TC - Item 4A - Request to Review Traffic Conditions Along Hellman at Del MarROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Ct" 6 DATE: APRIL 12, 2012 SUBJECT: REQUEST TO REVIEW TRAFFIC CONDITIONS ALONG HELLMAN AVENUE AT DEL MAR AVENUE SUMMARY Staff received a request that the Traffic Commission review traffic conditions at Hellman Avenue and Del Mar Avenue. The following concerns have been received: • Lack of Protected Left -Turn Signal causes vehicle delay from Hellman to northbound and southbound Del Mar. • Lack of a dedicated Right -Turn lane from eastbound Hellman to southbound Del Mar causes vehicle delay and queuing. Hellman Avenue is an approximately 40 foot wide roadway between the western City limit and Walnut Grove Avenue. On- street parking is generally open on both sides of the street with the exception of street sweeping restrictions and some designated no parking areas. There is one travel lane for westbound and eastbound traffic. The speed limit is 30 mph along Hellman Avenue. In accordance with the City and State Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) requirements for the installation of signalized left -turn improvements, staff will conduct a full analysis of the location (including lane spacing, vehicle volumes, traffic accidents, pedestrian volumes, etc.). This information will be compiled in mid to late April and presented to the Commission for further consideration. Prior to initiating this analysis, staff would like further input from the Traffic Commission as to other possible traffic concerns in this area. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the Traffic Commission review and comment on this request. Attachment 1: Neighborhood Overview Chris Marcarello From: Nicole Huynh [nicolehuynh @gmail.coml Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2012 9:00 AM To: Chris Marcarello Subject: TRAFFIC STUDY - HELLMAN /DEL MAR Good Morning Chris, Please administer a traffic study to be done on Hellman Avenue /Del Mar Blvd to determine if the City of Rosemead can approve a left turn signal light at this busy intersection. There are left turn signal lights on major intersections such as Atlantic /Hellman, Garfield/Hellman, and New Avenue/Hellman. There are many times when I can not make timely left turn due to oncoming traffic especially during school hours. Thank you for your attention on this request. Sincerely, Nicole (resident of City of Rosemead) Neighborhood Overview Hellman Avenue /Del Mar Avenue Hellman Avenue at Del Mar (westbound) Hellman Avenue at Del Mar (eastbound)