Rehab Appeals Board - Item 3 - Status Report 06-21-05CITY OF ROSEMEAD SUBSTANDARD BUILDINGS AND PROPERTIES STATUSREPORT June 21, 2005 DATE OF ADDRESS LETTER STATUS 3245 Alanreed 05/25/04 SFD w/conversion 3150 Angelus ' 3456 Bartlett 4732 Bartlett 05/23/05 SFD w/conversion 9057 Bentel See City Attorney Update 3017 Brighton 01/24/05 SFD w/conversion 2219 Charlotte 02/01/05 Unsightly SFD 2222 Charlotte 02/02/05 Unsightly SFD 2745 Charlotte 06/06/05 Unsightly SFD 3111 Charlotte 06/06/05 Unsightly multi-unit 3728 Charlotte 10/21/04 Unsightly SFD 7565 Columbia 06/01/05 Unsightly SFD TOTAL NUMBER Oli ACTIVE CASES: 59 COMMENTS Mailed and posted 15-day certified. Case closed 5/2/05. Case closed 5/19/05. Mailed and posted 15-day certified. Mailed and posted 15-day certified. Permit obtained. Mailed and posted 15-day certified. Permit issued. Mailed and posted 15-day certified. Mailed "Please" letter. Mailed "Please" letter. Mailed and posted 15-day certified. Mailed "Please" letter. REHAB AGENDA JUN 2 8 2005 1 T EFA No. _M: DATE OF ADDRESS LETTER STATUS COMMENTS 9147 DeAdalena Case closed 6/6/05. 3054 Del Mar 03/10/05 Unsightly, 2 units Mailed "Please" letter. 3125 Del Mar Case closed 6/21/05. 3345 Del Mar .08/26/03 See City Attorney Update 2426 Denton See City Attorney Update 2461 Earle 06/08/05 Unsightly SFD Mailed and posted 30-day certified. 2550 Earle 08/19/04 See City Attorney Update 3920 Earle Case closed 5/5/05. 3921 Earle 05/25/05 Unsightly SFD Mailed and posted 15-day certified. Permit obtained. 3924 Earle See Appeals Board Report 7621 Emerson 11/23/04 Unsightly, 3 units Mailed and posted 30-day certified. 3301 Evelyn 07/20/04 Unsightly, 2 units To Hearing 6/28/05. 3333 Evelyn Case closed 6/6/05. 7521 Graves 05/09/02 Unsightly, 2 units Site plan approved by Planning Department. On CDBG waiting list. 8908 Guess 04/07/05 Unsightly SFD Mailed and posted 15-day certified. 9521 Guess 12/1/04 SFD w/conversion Mailed and posted 30-day certified. Permit issued. 8125 Hellman 4/18/05 SFD w/conversion Mailed "Please" letter. DATE OF ADDRESS LETTER STATUS 7959 Hershey 09/28/04 Unsightly SFD 3039 Isabel See City Attorney Update 3802 Ivar See City Attorney Update 3811 Ivar 06/16/05 Unsightly SFD 3300 Jackson 05/23/05 Duplex w/conversion 2428 Kelbum 11/23/04 Unsightly SFD 2446 Kelburn 05/25/05 Unsightly multi-unit 2710 Kelbum 05/24/05 SFD w/conversion 3429 Lafayette 06/01/05 Unsightly, multi-unit 8655 Mission See City Attorney Update 2707 Muscatel 02/15/05 Unsightly, multi-family 2729 %Muscatel 02/12/03 Unsightly SFD 8412 Norwood 06/20/05 Unsightly SFD 2547 Pine 12/9/04 Unsightly, 3 units 9434 Ralph 03/16/05 SFD w/conversion 8676 Ramona 3944 Rio Hondo 11/23/04 SFD w/conversion 4316 Rio Hondo 4320 Rio Hondo COMMENTS Mailed and posted 15-day certified. Mailed " Please" letter. Mailed 30-day certified. To Hearing 6/28/05. Mailed "Please" letter. Mailed and posted 30-day certified. Mailed "Please" letter. Mailed "Please" letter. Permit obtained. Property sold. 30-day certified to new owner. Mailed and posted 15-day certified. Mailed "Please" letter. Mailed and posted 15-day certified. Case closed 5/5/05. Mailed and posted 15-day certified. Permits obtained. Case closed 6/20/05. Case closed 6/8/05. DATE OF ADDRESS LETTER 4329 Rio Hondo 05/23/05 9256 Steele 05/05/05 2423 Strathmore 09/29/04 8614 Valley 9330 Valley 3603 Vane 05/05/05 2718 Walnut Grove 09/29/04 3152 Walnut Grove 03/23/05 3360 Walnut Grove 05/09/05 4908 Walnut Grove 03/15/05 4912 Walnut Grove 10/04/04 STATUS COMMENTS SFD w/conversion Mailed "Please" letter. SFD w/conversion Mailed and posted 15-day certified. Unsightly multi-unit Mailed and posted 30-day certified. Case closed 6/6/05. Case closed 6/6/05. SFD w/conversion Mailed and posted 15-day certified. Unsightly multi-unit Mailed and posted 15-day certified. Unsightly, 2 units Mailed "Please" letter. Unsightly, 2 units Mailed and posted 15-day certified. Unsightly SFD Mailed and posted 15-day certified. Permit obtained Unsightly SFD Mailed and posted 15-day certified. Permit obtained. CITY OF ROSEMEAD BUILDING REHABILITATION APPEALS BOARD STATUS REPORT June 21, 2005 ADDRESS BOARD DATE OF ORDER HEARING DEADLINE STATUS 3924 Earle 11/23/04 1/3/04 Permit obtained. Extension granted. CITY OF ROSEMEAD CITY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY REFERRAL UPDATE STATUS REPORT June 21, 2004 BOARD ORDER ABATEMENT CONFERENCE ADDRESS DATE DATE STATUS 9057 Bentel 01/03/05 04/19/05 Arraignment to be scheduled. 3345 Del Mar N/A 02/04/04 Arraignment to be scheduled. 2426 Denton 12/02/02 Conference with staff to be scheduled. 2550 Earle 4/1/05 04/19/05 Extension granted to 7/18/05. 3039 Isabel 03/03/03 06/25/03 At Court 1/11105. Property owner plead "No Contest" and received 18 months probation. Restitution of $1,002.35 to by paid by 7/12/05. 3802 Ivar 04/19/05 Extension granted to 7/5/05. 8655 Misssion 07/01/04 09/01/04 Arraignment to be scheduled.