Mia Lehrer + Associates Landscape Architectureh-.-------- ~ _ _ ,~,r # t' ~'-'' "may-^'_R` ,i ~s-~~:_.±~;'- .•. ~ ~r P - , ... - 5.,. .r - .~, ~~ ~~k ~ _ , 1 City` of Rosemead .y _ _ • Request for Proposal # 2008-05 1 . ,G'~a~[IQ~fl G°3~ea~c~~t~u~~ ~~~1 ~~I~~~~~ G~~oBo~o~~ Cl~~t~~l~ p0~~ ~ - ,: ~ ' ae~a~ ~ea~p~ieavo~n¢~c~y rM9®u°9c ~~~si~xiiu~y ~ta~c9y ~®o~ ®~v~B®,~~oo~g,.f~aa~n9i~ ~pr~a~ ~p~~~~ ~~i ~0~~09 - ~®a~~~~u-e~ ~a6ig®e-e~ia G=dis®n ~raa~so~v~issio¢~ ~®u-rid®u- ~.~°`; November 13;,`2008 `~~', 1 ~ I f Y nA' ~ ~`~, ~-.~ul, ~~ ~ a} T ~, 1 k ~ ^ `4 {7Yj ~r ls2~"\..~ p~, ~'C 4 ~~7L..._l~ } t f ~ d ~ i1, ,1 '-. _ .. r , ~ ,~ } _Z js'..- . ~ l°:.•-+ ~i ,~:°~ ; 4~' )~i ~j .Y `Y~ t ~~ ~ .,.;'s. t " i ~ ,,, W 4~~ ~ 1~.+ ~1~,~ ~' r ~<YY 3~hY~ ' '04,%' f~l ~ ~~~' ~. ' ~t , i y .. t s~ ` , ~~~sss777~~_ 1 ~ ~ y ~/ '~ ~ ~ ~ : i a; ' ~_ f ." I ~ ~ ;v: "~ .. L ({~~ ~ _! ar' ~i;J + ~ ~~" ~~ ~~ ' r~ y ~ -.. ~q l~ ~; . ! Ire 1 - ~>^ y i ~ ' : { t ~'Ir Jn rJ~ `A 4 _- _ _ , ,! `' `` i _ - ~ - JJJ , 3 n ~ ~..~ 'r~~ '~` \ J/ F yam- A~1 : 'r S - '. ,.:' ~, f ~ ,,`~ ~ ~ f ., • ~ . IV - .-----~~ 3 + _ y ~ _ ~ ~ Y I + /~ t ~ ~. 1 'G „q ~+ t a a . e. .. . • _` ~, ` • - ~ ,. ~ , .. u Y ~• `. O D a •• + associates ~ landscafie architecture ~ ~ II ^ ^ ^ + assocaates ^ ~cav~~sc~~~ ezr~Ina~2~E~^v're ^ November 13, 2008 . Gloria Molleda, City Clerk City of Rosemead ^ 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 • Re: Request for Proposal -Parks, Recreation, and General Facilities Master Plan and Supplementary Work: Feasibility Study for Developing Public Open Space and Trail -- Southern California Edison Transmission Corridor Dear Ms. Molleda: ^ It is with great pleasure that we submit our qualifications for professional services to create a comprehensive Parks, Recreation, and General Facilities Master Plan, and Feasibility Study for Open Space and Trails at the Southern California Edison Transmission Corridor. These efforts by the City of . Rosemead represent an essential investment in the future of the recreational needs of Rosemead residents and visitors. Projects such as the Garvey Park Master Plan and the Southern California Edison Transmission Corridor Open Space and Trail will greatly improve local access to parks and open space for residents of Rosemead, while also adding to existing regional resources such as the Whittier Narrows Regional Park. Working closely with local communities and public agencies, Mia Lehrer + Associates (ML+A) has been involved in open space master planning projects ranging from individual park sites to community park networks and citywide needs assessments. We have been working on community-based open space ^ planning for over 10 years in the Los Angeles area. In each project, we are committed to integrating community input, cultural context, physical conditions and a wide perspective to achieve awell-rounded and complete project. • Recent examples of our master plan projects include the Los Angeles River Revitalization Master Plan, the Baldwin Hills Park Master Plan, the Ballona Creek Bike Trail Master Plan, and the Compton Creek i Garden Park Master Plan. We are currently providing services to the City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks for the Citywide Community Needs Assessment project. [~1 s i ^ ^ Ms. Gloria Molleda Page 2 We have assembled a skilled and experienced team to accomplish the objectives of this RFP. ML+A will act as the prime consultant, with Ballard*King & Associates providing economic and operations analysis. Ballard*King Associates brings a long history of working on master plans and feasibility studies for public clients, including the City of Long Beach, the City of Palm Springs, and West Sacramento. Thank you for considering us for your services and we look forward to speaking with you further upon your review of our qualifications. Sincerely, ~ ~~- Mia Lehrer Esther Margulies Senior Partner Partner MIA LEHRER + ASSOCIATES 3780 Wilshire Boulevard suite 250 Los Angeles, California 90010 fax 213/384-3833 tel 213/384-3844 website www.mlagreen.com tell13 38~1384~~ firl13 38~~ 3833 3780 Wilshire 131vc1. suite 250 t?ti~~,~r M;,~~Rn,~~~~ I,os Angeles, Ca. 90010 [.:uulscape nrchitecr Ca. 37.;`L a mall Ofllce@mlagieeri.COm ~~ ,Table of~Contents ! ... _: _ Cover Letter ............................................................................................................................ e Table of Contents ................................................................................................................... Section I ................................................................................................................................. . Statement of Qualifications Section 2 ................................................................................................................................. Project Approach Section 3 ................................................................................................................................. Related Experience/ Customer References Section 4 ................................................................................................................................. Compensation and Fee Schedule . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . Vista Hermosa Park, Los Angeles, CA: Mia Lehrer +Associates I-2 3 5- I 0 I I-16 17-30 3 I -32 ~: -~ o~ ..~ a c`, T N: _3 w. ~. 0 :e A O a .. ~' ... ~ .. ~,. ~~~ ~~~3 %' - +) r ^ ^ 1. Statement,of Qualifications Mia Lehrer + Associates 3780 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 250, Los Angeles, CA tel (213)384-3844 fax (213)384-3833 Contact Person: Mia Lehrer Since 1997, Mia Lehrer + Associates (ML+A) is a full service landscape architecture practice located in Los Angeles, California. Partners Mia Lehrer and Esther Margulies lead a team of talented designers and technically skilled professionals on a wide vari- ety of projects ranging from inspirational gardens, to urban parks, to master plans for highly complex and controversial sites. Master Plans for Public Agencies ML+A has a special interest in master plan projects where an ambitious, innovative design can enhance the lives of many people, reflect community iden- tity, and preserve open space and natural habitats. In order to provide the most comprehensive services, ML+A leads highly experienced, multi-disciplinary teams, facilitating a synergistic project vision, de- veloping sustainable design strategies and program- ming goals, and fostering lasting community bonds. For each project we apply the same level of com- mitment and approach all with an intense desire to create a meaningful and sustainable place. ML+A is working on the NeedsAssessment for the City of Los Angeles Department of Recre- ation and Parks. ML+A is the lead consultant managing the project schedule, identifying can- didates for focus groups and key person inter- views, and providing public meeting presenta- tions and facilitation. We have been responsible for making sure that the project is tailored to the local community. The project involves gath- ering, assessing and analyzing information re- garding current and future recreational needs, including conducting a statistically valid survey. Key issues affecting park usage will be deter- mined and presented in a Final Report which will contain detailed recommendations and conclusions and will be supported by an Action Plan for the Department. For San Pedro's "Bridge to Breakwater" Wa- terfront and Promenade Master Plan, the firm worked closely with the community and local stakeholders to produce a regional open space study for a population historically underserved and ignored by public agencies. The resulting plan connects the port community to the wa- terfront, establishing a promenade and scenic parkway that creates connections to regional transit, incorporates restoration strategies and educational programs developed in consulta- tion with the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium. The firm was part of the Los Angeles River Re- vitalization Master Plan team, leading efforts to identify and plan a comprehensive open space network integrated with riparian restoration and urbanism.The plan, bringing together a di- verse group of stakeholders and community members, represents the largest, most ambitious project the city has undertaken in decades. + associates lrredsen fie nreh heel ure ,. . o~ . a ci T w ~' 3 w _-. ~. 