YC - Item 2A - Minutes 05/13/10 Minutes of the REGULAR YOUTH COMMITTEE MEETING May 13, 2010 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Youth committee was called to order by Vice-chair Chen in the Rosemead Recreation Center, 3936 N. Muscatel Avenue Rosemead, at 6:10 p.m. FLAG SALUTE: Committee Member Quezada OFFICIALS PRESENT: Vice-chair Chen, Committee Member Amezcua, Dao, Loc, Quezada. ABSENT: Chair Tuong and Committee Member Hallinan 1. PUBLIC COMMENT FROM AUDIENCE None 2. CONSENT CALENDAR A) Minutes Committee Vice-chair Chen made a motion, seconded by Committee member Quezada to accept minutes. Vote resulted in: Yes: Chen, Amezcua, Dao, Loc, Quezada No: None Abstain: None Absent: Tuong, Hallinan 3. MATTERS FROM STAFF A) Upcoming Events 1) Summer Activities 4. MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION-COMMITTEE MEMBERS A) Youth in Government Program Suggestion made by Loc of a separate Facebook event for debating representatives. B) Free Fluorescent Bulb collection Staff will look into city involvement C) Facebook Page for Youth Committee Will be suggested for the next year’s Youth Committee D) Enhanced Shuttle Service City staff will look into it E) Teen Volunteer Program Loc suggested that it be brought up for the next Youth Committee F) Location of next meeting Vice-chair Chen made a motion not to conduct a June meeting, seconded by Committee Member Loc. Vote resulted in: Yes: Chen, Amezcua, Loc, No: Quezada Abstain: Dao Absent: Tuong, Hallinan 5. ADJOURNMENT The next Youth Committee meeting to be scheduled based on the first meeting of the new Youth Committee. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.