CC - Item 3I - Mission Drive/Ivar AvenueROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER ~..~Q.; DATE: DECEMBER 16, 2008 SUBJECT: MISSION DRIVE/IVAR AVENUE VISIBILITY AND SIDEWALK CONCERNS SUMMARY The Traffic Commission reviewed a request to add street markings, a flashing beacon, in-road warning lights, and a crossing guard at the intersection of Mission Drive and Ivar Avenue. After visiting the site, staff recommended that the existing street markings be updated and that red curbing be added on the north side of Mission Drive to help improve visibility concerns. Staff also found that existing conditions do not warrant the implementation of additional traffic control devices at this location. Based on these observations, the Traffic Commission approved staff's recommendation to update street markings, add red curbing, and deny the request to add new traffic control devices. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation and authorize staff to take necessary steps to implement traffic safety enhancements at Mission Drive and Ivar Avenue. DISCUSSION Based on the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), certain guidelines are used in considering the installation of a traffic control device. After conducting field observations related to traffic conditions along Mission Drive at Ivar Avenue, staff found that current conditions do not warrant the installation of new striping or traffic control modifications (flashing beacons, in-road warning lights, and crossing guard). Staff did find that the installation of new red curbing along the north side of Mission Drive at Ivar Avenue would help improve visibility concerns at the intersection. The Commission concurred with staff's recommendations and also asked that new crosswalk warning signs be added at this location. ITEM NO. ~_ APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: City Council Meeting December 16, 2008 Page 2 of 2 If approved staff will proceed with the following street marking improvements: • Install 30 feet of red curb on the north side of Mission Drive from Ivar Avenue to 30 feet westerly. • Install 48 feet of red curb on the north side of Mission Drive from Ivar Avenue easterly. • Install new crosswalk warning signs. • Repaint crosswalk and add ladder striping in the crosswalk area. • Repaint other street markings at this intersection. FINANCIAL REVIEW Funding for this work is included in the Fiscal Year 2008-09 budget. Prepared by: Chris Marcarello Deputy Public Works Director Submit d y: Bri Saeki Assistant City Manager Attachments: (1) July 17, 2008 Traffic Commission Agenda Report and Minutes (2) November 6, 2008 Traffic Commission Agenda Report and Minutes (3) Intersection Diagram ATTACHMENT 1 S ~ M F ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC. COMMISSION. q ~' ~ ~ STAFF REPORT - a .. ~~AOft4TED ~4g4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - TO: _ THE. HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONERS FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: JULY 17, 2006 SUBJECT:. MISSION DRIVE/IVAR AVENUE -SOUTHBOUND VISIBILITY CONCERNS AND CROSSWALK CONCERNS SUMMARY A request was received at a recent Traffic Commission meeting from Mr. Peter Woo, 4644 Ivar Avenue, regarding the intersection of Mission Drive and Ivar Avenue. Mr. Woo indicated that southbound vehicles on Ivar Avenue have a difficult time seeing westbound vehicles when trying to access Mission Drive. He has suggested the addition of red curb to improve visibility. An additional letter request (attached) .was received from Ms. Chalice Willis, 4423 Rosemead Boulevard. Ms. Willis indicates that pedestrians are not given .the right=of- way when crossing this intersection. She has suggested the installation of a crossing guard, or flashing yellow beacon or a pedestrian signal at the intersection of Mission Drive/Ivar Avenue. Staff Recommendation It is staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission recommends the City Council approve the installation of 30 feet of red curb on the north side of Mission Drive from Ivar Avenue to 30 feet westerly. Staff further recommends the Traffic Commission recommend to the City Council to approve the installation of an additional 48 feet (21 feet + 6 feet + 21 feet) of red curb on the north side of Mission Drive from Ivar Avenue easterly. This will provide for a total of approximately 85 feet of red curb from Ivar Avenue easterly. Exhibit A depicts this recommendation. It is staffs recommendation that the pedestrian crossing issue at Mission Drive/Ivar Avenue be reanalyzed in late September/early October after