TC - Item 2B - Minutes 11-4-10Minutes of the Regular ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING November 4, 2010 The Regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Vice - Chairman Lewin at 7:01 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Masuda INVOCATION: Commissioner Wong PRESENT: Vice Chairman Lewin, Commissioner Masuda, Commissioner Hall, Commissioner Wong ABSENT: Chairwoman Russell STAFF PRESENT: Public Works Director Marcarello, Traffic Consultant Itagaki, and Admin. Assistant Llamas 1. PUBLIC COMMENT FROM THE AUDIENCE Sharon Esquivel spoke on behalf of Helen Gunther - Ms. Gunther has concerns that when kids are dropped off at Janson School in the morning vehicles park in the middle of the street, making it unsafe for both children and drivers. Rudolph Boecherer has concerns with vehicles speeding along Ivar Ave. He also informed the Traffic Commission that since he attended last month's meeting staff has gone out and repainted the speed limit markings on the road and added movable speed feedback signs at several occasions. He indicated that there was temporary improvement, but once the speed feedback sign was removed drivers return to speeding. Staff suggested that this issue could be addressed as part of the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program and asked Mr. Boecherer to submit a request for improvements to be made. 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Item A, (October 7, 2010 minutes) and Item B (Request for Red Curb at 8747 Loftus Drive) were both removed from the consent calendar for minor corrections. Commissioner Masuda motioned, seconded by Commissioner Hall to approve Item C (Encinita Ave., Installation of marked parallel parking T's). Votes resulted in: Yes: Masuda, Hall, Wong, Lewin No: None Abstain: None Absent: Russell Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of November 4, 2010 Page 1 of 4 Item A, (October 7, 2010 minutes) was deferred to next months meeting for further review On Item B (Request for Red Curb at 8747 Loftus Drive) Sann Laing, Rosemead resident, asked for clarification on where the red curb is going to be installed. Maung Myo, Rosemead resident, also asked for clarification on where the red curb is proposed to be installed and expressed concerns with cars speeding down Loftus Drive after dropping off /picking up kids from school. Vice Chairman Lewin suggested to Mr. Myo that this would be a good candidate for the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program and that he should submit a request. Staff clarified that the proposed red curbing would be installed in between the residences at 8747 Loftus Drive and 3625 Dubonet Ave. Sharon Esquivel asked if staff can look into painting red in front of the fire hydrant at approximately 3600 Dubonnet Ave (across the street from the proposed red curbing location). Commissioners agreed with the installation of additional red curbing at 3600 Dubonet and asked staff to add this location to the recommendation. After clarifications were made to Item B, (Request for Red Curb at 8747 Loftus Drive) Commissioner Hall made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Wong to approve Item B with the addition of red curbing in front of the fire hydrant across the street at 3600 Dubonet Ave. Votes resulted in: Yes: Hall, Wong, Lewin No: Masuda Abstain: None Absent: Russell 3. NEW BUSINESS A. LOWER AZUSA ROAD /ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD — WESTBOUND RIGHT TURN ONLY LANE Staff provided the Traffic Commissioners a briefing on what steps have been taken so far to improve traffic flow and also provided recommendations on other improvements at this intersection. Staff also made the Commissioners aware that in order for these improvements to be made, plans will need to be reviewed and approved by Caltrans. Commissioner Wong recommends marking "Keep Clear" at the intersections from the side streets going onto Lower Azusa to provide vehicle access. He further commented that the addition of a new lane will help clear heavy traffic during peak travel times. Commissioner Masuda discussed the lane transition that would need to take place in order to accommodate an additional designated right -turn lane. Staff clarified that a gradual lane tapering will begin at approximately Darlo and Lower Azusa. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of November 4, 2010 Page 2 of 4 Vice Chairman Lewin recommended reducing the eastbound lanes to one for the duration of the turn lane and then transitioning back to two lanes going eastbound thereafter. Staff discussed the lane width requirements set forth in the Highway Design Manual for turn lanes. These criteria could affect the proposed design for creating a designated right -turn lane at this location. Since this intersection is under the jurisdiction of Caltrans, it is possible that some modifications will be made by Caltrans' plan check engineers. If Caltrans requests some changes, there is a possibility that further revisions will be made to the initial design (this could include lane tapering, the elimination of some lanes, striping, and signal modifications). Commissioner Wong made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Hall to approve staffs recommendation. If the initial plan submitted to Caltrans is not acceptable, the Commission further recommended that staff work with Caltrans to develop an acceptable design plan. Votes resulted in: Yes: Wong, Hall, Masuda, Lewin No: None Abstain: None Absent: Russell B. ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD/INTERSECTION 10 OFF RAMP MAINTENANCE ISSUES SUMMARY Vice Chairman Lewin gave the Traffic Commissioners a briefing on some ideas that he has to create a safer environment for both the pedestrians and motorists at this location. Commissioner Hall suggested waiting until Caltrans completes their improvements before suggesting any ideas or volunteering to do their work for them. Commissioner Masuda and Commissioner Wong both concurred with Commissioner Hall's comments. 4. STAFF REPORTS Staff gave the Traffic Commissioners an update on current items and improvements throughout the City. 5. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Wong would like to thank staff for a great job on all of the improvements done so far throughout the City. Commissioner Hall informed staff that the owner of DiPillas commented to her that the installation of the "Keep Clear" is working. She also informed staff that all the repainting of the pedestrian crosswalks is fantastic. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of November 4, 2010 Page 3 of 4 Commissioner Masuda clarified his opposition to the red curb painting item earlier on the agenda. He further asked that staff notify residents in the area that red curbing adjacent to fire hydrants is required by law. Vice Chairman Lewin would like for staff to possibly have more general enforcement around school areas. Mr. Lewin also asked if external markings can be included as part of the Safe Route to School Project for Bitely School. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for December 2, 2010 at 7:00p.m. and will take place at the Rosemead City Hall, City Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard. Joanne Russell Chairwoman ATTEST: Chris Marcarello Public Works Director Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of November 4, 2010 Page 4 of 4