CC - Item 3L - Housing ElementROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER DATE: DECEMBER 16, 2008 SUBJECT: HOUSING ELEMENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SUMMARY On November 18, 2008, the City Council authorized staff to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) to seek a qualified professional consultant to update the City's Housing Element in accordance with State Law. The State of California requires that all cities prepare and adopt a Housing Element every five years (Government Code sections 65580-65589.8). The Housing Element must include identification and analysis of existing and projected housing needs, resources and constraints to address these needs, overall housing goals and policies, and scheduled programs for the maintenance, improvement and development of housing for all economic segments of the community. The Rosemead Housing Element was last prepared and approved by the State in June 2002 and must now be updated and resubmitted to the State for their review and consideration. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council enter into a professional services agreement with GRC Associates, Inc. in the amount of $44,260 for the development of an updated Housing Element in accordance with State Law. ANALYSIS Staff prepared an RFP and sent it to 8 consulting firms experienced in the Housing Element update process. The City received a response from four (4) firms: GRC Associates, Inc. $44,260 - Willdan $63,720 Hogle-Ireland, Inc. $64,830 Civic Solutions $69,635 GRC Associates has provided urban planning, housing, redevelopment, economic development and environmental consulting services to over 60 cities and agencies in California. Continuous experience in these fields has kept GRC abreast of the ever- changing laws and legal interpretations that affect both present and future projects. APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: ®' ~~~~ ~®o '~"°" City Council Report December 16, 2008 Page 2 of 2 ' GRC has extensive experience in the City of Rosemead., In the last ten years, GRC has assisted the City and the Development Services Business Unit in the adoption of the 'Redevelopment Project Area No. 2 as well. as completing the Community Development Commission's 2005-2009 Five-Year Implementation Plan. Based upon a preliminary time schedule, GRC anticipates that the adoption of the Housing Element will take approximately six (6) months to complete. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS. This item has been noticed according to the California Health and Safety Code Section 33490. Prepared by: Michelle G. Ramirez Economic Development Administrator Submitt i B i ki Assistant City Manager Attachment A -Proposals Attachment B -Professional Services Agreement ATTACHMENT B CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT PARTIES AND DATE. This Agreement is made and entered into this 16th day of December, 2008 by and between the City of Rosemead, a municipal organization organized under the laws of the State of California with its principal place of business at 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, California 91770 ("City") and. GRC Associates, Inc. ("Consultant"). City and Consultant are sometimes individually referred to herein as "Party" and collectively as "Parties." 2. RECITALS. 2.1 Consultant. ~ - Consultant desires to perform and assume responsibility for the provision of certain professional services required by the City on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Consultant represents that it is experienced in providing Housing Element Studies to public clients, is licensed in the State of California, and is familiar with the plans of City. - 2.2 Project. City-desires to engage Consultant to render such services to create an updated Housing Element for submission to the State of California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) consistent with HCD guidelines and requirements, and the City of Rosemead's General Plan ("Project") as set forth in this Agreement. 3. TERMS. 3.1 Scope of Services and Term. 3.1.1 General Scope of Services. Consultant promises and agrees to furnish to the City all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, and incidental and customary work necessary to fully and adequately supply the professional consulting services necessary for the Project ("Services"). The Services are more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. All Services shall be subject to, and performed in accordance with, this Agreement, the exhibits attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations. 3.1.2 Term. The term of this Agreement shall be from December 16, 2008 to September 30, 2009, unless earlier terminated as provided herein. Consultant shall complete the Services within the term of this Agreement, and shall meet any other established schedules and deadlines. GRC Associates, Inc. Page 2 of 17 3.2 Responsibilities of Consultant. 3.2.1 Control and Payment of Subordinates; Independent Contractor. The Services shall be performed by Consultant or under its supervision. Consultant will determine the means, methods and details of performing the Services subject to the requirements of this Agreement. City retains- Consultant on an independent contractor basis and not as an employee. Consultant retains the right to perform similar or different services for others during the term of this Agreement. Any additional personnel performing the Services under this Agreement on behalf of Consultant shall also not be employees of City and shall at all times be under Consultant's exclusive direction and control. Consultant shall pay all wages, salaries, and other amounts due such personnel, in connection with their performance of Services under this Agreement and as required by law. Consultant shall be responsible for all reports and obligations respecting such additional personnel, including, but not limited to: social security taxes, income tax withholding, unemployment insurance, disability insurance, and workers' compensation insurance. 3.2.2 Schedule of Services. Consultant shall perform the Services expeditiously, within the term of this Agreement, and in accordance with the Schedule of Services set forth in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Consultant represents that it has the professional and technical personnel required to perform the Services in conformance with such conditions. In order to facilitate Consultant's conformance with the Schedule, City shall respond to Consultant's submittals in a timely manner. Upon request of. City, Consultant shall provide a more detailed schedule of anticipated performance to meet the Schedule of Services. 3.2.3 Conformance to Applicable Requirements. All work prepared by Consultant shall be subject to the approval of City. 3.2.4 Substitution of Key Personnel. Consultant has represented to City that certain key personnel .will perform and coordinate the Services under this Agreement. Should one or more of such personnel become unavailable, Consultant may substitute other personnel of at least equal competence upon written approval of City. In the event that City and Consultant cannot agree as to the substitution of key personnel, City shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement for cause. As discussed below, any personnel who fail or refuse to perform the Services in a manner acceptable to the City, or who are determined by the City to be uncooperative, incompetent, a threat to the adequate or timely completion of the Project or a threat to the safety of persons or property, shall be promptly removed from the Project by the Consultant at the request of the City. The key personnel for performance of this Agreement are as follows: John N. Oshimo, President and Project Manager,. Robert G. Vasquez, Principal, and Peter Chou, Assistant. 3.2.5 City's Representative. The City hereby designates Michelle Ramirez, Economic Development~Administrator, or his designee, to act as its representative for the performance of this Agreement ("City's Representative"). City's Representative shall have the power to act on behalf of the City for all purposes under this Contract. Consultant shall not accept direction or orders from any person other than the City's Representative or his or her designee. GRC Associates, Inc. Page 3 of 17 3.2.6 Consultant's Representative. Consultant hereby designates John N. Oshimo, President, or his designee, to act as its representative for the performance of this Agreement ("Consultant's Representative"). Consultant's Representative shall have full authority to represent and act on behalf of the. Consultant for all purposes under this Agreement. The Consultant's Representative shall supervise and direct the Services, using his/her best skill and attention, and shall be responsible for all means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures and for the satisfactory coordination of all portions of the Services under this Agreement. 3.2.7 Coordination of Services. Consultant agrees to work closely with City staff in the performance of Services and shall be available to City's staff, consultants and other.staff at all reasonable.times. 3.2.8 Standard of Care; Performance of Employees. Consultant shall .perform all Services under this Agreement in a skillful and competent manner, consistent with the standards generally recognized as being employed by professionals in the same discipline in the State of California. Consultant represents and maintains that it is skilled in the professional calling necessary to perform the Services. Consultant warrants that all employees and subcontractors shall have sufficient skill and experience to perform the Services assigned to them. Finally, Consultant represents that it, its employees and subcontractors have all licenses, permits, qualifications and approvals of whatever nature that are legally required to perform the Services, including a City Business License, and that such licenses and approvals shall be maintained throughout the term of this Agreement. As provided for in the indemnification provisions of this Agreement, Consultant shall perform, at its own cost and expense and without reimbursement from the City, any services necessary to correct errors or omissions which are caused by the Consultant's failure to comply with the standard of care provided for herein. Any employee of the Consultant or its sub-consultants who is determined by the City to be uncooperative, incompetent, a threat to the adequate or timely completion of the Project, a threat to the safety of persons or property, or any employee who fails or refuses to perform the Services in a manner acceptable to the City, shall be promptly removed from the Project by the Consultant and shall not be re-employed to perform any of the Services or to work on the Project. 3.2.9 Laws and Regulations. Consultant shall keep itself fully informed of and in compliance with all local, state .and federal laws, rules and regulations in any manner affecting the performance of the Project or the Services, including all Cal/OSHA requirements, and shall give all notices required by law. Consultant shall be liable for all violations of such laws and regulations in connection with Services. If the Consultant performs any work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, rules and regulations and without giving written notice to the City, Consultant shall be solely responsible for all costs arising there from. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold City, its officials, directors, officers, employees and agents free and harmless, pursuant to the indemnification provisions of this Agreement, from any claim or liability arising out of any failure or alleged failure to comply with such laws, rules or regulations. GRC Associates, Inc. Page 4 of 17 3.2.10 Insurance. . Time for Compliance. Contractor shall maintain prior to the beginning of and for the direction of this Agreement insurance coverage as specified in Exhibit. D attached to and part of this agreement. 3.2.11 Safety. Contractor shall execute and maintain its work so as to avoid injury or damage to any person or property. In carrying out its Services, the Contractor shall at all times be in compliance with all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations; and shall exercise all necessary precautions for the safety of employees appropriate to the nature of the work and the conditions under which the work is to be performed. Safety precautions as applicable shall include, but shall not be limited to: (A) adequate life protection and life saving equipment and procedures; (B) instructions in accident prevention for all employees and subcontractors, such as safe walkways, scaffolds, fall protection ladders, bridges, gang planks, confined space procedures, trenching and shoring; equipment and other safety devices, equipment and wearing apparel as are necessary or lawfully required to prevent accidents or injuries; and (C) adequate facilities for the proper inspection and maintenance of all safety measures. 3.3 Fees and Payments. 3.3.1 Compensation. Consultant shall receive compensation, including authorized reimbursements, for all Services rendered under this Agreement at the rates set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The total compensation shall not exceed Forty-Four Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty ($44,260) without advance written approval of the City Council. Extra Work may be authorized, as described below, and if authorized, will be compensated at the rates and manner set forth in this Agreement. 3.3.2 Payment of Compensation. Consultant shall submit to City a monthly itemized statement which indicates work completed and hours of Services rendered by Consultant. The statement shall describe the amount of Services and supplies provided since the initial commencement date, or since the start of the subsequent billing periods, as appropriate, through the date of the statement. City shall, within 45 days of receiving such statement, review the statement and pay all approved charges thereon. 3.3.3 Reimbursement for Expenses. Consultant shall not be reimbursed for any expenses unless authorized in writing by City. 3.3.4 Extra Work. At any time during the-term of this Agreement, City may request that Consultant perform Extra Work. As used herein, "Extra Work" means any work which is determined by City to be necessary for the proper completion of the Project, but which the parties did not reasonably anticipate would be necessary at the execution of this Agreement. Consultant shall not perform, nor be compensated for, Extra Work without written authorization from City's Representative. GRC Associates, Inc. Page 5 of 17 3.3.5 Prevailing Wages. Consultant is aware of the requirements of California Labor Code Section 1720, et seq., and 1770, et seq., as well as California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 1600, et seq., ("Prevailing Wage Laws"); which require the payment of prevailing wage rates and the performance of other requirements on "public works" and "maintenance" projects. If the Services are being performed as part of an applicable "public works" or "maintenance" project, as defined by the Prevailing Wage Laws, and if the total compensation is $1,000 or more, Consultant agrees to fully comply with such Prevailing Wage Laws. City shall provide Consultant with a copy of the prevailing rates of per diem wages in effect at the commencement of this Agreement. Consultant shall make copies of the prevailing rates of per diem wages for each craft, classification or type of worker needed to execute the Services available to interested parties upon request, and shall post copies at the Consultant's principal place of business and at the project site. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its elected officials, officers, employees and agents free and harmless from any claim or liability arising out of any failure or alleged failure to comply with the Prevailing Wage Laws. 3.4 Accounting Records. 3.4.1 Maintenance and Inspection. Consultant shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to all costs and expenses incurred under this Agreement. All such records shall be clearly identifiable. Consultant shall allow a representative of City during normal business hours to examine, audit, and make transcripts or copies of such records and any other documents created pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings, and activities related to the Agreement for a period of three (3) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement. 3.5 General Provisions.. 3.5.1 _ Termination of Agreement. Grounds for Termination. City may, by written notice to Consultant, terminate the whole or any part of this Agreement at any time and without cause by giving written notice to Consultant of such termination, and specifying the effective date thereof, at least seven (7) days before the effective date of such termination. Upon termination, Consultant-shall be compensated only for those services which have been adequately rendered to City, and Consultant shall be entitled to no further compensation. Consultant may not terminate this Agreement except for cause. Effect of Termination. If this Agreement is terminated as provided herein, City may require Consultant to provide all finished or unfinished Documents and Data and other information of any kind prepared by Consultant in connection with the performance of Services under this Agreement. Consultant shall be required to provide such document and other information within fifteen (15) days of the request. ' GRC Associates, Inc. Page 6 of 17 Additional Services. In the event this Agreement is terminated in whole or in part as provided herein, City may procure, upon such terms and in such manner as it may determine appropriate, services similar to those terminated. 3.5.2 Delivery of Notices. All notices permitted or required under this Agreement shall be given to the respective parties at the following address, or at such other address as the respective parties may provide in writing for this purpose: CONSULTANT: GRC Associates, Inc. 858 Oak Park Road Covina, California 91724 Attn: John N. Oshimo, President CITY: City of Rosemead " P.O. Box 399 Rosemead, California 91770 Attn: Michelle Ramirez, Economic Development Administrator Such notice shall be deemed made when personally delivered or when mailed, forty- eight (48) hours after deposit in the U.S. Mail, first class postage prepaid and. addressed to the party at its applicable address. Actual notice shall be deemed adequate notice on the date actual notice occurred, regardless of the method of service. 3.5.3 Ownership of Materials and Confidentiality. Documents & Data; Licensing of Intellectual Property. This Agreement creates anon-exclusive and perpetual license for City to copry, use, modify, reuse, or sublicense any and all copyrights, designs, and other intellectual property embodied in plans, specifications, studies, drawings, estimates, and other documents or works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, including but not limited to, physical drawings or data magnetically or otherwise recorded on computer diskettes, which are prepared or caused to be prepared by Consultant under this Agreement ("Documents & Data"). Consultant shall require all subcontractors to agree in writing that City is granted a non-exclusive and perpetual license for any Documents & Data the subcontractor prepares under this Agreement. Consultant represents and warrants that Consultant has the legal right to license any and all Documents & Data. Consultant makes no such representation and warranty in regard to Documents & Data which were prepared by design professionals other than Consultant or provided to Consultant by the City. City shall not be limited in any way in its use of the Documents and Data at any time, provided that any such use not within the purposes intended by this Agreement shall be at City's sole risk. GRC Associates, Inc. Page 7 of 17 Confidentiality. All ideas, memoranda, specifications, plans, procedures, drawings, descriptions, computer program data, input record data, written information, and other Documents and Data either created by or provided to Consultant in connection with the performance of this Agreement shall be held confidential by Consultant. Such materials shall not, without the prior written consent of City, be used by Consultant for any purposes other than the performance of the Services. Nor shall such materials be disclosed to any person or entity not connected with the performance of the Services or the Project. Nothing furnished to Consultant which is otherwise known to Consultant or is generally known; or has become known, to the related industry shall be deemed confidential. Consultant shall not use City's name or insignia, photographs of the Project, or any publicity pertaining to the Services or the Project in any magazine, trade paper, newspaper, television or radio production or other similar medium without the prior written consent of City. 3.5.4 Cooperation; Further Acts. The Parties shall fully cooperate with one another, and shall take any additional acts or sign any additional documents as may be necessary, appropriate or convenient to attain the purposes of this Agreement. 3.5.5 Attorney's Fees. If either party commences an action against the other party, either legal, administrative or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, the prevailing party in such litigation shall be entitled to have and recover from the losing party reasonable attorney's fees and all other costs of such action. 3.5.6 Indemnification. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officials, officers, employees, volunteers and agents free and harmless from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, costs, expenses, liability, loss, damage or injury, in law or equity, to property or persons, including wrongful death, in any manner arising out of or incident to any negligent acts, errors or omissions or willful misconduct of Consultant, its officials; officers, employees, agents, consultants and contractors arising out of or in connection with the performance of the Services, the Project or this Agreement, including without limitation the payment of all consequential damages and attorneys fees and other related costs and expenses. Consultant shall defend, at Consultant's own cost, expense and risk, any and all such. aforesaid suits, actions or other legal proceedings of every kind that may be brought or instituted against City, its directors, officials, officers, employees; agents or volunteers. Consultant shall pay and satisfy any judgment, award or decree that may be rendered against City or its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents or volunteers, in any such suit, action or other legal proceeding. Consultant shall reimburse City and its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents and/or volunteers, for any and all legal expenses and costs incurred by each of them in connection therewith or in enforcing the indemnity herein provided. Consultant's obligation to indemnify shall not be restricted to insurance proceeds, if any, received by the City, its directors, official officers, employees, agents or volunteers. 3.5.7 Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire Agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all .prior negotiations, understandings or agreements. This Agreement may only be modified by a writing signed by both parties. GRC Associates, Inc. Page 8 of 17 3.5.8 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. Venue shall be in Los Angeles_County. 3.5.9 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence for each and every provision of this Agreement. 3.5.10 City's Right to Employ Other Consultants. City reserves right to employ other consultants in connection with this Project. 3.5.11 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding on the successors and assigns of the parties. 3.5.12 Assignment or Transfer. Consultant shall not assign, hypothecate, or transfer, either directly or by operation of law, this Agreement or any interest herein without the prior written consent of the City. Any attempt to do so shall be null and void, and any assignees, hypothecates or transferees shall acquire no right or interest by reason of such attempted assignment,'hypothecation or transfer. ' 3.5.13 Construction; References; Captions. Since the Parties or their agents have participated fully in the preparation of this Agreement, the language of this Agreement shall be construed simply, according to its fair meaning, and not strictly for or against any Party. Any term referencing time, days or period for performance shall be deemed calendar days and not work days. All references to Consultant include all personnel, employees, agents, and subcontractors of Consultant, except as otherwise specified in this Agreement. All references to City include its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers except as otherwise specified in this Agreement. The captions of the various articles and paragraphs are for convenience and ease of reference only, and do not define, limit, augment, or describe the scope, content, or intent of this Agreement. 3.5.14 Amendment; Modification. No supplement, modification, or amendment of this Agreement shall be binding unless executed in writing and signed by both Parties. 3.5.15 Waiver. No waiver of any default shall constitute a waiver of any other default or breach, whether of the same or other covenant or condition. No waiver, benefit, privilege, or service voluntarily given or performed by a Party shall give the other Party any contractual rights by custom, estoppel,, or otherwise. 3.5.16 No Third Party Beneficiaries. There are no intended third party beneficiaries of any right or obligation assumed by the Parties. -~ 3.5.17 Invalidity; Severability. If any portion of this Agreement is declared invalid, illegal, or otherwise unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. GRC Associates, Inc. Page 9 of 17 3.5.18 Prohibited Interests. Consultant maintains and warrants that it has not employed nor retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for Consultant, to solicit or secure this Agreement. Further, Consultant warrants that it has not paid nor has it agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for Consultant, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. Consultant further agrees to file, or shall cause its employees or sub- consultants to file, a Statement of Economic Interest with the City's Filing Officer as required under state law in the performance of the Services. For breach or violation of this warranty, City shall have the right to rescind this Agreement without liability. For the term of this Agreement, no member, officer or employee of City, during the term of his or her service with City, shall have any direct interest in this Agreement, or obtain any present or anticipated material benefit arising there from. 3.5.19 Equal Opportunity Employment. Consultant represents that it is an equal opportunity employer and' it shall not discriminate against any subcontractor, employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, national origin, handicap, ancestry, sex or age. Such non-discrimination shall include, but not be limited to, all activities related to initial employment, upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination. Consultant shall also comply with all relevant provisions of City's Minority Business Enterprise program, Affirmative Action Plan or other related programs or guidelines currently in effect or hereinafter enacted. 3.5.20 Labor Certification. By its signature hereunder, Consultant certifies that it is aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the California Labor Code which require every employer to be insured against liability for Worker's Compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that Code, and agrees to comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the Services. 3.5.21 Authority to Enter Agreement. Consultant has all requisite power and authority to conduct its business and to execute, deliver, and perform the Agreement. Each Party warrants that the individuals who have signed this Agreement have the legal power, right, and authority to make this Agreement and bind each respective Party.. 3.5.22 Counterparts. This Agreement may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original 3.6 Subcontracting. 3.6.1 Prior Approval Required., Consultant shall not subcontract any portion of the work required by this Agreement, except as expressly. stated herein, without prior written approval of City. Subcontracts, if any, shall contain a provision making them subject to all provisions stipulated in this Agreement. GRC Associates, Inc. Page 10 of 17 CITY OF ROSEMEAD GRC ASSOICATES, INC. By: John Tran, Mayor Attest: Gloria Molleda City Clerk Approved as to Form: Garcia Calderon Ruiz, LLP City Attorney By: Name: John N. Oshimo Title: Presiderit EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES [insert scope] A-1 ii f ran W r~ V 'O r^ U ~ ~ m °~ ~~ V ~ ~ ~ ~ J ca ~ o ~~ ~~ a ~ ~ ~~ ~~ - ~ ~ v~ Q ~ o ~~ ~ ~~ o ~ °' ~ 0 v '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` m O. 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O~ o~ 3~ .~ ~ ~ ~ O Z a~ ,~ ~ o~~~~z~~.~~~ a ~. ~~~~3~~~~ Q O ~ ~~' +' m o w W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bi0 ~ O ~ ~-• c, 'Ci Q ~ ~' •~ +' O V o ~ ~ v ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ +' 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .r ~ ~ .~ ~ rii ~ ~ o ~ ~ (11 ¢. ~ ~ O N '~ Q~ .~ ~ N ~ N ~ ~ (~ ~ ~ U O °~ ~ ~ v O ~ ~ O- ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ .~ ~ m •~ ~ ~ ~ a~ O •~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ `O ~ = O ~ W N ~ '~ ~ +' Q 4S ~ w ~"~ ~ C7 ~ o (n ~ .~ "° bD ~ z v ~ Ia•- ~ w Q ~ ~ ~ ~ s?, ~ w w ~ ~ o ~~ ~o~ O~i~ ~CJ ~ ~ ~ ~~ o~ p v .r ~ ~ ~ Q ~ i ~. >,'~ ~ 4. ~ ~ ~ ~ '~C ~ ~ q2 c~ N L Q Q C ~ R3 (0 C U 0 ~ ~ - ~ C U ~ z °' ~a -a a ~ U O ~ ~ N'C c~ ,~ ~.