school resumes. This will allow staff to gather school pedestrian crossing data and observe the location during school crossing times. This request will be brought back to the Traffic Commission no later than December 2008. Traffic Commission Meeting July 17, 2008 Page 2 of 6 ANALYSIS Mission Drive is a 64-foot wide roadway with two lanes of traffic in each direction. Opposing lanes of traffic are separated by a double yellow centerline. There are no dedicated left turn lanes on Mission Drive at Ivar Avenue. The fronting uses on Mission Drive are a mix of commercial and residential. Parking on the north side of Mission Drive is restricted by "2 Hour Parking 9 AM to 6 PM, Except Sunday" in the vicinity of Ivar Avenue. Mission Drive has a posted speed limit of 40 mph. Ivar Avenue is an off-set roadway at its intersection with Mission Drive. The north leg of Ivar Avenue is 40 feet wide and is approximately 240 feet east of the south leg. The south leg of the intersection is 36 feet wide. Ivar Avenue is stop controlled at both its intersection with Mission Drive. The fronting uses on Ivar Avenue north and south of Mission Drive are primarily residential. The prima facie speed limit on Ivar Avenue is 25 mph. At the intersection of Mission Drive and the west most leg of Ivar Avenue (south leg, northbound approach) there is a yellow crosswalk for north/south pedestrians. This yellow crosswalk is identified with "SLOW SCHOOL XING" pavement markings, advance signs and signs at the crosswalk. The signs are fluorescent yellow green (FYG) and identify the crosswalk as a school related crosswalk. Exhibit "A" depicts existing conditions at the intersection of Mission Drive and Ivar Avenue. Discussion The reported accident history for the intersection of Mission Drive and Ivar Avenue was reviewed for the period from January 1, 2006 through April 21, 2008. The accident history revealed one reported accident occurring on the west leg (where the yellow crosswalk exists) on Saturday, March 11, 2006. This accident involved a westbound vehicle rearending another westbound vehicle at 2:14'pm.. Based on the location, the accident may have occurred as a result of pedestrians crossing Mission Drive in -the yellow crosswalk. Typically., a rearend accident at a location without a stop sign or traffic signal and at a crosswalk is a result of one vehicle yielding the right-of way to a pedestrian. A following vehicle may not have noticed the stopped car and caused a rearend accident. Southbound Visibility Concern Mr. Woo indicated that parked vehicles on Mission Drive often obstructed the visibility of eastbound and westbound vehicles traveling on Mission Drive for southbound vehicles stopped on Ivar Avenue. .His primary concern was the vehicles parked east of Ivar Avenue on Mission Drive. Traffic Commission Meeting July 17, 2008 Page 3 of 6 Field observations were made of the visibility situation for southbound Ivar Avenue traffic. Currently, there is a commercial establishment on the northeast corner of the intersection. There is on-site parking provided. The on-street parking on the Mission Drive portion of this development allows for approximately 2 vehicles to park. On the Ivar .Avenue portion of this development approximately 4 vehicles could park on the street. During our observations, the on-street parking on Mission Drive east of Ivar Avenue was fully occupied (2 vehicles parked). West of Ivar Avenue, Mission Drive was approximately 50% occupied (3 vehicles parked in a curb length that could accommodate approximately 6 vehicles). The on-street parking on Ivar Avenue, adjacent to the commercial development, was usually occupied by 50% (2 vehicles parked). The on-street parking on Ivar Avenue immediately north of Mission Drive was 75% parked during our observations. The parked cars on Mission Drive did hinder visibility of southbound vehicles exiting Ivar Avenue onto Mission Drive. The parked cars reduced the visibility of oncoming both eastbound and westbound vehicles. Observations indicated that many southbound vehicles would "sneak out" of Ivar Avenue to get a better view of oncoming traffic. Staff Recommendation It is staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission recommends the City Council approve the installation of 30 feet of red curb on the north side of Mission Drive from Ivar Avenue to 30 feet westerly. Staff further recommends the Traffic Commission recommend to the City Council to approve the installation of an additional 48 feet (21 feet + 6 feet + 21 feet) of red curb on the north side of Mission Drive from Ivar Avenue easterly. This will provide for