TC - Item 3A - Status Report on Rosemead Boulevard Improvements• �'! I �. • TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: MAY 12, 2011 SUMMARY The City was recently awarded a Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) grant to make traffic safety improvements along Rosemead Boulevard. The purpose of the HSIP grant is to help reduce traffic accidents and serious injuries on public roads through the implementation of infrastructure related safety improvements. Since Rosemead Boulevard is a State -owned highway, it is necessary to coordinate these improvements with the Department of Transportation ( Caltrans). In April, staff met with Caltrans officials to discuss the grant project. Another scheduled follow -up meeting has been scheduled on May 11 to determine a project schedule and work plan for implementing the improvements. In addition to the HSIP grant program, the Traffic Commission has compiled a list of traffic improvements (including safety and mobility related items). This list is provided below for your review and consideration. At the Commission's May 12 meeting, staff will provide a brief update on the status of these improvements and next steps in order to implement them. Staff would also like to request that the Commission provide additional direction towards other improvements that are not included below. Rosemead Boulevard Traffic Improvements Highway Safety Improvement Program Project Location: Rosemead Boulevard (Between Mission Drive and North City limit) Description: Modernize pedestrian signals /traffic signals; Repaint existing crosswalks with high - reflective paint or thermoplastic materials; Widen Sidewalk and install lighting from Lower Azusa Road to North City limit; Install new signage and striping; Install fencing along railroad crossing. Lower Azusa Road Right -Turn Lane Location: Lower Azusa (westbound) at Rosemead Boulevard Description: Install a westbound right -turn only lane at intersection; Install lane modifications /restriping to accommodate additional turn lane; Relocate existing traffic signal detector loops; Install "cat- track" striping through the intersection to improve safety; Perform signal modifications to improve timing and traffic flow. Traffic Commission Meeting May 12, 2011 Page 2 of 2 Left -Turn Phasing /Traffic Flow Improvements Location: Intersections of Lower Azusa Road, Mission Drive, Valley Boulevard, Marshall Street, and Glendon Way at Rosemead Boulevard Description: Perform signal modifications to improve signal timing; Install Protected /Permissive signal heads to improve left- turning traffic flow; Install a dual left -turn lane at Marshall Street/Rosemead Boulevard Interstate 10 Off Ramp Safety Improvements Location: Glendon Way at Rosemead Boulevard Description: Install new signage, delineators and striping at off ramp locations; Modify crosswalk areas to ensure appropriate ADA access; Install reflective delineators to improve lane visibility; Coordinate for City resurfacing project of Glendon Way for summer 2011. Beautification of Railroad Underpass Location: Railroad Grade Separation at North City Limit Description: Install landscaping `but- outs" along concrete embankment; Paint and landscape embankment areas It is recommended that the Traffic Commission review the improvement project list and provide further direction.