Rehab Appeals Board - Item 3 - Status Report 01-20-04CITY OF ROSEMEAD SUBSTANDARD BUILDINGS AND PROPERTIES STATUS REPORT January 20, 2004 ADDRESS 3242 Alanreed 3248 Alanreed 3218 Angelus 8032 Arisen 3163 Bartlett 3201 Bartlett 8917 Bentel 3417 Chariette 7503 Columbia DATE OF LETTER STATUS COMMENTS Case closed 1/13/04. Case closed 1/13/04. See City Attorney Update 06/24/03 Unsightly SFD See City Attorney Update 07/24/02 Unsightly, 3 units Mailed and posted 15 -day certified. Permits obtained. Mailed "Please" letter. Permits issued. Good progress. See City Attorney Update 05/14/03 Unsightly SFD 3041 Del Mar 3243 Del Mar See Appeals Board Report 3345 Del Mar 08/26/03 See City Attorney Update TOTAL NUMBER OF ACTIVE CASES: 56 Case closed 12/15/03. Mailed and posted 15 -day certified. Permits issued. Case closed 12/29/03. REHAB AGENDA JAN 2 7 2004 ITEM No. DATE OF ADDRESS LETTER STATUS COMMENTS 3926 Delta 12/17/03 Unsightly SFD Mailed and posted 15 -day certified. Demo permit obtained. 2426 Denton See City Attorney Update 2433 Denton See City Attorney Update 4622 Earle 10/13/03 SFD w /conversion Mailed and posted 15 -day certified. 3854 Ellis Lane See City Attorney Update 2533 Falling Leaf See City Attorney Update 2654 Falling Leaf Case closed 12/4/03. 7709 Garvey 10/21/03 Unsightly apartment Mailed "Please" letter. Ordered title report for certified letter. 2753 Gladys 12/02/03 Unsightly, 2 units Mailed and posted 30 -day certified. 7521 Graves 05/09/02 Unsightly, 2 units Building Official preparing letter to property owner regarding elimination of 2 " unit. 9136 Guess See City Attorney Update 4523 Halkett 11/13/03 Unsightly SFD w /pool Mailed and posted 15 -day certified to new owner. Extension granted to 1/24/04 3039 Isabel See City Attorney Update 3316 Ivar 04/22/03 Unsightly SFD To Hearing 1/27/04. 3427 Ivar 06/19/03 SFD w /conversion Mailed "Please" letter. Permits obtained. 3802 Ivar 01/07/04 Unsightly SFD Mailed "Please" letter. 3921 Ivar See Appeals Board Report 2407 Kelbum See City Attorney Update DATE OF ADDRESS LETTER STATUS COMMENTS 2704 Kelburn 09/17/03 Vacant unsightly SFD Mailed "Please" letter. 8646 Landis View Declaration of Substandard released. Rehab portion of list of defects complete. 8655 Mission 12/29/03 Vacant unsightly SFD Mailed and posted 15 -day certified. 8719 Mission 11/19/02 Unsightly SFD Mailed and posted 30 -day certified. Grading and building plans submitted for plan check for new subdivision. 2653 Muscatel 01/03/02 Unsightly multi -unit Permits issued. Work nearly complete. 2729 %Muscatel 02/12/03 Unsightly SFD Property sold. 30 -day certified to new owner. 7962 Newmark 11/26/03 SFD w /conversion Mailed " Please" letter. Ordered title report for certified letter. 7965 Newmark 04/28/03 Unsightly SFD Mailed and posted 15 -day certified. Permits issued. 8015 Newmark 03/31/03 See Appeals Board Report 9311 Pitkin 10/16/03 Unsightly SFD Mailed and posted 15 -day certified. Permits w /conversion issued. 9037 Ralph 06/19/03 Unsightly SFD Mailed "Please" letter. Demo permit issued. 8601 Ramona 01/07/04 Unsightly, 3 units Mailed and posted 15 -day certified. 8676 Ramona 09/25/03 SFD w /conversion Mailed and posted 15- day certified. 9349 Ramona 11/17/03 Unsightly, vacant SFD Mailed "Please" letter (Case re- opened). Ordered title report for certified letter. 3821 Rosemead 01/07/04 Unsightly, multi -unit Mailed "Please" letter. 3102 San Gabriel See City Attorney Update 2739 Stingle 02/03/03 Unsightly, 3 units Case closed 12/4/04. ADDRESS 2712 Strathmore 2719 Strathmore 8949 Valley DATE OF LETTER 10/21/03 01/22/01 3618 Vane 01/13/04 3245 Walnut Grove 08/07/03 3917 Walnut Grove 4112 Walnut Grove 12/29/03 7445 Whitmore 11/6/03 8945 Whitmore 09/24/03 STATUS Unsightly vacant SFD Unsightly commercial Unsightly SFD SFD converted to units See City Attorney Update SFD w /conversion Unsightly, multi -unit Unsightly SFD w /conversion COMMENTS Mailed "Please" letter. Case closed 1/7/04. Mailed "Please" letter. On hold for Building Official review. Mailed and posted 15 -day certified. Mailed "Please" letter. Permits obtained. Good progress. Mailed "Please" letter. Mailed "Please" letter. Mailed "Please" letter. I CITY OF ROSEMEAD CITY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY REFERRAL UPDATE STATUS REPORT January 20, 2004 BOARD ORDER ABATEMENT CONFERENCE ADDRESS DATE DATE STATUS 3218 Angelus 11 /01 /00 01/03/00 No -show at Court. Bench warrant issued. 