a total of approximately 85 feet of red curb from Ivar Avenue easterly. Exhibit A depicts this recommendation. . Crosswalk Concern Ms. Willis indicated that vehicles do not stop for pedestrians. crossing Mission Drive at the crosswalk at Ivar Avenue. There are 3 options that should be considered to address the need to provide additional. warning to motorists regarding pedestrians in this yellow crosswalk. These options, in no particular order, include the placement of a crossing guard during school crossing times, flashing yellow beacon, an in-roadway warning lights. Each of these options could provide motorists warning of the yellow crosswalk when pedestrians are using the crossing. . The guidelines for the installation of the 3 options discussed require pedestrian data be gathered. Ms. Willis' letter was received late the in school year. Staff was unable to collect the necessary data with regards to the number of pedestrians using the yellow crosswalk. This data is important information necessary to best address this concern. Traffic Commission Meeting July 17, 2008 Page 4 of 6 However, staff has provided a short description of in-roadway warning lights (IRWL) for the Traffic Commission's edification..This is provided as an introduction to this relatively new technology and the guidelines of the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD). The CA MUTCD provides the following description of in-roadway warning lights (IRWL): "In-roadway lights are special types of highway traffic signals installed in the roadway surface to warn road users that they are approaching a condition on or adjacent to the roadway that might not be readily apparent and might require the road users to slow down and/or come to a stop.°' These flashing lights are activated by a pedestrian in an "active" or "passive" manner. An active manner would be a pedestrian push button that must be pushed by the pedestrian. The passive manner would be an electronic device (camera, infrared or other similar form of detection) the senses when a pedestrian is present and wants to cross the street. Most IRWL installations .in the southern California area are using "active" activation. After a pedestrian activates the IRWL's, the IRWL's will begin to flash. The lights are directed towards the vehicles and away from the crosswalk area. The IRWL's continue to flash for a sufficient number of seconds to allow a pedestrian to leave the curb or shoulder and travel at a normal walking speed to at least the far side of the street. Generally, there are no pedestrian indications (Hand/Man .signal head) at an IRWL location. This is done to reinforce the need for pedestrians to look both ways before crossing the location. As we have discussed previously, it is as much of the _ responsibility of the pedestrian, as it is the motorist, to cross the street in a safe manner. Pedestrians and motorist, as stated in the California Vehicle Code (CVC) Section 21950, are responsible when it comes to pedestrians crossing a roadway: "21950. (a) The driver of a vehicle shall yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within any marked crosswalk or within any unmarked crosswalk at an intersection, except as otherwise provided in this chapter. (b) This section does not relieve a pedestrian from the duty of using due care for his or her safety. No pedestrian may suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle that is so close as to constitute an immediate hazard. No pedestrian may unnecessarily stop or delay traffic while in a marked or unmarked crosswalk. (c) The driver of a vehicle approaching a pedestrian within any marked or unmarked crosswalk shall exercise all due care and shall reduce the speed of the Traffic Commission Meeting July 17, 2008 Page 5 of 6 vehicle or take any other action relating to the operation of the vehicle as necessary to safeguard the safety of the pedestrian. (d) Subdivision (b) does not relieve a driver of a vehicle from the duty of exercising due care for the safety of any pedestrian within any marked crosswalk or within any unmarked crosswalk at an intersection. The CA MUTCD has provided 8 items to consider when evaluating the need for IRWL's: 1. Whether the crossing is controlled or uncontrolled. 2. An engineering traffic study to determine if In-roadway warning lights are compatible with the safety and operation of nearby intersections, which may or may not be controlled by traffic signals or STOP/YIELD signs. 3. Standard traffic signs for crossings and crosswalk pavement markings are provided. 4. At least 40 pedestrians regularly use the crossing during each of any two hours (not necessarily consecutive) during a 24-hour period. 