RRA - Item 3 - Development Proposal for A Mcdonald's Restaurant With Indoor Playplace to be located at 8548 East Valley BlvdTO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FROM: V_-KANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: SEPTEMBER 20, 2001 SUBJECT: DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL FOR A MCDONALD'S RESTAURANT WITH INDOOR PLAYPLACE TO BE LOCATED AT 8548 EAST VALLEY BOULEVARD Due to design revisions by the developer of the commercial center, the applicant has requested that this item be continued to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency on Tuesday, October 9, 2001. ~a . ~cN 2 5 2001 ITEM No. ~3 ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 8838 VALLEY BLVD., ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 • (626) 569-2100 • FAX (626) 307-9218 ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Q A 8838 VALLEY BLVD., ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 • (626) 569-2100 • FAX (626) 307-9218 A TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DIRECT~~~ DATE: SEPTEMBER 5, 2001 SUBJECT: DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL FOR A MCDONALD'S RESTAURANT WITH INDOOR PLAYPLACE TO BE LOCATED AT 8548 EAST VALLEY BOULEVARD This item was presented at the February 13 and the May 8, 2001 Rosemead Redevelopment Agency Meetings. The Agency continued this item at the last meeting to allow the developers an opportunity to re- design the project, address parking and traffic circulation concerns of the Agency, and to confirm a sit- down restaurant tenant. The project architect has revised the floor plan for Building "A" that fronts Valley Boulevard. The revision includes the removal of the entire second floor and the conversion of the first floor to a sit down restaurant use only (approximately 9,000 square feet). The second story office space that was deleted from the previous plan included approximately 8,000 square feet. Buildings "B" and "C" have remained as presented at the previous meeting. At the time of this report, staff had not received any confirmation from the developer regarding securing a sit-down restaurant tenant. The developer did inform staff that a tenant listing will be presented to the Agency at the day of the meeting. In light of these developments, there remains the fact that the McDonald's development under Design Review 01-89 and Zone Variance 01-303 would provide 75% less parking than the required number which would hinder vehicular and pedestrian circulation, access, and parking along Valley Boulevard, one of the goals for the Redevelopment Project Area No. 2 (Exhibit A). RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Redevelopment Agency find that the McDonald's development not in conformance with the redevelopment goal to improve vehicular and pedestrian circulation, access and parking along Valley Boulevard, due to providing less than the 75% of the required number of parking. Attachment(s): Exhibit A - Rosemead Redevelopment Project Area No. 2 Exhibit B - Letter from McDonald's Corporation ,Exhibit C - Development Plans AiGENDA SEP 14 20013 ITEM i No. A The Preliminary Plan is, not required to document blight or urbanization. Therefore, these issues will be discussed in detail in subsequent reports. REDEVELOPMENT GOALS The overall redevelopment goals of the Redevelopment Plan to eliminate existing blight in the Project Area are as follows: • Provide adequate infrastructure, including streets, streetlights, streetscapes and drainage that promotes safety, economic .;revitalization and community identity. Improve and expand public facilities in the project area. Provide a procedural and financial mechanism by which the Agency can assist public and private development, redevelopment and revitalization in the business community. • a' ote commercial development that is compatible in scale and design with the surrounding neighborhood. _ 0' Improve vehicular and pedestrian circulation, access and. parking along Valley Boulevard and Rosemead Boulevard. • Expand the commercial and industrial sector with establishments that improve the City's sales tax revenues and provide job opportunities. Encourage public participation in the. planning and implementation of the redevelopment plan. PRELIDUNTARY.PLAN CONTENTS The Preliminary Plan is required under Section 33324 of the CRL to include the following information: ' A description of the Project Area boundaries: A general statement of the land uses; layout of principal streets, population densities and building intensities and standards proposed as the basis for the redevelopment of the Project Area; A demonstration of how the purposes of CRL would be attained by such development; A demonstration that the proposed redevelopment conforms to the General Plan; and A general description located within the neighborhoods.. P.OSEN.a4D REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTAREA NO. 2 of the impact of the project upon residents Project Area and upon the surrounding - EXHIBIT A ? .z s$ j iF' ctn. mebonaia's July 24. 