Rehab Appeals Board - Minutes 05-25-04NOT OFFICIAL UNTIL v ' APPROVED BY THE ROSEMEAD REHABILITATION APPEALS BOARD MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING ROSEMEAD BUILDING REHABILITATION APPEALS BOARD MAY 25, 2004 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Building Rehabilitation Appeals Board was called to order by Chairman Clark at 7:02 p.m. in the Conference Room of City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. The Pledge to Flag was led by Boardmember Taylor. The Invocation was delivered by Vice-Chairman Imperial. ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Present: Boardmembers Alarcon, Vasquez,Taylor, Vice-Chairman Imperial and Chairman Clark Absent: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: NONE 1. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH The Board Secretary administered the oath to all persons wishing to address the Board. H. HEARINGS A. 3618 VANE AVENUE The subject property consists of an owner-occupied single-family residence located in the R-I zone. The case was initiated in November 2003 and full compliance has not been achieved in nearly six months. To date, no further progress has been achieved, no permits have been obtained, and the CDBG application has not been returned. A Notice of Hearing was mailed and posted on the property on May 12, 2004. All interested parties have been notified. The City Building Official recommends that the Board find the property substandard and order all substandard conditions and Building Code violations be removed and/or corrected by July 1, 2004. However, if the required permits are obtained, and sufficient progress is achieved by July 1, 2004, the abatement date may be extended to August 2, 2004. Chairman Clark asked about the status of the CDBG application. REHABMIN:5-25-04 Page # I James Guerra, Building Official, stated that the application has not been returned. Rose Arguello, Building Inspector, added that the property has too many liens against it and would not quality. Alfanso A. Martinez, 3618 Vane Avenue, Rosemead, owner of the property, explained that he has too many liens against the property and cannot obtain any credit because of that. Mr. Martinez stated that he is not currently working. Mr. Guerra explained that the CDBG loan program limits the number of liens. Mr. Martinez requested an additional month extension. Mr. Guerra replied that if further progress is shown by August 2, 2004, the abatement date may be extended another 30 days to September 1, 2004. Mr. Guerra stressed that the entire property needs to be cleaned up. Commissioner Taylor asked about the status of the swimming pool. Mr. Martinez replied that the pool has been completed. Mr. Guerra stated that Mr. Martinez needs to obtain a permit so that they can close their records. Chairman Clark explained that any standing or stagnant pool water can be a breeding ground for West Nile Virus. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER ALARC6N, SECOND BY COMMISSIONER VASQUEZ that the Board find the property substandard and order all substandard conditions and Building Code violations be removed and/or corrected by July 1, 2004. However, if the required permits are obtained, and sufficient progress is achieved by July 1, 2004, the abatement date may be extended to August 2, 2004, and if further progress is shown by August 1, 2004, the abatement date may be extended to September 1, 2004. Vote resulted: Aye: Alarcdn, Vasquez, Clark, Imperial, Taylor No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Chairman declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. REHABMIIf5•25-04 Page a2 B. 8655 - 8701- 8703 MISSION DRIVE The subject property consists of a vacant single-family residence and two tenant- occupied units. The property is zoned R-1. There was a previous "rehab" case against the property in 1978 (same owner). The current case was initiated in November 2003 and compliance has not been achieved in over six months. This case does not qualify for CDBG assistance. The residence is not owner-occupied and there is more than one dwelling on the lot. A Notice of Hearing was mailed and posted on the property on May 12, 2004. All interested parties have been notified. The City Building Official recommends that the Board find the property substandard and order all substandard conditions be removed and/or corrected by July 1, 2004. However, if sufficient progress is achieved by July 1, 2004, the abatement date may be extended to August 2, 2004. Chris Drew, 8701 Mission Drive, Rosemead, stated that he is a tenant at that address. Mr. Drew stated that he is a general contractor and has made repairs to his house and the house behind him. Mr. Drew continued that everything he has done to upgrade the property, which he has paid out of his own pocket, has been met with negative comments from the owner. Furthermore, the vacant home at 8655 Mission Drive was occupied by the owner's parents who have since passed away. The owner will not clean out that house nor remove their old cars. Mr. Drew stated that he has attempted to purchase the property for the last four years. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER TAYLOR, SECOND BY VICE-CHAIRMAN IMPERIAL that the Board find the property substandard and order all substandard conditions be removed and/or corrected by July 1, 2004. However, if sufficient progress is achieved by July 1, 2004, the abatement date maybe extended to August 2, 2004. Vote resulted: Aye: Alarcdn, Vasquez, Clark, Imperial, Taylor No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Chairman declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. III. STATUS REPORTS A. SUBSTANDARD BUILDINGS AND PROPERTIES B. BUILDING REHABILITATION APPEALS BOARD C. CITY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY REFERRAL UPDATE No action was required on the aforementioned items. REHABMIN:5-25-04 Page #3 IV. MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS - None V. ADJOURNMENT There being no further action to be taken at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for June 22, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted: Board Secretary APPROVED: CHAIRMAN REHABMIN:5-25-04 Page #4