5. The vehicular volume through the crossing exceeds 200 vehicles per hour in urban areas or 140 vehicles per hour in rural during peak-hour pedestrian usage. 6. The critical approach speed (85th percentile) is 70 km/h (45 mph) or less. 7. In-roadway warning lights are visible to drivers at the minimum stopping sight distance for posted speed limit. 8. Public education on IRWL is conducted for new installations. Depending on the number of lanes at~~the marked crosswalk, the IRWL's are placed in the middle of each travel lane. Again the CA MUTCD describes where the IRWL's shall be placed depending on the number of travel lanes. For an intersection such as Mission Drive and Ivar Avenue, a minimum of 8 IRWL would be installed. However, based on the width of the roadway, an addition 10 IRWL would be recommended. The estimated construction cost for such an installation of IRWL is $60,000. Staff Recommendation It is staffs recommendation that the pedestrian crossing issue at Mission Drive/Ivar Avenue be reanalyzed in late September/early October after school resumes. This will allow staff to gather school pedestrian crossing data and observe the location during school crossing times. This request will be brought back to the Traffic Commission no later than December 2008. Traffic Commission Meeting July 17, 2008 Page 6 of 6 PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: ~,aatr~re s~~G~~a,,~r~ Joanne Itagaki Traffic Engineering Deputy Exhibit A: Existing and proposed improvements at Mission Drive and Ivar Avenue Ms. 1Nillis Letter C,haiice A Willis ~.~~~'t ~ ~,~( 4323.ILzmm~ac163vd'Tr~c 1 /] ~~' Iios.~mrad,~A 91;3i)-74if7 ((JJ ,, ~ .~ ~' 4t5 ~ I~~~SS ~2~ 1'S ~ ~~~I:S~1Gv1~yj~E1~~ -1-1/a l"' --^ .(~Lcxr ~ Y~~I C. ~.~',1M ~'i'1 r ~,`J 1~Y1 J t G~ ~r?v~r~ -~ .. ~ ~C~~ri~'t1~5, l1rtt~- ~ ~Gi:>-atRt~~~ lv/~r_:~ ~ ~i)Gt L'~- c~k7~~~rv~<( _~~il~Vzil ~~.f~,C~t1`':~; I~ct1°~;'rtvilf7tr't~ C~G~tlrlr~»f r'~Y~-i-~ i ~~~1`r?t? l1 !" Grp '~'1'i.r. ~'t i'I1..Q ~~yirC(.C'~ <7 C~i ~ll,~ I ~~1 L~1 c~ ~ °~ ~t Gi r c ~ -~.'t=l ~. r.~ ~~, ~t_ /'~~ ~ vi ~- rc~. }''i.{ct ~ r~S }~ i~.~ ~ . ~;~ :~ ~;~ be.Z~a I-~ ~:.~ CL..a,~ ~ Dire ~ , v ~ ~/~ll,;~cj ~~ ~{~ ~-~ r~~}w ~ t~~ ~,u~ ct r~~~S i ~ ~-l~e. cT~ i ~ -~--v ,~r?~ ~'~. ~.'~~~ct.~- tom,-, , ~~ vf'6~ ~~~~ $ ~~ ~,: ~'~ f..>-J~~ V1~i ~i~. ~~"j ~~~7 ~ l..J~7 t'~ G~,~-- Li ~,A.,~GZ1 ~~7 ~ ~;,...}C":` ~ ~ ~' ~~~ ~'~~'~, -{--~i q: ~`" ~"u~Gt ~ ~' .~v'~ `~' Yom: L ~ ~.~ ~ c~- i~~ ~~ ~ ~; ~ fi ~ r ci y}~ ~; i ~ ) r- ~jt"_^'~~'Y'LQ_ ~? Z`1.~... 1 ~ "f, t C~ '~'-~" C3 ~' ~ ~ pt--.~~ j,_J ~~'1.,7T~J'1~'1 ~7Y-1) )C~ Y ~ t DRAFT ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION JULY 17, 2008 The meeting. of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairperson Knapp at 7:00 p.m., in the Community Recreation Center, 3936 North Muscatel, Rosemead. PLEDGE OF ALLIGIANCE - Vice Chairman Masuda INVOCATION - Commissioner Gay Rnl I COI I Present: Chairperson Knapp, Vice Chairman Masuda, Commissioners Gay and Lewin Absent:. Commissioner Hunter 1. PRESENTATION A. Recognition of Service -Joan Hunter. B. Oath of Office -Keno Deary, Sr 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of June 26, 2008: Deferred to next meeting. 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE -NONE 4. OLD BUSINESS -NONE 5. NEW BUSINESS A. MISSION DRIVE/IVAR AVENUE -Southbound Visibility Concerns and Crosswalk Concerns Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki .presented the staff report and study findings. Recommendation It is staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission recommends the City Council approve the installation of 30 feet of red curb on the north side of Mission Drive from Ivar Avenue to 30 feet westerly. Staff further recommends the Traffic Commission recommend to the City Council to approve the installation of an additional 48 feet (21 feet plus 6 feet plus 21 feet) of red curb on the north side of Mission Drive from Ivar Avenue easterly. This will provide for a total of approximately 85 feet of red curb from Ivar Avenue easterly. Exhibit A of the Staff Report depicts this recommendation. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting July 17, 2008 Page 1 Jl:mec (06160)17470/1002/Min02 DRAFT It is staff's recommendation that the pedestrian crossing issue at Mission Drive/Ivar Avenue be reanalyzed in late September/early October after school resumes. This will allow staff to gather school pedestrian crossing data and observe the location during school crossing times. This request will be brought back to the Traffic Commission no later than December 2008. ' Speaking before the Commission:. Mr. Frank Yuen 4412 Ivar Ave. 626-574-0663 (Property Owner) r Mr. Yuen is the owner of the property located at 4412 Ivar, an apartment building. (Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated Mr. Yuen's property is on the east side of Ivar just north of Mission.) Mr. Yuen stated the driveway approach of a new development on the south side is close to the intersection of Ivar and Mission. Left turns would be difficult, especially during school hours from Mission to Ivar. Mr. Yuen is of the opinion that a regular signal light is needed, not red curbing. That area is needed for parking during the daytime. New development on the south side should be a right turn only. Speaking before the Commission: Mr. Adam P. Velasco 8860 Mission drive 626-286-7134 Mr. Velasco completely agrees with Mr. Yuen. Signals should be installed at Mission and Ivar. Speaking before the Commission: Mr. Peter Woo 4644 Ivar Ave. 626-715-5515 Mr. Woo stated there is a need for a red curb. If signal is installed, it needs to be. synchronized. Commissioner Lewin agrees with staff's recommendation for red curb.. Visibility is hindered by the parked cars. A traffic signal would be tricky that close to Rosemead Boulevard. Commissioner Gay expressed his concern about the congestion problem coming off Rosemead Boulevard. He believes the recommendation to wait until school is in session is appropriate. Installing the red curb is a solution because of the visibility factor. Aright turn only at the new development is the only way to go. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting July 17, 2008 Page 2 Jl:mec (06160)17470/1002/Min02 . DRAFT Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki clarified that it is not staff's intention to only look at in- roadway warning lights. They will look at signals, crossing guard, in roadway warning , lights; they will look at all issues that might be appropriate for this. location. Vice Chairman Masuda agrees with waiting on analysis and installing -the red curb. Commissioner Deary agrees with the red curb. He added that the painting is faded. He agrees with the red curb, but the signs on the ground need to be repainted. He would like to have a pedestrian signal installed. Chairperson .Knapp concurs with staff's recommendations. Commissioner Gay would also like to see ladder striping to yellow crosswalk. Chairperson Knapp requested a motion. Commissioner Gay motioned and Vice Chairperson Masuda seconded to accept staff recommendation and to add ladder striping to the recommendation. Vote Results: Yes: Chairperson Knapp, Commissioner Deary, Commissioner Gay, Commissioner Lewin, Vice Chairman Masuda Noes: None Abstain: None 6. STAFF REPORTS -NONE 7. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Lewin requested that the Commission agendize the issue of not being able to see some signals at certain locations. He cited Rio Hondo and Valley as one location. Commissioner Gay thanked the Commission and stated he has enjoyed working with members of the Traffic Commission. He is also looking forward to sitting in the audience. Vice Chairperson Masuda also thanked the Commission members. Commissioner Deary stated he is excited to be a part of the Commission and giving back to his community. Chairperson Knapp expressed concerned about southbound Walnut Grove and making room for more cars to make the left turn onto Ramona Boulevard. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Juiy 17, 2008 Page 3 Jl:mec (06160)17470/1002/Min02 DRAFT 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned until September 4, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. (August 7th meeting cancelled due to lack of a quorum.) Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting July 17, 2008 Page 4 Jl:mec (06160)17470/1002/Min02 ATTACHMENT 2 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONERS FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: NOVEMBER 6, 2006 SUBJECT: MISSION DRIVE/IVAR AVENUE -SOUTHBOUND VISIBILITY CONCERNS AND CROSSWALK CONCERNS SUMMARY This item was originally brought before the Commission on July 17, 2008. At that time, the Commission approved the installation of red curb on the north side of Mission Drive east of Ivar Avenue and to add "ladder" striping to the crosswalk. This item has been brought back to the Commission to provide analysis of school pedestrians crossing the intersection of Mission Drive/Ivar Avenue within the existing crosswalk. The request is for the installation of a crossing guard, flashing beacon, or in- roadwaywarning lights to