~~aU a ~c~N rn> 3~ o ~ a;: °z~>~ ~ ° ~ a .c~ a i ,;~ oZ U... I ~ o ~ »_. co Q ~ . ~ ~ C L C c ,m o 0 W "C7 o c•~ Z C m ~ t U (n C O ~c o`n ~ ~ L Q ~ O~ U ~ C U ~ C r O O c ~ o ~~ Y C O ~ ~ • N ~ E E ~ o W a rN~ V a 0 U EXHIBIT B SCHEDULE OF SERVICES [insert schedule] B-1 za n w ~ '~ .~ RS J ~ ~ ~ .~ v ® ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ `~ ~ 3 ( ~ ~ ~ ~ „ w ~ ~ ~ o 0 . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V ~ ~ ~U ~ ~' `~ .~ U +' x ® o +' ° .~ ~+ ~ . N b0 c~ N ~ O~ .'. W ~ ~ ~ Q N p ~ x ~ ~ W x .~ ~~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ® ~ ~ O I ' w ~ .~ Y +1 F+ y~ ~ ~-I O - O ~ Q U O ~ v . p ~ ~. O +~ O +' -d u ~ ~ O ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ U ~ ~ Q" ~ ~ a~i 7-a Q~ ~ ~1 ~ y ~~ 0 ~ ~ ~ :-1 N .~ ~] +J ~ ~ ~ d rn c o ~ -~ c°~ ,; O Z ~ ~t~, t ~ ~- ~ m 'fir- ~, ~ P i`kl,` ~;, _ ~ ~~ r ~ ~, ~ -- - ~ r .y ~ r"_ f ~..~~,t~. Q. o a ~~; y`~ ~, ,- r f~ ,. U L l ~ ! _v ~ "i S ~ £ Y`: ~r ~. m ~ - ;* ~" , ~~ L .i ~- u -- ;F~- 0 ~^y /~ • R CV '~" F.: . ~ r. { y C d V W 0 fC ~ / o l4 N .a d ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m i a o ~ '' O «~ x ~ W W ~. a+ V) O + 1C p ~ ~ ~ _ •~ C i ~ 'cC ca O O C1. O V = . rL+ ~ L = _ O s.. ~ ~ Z~ 3 C ~ ~> ~ ~ _ ~ _ ~ ' C c~ o o a~ i ~ W ~. ~ = v o[ .a o i 0 ~ ~ N M et to ~ ti GC 4~ *~ Y Y Y Y Y .Y ~L ~L Y Y ~ ~ ~ N N ~ ~N N ~ ~ ~ a a Q a a a a a a a a W J W 2 U ~"' U W ~M li a, M U EXHIBIT C COMPENSATION [insert rates & authorized reimbursable expenses] C-1 GRC Associates -- Proposed Rosemead Housing Element Budget GRC proposes to complete the project with anot-to-exceed budget of $44,260. - - GRC's Proposed Budget -- Rosemead Housing Element ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REDEVELOPMENT REAL ESTATE CONSULTING AFFORDABLE HOUSING URBAN PLANNING 858 OAK PARK ROAD :-Tasks GRC Staff':: ,.Billie Rate Hours Cost Task 1 Project Management J. Oshimo $ 160 24 $ 3,840 R. Vasquez $ 140. 6 $ 840 $ 4,680 Task 2 Update PHE J. Oshimo $ 160 16 $ 2,560 R. Vasquez $ 140 6 $ 840 P. Chou $ 70 22 $ 1,540 Total $ 4,940 Task 3 Housing Resources J. Oshimo $ 160 22 $ 3,520 R. Vasquez $ 140 12 $ 1,680 P. Chou $ 70 52 $ 3,640 ' Total $ 8,840 Task 4 Constraints on Housing J. Oshimo $ 160 8 $ 1,280 P. Chou $ 70 24 $ 1,680 Total $ 2,960 Task 5 Review of Existing HE J. Oshimo $ 160 4 $ 640 P. Chou $ 70 22 $ 1,540 Total $ 2,180 Task 6 Housing Program and Plan J. Oshimo $ 160 12 $ 1,920 P. Chou $ 70 10 $ 700 Total $ 2,620 Task 7 Draft HE J. Oshimo $ 160 10 $ 1,600 P. Chou $ 70 8 $ 560 Total $ 2,160 Task 8 Final HE J. Oshimo ~ $ 160 22 $ 3,520 P. Chou $ 70 20 $ 1,400 Total $ 4,920 Task 9 Public Outreach Program J. Oshimo $ 160 16 $ 2,560 R. Vasquez $ 140 6 $ 840 P. Chou $ 70 4 $ 280 Total $ 3,680 Task 10 Environmental (Neg. Dec.) J. Oshimo $ 160 26 $ 4,160 P. Chou $ 70 16 $ 1,120 Total $ 5,280 Indirect $ 2,000 TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED PROJECT COST $ 44,260 SUITE 280 COVINA, CA 91724 l/ John N. Oshimo T: (626) 331 - 6373 PreSldent F: (626) 331 - 6375 EXHIBIT D INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Prior to the beginning of and throughout the duration of the Work, Consultant will maintain insurance in conformance with the requirements set forth below. Consultant -will use existing coverage to comply with these requirements. If that existing coverage does not meet the requirements set forth here, Consultant agrees to amend, supplement or endorse the existing coverage to do so. Consultant acknowledges that the insurance coverage and policy limits set forth in this section constitute the minimum amount of coverage required. Any insurance proceeds available to City in excess of the limits and coverage required in this agreement and which is applicable to a given loss, will be available to City. Consultant shall provide the following types and amounts of insurance: Commercial General Liability Insurance using Insurance Services Office "Commercial General Liability" policy form CG 00 01 or the exact equivalent. Defense costs must be paid in addition to limits. There shall be no cross liability exclusion for claims or suits by one insured against another. Limits are subject to review but in no event less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 general aggregate. Business Auto Coverage on ISO Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 including symbol 1 (Any Auto) or the exact equivalent. Limits are subject to review, but in no event to be less that $1,000,000 per accident. If Consultant owns no vehicles, this requirement may be satisfied by a non-owned auto endorsement to the general liability policy described above. If Consultant or Consultant's employees will use personal autos in any way on this project, Consultant shall provide evidence of personal auto liability coverage for each such person. Workers Compensation on astate-approved policy form providing statutory benefits-as required by law with employer's liability limits no less than $1,000,000 per accident or disease. Professional Liability or Errors and Omissions Insurance as appropriate shall be written on a policy form coverage specifically designed to protect against acts, errors or omissions of the consultant and "Covered Professional =Services" as designated in the policy must specifically include work performed under this agreement. The policy limit shall be no less than $1,000,000 per claim and in the aggregate. The policy must "pay on behalf of the insured and must include a provision establishing the insurer's duty to defend. The policy retroactive date shall be on or before the effective date of this agreement. Insurance procured pursuant to these requirements shall be written by insurers that are admitted carriers in the state of California and with an A. M. Bests rating of A- orbetterand a minimum financial size Vll.~ General conditions pertaining to provision of insurance coverage by Consultant. Consultant and City agree to the following with respect to insurance provided by Consultant: D-1 Consultant agrees to have its insurer endorse the third party general liability coverage required herein to include as additional insured's City, its officials, employees and agents, using standard ISO endorsement No. CG 2010 with an edition prior to 1992. Consultant also agrees to require all contractors, and subcontractors to do likewise. 2. No liability insurance coverage provided to comply with this Agreement shall prohibit Consultant, or Consultant's employees, or agents, from waiving the right. of subrogation prior to a loss. Consultant agrees to waive subrogation rights against City regardless of the applicability of any insurance proceeds, and to require all contractors and subcontractors to do likewise. 3. All insurance coverage and limits provided by Contractor and available or applicable to this agreement are intended to apply to the full extent of the policies. Nothing contained in this Agreement or any other agreement relating to the City or its operations limits the application of such insurance coverage. 4. None of the coverages required herein will be in compliance with these requirements if they include any limiting endorsement of any kind that has not been first submitted to City and approved of in writing. 5. No liability policy shall contain any provision or definition that would serve to eliminate so-called "third party action over" claims, including any exclusion for bodily injury to an employee of the insured or of any contractor or subcontractor. 6. All coverage types and limits required are subject to approval, modification and additional requirements by the City, as the need arises: Consultant shall not make any reductions in scope of coverage (e.g. elimination of contractual liability or reduction of discovery period) that may affect City's protection without City's prior written consent. 7. Proof of compliance with these insurance requirements, consisting of certificates of insurance evidencing all of the coverages required and an additional insured endorsement to Consultant's general liability policy, shall be delivered to City at or prior to the execution of this Agreement. In the event such proof of any insurance is not delivered as required, or in the event such insurance is canceled at any time and no replacement coverage is provided, City has the right, but not the duty, to obtain any insurance it deems necessary to protect its interests under this or any other agreement and to pay the premium. Any premium so paid by City shall be charged to and promptly paid by Consultant or deducted from sums due Consultant,. at City option. 8. Certificate(s) are to reflect that the insurer will provide 30 days notice to City of any cancellation of coverage, ten (10) days notice if cancellation is due to nonpayment of premium. Consultant agrees to require its insurer to modify such certificates to delete any exculpatory wording stating that failure of the insurer to mail written notice of cancellation imposes no obligation, or that any party will "endeavor" (as opposed to being required) to comply with the requirements of the certificate. D-2 9. It is acknowledged by the parties of this agreement that all insurance coverage required to be provided by Consultant or any subcontractor, is intended to apply first and on a primary, noncontributing basis in relation to any other insurance or self insurance available to City. 10. Consultant agrees to ensure that subcontractors, and any other party involved with the project who is brought onto or involved in the project by Consultant, provide the same minimum insurance coverage required of Consultant.. Consultant agrees to monitor and review all such coverage and assumes all responsibility for ensuring that such coverage is provided in conformity with the requirements of this section. Consultant agrees that upon request, all agreements with subcontractors and others engaged in the project will be submitted to City for review. 11. Consultant agrees not to self-insure or to use any self-insured retentions or deductibles on any portion of the insurance required herein and further agrees that it will not allow any contractor, subcontractor, Architect, Engineer or other entity or person in any way involved in the performance of work on the project contemplated by this agreement to self-insure its obligations to City. If Consultant's existing coverage includes a deductible or self-insured retention, the deductible or self- insured retention must be declared to the City. At that time the City shall review options with the Consultant, which may .include reduction or elimination of the deductible or self-insured retention, substitution of other coverage, or other solutions. 12. The City reserves the right at any time during the term of the contract to change the amounts and types of insurance required by giving the Consultant ninety (90) days advance written notice of such change. If such change ,results in substantial additional cost to the Consultant, the City will negotiate additional compensation proportional to the increased benefit to City. 13. For purposes of applying insurance coverage only, this Agreement will be deemed to have been executed immediately upon any party hereto taking any steps that can be deemed to be in furtherance of or towards performance of this Agreement. 14. Consultant acknowledges and agrees that any actual or alleged failure on the part of City to inform Consultant of non-compliance with any insurance requirement in no way imposes any additional obligations on City nor does it waive any rights hereunder in this or any other regard. 15. Consultant will renew the required coverage annually as long as City, or .its employees or agents face an exposure from operations of any type pursuant to this agreement. This obligation applies whether or not the agreement is canceled or terminated for any reason. Termination of this obligation is not effective until City executes a written statement to that effect. D-3 16. Consultant shall provide proof that policies of insurance required herein expiring during the term of this Agreement have been renewed or replaced with other policies providing at least the same coverage. Proof that such coverage has been ordered shall be submitted prior to expiration. A coverage binder or letter from Consultant's insurance agent to this effect is acceptable. A certificate of insurance and/or additional insured endorsement as required in these specifications applicable to the renewing or new coverage must be provided to City within five days of the expiration of the coverages. 17. The provisions of any workers' compensation or similar act will not limit the obligations of Consultant under this agreement. Consultant expressly agrees not to use any statutory immunity defenses under such laws with respect to City, .its employees, officials and agents. , 18. Requirements of specific coverage features or limits contained in this section are not intended as limitations on coverage, limits or other requirements nor as a waiver of any coverage normally provided by any given policy. Specific reference to a given coverage feature is for purposes of clarification only as it pertains to a given issue, and is not intended by any party or insured to be limiting or all-inclusive. 19.These insurance requirements are intended to be separate and distinct from any other provision in this agreement and are intended by the parties here to be interpreted as such. 20. The requirements in this Section supersede all other sections and provisions of this Agreement to the extent that any other section or provision conflicts with or impairs the provisions of this Section. 21. Consultant agrees to be responsible for ensuring that no contract used by any party involved in any way with the project reserves the right to charge City or Consultant for the cost of additional insurance coverage required by this agreement. Any such provisions are to be deleted with reference to City. It is not the intent of City to reimburse any third party for the cost of complying with these requirements. There shall be no recourse against City for payment of premiums or other amounts with respect thereto. Consultant agrees to provide immediate .notice to City of any claim or loss against Consultant arising out of the work performed under this agreement. City assumes no obligation or liability by such notice, but has the right (but not the duty) to monitor the handling of any such claim or claims if they are likely to involve City. 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This proposal is being submitted pursuant to your request and is based on our extensive experience in preparing and updating housing elements. We believe that the project team we have assembled is particularly well qualified to assist you in preparing the Housing Element Update for the following reasons: • The personnel assembled for this assignment have considerable experience in preparing housing elements and housing element updates for cities across California, and are intimately familiar with housing issues and interest groups in the San Gabriel Valley and particularly the • City of Rosemead. • Our team will be sensitive to the need to prepare a housing element that is acceptable to the community while also meeting the requirements of state housing law. Both of the key planners assigned to the project, Mr. Albert V. Warot and Mr. Dean C. Sherer, AICP, have had extensive experience in preparing housing elem_ ent updates and have conducted negotiations on behalf of client agencies with HCD. • Our staff is able to place an emphasis on realistic, implementable housing programs. Ourteam has formulated and, more importantly, carried out a wide variety of housing programs using Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), Building Equity and Growth In Neighborhoods (BEGIN), Tax Credit, Section 8, Redevelopment Agency, CalHome, First-Time Homebuyer, and other funding sources. • The project team assembled by Willdan Engineering, consisting entirely of in-house staff, is prepared to commence work on updating the Housing Element in early January as requested by the City. • All of the required- work will be performed at our offices in the nearby City of Industry, which will greatly facilitate field work, the transfer of information, and attendance at City staff and public meetings during the course of this assignment. Working as an extension of City staff, Willdan Engineering will review the current Housing Element, revise population and demographic data, and analyze constraints to housing development. Willdan Engineering will incorporate into the revised Housing Element the housing needs determination for • Rosemead generated by the Southern Califomia Association of Governments (SCAG) and ensure Engineering ~ Geotechnical ~ Environmental ~ Flnancial ~ Homeland Security 562.908.6200 1800.499.4484 ~ fax: 562.695.2120 ~ 13191 Crossroads Parkway North, Suite 405, Industry, CA 91746-3443 I www.willdan.com December 10, 2008 Page 2 • • that the City receives credit for all new housing constructed within the City since July 1, 2005, as permitted by state law. Willdan. Engineering .will research City records for past planning approvals and building permits which have contributed to the City's production of housing, while also examining current applications for their potential impact on the local housing supply. In addition, Willdan Engineering will analyze the City's inventory of vacant/underutilized land to determine the availability of potential sites suitable for housing development, and assist the City in revising its housing goals; objectives, and policies to respond to current conditions and applicable legislative requirements. We believe we are uniquely qualified to prepare the update to Rosemead's Housing Element based on our intimate knowledge and recent experience in assisting the City with the implementation of its housing programs, including its First-Time Homebuyer Program and Home Improvement Programs. We are also familiar with the housing needs of~the diverse ethnic groups that makeup Rosemead, including the City's large Asian and Hispanic populations. Moreover, because we have worked directly with "special needs° groups within the City (elderly, disabled, and others) in attempts to conserve and improve housing and existing neighborhoods, we believe we are better able to draft an updated Housing Element which truly reflects the housing needs of the community and its housing priorities. The services we are offering will fulfill the City's needs in a comprehensive, well-integrated, and cost-effective manner. We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and stand ready to proceed with the services requested upon your authorization. The contact person forthis proposal is: Mr. Albert V. Warot, Vice President Willdan Engineering 13191 Crossroads Parkway North, Suite 405, Industry, CA 91746-3497 Telephone: (562) 908-6209 Fax: (562) 463-4409 E-mail: awarot@willdan.com Respectfully submitted, WILLDAN ENG~ IN/~EERING 11 . A~' V Y ~~W `-' C~~V~r~ V 1 Albert V. Warot Vice President AW:mh 95610-08\06-190\P08-276 William C. Pagett, PE Senior Vice President • ~_r~.,.,,.a_ .; - , ~ -_ WI LLDAN >:, Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................1 SCOPE OF WORK AND SCHEDULE .................................................. 3 Scope of Work ..................................:........................................ 3 Project Schedule .......................................................................9 QUALIFICATIONS AND PERSONNEL ..................:............................11 Organizational Chart .....................................:.........................14 Resumes ..................................................................................15 LJ EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES ...................................................23 COST ESTIMATE/FEE SCHEDULE ...................................................30 • 1AIW I LLDAN Executive Summary Statement of Understanding It is our understanding that the City of Rosemead is seeking the services of a consultant to serve as an extension of City staff in updating the Housing Element of its General Plan. The updated element must comply with the applicable requirements of the California Government Code, Health and Safety Code, and General Plan Guidelines, and ultimately be certified by the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) as complying with State housing law. Ideally, this process would be carried out in a timeframe that would allow the updated element to be adopted by the City ar~d submitted to HCD for certification by July 2009. Work Program The key elements of the work involved in updating the Housing Element include: compilation, research, and analysis of population and housing data to - determine housing needs; • preparation of a draft element that documents the identified needs, as well as the resources and anticipated actions to address those needs; ^ preparation of documentation to clear the updated element under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); .preparation of presentation materials and attendance at two (2) public outreach meetings; ^ preparation of presentation materials and attendance at four (4) Planning Commission/City Council/public hearings to obtain input and to adopt the Housing Element; ^ responding effectively to "unanticipated" comments and events that might arise during the update process; ^ coordinating the review and negotiating the certification of the updated , element with HCD; and, • coordinating the successful completion of all of the above work items with Rosemead City staff. City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 1 1AIW I LLDAN Staff will be available to begin, work on this assignment in early January 2009, as requested by the City. The work program would be carried out over a 7-month period. All work on the Housing Element Update will be performed at Willdan Engineering's Los Angeles Regional office in the nearby City of Industry. Amore complete project schedule is discussed under "Project Schedule." We will rely upon input and assistance from City staff in order to minimize our costs recognizing, however, that your availability is limited. In this regard,. staff involvement would be limited to: 1. providing previously prepared reports and other readily available information that could assist in updating the Housing Element, such as the City's land use inventory, zoning map and ordinance, and residential building permit activity; 2, providing the best available information regarding the current condition of the City's housing stock; • 3. furnishing a digitized City base map and accompanying parcel (i.e., Assessor's office) information in a Geographic Information System (GIS) format; 4. scheduling and reserving facilities for public meetings/hearings; 5. conferring with our staff on the drafting of policy statements; and, 6. reviewing and commenting on draft reports in a timely fashion. r~ City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 2 ~IWILLDAN Scope of Work and Schedule Scope of Work Willdan Engineering's approach to updating the City's Housing Element .will be to assign a highly qualified team to perform the required work under the direction of our Vice President in charge of Planning Services. Our team would serve as an extension of City staff in updating the element while minimizing demands on City staff. The tasks to be performed in updating the Rosemead Housing Element , are outlined below. The deliverable products associated with each task have also been identified. Task 1 -Community Factors/Profile The population and housing characteristics presented in the current Housing Element will need to be updated to reflect current conditions. This will be accomplished through the use of current information available • from various sources regarding the population and housing supply within the City of Rosemead (e.g., the California Department of Housing and Community Development, the California Department of Finance, the California Association of Realtors, Data Quick, and the Los Angeles Times). The best available information regarding housing conditions from the City's code enforcement, planning and building and safety staff will be used in addressing the condition of the City's housing stock, while building permit statistics maintained by the City's building and safety staff will be used to document the residential units constructed since the start of the current planning period (i.e., July 1, 2005). Deliverable: ~ / Updated Community Profile (Existing Conditions) section of element. Task 2 - Review of Housing Element Performance to Date Within this mandatory section of the element, the appropriateness of the City's housing goals will be examined. The progress that the City has made in implementing the current element will be evaluated by stating accomplishments over the prior 1998-2005 planning period. Accomplishments will be documented for rehabilitation, conservation/maintenance, .and new construction (production). New construction figures will be compared to the City's overall Regional • Housing Needs (RHNA) target for 2005 established by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). ' City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 3 1I~I WILLDAN Deliverable: / Updated Progress Toward Achieving Goals section of element. Task 3 -Residential Land Inventory An updated inventory of potential housing sites will be prepared. We will further determine the appropriateness of these sites, particularly in terms of the type and density of housing to be developed. All vacant land and underutilized sites will be analyzed for their potential to support new housing construction. The number and type of units that could be constructed on each site deemed suitable for residential development will be identified based on their current zoning and General Plan designations. A map showing the .locations of the sites will be prepared, along with an accompanying table of site characteristics, such as Assessor's Parcel Number, acreage, and any development constraints. Willdan Engineering would generate the potential site inventory in a computerized format, using the City's existing Geographic Information System (GIS). - • Deliverable: / Updated Analysis of Potential Housing Sites section of element. Task 4 -Housing Needs The housing needs analysis contained in the current Housing Element will be updated. Our staff will consider population and employment trends in updating this analysis and incorporate the 2006-2014 housing needs estimates for Rosemead generated by the Southern California Association of Governments, which indicates the need for the provision of 780 additional units by 2014. The "special needs" discussion that addresses the needs of the elderly, homeless, disabled, extremely low income and other segments of the population will also be updated. Additionally, the presence of any at-risk housing units in the City will be examined. Deliverable: / Updated Housing Needs section of element. Task 5 -Reexamine Constraints The discussion of constraints on the production, maintenance, and • affordability of housing will be updated to reflect current conditions. Our task will be to identify those constraints that may have been eliminated, as City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 4 1I~I WILLDAN well as new ones that may have arisen since the City.'s current element was last updated. in 2002. Both governmental and non-governmental factors that affect the availability and cost of housing will be examined to determine whether they represent actual or potential constraints, if either. Deliverable: / Updated Constraints section of element. Task 6 -Quantified-Objectives and Policy and Implementation Plan As the initial effort under this task, the housing goals, objectives and policies contained in the current (2002) Housing Element will be reevaluated to determine their continued relevancy. Since these policy statements give direction to the City's housing programs, it is important to determine if they are still indicative of the community's needs and attitudes. After reevaluating these policy statements, the implementation measures. discussed in the current element will be reexamined and discussed in • terms of their effectiveness in addressing the City's housing policies. Certain measures discussed in the element may need to be deleted since they have been carried out, or are no longer available. On the other hand, new measures which have not heretofore been utilized by the City may also need to be considered. The measures to be included in the updated element will address: ^ the , identification of adequate sites with appropriate zoning, development standards and public services and facilities to achieve the stated housing goals and objectives; ^ the adequate provision of housing for all economic segments of the community; ^ the removal of governmental and non-governmental constraints, where possible; ^ the conservation and improvement of the City's existing affordable housing stock, including the preservation orreplacement ofany at-risk housing; ^ the continued accessibility to decent housing for all persons, including • reasonable accommodation of the housing needs of the disabled; and, City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 5 ~WILLDAN ^ the evaluation of the. Housing Element to show consistency with other General Plan elements. Finally, the City's 5-year Housing Action Plan will be updated. The Plan will be extended to cover the coming planning period (2006-2014) and revised to reflect the new mix of measures previously determined in this task. Anticipated accomplishments will be quantified and actions will be programmed in order to facilitate their implementation. The agency responsible for carrying out each action, as well as the associated time frame and potential funding source(s) will be identified. The priorities for allocating the City's limited resources will also be identified. Deliverable: / Updated Housing Program section of element. Task 7 -Reexamine Opportunities for Energy Conservation in New Residential Development In this final task, ways in which energy consumption can be minimized through the siting, design, and construction of housing will be examined, . including Green Building design. The energy conservation measures