0 A a 5 Mia Lehrer + Associates Team d ~V O Q d t J ' 6 Section I [BARD ~h1NG ~~ ~ti assnc~n~:hss c'cn ~~ Itc~crenuua Foc[litq=}'lunniug and Opt:ralioa Consultants W Ballard*King & Associates was established in 1992 by Ken Ballard and Jeff King in response to the need for market-driven and reality-based planning for recreation facilities. B*K has l~ achieved 16 years of success by realizing that each client's needs are specific and unique. ~T With over 70 combined years of facility management and planning experience in the public, O non-profit, collegiate and private sector, our consulting firm has completed over 400 projects in 47 states and has working relationships with more than 50 architects coast-to-coast. We are honored to be the recipient of four Athletic Business Facilities of Merit Awards. a We form a consulting team that provides a variety of pre- and post-design services for clients who are considering construction of a sports, recreation, aquatic, or wellness facility. Our ^/ vast practical experience enables us to guide clients through the challenges of planning, con- F~ strutting, opening and operating a facility. From pinpointing specifics to broad visions, B*K fT provides services to ensure the long-term success of your project. Ballard*King & Associates offers a broad range of services. These services can be integrated into a design team or contracted independently. Some of our services include: feasibility studies, operations analysis, maintenance cost estimates, revenue projections, staffing levels, budgeting, marketing plans and third party design review. Additionally, we perform audits for existing facilities as well as parks and recreation master plans. By bringing practical, proven experience to a project we can accurately represent the client's best interests. Our firm has a keen awareness of the impact a sports or recreational facility has on the community and the organization that operates it. Thanks to our extensive field experience we are able to provide assistance with practical tools, an uncommon ability to see the overlooked and view your project from a wealth of expertise and knowledge. Teamwork is a core aspect of our company. We work together ensuring all clients are receiv- ing the wealth of knowledge our B*K team brings. The success of any project begins with an integrated, mutually valued approach to the individual needs and goals of each client. Thus, we team with you and for you. First and foremost to Ballard*King & Associates is our reputation of being a company of strong ethical character. Our top concern is the client's best interests and our approach is always honest and down-to-earth. We aim to help each client see the full potential of their project by providing trustworthy services to achieve their goal. Let us help you, move forward! Ballard*King and Associates is committed !o comprehetuive planning uttd operations consulting services, providing for the effective and efficient use of available resources to develop and operate sports, recreation and wellness facilities. ~. Statement of Qualifications . Mia Lehrer, FA$LA is the founding principal of the Los Angeles firm, Mia Lehrer + Associates. Born in San Salvador, EI Salvador, Ms. Lehrer received her Masters of Landscape Architecture from the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University. Following her education Ms. Lehrer gained valuable experience by working on large- scale public projects such as the World Bank Coastal Zone Project in EI Salvador, as well as intimate gardens for residential clients. Ms. Lehrer leads the ML+A office through the design and development of a diverse range of ambitious public and private projects that include urban revitalization developments. Today she is internationally recognized for her progressive landscape designs -unique amalgamations of graphic configurations, found objects, architectural planters, and rich textures -and her advocacy for sustainable and people-friendly public space. EDUCATION Harvard Unive rsity Graduate School of Design, Master o f Landscape Architecture, 1979 r Tufts University, Bachelor o fArts, 1975 ^ PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1996-Present Mia Lehrer +Associates, Senior Partner 1994-1996 Peter Walker William Johnson and Partners, Pariner 198 I - 1996 Mia Lehrer Landscape Design, Owner 1978-1991 POD, Inc. 1976 World Bank Coastal Zone Project, EI Salvador, San Salvador PROFESSIONAL ORGAN IZATIONS International Federation of Landscape Architects 1993-Present American Society of Landscape Architects ~URIES 2002-07 Guest Critic, Landscape Architecture Department, University of Southern California 2006 American Society of Landscape Architects Student Awards 2005 American Society of Landscape Architects Professional Awards 1999 Congress for the New Urbanism ^ 1997 AIA Los Angeles Chapter NEXT LA Awards 1996 Designed Landscape Forum ^ RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Los Angeles Dept. of Recreation and Parks Citywide Needs Assessment, Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles River Revitalization Master Plan, Los Angeles, CA Bridge to Breakwater Waterfront and Promenade Master Plan, San Pedro, CA Compton Creek Regional Garden Park Master Plan, Compton, CA i Orange County Great Park Comprehensive Master Plan- Irvine, CA Hollywood Park Specific Plan, Inglewood, CA Peck Park Canyon Master Plan, San Pedro, CA Vista Hermosa Park, Los Angeles, CA - - ^ ~' ~ ^ + associates lnndsra pe ar'r l,il rrlurr T w_ o` ,v a ~~`fl:' ~-. ifl- 3 A~ iv ~., ..~ o . ~~ fl A.. x. d .o J --- - Section I ~ ^ ---- ---- --------- - J ^ jan Dyer,ASLA, is an associate with ML+A,and has led many ~ ~r \ ` ~ ' project teams on various civic master plan, higher education, and ..'~ ~, >~~~% ' residential projects. She is currently the Project Manager for the ' / ~ ~ ,~~ ~~ ~~ / Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks Citywide Needs 3 '. ~` ~, Assessment, Los Angeles, CA, and the Compton Creek Earthen p °; ' ~ ~ Bottom Enhancement, Feasibility Study, Los Angeles, CA. { ~,, ;~ ? ^ EDUCATION ! j UCLA Extension, Los Angeles, CA, Landscape Architecture . ~~t' ~ ' ' ~`~" ~I Certif cote Program, 2006 '~ PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2006-present Mia Lehrer +Associates, Project Manager 2005-2006 LA Group, Project Manager and Design Associate 2004-2005 James Dean ASLA, Senior Project Manager and Design Associate 1991-2004 Borstein Enterprises, Project Manager and Property Manager PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ASLA,Associate Member ASLA, Membership Chair Southern California Chapter Urban Land Institute, Member AWARDS 2006 ASLA Honor Award for Excellence in the study of Landscape Architecture 2006 UCLA Extension Landscape Architecture Program Student of the Year 2005 ASLA Merit Award for Excellence in the study of Landscape Architecture 2005 UCLA Extension Landscape Architecture Program Student of the Year j 2006-2006 UCLA Extension Landscape Architecture Program Awards of Excellence & Honor 2005 Finalist for BIA Elan Award- Best Model Home Landscape- Griffen Homes 2005 Finalist for Laurel Award- Best Model Home Landscape- Griffen Homes 1 ; 2005 Finalist for BIA Elan Award- Best Model Home Landscape- Griffen Homes TEACHING 2005- Present Cal State University, Department of Extended Learning, Northridge, CA Instructor in the Landscape Design Certificate Program I RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE E i Los Angeles Dept. of Recreation and Parks Citywide Needs Assessment, Los Angeles, CA i Compton Creek Earthen Bottom Enhancement Feasibility Study, Los Angeles, CA Albion Park, East Los Angeles, CA ~ EI Hoyito Park, East Los Angeles, CA j ~ BioTech Campus,Thousand Oaks, CA ;, i !