RRA - Item 3 - Authorization to File Notice of Completion and Approve Change Orders for The Rosemead Park Irrigation PorjectTO: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FROM: MICHAEL D. BURBANK, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION/ DATE: APRIL 19, 2001 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO FILE NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND APPROVE CHANGE ORDERS FOR THE ROSEMEAD PARK IRRIGATION PROJECT The Contractor for the Rosemead Park Irrigation Project, "Summit Golf' completed the project on April 10, 2001, and has entered his maintenance period. This project was budgeted at $ 375,400.00 and the low bid was $ 274,800.00. To date, we have incurred four Change Orders for a total of $ 3,484.00, which brings the total construction cost to $ 278,284.00 (Exhibit "1"). Attached is a letter from the Contractor to the Architect which delineates the number of rain days (22), as well as, the number of change days (21) (Exhibit "2"). Also attached is the Architect's Acceptance Form for the project (Exhibit "Y). RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency accept the Project, approve the Change Orders and authorize staff to file the Notice of Completion. '-N,, -,Y APR 2 4 2001 ITEP:0 No. .2. 07-n-b7s/sb -I ~1 EXHIBIT NO. 1 CHANGE ORDER BREAKDOWN AND COST A. CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 $ 1,050.00 A) Install 6 Concrete Valve Boxes instead of plastic along driveway B. CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 $ 1,100.00 A) Install valve boxes with locking covers C. CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 $ 922.15 A) Install new Electrical Conduit and Lines for Security Lights D. CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 $ 412.00 A) Install one additional Remote Control Valve TOTAL CHANGE ORDER $ 3,484.15 07-n-b7s/sb z A O z H y ? d C ~ A A p A A 7y O O y ~voo< 0 A c. w 3 rn 0 J en C9 m O ;a cc n y W O O w CL " to n d w o~ N ~W o -4 oo w a 0 0 w ~ a FROM : KRTO RSSOCIATES PHONE NO. : 6267922574 Apr. 18 2001 07:140M P2 czvnr~naO ozd°~ = O x O r0"3"'n a zy~''3 COO e 3 tad O C. `3 N N N OJi t9 _cVn fA A to + co o co d o °o bbi~go 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 CL (D a A 0 -F 0 0 cn cn nn o z x o . . ° z 0 m r-- c n A A ".d 0 X o C1 C a h i x a a y p~j .D O . ro U n w D 0 a N Vi a - < ~ a g m y N ~ w tr x w z Z O N ~ p ! x o x CD 0 O = m Gl w 61 Z k cNn cNn C C0 o y m °o 00 C) 60 Fp~ n Q, 0 N N b O V c ° K) to ~ 8 O O O O O O A 0 w n 0 u E a C h; n O 'y C'. ~aa3 t' o m n OD m~ nfDi . 0 a m D °i il W ~ K ma O V C O m' c m CL Cn y y ra z n a m 77 FROM : 'KRTO ASSOCIATES Apr 1G Qi 11:55e n Zzm ~ 0 >2 2.~ y? w!-> ^ L 54 !_^7JA ~~Oa O OD ~O ~A .per' pN N N ~ O 6 inrn go°9°a I 4 V ' PHONE NO. : 6267922574 Apr. 16 2001 11:11RM P3 SUMMIT GOLF (9091 599-I-02 p.3 I i n y w $ m i ` ! 2 Z 2 A 5 14 64 1 o I w n ' 3 a l I m R 0 l s z G g m I ~ N y C I f y h I~ ~ I i > I 1 I G If U~ ~ I I~ I ' N I Utl ~ y I I ~ i 1 I r1 ~ i I I cn I u+ i ~ o I r y~ V N n Y cn C ry a ^ ~c m O 4 C n ~ 3 y O D C m a C R > n~ I i I~!FI 1! FROM :'KATO ASSOCIATES Flp~ 16 01 11:55e PHONE NO. : 6267922574 Apr. 16 2001 11:11AII P2 SUMMIT GGLF (9091 549-1102 p.2 u I I i l i 0 rni n 0 z ~ I Cn I ~ I N I I I In I I I I i i 1 1 S 1 I ~ I g I 1 0 ~ 1 _ znsobp nn a.