3163 Bartlett 08/01/02 09/25/02 Good progress. Extension granted. 8917 Bentel 06/25/03 Arraignment to be scheduled. 3345 Del Mar N/A CPA conference to be scheduled. 2426 Denton 12/02/02 02/27/03 Arraignment to be scheduled. 2433 Denton Probate - follow up by CPA. Property to be cleaned by Sheriffs youth group. 3854 Ellis Lane N/A CPA conference to be scheduled. 2533 Falling Leaf CPA conference postponed. Owner working w /CDBG. 9136 Guess 12/01/03 CPA conference to be scheduled. 3039 Isabel 03/03/03 06/25/03 No -show at conference. CPA sent letter. On hold pending 2n unit ordinance. 2407 Kelbum N/A CPA conference to be scheduled. 3102 San Gabriel 09/25/02 Permit obtained. Work not complete. 3917 Walnut Grove 09/03/02 11/07/02 Site for proposed McDonald's restaurant. Demo complete. CITY OF ROSEMEAD BUILDING REHABILITATION APPEALS BOARD STATUS REPORT January 20, 2004 BOARD DATE OF ORDER ADDRESS HEARING DEADLINE STATUS 3242 Alanreed Case closed 1/13/04. 3243 Del Mar 06/24/03 08/01/03 Good progress. Extension granted to 2/11/04. 3921 Ivar 05/27/03 07/01/03 Extension granted. Plans in plan check. 8015 Newmark 09/23/03 12/02/03 Extension granted. CITY OF BALDWIN PARK REGULAR MEETING AGENDA CITY COUNCIL COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY HOUSING & FINANCING AUTHORITY JANUARY 21, 2004 7:00 PM COUNCIL CHAMBER 14403 E. PACIFIC AVENUE BALDWIN PARK A. CALL TO ORDER B. INVOCATION C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE D. ROLL CALL: COUNCILMEMBERS: Marlen Garcia, David Olivas, Ricardo Pacheco, Mayor Pro Tem Bill Van Cleave and Mayor Manuel Lozano E. ANNOUNCEMENTS F. PROCLAMATIONS, COMMENDATIONS & PRESENTATIONS • A Proclamation Proclaiming January 27, 2004 as "Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day" • Presentation of a contribution for Police Department Community Relations by Target to the Baldwin Park Police Department • Oaths of Office & Certificates of Appointment presented to newly appointed Personnel Commissioners Introduction of newly appointed Recreation & Community Services Department employee, Monica Killen, Program Coordinator CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Five (5) minute speaking time limit - Cinco (5) minutos sera el limite para hablar "No action or discussion shall be taken on any item not appearing on the posted agenda, except the members of the legislative body or its staff, who may briefly respond to statements made or questions posed by persons..." (GC §54954.2) Si desea hablar acerca de_ cualquier tema, . esta sera so oportunidad. For favor pase adelante. Un interprete estara presente. 1. CONSENT CALENDAR All items listed are considered to be routine business by the City Council and will be approved with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember so requests, in which case, the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. Agenda — January 21, 2004 A. MINUTES Page 2 Approve minutes of December 11, 2003 (Special); December 17; 2003 (Special & Regular) and January 7, 2004 (Special). B. WARRANTS AND DEMANDS Recommendation: Receive and file. C. CLAIM REJECTION — JUAN HERNANDEZ (10.01.03) Recommendation: Reject the claim of Juan Hernandez (10.01.03) and direct staff to send the appropriate notice of rejection to claimant. D. PROPOSED RECOGNITIONS BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FOR THE PERIOD OF DECEMBER 18, 2003 TO JANUARY 20, 2004 Recommendation: Approve the preparation and presentation of the proposed certificates, proclamations and plaques. E. TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER 2003 Recommendation: Receive and file. F. RESOLUTIONS AUTHORIZING SUPPORT OF SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL (SR2S) GRANT APPLICATION Recommendation: 1) Waive further