^~^^~~^^~1~ ! ^1'1^^1~^^1^1^^1^ + associates i 8 I n n d~~ n p r n r r h i/ r, l u r e ~~ '_ ._ _.._ _ . 4 ^ ^ Statement of Qualif cations .. - -. "__._ ^ ~. ^ ~ BALLARD ~~~ING ^ Recrrahoo ratllity1'ltuu~uttt and'Openatinn.Consultanis ^ KEN BALLARD, C.P.R.P ^ President ^ >(c Education ^ • University of Colorado BS Recreation, BA History ^ • Certified Parks and Recreation Professional ^ * Professional Affiliations ^ • Athletic Business Magazine Advisory Board ^ • Colorado Parks and Recreation ^ Association • National Recreation and Park ^ Association • Metropolitan State College of ^ Denver -Former Adjunct Faculty >k Professional Experience As a founding partner of Ballard*King & Associates, Ken has over 30 years experi- ence in recreation facility operation and planning. Ballard*King & Associates was established in 1992 by Ken Ballard and Jeff King in response to the need for market driven and reality based planning for rec- reation facilities. In his years of work with B*K, Ken has pro- vided planning, feasibility and operations consulting to more than 250 recreation projects across the country. Ken is well known for his vast knowledge of recreation facility develop- ment and operations. His expertise has been developed over the years from a wide breath of experiences within recre- ational field. Ken's project experience includes feasibility studies, facility ^ construction and design process, space planning and equip- ment specifications, request for proposal, grand opening cele- ^ brations, preventive maintenance programs, staffing, budgeting, marketing, programming, parks and recreation master plans, as well as audits. ^ Ken's diverse experience has led to his active involvement with the Colorado Parks and Recreation Association's Recreation Facilities Design and Management School. For the past 13 years Ken has ^ been a faculty member at the Athletic Business Conferences, where he presented numerous sessions on recreation facility planning. In addition, he serves on the editorial advisory board and planning committee. ^ Prior to co-founding B*K, he was the Recreation Manager for the City of Thornton, CO, and was a key member of the team responsible for the pre-design phase of their recreation center. For 12 years ^ before joining them he was the Director of the Englewood, CO, Recreation Center, in charge of the operation and administration of the Englewood Recreation Center, which received the 1986 "Facility ^ of Merit" award from Athletic Business Magazine for design and operations excellence. ^ ~. ~~ ~~° o~ ~~ a ~_ I~ f ~ w ~~ 3 w .s ~_ a 9 ~. !~ ~. ~ r ~ ~__ --- ----------___ ___~ __~._----- 2. Project Approach ~ i - ~; : v I i ~---- --- _ ® ,: ~,. . _.___r--_ ~._ . _ 3 ,.. , - , ~ Vision, commitment, experience, balance and a sustainable perspective are the key factors on this S project that will bring success. ML+A has demonstrated over a decade of experience and commitment w to community based and sustainable design.We are an award winning firm that has been recognized for ~• innovative and comprehensive design. a c~ Project Understanding ^ The project involves the development of the City of Rosemead Parks and Recreation Master Plan with ' a public involvement process resulting in approval by the Parks Board and City Council. = ~~ ^ The master planning process should explore and examine: community park features to serve local and ^ regional residents and neighborhood park features to serve adjacent neighborhoods. ~ '~ w Project Team .~-. Lead Consultant ~, Mia Lehrer +Associates will act as prime consultant and be the continuous day to day contact for the s .o . City of Rosemead (City). We will provide team coordination facilitating regular meetings with the City; e a. oversee the existing data analysis for the preparation of a master plan; present materials for agencies ^ and other public representatives; meet with appropriate stakeholders, local organizations, community members, and others; and produce digital and hard copy deliverables, master plan renderings, and reports. The mission of the team is to develop a truly visionary yet attainable master plan for the City.As a . team, we will use our innovative design and technical expertise to assess existing resources, determine recommended guidelines for programs and facilities and create a master plan that will provide open space and recreational resources to residents and a safe, natural habitat in which wildlife can thrive. Our plan will address park needs and visions for the future for the diverse range of ages and interests in the Rosemead area. Most importantly our plan will include the action items that will make it a valuable and immediately useful planning tool for land acquisition decisions, park facility and program development and revenue sustainability. We will develop a master plan for a truly sustainable park system where parks use resources responsibly, are designed with long life cycle materials and systems; and help to provide alternative transit and ^ energy resources in their neighborhoods. We believe that parks play an important social role in our communities and we will develop the Rosemead Master Plan with this goal in mind. Meetings, Communication and Administration . Project meetings and communication will enable the project to move forward seamlessly. When organized, scheduled and carried out effectively, project meetings can be productive and efficient. . The ML+A project team will facilitate Working Grouping Team Meetings, Project Management Team meetings and the Technical Advisory Committee meetings. Project administration includes meeting . agendas, meeting notes, managing the budget, schedule, progress reports and invoicing. ~ 11 . -~~ a .o a a s a J t~ ~z Team Member Ballard*KingRssociates -Program and Service Analysis General Scope of Services • Gather and review existing data • Develop inventory of existing facilities and programs • Develop GIS demographic data • Conduct service area analysis of existing programs and services • Develop summary of comparable park systems • Develop and implement a public involvement program • Develop analysis of system management and organization • Identify park system stakeholders and interview candidates • Prepare design elements of the park master plan • Other miscellaneous tasks as negotiated Master Plan Elements • Land acquisition • Regional park features • Community park features • Neighborhood park features/gateways • Parking • ADAAccessibility • Best Management Practices TASKS Inventory Section 2 ~ ^ ^ S ^ Existing and Future Facilities-Analysis of Level of Service ML+A will conduct on the ground site visits and review pertinent planning and real estate documents related to existing park and recreation properties. ML+A will meet with regional state and county open space agencies including park districts, water resources agencies and planning agencies to insure ^ that the Master Plan for Rosemead looks beyond the open space and recreation