RRA - Item 2 - Authorization to Join The International Council of Shopping Centers'al[al'p ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: FEBRUARY 21, 2001 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO JOIN THE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SHOPPING CENTERS Attached for your consideration is information on the International Council of Shopping Centers. As you know staff and Council attended the local conference that was held in Palm Springs in September of 2000. This organization provides Agency Members with an opportunity to network with company representatives and developers. We are eligible to join as Public Members. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Redevelopment Agency authorize any Agency Member and the Executive Director to become members of the International Council of Shopping Centers. FEB ITEP 1 I'~8838 VALLEY BLVD., ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 • (818) 288-6671 • Telecopier 8183079218 AGENI'Dul OFFICERS l Chairman ROBERT L. WARD, Phoenix, AZ President JOHN T. RIOBDAN, New York, NV International Council of Shopping Centers Vice President, Committees x o - - / i New York, NY 10020-1099 T1221 AVODUB Of the fifRBfIDaS CHRISTOPHER A. FOX, Minneap lis, MN , Vice President, Eastern Division) , 646/728-3800 a Fax: 212/589-5555 a www.icsc.org GARY D. RAPPAPORT SCMD, SCSM, CLS.Vienna, VA - Vice President, Central Division NORRIS R. EBER, SCSM, CLS, Wheeling, IL Vice President, Western Division Dear Shopping Center Professional: THOMAS H. PURCELL, Newport Beach, CA Vice President, Southern Division JAMES E. MAURIN, Covington, LA Not so long ago, you attended a meeting of the International Vice President, Canadian Division I hope you obtained Centers (ICSC) Council of Sho in SEYMORE OBRONT Toronto, ON . pp g Secretary-Treasurer useful information and contacts at the meeting. CHRISTOPHER J. NIEHAUS. New York, NY BOARD OF TRUSTEES ' If you did, and are interested in becoming a member of } DREW ALEXANDER. Houston, TX t ALBERT J. AUER• Irvine, CA is an added incentive: here ICSC t RICHARD C. BAXTER, Vancouver, BC . , t RALPH BIERNBAUM Atlantis FL BRADLEY BLAKE, Emeryville, CA Y J. LORNE BRAITHWAITE. Toronto, ON Upon receipt and approval of your membership JOHN L. BUCKSBAUM. Chicago, IL t MATTHEW BUCKSBAUM, Chicago, IL application and full payment of one year's t JAMES R. BULLOCK, CSM, Burlington, ON PAUL CARTER, Bentonville, AR membership dues, ICSC will refund the non-member A. LARRY CHAPMAN Los Angeles, CA t MARTIN J. CLEARY, Cleveland, ON registration fee differential up to $100 that you paid t SYLVAN M. COHEN, Philadelphia, PA within the past six months ICSC meetin f DAVID J. CONTIS, CLS, Santa Monica, CA . g or any one JAMES H. CULPEPPER, IV, CSM, Charlotte, NO JOHN DeWOLF, Newton, MA ROBERT DINICOITA, Irving, If you would like to take advantagUe of this offer and join y MATTHEW S S. . D Chicsago, K b NAHUE N a } DANIEL W. D , Newport Beach, O G G h E ICSCf please complete the enclosed membership application U LA U , I L states s RONALD P D LA Ho man } ROMP DRACHMAS, Tucson , uest form found on the back of this letter. and refund re EBER, SCSM, CLS. Wheeling, IL NORRIS R. q STANLEY L STANLEY L. EICHELBAUM SCMD. Cincinnati, OH T' LEONARD L FARBE FARBER, CS M, FL Lautlertlale, FL BRYAN FIELDS, Atlanta, GA For more information about ICSC, enclosed please rind a MICHAEL T FLYNN. New Hyde Park, NY ' CHRISTOPHER A. FOX, Minneapolis, MN - copy of "Become a Member", or consult our web site: } KEMPER FREEMAN, JR., Bellevue, WA t DONALD H, GRAHAM, JR., SCSM, Honolulu, HI www.icsc.org. You and others in your company will find CHARLES GROSSMAN, New York, NV t M.G. HERRING, JR., Dallas, TX great value in ICSC's programs of education, publications, t DAVID E. ROCKER, CSM. Owensboro, KY t EDWIN N. HOMER, Mahanadi MI professional accreditation and deal making, as well as our STEVEN B. KAPLAN, San Bruno, CA T STEPHEN R. KARP, Newton, MA Idea Exchanges at the state/province level and new local BARRY D. KAUFMAN, Columbus, OR t JAMES E. KELLEY, Sidney, BC operations meetings. As an ICSC member, you will be CHARLES B. LEBOVITZ, Chattanooga, TN coming meetings and receive our monthly informed of all u " MICHAEL LOWENKRON, Dallas, TX p SCMD. Ann Arbor, MI } REBECCA L. MACCARDINI L. Publication Shopping Centers Today. KIEattlettle. , WA , , Seattle. DAVID L. BRUCE MACLEOD, New York, NY JULIAN E. MARKHAM. London, UK " JAMES E. MAURIN, Covington, LA URIN ' Members may avail themselves of ICSC services, order , JR., Newton. MA } WILLIAM H. t JAMES C. MCCLUNE, CSM, Grantham, NH publications and attend meetings at special member rates. t JEROME S. MaDERMOTT, CSM, Ellicott City. MD DOUGLAS McGREGOR, Columbia, MO ' KATHLEEN M. NELSON, New York, NV