUELLO Building Inspector (626)569 -2132 MAYOR: JAY T. JMPERIAL MAYOR PRO TEM: ROBERTW. BRUESCH COUNCILMEMSERS: MARGARETCLARK GARY A. TAYLOR JOEVASOUEZ August 8, 2001 Michael M. Palmer 10211 Gaul Way Spring Valley, CA 91977 Dear Property Owner: (sefftead 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569 -2100 FAX (626) 307 -9218 SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 7821 Garvalia Avenue Rosemead, CA 91770 As you probably know, the City of Rosemead has had in effect for some time, '.a Building Rehabilitation and Property Maintenance Program. The purpose of this Program is to provide continued health, safety, and welfare for all City residents. I know that you, as a responsible citizen, are interested in the present and future well -being of your community and realize this interest can best be served by making this area an enjoyable place to live and work. With this thought in mind, the Property Rehabilitation Program is designed to assist you in improving your property by pointing out unsafe or unsightly conditions which are detrimental to our community as a whole, and your property in particular. You, as an owner, can best accomplish the objectives of the Program by prompt compliance. To familiarize you with these conditions, and to aid you in solving your particular problem, we are enclosing a list of defects. If you have any questions, please contact the inspector whose name is listed on the request. Thank you for your continued cooperation. Respectfully, FRANK G. TRIPEPI City Manager City of Rosemead August 7, 2001 LIST OF DEFECTS SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 7821 Garvalia Avenue Substandard Conditions 1. Floor coverings are damaged/deteriorated throughout. 2 Water heater lacks the required seismic anchors, T/P piping to exterior and vent system does not meet minimum standards. Unit lacks working smoke detectors. 4. Interior walls and ceilings are damaged throughout and require repair and paint. 5. Faulty plumbing fixtures in bathroom and kitchen. 6. Walls in bathtub area are damaged. Window screens are missing in several locations. 8. Electrical cover plates are missing in several locations. Hazardous electrical wiring in garage. 10. Frame around exterior doors are damaged and require repair and paint. 11. Exterior walls are damaged in several locations and require repair and paint. 12. Under floor vent screens are missing in several locations. 13. Bathroom sink and bathtub lacks proper seal, causing insanitary conditions. 14. Faulty plumbing fixtures in bathroom and kitchen. 15. It appears roof is deteriorated in several locations and lacks the sound and effective weather protection. Page 2 Building Code Violation It appears windows at rear of dwelling have been replaced without the required permits and approvals. PERMITS ARE REQUIRED for repairs and may be obtained at the Building Department between the hours of 7:00 - 11:00 a.m., Monday through Thursday, and between 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., Thursday. ROSE ARGUELLO Building Inspector (626)569 -2132