resources in the City proper. s ^ ^ ^ U -Pro ect A roach -~ T -~ :~ _~ ® Gather and Review Existing Information and Data ® Inventory existing facilities and services ^ Gather and review relevant existing information held by LosAngeles County, City of Rosemead, regulatory agencies, natural resource agencies, utilities and others as necessary ® Information to be gathered and reviewed includes, but is not limited to: history of how the parks was developed, location of facilities and features, previous studies and reports, park plans, ® capital plans, drawings, utility placements, surveys, geotechnical reports, and other relevant ^ information • Determine existing site conditions and related design information ® Verify adequacy/accuracy of record information ® Demographic Analysis ^ The ML+A team will use GIS data and mapping to better understand the population of Rosemead. We will use service area mapping and demographic data as factors in determining the types of ^ programs and facilities needed by the community and where additional facilities need to be located. ® Analyze most recent available demographic data for the City of Rosemead including o Age ® o Ethnicity o Median Income ^ o Other relevant data ^ Analysis of Programs and Services ® The ML+A team will meet with Park and Recreation program planners and operators to assess existing programs. ML+A will investigate facilities and programs offered by private operators to insure that we ^ have a comprehensive view of programs and services currently offered in the City of Rosemead. ^ Collect and analyze information on recreation programs, operations and participation ^ ® Needs Assessment ® Public Process ML+A understands that it is critical to communicate directly with the customers who currently use ^ the City's programs and facilities as well as those who do not currently participate. We will meet with City representatives, stakeholders, park users and other groups to obtain citywide input. ^ ^ Develop and Implement a Public Involvement Program • Develop a process encouraging all interested parties to participate in the planning and design ® process for the park. ® Identify and solicit comment from an extensive list of potential stakeholders, including but not limited to: adjacent neighborhoods, city residents, those employed in the area, park tenants, ^ wildlife viewing and protection groups, bicycle, pedestrian and trail user groups, etc. ® Lead the public involvement throughout the master plan process • Organize at least 5 public meetings, including but not limited to: ^ ,. ~ .... ,~ b~ ~,, g~ ~, a " ~., ., .~ ~, ~.. ~LL ~. o, ;o q S. 1,3 .. ;•~ ~. ~~ 0 a .~ s d J R Section 2 o One early in the planning process for brainstorming and creativity o One after consultation with appropriate regulatory, natural resource and other agencies to present the draft plan with cost estimates and permitting issues identified o Park Board o Council Public Works Committee o Public Hearing/City Council. Present information to, and gather information from participants Park board, council committee(s), formal public hearing/city council meeting for adoption Cost & Financial Analysis Prepare cost projections for the recommended priorities-operations, programs and maintenance. Provide information required to develop a 15-year detailed funding and financing plan -including costs to implement the recommendations for development of new parks and facilities and for the renovation of existing parks and facilities. Segregate costs resulting from the correction of current deficiencies from those necessitated by growth from new development and from those that result from increases in existing standards. Prepare cost projects in current dollars for the recommended priorities for capital improvements. Implementation Plan Action Plan A plan is only as successful as the implementation.We will develop an action plan that provides priorities and a clear path towards implementation. In this challenging economy, it will be critical to accurately assess financial resources and potential funding sources. We will develop a business oriented action plan that will guide programs, facilities and operations. • Develop recommendations for operations, staffing, maintenance and programming • Develop budget analysis and funding recommendations for short mid and long term development, operations and maintenance. • Provide a maintenance and operation analysis • Provide land acquisition recommendations Development of Final Plans and Supporting Materials Final plans and supporting materials will be designed and produced to be immediately useful for grant j and funding request support. Master plan concepts will be sufficiently detailed to provide design j guidelines for future park design with goals to create a strong sense of place, sustainable practices and systems in City open space, and responsible use of City funds for parks and recreation. j Develop Design Elements of the Park Master Plan and Public Open Space and Trail • Develop data and analysis into graphic and written formats for presentation and discussion with ^ the public, city entities, natural resource agencies and others as necessary 14 :' i j Project Approach , ` _ I. • ~_ Evaluate existing park facilities and study park improvement strategies. Prepare preliminary design alternatives that incorporate recreation facilities, revenue generation sources, habitat improvements ; ; ; . ^ and other improvements to service the local community. Prepare preliminary designs for: a • Pedestrian and multi-modal trail systems =_ • Park gateways and neighborhood or mini-parks adjacent to neighborhoods ^ Restroom and other structure renovations ~~ ® Parking improvements ~ 3 ~~ • Signage -informational, interpretive, educational ; • Review preliminary designs with regard to aesthetics, cost, permitability, technical suitability, public . involvement, funding options and appropriateness .• .~ . • Design tasks shall be based on consultation with appropriate natural resource and regulatory e agencies, including but not limited to: A ^ Incorporate preliminary designs into a master plan conceptual drawing to scale. L7' a . • Include preliminary designs for all facilities and illustrations of important park areas • Provide cost estimates, permitting and development timelines -itemizing each element for . development. _ i • Conduct public meetings and stakeholder meetings to review park master plan options and develop funding and partnership opportunities. ^ After receiving city approval of concepts and designs, produce final master plan for the park. L , , Client's Responsibilities ~ The City of Rosemead shall provide existing pertinent data, documents, previous studies, topographic ^ surveys and other information, as necessary, to complete the work outlined above. The City will provide information on the permitting and approvals process for parks within the City. j l - I 15 ^ d V O Q d L d J f0 ', I6 Section 2 S 7 8 9 10 II 12 e e . ^ 3. Related Experience/ ~ _ Customer References ~ .. ~ City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation >t Parks Communit ^ Needs Assessment LOS ANG ELES, CA Mia Lehrer, Design Partner, Esther Margulies, Managing Partner, Jan Dyer, Project Manager ^ a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Y '° e~ o. ; c, The City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks is commencing the process of developing ~ a citywide park master plan and a five year capital improvement plan. The first step of this process is w to conduct a "Needs Assessment" for the City.The Needs Assessment will gather, assess and analyze =~ information regarding current and future recreational needs. Key issues affecting park usage will ~°~ be determined and presented in a Final Report which will contain detailed recommendations and d conclusions and will be supported by an Action plan for the Department. The objective of the Needs Assessment and subsequent master planning process is to develop • strategies to help prioritize and address the tremendous needs for: additional recreation and park s land, improvements necessary to existing facilities to meet current and future community needs, prevention of future maintenance problems, and to offer positive alternatives to an increasingly dense .e and urbanized population. o Specific Services Provided: • Worked Closely with LA Dept. of Rec & Parks as Prime Consultant • Project Schedule Management • Stakeholder Identification • Outreach/ Public Meeting Facilitation • Developed Project Graphics and Communication • Conducted Site Analysis & Facility Reviews --..