provide additional notification of this school crossing location. Staff Recommendation It is staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission denies the request for the installation/implementation of additional traffic control devices for the crosswalk on Mission Drive at Ivar Avenue. ANALYSIS The existing conditions at the intersections of Mission Drive and Ivar Avenue have not. changed since this item was brought before the Commission in July. Exhibit "A" depicts existing conditions at the intersection of Mission Drive and Ivar Avenue. Discussion The installation or implementation on most traffic control devices is based on guidelines set forth in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD). The following guidelines are summarized from the CA MUTCD. Crossing Guards "Adult crossing guards maybe used under the following conditions: 7. At uncontrolled crossings where (here is , no alternate controlled crossing Traffic Commission Meeting November 6, 2008 Page 2 of 4 within 180 m (600 ft); and a. In urban areas where the vehicular traffic volume exceeds 350 during each of any two hours (not necessarily consecutive) in which 40 or more school pedestrians cross daily while going to or from school; or b. In.rural areas where the vehicular traffic volume exceeds 300 during each of any two hours (not necessarily consecutive) in which 30 or more, school pedestrians cross daily while going to or from school. Whenever the critical (85th percentile) approach speed exceeds 64 km/h (40 mph), the guidelines for rural areas should be applied." Note: This is not the complete guideline as presented in the CA MUTCD. However, this is the section that specifically applies to the crossing on Mission Drive at Ivar Avenue. Flashing Beacons at School Crosswalks "Flashing yellow beacons may be installed to supplement standard school signing and markings for the purpose of providing advanced warning during specified times of operation when justified. A flashing yellow beacon may be justified when ALL of the following conditions are fulfilled: 1. The uncontrolled school crossing is on the "Suggested Roufe to School'; and 2. At least 40 school pedestrians use the crossing during each of any two hours (not necessarily consecutive) or a normal school day; and 3. The crossing is at least 180 m (600 ft) from the nearest alternate crossing controlled by traffic signals, stop signs or crossing guards; and 4. The vehicular volume through the crossing exceeds 200 vehicles per hour in urban areas or 140 vehicles per hour in rural areas during the same hour the students are going to and from school during normal school hours; and 5. The critical approach speeds exceed 55 km/h (35 mph) ~ or the approach visibility is less than the stopping sight distance." In-Roadway Warning Lights (IRWLs) "The following shall be considered when evaluating the need for In-Roadway Warning Lights: a. Whether the crossing is controlled or uncontrolled. b. An engineering traffic ,study to determine if In-Roadway Warning Lights are compatible with the safety and operation of nearby intersections, which may or may not be, controlled by traffic signals or STOP/YIELD signs. c. Standard traffic signs for crossing and crosswalk pavement markings are provided. d. At leasf 40 pedestrians regularly use the crossing during each of any fwo hours (not necessarily consecutive) during a 24-hour period. e. The vehicular volume through the crossing exceeds 200 vehicles per hour in urban areas or 140 vehicles per hour in rural areas during peak-hour pedestrian usage. f. The critical approach speed (85th percentile) is 70 km/h (45 mph) or less. Traffic Commission Meeting November 6, 2008 Page 3 of 4. g. In-Roadway Warning Lights are visible to drivers at the minimum stopping sight distance for the posted speed limit. h. Public education on ln-Roadway Warning Lights is conducted for new installations. " Pedestrian and vehicular count data was collected on Tuesday, October 28, 2008. The data is summarized on Exhibit "B" and reveal the following: 7:30 - 8:30 AM 2:00 - 3:00 PM Pedestrian count 37 (4 adults) 16 (2 adults) Vehicular count 1,527 1,096 Observations of the pedestrians indicated that most of the pedestrians were crossing in the northbound direction in both the AM and PM periods. This would seem to indicate that during the AM periods the students crossing are related to the high school. During the PM period, the student crossing appeared to be related to the junior high- school. Observations also identified most vehicles would stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk. There were a couple of