TC - Item 3A - Highway Safety Improvement Program - Fiscal Year 2010-11ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: DECEMBER 2, 2010 SUBJECT: HIGHWAY SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM —FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 SUMMARY The purpose of the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) is to reduce traffic fatalities and serious injuries on public roads through the implementation of infrastructure related highway safety improvements. Staff has identified potential improvements in several areas of the City to help improve traffic safety, including traffic signal upgrades, pedestrian crosswalk improvements, traffic enforcement, and lighting /signage improvements. Staff is working on a grant application for areas along Rosemead Boulevard, Garvey Avenue, and Walnut Grove Avenue and is requesting input and support from the Traffic Commission. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Traffic Commission: 1. Provide input on proposed traffic safety measures to be included in the HSIP grant application; and 2. Authorize the Traffic Commission Chair to sign a letter of support for the grant application on behalf of the entire Commission. ANALYSIS On September 3, 2010, Caltrans announced a call for projects for the HSIP Fiscal Year 2010/11 Grant Program. The goal of the HSIP program is to improve traffic safety on streets and public right -of -way areas. The program has twenty -one project categories, including intersection safety improvements, road widening projects, traffic calming improvements, railroad crossing safety improvements, signage /marking /lighting improvements, and traffic enforcement activities, among others. Over the last two years, the City has been successful at receiving Safe Routes to School (SR2S) grant funds to make safety improvements adjacent to local schools. However, there are still several areas not adjacent to schools that are in need of safety upgrades. If successful with the HSIP grant application, the City will be able to leverage local funds to make these safety improvements. The maximum grant application through the HSIP program is $900,000 with a required matching contribution of 10% of the project cost. Grant applications are due in December and will include a full review of traffic statistics, Traffic Commission Meeting December 2, 2010 Page 2 of 2 accident history, and proposed safety improvements. Tentatively, the project includes the following improvements: Rosemead Boulevard • Crosswalk Improvements with a high visibility design (stamped paving or thermoplastic) adjacent to Rosemead Boulevard /Mission Drive • Traffic Signal Upgrades at shared intersections along Rosemead Blvd. (repaint mast arms, signal heads, increased size of signal heads) • Countdown pedestrian signal heads at shared intersections along Rosemead Blvd. • Install fencing adjacent to railroad right -of -way area at City border (east side of Rosemead Blvd. grade separation) • Increased traffic enforcement (pedestrian and driver education and enforcement) Garvey Avenue • Crosswalk Improvements with a high visibility design (stamped . paving or thermoplastic) adjacent to Garvey Avenue /Jackson Avenue • Increased traffic enforcement (pedestrian and driver education and enforcement) • Traffic Signal Upgrades at intersections along Garvey Avenue (repaint mast arms, signal heads, increased size of signal heads) • Countdown pedestrian signal heads at shared intersections along Garvey Avenue Walnut Grove Avenue • Increased traffic enforcement (pedestrian and driver education and enforcement) • Traffic Signal Upgrades at intersections along Walnut Grove Avenue (repaint mast arms, signal heads, increased size of signal heads) • Countdown pedestrian signal heads at shared intersections along Walnut Grove Avenue Prior to submitting the grant application, staff would like further input from the Commission and members of the public related to traffic /pedestrian concerns adjacent to these locations. Additionally, in order to strengthen the City's application, staff is requesting that the Commission authorize the Chair to sign a letter of support for the proposed safety improvements. Public Notice This agenda item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: CHRIS MARCARELLO Public Works Director December 2, 2010 Kirk Cessna Office Chief Office of Local Assistance California Department of Transportation, District 7 100 South Main Street, #12 -420 Los Angeles, CA 90012 RE: Support for the City of Rosemead's Highway Safety Improvement Program Grant Proposal Dear Mr. Cessna: The City of Rosemead Traffic Commission is concerned about local traffic safety and wishes to support the proposed Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) project in our City. It is understood that the Highway Safety Improvement Program will require a team of individuals to perform many necessary tasks including the assessment of conditions and needs, designing our City's HSIP program, implementing educational and traffic safety efforts for our community, and assessing the outcome of our efforts. We strongly support these efforts and hope that the City's grant application will help address several of the community's traffic safety concerns. On behalf of the City's Traffic Commission, I am pleased to support the Highway Safety Improvement Program in the City of Rosemead. Therefore, I am respectfully requesting grant funding for the City's application. Sincerely, JOANNE RUSSELL Chair, Traffic Coirmussion City of Rosemead