identified in the current element will be modified or expanded, as necessary. In carrying out this task, the pertinent requirements of the California Government and Administrative Codes, the energy conservation programs offered by local utility companies, and other measures, or programs that could be initiated by the City will be discussed. Deliverable: / Updated Opportunities for Energy Conservation section of element. Task 8 -Prepare Administrative Draft of the Housing Element The work products of the preceding tasks will be compiled into an administrative draft of the Housing Element for review and comment by City staff. This administrative draft element will also be reviewed by the public at a Planning Commission meeting(s). It would be appropriate to obtain preliminary Planning Commission approval of the updated element for submittal to HCD at this time. Our staff will participate in and help to conduct this meeting(s). Deliverables: / Complete administrative draft of the updated element (seven printed • copies and one electronic copy). City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 6 .,,.,.,i.,,,4, ~. WILLDAN • Task 9 -Prepare Environmental Initial Study Checklist/Negative Declaration Willdan Engineering will prepare an Administrative Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration (IS/ND) for the Housing Element update for City staff review. The IS/ND will be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Upon receiving comments from City staff, a Draft IS/ND will be prepared for public circulation and comment, as well as the requisite Notice of Availability and Notice of Declaration/Fish and Game Exemption. Finally, Willdan Engineering will prepare the final IS/ND, including any responses to comments received on the draft document, and the requisite Notice of Determination. Deliverables: / Administrative Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration (seven printed copies and one electronic copy). / Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration (one unbound reproducible copy, one electronic copy, and seven printed copies). / Final Initial Study/Negative Declaration with Response to Comments (one unbound reproducible copy, one electronic copy, and 14 printed copies). Task 10 -Prepare Draft Element Following review and comment by City staff and the Planning Commission, any necessary revisions will be made as the draft element is prepared. The City will be provided with copies of the draft element. The draft element will need to be submitted to HCD and other agencies as appropriate, for review and comment. This review must be completed within 60 days, and is seldom completed sooner. Staff from Willdan Engineering will be available to attend/participate in up to three meetings/conference calls with HCD staff during their review of the draft element. Deliverables: / Draft of the updated element, (one unbound reproducible -copy, one electronic copy, and seven printed copies). Task 11 -Prepare Final Element • At the close of the review period mentioned above, our staff will respond to any comments received from HCD. If deemed necessary, the draft City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 7 1I~W I LLDAN element will be revised. Willdan Engineering will obtain written confirmation from HCD that the final draft element is certifiable at the close of this review process. The final draft Housing Element will then be submitted to the Planning - Commission and City Council where it will be acted upon at public hearings. After adoption by the City Council, the final (i.e., adopted) element will be submitted to HCD for certification. This final review is to be completed within a 90-day period: Deliverables: / Final element (one reproducible copy, one electronic copy, and 14 printed copies). Task 72 - Attendance at Workshops and Public Meetings/Hearings Staff from Willdan Engineering will attend. two public outreach meetings. The purpose of the community outreach meetings will be to provide opportunities for the Rosemead community and local interest groups to . become involved in the update process and to help ensure that the housing needs identified in the updated Housing Element truly reflect the vision of the community and the housing goals included in the updated - element are goals that the community will support. Willdan Engineering staff will prepare, with-input from City staff, amailing/distribution list for appropriate agencies, individuals, and interest groups to be contacted regarding the public outreach meetings and hearings, and will distribute the notices for these meetings/hearings. We will also attend up to four public hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council. Our staff will prepare PowerPoint presentations for the public meetings and hearings, as appropriate. Task 73 -Project Management, Coordination, and Direction This task provides for oversight of the work effort, as described in the preceding tasks, by the Project Director/Project Manager. As part of this task, the City will be given monthly progress reports on the status of the element update, which may occur via conference call. This task also includes attendance of our Project Director/Project Manager at up to five (5) meetings with City staff. In addition, our Scope of Work includes the preparation of all required notices and staff reports. • , City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 8 ~W I LLDAN Project Schedule Once an authorization to proceed is given by the City, our Project Director and Project Manager will attend a project kick-off meeting with Rosemead staff. The purpose of this meeting will be to obtain a copy of the City's current General Plan, Zoning Map, any available land use/vacant land data, and .GIS mapping file(s), and accompanying parcel information database, if available. The outline and formatforthe updated element will also be finalized at that meeting. The tasks associated with updating the element would be carried out over the course of 7 months. The tentative time schedule is graphically depicted on the following. page. Once the administrative draft of the document is completed, our Project Manager will meet with City staff, and attend a Planning Commission meeting to obtain and discuss their comments. A public review document will subsequently be prepared for public distribution and comment. Willdan Engineering will prepare the final element in response to comments received from the public, the Planning Commission, and HCD and, as previously discussed, will attend the required public hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council. It should also be pointed out that our schedule allows for Planning Commission review and preliminary approval of the updated element prior to submittal to HCD for its 60-day review. Our schedule also allows time for our staff to solicit written confirmation from HCD, prior to Planning Commission and City Council hearings, that the final element is certifiable as complying with State law. • City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 9 1nIW I LLDAN • II u 1. ~i .~ p. ~` 4 .! E ,~~ Y ' C ~ ~ o ~ ~ w 0 ~ ~ 4 Y J 7 W Z ~ p 0 N ~ N d ~ m W N LL Z ~ ~ 7 L ~ c o m ~ a ° c m `m m 'E c m E p m o m c E ~ w m m v ~ ° E m m m a m C p ~ C 7 m m > 9 ^ L o m c Z ~ !0 7 ~ m . ~ N m T11 ~ ~ c ~ d o O m c m m u a d ~ m m m ~ • y v cc ~ z m ~ < W W ~ m c m E a ~o ~ c ~ c / G W ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ C ~ m 'Z m m • O m C LL m ~ N N Y N c T ii ~ W a c m ~~ c H c d ~ ~ m ~ o ~ ~ ~ a m ~ LL = ~ m o O m m ~ m c m ~j u ~ _ ~ Z - O m ~ m c C ~ C O ~ ~ ~ ~ m m E U t E m m a ~ a m `m ~ p p ~ o N E 'S m ~ m m m ~ m U m U o m ~ J U K K 2 K C .~ d in C r r vi v ui ~c i+ N M 10 (O A m T City of Rosemead _ Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 10 1AIWI LLDAN Qualifications and Personnel ` Firm Description Willdan Engineering has dedicated itself to providing public agencies with reliable engineering and consulting services for more than 40 years. Combing depth of staffing, state-of-the-art technical resources, and local offices rooted in their communities, Willdan Engineering has earned its reputation as a problem solver across a wide range of client interests. We understand the concerns of government agencies- especially those of local government. Our -operating divisions offer a broad scope of expertise that uniquely qualifies us to serve the needs of cities, counties, and special districts, as well as state and federal agencies. Since its establishment in 1964, Willdan Engineering has expanded in size, location, and service capabilities through its .system of regional offices. Willdan Engineering is afull-service, multi-disciplinary California corporation that specializes in consulting engineering and' planning services for governmental agencies. Willdan Engineering's staff of • professional and technical experts includes specialists in highways and roadways, drainage and flood control, bridges, traffic and transportation, municipal engineering, landscape architecture, environmental planning, construction management, building and safety services, urban and regional planning, water resources, structural engineering, computer-aided analysis and design, and other technical fields. Project Team Willdan Engineering's approach to carrying out all assignments ' emphasizes the role of a strong project managerto coordinate all activities and participants. Each project is assigned to a senior member of our staff who leads a multidiscipline team assembled from our technical staff. . Experience in the-type of job, knowledge of the study area, and availability to support. the .required schedule are primary considerations in the selection of a project manager, as well as the selection of the supporting team members. Based on the anticipated work effort, we have assembled a team comprised of the following personnel: Vice President, Mr. Albert Warot Manager, Planning Services U Project Director; Quality Control Project Manager, Land Mr. Dean Sherer, AICP Principal Planner Use and Policy Planner City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 11 ~I~IWILLDAN Mr John Bellas Princi al Planner ~ CEQA Documentation Mr Patrick Goode Princi al Planner Research Anal st of the above personnel are based at our Los Angeles Regional office in City of Industry. This office is located adjacent to the Crossroads rkway interchange on the Pomona (Route 60) Freeway. Our address ~ telephone number are: 13191 Crossroads Parkway North, Suite 405, ustry, California 91746-3497, (562) 908-6200. • U project team to be assigned to the City of Rosemead consists entirely 'illdan Engineering personnel. As further discussed below, the work :dules and availability of these team members will allow for the pletion of a draft document within the stipulated timeframe. number of hours assigned to each project team member to complete h task of the proposed work plan are included in the "Cost Estimate." ically, however, each task may take from 8 to 32 hours to complete, time distributed among three Principal Planners (Sherer, Goode, and as). Time devoted to the project by the Manager of Planning Services irot) is primarily for the review of and input on the City's housing drams and quantified objectives, coordination with HCD, and ndance at City staff/public outreach meetings, and' Planning emission/City Council meetings/hearings. organization chart and resumes for each of our team members are rented on the pages that follow. It should be pointed out that our ect team consists of members who are quite familiar with housing ies and interest groups in the San Gabriel Valley, and particularly the of Rosemead, and who participated in the preparation of the City's r (2002) Housing Element Update. rrent Workload, Staffing,'and Ability to Meet Schedule of the key considerations that is taken into account on every project lertaken by Willdan, is the availability of the project team members embled to support the required schedule. The current work schedules availability of the team members to be assigned to updating the City's ising Element will allow for the completion of a draft and final uments within the stipulated timeframes. The future workloads igned to each team member will be managed so as to ensure their tinued availability through the completion of this assignment. ile a series of housing element updates that are currently underway shown under the Experience and References section of this proposal, City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 12 C, ~WI LLDAN th project team to be assigned to the City of Rosemead's Housing EI ment Update is involved with six of these updates. Of these six, two ha a been fully drafted, and three have already been initially reviewed by " H D. City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 13 WI LLDAN J A bert V. Warot Vi e President/Group Manager PI nning Services. Education 1970, B.S„ Geography, As Vice President for the Willdan, Mr. Albert V. Warot is responsible for corporate Northern Arizona ov rsight of the firm's planning operations. He has more than 36 years of professional University pla Wing experience that has involved public and private sector employment. His ex erience spans all aspects of planning, including current, advance, and environmental Affiliations pla Wing, as well as housing and community development. To his credit, Mr. Warot American Planning rec ived the Distinguished Leadership Award in 1993 from the Los Angeles Section of the Association Am rican Planning Association. City Advisory Committee, Los Angeles Urban $ ecific Project Experience County CDBG Program, Chairman Ho sing and Community Development National Association of Housing and Cit of Carson - Mr. Warot is currently the Principal-in-Charge of the updating of the ' Redevelopment Officials Ho s General Plan. sing Element of the City 36 Years Experience Cit of Wasco - Mr. Warot is currently managing the updating of the Housing Element of ' the s General Plan. City Cit of Calimesa - Mr. Warot is currently managing the updating of the Housing Element oft e City's General Plan. Cit of Westlake Village - Mr. Warot is currently managing the updating of the Housing EI ent of the City's General Plan. r Cit of Barstow - Mr. Warot is currently managing the updating of the Housing Element . of e Citys General Plan. Cit of Pasadena - Mr. Warot is currently managing a survey of utility cabinets in the Ci 's residential areas,-which is being conducted in a GIS format. Cit of Blythe - Mr. Warot is currently directing a project that involves the conversion of cu ent Riverside County addresses on approximately 2,100 residences and 100 bu finesses, which have been annexed into the City since 1996, to a new City property ad ress numbering system. Cit of Tehama - Mr. Warot recently managed a series of CDBG funded housing studies for the City, which include household income and housing conditions surveys and an inv stigation of potential funding sources to assist low income residents with housing of Tulare - Mr. Warot recently managed a CDBG funded urbanization and blight for the County's Redevelopment Agency which involved approximately 600 in the community of Tipton. lJ Ci of Ontario Redevelopment Agency - Mr. Warot recently managed a survey of ph sical blight conditions for a proposed amendment to the Cimarron Redevelopment City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 15 1AIWI LLDAN 0 Albert V. Warot Continued ct Area Plan. He is currently managing the provision of on-call redevelopment and ing services to the City of Ontario, and its Redevelopment Agency and Housing of San Gabriel - Mr. Warot assisted the City with the administration of its CDBG ram. L • Cit of Calimesa - Mr. Warot managed the updating of the City's Housing Element, which has been certified by HCD as complying with State law. He has also assisted the Ci with the general administration of multiple CDBG grants and the implementation of var ous CDBG funded activities including the initiation of a housing rehabilitation program, a p rk feasibility study, and household income and housing condition surveys. Cit of Cudahy - Mr. Warot assisted the City with the administration of its CDBG Pr gram. Cit of Calexico - Mr. Warot managed the updating of the Citys Housing Element, which ha been certified by HCD as complying with State law. Cit of La Mirada - Mr. Warot has managed the last two updates of the City's Housing Ele ent. In both instances, the updated elements were certified by HCD. Cit of Brawley - Mr. Warot managed the preparation of the updated Housing Element of the City's General Plan, which was certified by HCD. of Agoura Hills - Mr. Warot conducted a community development needs ~sment that resulted in the establishment of a CDBG funded housing rehabilitation am. He also coordinated the preparation of guidelines and all other materials 'd for the operation of the program. • County of Humboldt -. Mr. Warot managed a CDBG funded urbanization and blight an lysis involving eight (8) redevelopment survey areas containing approximately 2,200 Cit~ of Wasco - Mr. Warot managed a CDBG funded citywide housing condition survey. Cit of La Puente - Mr. Warot assisted the City with administration of its CDBG Program. H also managed the updating of the Housing Element of the City's General Plan, which wa certified by HCD. Cit of Bell Gardens - Mr. Warot has assisted the City with the administration of its an ual Community Development Block Grant as needed. He has been responsible for trai ing City staff in the administration of the grant, providing direction in the formulation an implementation of projects, and satisfying federal reporting requirements. The City ha been recognized by the Counts Community Development Commission for overall pr gram performance and for the Project of the Year in the Urban County of Los Angeles. Cit of Westlake Village - Mr. Warot managed the updating of the Cites Housing Element, which the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) ha certified as complying with state law. City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 16 'M1~°,~~,~~ W I L L DA N • Education 1974, M. S., Public Administration, California State University, Los-Angeles 1971, B.A., Political Science, University. of Southern California Affiliations American Institute of Certified Planners, 1995 American Planning Association 28 Years Experience D an C. Sherer, AICP Pr ncipal Planner Mr. Dean C. Sherer is an urban and environmental planner specializing in land use pla Wing, environmental documentation preparation and analysis, and general plan ele ent preparation. He has over 28 years of experience in the management and pre aration of planning studies, public policy plans, and environmental studies including initi I studies and environmental impact reports. He has also been responsible for the pre aration of NEPA documentation for a wide variety of federally funded transportation im rovement projects. Mr. Sherer also has actively engaged in assisting with the pla Wing operations of various cities in southern California including the Cities of Baldwin Par ,Covina, Santa Monica, Anaheim, Pasadena, and West Hollywood. The Cities of Be erly Hills, EI Segundo, La Canada Flintridge, and Lake Forest also retained him to ass st in the review and processing of major development projects. S ecific Project Experience Pr 'ect Review and Processing Sport Chalet Shopping Center, La Canada Flintridge St. John's Hospital and Health Center, Santa Monica Pacific Design Center, Phase II, West Hollywood Monte Vista Grove Master Development Plan, Pasadena Hilton Hotel and Towers, Anaheim Marriott Hotel Expansion, Anaheim Anaheim City Center, Phase I, Anaheim Anaheim Hills Master Plan, Anaheim ironmental Impact Reports/Environmental Initial Studies Terrace Project Initial Study Checklist, San Buenaventura V2V Ventures N. Chestnut Street Initial Study Checklist, San Buenaventura Kanan -Road and U.S. 101 Interchange Improvements Initial Study/Environmental Assessment, Agoura Hills Yorba Linda Metrolink Station Environmental Initial Study, Yorba Linda La Canada Flintridge Sewer Collection System Environmental Initial Study, La Canada Flintridge Kelley Road and Newbury Road Storm Drain and Street Improvements Environmental Initial Study, Thousand Oaks. 847 West 1st Street Electrical Substation Environmental Initial Study, Azusa Redondo Shores Shopping Center EIR, Redondo Beach Community Plan Revision Program EIRs, Los Angeles Cajon/EPTC Pipeline EIR/EIS, Los Angeles San Sevaine Redevelopment Project EIR, San Bernardino Plans and Implementation Studies . City of Carson Housing Element Update City of Downey Housing Element Update City of EI Segundo Housing Element Update City of Orinda Housing Element Update City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 17 1I~I WILLDAN C~ • Dean C. Sherer, AICP • Continued ^ S :ity of Bellflower General Plan Update 'own of Apple Valley Housing Element Update :ity of Calexico Housing Element Update :ity of Simi Valley Housing Element Update :ity of Simi Valley Housing Element Update 'own of Apple Valley Housing Element Update :ity of Los Alamitos Housing Element Update :ity of La Puente Housing Element Update ial Studies • Imperial Crossroads Specific Plan, Imperial County • Santa Anita Entertainment Center Specific Plan, Arcadia • Flatland and Hillside Mansionization Standards, Pasadena ^ Hillside Grading Standards, Pasadena • Review and Evaluation of Development Review Process, Cities of Atascadero, Walnut, and Centennial, Colorado laneous 'City of Bell Gardens Zoning Ordinance Update 'City of Bellflower General Plan Update and Supplemental EIR City of Hawaiian Gardens, General Plan Update City of Pasadena, Utility Cabinet Regulations City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 18 ~WILLDAN ~J • Education 1999, B. S., Environmental Resource Management Minor: Marine Science Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA Registration The Association of Environmental Professionals The American Planning Association 9 Years Experience Jahn M. Bellas Pri~lcipal Planner Mr. John M. Bellas has managed the preparation of numerous CEQA and NEPA doc ments for a wide range of projects, including land development/entitlement projects, land use plans/programs, and capital improvement projects. In addition to preparing envi onmental documents, Mr. Bellas has served clients as an in-house/on-call envi onmental coordinator. In this capacity, he has reviewed numerous environmental doc ments for technical and legal adequacy and has provided day-to-day environmental con ulting services ranging from CEQA/NEPA compliance strategy to regulation app icability to legal implications. W~Ildan Experience Includes: Cit of Pasadena, Lower Arroyo Trailhead and Sunset Overlook Projects - Mr. Bell s is assisting in the management of the preparation of the National Environmental Poli y Act (NEPA), California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and National Historic Pre ervation Act (NHPA) documentation for the Lower Arroyo Trailhead and Sunset Ov rlook Projects. The proposed Lower Arroyo Seco Trailhead Project consists of imp ovements to two trailheads and trail restoration within the Lower Arroyo Seco. The two trailheads proposed for improvement are the Parker-Mayberry Bridge trailhead and the south entrance trailhead. The proposed Sunset Overlook Project consists of .imp oving this west-facing promontory and trailhead in the Hahamongna Watershed Park (Up er Arroyo). The Sunset Overlook serves as the eastside entrance for trails in the Ha amongna Watershed Park and the start of the Gabrielino National Recreation Trail, whi h leads to the upper reaches of the Arroyo Seco and the San Gabriel Mountains. Cit of Rolling Hills Estates, Chandler Ranch/Rolling Hills Golf Course Project EIR- Pro ect Manager -The proposed project consists of the redevelopment of 225.5 acres cur ntly occupied by the existing Chandler's Palos Verdes Sand and Gravel facility and the djacent Rolling Hills Country Club. The proposed development would reconfigure and relocate the existing golf course and construct a new clubhouse complex for the Rolling Hills Country Club. Relocation and reconfiguration of the golf course and clu house would allow for the development of 111 new single-family homes on the exi ting golf course property. offi an of of Lodi, Reynold's Ranch Project -Principal Planner -Principal Planner ~onsible for preparation of the Environmental Impact Report for the Reynold's Ranch ;lopment plan consisting of residential, commercial retail, office, institutional and open ;e uses. The proposed project included annexing and developing 220 acres along the s southern boundary. with 1,084 residential units, a 200,000 square foot multistory e building (for Blue Shield of California), approximately 350,000 square feet of mercial retail space, a future K-8school, amini-storage facility and associated public ices (i.e., a future fire station) and open space uses (with proposed linear greenbelts, twork of multi-use trails and a 5 acre neighborhood park). In concert with preparation development plan, a Master Infrastructure Plan was also coordinated and prepared to tify needed utilities and infrastructure requirements to support the proposed land ;lopment. This project was prepared on afast-tracked basis over an eight month City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 19 ~. WI LLDAN John M. Bellas C Continued TI 47, of Westlake Village, Opus West Development Project EIR -Project Manager - project consisted of developing a 19.33 acre site with two four-story office buildings ing 361,000 square feet, three stand-alone restaurants totaling 21,000 square feet, a X00-ft2 fitness center, 8,000 ft2 of rental space, and an 800-space parking structure. Cit of Westlake Village, EIR for the Sunrise Senior Assisted Living Project Ma ager -The proposed project included the construction of 171 independent living uni s, 44 assisted living units and ancillary support facilities. The proposed complex co sisted of one three-story building with subterranean parking containing a total of 37 ,188 square feet of building space. •~ . • for ' Cit of Ontario; EIR Review, Sares-Regis Project -Project Manager - Mr. Bellas co ducted aThird-Party Peer Review of a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for the Sares-Regis Group Warehouse/Manufacturing Project. The proposed project co sists of developing approximately 1.94 million square feet of wa ehouse/manufacturing/office space on a 95-acre site adjacent to the Milliken Sanitary La dfill. Cit of South Pasadena, Pasadena Avenue Lofts EIR -Project Manager -The pro osed project consists of developing a 2.23 acre, light industrial site with a 49-unit live work complex that includes nine live/work loft clusters, amulti-purpose room building, an associated landscaping and infrastructure. of Santa Clarita, Planning Division Environmental Consultant - Mr. Bellas des ongoing environmental consulting services to the City of Santa Clarita. In this pity, he has reviewed Initial Studies prepared by City staff, provided guidance on ~nmental resource and regulation issues, and has prepared/managed the gyration of a number of Initial Studies and Negative/Mitigated Negative Declarations e City. Examples include: City of Santa Clarita, Soledad Circle Estates Project IS/MND -Project consisted of developing a 20-acre site with 150 garden court homes, a community recreational area, two tot lots, and a linear drainage feature/wetland mitigation area. City of Santa Clarita, WK Homes 55 and WK Homes 34 Projects IS/MND -Two nearby hillside development projects proposed by WK Homes. In total, the proposed projects consisted of developing 89 multi-family residential units. City of Santa Clarita, Soledad Office Center IS/MND -Project consists of a 100,000-ftZ office building. City of Santa Clarita, Housing Element Upzone Project IS/ND - Mr. Bellas oversaw the preparation of an IS/ND for a project that consisted of upzoning two vacant parcels from single-family to multi-family designations. City of Santa Clarita, Unified Development Code Amendments IS/ND - Mr. Bellas oversaw the preparation of an IS/MND for amendment's to the City's Unified Development Code. These amendments included three new overlay zones - an Automotive Overlay Zone, a Mixed Use Overlay Zone, and a Hillside Development and Ridgeline Preservation Overlay Zone. City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 20 ~; ,„, W I LLDAN P trick E. Goode Pr ncipal Planner Education _ __ __ _. . 