occasions when vehicles would not stop for the pedestrians. The nearest controlled crossing would be at the intersection of Mission Drive and Rosemead Boulevard. This is a signalized intersection that provides pedestrian signal indications. This intersection is over 600 feet east of the intersection of Mission Drive and Ivar Avenue. ~ i The critical approach speed is approximately 45 mph. The exact critical approach speed will be provided at the Traffic Commission meeting. The data collected does not satisfy the guidelines presented for the installation/implementation of crossing guards, flashing beacons or IRWLs. The, data indicate that the pedestrian volumes do not satisfy the "40 school pedestrians" crossing during any 2 hours (not necessarily consecutive). While the vehicular volume satisfies the guidelines for all the traffic control measures considered. ~ The nearest controlled crossing is more that 600 feet away and the critical approach speed is approximately 45 mph. Based on the data collected at the marked pedestrian crosswalk on Mission Drive at Ivar Avenue, the installation of any additional traffic control devices is not recommended at this time. Traffic Commission Meeting November 6, 2008 Page 4 of 4 Staff Recommendation It is staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission denies the request for the installation/implementation of additional traffic control devices for the crosswalk on Mission Drive at Ivar Avenue. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has-been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: Joanne Itagaki Traffic Engineering Deputy Exhibit A: Existing Conditions at Mission Drive and Ivar Avenue Exhibit B: Pedestrian and Vehicle Counts at Mission Drive and Ivar Avenue Minutes of the Regular ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING . November 6, 2008 - The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Knapp at 7:00 p.m, in the Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Vice-Chairman Masuda INVOCATION: Commissioner Deary ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS PRESENT: Chairman Knapp; Vice-Chairman Masuda, Commissioner Deary, Commissioner Lewin, Commissioner Russell. _ OFFICIALS PRESENT: Deputy Public Works Director Marcarello, Field Services Manager Ornellas, Senior Management Analyst Hentabli, and Traffic Engineer Itagaki. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES October 2, 2008 -Regular Meeting Commissioner Deary made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Russell, to approve the minutes along with clarifications. Vote resulted in: Yes: Deary, Knapp, Lewin, Masuda, Russell No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 2. PUBLIC COMMENT FROM THE AUDIENCE -None 3. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS A. MISSION DRIVEIIVAR AVENUE -Southbound Visibility Concerns and Crosswalk Concerns ' This item was originally brought before the Commission on July 17, 2008. At that time, the Commission approved the installation of red curb on the north side of Mission Drive east of Ivar Avenue and to add "ladder" striping to the crosswalk. This item has been brought back to the Commission to provide analysis of school pedestrians crossing the intersection of Mission Drive/Ivar Avenue within the existing crosswalk. The request is for the installation of a crossing guard, flashing beacon, or in- roadway warning lights to provide additional notification of this school crossing location. Rosemead Traffrc Commission Meeting Minutes of November 6, 2008 Page 1 of 4 Staff Recommendation: It is staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission denies the request for the installation/implementation of additional traffic control devices for the crosswalk on Mission Drive at Ivar Avenue. , Commissioner Lewin made a motion, seconded by Chairman Knapp, to approve staff's recommendation and in addition add arrow signs pointing down on both sides of the cross walk. Vote resulted in: Yes: Deary, Knapp, Lewin, Masuda, Russell No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Presentation on Citywide Street Striping and Signage Improvement Program As part of the City's Fiscal Year 2008-09 budget, the City Council included funding to update street striping conditions and street signage throughout the City. City staff will review a presentation explaining the project and take input from the Commission on issues related to these work' efforts. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Traffic Commission review the presentation and provide input related to the Citywide Street Striping and Signage Improvement Program. Robert Garcia, Representative of Traffic Operations presented to the Traffic Commission and reviewed the street improvement program. The program will help improve the visibility of street and regulatory signs and improve the safety of pedestrians and motorists in the City. B. EARLE AVENUE -Letter Request to Review Parking Conditions SUMMARY City Staff received a letter request from Sheryl Blum, 4824 Earle Avenue, regarding parking conditions along Earle Avenue north of Mission Drive and south of Grand Avenue. Ms. Blum has asked that the Traffic Commission review the existing conditions and identify possible alternatives for improving parking in this area. A petition of residents on Earle Avenue was also included with the letter request. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Traffic Commission direct staff to study this item further and develop recommendations for the Traffic Commission's consideration. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of November 6, 2008 Page 2 of 4 Sheryl Blum expressed concern over the parking conditions on Earle Avenue;-she explained the current problems the residents are experiencing 6y the surrounding business and their employees. Commissioner Lewin made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Russell, to direct staff to study this item further and develop recommendations. Vote resulted in: Yes: Deary, Knapp, Lewin, Masuda, Russell No: None Abstain: None Absent: None C. 'SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD SOUTH OF GARVEY AVENUE -Turning Movement Concerns at Walgreens Driveway Chairperson Knapp and Commissioner Russell both requested this issue be addressed. The concern was with regards to vehicles parking adjacent to this driveway and the left turn access from the driveway onto San Gabriel Boulevard. Staff Recommendation: It is staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission recommends the following to the City Council: Install 68 feet of red curb on the east side of San Gabriel Boulevard south of the driveway access of Walgreen's south of Garvey Avenue. 2. Install two "No Left Turn" (R3-2) signs for vehicles entering and exiting the Walgreen's driveway on San Gabriel Boulevard south of Garvey Avenue. 3. Remove the left turn pavement marking at the driveway of Walgreen's to be consistent with the proposed "No Left Turn" sign. Commissioner Russell made a motion, seconded by Chairman Knapp, to recommend staff's recommendations to City Council. Vote resulted in: Yes: Deary, Knapp, Lewin, Masuda, Russell No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 5. STAFF REPORTS 6. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of November 6, 2008 Page 3 of 4 Commissioner Masuda suggested to the Commission to place a "keep clear intersection" sign on Ivar Avenue and Mission Avenue. Commissioner. Lewin indicated there was a visibility issue by the parking lot north of the Rosemead Chamber of Commerce. Also, asked staff to look into Guess and Hart Avenue intersection and add a "stop" sign, as well as, a "right turn only" sign on~the Rosemead pool parking lot. Chairman Knapp invited the Commission and residents to attend the Annual Pancake Breakfast organized by People for People. 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:39 pm. The next regular meeting is scheduled for December 4, 2008 at the Rosemead City Hall, City Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard. Holly Knapp, Chairman ATTEST: Chris Marcarello, Deputy Public Works Director Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of November 6, 2008 Page 4 of 4 ~ D N X S 0 m D f ~ ~~~~ zo N~~ ~a~Z ~ ~ ~ o Ds <~ca / / 9 ~ r ~ / / r Ei ~ °o- ~ ~ / ~/ Rl ~ ~ J D ~$~~ ~dn-.~ ~ N~ m ~ ~ z ~°~ ~ ~ -ti ~x~ x / N _ fTl ~ ~~~~ EE6 1 pN rD ~I .Y/ ffynn N F /~/ u n o ~4 z / ~ ~ =o ` a . ~ m u / / `O ~ `? - r~ ~ - ~ / °~ /m~~ NAR AVENUE ~~ / ~'/ li / / ~I / 9 / / G ` ~ip d o i 6 ~ / ~ / ~ ~~ m l~ ~~~ / / ~I / / ~~ ~~f °w ~n ~n ~ ti ~ ~ x r / / ~~ ~ / / N~ o N m ~ o .~ m m Z ~. v ~ / _ D / ~~ ca ~=>-~ - - o 0 / o ~ ~ /C 1~1 0 ~~ ~ m / n m / ~ - - - - r o m / a ' ~ ,r' / IVAR AVENUE m ° / V ~~~ n ; N 0 / V~ o„ ~ v ,( ~ / ~ ~ ; ~ f„3 ~/ `~ o / / y ~C a / ~ D ~ ~ X ~ // G' ~I / / lid/ O n l / N ~ ~ ~ m \ e o Z m'C ~ '~ Z / ~1. / o / 10• / '°a II o L~ ~ ;^ n o~ a QUimo-am ory'9wn v'-ae~i~.syraµ~yr+a.a.n ,.. ~a ae - aee~ , ~ z vS a ~ ~ ~ ~~~ z ~ ~~ S3l~IH311 ~Z Wd S~I~IK3A 5£ YVV-~ ~~~~ ~~~~ N N Op Z_ Z ~ ~ M ~ ~ s y a 00 \Vvy~ 538 ~V Jd ~3 ~ ~ ~~~ » ~o ~~ °<~ ~ ~ 5~8 ~N ~Q~ i~aV Z Z Z ~ ~ , W C7 x x ~ ~ \O lJL ~ n U U r(/~ W W as a d' ~ . 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