~- . W=~ ~~ 0~ o o.. 0 WHAT IS YOUR VISION? iNECESITAMOS SU PARTICIPACION! a t~ .V O_ Q d s d J _R 18 Los Angeles River Revitalization AAaster Plan LOS ANG ELES, CA Mia Lehrer, Design Partner, David Fletcher, Project Manager Section ,3 The Los Angeles River Revitalization Master Plan represents a milestone achievement for Los Angeles in its massive scope: coalescing diverse stakeholders around a revitalization agenda that transforms 32 miles of concrete-lined River in public green space, in the heart of one of America's densest cities. Mia Lehrer + Associates led efforts to plan a comprehensive open space network in and around the Los Angeles River corridor.WithTetraTech, Inc. as the prime consultant, ML+A collaborated with two other Landscape Architecture firms, Civitas, and WenkAssociates, on an 18 month master plan for the Los Angeles River. A bold commitment is made to restore riparian habitat and to reconnect park-poor neighborhoods to River green-space. The plan presents a vision for transforming the River over several generations, creating a significant public legacy for the children and grandchildren of those who will witness its implementation. To demonstrate opportunities made possible with a revitalized River, 20 Opportunity Areas were identified along the River corridor to illustrate what m fight be feasible through implementation of various improvement scenarios. The plan is the result of a comprehensive analysis and many stakeholder and public meetings.The public workshops, which included education on watersheds and sustainability, played a major role in informing the process and identifying priority areas and issues. The open space network includes recommendations for an integrated alternative transportation network, connecting existing and new open spaces to the River. Specific Services Provided: Identification of Project Stake Holders Community Workshops Stakeholder Identification Development of Project Graphics/ Illustrations -- j1® J ^ Southern California Chapter ofAmerican Society of LandscapeArchitects 2007 HonorAward in Planning &Anayysis Related Experience/ . ~~- ~ °. Customer_ Re_ ferences - _ ~_ ~ Ballona Creek and Trail Master Plan Study LOS ANGELES, CA Mia Lehrer, Design Partner, Esther Margulies, Managing Partner The Master Plan Study identified potential improvements to the existing trail and explored physical and contextual linkages to other projects related to Ballona Creek. The Master Plan . Study was conducted in the fall and winter of 2000/2001. An initial Stakeholder meeting brought together a broad coalition . of local, state, and nonprofit groups to discuss plan elements and share information on projects related to the creek. Two ^ public workshops were held,the first to identify public priorities and the second to present preliminary Master Plan concepts. . Comments from the workshops are reflected in the Plan. Ballona Creek presently consists of a nine-mile stretch of concrete and asphalt within a drainage channel responsible for a 127 square mile watershed. The bike trail is an important recreational, cultural and education resource, linking some of the most heavily urbanized areas of the city to the vast recreational resources of the beaches and beach bike path. The trail also links local parks, schools and libraries and is becoming an important commuting path to the creative and new media/technology districts in Culver City. In the future it will make important connections to the 1,200-acre Baldwin Hills Park and the Ex- positionTrail, adding a link to downtown Los Angeles. This project identified and prioritized opportunities for bicycle ^ path and creek improvement projects along Ballona Creek from Syd Kronenthal Park in Culver City to the end of the bikeway ^ in Marina del Rey. Broad concepts over the length of the trail were developed and a number of more specific improvement ^ opportunities were examined that could serve as pilot projects in the near future as funds and opportunities become available. ^ Through meetings with stakeholders, community members and other interested parties the following overall goals were estab- lished for the Master Plan Study by Mia Lehrer +Associates: • Create a safe and enjoyable bikeway • Improve the visual quality of the bikeway • Improve the water quality in Ballona Creek • Maximize the educational potential of Ballona Creek • Connect the Ballona Bikeway with other bikeways and facilities along its length • Ecosystem restoration ~~ Specific Services Provided: • Coordinated Stakeholder Identification • Facilitated Community Outreach • Developed Master Plan for the Creek Trail System • Associate Open Spaces T -~ 1' ~~ N (D ~D o- w a Gl fo `~ ifl• 3 w -a :- • r-. .~ e e A '~ A a ~.. I 19 i___. _ _ . Ballona Creek in 191 I Existing Conditions of Ballona Creek d .~ 0 a a J ~_ i Compton Creek Regional Garden Park Master Plan COMPTON, CA Mia Lehrer, Design Partner, David Fletcher Project Manager Section 3 Set within a 42.1 square mile sub-watershed, Compton Creek is an important tributary to the Los Angeles River.The Compton Creek Regional Garden Park Master Plan is the result of a one-year effort by ML+A, the city of Compton, and the Rivers and Mountains Conservancy for the redevelopment of the city's existing flood control channel and adjacent land into a safe, ecologically beneficial, multi-use, public greenway. The plan capitalizes on a shift in public policy in Los Angeles County that redefines the function of its watercourses from single purpose, flood protection systems to integrated, multi-purpose corridors. Through community outreach and stakeholder driven process, the master plan's central goal was the transformation of an urban flood control channel into a vital open space network and bikeway, and improving its connection and perception within the community. It then focuses at a more detailed scale to address ecological, development, and circulation issues within Compton. Implementation of the Master Plan will result in a 3.75 mile-long park system of gardens, plazas, trails, habitats, outdoor classrooms, promenades, and integrated best management practices (BMP)s.The vision emphasizes a livable, walkable, urban community that is oriented to and informed by the Creek. Shortly following the completion of the Master Plan, an outdoor classroom identified in the plan was built by the Santa Monica Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority, and opened in January, 2007. Further improvements are pending. Specific Services Provided: • Prime Consultant • Master Plan Development for Riparian Open Space System 20 Master Plan Aerial So. California Chapter of American Society of Landscape Architects 2007 Merit Award in Planning & Analysis _______ _ ~ .. Related -Experience/ • ~ ~= ' Customer References . .. _ - _-- .___.. _ s____ _._~___~..