t HARRY NEWMAN, JR., Long Beach, CA We look forward to the opportunity to serve you again and ' CHRISTOPHER J. NIEHAUS, New York, NY ' SEVMORE OBRONT, Toronto, ON to welcoming you as a member of ICSC. RICHARD T O'CONNELL. JR., Rye Brook, NY T JEREMIAH W. O'CONNOR, JR., Now York, NY ' THOMAS H. PURCELL, Newport Beach, CA l Si ' GARY D. RAPPAPORT, SCMD, SCSM, CLS, Vienna. VA ncere y, T JOHN H. R , JR. CSM, San Francisco, CA } MALCOLM R R. RIL RILEY. Los Los Angeles, CA / RONALD RONALD BLEW, Philadelphia, PA } MEL SEMBLER, SL Petersburg, FL t JOHN D. SMITH, CSM. Atlanta, GA ' Kurt Wallin t RICHARD S. SOKOLOV, Youngstown, ON ALBERT SUSSMAN, New YO N USSMA International Membership Services Director e,Tit KEITH N, Knoxville, KEITT RENE TREMBLAY, Montreal, OB T KENNETH L. TUCKER, Highland Park, IL LEE H. WAGMAN, Hollywood, CA Continued ► PHILIP J. WARD, Hartford, CT ' ROBERT L. WARD, Phoenix, AZ ROBERT F. WELANETZ, SCSM, Atlanta, GA t JAMES W. WILSON, JR., CSM, Montgomery, AL WILLIAM WILSON, Charlotte, NO SCOTT A. WOLSTEIN, Beachwood, ON t NEIL R. WOOD, Newmarket ON l DONALD P WRIGHT, Pleasanton, CA recyc e! Paper ' Executive Committee t Past Chairman JFF (O,Q%ARE A NON-MEMBER KEEP READU You Ca`h'Qualify For A Refund of the Non-Member Differential that you Paid if you BECOME AN IC; Fill out the form below. Dear ICSC: I would like to take advantage of your offer to receive a refund of the non-member differential paid when I attended the - (Name of Meeting) (Date of Meeting) Enclosed is my membership application along with payment in full for my first year's membership dues. I understand that when my application is approved and my attendance at the above meeting .has been verified, I will receive a refund of the non-member differential that I paid to attend the meeting. Offer not to exceed $100 U.S. Signature Name Company Address City, State Zip Telephone# Fax# ***This offer applies to any one meeting, which you attended in the past six months. Return this form to: International Council of Shopping Centers Member Services Department 1221 Avenue of the Americas 4151 Floor New York, NY 10020-1099 Tel: (646) 728-3800 Fax: (212) 589-5600 REGULAR MEMBERSHIP $800 (U.S.) per year. Dues must accompany application. IF YOUR COMPANY IS ALREADY A MEMBER, PLEASE GO TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR AFFILIATE MEMBERSHIP. You are eligible for Regular Membership if your company is engaged in the development, ownership or manage- ment of shopping centers, is engaged in business as a merchant located in a shopping center or is engaged in business as a lending institution which provides equity, interim or permanent financing of shopping centers from its own funds. Each Regular Member company designates one person to act as its Official Member. An ICSC Member Sponsor is required on all Regular Member applications. Only Regular Members have voting privileges or may hold office in ICSC. Please fill out sections A. B. D, E, F and G on the reverse side. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP $800 (U.S.) per year. Dues must accompany application. IF YOUR COMPANY IS ALREADY A MEMBER, PLEASE GO TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR AFFILIATE MEMBERSHIP. You are eligible for Associate Membership if your company is engaged in a trade, profession or industry allied to the shopping center field (i.e., leasing agents, lawyers, mortgage brokers, architects, contractors, suppliers, promotion, advertising and public relations agencies, and merchant's associations located in shopping centers). Each Associate Member company designates the person to act as its Official Member. An ICSC member sponsor is required on all Associate Member applications. Please fill out sections A, C, D, F., F and G on the reverse side. AFFILIATE MEMBERSHIP $100 (U.S.) per year. Dues must accompany application. You are eligible for Affillate Membership if you are employed by a Regular or Associate Member, or are an offi- cer of a merchant association located in a shopping center of a Regular Member. You must be directly associat- ed with a member firm and your company title must be consistent with that of your Regular or Associate Member. You cannot become eligible through a subsidiary or commonly owned company. Applicants for Affiliate Membership are required to include the signature of the company's official member on their applica- tions. Please fill out sections A. D. F and G on the reverse side. PUBLIC/ACADEMIC MEMBERSHIP $100 (U.S.) per year. Dues must accompany application. This category of membership is open to any government entity and any appointed or elected public official at the city, state or national level. Also eligible are educators with a recognized college, university or educational institution and any such institution. Each Public/Academic Member entity designates one person to act as its Official Member. Please fill out sections A and 11 on the reverse side. PUBLIC/ACADEMIC AFFILIATE MEMBERSHIP $50 (U.S.) per year. Dues must accompany application. You are eligible for Public/Academic Affiliate Membership if you are employed by a Public/Academic Member. You must be directly associated with a member firm and your title must be consistent with that of your Public/Academic Member. Applicants for Public/Academic Affiliate Membership are required to include the sig- nature of the company's official member. Please fill out sections A and D on the reverse side. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SHOPPING CENTERS 1221 Avenue of the Americas ■ New York, NY 10020-1099 ■ Tel: 16461 728-3800 0 FAX: (212) 589-5555 (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) Ms. M:-IIIIIIIIIIiIIL~Jlllijl~ll(IIIIIIII FIRST INITIAL LAST TITLE ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I COMPANY MAILING ADDRESS A GITV Si ATE/PROVINCE/COUNTRY I I I I I I I I I' I I ' ZIP/POSTAL CODE TELEPHONE FAX E-MAIL ADDRESS ICSC Member Sponsor Company I am applying for Regular Membership $f300 ❑ Have you ever been a member of ICSC? ❑Yes ❑No Associate Membership - $B00 ❑ Has your company ever been o member of ICSC? ❑Yes ❑No Affiliate Membership- - $100 ❑ Do you hold an ICSC certifimrion? ❑Yes ❑No Public/Academic Membership $100 ❑ If yes, please list: Public/Academic Affiliate Membership $50 ❑ 1 hereby apply for membership in the International Council of Shopping Centers. If elected, I will abide by the Council's Anicles of Incorporation and By-Laws, support its objectives and pay the dues established by the Board of Trusteesfor my class of membership. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE SIGNATURE OF OFFICIAL MEMBER DATE B Specific Business Category (check all appropriate for your company's nature of business) ❑ OD Shopping Center ❑ LI Lending Institution ❑ MN Shopping Center ❑ RT Retail Owner/Developer Management Company Of those you checked, which ONE is your company's PRIMARY business? Specific Business Category-What is the PRIMARY nature of your company's business? (CHECK ONLY ONE) ❑ LF Low Firm ❑ ES Executive Search ❑ MA Morketing/Advertising ❑ RC Real Estate/Retail C ❑ PS Product Supplier ❑ AF Accounting/Financial Firm Public Relations Consulting ❑-CC Construction/Contractor ❑ LB Leasing Brokerage ❑ AD Architecture/Design ❑ OT Other (specify) ❑ MB Mortgage Broker O IN Insurance Title Category (CHECK ONLY ONE) D ❑ OW Owner/Portner/CEO/ [I MK Marketing Associate C1 VP Vice President ❑ LA Leasing Agent/ Chairman/President C] EV Executive/Senior VP ❑ MR Manager Real Estate Broker ❑ CT Controller ❑ DR Director ❑ AT Attorney ❑ OT Other (specify) E Under what legal form does your company operate? (CHECK ONLY ONE) - ❑ PT Partnership ED CO Regular C Corporation ❑ IN Individual ID SC Sub S Corporation E) TR Trust ❑ REIT Real Estate Investment E) EC Tax Exempt Corporation ❑ OT Other (specify) Trust Primary Business Responsibility (CHECK ONLY ONE) ❑ CM Corp. Staff Management ❑ LR Leasing/Real Estate ❑ IN Insurance/Risk ❑ AD Architecture/Design ❑ OP Operauons/Monagemeni ❑ LG Legal Management ❑ MN Maintenance ❑ FA Finance/Accounting ❑ SC Security G EM EDP/MIS ❑ OT Other (specify) ❑ RS Research ❑ CN Construction ❑ MK Marketing/Advertising/ Public Relations G At what level do you perform your primary job function? (CHECK ONLY ONE) ❑ C Corporate Headquarters Level M D Divisional Level ❑ 5 Shopping Center Level Choose the Payment option that best meets your needs: ❑ Check enclosed. Make payable in U.S. funds to ICSC. Charge my: ❑ Mastercard ❑ VISA ❑ Amex NAME (As it appears on credit card) Save time, charge membership to your credit card and CARD EXPIRES fox your completed application to (212( 5895555. A par- Lion of annual due,$35 is applied as o subscription to - L_L_I I_LJ Shopping Centers Today. ACCOUNT NUMBER (Include all digits) MO: YR FOR )CSC USE ONLY i..a...:.i,,.l n x r 6 SIGNATURE OF CARD HOLDER TOTAL $ International Council of Shopping Centers INFORMATION Page] of 3 I Home Log-in Help Contact ICSC The International Council of Shopping Centers is a membership organization. We are here to help you. The contact page lists the numbers and e-mail addresses of all staff at ICSC, listed by depa you do not find what you are looking foe here, call (646) 728-38( About ICSC The International Council of Shopping Centers is the global trade association of the shopping center Industry. Its 39,000 members U.S., Canada and more than 75 other countries include shopping owners, developers, managers, marketing specialists, investors, I retailers and other professionals as well as academics