1972, B.A., Sociology, Mr. Patrick Goode comes to Willdan with a history of over 22 years experience in the 1977, M.A., Sociology fiel s of community development and grant administration. As a Principal Development California State University Sp cialist for the Los Angeles County Community Development Commission, Mr. Goode Fullerton, California su ervised a management team responsible for neighborhood development contracts 1987, M.A., Urban and tot ling $8 million annually in the largest urban county program in the United States. Mr. Regional Planning Go de also administered a $1.5 million annual CDBG Program for neighborhood University of Colorado at red velopment activities in Aurora, the third largest city in Colorado. In addition to his Denver, Colorado ex erience in grant administration, his background includes project specific experience 1989, M. S., Psychology ad inistering commercial rehabilitation programs and affordable housing programs 1995, Ph.D., Psychology fun ed with CDBG, HOME, and Redevelopment Housing Set-Aside funds. Maharishi International S ecific Project Experience 22 Years Experience Ci of Carson - Mr. Goode is currently assisting with the updating of the Housing Ele ent of the Cites General Plan. Cit of Beverly Hills - Mr. Goode is currently assisting the City with the management of its DBG funded projects and programs. • of Calimesa - Mr. Goode is currently assisting with the updating of the Housing ent of City's General Plan. of Westlake Village - Mr. Goode is currently assisting with the updating of the ing Element of the City's General Plan. Cit of Barstow - Mr. Goode is currently assisting with the updating of the Housing Ele ent of the City's General Plan. of San Buenaventura - Mr. Goode is currently providing CDBG/HOME technical ~tance to the City. Cit~ of Rialto - Mr. Goode is presently serving as Project Manager for a redevelopment fun ed commercial rehabilitation program. Cit of Hawaiian Gardens - As Project Manager, Mr. Goode is responsible for general ad inistration of all tasks associated with the general administration of the Cites Co munity Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. He also assisted the City's Re evelopment Agency with the formulation of a Housing Replacement Plan. Cit of Marysville - Mr. Goode recently assisted the City with the general administration of i s CDBG Program. • Cit of La Habra - Mr. Goode recently assisted the City with the general administration of its DBG Grant Program, including preparation of the Citys 2007-08 Consolidated Annual Pe ormance Evaluation Report (CAPER). He also managed the preparation of the Citys 20 5-2010 Consolidated Plan. City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 21 ~IWILLDAN n u Patrick E. Goode C Continued re • of Victorville - Mr. Goode recently provided project oversight for housing ~ilitation inspection services for the City of Victorville. Cit of Rosemead - Mr. Goode was responsible for administration of the City's and Re evelopment Agency's commercial rehabilitation programs including applicant intake, dev lopment of Owner Participation Agreements, procuring for construction services and con truction management. Cit of Huntington Park - Mr. Goode assisted with the operation of a CDBG funded co mercial rehabilitation program. Co my of San Bernardino Redevelopment Agency - Mr. Goode served as Project Dir ctor for the preparation of the Housing Implementation Plans for four redevelopment are s including the Cedar Glen Disaster Recovery Redevelopment Area. Cit of Anaheim - Mr. Goode managed the preparation of the City's 2005-2010 Co solidated Plan and 2005-2006 Action Plan. Cit of Vista Redevelopment Agency - Mr. Goode managed the updating of the Ag ncys AB 1290 (Redevelopment Implementation) Plan. Cit of Goleta - Mr. Goode managed the preparation of the initial 5-Year Consolidated Pla and 2004-2005 Action Plan for this then recently incorporated City. Cit of Paramount - Mr. Goode was responsible for the administration of the City's CD G and HOME funded projects/programs, including implementation of CDBG and Re evelopment funded commercial rehabilitation programs and HOME/Redevelopment fun ed Affordable Housing Program. In this capacity, Mr. Goode was responsible for ov rall grant administration and the review of Owner Participation Agreements as well as the generation of Development Agreements for acquisition of property, and construction of ffordablesingle-family homes. Mr. Goode also updated the Cites Consolidated Plan an prepared Annual Funding Plans. • Cit of Woodland - Mr. Goode recently assisted the City with the preparation of its 2007- - 08 CAPER and previously assisted the City with the preparation of its 2005-2010 Co solidated Plan and 2005-2006 CAPER. In addition, Mr. Goode was responsible for the general administration of the City's CDBG Program for the 2001-02 fiscal year, inc uding the Annual Funding Plan. • City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 22 1AIWILLDAN perience and References Wil dan Engineering has considerable experience in performing awide- ran a of housing and community development related work for California citi s, ranging from Susanville on the north to Calexico on the south. We ha a direct experience in identifying and analyzing potential housing sites, as essing local housing needs, and updating a number of housing ele ents. We have also had recent experience in conducting surveys an analyses of existing housing needs and conditions and quantifying ch nges in housing quality and affordability. The cities we have served ha a varied widely in terms of size, geographic locale, and local housing Ov r the past 16 years, the firm has conducted surveys and analyses in su port of housing element updates and/or prepared updated housing ele ents for numerous California cities, including most recently the Cities of arstow, Calimesa, Downey, EI Segundo, La Habra, La Mirada, La ` Ru nte, Los Alamitos, Rosemead, Simi Valley, and Westlake Village, and the own of Apple Valley. The surveys we have conducted have included • det filed inventories. of multiple family projects, including market-rate ho sing, Section 8 housing, and other government-owned or subsidized ho sing, as well as housing conditions.. Willdan Engineering has also res arched and prepared housing implementation strategies to assist co munities in meeting their quantified housing element objectives and co munity goals for desired types of housing. In ddition to our experience in conducting housing studies, Willdan En ineering has extensive experience in preparing avariety of GIS-based co munity needs studies and providing a variety of community dev lopment services to agencies across ,California. We have ad inistered all aspects of the CDBG and HOME programs for mu icipalities and are operating CDBG, HOME and/or redevelopment tax incr ment funded residential rehabilitation programs in a number of cities. Ou community development staff has procured grants for residential reh bilitation, rental assistance and housing construction projects and has for ulated plans/strategies forthe utilization of redevelopment agency low and moderate income housing set-aside funds. • A atrix that summarizes the experience of our frm in updating housing ele ents, preparing consolidated plans, and conducting housing studies and community needs surveys and assessments is presented on the pag s that follow. References for selected, relevant assignments, are pre ented on the page that follows the matrix. City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 23 Z J 3 ~' C7 ~~ ~ 0 0 0 N O N N ~ N OD ~ L N O O O N CD N E ~ N N (V L N O N >, U O O d ~ d ` N d C ~ ~ U ~ (n ~ fn -~i U U N N U N ~ ~ ~ N N ~ ~ ~l `~ O N N ~ O ~ O O N O N O O N N O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a a a n a a a a` a a n`_ a a` a a a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c c c c c c c c c U U U U U U U U 'a a~ "~ m 'O a> ~ a~ 'O a~ ~ m ~ U a~ 'O m "a a~ N > U • o >~ ~ ~ ~ o ui ~ O c io U c'-o 'O io ~ ia 'O ia ~ i~ 'O m "O m ~ m 'fl . _ c O Z ~ w o ~ p ~ ~ N ~ O ~ ~ ~ > > > > > > > > u?E ~ ~•~ of a = ~ %a~ a a~ - m o C m .~ ~ ~ "- E V y O ~ m e N ° ~ . . . . . . . . . D) ~ O • N j C U w O~ ~ Q U C C C C ~ ~ C C C N 3 ° ~ ? ~ c O O (0 ~ m .C a~ L a~ L a~ L a~ L a~ L a~ L m L a~ L rn ~ ~- o O NL A m +-~ ~ a, Q o ~ - n. f0 N N ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ ? O ~ O O ~ "' >' O L ~ O 'O E E E E E E E E E E i 'm ~ a~ _ m a~i c c~ O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O . U O > X to 'O .O ~ ,~ p O> j ,~ c U U U U U U U U U ~ ~ ~ ~ f0 d ^ t-`II U ~ ~ 0 .~ c c c c c c c c c ~ c o o m o c 2 n.~ ~~ _ ~ .n ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ n ~ rn ~ w ~ ~n ~ ~ a~ o m n ~ ° ~ ~ a a~..: ~ ' ~ ° c ~n m w v_~ ~ ~ o s ~ ~ ~ . .N o ~ ~ w C a~ C a~ C a~ C a~ C a~ C a~ C a~ C a~ C a~ O U .c j y >, ~ = ~ O- n ~ w != ~ 3 ~ O ~ ~ m w ~ E E E E E E E E E o-p ~' '~- v cuw. . a~ ~ d Q p ~ a> c•- ~ y c d Q y a~ _ W a~ _ W a~ _ W a~ W a~ W a~ W a~ W a~ W m W m y b -a _m - c m~~E ~ y~ ~ . moo ~ asE ~ o ~ c ' c • c ' c " c ' c _ c c c o ~ N~ .~ o o O E E ~ ,m c `~ c6 - o~ ~ p> ~ ~ p a~ a~ u~ rn ~n rn ~n w v~ u~ u> ~ c ~~ - in O ~ c ~ a~ ~ E o ~ 7 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 O 7 O 7 O C O O U .. N EO N > ~ O C O ~ ~ C N U ~ 7 2 x 2 x 2 2 x x x U E~ ~: v -a . 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U ~ o~ E ~, m m :Q w (,~ W a~ ~ ° o ~ Y ~ ~ a~ c ~ o c 2 ' = ca ~. ~ ~ ~ o : m m ,~~ , ~ m a a~c~ ~ ~ ~ cca ai m ~~ ~-'m . ~ °' c~ m 2 ~ ~ =0 0U o o. o 0 0 0~ c io ~ ~ :~, >' ~ ~ ~ o 0 U U U U UC7 ~ Z ~ a~ ~ .. ~ $ a~ ~ c~ o ~ w a~ U L1J m C .~ 7 O 2 O 0 0 a 0 11~IWILLDAN nces References for selected assignments shown on the preceding matrix are as ollows: C~ C7 Cli nt: City of Westlake Village 31200 Oak Crest Drive, Westlake Village, CA 91361 Co tact: Mr. Robert Theobald, Planning Director, (818) 706-1613 Co tract Value: $40,000 (2008 Update) Se ices: Working closely with City staff and a City Council committee, Willdan Engineering previously updated the City's Housing Element, which HCD certified as complying with State law. Willdan Engineering is once again updating the element for the 2006-2014 planning period. Mr. Albert Warot has served as the Project Manager for these assignments. Cli nt: City of Downey 11111 Brookshire Avenue, Downey, CA 90241 Co tact: Mr. David Blumenthal, Senior Planner, (562) 904-7161 Co tract Value: $54,730 Se ices: Willdan Engineering is currently in the process of comprehensively updating the Housing Element of the City's General Plan. Mr. Dean Sherer is serving as the Project Manager for this assignment Cli nt: City of EI Segundo 350 Main Street, EI Segundo, CA 90245-2340 Co tact: Ms. Kimberly Christensen, Planning Manager, (310) 524-2340 Co tract Value: $53,175 Se ices: Willdan Engineering is currently in the process of comprehensively updating the Housing Element of the City's General Plan. Mr. Dean Sherer is serving as the Project Manager for this assignment. City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 29 IWILLDAN • ost Estimate/Fee. Schedule A requested in the RFP, a cost estimate and fee schedule are provided in separate sealed envelope. City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 30 • City ~f Rosemead Housing Element Prepared For: City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 U Prepared By: Hogle-Ireland, Inc 2860 Michelle Drive Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92606 December 2008 _~ Planning in Motion i-logle-Ireland, Inc. Tr~is Fage Inter~tionall;~ Leff BI~3nk December 2008 December 10, 2008 ~ R ~j~T fit-` F .~µ, ~ ~~ `~ a~l~jJmprzl -` firm ~ ~- Michelle Ramirez, Economic City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Development Administrator Subject: Proposal to Update the General Plan Housing Element Dear Ms. Ramirez: Irvine Riverside Pasadena Hogle-Ireland is pleased to submit this proposal to update the City of Rosemead's General Plan Housing Element. For this assignment, we offer the City a team of dedicated and well-respected professionals who will work losely with your staff and community to prepare a Housing Element that responds to the City's hou ing needs. The team will be led by Alexa Wyneken, an experienced planning professional with broad planning background. Our project team will also include Lisa Brownfield who oversaw the City of Rosemead General Plan update and can offer valuable insight into tl~e specific needs and conc rris of the City. • Hogle-Ireland is well known in California for its planning work; and has developed highly trained teams in each of our four full-ser ice offices to prepare Housing Elements and take them through the certification process. We bri g to this project the talents and experience of staff with a broad range of General Plan, Zoning Ordin nce, and Housing Element work. Our firm understands the particular requirements of Housing Ele ents and ensures consistency with the General Plan. Hogle-Ireland has established a reputation for preparing Housing Elements that clearly identify a community's housing needs and that specify progr ms tailored for each client. We also offer the in-house ability to complete required CEQA documentati n to facilitate the update process. Hogle-Ireland understands t e project will require a comprehensive review and update of the Housing Element document that refle is an in-depth understanding of the City's values and vision. As part of this comprehensive planning effort, Hogle-Ireland will provide the City with a range of services including Housing Element documen preparation, GIS support, public relations, and project management. Hogle-Ireland will work close y with Planning Division staff, the Planning Commission, the City Council, and HCD to prepare and ertify the Housing Element Update. Furthermore, we understand that providing adequate staff to p oduce a quality work product is vital and will commit key team members to ensure the project is finished on time. Hogle-Ireland, Inc. proposes ~ work plan that is divided into three stages: • Stage 1 -Housing Elemei • Stage 2 -Preparing the H ° Stage 3 -City Adoption ai Each stage, task, and work • t Background Technical Report !using Element Document d State Certification duct outlined conforms to the City's stipulations within the RFP. wo•w.hn~,lcircland.cum In Stage 1, Hogle-Ireland will review the 2002 Housing Element and all applicable City, regional and State documents and prepare an updated Housing Element Background Technical Report. In the early winter, Hogle-Ireland will hold a community workshop during a regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting inviting the public to identify housing issues they would like addressed in the Housing Element Update. Hogle-Ireland will also provide briefings to the Planning Commission and City Council to review the Housing Element Update process and the requirements for achieving State certification. In Stage 2, Hogle-Ireland will prepare and finalize the Housing Element document. A draft Housing Element will be submitted to HCD for their review and comments. Prior to the draft Housing Element submittal to HCD, Hogle-Ireland will hold a second community workshop during a joint study session with the Planning Commission and City Council, which will be open to the public, to review and provide input on the draft Housing Element. The draft Housing Element will be revised per HCD's comments, community input, Planning Commission and City Council input, and additional staff input. At this time, Hogle-Ireland will also prepare an Initial Study for the Housing Element that is consistent with CEQA. In Stage 3, the revised draft Housing Element will be submitted to the Planning Commission and City Council for their review and adoption. Hogle-Ireland will attend the Planning Commission and City Council public hearings. Upon adoption by the City, Hogle-Ireland wilt follow through with assisting the City in achieving State certification of the Housing Element. A detailed Scope of Work is provided in , Section 2 while a Project Budget is provided as a separate document. We have the ability to commit to the scope of work, tasks, personnel, and schedule as outlined in this proposal to complete .the Housing Element, and we will meet and exceed the City's expectation of • excellence in our community outreach, issues understanding, creative problem-solving, and preparation of the highest-quality work products. Our planning program contains options that will help City staff and local decision-makers chose what is right for the Rosemead Housing Element Update process. We are looking forward to this opportunity and are hopeful that we are fortunate enough to be selected to update to the Housing Element. I am an officer of Hogle-Ireland, Inc. and am authorized to negotiate and execute contracts on behalf of our team. This proposal is binding for ninety days from the date of this letter. If you have any questions about our proposal, please contact Alexa Wyneken in our Irvine office at (949) 553-1427. Sincerely, Regards, Laura Stetson, AICP Senior Project Manager Hogle-Ireland, Inc. • December 2008 • Table of Contents aA t -_ ,.. . ~ , } Planning in Motion H~gle-Ireland, Inc.. r~ U Cha ter 1 - Pro~ect. Under tandin ................................................ 1 p J g ............................................ Chapter 2 -Scope of Wor ....................................................................................................... .. 7 Task 1 -Housing Eleme nt Meetings .................................................................................... .. 7 Task 2 -Project Initiatio &Assessment .............................................................................. .. 8 Task 3 -Housing Eleme t Progress Report ......................................................................... 10 Task 4 -Initial Commun ty Outreach Workshop ................................................................... 11 Task 5 -Technical Back round Report ....................................:........................................... 13 Task 6 -Draft Housing Ian ................................................................................................. 17 Task 7 -Prepare Draft ousing Element ............................................................................. 19 Task 8 -Housing Eleme t CEQA Documentation ....................:.....................:..................... 22 Task 9 -Public Hearing &Adoption ..........................................................................:......... 23 Task 10 -Final Housing Element ......................................................................................... 24 Chapter 3 -Project Sched le .......................................................................................:........... 27 Chapter 4 -Qualifications end Personnel ..........................:............,........................................ 31 Chapter 5 -Resumes........~ ....................................................................................................... 39 Chapter 6 -Experiences ai ~d References ................................:............................................... 53 • City of Rosemead Housing Element Proposal ^ Planning in Motion his Fage Intentionally Left Dlank Hogle-Ireland, Inc. r~ • •• December 2008 ~ Project Und rstar~ding ~ ~: ~; =t .. ~ r ~ Planning in Motion Hogle-Ireland, Inc. U ^ • State law establishes a fig updates. In compliance w Governments (SCAG) cyc last updated in 2002, a California Department of (HCD) in that same year. on June 30, 2008 and will through June 30, 2014. The Housing Element is mandated by the State o the California Governmei for the Housing Element. was completed in 2002 requirements, the City rei Housing Element is nece~ 'e-year cycle regulating housing element ith the Southern California Association of le, the Rosemead Housing Element was nd was adopted and certified by the Housing and Community Development The next Housing Element update is due cover the planning period of July 1, 2008 ~e of the seven General Plan elements California. Sections 65580 to 65590 of Code contain the legislative mandate Vhile an update to the Housing Element to remain compliant with State Law rgnizes that an additional update of the ary. State law defines the ke components that must be addressed within the Housing Elem nt. The Element should clearly identify and address, at a minimu ,each component listed below: ^ An assessment ~ f housing needs and an inventory of resources and c nstraints relevant to the meeting of these needs. ^ A statement oft e community's goals, quantified objectives, and olicies relative-to the maintenance, preservation, im rovement, and development of housing. A program whit sets forth alive-year schedule of actions the local government is undertaking or intends to undertake to im lement the policies and achieve the goals and objet fives of the Housing Element. City of Rosemead Housing Element Proposal ^ • We understand that the City of Rosemead wishes to work with an experienced housing consultant to update the current General Plan Housing Element, and to assist with the development of housing policies and programs that will implement the City's housing strategy. Hogle-Ireland brings a high level of experience and qualifications to the City of Rosemead for completion of the Housing Element Update. We have unmatched public sector experience in planning, zoning, specific plans and general plans. We are experienced in all aspects of City planning and understand how elements of the planning process fit together in a coordinated plan for Rosemead. Our company has extensive experience in the City of Rosemead through involvement on the City's General Plan and zoning ordinance updates. Additionally, our experience with other projects in the San Gabriel Valley provides us with insight on the major housing issues the City may face in updating the Housing Element. Our experience with recent housing elements in other jurisdictions has shown that HCD requires detailed information regarding the location of potential housing sites in the community that are available to meet projected housing needs, and what sources of • funding will be utilized to meet those needs. The City's challenge will be to define ways to accommodate its fair share of regional housing growth while satisfying broader community goals to balance land use and achieve quality development for all projects. State law also requires the City to identify adequate sites for housing, including rental housing, factory-built housing, and mobile homes, and make adequate provision for the existing and projected needs of all economic segments of the community. Our experience with recent housing elements in other jurisdictions has shown that the Department of Housing -and Community Development (HCD} requires detailed information regarding exactly where in a community housing sites are available to meet projected housing needs, and what sources of funding will be used to help meet these needs. In response to HCD's requirements we believe that the recent introduction of mixed use zones as part of the General Plan update will benefit the City in completing this part of the Housing Element. • 2 December 2008 f~_~ ~~~~ Project Understanding For the 2008-2014 SCE established the followinc Needs Allocation, or RHIV G housing element housing allocation ~) for Rosemead: cycle, SCAG has (Regional Housing Income. Cat gory . °, '. :Number of Units Very low income 190 Low income 119 Moderate income 131 Above moderate i come 340 Total Units 780 • We understand that Rose ead is a distinct community in the San Gabriel Valley facing a u ique set of housing challenges. These challenges include both regional and local issues such as: changing racial and et nic demographics, mansionization of homes, the adoption of new General Plan designations that encourage significantly m re mixed use development opportunities and the desire to maintain compatibility between housing types and densities .within neighbo hoods, particularly those adjacent to proposed mixed-use dev lopment. The City also identified the following issues as focus reas within the current Housing Element update: ^ Balancing empl~ ^ Matching the su o Balancing housi the population a Preserving the c ® Providing new t~ increasing demo oriented/vacatio lent and housing opportunities; y of and demand for housing; supply for all economic segments of uality of the housing stock; and pes of housing to accommodate nd for higher end and recreational i housing in Rosemead. In response to these ch Ilenges, there is a great need for the development of diverse h using types that can accommodate the needs of local residents w ile maintaining the character of the City. .7 The City began its compr hensive General Plan update in August ' 2002 with the intention f addressing community concerns and developing guidelines for future development. This update was completed in cooperation with Hogle-Ireland in October of 2008 and has established a fra ework for discussion that will continue Hogle-Ireland, Inc. of Rosemead Housing Element Proposal ^ through the Housing Element update process. The current General Plan Land Use Map provides for three residential land uses ranging from residential low-density to residential high- density; potential development sites designated as residential high- density provide the most opportunity for the development of affordable housing. In the recently adopted General Plan the City also introduced two mixed use residential-commerical zones that allow densities of 30 and 45 dwelling units per acre, which will also benefit the City in meeting its RHNA allocation for the current planning period. In addition to these land uses, as part of the Housing Element update, we will analyze further alternatives, such as infill development, to accommodate the development of affordable housing. As of January 1, 2008, the City of Rosemead had a total population of 57,422 and 14,702 housing units (CA Department of Finance, 2008). The population of Rosemead has in recent years become increasingly diverse resulting in a need for housing policies and programs that respond to the housing needs of the current residents. Consequently, the Housing Element update will evaluate existing and potential\housing opportunities for all income • groups living within the City. Also, an analysis of the policies and programs employed in the Housing Element will ensure that the City is able to address the future housing needs for each of the identified socio-economic groups. The Rosemead Housing Element will allow the City to establish policies, procedures, and incentives that will result in the maintenance and expansion of the housing supply to adequately accommodate existing and future households. The Housing Element will reassess the community's housing related goals as expressed in the General Plan as well as the incentives and ordinances in place to promote affordable housing. The final Housing Element will institute policies that will guide decision- making, and will establish an action program to implement housing goals through 2014. In preparing the Housing Element update, new State legislation will be addressed. This legislation includes: ^ California Senate Bill 2 (Chapter 633) which requires jurisdictions to identify a zone or zones where transitional housing and emergency shelters will be • December 2008 ®~ ~ Project Understanding allowed as a pe mitted use without a conditional use permit or other iscretionary permit. ^ California Asse bly Bill 2635 which requires jurisdictions to analyze the e isting and projected housing need for residences of al income levels including extremely low- income househ Ids. An extremely low-income household is de fined as those earning between 0 and 30 percent of the A ea Median Income (AMI). ^ California Sena Bill 520 which requires jurisdictions to identify potentia and actual constraints upon the development, m intenance and improvement of housing for persons with disabilities, and demonstrate local efforts to remov governmental constraints to help meet the housing nee s for persons with disabilities established in t e Federal Fair Housing Act. r~ • ^ California Asse bly Bill 2348 (Chapter 724), which amended housi g element law to include mare specific requirements fo the content of the land inventory and analysis section The land inventory must specifically include parcel-s ecific listing of available sites including .the parcel numb r or "unique" reference. ^ California Senat gas emissions b emissions-reduc integrates disjoii incentives for loc follow new cons 375 enhances tF reach AB 32 qo~ Hogle-Ireland, Inc. Bill 375 intent is to reduce greenhouse ~ curbing sprawl. SB 375 provides ing goals for which regions can plan, ited planning activities, and provides al governments and developers to :ientiously-planned growth patterns. SB e Air Resources Board's (ARB) ability to Is. Citv of Rosemead Housing Element P 5 ^ Planning ~' in Motion f-bogie-Ireland, Inc. his Page intentionally Left Blank • • December 2008 • Scope of Work . , l1~ II ~ e _~_ k i y Planning in Motion Hogle-Ireland, Inc. Based on our review of he Request for Proposal, we have put together a scope of work that we believe responds to the City's objectives. In response to the c jurisdictions today, the pro the .City to determine w contracted, or modified f recognize that is importan the scope of work, budgE program is developed thal of Rosemead. hallenging economic climate facing posed scope of work can'be reviewed by rich tasks it prefers to be expanded, ~r the Housing Element Update. We for jurisdictions to have flexibility within t, and schedule to ensure that a work specifically meets the needs of the City • In the following section, undertake to complete the in Section 4 of this propos of the various tasks. we propose a series of tasks we will work program. The Schedule provided ~I further illustrates the interrelationships Task 1 -Housing Element Meetings 1.1 - Project Meetings • A Housing Element Update requires analysis of an extensive amount of information and the completion of work products within a relatively compressed tim frame. Further, the work products must reflect the varying expec ations of the different members of the client/groups (i.e. City C uncil, Planning. Commission, City staff, etc.) into a cohesive and easily understood document. Meeting these objectives will requi e ongoing dialogue, communication and accessibility between st ff and the consultant throughout the project. City staff to be i volved in the Housing Element update meetings will include the ore group of City personnel responsible for reviewing and roviding input on Hogle-Ireland's recommendations. Citv of Rosemead Housing Element Proposal ^ All meetings with City staff will be attended by the Project Manager, Alexa Wyneken. Ms. Wyneken will also be responsible for attending a monthly update meeting with the City project manager, which may occur in person or in the form of a conference call depending on which is more convenient for the City. Support staff will'be available on an as needed basis. Hogle-Ireland will be available ,for interaction with staff via phone, conference calls and e-mail as necessary throughout the project. This expectation has been built into this proposal and its respective budget. Meetings ^ A minimum of five (5) meetings conducted in person or as a conference call throughout the update process will be identified in this scope of work with the appropriate task ^ Monthly progress/status meetings with City staff, or as needed , Task 2 -Project Initiation & Assessment Hogle-Ireland will meet with City staff to refine the work program, confirm communication protocol, and explore tentative dates for study sessions and meetings. A schedule for monthly updates on the progress of the project will be determined. 