TC - Item 2C - Request to Review Traffic Conditions Along Musatel at Mission Drive�/ ' '��! �� ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION ��� STAFF REPORT TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: APRIL 12, 2012 SUBJECT: REQUEST TO REVIEW TRAFFIC CONDITIONS ALONG MUSCATEL AVENUE AT MISSION DRIVE SUMMARY Staff received a request that the Traffic Commission review traffic conditions at Muscatel Avenue and Mission Drive. Field observations were conducted at the location, including traffic counts and tracking vehicle movements in adjacent areas (including nearby businesses). A summary of these findings is included as an attachment to this report. To summarize, the report reviews the following concerns: Parking Restrictions — Muscatel Avenue (Adjacent to 7 -11 Store) The addition of approximately 20 feet (1 car length) of red curbing would improve visibility for residents that live on Muscatel, just north of Mission Drive and the 7 -11 store. Potential Impact: Loss of 1 Parking Space Turn Restrictions — From 7 -11 Store to Southbound Muscatel Avenue The addition of turn restriction signage and traffic calming measures for vehicles exiting 7 -11 to southbound Muscatel Avenue would prevent potential traffic conflicts with oncoming vehicles. Potential Impact: Additional vehicles will exit on Mission Drive, or head northbound on Muscatel Avenue and turnaround to head southbound on Muscatel Avenue. Installation of Turn Pockets — NIB and S/B Muscatel Avenue at Mission Drive The addition of turn pockets (with traffic signal detection adjustments) would improve traffic flow and reduce traffic safety concerns (vehicles going around left- turning vehicles). It should be noted that similar modifications were made at Muscatel/Valley, which have significantly helped traffic flow. Potential Impact: Loss of parking — approximately 5 spaces north of Mission Drive and approximately 4 spaces south of Mission Drive. Traffic Commission Meeting April 12, 2012 Paoe 2 of 2 Outreach to Residents /Businesses A notification postcard was delivered to properties within 300 feet of the intersection of Mission Drive and Muscatel Avenue. Property owners in the area not able to attend the Commission meeting were also encouraged to submit written comments to the Public Works Department. Any correspondence received will be forwarded to the Commission for consideration. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Traffic Commission: 1. Review the proposed improvements and take public input on the traffic concerns at this location; and 2. Recommend to the City Council the installation of parking restrictions to accommodate a dedicated left turn lane for both southbound and northbound vehicles on Muscatel Avenue turning onto Mission Drive. 3. Recommend to the City Council the installation of a left turn restriction from 7 -11 to southbound Muscatel Avenue. ANALYSIS A detailed analysis is included as an attachment to this staff report. Additionally, a review of traffic accidents was conducted for this location. The review found that over a three -year time period, a total of 5 accidents were reported along Muscatel Avenue north of Valley Boulevard. Submitted by: CIS,. Chris Marcarello Public Works Director Attachment 1: Neighborhood Overview Attachment 2: Field Observations /Analysis Memorandum Attachment 3: Traffic Collision Report 03 -27 -2012 Attn: Jean Hall City of Rosemead Traffic Commission From: Patricia O. Trujillo 4516 N. Muscatel Ave. Rosemead, CA 91770 Re: Request to Install Red Curb Painting at 4516 N. Muscatel Ave. Rosemead, CA 91770 In order to prevent an accident before it inevitably happens to one of my family members, while exiting our driveway, we live on a very busy Commercial corner at Mission and Muscatel Ave. When a vehicle is heading West on Mission, making a right hand turn onto Muscatel Ave. or when the signal light turns green, we have no clear view of the oncoming traffic because there is almost always a vehicle parked on the street on both sides of my driveway obscuring my view. I'm talking about Service trucks, School buses and /or