2001 Via Facsimile Transmission 626.307.9278 / U.S Mail Mr. Brad Johnson Planning Director City of Rosemead - Planning Department 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Re: Proposed McDonald's Relocation Dear Mr. Johnson: McDonald's Corporation 21300 Victory Boulevard Suite 900 Woodland Hills, CA 91367-2525 818/594-0525 Fax: 818/594-7599 This letter is written to express concern regarding the delays that have occurred in the approval process for the proposed relocation of the McDonald's restaurant located at 8310 East Valley Boulevard to the SWC of Valley Boulevard and Walnut Grove Avenue. McDonald's Corporation originally submitted its application to the City on February 12, 2001. As you will recall, the completed application included a specially designed building which was the result of collaboration between McDonald's and the Rosemead Planning Department staff. Since the submittal, McDonald's representatives have attended two hearings with the Redevelopment Agency, (April 101r and May 8`n). As 1 am sine you know, McDonald's has been both surprised and frustrated at the outcome of both of the meetings: First, we understood from planning representatives that meetings before the Redevelopment Agency were rare and had not been required in a number of years. We therefore question why this relocation project begs departure from the normsl process. Secondly, at each meeting, the Agency has managed to raise new. and different issues, -which do not necessarily relate to the McDonald's relocation but to the larger proposed development instead. To compound matters, the Agency, in spite of the volume of information already provided by McDonald's and the developer continues to delay making a final decision on the project for reasons. which are unclear to both parties. Consequently, in spite of the time, effort and money invested over the past six months, there has been very little progress to date and we have no idea what to expect the next time we meet! . In light of these circumstances, McDonald's Corporation is extremely concerned by the, City's analysis of the project and more importantly, the length of time that the approval process is taking. This is exacerbated by the fact that the lease on the existing location will expire in approximately four years. Based on our existing lease terms and in light of market conditions, it is very unlikely that McDonald's will be able to come to terms with i MMCI h~ MCI W the property owner for a lease extension. Thus, if we are not able to secure approval for the existing project, we will be forced to seek other relocation opportunities. Which niay be outside of the City. To avoid this, I would ask that this project be reviewed expeditiously and on it's own merits. Time is of the essence! At no time dw'ing this entire process has anyone disputed the commitment and contribution that McDonald's has made to the Rosemead community. I think you will agree that throughout the thirty-years plus that McDonald's has operated in the City, the relationship has been mutually beneficial for both McDonald's and the Rosemead community at large. Although critics will argue that Rosemead does not need another fast food restaurant, it is important to review this project for what it really is, a simple relocation. As a result, McDonald's will have the ability to provide Rosemead citizens higher quality service in a more attractive and inviting environment. While McDonald's clearly understands the City's objectives and concerns over the larger development, we nevertheless believe that it is unfair and unwise to penalize and perhaps jeopardize it's long-standing relationship with McDonald's when we have clearly. demonstrated our ability to co-exist within the larger project once it is developed around nS. It is my hope that we can work together to move this project forward and to insure that McDonald's can continue to serve and contribute to the Rosemead community. My. colleagues and I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this matter with you in person. You can contact me at 818.594.7567 to arrange a meeting. I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to hearing from you soon. VON trulyv ups! 1111 Ha d io Kemp tm ' tnmunity Affairs Manager )Donald's Corporation Los Angeles Region JHK:me PC: Jay Imperial, Mayor Rosemead Redevelopment Agency Frank Tripepi, City Manager Paul Pernecky, McDonald's Operator Jim Carras. McDonald's Lisa Johansen. McDonald's AGENCY MEMORANDUM FROM: CITY CLERK DATE: SEPTEMBER 25, 2001 RE: AGENCY ITEM 3: DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL FOR A MC DONALD'S RESTAURANT WITH INDOOR PLAYPLACE TO BE LOCATED AT 8548 EAST VALLEY BOULEVARD This letter was received from Joseph Campbell, applicant, requesting that the aforementioned item be continued to the October 9 m meeting. SEF-21-2001 09:04 AM JOSEPH CAMPBELL Professional Service .2521 . San Clemente Ave. Alhambra, CA 91803-- 4341 626 284 0506 Rosemead City Hall Planing Department Rosemead, CA 91770 By FAX 626 307 9iM Attn: brad Johnson, 9~~$ Re: Meeting of Rosemead Redelvoment Agency Dear Mr. Johnson, September 20, 2001 We would like to presnet our plans for the project at Valley and- Walnut Grove on October 9, 2001 he acceptable. Thank You, ospeh Camp 1 Please let me know if this will f~ I I P.01 I ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 8838 VALLEY BLVD., ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 • (626) 569-2100 • FAX (626) 307-9218 AGENCY MEMORANDUM FROM: CITY CLERK 9 DATE: SEPTEMBER 25, 2001 RE: AGENCY ITEM 3: DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL FOR AMC DONALD'S RESTAURANT WITH INDOOR PLAYPLACE TO BE LOCATED AT 8548 EAST VALLEY BOULEVARD This letter was received from Joseph Campbell, applicant, requesting that -the aforementioned item be continued to the October 9°i meeting. SEP-21-2001 09:04 AM JOSEPH CAMPB= Professional Service 2521. San Clemente Ave. Alhambra, CA 91803-- 4341 626 284 0506 Rosemead City Hall Planing Department Rosemead, CA 91770 September 20, 2001 P.01 By FAX 626 307 90" vain Attn: brad Johnson, Re: Meeting of Rosemead Redelvoment Agency Dear Mr. Johnson, we would like to presnet our plans for the project at Valley and Walnut Grove on October 9, 2001 Please let me know if this will be acceptable. Thank You, i ospeh Camp 1