~_-- -- -_.._;-___ .. . Peck Park Canyon Master Plan SAN PEDRO, CA Esther Margulies, Managing/ Design Partner ^ ^ ^ s ^ ^ ^ Mia Lehrer + Associates lead a multi disciplinary project team to develop a master plan for park improvements surrounding a natural stream in an urbanized area of Los Angeles. Peck Park Canyon in San Pedro represents a unique opportunity to link an active recreation park to a natural habitat. The Canyon, a 60 acre series of canyons with steep slopes and a natural seasonal stream, has been severely eroded by storm water run off and lack of maintenance. The site is part of an historic riparian corridor that stretches from the Palos Verdes Hills to the San Pedro Bay. The wild area of the City Park is unknown to many local residents who fear the general lack attention and use. ML+A worked closely with Lani (Los Angeles Neighborhood Initiative) and local stakeholders to develop proposals for habitat restoration, nature education, trails and cultural interpretation. The Master Plan also developed recommendations for sustainable approaches to water quality improvements and erosion control. The first sustainable practice to be implemented was the replacement of brush clearing by motorized tools with goats. Portions of the project are currently being considered in a highly competitive water quality improvement project selection process. ~~ .F c ro' ~ e Q¢ c ~ ~~~ S~O~ 0e 0 Q- ~ ~ r . • 'Di..o. ~ ~ `le` ~o JQQ¢ 295 '4~ ~~~.J `l \~.f-,Y~` r+ ~ ~-ai,.~ 'a '+ ,r '~ ~~ *,k1 ~ ;rte ~r %'i Q` 0 5~. ;c` , 2~° .~ oQ Q a `' z ,~~ ~ _ Qc` ¢ ,c 300 Specific Services Provided: • Prime Consultant • Master Plan Development for Park ant Trail System including Stormwater best management practices and native vegitation concepts • Facilitated Community Meetings • Assisted with Grant Proposals T ~. w o' a c-, . ;v ~~ 3 N: ~. -a .6' A ~. A A v. i i .~ 2.~~: ;. ~. d .o d s a J _~ Section 3 t Hollywood Park Redevelopment ~ ~ INGLEWOOD, CA Mia Lehrer, Design Partner, Esther Margulies, Managing Partner, Hong Joo Kim Project Manager Hollywood Park, a new mixed community, is envisioned as a compact, walk able, mixed-use community, where many elements are brought together to create an environment where residents can live, shop, play and have an easy access to the Westside Los Angeles job market. Hollywood Park is located in the City of Inglewood, east of the 405 Freeway and north of the 105 Freeway, within the Centinela Valley and the South Bay region. The Specific Plan area is located two miles east of the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and several blocks southeast of downtown Inglewood. It is a place where the traditional assets of the Inglewood suburban setting are complemented with an increased range of lifestyle choices made possible by a retail/entertainment center, superior public parks and range of housing options, all within comfortable walking distance. The purpose of the Hollywood Park Specific Plan is to provide the land use framework for the re- development of the 238-acre Hollywood Park site with a mix of parks, retail, housing, entertainment, gaming, hotel and civic uses. The Hollywood Park Specific Plan sets limits on the overall amount of development and allowable land uses in the Hollywood Park, provides the general standards for street dimensions, parking, building types, improvements and landscaping, and sets overall height limits and density limits for Hollywood Park. This Specific Plan creates a framework for design and development that will happen over many years. SjSecif c Services Provided: • Full Landscape Design Services Provided (Specific Plan Through Construction Administration) for Residential Streetscape and Four Neighborhood Parks 22 Illustrative Site Plan ~~~ ~ ~ _ ~ Related Experience/ . ~. Customer References.... s _~ ~i~ ____-_.~._ Hollywood Park Redevelopment INGLEWOOD, CA In the newest of Inglewood's neighborhoods, the pedestrian will have priority. Development will be compact and focused around a public park system, connecting the residential areas to the retail/en- tertainment center. Hollywood Park's streets, the primary public realm that defines the development ^ parcels, will be built to create a vibrant street life that encourages walking, not just as an alternate to driving, but as a pleasurable activity in itself. Walkways will be generous, continuous, well-lit and pro- tected with a canopy of trees. On-street parking, multiple residential front doors and active ground floor commercial will activate and provide a sense of community stewardship for those streets. As a complement to the street network, a comprehensive public park system will not only offer a wide . range of passive and active recreational opportunities, but also enrich and support the overall walking experience. Residents will have the option of walking to work, restaurants services and recreation . areas. Hollywood Park will accommodate bicyclists on bike lanes that will run adjacent to parks and will connect the Hollywood Park residential areas to the retail/entertainment center. Also, the existing ^ Inglewood bike routes will be connected into the Hollywood Park development. Champion Park Rendering ^ ^ ^ ^ `• ~ / ! `fin ~ ~~ 1 "y r `~.f"~ \~4 `~ .,. _ I J~,,.~ ~, ,~, , ~ ~I19. ~~ ~~~ di /rp : , s y' ~'yp..,,~. ~r ~~1I .:": '9w' 1, L ,s.:."..rrr sr ~ v _Gm 1S~~SU1N1~~`(h'll~~~~"'~.5+~`'`~ ~ 46'ti ' !y ~,.ri,q„ ~ 19%.s~q K Amiu~,t1~7yylL'j h~l I ~I~ b 1 r . ..._. ._,___, . I ~ ~~ ^ n IWWItIIL` ~q~~~I 'bILA;J11~r~d~, ~ ~~~ 1~` u1~1~'~Ir I ~ 1 ._ ,,, ~1 ry , ~ s syst~;e-`*r" 1, a\. ~ ,BIVi ` -..~,.. ~ .qt+• 1<l r"' ~s~~{ , , / ' r n ~>1ih 1,,~+~1, 1 ,Phrv,.s ,>r i '~ `,~~, a't :~;'.np, aH'~'X~+'IJSG'"r ~ ~ `~~ ~ I ,,~/ ~~ ~'~~~!! t ~1,t pei ate.!{ .av}rS~~ay~W ~'J~~~~;tt~~^A-~ ~~11~~1A111~~t+~~ ~`'i~' I r'' 0 Sir ,~ \, ! ~s)ilrrNNl~v,h `t~~y~ ~~ ~_~ h I ~4' _ ~~u~ll~tl\~~~\~\~1,~Vt''~` .u'~j~\~i~\~~ba ~,.^ d , -~ 1.~~~~~,r~'I~ ~(j~ ,~11T\l~~ ll~ta~~~ ~~'~y,: `-`-__---...~_ ~ µ~j-!,~!'~~.~'' ,. !. !!1 ~I (` Zr , ~~ ,- Ali! U~. ,_ ..,, 'I~f~~l111~j~tl ~ . ~~ ~ ~ 'vty. v _~ ~ . ~ ~ ~~~ I~ ~~ . ~ >„ ja~l t ~ ~~I ~ r~ ~ 1 ~~~~~ s~~ ~~Ip ~~ ~ 1:~ ~,n~yll~ijl.~j~~;r~ ~n ~~ ~'~ ~ ~n~ ,,;.f ~ •Ir~~l~j~ ~~ 11 III ' ~ ~ ~ - -' ~~ ~ ' ~ .~~,~,~~'~,~ , ~~t ,~ ~iB I~'V~ l ~~ ~'~~ j ~1~~~~ ~~~' Ir ,1 ~ , r ~~ ,,,; .~u,'~F~ ,~ i ~ Ir~l,k ~~~ ) ~ j~,'~~~~ I ~ '! I ~ IG fly , ~ ~ ~4 "rtr%~~i% , rat" ~ ~ ~t~.~ ~1~9t (~ j, t l XjJN~/ ~'r ~1~ ~q P I ~~,'~r t ~~~a; 1~~'f JI' I I ~ ~x n:~ . Lake Park Rendering T w _~, w 0 a ~ . m ~. T - ~. N• 3 w iD -o . . 0 a I' . I ` ~. 1 !. 23 ( ~e ~~ ~ ,~ Section 3 I - - __ ~ a ~ + Baldwin Hills Park Vision and Master Plan L LOSANGELES, CA °~ Mia Lehrer, Design Partner, Esther Margulies, Managing Partner, Holly Kuwayama, Project Manager The Baldwin Hills are a key component of the 127-square mile Ballona Creek watershed, a part of the Inglewood Newport Structural Formation, and are bounded on the west by Ballona Creek. Currently 350 acres of the total area are part of the Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area and another 40 acres are part of the Culver City park system. There are approximately 900 acres leased for oil and gas ^ production that have been scraped and graded since the oil extraction began in the 1920's. ^ Mia Lehrer + Associates and Hood Design were chosen through a competitive process to develop a master plan for the creation of atwo-square mile urban park, in the Baldwin HiIIs.The Baldwin Hills Park Master Plan balances preservation, conservation and restoration of sensitive native habitat, active and passive recreation, community, education and cultural facilities, and the creation of economic generators.The plan has been shaped by the natural land formations, efforts