cars. I have witnessed this happen since I have lived at this address, where a car turning right from Mission onto Muscatel Ave. ran into a man on a motorcycle, I pray that this problem can be resolved before it happens to us. c WILLDAN _. Engineering Memorandum TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Chris Marcarello Director of Public Works Joanne Itagaki Traffic Consultant April 4, 2012 MUSCATEL AVENUE NORTH OF MISSION DRIVE — TRAFFIC FLOW /PARKING CONCERNS As requested, I have reviewed the concerns related to traffic on Muscatel Avenue north of Mission Drive. You indicated the concerns include: 1. Large vehicles parking on the eastside of Muscatel Avenue near Mission Drive. 2. High volume of southbound vehicles turning left from Muscatel Avenue on to Mission Drive. 3. Vehicles exiting 7 -11 Store onto southbound Muscatel Avenue (left turn exiting). Existing Conditions Muscatel Avenue is a north /south roadway approximately 40 feet wide with one lane of traffic in each direction. Opposing lanes of traffic in the vicinity of Mission Drive are generally separated by a double yellow centerline. Parking is generally allowed in this area of Muscatel Avenue except for street sweeping restrictions. The posted speed limit is 30 mph on Muscatel Avenue. Mission Drive is generally an east/west roadway approximately 64 feet wide with two lanes of traffic in each direction. A double yellow centerline separates opposing lanes of traffic. Separate eastbound and westbound left turn lanes are provided on Mission Drive at Muscatel Avenue. The posted speed limit on Mission Drive is 40 mph. The intersection of Muscatel Avenue and Mission Drive is signalized. There are marked crosswalks on all legs of the intersection. The traffic signal is a 2 phase signal operation (north /south and east/west). Discussion Due to time constraints, I was unable to make specific field observations of the intersection. However, I incorporated your comments as part of my analysis of the situation at Muscatel Avenue and Mission Drive. Turning movement count data was collected for Muscatel Avenue at Mission Drive during morning (7:00 -9:00 AM) and evening (4:00 -6:00 pm) peak hours. The peak hours (AM and PM) of these turning movement counts are summarized in Table 1. April 4, 2012 Muscatel Avenue and Mission Drive — Traffic FlowlParking Concerns Page 2 of 3 Table 1 Peak Hour Turning Movement Counts On Muscatel Avenue at Mission Drive Field observations were made by the technicians conducting the turning movement counts. Their observations included: Vehicles turning left exiting the driveway of the 7 -11 Store on to Muscatel Avenue would block traffic on Muscatel Avenue (northbound) during the AM peak hours observed. The traffic was blocked primarily as a result of a northbound vehicle wanting to turn right into the 7 -11 Store driveway waiting for the exiting vehicle to make their left turn. Large vehicles Darking on the eastside of Muscatel Avenue near Mission Drive. Residents living on the eastside of Muscatel Avenue north of the 7 -11 Store have requested red curb adjacent to the 7 -11 Store to improve visibility when exiting their driveways. The installation of 20 feet of red curb would improve the visibility for the residents. This would remove approximately 1 on- street parking space on Muscatel Avenue in front of the 7 -11 Store. Approximately 2 on- street parking spaces in front of the 7 -11 Store will remain. Recommendation: The installation of 20 feet of red curb is recommended. This red curb should begin at the driveway of the first residential property on Muscatel Avenue north of the 7 -11 Store and continue for a distance of 20 feet southerly. (See Exhibit A). Vehicles tuming left from Muscatel Avenue on to Mission Drive. Table 1 identifies the number of southbound and northbound turning vehicles on Muscatel Avenue during the peak hours. The southbound volumes are also considered acceptable for this type of roadway. Northbound volumes are much higher. The installation of northbound and southbound left turn lanes on Muscatel Avenue at Mission Drive would require the