reading, read by title only and adopt Resolution No. 2004 -004 entitled, "RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK CITY COUNCIL EXPRESSING SUPPORT AND APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS FOR A CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL (SR2S) PROGRAM GRANT FOR FEDERAL FISCAL YEAR 2004 -05;" and 2) Authorize the Director of Public Works to proceed with the grant process and execute any necessary documents with the State Department of Parks & Recreation. G. APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE AND SOLICIT BIDS FOR THE 2003 -04 CDBG STREET RENOVATION, CIP 862 Recommendation: Approve the plans and specifications and authorize staff to solicit bids for the construction phase of this project. H. AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 2003 -04 CDBG SIDEWALK PROJECT, CIP 863 — E.C. CONSTRUCTION Recommendation: 1) Award the contract to E.C. Construction in the amount of $95,978.16,000 for the construction of 2003 -04 CDBG Sidewalk Project, CIP 863; 2) Authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement; and 3) Authorize the Director of Public Works to add as many additional sidewalks for construction as available funds allow. Agenda — January 21, 2004 Page 3 APPROVAL OF FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 51200 LOCATED AT 4213 -19 DOWNING STREET Recommendation: Approve Final Tract Map No. 51200. J. RESOLUTIONS IN SUPPORT OF AN APPLICATION FOR MOBILE SOURCE AIR POLLUTION REDUCTION (MSRC) FUNDS Recommendation: 1) Waive further reading, read by title only and adopt Resolution No. 2004 -001 entitled, `RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK CITY COUNCIL ENDORSING AN APPLICATION UNDER THE MOBILE SOURCE AIR POLLUTION REDUCTION REVIEW COMMITTEE FOR THE 2003 -04 LOCAL GOVERNMENT MATCH PROGRAM ;" 2) Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to proceed with the grant process and execute any necessary documents with MSRC; and 3) Authorize the Finance Director to appropriate the grant funds accordingly. K. RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING FEES FOR THE RECOVERY OF MUNICIPAL NPDES — RELATED COSTS FOR INDUSTRIAL /COMMERCIAL INSPECTIONS Recommendation: Waive further reading, read by title only and adopt Resolution No. 2004 -005 entitled, "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING FEES FOR THE RECOVERY OF MUNICIPAL NPDES — RELATED COSTS FOR INDUSTRIAL /COMMERCIAL INSPECTIONS." L. APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE AND SOLICIT BIDS FOR THE BARNES PARK IMPROVEMENTS, CIP 619C Recommendation: Approve the plans and specifications and authorize staff to solicit bids for the construction phase of this project. M. RATIFICATION OF AGREEMENT — ATTORNEY SERVICES FOR CODE ENFORCEMENT PROSECUTIONS Recommendation: 1) Ratify Agreement with the Dapper, Rosenblit and Litvak, LLP for the Legal Services; 2) Authorize Mayor to execute the Agreement; and 3) Authorize an appropriation in cost center 47, Code Enforcement for $3,750 from General Fund and $3,750 from CDBG funds. N. APPROVAL OF A TAX SHARING AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD Recommendation: Approve a tax sharing agreement with the City of Rosemead and direct the City Attorney to forward it to the City of Rosemead for its approval within 30 days of their receipt of the agreement. Agenda — January 21, 2004 Page 4 2. SET MATTERS —PUB LIC HEARINGS (7:OOP.M. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard). If in the future you wish to challenge the following in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk and /or City Council at or prior to the public hearing. A. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE OWNER PARTICIPATION AND DISPOSITION AGREEMENT WITH M & A GABAEE, LP — THE HEARING IS CONDUCTED PURSUANT TO SECTION 33433 OF HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE Recommendation: Following the public hearing, waive further reading, read by title only, and adopt Resolution No. 2004 -003 entitled, "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK APPROVING THE PROPOSED TRANSFER OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE SIERRA VISTA PROJECT AREA TO M &A GABAEE, LP AND APPROVING THE OWNER PARTICIPATION AND DISPOSITION AGREEMENT PERTAINING THERETO;" and 2) Waive further reading, read by title only, and adopt Resolution No. 386 entitled, "A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK APPROVING THE PROPOSED TRANSFER OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE SIERRA VISTA PROJECT AREA TO M &A GABAEE, LP AND APPROVING THE OWNER PARTICIPATION AND DISPOSITION AGREEMENT PERTAINING THERETO." B. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A ZONE CHANGE (Z -536) TO ALLOW THE PLANNED. DEVELOPMENT (PD) OVERLAY ON THE EXISTING RG, MULTI- FAMILY RESIDENTIAL GARDEN ZONE AND A DEVELOPMENT PLAN (DR -24) TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SEVEN (7) UNIT SINGLE - FAMILY DETACHED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. AN ADDITIONAL REQUEST IS FOR APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP (TM- 60318) TO SUBDIVIDE THREE (3) LOTS INTO ONE LOT FOR RESIDENTIAL PURPOSES (CASE NO: Z -536, DR -24 & TM 60318; LOCATION: 3948 -3958 BALDWIN PARK BOULEVARD; APPLICANT: STEVE WU) Recommendation: Following public hearing, 1) Adopt the Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact; 2) Waive further reading, read by title only and introduce for first reading Ordinance No. 1224 entitled, "AN ORDINANCE OF NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND APPROVING A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM RG TO RG (PD) TO ALLOW THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3948 -3958 BALDWIN PARK BOULEVARD (CASE NO: Z -536; APPLICANT: STEVE WU); 3) Waive further reading, read by title only and adopt Resolution No. 2004 -007 entitled, "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK ADOPTING THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND APPROVING A DEVELOPMENT PLAN ALLOWING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SEVEN (7) UNIT SINGLE - FAMILY DETACHED PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (CASE NO: D -24; LOCATION: 3948- 3958 BALDWIN PARK BOULEVARD; APPLICANT: STEVE WU); and 4) Approve Tentative Tract Map No. 60318 to subdivide three (3) lots into one for residential purposes. Agenda — January 21, 2004 3. 4. 5. 6. REPORTS OF OFFICERS — NONE COUNCIL / STAFF REQUESTS AND COMMUNICATIONS Page 5 A. REQUEST BY COUNCILMEMBER PACHECO FOR DISCUSSION OF AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON A NEED FOR BUSES EXPRESSED BY LIFE TEAM AT ST. JOHN'S B., REQUEST BY CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER KELLER FOR DISCUSSION OF SETTING A DATE FOR A FOLLOW -UP GOAL - SETTING SESSION CLOSED SESSION ADJOURN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Five (5) minute speaking time limit— Cinco (5) minutos sera el limite pare hablar - "No action or discussion shall be taken on any item not appearing on the posted agenda, except the members of the legislative body or its staff, who may briefly respond to statements made or questions posed by persons..." (GC §54954.2) Si desea hablar acerca de cualquier terra, esta sera su oportunidad. Per favor pase adelante. Un interprete estara presents. 1. CONSENT CALENDAR All items listed are considered to be routine business by the City Council and will be approved with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember so requests, in which case, the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. . A. MINUTES Recommendation: Approve minutes of December 17, 2003. B. WARRANTS AND DEMANDS Recommendation: Approve Warrant Register No. 591. C. AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR THE INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT THE INTERSECTION OF 1 -10 WESTBOUND ON /OFF RAMP AND PUENTE AVENUE /GARVEY AVENUE, CIP 878B Recommendation: 1) Award the contract to Inspection Engineering Construction, Inc. in the amount of $105,068 for the installation of one traffic signal at the intersection of 1 -10 Freeway westbound on /off ramp and Puente Avenue /Garvey Avenue, CIP 87813; 2) Authorize staff to buy one traffic controller from Caltrans District 7 for $10,000; 3) Authorize the Chair to execute the Agreement and direct the City Clerk to process the Agreement; and 4) Authorize the Director of Public Works to execute any necessary change orders in an amount not to exceed ten percent (10 %) of the original contract amount. 