to restore large areas of native vegetation and wildlife habitat and the community process that was an integral part of the design process. The Master Plan establishes a sustainable framework for development including restoration of native ___. ___ vegetation; concentration of grading and other construction in flatter; previously graded portions of the site; a proposed alternative fuel tram system; limited use of private vehicles, reduction in use of herbicides and pesticides; heat island reduction; water conservation through use of native and drought tolerant plant materials; use of recycled materials; and the retention of stormwater on site for . groundwater recharge or re-use. The most daring part of the plan is the proposal to build a I/2 mile land bridge across an existing 6 lane divided roadway to add usable park area and to restore wildlife ^ connections across the site and ultimately to Ballona Creek to the west. The project will provide unmatched resources within walking distance of adjacent communities, which are characterized by high ethnic minority populations. The expanded park will provide miles of hiking and biking trails in addition to state of the art environmental education facilities. Larger community wide goals include providing job and education opportunities; developing high quality active recreation . sites; providing community gathering areas; and developing performance and cultural event venues. Specific Services Provided: • Site Analysis • General Plan Report Document Creation ^ • ParkVision & Goals Creation • CommunityWorkshop Facilitation • Park Programming Development • Community Outreach Program Development ^ • Master Plan Park Design i I i 24 I ---- ---r-~---'~--~------~'" ~ °-~ _ ~'~~~ 4. iSAi k,~.i:~Y'H`.,j+ir}I~ ~„ir},.~tc~c.~ .Cp.~L~tl~~;1~r-~~~_~`~~~,1"fi`i-^ ~t~.~`+~.'t.'~r-`~'-~ '~.~ F.t ru' Yid ~...+'~^ f ~~ '=~~~~_._.~~h+~'*m,~M+•-'W.^~s :~~ ~ _ - 1 ~"~ _ yy.. ~ ,r4.~w "'?~ ,~ , ~~~ ~ ~~ ~, Btt ., -- ~y~ ~ ,, ~. ~,_ .... ,, .r ,~ y _ ~ . fi 1 Conceptual Sketch of Proposed Land Bridge Across La Cienega Boulevard Related Experience/ ~ ~. Customer References. , ~ ~ - w San Pedro Downtown Development and Waterfront Plan SAN PEDRO, CA Mia Lehrer, Design Partner, Esther Margulies, Managing Partner, David Fletcher, Project Manager ^ ^ a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i The design team was selected from among six national finalists to design and implement aseven- mile waterfront project that is expected to promote economic development in San Pedro, and draw attention to one of the world's busiest and most successful ports.The cornerstone of the design project is a waterfront plaza at Sixth Street and Harbor Boulevard that will connect historic downtown San Pedro to the water.The contiguous promenade will link the downtown with new parks, marinas, and a waterfront commercial district. As the landscape architect, we have been working closely with the city council, advisory committees, and local stakeholders, which includes presenting at regular community meetings and workshops. Our involvement in this process has exposed us to this wonderful port community.We have gained valuable insights to the needs and desires of the local residents, commercial businesses, and port agencies. As a result of our research and involvement in public meetings, we have a growing understanding of the local habitats and environmental conditions unique to the communities of and surrounding the port. The influence of adjacent existing and proposed land uses in San Pedro will significantly determine the individual characteristics of our plan, but overall, the promenade is to be the one prominent and recognizable design element for the entire project - a memorable walk s that unites the length of the shoreline and feeds into adjacent pedestrian systems. Specific Services Provided: • Provided Regional Open Space Analysis & Mapping • Master Plan Concept Development for a System of Parks and Open Spaces Ranging From Boulevards to a 25 acre Public Park & Other Interpretive Sites Along the Waterfront • Assisted in Preparing/ Presenting Presentations to Port Staff, Stakeholder Groups and Community Wide Workshops. o. w c , w ~~ 3 w ~_ .o a ~ 25 Conceptual Park /Open Space Program d R ~V Q d a Vista Hermosa Park LOS ANGELES, CA Mia Lehrer, Design Partner, Esther Margulies, Managing Partner, Jeff Hutchins, Project Manager Section 3 I~ _J i 26 The park provides nearby residents with unique access to both athletic facilities and a chance to experience nature within walking distance of their urban neighborhood. Vista Hermosa is intended to be more than a recreational park, however; it is envisioned as an educational platform from which children develop knowledge, and are inspired to have pride in their community.Though the park will be open to the public, LA-area schools will be encouraged to use it for educational and interpretative ^ programs. The park also incorporates layers in sustainability practices, including storm water collection in a subsurface cistern for on-site irrigation use, meadows and bioswales that filter the water before it ^ enters the cistern, permeable materials used in the parking lot and pathways, and buildings with green roofs that utilize natural lighting, as well as have the capability to incorporate solar collection trellis . panels. Specif c Services Provided: • Site Design • Full Landscape Architecture Services Greenroof Restrooms ~ Related Experience/; ~~ Customer .References ^ e ^ S - ..Ba~:ILARD ~~~ING~ _. _. K«cmltioaF'uiiIityHldnniugnnd,Q{xtrntioi~'Cyn3ulianta Brunswick Parks and Recreation Master Plan- Brunswick, MO Ballard*King and Associates (BKA) as part of a larger project team provided specific planning services related to the delivery of recreation programs and services and the determination of specific recreation facility needs. West Sacramento Parks Master Plan Implementation Strategy- West Sacramento, CA Taking the parks master plan developed by another firm, BKA established a detailed implementation strategy and action plan for the study. Specific tasks and timelines were developed and priorities determined for a variety of parks and recreation facilities. Surprise Parks and Recreation Master Plan- Surprise,AZ Ballard*King and Associates as part of a larger project team, was responsible for developing the recreation program and service delivery sections of the master plan document as well as the recreation facilities portion of the study. St. Charles County Strategic Plan and Recreation Center Study- St,. Charles, MO BKA completed an assessment of recreation program and facility needs for this suburban St. Louis county. Ballard*King was a part of a larger project team. Albemarle County Community Recreational Needs Assessment Study - Charlottesville,VA Ballard*King and Associates was the lead firm for this master plan study that was completed in three parts. Phase I determined overall county parks and recreation needs and assessed the strengths and weaknesses of the current department. From this an indoor recreation facilities action plan was developed as Phase II. The last phase established basic parks and recreation facility standards based in part on benchmarking with other local agencies as well as prominent county departments nationwide. Eureka Parks and Recreation Master Plan- Eureka, MO As part of an overall project team, BKA completed a parks and recreation master plan for the community. BKA's efforts focused on determining recreation program and service needs as well as recreation facility needs to support a growing community. Wentzville Parks and Recreation Master Plan- Wentzville, MO Ballard*King and associates working with several other firms completed a parks and recreation master plan. BKA was charged with the analysis of recreation program and service needs and the justification for the development of an indoor recreation center. .