~res97 co m 5 5 y y >zz'so od > C> t^ C ~ i N NI N IN N N O i M O B O I I I~ (n o w w o 1 I I N A N 3 R I! A A [!1 c Im I d n ~ y I C a7 n ~ A y ~ 3 V m V O o C a O A H r ~ 0 FROM KATO ASSOCIATES PHONE NO. : 6267922574 Apr. 17 2001 09:40AN P2 EXHIBIT NO. 2 Summit Golf Construction -''zril 16, 2001 Roy Kato City of Rosemead 8838 F. Vatley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Re: Additional days to complete contract. Dear Roy, The following is a list of items discussed during our site meeting on April 12, 2001. This list consists of additional work that was done free of charge at Rosemead Park by Summit Golf. Also included in this list are change orders no. 1-4 and rain days. Attached to each item are the number of days it took to complete each task. These items listed will justify the additional days taken to complete our contract. Description 1. Change order P 1. Changing plastic valve boxes on maintenance road to concrete traffic boxes. I day 2. Change order # 2. Changing non-locking quick coupler valve boxes to locking valve boxes. 1 day 3. Change order k 3. Locate broken electrical conduits and re-install. 4 days 4. Change order 4 4. Add one 2" valve that was not drawn on the plans. 1 day 5. Holidays. I day 6. Rain days. 22 days 7. Drain line trouble shooting cr south baseball diamond and digging a 10'x 6'x 6' sump. 2 days 8 Phone line trouble shooting (a concession stand. 2 days 9. Installing and grading dirt in the tuff area st the West End of the preschool parking lot. 1 day 10. Grading around pool area after the City removed the junipers. I day 1 L Trouble shooting valves G preschool. 2 days 12. Installod cleats outs in existing drain line. I day !.3, Removed decomposed granite around pine trees. I day 14. Removal of stumps in the preschool parking lot. 2 days Relocate bubblers around the trees located in the parking lots. I day 1390 W. Si-x&Street, Si-A- 102, Cowncy CA 92882 phortei (909) 549-1101 1=wtu (909) 549-1102 FROM : KATO ASSOCIATES PHONE NO. : 6267922574 Apr. 17 2001 09:40AM P3 1 The total number ofadditionai days including change o,ders and rain days is 43 days. We feel that this is fair and accurate. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions regarding this matter. Sincerely, Bill Paugh Project Manager Cc: Jeff Mann 13,90 W. SrxtlvSt ,e, Suztl 102, Corona, CA 92882 Ph0"&-: (909) 549.1101 Far,. (909) 549.1102 FROM KATO ASSOCIATES PHONE NO. : 6267922574 Apr. 16 2001 11:12AM P4 Hp^ 1b Ul 11: tic's SUMMIT GOLF (9091 549-1102 p.4 EXHIBIT NO. 3 %1111.6 Fa t.. "000 Renaans&IM 8000 summa coy cansfruGton Day of Rosa oad,CA 130 W. SbeO St. Sate 102 Cooae.cASZeaz Job A 503900 summit Golf Cmrtnxwn ATntl !~r Aoeapt n Form Work eac lion Approval natum3 Date Irrngst,on 0erna/Salvege city Rep. IAr-hitect: vJ' `"T 't (6%-0 Inspector: Tree 3 ARSO Domo City Rep. T Architect: T/J• _ 16-01 tnapectar trrlgstian Symam /nctauation City Rap. Architecl:" ~ Inspecta: Concrete (F/otworh) City Rep. Arcnitact 6~ 1 Ins peoter: _ Landscaping/Gressing City Rep. 4, YL Atohi:ect: I I Inspatcr. unan List City Rep. Cmtsiiuction Final SionAffl L~1 MA W'14444.4 A Architect: I t I o ~'a - ( Inspacfar. 1 mouttenanco pernd City Rep. Maintenance Final Sign-DIQ Architect: Inspector: Comments: -VL 1,4t-1Ik 0 ",4-f 1-6m"0"c"-7t-v1-1 &A3 LA C>LOA ice. +C>