removal of on- street parking for a distance of 7:30 - 8:30 AM 5 :00 - 6:00 PM NB Left Turn 115 78 NB Thru 87 97 NB Right Turn 109 92 SB Left Turn 28 33 SB Thru 97 66 SB Right Turn 1 27 18 Field observations were made by the technicians conducting the turning movement counts. Their observations included: Vehicles turning left exiting the driveway of the 7 -11 Store on to Muscatel Avenue would block traffic on Muscatel Avenue (northbound) during the AM peak hours observed. The traffic was blocked primarily as a result of a northbound vehicle wanting to turn right into the 7 -11 Store driveway waiting for the exiting vehicle to make their left turn. Large vehicles Darking on the eastside of Muscatel Avenue near Mission Drive. Residents living on the eastside of Muscatel Avenue north of the 7 -11 Store have requested red curb adjacent to the 7 -11 Store to improve visibility when exiting their driveways. The installation of 20 feet of red curb would improve the visibility for the residents. This would remove approximately 1 on- street parking space on Muscatel Avenue in front of the 7 -11 Store. Approximately 2 on- street parking spaces in front of the 7 -11 Store will remain. Recommendation: The installation of 20 feet of red curb is recommended. This red curb should begin at the driveway of the first residential property on Muscatel Avenue north of the 7 -11 Store and continue for a distance of 20 feet southerly. (See Exhibit A). Vehicles tuming left from Muscatel Avenue on to Mission Drive. Table 1 identifies the number of southbound and northbound turning vehicles on Muscatel Avenue during the peak hours. The southbound volumes are also considered acceptable for this type of roadway. Northbound volumes are much higher. The installation of northbound and southbound left turn lanes on Muscatel Avenue at Mission Drive would require the removal of on- street parking for a distance of April 4, 2012 Muscatel Avenue and Mission Drive — Traffic Flow /Parking Concerns Page 3 of 3 approximately 150 feet. As shown in Exhibit A, red curb would remove on- street parking: 3 spaces on the east side of Muscatel Avenue from Mission Drive heading north (to the north property line of the first residential property north of the 7 -11 Store). 2 spaces on the west side of Muscatel Avenue from Mission Drive heading north (to the north property line of the first residential property north of the business office fronting Mission Drive). • 2 spaces on the east side of Muscatel Avenue from Mission Drive heading south (to the driveway of the business office fronting Mission Drive). • 2 spaces on the west side of Muscatel Avenue from Mission Drive heading south (to just passed the south property line of the second residential property south of the business office fronting Mission Drive). The installation of the dedicated left turn lanes would also require the relocation of traffic signal detection on Muscatel Avenue. Therefore, a recommendation to install the left turn lanes will require a signal modification plan. The modification plan will include the left turn lane striping, red curb and signal detection. Recommendation: Staff should request direction from the Traffic Commission regarding this item. Vehicles exiting 7 -11 Store onto southbound Muscatel Avenue (left turn exiting). The field observations of the technicians revealed this issue only occurred during the AM peak period observed. However, staffs experience confirms the technician's observations at this location during other times throughout the day. Vehicles exiting the 7 -11 Store attempt to turn left to southbound Muscatel Avenue and sometimes block northbound traffic. The installation of a "Right Turn Only" sign for exiting vehicles at the 7 -11 Store driveway on Muscatel Avenue would minimize this movement. Recommendation: The installation of a "Right Turn Only" sign is recommended. This sign should be posted at the Muscatel Avenue driveway of the 7 -11 Store facing exiting vehicles. (See Exhibit A). Q kin17470 -Rsd 2008 TE on- call\Engineering Work1201214 -4 -12 TC Memo RE Muscatel & Mission.doc To see all the