2. SET MATTERS — PUBLIC HEARINGS (7:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard). If in the future you wish to challenge the following in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered 'to the City Clerk and /or City Council at or prior to the public hearing. Agenda — January 21, 2004 Page 6 A. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE OWNER PARTICIPATION AND DISPOSITION AGREEMENT IWITH M & A GABAEE, LP — THE HEARING IS CONDUCTED PURSUANT TO SECTION 33433 OF HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE, Recommendation: Following the public hearing, waive further reading, read by title only, and adopt Resolution No. 2004 -003 entitled, "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK APPROVING THE PROPOSED TRANSFER OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE SIERRA VISTA PROJECT AREA TO M &A GABAEE, LP AND APPROVING THE OWNER PARTICIPATION AND DISPOSITION AGREEMENT PERTAINING THERETO ;" and 2) Waive further reading, read by title only, and adopt Resolution No. 386 entitled; "A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF BALDWIN PARK APPROVING THE PROPOSED TRANSFER OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE SIERRA VISTA PROJECT AREA TO M &A GABAEE, LP AND APPROVING THE OWNER PARTICIPATION AND DISPOSITION AGREEMENT PERTAINING THERETO." 3. REPORTS OF OFFICERS — NONE 4. AGENCY/ STAFF REQUESTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 5. CLOSED SESSION 6. ADJOURN' HOUSING & FINANCING AUTHORITY PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Five (5) minute speaking time limit'- Cinco (5) minutos sera el limite para hablar "No action or discussion shall be taken on any item not appearing on the posted agenda, except the members of the legislative body or its staff, who may briefly respond to statements made or questions posed by persons - (GC554954.2) Si desea hablar acerca de cualquier tema, esta sera so oportunidad. For favor pase adelante. Un interprete eslara presente. I 1. CONSENT CALENDAR All items listed are considered to be routine business by the Authorities and will be approved with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Member so requests, in which case. the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. A. MINUTES Recommendation: Approve minutes of December 17, 2003 (Housing Authority and Finance Authority). B. HOUSING DEPARTMENT STATUS REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER Recommendation: Receive and file 2. PUBLIC HEARINGS— NONE ' 3. REPORTS OF OFFICERS — NONE, 4. AGENCY I STAFF REQUESTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 5. CLOSED SESSION 6. ADJOURN Agenda — January 21, 2004 CERTIFICATE OF POSTING Page 7 I, Kathleen R. Sessman, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Baldwin Park, certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California, that the foregoing agenda was posted not less than 72 hours prior to said meeting. Dated this 15 day of January 2004. "Original Signed" Kathleen R. Sessman Deputy City Clerk Copies of staff reports and supporting documentation pertaining to each item on this agenda are available for public viewing and inspection at City Hall, 2 nO Floor Lobby Area or at the Los Angeles County Public Library in the City of Baldwin Park. For further information regarding agenda items, please contact the office of the City Clerk at 626.960.4011, ext. 108 or 466, or via e-mail at rramirezabaldwinoark.com or ksessman(aibaldw nark corn In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Public Works Department or Risk Management at 626.960.4011. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable staff to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28 CFR 34.102.104 ADA TITLE II)