TC - Item 2B - Traffic Commission Goals and ObjectivesA City of Rosemead Traffic Commission ......... .............. .............. .... ....... ... _ .... - -- DRAFT 2012 Goals and Objectives The City of Rosemead Traffic Commission strives to improve the quality of life for both residents and business within the City of Rosemead by advising the City Council of the planning and development of safe and effective measures to improve mobility and relieve congestion. The Traffic Commission works with residents, businesses and local community groups to ensure that health and safety issues are addressed and advise the City Council on the effectiveness of all traffic systems throughout the City of Rosemead. Currently, the Traffic Commission advises on: 1) sidewalk improvements to complete the pedestrian network; 2) bicycle safety education and awareness, 3) improving safety and efficiency on existing roads, 4) traffic study reports and analysis to ensure safe and efficient roadway operations; and 4) traffic and transportation improvements for the betterment of the community at large. 2012 Traffic Commission Goals and Objectives The Traffic Commission proposes six main goals for 2012 in order to achieve its objectives of providing sound guidance to City staff on traffic issues and to effectively advise the council members on all matters of traffic issues and impacts. Goal No. 1: Provide safe and friendly pedestrian and bicycle transportation networks. • Improve pedestrian and bicycle connections between regional centers and local communities. • Improve and promote pedestrian and bicycle safety through public media and school information. • Improve communications and enforcement for pedestrians and bicyclists. • Initiate and develop bicycle safety and safe walks programs. • Improve pedestrian lighting on streets. Goal No. 2: Enhance mobility. • Upgrade, enhance and improve infrastructures, such as bridges, roads, sidewalks and bike paths. • Construct transportation improvements to support the impacts of development and ensure access to new development. DRAFT Goals and Objectives Goal No. 3: Promote a multi -modal transportation system that is safe, accessible, healthy and friendly to all users. • Maintain traffic controls at City intersections and streets. • Maintain and upgrade City streetlights. • Develop health and wellness routes and programs for local commuting. • Maximize incentives to reduce congestion. • Develop traffic reduction strategies. Goal No. 4: Protect neighborhoods from impacts of regional traffic. • Work to minimize impacts of regional traffic, residential speeding and heavy truck and commercial bus uses on neighborhood streets. • Work with traffic generating organizations (such as schools and retail activity renters and corporate businesses) to develop ways to increase mobility and safety and to minimize congestion. Goal No. 5: Protect the environment. Develop programs such as Walk and Bike to Work Week/Days and other activities to promote health and wellness commuting. Develop programs to market multi -modal commuting and transportation. Work with external agencies to partner on ways to reduce congestion and increase mobility through alternative forms of transportation. Goal No. 6: Maximize connectivity between local communities. • Develop programs to minimize impacts on the natural, cultural and socio- economic environments. • Develop a citywide non - motorized accessibility /connectivity plan to include identification of deficient sidewalks and bikeways. Page 2