2.1 - Kick-Off Meeting Objectives for the kick-off meeting include: obtaining a level of understanding regarding the City's involvement, collecting information regarding document format for seamless inclusion into the General Plan, and developing a clear understanding of established roles and responsibilities for all involved parties. This meeting will also allow for a discussion on the City's existing housing goals to ensure that the Housing Element update is compatible with the newly updated General Plan and the City's Redevelopment Plan. The kick off meeting is the first of the five meetings identified in Task 1. Meetings ^ One (1) kick-off meeting with City staff • V December 2008 ~,~ Sco e of Work Work Products ® Refined project schedule, budget, and scope of work • • 2.2 - Document Review Hogle-Ireland will revi City documents to establish an unders~anding of local c nditions and the community's housing needs. The 2002 Hou ing Element and its program will be reviewed and evaluated. Additional documents obtained with assistance from City staff will also be reviewed, which include, but are not limited to: ^ Adopted Gener I Plan ^ Current Housin Element ^ Annual General Plan/Housing Element Progress Reports to the State ^ Zoning Ordinan e and Municipal Code ^ Design Guidelin s ^ Information oft e City's development review process ^ Redevelopment Implementation Plan (5-Year) ^ Consolidated PI n (CDBG) ^ Housing units ( ffordable and market rate) built or approved since 998 by year and type ^ List of affordabl housing units and earliest conversion date ^ Any major land se applications in the pipeline or known about ^ A preliminary h using sites inventory, including any vacant and and rutilized parcels in the City, which is crucial in devel ping the sites analysis This task will include a re' federal, State, and loc implementation. In administrative .resources and redevelopment mon preserve at-risk housing required by State law, opportunities will also conservation as a factor Hogle-Ireland, Inc. ~iew of the financial resources (including ~I resources) available for program ddition, an .inventory of available ;such as local non-profit organizations es) will be created to help the City ind construct new affordable units. As a discussion on energy conservation be introduced to address energy n reducing long-term housing costs. A City of Rosemead Housing Element 9 ^ review of federal, State, and local policies and regulations for energy conservation will also inform the discussion. Work Products ^ Report summarizing pertinent topics and issues to be addressed in the Housing Element Task 3 -Housing Element Progress Report 3.1 - Evaluation of Previous Housing Element Accomplishments As required by State law, this task will produce a report on the progress the City has made in implementing the existing Housing Element. In general, the task will include a review of the following: ^ The appropriateness of the housing goals, objectives, and policies in contributing to the attainment of the stated housing goals. ^ The effectiveness of the Housing Element in attaining community housing goals and objectives. ^ The City's progress in implementing the Housing Element. The results will be quantified when possible, but may be qualitative where necessary. The extent of the Element's effectiveness and success in its implementation will be examined. Our report will include the following information: ^ A comparison of the actual results of the element with its goals, objectives, policies and programs. The results will be quantified where possible, but may be qualitative where necessary. ^ An analysis of the significant differences between what was projected or planned in the earlier element and what was achieved. ^ A description of how the goals, objectives, policies, and programs of the updated element incorporate what was learned from the results of~the prior element. !~ L_J C. 1 ~ December 2008 ~ ®{~- Scope of Work Upon the completion of t e draft Progress Report, Hogle-Ireland will arrange a second me ting or conference call with City Staff to discuss any comments or oncerns regarding the draft. Meetings ^ One (1) meetin /conference call with City Staff to review the draft Progre s Report Work Products ^ One (1) electro is/digital copy and seven (7) hard copies of the draft Prog ress Report, including the appropriate maps, tables, a d exhibits Task 4 -Initial Commu nity Outreach Workshop 4.1 - Housing Element 1 1 Workshop • Per State law, the public ill be invited to participate in a series of meetings during the devel pment of the Housing Element. We recommend connecting with the community and decision makers early in the process to help understand community needs and expectations, and to review past accomplishments. We propose a community workshop to be conducted during a regularly scheduled Planning Commission or City Council meeting. Our scope provides for one such introductory workshop. This workshop provides a forum for the public and decision makers to offer insight into what the community sees as the housing needs and priorities for the City. This insight will be crucial in deciding the goals and objectives for the Housing Element Update. Outreach efforts will include personal invitations to housing stake holder groups as identified with the assistance of City staff. Interest groups and. individuals invited should include special needs communities (low-income, disabled, elderly, and families), social services providers, and non-profit organizations focused on housing, and any other groups the City indicates are appropriate. Based on our previous experience on the General Plan update we also understand that the City of Rosemead includes a mixture of • Hogle-Ireland, Inc, Cit of Rosemead Housin Element Proposal 11 ^ • communities, many of which have a unique vision for Rosemead's future, including building heights and densities as well as the types of units and structures that are constructed. Hogle-Ireland will work with City Staff to identify these unique groups and facilitate discussions to ensure that the needs and concerns of each group are addressed. The presentation on the Housing Element made at the meeting will be made jointly with City of Rosemead Staff. Hogle-Ireland will consult with City staff, but ultimately will be responsible for preparing the necessary public notices, invitations, staff reports and comment forms for the meetings. To ensure that information regarding the Housing Element is understood by the various racial and ethnic groups prominent in Rosemead we encourage meetings and meeting materials to be presented in the appropriate languages. This may include but is not limited to Chinese, Korean and Spanish. Meetings ^ One (1) Community Outreach Workshop • Work Products m Materia-s for Community Outreach Workshop (including public notices, Staff Report, PowerPoint presentation, exhibits, and visual aids) ® Memorandum summarizing input received from the Community Outreach Workshop 4.2 - Additional Community Outreach (OPTIONAL) In our experience with the General Plan Hogle-Ireland has come to understand that the racial and ethnic demographics in Rosemead are changing rapidly. Consequently the housing needs of the City are also changing, requiring policies and programs that address the needs of the various demographic groups. If desired by the City, Hogle-Ireland will conduct community outreach meetings focusing on different geographic regions of the City to ensure that the community input collected regarding the Housing Element accurately represents the diverse community groups of Rosemead. • 1 ~ December 2008 ., Scope of Work Meetings ® At least two (2) Community Outreach Workshops Task 5 -.Technical Background Report This task will produce the required housing inventory, assessment of housing needs, and inventory of resources and constraints relevant to the meeting of identified needs. Hogle-Ireland will collaborate with City staff to collect relevant information, including figures on recent housing production and the amount of available vacant and/or underutilized residential land. Upon the completion of the draft Technical Background Report, Hogle-Ireland will arrange a third meeting/conference call with City Staff to discuss the draft and will then make any necessary changes. The Background Technical Report process will include the following: 5.1 - Housing Needs Analysis The Housing Needs Assessment will include the following analyses: ® An analysis of population and employment trends and documentation of projections and a quantification of the City's existing and projected housing needs for all income levels. These existing and projected needs shall include the City's share of the regional housing need in accordance with the RHNA. e An analysis and documentation of household characteristics, including level of payment compared to ability to pay, housing characteristics, including overcrowding, housing stock conditions, and employment characteristics (i.e. unemployment rate, median income, commuting patterns). Data on the condition of housing will be based on already completed City surveys (if any), supplemented by age of housing data. ~ A discussion of the definition of affordability that is specific to the conditions and characteristics of the City • Hogle-Ireland, Inc. Cit of Rosemead Housin Element Pro osal ^ and an estimate of the demand for affordable housing for current and future hauseholds based on this definition. ^ An analysis of any special housing needs, such as those of the elderly, persons with disabilities, large families, farm workers, families with female heads of households, families and persons in need of emergency shelter, and disabled persons. State law requires analysis of existing assisted housing developments which are eligible to change from low-income housing uses during the next 10 years due to termination of subsidy contracts, mortgage prepayment, or expiration of restrictions on use. Where such housing developments exist, we will analyze: 1) costs of preserving and/or replacing the units, 2) resources for preserving and/or replacing the units, 3) quantified objectives for units at-risk to be preserved, and 4) programs for preserving and/or replacing units at risk. 5.2 - Housing Constraints Hogle-Ireland will work -with City Staff to identify potential and , actual governmental and non-governmental (e.g, physical) constraints to housing production, including any constraints on people with disabilities, as required by the enactment 'of SB520 (effective in 2002). Where constraints exist, Hogle-Ireland will develop housing programs to mitigate them, or where appropriate and legally possible, remove them. An inventory of housing constraints will include the following: ^ An analysis of potential and actual governmental constraints upon the maintenance, improvement, or development of housing for all income levels, including land use controls, building codes, and their enforcement, site improvements, fees and other exactions required of developers, and local processing and permit procedures. ^ An analysis of potential and actual non-governmental constraints upon the maintenance, improvement, or development of housing for all income levels and for special needs populations required to be addressed by law. Constraints include the availability of financing, the price of land, and the cost of construction. • 14 December 2008 Scoae of Work In addition, an assessment of environmental and infrastructure constraints to development is an important issue. Water and sewer availability, conditions of streets, and potential for hazards (e.g., faults and industrial hazards) will be addressed. Hogle-Ireland will rely on current City documents and staff to determine potential environmental and infrastructure constraints to housing. This environmental review will assist in the preparation of the environmental documentation for the Housing Element. 5.3 - Housing Resources and Opportunities A land inventory is required for all housing element updates, and HCD has become rigorous in its review of site feasibility as required by AB 2348 (2004). Hogle-Ireland will collaborate with City staff to collect relevant information regarding housing production and infill, second unit development, mixed use opportunities and the potential for affordable housing development on vacant and underutilized residential land in the City. We suggest that the inventory include all of the following: • ^ A listing of properties by parcel number or other unique reference ^ The size of each property listed and the general plan designation and zoning of each property ^ An estimate of the actual maximum density that can occur on residential lands based on City development standards ^ For non-vacant sites, a description of the existing use of each property e A general description of existing or planned water, sewer, and other dry utilities supply, including the availability and access to distribution facilities ^ A map, prepared with Geographic Information Systems (GIS), that shows the location of the sites included in the inventory - Other information that will be collected to better inform the land inventory includes, but is not limited to: e An inventory of vacant single family residential lots in existence ^ An inventory of substandard housing units • Hogle-Ireland, Inc. Cit of Rosemead Housin Element Pro osal ^ ® An inventory of housing units at-risk of conversion ^ An inventory of the affordable units that have been created in the City ^ An estimate of the number of secondary dwelling units developed and the rental history of secondary units Hogle-Ireland will also work with staff to identify recent construction and entitled projects that can be counted toward the City's current RHNA, as well as vacant and underutilized land suitable for new housing. The City's General Plan, current Housing Element, and any Specific Plans will be used to determine remaining sites. Based on discussions with Staff, a comparison will be made between the allocation of housing need by income group and the sites available by income group. The deficits by income group will be noted. In the event that vacant sites are inadequate to fulfill the RHNA as anticipated, we will work with staff to identify specific underutilized sites with .redevelopment potential. AB 438 (Torlakson) includes provisions that allow a jurisdiction to fulfill 25 percent of its sites requirement with existing housing units through acquisition/rehabilitation, affordability covenants on existing market rate rental housing, and preservation of at-risk multi-family rental • housing. We will also explore these opportunities for Rosemead. The Housing Opportunities section in addition to the land inventory will include a list of local, regional, State and federal resources that are available to the City to increase the number of affordable units available to residents. As part of this analysis, an estimate of the amount of accrual to the Redevelopment Agency Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund during the planning period will be discussed. This analysis will then later inform the Housing Plan and the programs that are developed for the City to meet is remaining RHNA allocation. 5.4 - Energy Conservation Opportunities This task will analyze the opportunities for energy conservation and the potential to implement green .practices with respect to residential development. As new development occurs, there is great potential to ensure that construction is energy efficient and sustainable. In this section of the draft Housing Element we will address Senate Bill 375, which links transportation planning and funding to general land use planning and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). • 1 ~ December 2008 ~ Scope of Work Meetings ^ One (1) meeting/conference call with City Staff to review the draft Technical Background Report Work Products ^ One (1) electronic/digital copy and seven (7) hard copies of the draft Background Technical Report, including the appropriate maps, tables, and exhibits Task 6 -Draft Housing Plan Based on the prior Housing Element Progress Report and the Background Technical Report, a draft Housing Plan and Implementation Program will be developed. Within the Housing Plan there are several issues unique to the City that will be addressed. These issues include, but are not limited to high land • costs, the lack of vacant residentially zoned land in the City and the desire to maintain the character of the City while providing affordable housing opportunities. 6.1 - Goals, Policies, and Quantified Objectives The draft Housing Plan will state the City's goals, policies, and quantified objectives relative to the maintenance, preservation, improvement, and development of housing. The recommended plan will aim to achieve compliance with state housing law as well as with the specific concerns identified by the City. The draft Housing Plan will provide a schedule of actions including preliminary goals and policies required to achieve the comprehensive goals and objectives defined in the Housing Element. In support of the Housing Plan, a Quantified Objectives section will then provide, by income level, a recommendation on the amount of construction, rehabilitation and conservation of housing units that should take place in the upcoming planning- period. • Hagle-.Ireland, Inc. City of Rosemead Housing Element Proposal 1 7 L~ 6.2 - Implementation Program Specific programs to be implemented throughout the planning period will be described in detail in an Implementation Program. To make adequate provision for the housing needs of all economic segments of the community, the Implementation Program shall address all of the following components: ^ Identify adequate sites which will be made available through appropriate zoning and development standards and with services and facilities needed to facilitate and encourage the development of a variety of types of housing for all income levels. ^ Assist in the development of adequate. housing to meet the needs of extremely low-, very low-, low-, and moderate-income households. s Address and, where appropriate and legally possible, remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, • improvement, and development of housing. ^ Conserve and improve the condition of the existing affordable housing stock. ^ Promote housing opportunities for all persons regardless of race, religion, sex, marital status, ancestry, national origin, color, familial status, or disability. ^ Preserve for lower income households the assisted housing developments at-risk of conversion to market rate housing (if such exist). As appropriate, specific objectives by income group will be included in each program description. The draft Housing Plan will identify the departments and officials responsible for the implementation of the various actions and the means by which consistency will be achieved with other General Plan elements and community goals. 1 ~ December 2008 ! , Scope of Work 6.3 - Administrative Draft Housing Element The Administrative Draft Housing Element will be submitted to City staff for review and comment prior to release to the Planning Commission and City Council. We will prepare a draft of the Housing Element executive summary report for City staff review. In preparing the draft Housing Element, Hogle-Ireland will ensure that the update is consistent with the City's Zoning Map and the City's recently completed General Plan elements and land use map. Meetings ® Two (2) meetings and/or conference calls with City staff to review the Draft Housing Plan, Implementation Program and Administrative Draft Element Work Products • ^ Seven (7) hard copies and one (1) electronic/digital copy of the Administrative Draft Housing Element including appropriate tables, maps, and exhibits Task 7 -Prepare Draft Housing Element 7.1 - Community Workshop to Review Administrative Draft Housing Element The format we envision for the second community workshop is a joint study session with the Planning Commission and City Council. The meeting is typically open to the public and provides an open forum for residents to discuss housing needs in Rosemead. If a joint workshop is not feasible, then a workshop is suggested during a regularly scheduled Planning Commission or City Council meeting. The Administrative Draft Housing Element will be presented to the. City Council around the end of February 2009. As noted in Task 4.1, outreach efforts for community workshops include personal invitations to affordable housing developers, special needs communities (low-income, disabled, elderly, and families), social services providers, and non-profit organizations focused on housing, and other groups the City indicates are • Hogle-Ireland, Inc. Cit of Rosemead Housin Element Pro osal ,~ , appropriate. At the workshop, vve will provide a summary in the appropriate languages of the Administrative Draft Housing Element, Rosemead's identified housing needs, and the proposed strategies to address those needs. The public and decision makers will be asked to review and provide feedback on the information. Meetings ® One (1) Planning Commission and Gity Council joint study session/community workshop Work Products ^ Seven (7) hard copies, one (1) unbound reproducible copy and one (1) electronic copy of the public Draft Housing Element ^ Materials for the study session (including public notices, Staff Report, PowerPoint presentation, exhibits, and visual aids) • ® Memorandum summarizing input received from the study session 7.2 - Draft Housing Element Following the community workshop, Hogle-Ireland will meet with staff to review the public comments and direction from decision makers. Based on input provided, a Draft Housing Element for submittal to HCD will be prepared. Meetings ^ One (1) meetings and/or conference calls with City staff to review the Draft Housing Element Work Products ® One (1) hard copy and one (1) electronic copy of the revised version of the Draft Housing Element with public comments incorporated to be sent to HCD • 2 O December 2008 ~: - ___ ' ~ _.:, l~ ~ _.. 7.3 - HCD Coordiriation Following the mandatory review period, HCD will transmit its findings to the City. The findings will be in the form of suggestions on what changes and additions- need to be made to the Draft in order for HCD to find that the Housing Element is in compliance with State law. Hogle-Ireland will serve as the City's liaison with HCD responding to their comments and will additionally be responsible for the following tasks: ® A summary of each HCD comment in the form of the actions that need to be taken ® Development of draft analysis and narratives to address each comment ® Review by City staff of the draft responses to HCD review comments ® Transmittal of the responses to HCD for additional review and comment Scope of Work During the course of completing this task, coordination, with the • HCD reviewer will be continuously maintained. If appropriate, the City at this stage may request that HCD conduct a site visit. Because we cannot anticipate the depth and. scope of the comments HCD will offer, nor the time required to effectively negotiate a position acceptable to the City, we have provided an allowance for this task in the program budget. If additional effort is required beyond this allowance, we will bill for additional work on a reimbursable basis with authorization from the City Manager. Our scope assumes that we will be able to reach resolution on all issues, allowing work to move forward with preparation of the public hearing Draft Housing Element. Meetings a Up to three (3) meetings and/or conference calls with SCAG/HCD regarding the Housing Element (may carry over into Task 10.1) Work Products ® Memorandum summarizing responses to HCD comments • Cit of Rosemead Housin Element Pro osal Hogle-Ireland, Inc. ~~ .7 Task 8 -Housing Element CEQA Documentation 8.1 - CEQA Completion (Initial Study/MND) During the HCD 60-day review period, Hogle-Ireland will prepare required environmental documentation per the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Per CEQA, adoption of or an amendment to the Housing Element is considered a "project." Thus, environmental review will be required as part of this assignment. For almost all of the jurisdictions for which our team has prepared Housing Elements, we have also completed the CEQA documentation, and in most circumstances, that documentation consisted of an Initial Study (IS) leading to adoption of either a Negative Declaration (ND) or Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND). Typically, because housing programs are consistent with adopted land use policy (for which thorough environmental analysis was previously conducted) and/or do not propose actions that will result in physical changes to the environment, a Negative Declaration or Mitigated Negative Declaration is appropriate. As the City's General Plan update was • completed earlier this year and included CEQA documentation it is likely that th,e studies and determinations from the General Plan update can be carried over to the Housing Element update. We have budgeted for CEQA compliance assuming this level of review. We will prepare a preliminary draft Initial Study for City staff review. Upon receiving staff's comments, we will prepare a Draft Initial Study/ (Mitigated) Negative Declaration for public circulation and review. Our budget assumes that City staff will be responsible for distribution per CEQA requirements. At the conclusion of the 30-day public review, response to comments will be .prepared, constituting the Final (Mitigated) Negative Declaration. Our budget provides an allowance for responding to any comments received. Any additional time required beyond this allowance will be billed on a reimbursable basis. If necessary, a Mitigation Monitoring Program with appropriate mitigation measures will accompany the Final (Mitigated) Negative Declaration. This documentation will be brought before the City Council for review and adoption. 2 ~ December 2008 The City will be responsible for all noticing and distribution of CEQA documents, as well as required filings. If requested,,Hogle- Ireland will file the Notice of Determination (NOD) with the County of Los Angeles following the adoption of the Housing Element by the City Council. The City will be responsible for paying all required fees. Additionally, as per Senate Bill 18 (SB 18), the City will be required to consult with interested Native American tribes as part of the Housing Element Update process. SB 18 requires that this be a City-driven process, but Hogle-Ireland staff will assist City staff with the consultation. This process is accounted for .within the proposed budget. Scope of Work Work Products ® One (1) unbound reproducible copy, one (1) electronic and seven (7) hard copies Administrative Draft Initial Study/(Mitigated) Negative Declaration ® Initial Study/(Mitigated) Negative Declaration for public circulation ® One (1) unbound reproducible copy, one (1) electronic . and fourteen (14) hard copies of the Final (Mitigated) Negative Declaration ® Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (if required) a Notice of Determination Task 9 -Public Hearings & Adoption 9.1 - Housing Element Adoption Hogle-Ireland staff will be available to attend public hearings for the certification of the Final (Mitigated) Negative Declaration and adoption of the updated Housing Element. Public hearings will include the community as well as housing. stakeholders as indicated by City staff for discussion on the document. Our budget includes an allowance to cover four (4) hearings. Hogle-Ireland will be available to attend additional hearings on atime-and-materials basis: • Hogle-Ireland, Inc. Cit of Rosemead Housin Element Proposal ~_ IVleetings ^ Two (2) Planning Commission Hearing e Two (2) City Council Hearing Work Products ® Materials for Public Hearings (including public notices, Staff Report, PowerPoint presentation, exhibits, and visual aids) s One (1) unbound reproducible hard copy, one (1) electronic copy, and fourteen (14) bound hard copies of each final report summarizing pertinent discussion issues from each meeting Task 10 -Final Housing Element 10.1 -State Certification Following the final City Council hearing, Hogle-Ireland will prepare a final version of the Housing Element to incorporate directives of the City Council and any changes to the draft required by HCD and City staff and officials, for adoption and transmittal to the State. Project completion is anticipated to occur by August 14, 2009. If any further negotiations with HCD are required at this stage for certification, Hogle-Ireland will follow through with assisting the City in achieving State certification of the Housing Element after adoption. Our scope and budget provide for HCD coordination as an allowance, as the. scope of the revisions cannot be wholly anticipated at this time. Work Products ® One (1) unbound reproducible hard copy, seven (7) bound hard copies, one (1) electronic copy in PDF format and one (1) electronic copy in Word format of the Final Housing Element including the appropriate graphics, tables, maps, and exhibits • 2 ~ December 2008 ~ ~ i ~- ~ i tJ ~ _._~ Scope of Work 10.2 - Continued HCD Coordination (as needed) As necessary, Hogle-Ireland will continue to coordinate with HCD to accomplish a certified Housing Element. As mentioned- previously in Task 7.3 Hogle-Ireland cannot anticipate the depth and scope of the comments HCD will offer, nor the time required to effectively negotiate a position acceptable to the City, therefore we have provided an allowance for this task in the program budget. If additional effort is required beyond this allowance, we wi11 bill for additional work on a ~ reimbursable basis after receiving authorization from the City Manager. • • Cit of Rosemead Housin Element Pro osal Hogle-Ireland, Inc. ii .'' Planning .~~,,~. ~'=~~' In Motion f-iOC:~I~-Irclan~J, In,,. i nis P~~1e !nte~ ~iio~~~?!ly Leii Bl~,r ~k • 2 ~ December 2008 r , ~ ~i is • t r - '~ h, ~ .'~.' ~" ¢,~_y __~ • U ~I^--~+ W_ f°1 • /°~ C ~ ~ N _~ ~ ~ ~'- ~ O T N "6 U >, ~ C ~ C O U (B ~ ~ ~ C1 ~ Q (B ~ O ~ N ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W C ~- ~ ~~ ~ c6 ~ o ~ ~ _•~~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ c co 'c ~ ~ ~ L ~ cv cv ~, o~ ~~ ~ ~~ mY - •.-. ~ .~? ca -acE~ ~ ~ ~c N N ,cn O 'L ~ ~. ~ ~ -. -a ~ v °~ c~v~ o Q~~ c~ ~ ~ .° O cn O Q.