~ N. w o. a ., w _ ~_ 3+ w -o ..-, ~. 0 .e .o fl a I 27 +_ i .o 4 i L J ~ i ~ ... 28 Section 3 - -1~I1J~LA.RD ~~~G ~ '~`'' .~ t15S(~CI,AT.FS LTU ~~ R~~cmation Fo~itity Planning and. t3jxrutioo Consultants West Ouachita Recreation District Master Plan- Monroe, LA Working in conjunction with two other firms, Ballard*King and Associates is completing a recreation facilities master plan for this recreation district. Eastern Rio Blanco Recreation Master Plan- Meeker, CO BKA was the lead firm for the development of a recreation master plan for the district that outlined citizen needs and priorities for facility development and service delivery. Phase II of the study focused on the establishment of a specific plan to develop indoor recreation facilities in the district. Queen Creek Parks and Recreation Master Plan- Queen Creek,AZ Ballard*King and Associates worked with other team members to complete a comprehensive parks and recreation master plan for this fast growing community. BKA was responsible for establishing recreation program and service delivery priorities, the identification of active recreation facility needs and the establishment of a fee policy for services. Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District Comprehensive Plan - Beaverton, OR Ballard*King and Associates working with other team members, completed a comprehensive parks and recreation master plan for this large park district. BKA was responsible for reviewing recreation program and service delivery priorities and identification of active recreation facility needs. In addition BKA assessed parks maintenance functions and recommended a reorganization of the division. ~ ~ Related Experience/ .Customer References. ^ + associates . REFERENCES-Master Plan r,„„t„., 1,~~ „=~,,rrt~~i„r,- ^ BALDWIN HILLS PARK-Los Angeles, CA I. Baldwin Hills Conservancy 2. David McNeill, Executive Officer (310) 641-7983 3. 200 I 4. Site analysis, park vision and goals creation, park programming development, Master Plan park design, community outreach program development, community workshop facilitation, e, general plan report document writing. LOS ANGELES RIVER REVITALIZATION MASTER PLAN -Los Angeles, CA I . City of Los Angeles, Department of Public Works BOE ~; 2. Deborah J.Weintraub, Deputy City Engineer (213) 485-5499 3. 2007 ~, 4. Identification of Project Stake Holders, Community Workshops, Stakeholder Identification Development of Project Graphics/ Illustrations BALLONA CREEKTRAIL & BIKEWAY MASTER PLAN -Culver City, CA I. City of Culver City, City Hall 2. Shelly Wolfberg,Assistant to the City Manager (3 10) 253-6008 ® 3. 200 I ^ 4. Coordinated Stakeholder Identification, Facilitated Community Outreach, Developed Master Plan for the Creek Trail System, Associate Open Spaces ^ REFERENCES -Feasibility Studies/ Economic Impact Analysis COMPTON CREEK GARDEN PARK -Compton, CA I. City of Compton, City Council ^ 2. Yvonne Arceneaux, City Council Member (3 10) 605-5552 3. 2006 4. Prime Consultant, Master Plan Development for Riparian Open Space System LOS ANGELES NEEDS ASSESSMENT -Los Angeles, CA I . City of Los Angeles, Department of Recreation & Parks 2. Mike Shull, Superintendent, Planning and Development Division (213) 928-9195 3. 2008 4. Worked Closely with LA Dept. of Rec & Parks as Prime Consultant, Project Schedule Management, Stakeholder Identification, Outreach/ Public Meeting Facilitation, Developed Project Graphics and Communication, Conducted Site Analysis & Facility Reviews ~. ~~ ~- o. w a ,, _ ~' _~ ~. 3 N -o '3 .-. ..~' 0 0 A a 1 I. 29 .o d s J r ..._BALT.I-~U ~~~~ING r1 5~S~C.1AT~S LT 1). ~~ Recreation Facility Pliinning,nnd U~perntion Consultants Section 3 ~ ^ -- - ^ ' 30 ^ REFERENCES -Master Plan WEST OUACHITA RECREATION DISTRICT MASTER PLAN - MONROE, LA I. West Ouachita Recreation District 2. Mr. Randall McDonald, Board Member (318) 348-8956 3. 2008-Current 4. Recreation facilities master plan EASTERN RIO BLANCO RECREATION MASTER PLAN -MEEKER, CO I. Eastern Rio Blanco Recreation & Park District 2. Ms. Heidi Ham, Executive Director (970) 878-3403 3. 2005 4. Phase I :Development of a recreation master plan for the district that outlined citizen needs and priorities for facility development and service delivery. Phase 2: Establishment of a specific plan to develop indoor recreation facilities in the district. QUEEN CREEK PARKS AND RECREATION MASTER PLAN -QUEEN CREEISAZ I. Town of Queen Creek 2. Ms. Lisa Padilla, Facilities Development Coordinator (480) 987-0497 3. 2006 4. Established recreation program and service delivery priorities, the identification of active recreation facility needs and the establishment of a fee policy for services. REFERENCES -Feasibility Studiesl Economic Impact Analysis ST. CHARLES COUNTY STRATEGIC PLAN AND RECREATION CENTER STUDY - ST. CHARLES, MO I . City of St. Charles, Rec & Parks 2. Ms. Cathy Dedecker, Director of Recreation (636) 949-3372 3. 2004 4. Assessment of recreation program and facility needs ALBEMARLE CO. COMMUNITY RECREATIONAL NEEDS ASSESSMENT STUDY - CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA I . County of Albemarle 2. Mr. Pat Mullaney, Director of Parks and Recreation (434) 296-5844 3. 2004 4. Phase I: Determined overall county parks and recreation needs and assessed the strengths and weaknesses of the current department. Phase 2: Developed indoor action plan. Phase 3: Established basic parks and recreation facility standards based in part by benchmarking with other local agencies as well as prominent county departments nationwide. e ompensation :. ~ _ . ., ~~ ~ I & Fee Schedule -: r ~ 1 , .. - :_-- _ -~. _ _ . _ .._ __ - _ _ _.. _ _ __~_.__: ^ CITY OF PALM SPRINGS Parks and Recreation Master Planning Services (RFP 05-09) ^ PARKS, RECREATION, AND FACILITIES MASTER PLAN ^ FEES BY TASK Inventory ML+A 10,240.00 ^ Ballard*King Associates 7,500.00 $ 17,740.00 Needs Assessment ML+A 17,860.00 Ballard"King Associates 2,475.00 $20, 335.00 ^ Cost-Financial Analysis ML+A " 10,830.00 King Associates Ballard 6,000.00 ^ $ 16,830.00 Design Guidelines Master Plan Concepts ML+A 18,440.00 Implementation Plan ML+A 15,680.00 ^ Ballard"King Associates 3,750.00 $ 19,430.00 Fee Subtotal $ 92,775.00 Reimbursables ML+A 5,000.00 ^ Ballard*King Associates 7,900.00 $ 12,900.00 ^ Reimbursables Include: Travel & Transportation ^ Overnight Hotel Meals ^ Graphic Reproduction Advertisements . Direct Mail & postage Interpreters ^ Meeting space rentals Refreshments . Signage /boards Translations of collateral materials T .. -~ -~ '., ~, o~ a c, ~~ 3 N A '~ ,e' 0 !. J i .. ~~ +. l -31. ,. f, E i ~ ---- - ,: ., . ~, ..; ~.. .. F ~ tion c ~ ,.. e ,~ - :. ~ ~~ ~o ,. :.. , ~a ,+ ,y CITY OF PALM SPRINGS ^ . J Parks and Recreation Master Planning Services (RFP 05-09) ..:.,~; _ FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR DEVELOPING OPEN SPACE, PARKLAND, AND PUBLIC TRAILS ., FEES BY TASK i i Research ML+A 9,340.00 Ballard*King Associates 2,500.00 ~ : $ 11, 840.00 Cost Estimating ML+A 4,270.00 Ballard*King Associates 825.00 $5, 095.00 Assessment ML+A ' 10,580.00 Ballard King Associates 2,000.00 $ 12,580.00 ~ Report ML+A " 9,340.00 ^ Ballard King Associates 1,250.00 $ 10,590.00 ^ Fee Subtotal $ 40,105.00 ^ Reimbursables ML+A * 5,000.00 . Ballard King Associates 7,900.00 $ 12,900.00 Reimbursables Include: Travel & Transportation Overnight Hotel Meals Graphic Reproduction Advertisements Direct Mail & postage Interpreters Meeting space rentals Refreshments Signage /boards Translations of collateral materials i ~. `. I. 32