TC - Item 3A - City Transportation Program Enhancements - Attachment City of Rosemead Transit Improvement Options Operational Improvements Updated: 7/11/2011 Improvement Option Discussion Estimated Cost Needed Actions /Implementation Timing Extend Rosemead Explorer Service Hours Presently, the Explorer operates Monday-Friday 11:00 am to 8:00pm and Sat/Sunday from 10:00am to 5:00pm. To facilitate commute and school trips, this option would begin weekday services (except holidays) at 5:00am. Annual cost of $86,433 Could be implemented in September 2011 if approved Pilot would run through June 30, 2012 Marketing program would inform public and existing riders of new service Commuter Connection to El Monte Metro and Metrolink Stations Service would operate from Rosemead Square on the hour to the El Monte Metro Terminal and Metrolink Station Monday-Friday during peak am/pm hours only. Annual cost of $34,297 in addition to cost of Extended Explorer service hours above [Total = $120,730/yr] Same as with Extended Hours Marketing Program for Operational Improvements Marketing program program will be needed to inform Rosemead residents and existing riders of the new services. Estimated Cost of marketing program $10,000 Marketing will use local media and existing City facilities and communications Campaign begin 30 days prior to service initiation City of Rosemead Transit Improvement Options Infrastructure Improvements Updated: 7/11/2011 Improvement Option Discussion Estimated Cost Needed Actions /Implementation Timing Institute Regular Cleaning/Maintenance of Rosemead Bus Shelters Shelters at 55 Explorer bus stops within the city were upgraded in 2007. It is recommended that cleaning/maintenance levels be increased to improve the appearance, use and acceptance of shelters by adjacent residential and commercial neighbors. Work will be done by City Public Works staff. Annual cost estimated by City staff at $30,000. Cleaning program could begin upon Council approval. Install Shelter at Rosemead Square Terminal A wide range of design options exist for a free-standing shelter, with or without solar lighting, seating and trash receptacle. $20,000 -$40,000 installed, depending on design and amenities City has met with Rosemead Square management regarding installation of shelter with positive response. Procurement and installation expected to be less than 1 1 year from decision to proceed. Construct Transit Drop-off Area at Rosemead Community Recreation Center The drop-off area at the Center has no shelter for those being dropped off or awaiting pick-up. A shelter could be added as part of the civic center redesign presently under way. $20,000 -$80,000 installed, depending on the design, amenities and hardscape. City staff to coordinate shelter/drop-off project with the civic center improvement project. Install Route and Schedule Information at Selected Rosemead Explorer Stops Posting Explorer route and schedule information at key stops will improve awareness of the services and attract new riders through readily-available info on how to use the services. Posted information will need to be multi-lingual and also in braille. Estimated cost of $240 -$400 per stop for holder plus install and graphics Cost for 12 stops would be $4800 -$7400 Estimated at 5-6 months to procure and install the information holders and develop the information to be posted.