and public Click here for more information about ICSC services. Advertising ICSC publishes two monthly industry magazines: Shopping CentE and Value Retail News (which covers the outlet retailing industry which accept advertising. For more information on advertising in Centers Today, call 646 728-3476. For information on advertisinc Retail News, call 727-781-7557. ICSC also has opportunities for advertising on ICSC.org. Click here for more information. Education The ICSC lists in-depth training and recognition programs. You rr register online for courses in the University of Shopping Centers School of Professional Development. If you wish to change your registration for an upcoming ICSC seminar, you must do so by pl ICSC and ask for our Professional Development Opportunities DeI at 646-728-3800. Employment Opportunities How do I add my resume to ICSC.org? Is there a cost to add a re For answers to question like these and others, please click here. ICSC Library You may look up the online catalog of the ICSC Library. ICSC's A Sussman Library is also staffed with professionals who can help c to sources of information regarding shopping centers. Members r visit our Library in person where they may use our fine collection and periodicals that specialize in the industry. For more informati can reach the Library at (646) 728-3671 or (646) 728-3670 or by at mtubridy@icsc.org. http://www.icsc.org/about/info_main.htm 2/21/01 International Council of Shopping Centers Page 2 of 3 Leasing Opportunities This is a database of center space available for lease. This sectioi provides a database of centers for sale and a listing of retailers Ic space. The listings are free to members. You may search the list: multiple criteria. To place a free listing, go to the Leasing Opport section of the Web site. There you will see a button called "Add." this button and you will see a simple form that you can fill out or out and submit the form and your done. Your center will appear i ICSC leasing database and in our What's New section of the site. Meetings For questions about meeting registration, meeting attendees, exi booths and other related information, please click here. Membership For questions related to joining ICSC membership database and here. r renewing membership, access other elated information, please Messages Members of ICSC may receive messages from various departmer ICSC. Members may click here to see if they have any messages be read. Products and Services There are several ways that members can list and search membe through ICSC.org. Through the Industries Yellow Pages section o members can list services their company is offering the industry. in the Industry Yellow Pages directory are free. Anyone can searc database. Members can also list their company's Web link In the Links section of the ICSC Web site. In addition, all member sites searched simultaneously at search.icsc.org. Individual sites can t searched as well. For information on how to place or maintain a 11 the above sections, click here. Publications The bookstore is our on-line catalog of the many publications IC: produces. Our on-line catalog will help you learn more about the management, marketing, leasing, architecture and design, legal aspects of your shopping center. ICSC's books, audiocassettes, n audiobooks provide how-to information you can easily adapt for c own center. The ICSC publications catalog is available on-line ani lust go to our bookstore. To get a copy of the paper catalog, call Information Center at 646 728-3800. Research This area contains links to current and past research publications This includes EconStats (weekly and monthly economic statistics Mall Merchandise Index (sales figures for the prior month in mall Canadian Mall Sales, Scope of the Shopping Center Industry in tt (annual state by state statistics) and Scope of the Shopping Cenl Industry in Canada (annual province by province statistics). Som information may also be found in SCT Xtra and Shopping Center http://www.icsc.org/about/info_main.htm 2/21/01 International Council of Shopping Centers Page 3 of 3 Site Index You may bookmark this page for faster access to the various porl this site. Site Help As a membership organization, our goal is to help you find the in you need. Whether your questions are about ICSC services or thi Web site, we provide the links to many of the answers here. Site Search Need quick access to any part of ICSC.org? Click here to search t Web site. What's New Want to know about the very latest information added to ICSC.oi here for information on the newest meetings, leasing opportuniti, other information added to ICSC.org. Members may customize th view the information most relevant to them, http://www.icsc.org/about/info_maimhtm 2/21/01