~ ~~ U ~ Q C ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ O O ~ ~ ~ ~ C O O ~ U ~ ~ ~ '"' ~ (n ~ ~ O +-' ~ N ~ ~_ -a O O ~ y O }' >, +.. ~ C +. ~ (n C O (~ ~°~~°'o ~ ~ U ~ U i ~ ~ ~ ~ O O ~ L ~ ~ ~ ~ O O O CO U ~~•y= C N ~ ,> ~ ~ O a ~ (n V N ~ CO y ~ ~ __ O U ~ 3 O N O O C N .O U ~ . ~ Q ~ N ~ O O O ~ ~ ~~~.•~~ ~ F- ~ cn cn ^'~dj~ C N ~p~- N ~Uo ~ ~ N ~~ ~'U O •~ (6 ~ >, ~ O "O a--~ ~ -_ L N ~ O ~ O ~+- N cn cn O N ~ .O ~ ~ ~ N > ~ E-- i~ .~-~ (6 ~ 0 a 0 d c a~ m w c 0 m a~ E a~ 0 0 U ~1J ~I N O O L O ~_ ~' Q r--F o~ ~ pL&~: ~-T I R 9 • n U L.'.1 • • U N O 0 a 0 a c a~ a~ w .~ 0 ~', m a~ E m 0 0 U (U C N 0 ~J 0 c~ m 6 (D N O O c m J n ~ ~ O ~ ~_'_ O ® , r ~ ~J J S y J_ ~_ 1 ~_ I r ~m W • , ~ f:~ ~ ~~ ualificati®n~ end Pars®nnel ^~~ ..~\~ Q Planning in Motion Hogle-Ireland, inc. Qualifications Hogle-Ireland, Inc. is .a California corporation and has been in business since January of 1988. Our corporate office is located in the City of Irvine, with additional full service offices in Riverside, Palm Springs, and Pasadena. We have- approximately 100 professional-level planners on staff, many of whom have city. staff planning experience. We can address virtually any type of planning or community development project a client may have because of the extensive and varied experience of our staff. Hogle-Ireland has a high level of expertise in working with city staff and regulatory/discretionary processes. This expertise and knowledge allows us to readily understand and respond to the City of • Rosemead's needs. We are uniquely qualified to assist in the update and development of General Plans and Plan Elements, Zoning Codes, Specific Plans, and other planning documents because of.the background and professional experience of the partners and staff. The partners of the firm bring extensive and varied experience as former Community Development Directors for California cities. Eight members of the firm have served in Community Development/P-anning Director positions, and all our senior level personnel have served in managerial positions in planning departments, redevelopment agencies, public works departments, building departments, and housing authorities. Our staff understands city planning processes and is familiar with the unique challenges of Rosemead due to our extensive involvement in projects with the City. The partners of Hogle-Ireland, Inc. are Larry K. Hogle, Paul J. Ireland, Pamela Steele, and Mike Thiele: Larry Hogle is the founding .partner and served as Community Development Director for both Oxnard and Irvine prior to founding the firm. Paul Ireland served as the Community Development Director, for the City of Fontana and Planning Manager for the City of Irvine prior to joining i ~: City of Rosemead Housing Element Proposal >~. ;,"~~', _ ice; Mr. Hogle in the creation of Hogle-Ireland, Inc. Pamela Steele has been with Hogle-Ireland for 16 years, coming from the Community Development Department at the City of Fontana. Mike Thiele served as Community Development Director for the City of Davis prior to joining the firm. Commitment For the Rosemead Housing Element update program, we have assembled a team of professionals who are fully committed to complete this assignment. Hogle-Ireland's team leaders -Project Advisor Laura Stetson; Project Manager Alexa Wyneken, and Technical Advisor Lisa Brownfield -are all senior-level staff at the firm who will remain responsible for overall project management and strategy, direction of Hogle-Ireland staff, all community engagement tasks, and interface with City staff and decision makers. Ms. Wyneken will devote approximately 30 percent of her time to this project, while Ms. Stetson and Ms. Brownfield will devote approximately 15 percent of their time to this project. Derek Bingham and Sarah McKearnan will playa key role as staff planners for the Housing Element Update and will each devote • approximately 50 percent of their time to this project or more if necessary to meet the June 1, 2009 deadline. Mr. Kain will be available on an as needed basis to provide any GIS and graphic support required for the project. We understand that it is vital to the completion of the Housing Element update to have adequate staff available to complete the project. Hogle-Ireland will ensure that sufficient personnel are available to meet each task deadline and complete the overall project on time. Key Personnel The City of Rosemead Housing Element update will be directed by staff in both our Irvine office and Pasadena office. Alexa Wyneken, with more than nine years of professional planning experience in the public and private sectors will serve as project manager, overseeing work on both the Housing Element and CEQA documentation. Laura Stetson,. AICP will serve as Project Advisor for the Housing Element update, focusing on the overall management and community relations aspect as needed. Lisa • 3 ~ December 2008 - ~} ~ _ _ e -: Qualifications and Personnel Brownfield will serve as Technical Advisor for the Housing Element Update offering her extensive knowledge of the City gained from her recent involvement with the City of Rosemead General Plan Update and EIR. Ms. Brownfield's knowledge of the issues and concerns facing Rosemead will provide crucial input to ensure appropriate housing strategies are more efficiently and effectively evaluated, developed, and implemented. The key personnel to be involved on the project are described below. L'~a`~ura Stetson; ,Pro`'ectAd~visor ~'~ ~ ,~~ , ° ;.,~ ~,A~~ ~ ~ . ~: Ms. Stetson, AICP has more than 20 years of professional planning experience in the public and private sectors. She will serve as project advisor, overseeing work on both the Housing Element and CEQA documentation. In her 20 years of professional planning experience, Ms. Stetson led general plan, zoning code, CEQA, and other planning and environmental assignments for jurisdictions throughout California, including award-winning general plan programs in the cities of Brea and Claremont. Ms. Stetson brings to this assignment a thorough understanding of State planning, housing, and environmental laws; extensive experience working with community. groups and decision-making bodies; and attention to quality in all products that Hogle-Ireland produces. Alexa :1/Vyneke° n"'ProJecf: ManagerrM °~"' ~'~~f=~~~~ m ~k "~ ~e Ms. Wyneken will serve as the Project Manager of the Housing Element update, managing the day-to-day project activities. With over nine years of experience, Ms. Wyneken provides a wide range of journey level planning services in both the public and private sectors. She has experience in both current and advance planning, as well as community outreach. Her planning experience includes housing elements updates, general plans, zoning codes, specific plans and coordinating citizen participation programs. She has worked on and managed housing elements and housing- related assignments for many jurisdictions including the cities of West Covina, Murrieta, Perris and Norco. She is well versed in the interpretation of and methods to comply with government codes, policies, and regulations. • Hogle-Ireland, Inc. Cit of Rosemead Housin Element Proposal ^ Ms. Brownfield will serve as technical advisor and contribute her knowledge of Rosemead to assist in preparing a housing element that responds to City leaders, residents and stakeholders' objectives and priorities. Ms. Brownfield has extensive understanding of housing elements, with a history of leading general plan and housing element updates. Recently, Ms. Brownfield managed the City of Rosemead General Plan update, which was completed in October of 2008. Her extensive knowledge of the City acquired during her involvement with the General Plan update will provide valuable input on housing issues that can be addressed in the updated Housing Element through objectives, policies, and implementation measures. Mr. Bingham will serve as planning staff in support of this project. He has worked on a variety of planning assignments including housing elements, general plan updates and specific plans. • Recently, he has assisted in preparing several housing element updates for cities in the SCAG region and has prepared required CEQA documentation for these housing elements updates. Ms. McKearnan will also serve as planning staff in support of this project. Ms. McKearnan has two years of public and private sector planning experience working both at the public counter and in housing development. Her planning experience includes housing element updates for the cities of West Covina, Irvine, and Murrieta. She is experienced in performing research for the background technical report and in the development of strategies to meet regional housing goals. 3 ~ December 2008 ®~".,~ r__ ,r- a-:_;~.r Qualifications and Personnel Robert Kain,~GIS 3Suppor-t ~ _,k 4 f-~": G~ ~~.+ ~~.<..~, ,~~-~.~~:~~~ Mr. Kain will provide Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping support for the project. Mr. Kain has over eight years of public and private sector planning experience. He is well versed in the implementation, management, and utilization of information and data management systems for local government use. Mr. Kain's work experience has given him an excellent understanding of the relationship between data management and its importance in achieving service delivery standards for the work of Community Development. Complete resumes of these team members are presented in Section 5. • • Hogle-Ireland, Inc, ', ;;,~ Cit of Rosemead Housin Element Proposal 3 5 ^ Planning ~~ ~~~' Motion 1-logle-IrelanJ, Inc. il~~is Page Intenticx~all~,~ Leif ~lar.k • - • 3 ~ December 2008 ~- • a~ L C (B (/) +r U ~+- -;~ ~ ~ .~ N ~ ~ ~~' ~ f6 c ~ a ~ V ~ M~ ^^ II I..L W C ~ •= V m •Q ~ n ~n ~ > = ri a in L ,~ m ~ f0 v ~ ~ J ~ `_' CL .F~ t1 L ~ ~ ~n c ~~ ~ V C ~ _ 4J `1! lT ' c C ~ ~ ~ QJ ~ n~ a ~ 7 ~1 m ~ o r t ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~;, m ~ ~ 1~ ~:f ~ U U ~ .~ ~ ~I ~ i O to !7 ~ L Q a ~~ ~ ~ O ri ~ a ~ `; { o ~~ °_ ~~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~1~ ~ ~., ~ ` ~~~ a = a~ ~a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ a m ~ ~ ~ ~_~ v W C7J .C ~~ W ~ ~ ~ O a ~ a N c E a~ w .N 0 c~ ~. O O U •JJ n C~ 6 N O O W ~ ~ ~ n r--F ~. I c.,,_a` f • • !n 'l7 (CJ N ~_ O CD OJ ti 1~ u • n ~~SU~~S Cit of Rosemead Housin Element Pro osal 3 9 _~~ Planning ~n Motion I-•hgle-Ir el~~~d, h ~C. This Pa~a~ Intentior~ally Levi Blai ,4: • • 4o December 2008 . _, • - Laura Stetson, AICP Principal ~.•~ ~ "' Professional Experience ,~ `~ ` . ~, ~. - Ms. Stetson has served as project manager on general plans, 1~' .. P~arll"llrlg zoning codes, specific plans, and special planning studies for ' diverse cities throughout California. In this capacity, she has In MOtIOn /`~ - worked with advisory committees, commissions, and councils Hog1e-~r~~ ~ ~ i, Ire to develop long-range goals, policies, and programs, and to EqucaTioN craft the regulatory tools to implement those programs. She has conducted background research for planning, written plan g s ' ' ' Graduate Cours.,v/ork elements, coordinated preparation of plans and related Publio Adminlstretion environmental documentation, and resented recommendations ~ p Arriencan university ~. to decision-making bodies. She also directs preparation of CEQA documents, either as part of planning programs or to vEaRS of ExPERiENCE address development projects. Ms. Stetson is in charge of the Hogle-Ireland Pasadena office and is managing projects for a variety of public sector clients. PROFESSioNa~ ~ Currently, she is overseeing the Housing Element Update work AFFiuaTioNS efforts for the cities of Laguna Woods, Garden Grove, and Rialto. Ms. Stetson led a team of specialists to prepare the City of Riverside's key land use regulatory tools: the General Plan, the zoning ordinance, the subdivision ordinance, and citywide Design Guidelines, as well as a Program EIR. The program involved working with many community groups to affirm direction defined through a prior visioning process and economic strategy study. As part of crafting a vision for the City of Claremont that was to be integrated into the General Plan, Ms. Stetson led amulti- layered public involvement program, including working with a 100+ member General Plan Committee with topic-oriented subcommittees. Additional experience includes managing the following projects: • ~;. Manhattan Beach Brea Monterey Park Montebello South EI Monte ! La Puente I La Mirada ' Brea Hillsides Azusa Raymond Theater Reuse Del Mar Station Mixed Use Palmdale Water District MP Rosedale Planned Community Pasadena Land Use and Mobility City of Rosemead Housing Element Proposal 41 ^ n f his Page Inteniic;nall~,~ Left Blank F-locale-irelar ~d, Inc. Planning ~ in Motio • ~~ December 2008 • • ;--- ~.;,: _: Lisa A. Brownfield Senior Associate Project Manager ...a_ , r .EDUCATION M~P,:I Urb~:~ 1 ~ , i iniversityi' ~_ AnnPiA~ - _ urban.r_ianning, calitorc ~ ~~ rsity Po}nora 1983 `~ YEARS OF EXPERIENCE PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Iristitute~c - I ~'lanners ~ 1990 h• American Planning Asec ~ HONORS/PUBLICATIONS/ACTIVITIES !~ ~ncan Pla ^~ ~ i ~,ilil ~ ~P~ ~, ,.~ ,anding ~~,~, ;;~ F- ~rwemenYfo~~La ,_ ~ ~iction- Planning Effort, Cit~ ~ ' os Angeles f~ '~ , General F - ~.,, .~, Professional Experience Ms. Brownfield has more than 20 years of experience in private sector and public sector planning. Her 18 years of project management experience includes leading large consultant teams and city staff; formulating, monitoring, and ensuring compliance with project budgets and schedules; ensuring all technical and presentation materials and products are of the highest quality; envision, creating, and facilitating significant public outreach programs; and presenting technical concepts, plans, and managerial reports td decision-makers, members of the public, and related professionals. In addition to project management expertise, Ms. Brownfield has diverse technical experience. She has prepared all mandatory and many optional elements of general plans; prepared industrial, commercial, and recreation oriented specific plans; conducted special land use, housing, and circulation studies; reviewed and amended zoning and .development codes; and conducted and prepared many environmental reviews and analyses. Ms. Brownfield served as a Project Manager for the comprehensive update of the City of Rosemead General Plan. Her experience on the General Plan has provided her with an intimate knowledge of the community groups, development issues and major resident concerns that are present in the City. She also served as the Project Manager for the comprehensive Master EIR prepared for the Westlake Village General Plan. As project manager, she ensured that the plan was self-mitigating. A mitigation monitoring plan and a statement of overriding considerations were prepared for air quality impacts. Additional experience includes: • Functioning as the Project Manager for the City of Ontario, Sphere of Influence Specific Plan CA, and EIR • Provision of staff services for the City of Azusa Rosedale } Residential Development Project. For this project, she "'c,, analyzed site and specific plans, provided third-parry review of the EIR, participated in Development Agreement negotiations, conducted outreach sessions, y and • participated in project mediation between City and ~3Ut; °~ developer team members. ;~` City of Rosemead Housing Element Proposal ~~ ^ :7 Planning !n Motion He ~gie-]relanci, I+~C, This Fage Inter ilior~ally Left F31ar~k • O 4~ December 2008 , _„_ ,,,,~„~, - ~~ • • • ~T Alexa K. Wyneken Project Manager Professional Experience Ms. Wyneken has extensive public and private sector planning experience. She is experienced in both current and advance planning, as well as community outreach. She has managed and been directly involved in updating general plans, zoning codes, specific plans and coordinating citizen participation programs. She is well versed in the interpretation of and methods to comply with government codes, policies and regulations. Ms. Wyneken possesses strong interpersonal skills that have been developed through direct involvement with elected and appointed public officials. Ms. Wyenken leads a team of. planners primarily assigned to advance planning projects such as housing elements, general plans, and specific plans. Projects that she has been responsible for include: • City of Perris General Plan and EIR • City of Murrieta General Plan • Specific Plans in the City of Chino Hills" • A mixed use Specific Plan in the City of Highland An 85-acre transit-oriented development (Metro Gold Line extension) in the City of Monrovia • A 75-acre mixed-use Specific Plan in the County of Mendocino • The management of several large-scale specific plans for the cities of Orange and Perris She has managed Housing Element updates for: • City of West Covina ^ City of Murrieta ~' • City of Perris :,:: ^ City of Norco 4'r Ms. Wyneken also has extensive experience with the Western Riverside Council of Governments in Riverside California. City of Rosemead Housing Element Proposal "T~ _..~µ ~. Planning in Motion H~~c~le-Ireland, Inc. This Page interitic?nall•~~ Left ~iar~k • • ~~ December 2008 - ___ ~ ..~;~:~ Robert Kain Project Manager Community Design &GIS Professional Experience Mr. Kain has extensive public and private sector planning experience. He is well versed in the implementation, management, and utilization of information and data management systems for local government use. He is highly adept at building, implementing, and managing enterprise-wide Geographic Information Systems utilizing ArcView GIS with the ability to integrate various databases and applications from various sources for analysis. Mr. Kain's work experience has given him an excellent understanding of the relationship between data management and its importance in achieving service delivery standards for the work of the Community Development and Public Works Departments. Hogle-Ireland Inc. -Senior Associate Project Manager: • Mr. Kain manages Hogle-Ireland's GIS and Data Management section, overseeing the creation and maintenance of geodatabases and feature sets used for project analysis and client deliverables. He has developed a Land Use and Zoning geodatabase which is being utilized to identify land-use conflicts and areas of nonconforming development. Prior to joining Hogle-Ireland, Inc., Mr. Kain served in the following public agency positions: • City of Dana Point -Permit Coordinator: Mr. Kain was responsible for planning, implementing; and overseeing the enterprise-wide development data management program for the issuance and tracking of planning, building, and engineering permits and projects. He managed the City's Geodatabases; including the development, .implementation, operation, performance, and maintenance of the City's enterprise-wide Geographic Information System. He was also responsible for maintenance of the City's Policy maps and associated layers. . • City of Newport Beach -Assistant Planner: Mr. Kain's responsibilities included the management of residential and commercial projects. He supported the GIS efforts of the Planning Department and was responsible for maintaining the department's geo-databases and policy maps. He also was responsible for developing GIS based land-use and demographics databases which were used as the basis for the City's traffic model update and Councilmatic redistricting program. • City of Rosemead Housing Element Proposal 47 ::, C. ~ Planning ~~ ~n Motion I-IC~ai~-Ireland, Inc. ~'r-~is PaOe intenii~r~all~,~ L_efi E~lan!< • . • ~~ December 2008 ,~..~ Derek Bingham Assistant Project Manager 11 - ,, ,~~':- ~, Professional Experience Derek Bingham has public agency planning experience at the ~r P~anning public counter and in processing application submittals. He is II`1 experienced in reviewing architectural plans, performing `~~ ® MOtlOrl. research n in r rin t ff r rt a d p epa g s a epo s ~:~-___ L_____i Hc;gle-Deland, Irr_ He is working on a team preparing Housing Elements for E~ucATION General Plans including those for: E ~ I_ , i~ U~ ~- ~~ and Regional Planning : ° MUrrleta C hi~ ~ ~~~ ,~- Fol~tecb ~niverst~ Pomona; • Norco - m Perris PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Am~_~ri ,r~ F~I;~rning Association (,~~'-~~.~~ • City of Rosemead Housing Element Proposal ~~ ~_ ^ Planning in Motion Fiogle-Ireland, Inc. 50 December 2008 IY+is Page Into+~tior+ally Leff 81ar~F: • -~ ~+ _ 3 • • Sarah McKearnan Assistant Project Manager I "4~ ~ "..' -~ Professional Experience `~ ~ 4 ~' Ms. McKearnan is assigned a variety of projects, ganging from r{ Planning providing assistance on general plan updates, housing element in MOtIOn updates, specific plan preparation, and zoning ordinance E~ucarloN Hogle-Ireland; lr~ preparation to providing contract planning services to public agencies. t 1 i ~ i ~~~n °'Linmq Uni ca~itc ~,' Sarah also has experience in: aaci;eior or Aits, r/ ~ ege st Paul ° a Organization and development of databases 1.~~~~~ - Data collection and analysis Coordination of community outreach meetings PROFESSIONAL ' AFFILIATIONS - "x ~~~ ~ ~ (~'itv of Rncomo~rl I--Ini ~cinn Flomont Drn nncal 51 't yn3S,i h ~:, Planning In Motion Hogle-Ireland, I,-ic. ~'nis Fage Intentior~aily Lefi dank • • 5 ~ December 2008 s • l~ Experiences and ,References In this section, we present examples of current and previous projects that demonstrate our experience and capabilities regarding housing elements. We also include the names of current and previous clients who may be contacted regarding our work. The services for the project will be performed out of our Irvine office. La Puente is a suburban city located in Los Angeles County. The City faces challenges with a high cost of living, specifically in regard to housing prices. This issue has required attention in their current Housing Element update in an effort to meet their RHNA allocation, and ensure that a variety of housing opportunities are available for residents of all income levels. Recently, the La Puente Housing Element has been certified by HCD and is one of only ten housing element attaining State certification in the SCAG region so far. The awarded contract value was. $169,560, which included both an update to the Housing Element and Zoning Code. The value of the contract awarded for the Housing Element Update component was approximately $70,000.. Currently, Laura Stetson, Diana Gonzalez, and Genevieve Sharrow are working collaboratively on this update. Laura Stetson provided project management and technical assistance while Diana Gonzalez and Genevieve Sharrow provided support in writing and' preparing the document. Contact: Guillermo Arreola, City Planner 15900 E. Main Street La Puente, CA 91744 (626) 855-1500 Email: garreola@lapuente.org t- ~~ .^, Planning in Motion Hogle-Ireland, Inc. Cit of Rosemead Housin Element Pro osal ^ • ~flWest<Cc Located east of downtown Los Angeles, West Covina is a community with limited vacant land available that can be utilized for its RHNA allocation. Therefore, Hogle-Ireland is working closely with the City staff to address this issue through innovative programs and policies that would allow for the creation of affordable units. Hogle-Ireland is also working with several City departments including Planning, Housing and the Redevelopment Agency to review the current programs and policies in place to ensure that a realistic and economical Housing Plan is created. The value of the contract awarded for this update was $71,930. Currently, Alexa Wyneken is the project manager and Sarah McKearnan provides support in preparing the document. Contact: Fabiola Wong, Senior Planner 1444 West Garvey Avenue P.O. Box 1440 West Covina, CA 91793 (626) 939-8422 Email: fabiola.wong@westcovina.org • :. o ~ , The City of Baldwin Park is located in Los Angeles County. Hogle- Ireland has worked closely with the City to address the housing needs of residents and the requirements of the State while simultaneously maintaining the character of the City. A full draft has been completed and is currently in review by HCD. The value of the contract awarded for this update was $66,530. Currently, Laura Stetson, Diana Gonzalez, and Genevieve Sharrow are working collaboratively on this update. Laura Stetson provided project management and technical assistance while Diana Gonzalez and Genevieve Sharrow provided support in writing and preparing the document. Contact: Amy Harbin, City Planner 14403 E. Pacific Avenue Baldwin Park, CA 91706 (626) 960-4011 x475 Email: aharbin@baldwinpark.com 54 ~ December 2008 _ _~ ~~ Experiences and References City=~of Monterey Park,,, 1s.~,~ R ~_ ~.~~~.y ~ , ,;~'~. An important aspect of the City's Housing Element was the construction and conservation of existing affordable housing, and provision of housing assistance to help residents find decent housing. Through a collaborative planning process with residents, community groups, and City staff, the element indicates actions City leaders wilt take to achieve diversity of housing in its many forms (density, income status of residents, special needs of groups such as the elderly or disabled). The Monterey Park Housing Element update is currently in review by HCD. The value of the contract awarded for this update was $155,265. The contract involves extensive GIS work to produce maps and data, plus additional outreach tasks and support. Currently, Laura Stetson, Diana Gonzalez, and Genevieve Sharrow are working collaboratively on this update. Laura Stetson provided project management and technical assistance while Diana Gonzalez and Genevieve Sharrow provided support in . writing and preparing the document. Contact: Jim Basham, Planning Manager • 320 W. Newmark Avenue Monterey Park, CA 91754 (626) 307-1463 Email: JBasham@MontereyPark.ca.gov Murrieta is a rapidly developing community located in southwestern Riverside County. Due to its location many of the City's residents commute a range of distances to work throughout southern California. Hogle-Ireland has worked closely with City staff to ensure that an appropriate jobs-housing balance is achieved and that the needs of workforce residents living in the City are met. The Murrieta Housing Element update is currently underway. The value of the contract awarded for this update was $71,070. Currently, Alexa Wyneken is the. project manager while Derek Bingham and Sarah McKearnan provide support in preparing the document. Contact: Jim Mackenzie, Senior Planner One Town Square 24601 Jefferson Avenue Murrieta, CA 92562 (951 } 461-6064 Email: JMackenzie@murrieta.org • Hogle-Ireland, Inc. Cit of Rosemead Housin Element Pro osal 5 5 _~ ~ Hogle-Ireland, Inc. updated the City of Alhambra's 2008-2014 Housing Element. Through the update process, several key areas in the City were identified as ideal locations for future housing opportunities. In~addition, the update provided several opportunities to create new residential uses through infill development and reuse of existing land uses. The City is in the process of obtaining certification from HCD. The value of the contract awarded for this update was $63,740. Currently, Laura Stetson, Diana Gonzalez, and Genevieve Sharrow are working collaboratively on this update. Laura Stetson provided project management and technical assistance while Diana Gonzalez and Genevieve Sharrow provided support in writing and preparing the document. Contact: Michael Martin, Community Development Director 111 South First Street Alhambra, CA 91801 (626) 570-5041 Email: m.martin@cityofalhambra.org • o -o- o • Hogle-Ireland, Inc. is currently under contract with the City of Montebello to prepare an update to the Housing Element for the 2008-2014 cycle, which is part of the Comprehensive General Plan Update. The housing element is currently being reviewed by HCD. The value of the contract awarded for this update was $263,080. This value reflects the total not-. to-exceed amount for both the Comprehensive General Plan Update and Update to the Zoning Code. The value of the contract awarded for the Housing Element Update component was approximately $65,000. Laura Stetson and Diana Gonzalez are working collaboratively on this update. Currently, Laura Stetson, Diana Gonzalez, and Genevieve Sharrow are working collaboratively on this update. Laura Stetson provided project management and technical assistance while Diana Gonzalez and Genevieve Sharrow provided support in writing and preparing the document. Contact: Michael Huntley, Planning Manager 1600 W. Beverly Blvd. Montebello, CA 90640 (323) 887-1386 Email: mhuntley@cityofmontebello.com 5 ~ December 2008 ®~ s~ ~4- • C, n 0 0 m m v a S O c ~~ m m m C7 0 m ~_ ~~ v ~' ~ O ~ ~ Q ~ r~-F ` V ~ ~' l V ~ ~ QO~ ~ ~.~~p ~ T~ O c~ o m~ ~ cQ m ~ !v~ o o c~ ~ v ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ o o v ~ ~ ro ~ o°'^* c ~o~a~Q c -~ .~ ~ o ~~ ~ cn ~. cD cn ~ cfl ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~a.*m ' ~ cn~c~' ~ .tea ~~ ° ~~~ ~ ~ m mcngo~ ~cn°_°-°-'~o ~ ~ ~ -i v v, ~ o cn ~ ,~ cu m ~ ~' o_ ..' ~ v ~~ ~ c~ . , m,-.~ ~o oo~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 03 ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ m Z~oa~ o v ~`~ ~ Qmc~o..o a~ ~ . ~~~~~ m ~ ~ o<.°'. o ~ ~ n ~ n~ ° cn ~ m v ~"cQ c m ~ `.~ Do~~m ~ c ~~,~o~-a ~~~~° m~.~~oo ~ ~ ~ ~ m3o o~-~o~~ ~~ ~ QQ ~ ~. a° fl c o ~m ~.~ o~~-m~~ o ° m ~ ~ ~~ m u i ~ ° ~. ~ ~ o , v ~ • o o ~ cn ~-* ~ -h cn ~ o o ~_~ .~ ~- C7 ~ 3 ~ ~ - ~ C7 ,~ ~' m p ~ ~ ~ Qo ~^m - ~~n~ ~~ m ov~p D z°~ ~~o~~c~ ~ m c~ cD cn -, n ~ ~ ~ a7 ~ -~ ~ a~ ~ N ° cn <'o~~~ o~o~v~o ~~ 3 ~ z BCD ~ Q~CD n -~ ~~~cQ~ ~ D~cuo ~ .t ~ m ~ ~ ~ a ~ c D`< °' ~o ~ ~ ~ < ~ ~~cn n m ° cD cn v ~ ~ o Qo •~ ~ ~ .-. 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Y i ~ O ~ v- N ~ Q ~ . >' Qj ~'' 3 ~~ O ~ ° T ~'x ~ c ~ cn (0 Q- X cn i ~ ~ - O ~~ Q ~ ~ ~ Q N ~ O fn N ~ '~ r ~ N ~ '-' ~ U ~ to O U ~ i (p ~ 'O O ~ U ~ 'O ~~ ~ ~ N Q ~0 0 O O- O ~- O C U C ~ ' 0 0 ~~ ~} O tf) Q O O +, . N ~ ~ ~ ~ O `i ~ T Q }~i O ~ ~ +-+ r ~ L" ~ ~ (CCD (~ C ~ O O C ~ O ~ ~ ~--+ Q ~ ~ O N ~ +~ Z ~ O Q ~ 0 ~ ~, N Q~ (n ~ , O cn Q ~~ O~~~. Q C uj V N O(/) o ca ~ a~ maZZ ~ v, ~ ~ ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ U ~ ~ O > N ~ W r , N Q O ~^' W O ca a~ u a t R S .a Y Q) .3 N C a~ o_ x m m c~ .~ N 0 Q L Q O C .~ O O N .