TC - Item 2C - Request to Install Red Curb Painting at 8838 Mission DriveAms TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: DECEMBER 8, 2011 SUBJECT: REQUEST TO INSTALL RED CURB PAINTING AT 8833 MISSION DRIVE SUMMARY A request was received for the Traffic Commission to review the feasibility to install red curb painting at the driveway of 8833 Mission Drive. The property manager for the multi- family units at this location indicated that vehicles parked along the curbside of Mission Drive encroach onto the property's driveway and reduce line -of -sight visibility when leaving the location. The property manager requested the installation of red curbing to improve visibility. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the Traffic Commission recommend to the City Council that approximately 20 feet of red curbing be installed directly adjacent to and east of the driveway at 8833 Mission Drive. ANALYSIS Mission Drive is a 60 -foot wide roadway in between Rosemead Boulevard and Muscatel Avenue. Mission Drive is a four -lane (two lanes each direction), east -west trending roadway with moderate to heavy traffic conditions during morning and evening commuter peak hours. On- street parking is open in front of 8833 Mission Drive with the exception of street sweeping parking restrictions. The uses along Mission Drive are mixed, including some multi - family residential properties, offices complexes, and small commercial businesses. Other areas along Mission Drive are designated as no parking areas due to space limitations and other visibility constraints. The speed limit is 35 miles per hour along the street. The property at 8833 Mission Drive is a multi - family residential property, located on the north side of Mission Drive. During field observations, it was observed that on- street parking was in heavy demand for abutting residential properties. At the far west side of the property there is a driveway that leads to on -site parking for residents at 8833 Mission Drive. The driveway and line -of -sight visibility of westbound traffic appear acceptable when no vehicles are parked in the immediate vicinity east of the driveway. However, it does appear that on- street parking just east of the driveway may impact visibility for vehicles exiting the property driveway. Attachment 1 includes a neighborhood overview and pictures showing the existing site conditions. Traffic Commission Meeting December 8, 2011 Page 2 of 2 The property manager at 8833 Mission Drive expressed concerns regarding unsafe line -of- sight visibility from the property driveway onto Mission Drive due to vehicles parking too close to the driveway. As a result, a request was made to add approximately 40 feet of red curbing (2 vehicle lengths) to improve visibility from the driveway. However, after visiting the site it appears that visibility could be significantly improved with the addition of approximately 20 feet (1 car length) of red curbing. Removing only 1 on- street parking space will also help to preserve an extra space where parking is in heavy demand. Based on these factors, it is recommended that 20 feet of red curbing be added adjacent to the driveway at this location. Staff delivered notification postcards to residents in the vicinity of this location informing them of the proposed improvements. Attachment 2 includes a sample of the Notification Postcard. Submitted by: Chris Marcarello Public Works Director Attachment 1: On- Street View /Neighborhood View Attachment 2: Notification Postcard