TC - Item 2B - Keep Clear Markings on Walnut Grove/Village LaneROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTO DATE: FEBRUARY 2, 2012 SUBJECT: KEEP CLEAR MARKINGS —WALNUT GROVE AVENUE/VILLAGE LANE SUMMARY A request was received for the Traffic Commission to review traffic conditions and access at the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Village Lane. Residents in this area are concerned that the high volume of vehicles on Walnut Grove Avenue creates problems for residents trying to access the condominium complex off of Village Lane. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the Traffic Commission recommend to the City Council that "Keep Clear" pavement markings with limit lines in the southbound travel lanes be installed at the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Village Lane. ANALYSIS Walnut Grove Avenue is approximately 80 feet wide with two traffic lanes for both north and southbound traffic. Opposing lanes of traffic are separated by a two -way left turn lane. The posted speed limit on Walnut Grove Avenue is 40 mph. In the vicinity of the proposed "Keep Clear zone, parking is permitted on both sides of Walnut Grove Avenue. The intersection at Walnut Grove Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard causes significant back up down Walnut Grove during peak travel times. Field observations were made at this location in early morning and early afternoon hours during a regular weekday. Traffic congestion was moderate to heavy at both times. It was observed that during peak travel times, vehicle delay /congestion on Walnut Grove Avenue can cause delays for vehicles entering /exiting Village Lane. This vehicle queue often blocks access to Village Lane. In order to improve vehicle access and improve safety for left turning vehicles, it is recommended that "Keep Clear pavement markings be added in northbound travel lanes with limit lines at the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Village Lane. These markings will help provide a gap to allow left turning vehicles to enter this location. Photographs of the existing conditions are included in your packet for further review. Submitted by 50, W(«%, Sean Sullivan Management Analyst Attachment 1: Site Conditions and Proposed Keep Clear Markings 4 6 D r z c c� O m D m z c m D r D G'9 m r D Z m -o O O rn v m m -o n r m D N O Z m