~ N C c~ N L O O a~ N N L. U O N ~ Q O (~ T O O U ~ ~ c ~ ~ U ~ ~ ^Ll a--~ W Q -_ 2 ~ • N a~ U 0 • - ~ CIVIC SOLUTION S December 10, 2008 Michelle G. Ramirez Economic Development Administrator City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 RE: Housing Element Update Proposal Dear Ms. Ramirez: We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal to provide Housing Element consultant services for the City of Rosemead. We understand that the City desires a qualified consultant to assist in an update the 2002-2008 Housing Element for the next planning period, including conducting community workshops and preparing environmental documentation. The City desires completion of the update to allow for the Council's adoption of the Housing Element by June 1, 2009. Clvlc SOLUTIONS is equipped to commit to the City's aggressive schedule for this project, and to address the challenges of compliance with new state laws. We are also prepared to creatively address the City's land use constraints in accommodating the RHNA. Our • analysis will be sensitive to the current economic climate, and consider the effectiveness of the City's current housing programs for the next planning period. Clvlc SOLUTIONS is committed to providing the City with our highest skilled staff resources, and maintaining our excellent track record of providing our clients with timely and professional services. I believe our firm's experience working with a wide variety of jurisdictions throughout California on their General Plans, specific plans and other public policy documents enables us to help the City prepare awell-written Housing Element that meets your objectives and also receives state certification. Our Project Manager, Mark Tomich, is completing work on several housing elements, including the Orange County and EI Dorado .County Housing Element updates. Mark has served over 25 years in local government, including five years as Nevada County's Planning Director. He has a working knowledge of state Housing Element requirements, and sensitivity to local policy issues and priorities, including budgetary and timeframe requirements. If you have any questions, or wish to schedule an interview to discuss our proposal further, please contact me at 949-489-1442, or via a-mail at merrell(a~civicsolutions.com. I will serve as the Management Contact for this project, and am authorized to sign any agreements on behalf of the firm. Sincerely, Thomas G. Merrell, AICP • President 31726 Rancho Viejo Road Enclosure suite zz3 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 949/489-1442 949/240-8068 F,vc www.civicsolutions.com CIVIC so~urioNs • TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 -EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................2 2 -SCOPE OF WORK AND SCHEDULE .......................................5 3 -QUALIFICATIONS AND PERSONNEL .....................................18 4 -EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES ..........................................23 5 -COST ESTIMATE ..................................................................25 6 -FEE SCHEDULE ..................................................................26 :: CIVIC SOLUTIONS 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CIVIC 'S (J LUT IONS CIVIC SOLUTION S SECTION 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY We understand that the City desires a qualified consultant to assist in an update • the 2002-2008 Housing Element for the next planning period, including conducting community workshops and preparing environmental documentation. The City desires completion of the update to allow for the Council's adoption of the Final Housing Element by June 1, 2009. Although the City's update timeframe exceeds State HCD's update schedule for the SCAG region by approximately one year, CIVIC SOLUTIONS is equipped to commit to an aggressive schedule to ensure adoption of the Housing Element by the City's June 2009 target. The update will need to address changes in state Housing Element law since adoption of the current Housing Element, including legislation pertaining to the need for homeless shelters (SB 2), analysis of housing needs for extremely low income households (AB 2634), inventory of sites for new housing and determination whether this inventory can accommodate the regional housing need (AB2348). The Housing Element update will need to address these challenges, but also confirm and modify, if necessary, existing programs in light of the current economic climate and their continuing effectiveness. Past and planned uses of the Redevelopment Agency's Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund will also be evaluated and integrated, as appropriate, into the Housing Element programs. The City's aggressive schedule will help to control costs. CIVIC SOLUTIONS will also contribute to controlling costs by delegating some technical tasks, as appropriate, to our Associate Planner team member. Finally, costs can be managed by adhering closely to the requirements of state law, without adding additional, optional analysis or programs. Environmental review will be conducted upon acceptance of a Preliminary Draft Element. Based on our previous experience with Housing Element updates, we anticipate preparing a Negative Declaration or Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project. Upon request, we would be pleased to provide you with examples of previous environmental documents prepared for projects of this type. We foresee the primary .challenge to accommodating the RHNA (particularly the 309 units in the low- and very low-income categories), to be the City's essentially built-out environment. The land inventory will need to look at closely at development opportunities on underutilized sites. Close coordination with the City's Redevelopment Implementation Plan, including use of the low-moderate income housing fund, may be warranted. CIVIC SOLUTIONS is committed to providing the City with our highest skilled staff resources, and maintaining our excellent track record of providing our clients with timely and professional services. I believe our firm's experience working with a wide variety of jurisdictions throughout California on their General Plans, specific plans and other public policy documents enables us to help the City prepare awell-written Housing Element that meets your objectives and also receives state certification. Because CIVIC SOLUTIONS is headquartered in Los AngeleslOrange County area, and our project team members live in this region, our staff and services will be prompt and accessible to City staff. • ~1 I~ CIVIC SOLUTIONS 2 • ~~ U CIVIC SOLUTION S Our Project Manager, Mark Tomich, has recently completed work on several housing elements,.. including the Orange County and EI Dorado County Housing Element updates. Mark has served over 25 years in local government, including five years as Nevada County's Planning Director. He has a working knowledge of state Housing Element requirements, and sensitivity to local policy issues and priorities, including budgetary and timeframe requirements. • CIVIC SOLUTIONS 3 CIVIC SOLUTION S SUMMARY SHEET Firm Name: Civic Solutions, Inc. Firm Parent or Ownership: Corporation Firm Address: 31726 Rancho Viejo Road, Suite 223 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 SERVICES Planning Services • Discretionary Case Processing • Permit Review • Case Management • Code Amendments • Environmental Documentation • Training Land Use & Policy Planning • General Plan Updates • Zoning Code Updates • Specific Plans Environmental Planning • CEQA Documentation • Technical Studies Firm Telephone Number: 949.489.1442 Firm Fax Number: 949.2240.8068 Years in existnce: 17 years Management Contact (person responsible for direct contact with the City of Rosemead and services required for this Request for Proposal): Name: Thomas G. Merrell, AICP Title: President Phone Number: 949.489.1442 x 12 Fax: 949.240.8068 Email: merrell@civicsolutions.com Project Manager (Person responsible for day-to-day servicing of the account): Name: Mark Tomich Title: Project Manager Phone Number: 949.489.1442 x 32 Fax Number: 949.240.8068 Email: mtomich@cox.net Facilitation • Public Outreach Civic Solutions, Inc. is a community development consulting firm that provides comprehensive planning and entitlement services to municipalities, special districts and other public agencies. The firm is established around the principle that community planning and development ultimately serve the public interest. Civic Solutions was established in 1991 and has maintained its focused commitment to serve public agencies for the last 17 years. We are a local business with company headquarters in San Juan Capistrano and satellite offices in the cities of Fullerton and Onterio. The company is a California Corporation, led by its founder Tom Merrell AICP, President and Chairman of the Board. Guided by the company philosophy that planning is for people, Civic Solutions is ideally equipped to successfully complete community development projects to the satisfaction of our clients and the communities we serve. • • U CIVIC SOLUTIONS 4 SCOPE OF WORK AND SCHEDULE CIVIC S U L U T I U N S SECTION 2 SCOPE OF WORK AND SCHEDULE C I V I C SOLUTION S Scope of Work and Schedule • Task 1 Project Initiation Following authorization to proceed, the first step will be to meet with City staff to gain a complete understanding of the Housing Element update project, review the work program and make any necessary refinements, and refine the project schedule to meet the City's needs. Data needs and the respective expectations and responsibilities of City staff and 'the consultant team will be clarified. It is assumed that the City will provide us with an MS Word document file of the 2002-2008 Housing Element and related documents upon commencement of the project. Products • 1 kick-off meeting with City staff • List of data requirements for City staff and consultant • Refined work program and schedule- Task 2 Evaluation of the Current Housing Element This task involves the review and evaluation of the current (2002-2008) Housing Element, including appropriateness of goals and policies, the effectiveness of programs, and the City's progress in meeting quantified objectives. It is important to identify any areas where policy or program refinements would be appropriate to make the Housing Element more effective in achieving the City's objectives. Since much of the information needed for this evaluation is contained in City files and documents, the budget assumes that City staff will assist CIVIC SOLUTIONS by gathering and compiling the following information. We will provide templates to assist staff in this effort. • Units produced by type and income category • Units demolished and replaced by income category • Units rehabilitated or conserved Status of housing program actions. The effectiveness of the 2002-2008 program actions in meeting the regional housing needs will need to be assessed. Units produced, demolished/replaced and rehabilitated/conserved within the City's Redevelopment Project Areas will also be tabulated and discussed. Products Analysis of the appropriateness of goals and policies, effectiveness of programs and progress in meeting objectives. • CIVIC SOLUTIONS 5 civic S O L U T (O N S • Task 3 Research and Analysis This task encompasses the research, data compilation, and analysis necessary to update the required sections of the Housing Element, which include the Needs Assessment, Resources and Opportunities, Constraints, Goals, Policies, and Quantified Objectives. The findings from this analysis wilt be summarized in a Technical Report, and will play a key role in framing policy issues and developing the Housing Plan for the 2009 Element. Specific topics to be addressed in this task are described below, 3.1 Needs Assessment The needs assessment will include all of the items required by California Government Code Section 65583(a) and Department of Housing and Community Development guidelines. The 1990 Census data and projections in the current Housing Element will be updated with 2000 Census data. More recent, readily available public agency data will be incorporated where appropriate. Local real estate market data, including rental market data, will also be updated. Collaboration with state and local agencies is integral to the data collection and analysis process. The Assessment will address the following specific items: • Analysis of population and employment trends and existing and projected housing needs for all income levels, including extremely low income households pursuant to AB 2634: As indicated, data from the 2000 Census will be used, except where more recent data is readily available. Income characteristics specific to the City of Rosemead will • also be discussed, provided that local data is available. • Analysis of household characteristics including level of payment compared to ability to pay, and housing characteristics, including overcrowding, affordability levels and housing stock conditions. • Analysis of special housing needs, including large families, elderly, female-headed households, persons with disabilities, and the homeless. This analysis will also address how the City complies with the requirements of recent homeless facilities legislation (SB 2 of 2007). Sources for this data will include the Los Angeles County Consolidated Plan and the 2008 Homeless Count. • Analysis of "at-risk" assisted housing developments. The budget assumes that City staff will assist Civic Solutions by gathering information on locally assisted housing projects in the City and their eligibility to convert to market-rate. If it is determined that there are units at risk, the required analysis will be conducted as an optional task. • Housing conditions data - if sufficient information is not available from code enforcement staff and other existing sources, a targeted "windshield" survey may be required of selected neighborhoods to estimate the number of units in need of minor rehab, major structural rehab, or replacement. If necessary, this survey can be conducted by Civic Solutions' staff as an optional task with a supplemental budget. • CIVIC SOLUTIONS 6 CIVIC SOLUTION S 3.2 Resources and Opportunities The analysis of resources and opportunities will focus on the following topics. • Potential sites for future housing and an evaluation of the relationship of zoning and public facilities to serve these sites. We recognize that the City of Rosemead is essentially built-out. Therefore, this analysis will focus primarily on underutilized sites to accommodate the regional housing needs. • Financial and administrative resources, including federal, state and local housing assistance programs. The City's current Down Payment Assistance and First Tlme Homebuyer Programs, and Rental Assistant Program will be discussed. The Redevelopment Agency Low-Moderate Income Housing Set-Aside Fund will also be discussed, including expenditure plans contained in the Implementation Plan. • Analysis of opportunities for energy conservation/green practices. The City's current energy conservation programs will be summarized. Opportunities can be considered to revise energy efficiency standards for new housing development, remodeling, or as part of housing rehabilitation programs. Due to increased focus by state HCD on greenhouse gas emissions as part of its Housing Element review process, we suggest that implementation programs be considered to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions through housing project-level and subdivision-level design standards. • The analysis of available housing sites is a critical component of the Housing Element. The budget assumes that City staff will assist CIVIC SOLUTIONS in gathering or updating the following information. • Parcel-specific matrix of existing land use by zoning designation (vacant/underutilized) suitable for housing development. • Map (provided by the City), showing vacant/underutilized parcels with the potential for housing development. If insufficient vacant or underutilized sites at suitable densities are not available to meet the current regional needs requirement, program options for making additional sites available will need to be evaluated. This may include an "adequate sites program" with commitments to regulatory changes and financial incentives to assist in accommodating lower income housing needs. 3.3 Constraints Constraints on the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing for all income levels will be studied, and organized as follows: Governmental constraints, including land use plans and regulations, zoning, development standards, improvement requirements, impact fees and processing procedures. The budget assumes that City of Rosemead staff will assist in this process by identifying any changes to City zoning, development standards, and other potential governmental constraints that have occurred since the 2002-2008 Housing Element was prepared, including any subsequent amendments. • CIVIC SOLUTIONS 7 CIVIC S O L D T EON S • • Non-governmental constraints, including market contstraints (i.e., land cost, construction cost, financing cost and availability, environmental conditions (e.g., earthquake faults, unstable slopes/landslide areas, floodplains, and infrastructure (particularly water and wastewater treatment capacity). The budget assumes that Planning, Building & Safety, and Engineering/Public Works Divisions will provide the information needed to assess infrastructure capacity constraints. 3.4 Goals, Policies, Programs and Quantified Objectives The foregoing ~ analysis of needs, resources, .opportunities and constraints, together with the evaluation of the current Housing Element, will provide guidance in identifying areas where previous policies and programs may need to be refined to better accomplish the City's objectives including accommodation of the City's 780-unit RHNA. CIVIC SOLUTIONS will work with City staff and decision-makers to refine policies and programs as necessary. Consideration will also be given to current economic conditions, including the real estate and labor markets. In consultation with City staff and policy-makers, an updated Housing Plan will be developed taking into account all of the foregoing analyses and describing policies, programs, funding sources, responsible parties, and timeframes for the next planning period. 3.5 Technical Report A consolidated Technical Report with data and findings from Tasks 3.1 through 3.4, including a summary of the findings, will be prepared for review by staff. We also recommend that the Technical Report summary be. reviewed by the Planning Commission and City Council at a joint workshop as early as possible during the update process. The purpose of this report is to present the key findings from the analyses in a format that allows the public and decision-makers to clearly understand the City's housing policy issues, options and legal constraints. The relationship between the regional housing needs -and the City's capacity for future housing development based on land use plans, zoning, and development standards wilt be a~key component of the report. A supporting slide (PowerPoint) presentation will also be produced. Products • Technical Report • Summary of Findings • PPT slide presentation workshop for Planning CommissionlCity Council Task 4 Housing Element Preparation Task 4 entails production of the Draft Housing Element document for review by City decision-makers, the public, and State HCD. This will be followed by revisions to the draft element in response to comments from state HCD. 1 Note: All public draft and final administrative review work products provided to the City of Rosemead will be produced in a format acceptable to the City. 1 unbound reproducible hard copy = 1 electronic file = 7 print bound copies. Public hearaing or study session documents will include 14 print bound copies. CIVIC SOLUTIONS 8 C I V I C SOLUTION S 4.1 Preliminary Draft and Public Review Draft Housing Element • The Draft Housing Element will incorporate comments from staff on the Technical Report, and input from the Planning Commission and the City Council. A "Preliminary" Draft Element will incorporate City staff input technical data and analysis from the previous tasks, including updated on the Technical Report, including updated goals, policies, programs and quantified objectives describing the City's housing strategy for the 2008-2014 planning period. Policies and programs will be based on the review of the City's progress in implementing the 2002-2008 Housing Element, and where appropriate, refinements will be recommended. A consistency analysis of the updated Housing Element, the Redevelopment Plan and other General Plan elements will be included in the appendix. The budget assumes that all Planning CommissionlCity Council comments on the Preliminary Draft will be incorporated into a "Public Review" Draft. An Executive Summary will be submitted concurrent with the Preliminary Draft to assist staff and decision-makers in their review. The City Council will not adopt the Housing Element Update at this stage, but will authorize submittal of the Draft Housing Element to the State HCD and to the public. The Public Review Draft Housing Element submitted to state HCD will retain most of the chapter headings and general format of the 2002-2008 Housing Element, with additional tables, income categories (e.g.; extremely low income), and policies/programs, as appropriate. The budget assumes that CIVIC SOLUTIONS staff will submit the draft element to HCD for their review, as indicated by the RFP. It is assumed that the City will provide the required land inventory map exhibit. Products • Preliminary Draft Housing Element document • An Executive Summary of the Draft Housing Element for review by City decision-makers Public Review Draft Housing Element 4.2 Preliminary Final Housing Element The ultimate goal of the Housing Element update process is to adopt and implement an element that both meets the City's objectives and also is certified by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). An HCD Finding of Compliance ("certification') of the Housing Element is important for several reasons - to maintain eligibility for grant funds, to ensure alegally- adequate General Plan, and to maintain local control of the land use planning process. After HCD reviews and comments on the Draft Housing Element, (60-day cycle), their comments will be analyzed and CIVIC SOLUTIONS will work with City staff to revise the element, as necessary, to address the state's concerns. The ""Preliminary Final" Housing Element, along with a summary of changes, will be presented to the City Council for final action. CIVIC SOLUTIONS 9 civic SOLUTION 5 • Our approach to obtaining certification is based on establishing and maintaining a cooperative, working relationship with HCD's assigned reviewer and management. We expect to have conversations with HCD staff throughout the course of the project as questions and issues arise. This process of clarifying and resolving issues during the Housing Element preparation phase increases the likelihood of achieving certification and reduces delays. The practice of HCD in recent years has been to issue a letter of "conditional certification" when an element essentially complies with state law but follow-up actions are necessary to implement adopted policies or programs. While "full" certification is desirable (i.e., without requiring subsequent review and approval of implementation actions by HCD), in some cases required program actions cannot be completed within the timeframe of element adoption. Our commitment is to assist the City in achieving full certification to the extent feasible. However, if new or revised implementation actions are necessary in order to achieve full certification, we will assist the City in making these revisions and coordinating with HCD within budget limits. The resource allocation assumes a total of 32 planning hours for this task. If HCD comments require more time and effort than this budget allows, additional work will be done on atime-and-materials basis. Products • Review and analysis of HCD comments • Meetingslconference calls to review HCD comments with City and HCD staff (Note: Meeting with HCD staff are typically held via conference call). • Preparation of a "Preliminary Final" Housing Element for consideration by the Planning Commission and the public • Preparation of revisions to the "Preliminary Final" Housing Element, if necessary, for consideration by the City Council , • Summary matrix of proposed changes to the Housing .Element in response to HCD comments 4.3 Final Housing Element One cycle of further edits to the Element, if necessary, will be made to respond to any additional City Council direction during consideration and adoption of the Final Housing Element. The adopted element will then be resubmitted to HCD for a Finding of Compliance (certification). Products • City files: One unbound reproducible original + one electronicl digital copy+ fourteen (14) print copies of the adopted Housing Element. Note: While our goal is to help the City produce a Housing Element that receives certification by HCD, it is possible that unresolved policy differences between City decision-makers and HCD could hinder certification effort. Civic Solutions cannot guarantee, nor is payment for our services contingent upon receipt of HCD certification. If additional revisions and/or public hearings are required, assistance can be provided on a time and materials basis.) • CIVIC SOLUTIONS 10 .CIVIC S O L U T I O N S Task 5 Public Participation State Housing Element2 law requires a proactive effort to involve interested persons and groups in the preparation of Housing Elements. The inherent community interest in land use and housing development -particularly affordable housing -ensures that the Housing Element update will receive a high level of public scrutiny. This scope of work assumes two community workshops, one public hearings by the Planning Commission and two by the City Council, plus one joint Planning Commission/Council workshop to review preliminary findings early in the update process. This task assumes that CIVIC SOLUTIONS will compile, with City staff's input and review, amailing/invitation list of all appropriate individuals, agencies and interest groups. 5,1 Housing Element Notice CIVIC SOLUTIONS will prepare public notices in a format acceptable to the City for each workshop and hearing. CIVIC SOLUTIONS will be responsible for reproduction and distribution of all meeting notices. Each notice will describe the anticipated process, schedule and opportunities for public involvement. It is assumed that the City will be responsible for publication of public hearing notices, and posting in appropriate locations, including on the City's website. Copies of the notices and the distribution list may be. included in an Appendix to the Housing Element describing public participation activities. Products Mailing list, and four (4) Housing Element update meetinglhearing notices, including reproduction and distribution. 