details that are visible on the screen, use the "Print" link next to the map. Googl Ex,waIT /\ City Traffic Counters, LLC. 626- 256 -4171 File Name,: MuscMission Site Code : 00000000 Start Date : 4/3/2012 Page No : 1 Gmuns Printod- tlnehitterl 04:00 PM Muscatel Ave Mission Dr Muscatel Ave Mission Dr 104 3 14 Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound 12 Start Time Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Leh Thru Right Left Thru Right Int. Total Factor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 137 07:00 AM 8 12 3 6 114 4 11 3 a 2 44 4 217 07:15 AM 4 14 3 12 125 4 13 7 8 4 65 13 272 07:30 AM 8 19 7 23 157 4 36 21 40 8 125 14 462 07:45 AM 7 33 9 37 173 3 42 34 32 7 143 32 552 Total 27 78 22 78 569 15 102 65 86 21 377 63 1503 08:00 AM 6 23 5 14 162 3 17 13 16 8 123 24 436 08:15 AM 7 22 6 32 175 5 20 19 19 6 121 21 453 08:30 AM 10 23 5 18 161 2 21 5 6 6 69 17 363 0645 AM 5 14 8 18 154 5 18 11 8 7 64 26 338 Total 26 82 241 82 672 151 76 48 51 27 397 88 1590 04:00 PM 6 9 2 7 104 3 14 14 19 1 156 12 347 04:15 PM 11 9 4 9 107 5 21 15 17 9 138 18 363 04:30 PM 7 15 7 11 106 5 27 23 12 10 137 18 380 04:45 PM 5 15 4 11 131 7 23 13 20 6 163 11 409 Total 29 48 171 38 450 20 85 65 68 26 594 591 1499 05:00 PM 7 18 2 11 125 3 21 24 25 12 169 16 433 05:15 PM a 18 6 17 147 5 20 20 23 11 178 14 467 05:30 PM 9 13 a 15 117 7 18 28 23 4 182 21 445 05:45 PM 9 17 2 17 125 4 19 25 21 12 174 16 441 Total 33 66 18 1 60 514 19 1 78 97 92 39 703 67 1786 Grand Total 117 274 81 259 2205 69 341 275 2971 113 2071 277 6379 APPrch % 24.8 59.1 17.2 10.2 871 2.7 1 37.3 30.1 32.5 4.6 84.2 11.3 Total % 1.8 43 1 .3 4.0 34.6 1. 53 4.3 4 .7 1.8 32.5 4.3 City Traffic Counters, LLC. 626 - 256 -4171 File Name : MuscMission Site Code : 00000000 Start Date : 4/3/2012 Page No :2 PeaK Hour From 67:09 AM to 11:45 AM - Peal Muscatel Ave Mission or Muscatel Ave Mission Dr Volume Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Start Time Left I Thru I Right Left Thru Right Tata. Left Thru Right 213 Left Thru Right 7 Volume 7 33 Tota 49 Peak Factor l 0.776 T om. I PeaK Hour From 67:09 AM to 11:45 AM - Peal Intersection 07:30 AM 37.0 28.0 35.0 Volume 28 97 27 152 Percent 18A 63.8 17.8 42 34 07:45 7 33 9 49 Volume 37 173 Peak Factor 213 High Int. 07:45 AM Volume 7 33 9 49 Peak Factor 0.776 115 87 109 311 37.0 28.0 35.0 687 42 34 32 108 07:45 AM 1.9 42 34 32 108 213 07:45 AM 0.720 29 512 91 632 4.6 81.0 14.4 7 143 32 182 07:45 AM 7 143 32 182 0.868 ra Out In Total 31 F 1522 F 2811 27 97 28 PogM 11vu Left oe +N c c io n 2 41320127;3 OA / —Stmt m S o �4Py71112815.Uo AM 2 m M mt r %pm = J lunalow sm o. J J Left Thru PJ ht 115 87 109 ® 311 Out In Total 1 of 106 687 15 808 13.1 85.0 1.9 37 173 3 213 07:45 AM 37 173 3 213 0.948 Int. Total 1903 552 0.862 City Traffic Counters, LLC. 626 - 256 -4171 File Name : MuscMission Site Code : 00000000 Start Date : 4/312012 Page No :3 Peak Hour From 12:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Intersection 05:00 PM Volume 33 66 18 117 60 514 19 593 Percent 28.2 56.4 15.4 10.1 86.7 3.2 05:15 6 18 6 32 17 147 5 169 Volume Peak Factor High Int. 05:15 PM 05:15 PM Volume 8 18 6 32 17 147 5 169 Peak Factor 0.914 0.877 78 97 Muscatel Ave Southbound 267 Misslon Dr Westbound 34.5 Muscatel Ave Northbound 20 20 Mission or Eastbound 63 Scarf Time Lek I Thru Right�� 25 Lek Thru I Right Total Left Thru Right Total I Left I Thru I Right I Total Peak Hour From 12:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Intersection 05:00 PM Volume 33 66 18 117 60 514 19 593 Percent 28.2 56.4 15.4 10.1 86.7 3.2 05:15 6 18 6 32 17 147 5 169 Volume Peak Factor High Int. 05:15 PM 05:15 PM Volume 8 18 6 32 17 147 5 169 Peak Factor 0.914 0.877 78 97 92 267 29.2 36.3 34.5 20 20 23 63 05:00 PM 21 24 25 70 0.954 39 703 67 809 4.8 86.9 8.3 11 178 14 203 05:30 PM 4 182 21 207 0.977 ve Out In Total 155 117 272 8 66 33 High Tlvu Lek 4` �1 m� a T % 0 NO M ^ m, C rm� O m' 0 I S P(d20125.00:00P - 4l1�2512 T45:00 PM > m 5 ,r°p m a = Unshitetl = �$ y ' � �E N Left Tim W M 75 97 92 193 257 F 46D Out In Tale) Int. 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