5.2 Community Workshops Two community workshops will be held. during the early stages of the project to solicit information from residents, businesses, service groups, neighborhood associations, seniors, disabled, and other stakeholders regarding housing needs and potential policies and programs. CIVIC SOLUTIONS will orgariize and conduct the workshops, including a slide (PowerPoint) presentation describing Housing Element requirements, key issues, and the update process. Products • Attendance and presentation at two • PowerPoint slide presentation • Workshop agendas, comment forms, warranted • Summary discussion notes of issues 2 Cal. Govt. Code Sec. 655831(C)(6) Community Workshops and additional handouts, as raised from the workshops • • CIVIC SOLUTIONS 11 civic SOLUTION S • 5.3 Planning Commission and City Council Public •Hearings and Workshops Upon completion of a Technical Report and Summary of Findings, we propose a joint Planning Commission/City Council workshop to ensure that critical concerns are being addressed early in the update process. As with the public workshops and all hearings, CIVIC SOLUTIONS will prepare, copy and mail public notices. Meeting presentation materials will also be prepared (including revised Power Point presentation, as needed). Prior to release of the Public Review Draft, it is assumed that one public hearing each will be held by the Planning Commission and City Council. The draft element will then be submitted to HCD for review. As noted in Task 4.2, after HCD comments are received, a revised draft Element ("Preliminary Final") will be prepared for consideration by the City Council. Following Council approval, the Final Housing Element will be submitted to State HCD for findings of compliance/ certification as required by state law. If further substantive changes to the draft element are required in response to HCD comments, additional public hearings may be necessary. If desired, CIVIC SOLUTIONS can prepare additional revisions to the Housing Element, on a time and materials basis. Products • Participation at one joint Planning CommissionlCity Council workshop • Participation at two Planning Commission public hearings (including notices and presentation materials) • Participation at two City Council public hearings (including .notices and presentation materials) • Planning Commission and City Council staff report Task 6 CEQA Review CIVIC SOLUTIONS will prepare an Initial Study for the Draft Housing Element in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act. A Preliminary IS/ND will be submitted to City staff for review, and a Public Review Draft IS/ND will be prepared incorporating staff comments. The IS/ND will be submitted to the City staff for review, and a Public Review Draft IS/ND will be prepared incorporating staff comments. The ISlND will conform to the City's procedures and format for CEQA documents. One round of review and revisions is budgeted. It is assumed that the initial Study will support the preparation of a Negative Declaration (or a Mitigated Negative Declaration). We have found that Environmental Impact Reports are not necessary for Housing Element updates, unless the update is part of a comprehensive General Plan update. • This proposal assumes that CIVIC SOLUTIONS will distribute the Public Review IS/ND to the State Clearinghouse and Responsible Agencies. It is also assumed that CIVIC SOLUTIONS will prepare the Notice of Availability/Notice of Intent; however, this document will be filed by City staff. After the close of the comment period, CIVIC SOLUTIONS will prepare draft responses to comments for review by Planning Division staff. Final responses to comments, • ' CIVIC SOLUTIONS 12 CIVIC SOLUTION S revisions to the ISIND (if necessary), and a mitigation monitoring program (if • necessary),will then be prepared incorporating staff comments for consideration by decision-makers. We assume that no separate scoping meeting will be necessary for the CEQA document, and that consideration of the ISIND will be handled as part of the Housing Element review and adoption hearings. The budget assumes that the City will handle filing of the Notice of Determination with the County Clerk, and that the City will be responsible for any filing fees. (Note: Recent changes in state law may limit the. City's ability to conduct CEQA review of "by right" multi-family housing approvals on sites that.are rezoned to accommodate the VL/L income housing needs identified in the regional housing needs allocation. As a result, "project-level" CEQA review may be required for Housing Element implementation actions. This proposal assumes CEQA review of Housing Element policy issues only - if subsequent CEQA documentation is required for implementation actions or site-specific entitlements, it can be provided as an additional product with a supplemental budget.) Products • Preliminary Draft Initial StudylNegative Declaration • Notice of AvailabilitylNotice of Intent • Public Review Draft Initial StudylNegative Declaration • Prelimiinary Responses to Comments (1 copy + electronic file) • Mitigation Monitoring Program, if necessary, per CEQA Section 21081.6 • Final Responses to Comments (including any revised text, tables, diagrams or maps for.inclusion in the Housing Element) • Final Adopted ISIND and Mitigation Monitoring Program, if necessary Task 7 Meetings and Project Management The CIVIC SOLUTIONS Project Manager will maintain regular contact with City staff to ensure a smooth working relationship and successful completion of the project. Consultant will participate in monthly progress/status meetings with the City project manager, or as needed, It is assumed that most coordination will occur via telephone and a-mail. Up to five (5) on-site working meetings with City staff are budgeted (in addition to the community workshops and hearings), to be held at an appropriate times during the process. Products Monthly status reports provided in an electronic format (e-mail) Regular informal communication with City staff via telephone or e-mail Five on-site meetings with staff. Additional on-site meetings will be provided on a time and materials basis • • CIVIC SOLUTIONS 13 • • • C I V I C SOLUTION S Other Optional Tasks If the Housing Element analysis determines that implementation actions such as zone changes, code amendments, or site plans are required, CIVIC SOLUTIONS can assist the City with these efforts as optional tasks. CIVIC SOLUTIONS 14 CIVIC SOLUTION S SCHEDULE The following timeline provides for the City Council's adoption of the Housing• Element by,mid-June 2009. We believe the keys to schedule (and budget control are 1) a clear understanding of the objectives. 2) close coordination between the consultant and-City staff, and 3) an experienced consulting team. CIVIC SOLUTIONS' senior staff have managed numerous projects on behalf of local government and are committed to providing excellent service to the City of Rosemead. • The Civic Solutions team members have been terrific."' Amanda Schachter City of Santa Monica • CIVIC SOLUTIONS 15 • r ~ ~~ • a~ 0 Q C I V I C soLUr~onrs ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ s3 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ s~ s~ g ~~6 i ~ ~ ~~~!~~~~~t~~~r~~~~~ ~d~ CIVIC SOLUTIONS 16 a civic S O L U T f O N 5 ~~ 0 a ICI II { j 53!i'F~~~~F!@~~i~ :I i ~!!9;l109~~ R~~~~$ !! ~q ~6a ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ i it ci'~~~~?~J~~~i~i'!~~a t~a fi~~a~~i~bl~~ ~sI t 1 • CIVIC SOLUTIONS 17 QUALIFICATIONS AND PERSONNEL CIVIC S () L U T 1 0 N 5 C I V I C SOLUTION S SECTION 3 QUALIFICATIONS AND PERSONNELL The experience & qualifications of our staff directly match the City's selection criteria. The project team will consist of Mark Tomich serving as Project Manager, assisted. by Phillip Bacerra, Associate Planner. Mark Tomich, AICP Project Manager Mark Tomich has over 25 years of diverse planning experience, serving in both the public and private consulting sectors. His experience includes senior staff positions with thelplanning departments of the County of Orange, City of Irvine, and 5 years as Planning Director for Nevada County. Mark's broad professional expertise encompasses land use entitlement (including regulatory permitting), long-range policy development (including General Plans and Housing Elements), zoning (including Specific Plans), natural resource conservation and utilization, redevelopment, and military base reuse planning. He is currently completing work on housing element updates in the Southern California (SCAG) region. Mark has also managed public participation processes related to several projects. Phillip Bacerra Associate Planner Mr. Bacerra has 6 years of experience in municipal urban planning. He has held current and advance planning positions with the City of Westminster and the City of Los Angeles. Mr. Bacerra has also held planning positions with the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority and with the Southern California Association of Governments. His experience includes zoning ordinances, code compliance and discretionary case processing, environmental documentation, historic preservation, staff report writing, interdepartmental coordination, and preparing and making presentations. His current responsibilities include project management for discretionary case processing, plan review, research, environmental documentation, advance planning projects, staff reports, resolutions, public hearings, public assistance and interdepartmental coordination. He also .serves as project manager for zoning code updates, GPAs, rezones, site plan review, and advance planning projects. His public agency work experience includes: • City of Westminster, Assistant Planner • City of Los Angeles Department of City Planning, Planning Assistant • Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Transportation Planner I • Southern California Association of Governments, Administrative Intern Professional resumes are included on the following pages. • CIVIC SOLUTIONS 18 C I V I C SOLUTION S • THOMAS G MERRELL AICP , . PRESIDENT HIGHLIGHTS Tom Merrell has been the Principal-In-Charge for the Civic Solutions contract Contract Oversight with the City of Irvine for the past thirteen years. He recognizes that the City of Irvine is a unique agency with a growing population, development community Planning and public and sophisticated process and constituency. Mr. Merrell brings his many years administration of experience working and managing in the public sector to his role with this client. Staff Training ~ & Professional Mr. Merrell completed twenty-eight years of public service in March of 1991 when Development he retired from the City of San Juan Capistrano to establish Civic Solutions, Inc. In addition to his fifteen years as the City's Director of Community Planning and Development, he served in professional and administrative positions with Education the County of Orange and the City of Garden Grove. During his career, he has developed expertise in all aspects of planning and public administration. His Bachelor of experience includes long range physical and policy planning, development review, Arfs, Business building and safety administration, urban design,. zoning, citizen participation Administration, and consensus building, redevelopment, growth management and environmental California State preservation. University; Long Beach Mr. Merrell is a member of the American Planning Association and a charter Certificate in Urban member of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP). He has served Planning,-University of as the president of the Orange County Planning Directors Association and on California: Irvine the APA Awards Judging Panel. In San Juan Cap-istrano, he has served on Certificate in numerous committees, such as the Downtown Merchants Committee, the Flood Community Planning Plain Management Committee, and the Sign Ordinance Review Committee. His • University of Process long association with public administration and professional planning has given. ; California, Irvine him a broad range of capabilities in these areas. Highlights of Mr. Merrell's experience include: Affiliations Civic Solutions, Inc., Principal, 1991 -present. As Principal provides corporate management, staff development, and contract administration for the firm. Provides American Institute urban planning services to public agencies, homeowner associations, and expert of Certified Planners witness and research services to law firms for cases involving land use and (AICP) zoning. American Planning City of San Juan Capistrano, Director of Community Planning and Association Development, 1976 - 1991. Department head for City planning, redevelopment and building and safety functions; served as Secretary to the Planning Commission and Deputy Director of the Community Redevelopment Agency. Publications City of Garden Grove, Land Use Manager, 1970 - 1976. As Manager of the APA Viewpoints: Land Use Division, responsible for all current planning and code enforcement Outsourcing in the functions, served as Secretary to the Planning Commission. Planning Department- County of Orange, Land Use Planner, 1963 - 1970. Staff level planning, and (http://www.planning. .served as interim Administrative Services Officer. orglviewpoints/ outsourcing.htm). • CIVIC SOLUTIONS 19 CIVIC S O L U T f O N S Highlights Planning Department Management Development Program Management Environmental Documentation General PIanlHousing Element Updates Advance Planning Project Management Land Use & Zoning Regulatory Compliance Education Masters in Public Administration, CA State University, Fullerton, CA Bachelor of Arts, Economics and Business, VVestmont College, Santa Barbara, CA Affiliations American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) American Planning Association Urban Land Institure Instructor California State University; Fullerton, Urban Planning Certificate Program (part-time) University of California San Diego -Extension, Certified Program in Urban & Regional Planning (part-time) MARK TOMICH, AICP URBAN PLANNING CONSULTANT • Mr. Tomich brings over 25 years of urban and regional planning experience. He has held responsible positions in several public agencies, and has been engaged in all aspects of municipal planning, redevelopment, economic development, and housing. Highlights of Mr. Tomich's experience include: Civic Solutions, Inc., Urban Planning Consultant, 2008 -Present. Duties include Interim Planning Department Management; including staff and program management, budgeting and strategic planning, current and advance planning administration. Housing and redevelopment program administration services are provided as needed. Prepares housing element updates on behalf of public sector clients. Manages complex, multi-component land use projects, including zone changes, discretionary permitting and environmental documents. Independent Planning Consultant, 2006. - 2008. Managed preparation of specific plans, master plans, revitalization plans and annexations for landowners and jurisdictions in Riverside, San Bernardino and Kern Counties on behalf of the Planning Center. Prepared Housing Element Updates while serving as a sub- consultant (projects ongoing). City of Tustin Redevelopment Agency, Redevelopment Program Manager, 2005 - 2006. Provided key support for the Tustin Legacy redevelopment project team (former Marine Corps Air Station). Managed all caretaker and security contracts, ground leases and licenses for Tustin Legacy. County of Nevada, California, Community Development Department, Planningi Director, 1999 - 2004. Directed all aspects of County Planning Department serving an unincorporated population of 65,000 persons with an annual budget of $2.6 million and staff of 16. Built effective fully-funded and staffed planning department for Nevada County after having been seven years without a planning director. Provided leadership for Nevada County's innovative natural resources study (Natural Heritage 2020), community design guidelines, creation of new park and recreation districts, and comprehensive General Plan and Zoning Ordinance updates. Managed Code enforcement division of four officers, reducing multi- year backlog of cases. City of Irvine, Community Development Agency, Principal Planner, 1989 - 1999. Served in serveral division and plaanning roles, including current planning, policy programs, and planning services. Served as the City of Irvine's "Environmental Coordinator" and prepared the City's first CEQA Manual and training program. Supervised a team of current planners; responsible for major subdivisions, use permits, zone changes and general plan amendmnts. Managed the City of Irvine's role in the Central/Coastal Multi-Species Habitate Coordination Program, including representing the City on the Borad of Directors for Nature Reserve of Orange County. Represented the City's interests in the MCAS Tustin base closure and reuse planning process. I~ CIVIC SOLUTIONS 20 CIVIC so~uriorrs • • • Highlights Public Information Services Code Compliance Discretionary Case Processing Evironmental Documentation Zoning code update Education Bachelor of Science, Urban Planning and Development, University of Southern California; Lcs Angeles, CA Affiliations American Planning Association PHILLIP BACERRA ASSOCIATE PLANNER Mr. Bacerra brings over five years of experience in municipal urban planning. He has held planning positions with the City of Westminster and the City of Los Angeles. He has also held planning positions with the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority and with the Southern California Association of Governments. His experience includes zoning ordinances, code compliance, discretionary case processing, environmental documentation, historic preservation, staff report writing, interdepartmental coordination, and preparing and making presentations. Highlights of Mr. Bacerra's experience include: Civic Solutions, Inc., Associate Planner, 2008 -Present. Duties include project management for discretionary case processing, plan review, research, environmental documentation, advance planning projects, staff reports, resolutions, public hearings, public assistance and interdepartmental coordination. Project manager for zoning code updates, GPAs, rexones, site plan review and advance planning projects. City of Westminster, Assistant Planner, 2007 - 2008. Project manager for discretionary case processing, with. duties that- included environmental assessment, code compliance analysis, and preparation of written and oral reports to Department anal Division management, the Planning Commission, and written staff reports to the City Council. Assisted with the City's zoning code update by updating the list of uses that required a conditional use permit. Provided information and assistance to the general public, developers, and the business community on planning related matters at the public counter and on the telephone.. City of Los Angeles Department of City Planning, Planning Assistant, 2000 - 2003. Staffed various Historic Preservation Overlay Zones (HPOZ), which included plan review of building application within an HPOZ, prepared agenda for HPOZ Boards, attended HPOZ board meetings, prepared determinations on behalf of the Director of Planning, and made presentations on the initiation of HPOZ's to interested communities. Drafted design standards for districts with community design overlay zones and presented them to the community. Assisted with the update of the Hollywood'Communty Plan component of the General Plan which invol-ved compiling data on. existing land uses, reviewing proposed zone changes and meeting with various departments to obtain their input on the plan update. Assisted the public with questions and interpretations of the Los Angeles Municipal Code and various other planning issues. Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Transportation Planner I, 1999 - 2000. Reviewed and assessed applications from variousjurisdictions withing Los Angeles County for funding from the Call for Projects. ProjectManagerforseveralregionalsurfacetransportationimprovements projects representing $5 million in Call for Projects funds, with duties that included exeuting Memorandums of Understanding with various project sponsors, processing invoice payments, coordinating with project sponsors to ensure efficient and timely expenditure of prograammed funds, preparing projects for audit and final close-out and developing and maintaining databases of extensive information on these projects. CIVIC SOLUTIONS 21 CIVIC S O L U T I O N S Phillip Bacerra LA County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Administrative Intern,. 1999. Assi-sted staffwith a study to develop arterial bus lanes in Los Angeles County by compiling data, conducting site visits to subject corridors,- and preparing presentations. Worked with Project Managers to administer grant- funded projects, with duties that included reviewing progress reports and processing payments.. Organized and prepared data for biannial "Call For Projects evaluation. ORganized and documented meetings for a subcommittee of the Technical Advisory Commitee. Developed and maintained databases of information on transportation projects located throughout Los Angeles County. Southern California Association of Governments, Administrative Intern, 1999. Served as a liaison between SCAG staff and elected officials from selected Southern California jurisdictions. Arranged task force and other committee meetings with civic representatives and technical experts. Researched and prepared reports for various SCAG studies and projects. Assisted with research and production of the Southern California Regional Transportation Plan. • • CIVIC SOLUTIONS 22 EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES CIVIC SU LUT i() NS CIVIC SOLUTION S SECTION 4 EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES "We have used the services of Civic Solutions for a wide variety of contract staff services, including City Planner Senior Planner; Associate Planner and recording secretary for the planning commission. and have been pleased with tine professional quality and responsiveness cf the firm." Jonathan Lait, City Planner City of Beverly Hills CIVIC SOLUTIONS •~ Civic Solutions has provided consulting services for various aspects of Housing Elements to the following City and County Agencies: Nevada County - 2002 Housing Element update and needs assessment, Community Workshops, preparation of Draft Needs Assessment, and Draft Housing Element; submittal to State HCD and implementation of revisions of Final Housing Element document; environmental review; attendance at Planning Commission Hearings and Board of Supervisors hearings; submittal to State HDC of adopted Housing Element. Richard Haffey, Chief Executive Officer (530) 265-1440 Note: Project was done when Mark Tomich was Planning Director City of Dana Point - 2003 Project Initiation, Needs Assessment, 2000 Housing Element Refinement, Attendance at Public Hearings. Eugenia Garcia, Former Director, City of Dana Ponit; currently Planning Manager, City of Aliso Viejo (949) 425-2500 Rancho Santa Margarita - 2001 • Project Management Consultant Services for the development and implementation of the City's first General Plan and Housing Element subsequent to incorporation on July 1, 2000. Kathleen Haton, Director of Development Services . (949) 635-1800 x6707 Civic Solutions has also provided Housing Element updates to the following agencies as subcosultants to the Planning Center: Fontana - 2001, Final Housing Element Riverside County - 2001, Final Housing Element City of Lake Elsinore - 2002, Update of draft Housing Element San Bernardino County - 2003, Final Housing Element County of Orange - 2002, Guidelines of Afordable Housing Ordinance CIVIC SOLUTIONS 23 C I V I C SOLUTIONS "I have been pleased with the professional staff provided by Civic Solutions .. . Their staff is very knowledgeable" Brent Cooper, AICP Former Planning Manager, City of Lake Forest • • MARK TOMICH Mark Tomich has served as asub-consultant on several Housing Element Updates, including the following cities and counties: County of Orange - 200712008 Updated all sections of Housing Element including preperation of countywide land inventory of vacant and underutilized sites. Presented update at Planniing Commission hearings and public meetings. Project Manager: Ruby Maldonado, Chief, Special Projects . (714) 834-4414 Ruby.Maldonado@rdmd.ocgov.com County of Eldorado - 20071 2008 Prepared all section of comprehensive update and participated in public hearings and workshops. Project Manager: Shawna Purvines, Senior Planner (530) 621-5362 spurvines@co.el-dorado.ca.us City of La Palma - 200712008 Updated all sections of Housing Element, including preparation of detailed land inventory of vacant and underutalized sites. Project Manager: Scott Hutter, Associate Planner (714) 690-3336 scotth@cityoflapalma.org Mark has also updated all or portions of the following citys' housing elements during the 2007/2008 update cycle: Aliso Viejo Mission Viejo Lake Forest Laguna Niguel San Clemente Moorpark Santa Papula Culver City Hermosa Beach Diamond Bar Rolling Hills Estates Big Bear Lake Camarillo Thousand Oaks Rancho Santa Margarita CIVIC SOLUTIONS 24 . • ESTIMATE • CIVIC • 5(J LUT I()N 5 CIVIC SOLUTION S • • • SECTION 5 COST ESTIMATE Per directive of the RFP the Cost Estimate detailing the assumptions used to determine costs for the proposal is being submitted in a separate, sealed envelope. CIVIC SOLUTIONS 25 • FEE SCHEDULE • ;( ( ( I I I I I t CIVIC • S O L U T I O N S C I V I C SOLUTION S • COST ESTIMATE AND FEE SCHEDULE • 1~ u r a, w -- ,rte; Task , Descri tion :> ,PM AP GJ1NP Total Hours - Cost 1.0 Project Initiation 12 4 16 $2,180 2.0 Housin Element Evaluation 8 6 14 $1,820 3.0 Research and Anal sis _ ,r~, x~ _ ° ~ '~, 3.1 -Needs Assessment 24 32 56 $7,000 3.2 -Resources & 0 ortunities 20 8 28 $3,780 3.3 -Constraints 22 18 40 $5,170 3.4 - GoalslPolicieslPro ramsl0uantified Ob'ectives 20 12 32 $4,220 3.5 -Technical Re ort 16 8 2 26 $3,330 4.0 Housin Element Pre aration =j 4.1 - Prelimina (Public Review Draft 34. 18 8 60 $7,430 4.2 -Preliminary Final (includes HCD review & certification rocess 24 8 6 38 $4,750 4.3 -Final 6 2 4 12 $1,350 5.0 Public Partici ation 5.1 -Notices, mailin list & mailin s 3 6 1 10 $1,160 5.2 - Communi Worksho s 2 + materials 18 4 4 26 $3,310 5.3 -PC & Council Heariings + joint workshop (incl. materials, Staff Re orts 30 4 6 40 $5,180 6.0 CEQA Documentation (including IS, ND, Mit. Monitorin ,Res onses to Comments, Final 16 22 38 $4,740 7.0 Project Management (including up to 5 meetings with City staff +HCD) 45 45 $6,525 Total Labor 298 152 31 481 $61,945 Hourl Rate $145 $110 $65 Reimbursable Expenses (See table below) $995 GRAND TOTAL BUDGET $62,940 Optional Tasks At-risk Analysis $2,500 Housing Conditions Survey $3,200 PM =Project Manager AP =Associate Planner (Phil Bacerra) GIWP =Word Processin 1 ra hics tech ~;,, .r,,. .Y Estlmated,Relmbursab{e Expenses ;~. ,_:;, Travellmileage (n/c) $0 Printinglgraphicslsupplies $775 ` Postage/deliveries $220 Total $995 CIVIC SOLUTIONS, 27 C I V I C SOLUTION S COST ESTIMATE AND FEE SCHEDULE Optional Tasks At-risk Analysis $2,500 Housing Conditions Survey $3,200 PM =Project Manager AP =Associate Planner (Phil Bacerra) GIWP =Word Processinglgraphics tech ~.w,. .. - Estimated,Relin6ursableExpenses,- . ,:.,_ ~ . ',:_.; Travel/mileage (nlc) $0 Printinglgraphicslsupplies $775 Postageldeliveries $220 Total $995 ~;~ ~:~ Task FDescri tion ~ ~ °` PM` AP ~ :. GLINP Total Hours R~,- _ :Cost 1.0 Project Initiation 12 4 16 $2,180 2.0 Housin Element Evaluation 8 6 14 $1,820 3.0 Research and Anal sis - - 3.1 -Needs Assessment 24 32 56 $7,000 3.2 -Resources & 0 ortunities 20 8 28 $3,780 3.3 -Constraints 22 18 40 $5,170 3.4 - GoalslPolicieslPro ramsl0uantified Ob'ectives 20 12 32 $4,220 3.5 -Technical Re ort 16 8 2 26 $3,330 4.0 Housin Element Pre aration ~',.~~~~~~' ~ '~ - -~~ `~ ~=~~ '' 4.1 - Prelimina (Public Review Draft 34 18 8 60 $7,430 4.2 -Preliminary Final (includes HCD review & certification rocess 24 8 6 38 $4,750 4.3 -Final 6 2 4 12 $1,350 5.0 Public Partici ation t~; E ~, . 5.1 -Notices, mailin list & mailin s 3 6 1 10 $1,160 5.2 - Communi Worksho s 2 + materials 18 4 4 26 $3,310 5.3 -PC & Council Heariings + joint workshop (incl. materials, Staff Re orts 30 4 6 40 $5,180 6.0 CEQA Documentation (including IS, ND, Mit. Monitorin ,Res onses to Comments, Final 16 22 38 $4,740 7.0 Project Management (including up to 5 meetings with City staff +HCD) 45 45 $6,525 Total Labor 298 152 31 481 $61,945 Hourl Rate $145 $110 $65 Reimbursable Expenses (See table below) $995 GRAND TOTAL BUDGET $62,94 • CIVIC SOLUTIONS, 27 ~CIVIC_ SOLUTION S • COST ESTIMATE AND FEE SCHEDULE ~3 .Task ~, - ~_~- .:~- ~; z;, iDescriptlori;' ~- ~~ - PM ~ - AP ~ GIWP . ,Total: Hours; Cost 1.0 Project Initiation ~ ' 2 ~ I ' 6 S%,130 2.0 Housin Element Evaluation ~ ~; ' ~ ~ 1.820 3.0 Research and Anal sis d. 3.1 -Needs Assessment 24 32 56 $7,000 3.2 -Resources & 0 ortunities 20 8 28 $3,780 3.3 -Constraints 22 18 40 $5,170 3.4 -Goals/PolicieslPro ramsl0uantified Ob'ectives 20 12 32 $4,220 3.5 -Technical Re ort 16 8 2 26 $3,330 4.0 Housin Element Pre aration 4.1 - Prelimina (Public Review Draft 34 18 8 60 $7,430 4.2 -Preliminary Final (includes HCD review & certification rocess 24 8 6 38 $4,750 4.3 -Final 6 2 4 12 $1,350 5.0 Public Partici ation ~x' 5.1 -Notices, mailin list & mailin s 3 6 1 10 $1,160 5.2 - Communi Worksho s 2 + materials 18 4 4 26 $3,310 5.3 -PC & Council Heariings +joint workshop (incl. materials, Staff Re orts 30 4 6 40 $5,180 6.0 CEQA Documentation (including IS, ND, Mit. Monitorin ,Res onses to Comments, Final 16 22 38 $4,740 7.0 Project Management (including up to 5 meetings with City staff +HCD) 45 45 $6;525 Total Labor 298 152 31 481 $61,945 Hourl Rate $145 $110 $65 Reimbursable Expenses (See table below) $995 GRAND TOTAL BUDGET $62,940 Optional Tasks At-risk Analysis $2,500 Housing Conditions Survey $3,200 PM =Project Manager AP =Associate Planner (Phil Bacerra) GIWP =Word Processinglgraphicsteeh -sue .-~. r,-,, :w~ ~o.> ~- EstiiroatedEReiinbursablet.Expenses _s. '~~.:~~, Travellmileage (nlc) $0 Printinglgraphicslsupplies $775 Postageldeliveries $220 Total $995 • CIVIC SOLUTIONS, 27 COST ESTIMATE AND FEE SCHEDULE C I V I C so~uTionrs k Task . , e? . ~,° ~ h __ Sa DesCri tionF; ,~;; '" _ ~ P.M _ AP' GIWP ,.. Hours Cosh ,~j 1.0 Project Initiation 12 4 16 $2,180 2.0 Housin Element Evaluation 8 6 14 $1,820 3.0 Research and Anal sis `°~} '' ` 'p 3.1 -Needs Assessment 24 32 56 $7,000 3.2 -Resources & 0 ortunities 20 8 28 $3,780 3.3 -Constraints 22 18 40 $5,170 3.4 - GoalslPolicieslPro ramsl0uantified Ob'ectives 20 12 32 $4,220 3.5 -Technical Re ort 16 8 2 26 $3,330 4.0 Housin Element Pre aration ~ ~~ ~~, 4.1 - Prelimina (Public Review Draft 34 18 8 60 $7,430 4.2 -Preliminary Final (includes HCD review & certification rocess 24 8 6 38 $4,750 4.3 -Final 6 2 4 12 $1,350 5.0 Public Partici ation .~ 5.1 -Notices, mailin list & mailin s 3 6 1 10 $1,160 5.2 - Communi Worksho s 2 + materials 18 4 4 26 $3,310 5.3 -PC & Council Heariings + joint workshop (incl. materials, Staff Re orts 30 4 6 40 $5,180 6.0 CEQA Documentation (including IS, ND, Mit. Monitorin ,Res onses to Comments, Final 16 22 38 $4,740 7.0 Project Management (including up to 5 meetings with City staff +HCD) 45 45 $6,525 Total Labor 298 152 31 481 $61,945 Hourl Rate $145 $110 $65 ~_~'~_~ ~:~~~~{ : ;F; ~ Reimbursable Expenses (See table below) $995 GRAND TOTAL BUDGET $62,9 Optional Tasks At-risk Analysis $2,500 Housing Conditions Survey $3,200 PM =Project Manager AP =Associate Planner (Phil Bacerra) GIWP =Word Processinglgraphics tech Estimated ReimtiursatileExpenses' °' ,.~ __ Travel/mileage (nlc) $0 Printinglgraphicslsupplies $775 Postageldeliveries $220 Total $995 I~ CIVIC SOLUTIONS, 27 • COST ESTIMATE AND FEE SCHEDULE :] C. C I V I C so~urioNs Task ~ Descri tion~ .-...r~ _ PMT<,:,. ~z AP ~ GIN(? Total ~,,, Hours ~ ,Gost;,na> 1.0 Project Initiation 12 4 16 $2,180 2.0 Housin Element Evaluation 8 6 14 $1.820 3.0 Research and Anaf sis '~ ~ 3.1 -Needs Assessment 24 32 56 $7,000 3.2 -Resources & 0 ortunities 20 8 28 $3,780 3.3 -Constraints 22 18 40 $5,170 3.4 -Goals/Policies/Pro ramsl0uantified Ob'ectives 20 12 32 $4,220 3.5 -Technical Re ort 16 8 2 26 $3,330 4.0 Housin Element Pre aration .,„p~' ~~~~~F ~ ?~ ~. ~~' 4.1 - Prelimina (Public Review Draft 34 18 8 60 $7,430 4.2 -Preliminary Final (includes HCD review & certification rocess 24 8 6 38 $4,750 4.3 -Final 6 2. 4 12 $1,350 5.0 Public Partici ation - ' "~'~' 5.1 -Notices, mailin list & mailin s 3 6 1 10 $1,160 5.2 - Communi Worksho s 2 + materials 18 4 4 26 $3,310 5.3 -PC & Council Heariings + joint workshop (incl. materials, Staff Re orts 30 4 6 40 $5,180 6.0 CEQA Documentation (including IS, ND,,Mit. Monitorin ,Res onses to Comments, Final 16 22 38 $4,740 7.0 Project Management (including up to 5 meetings with City staff +HCD) 45 45 $6,525 Total Labor 298 152 31 481 $61,945 Hourl Rate $145 $110 $65 `~`F'i Reimbursable Expenses (See table below) $995 GRAND TOTAL BUDGET $62,940 Optional Tasks At-risk Analysis $2,500 Housing Conditions Survey $3,200 PM =Project Manager AP =Associate Planner (Phil Bacerra) GNVP =Word Processinglgraphics tech ,,. tedReimbursable Expenses, ~,~~>K~ f~ :ter, _ Travel/mileage (nlc) $0 Printinglgraphicslsupplies $775 Postage/deliveries $220 Total $995 CIVIC SOLUTIONS, 27