OB - Item 3C - Rosemead Tax Increment 2006A, 2006B, and 2010A BondsROSEMEAD SUCCESSOR AGENCY STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBERS FROM: MATTHEW HAWKESWORTH, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER DATE: APRIL 25, 2012 SUBJECT: ROSEMEAD TAX INCREMENT 2006A, 2006B AND 2010A BONDS SUMMARY The Rosemead Redevelopment Commission issued Tax Increment Bonds in both 2006 and 2010 under previous redevelopment law. The outstanding obligation on these bonds is approximately $67.5 million with payments due through 2033. Authorization from the Oversight Board is being requested to continue making the debt service payments as required by the bond covenants. Staff Recommendation: That the Oversight Board approve the required debt service payments for the 2006A, 2006B and 2010A Bonds as required by the bond covenants. BACKGROUND The 2006A and 2006B series bonds require debt service payments in April and October of each year. The April payments are for interest only and the October payments are for principal and interest. Therefore, the October payments will be substantially larger than the April payments. As such, the previous redevelopment agency would typically set aside funds throughout the year to ensure that the agency would have sufficient fund balance in October to make the necessary payments. Under the new distribution system of property taxes to the Successor Agency to meet obligations, it's still unclear how the pre- funding will take place. For the purposes of this Oversight Board meeting, the Board is requested to authorize the April and October 2011 payments required for these bonds. A debt payment schedule (Attachment A) has been included for reference. As the Board may note, the 2006A series bonds will be paid off in 2022 while the 2006B series bonds will be paid off in 2033. The 2010A series bonds require debt service payments in June and December of each year. The June payments are for interest only and the December payments are for principal and interest. Therefore, the December payments will be substantially larger than the June payments. Similarly to the 2006 series bonds, previous tax increment funds were set aside throughout the year to ensure sufficient funds were on hand to make the required debt service payments. The Board is requested to authorize the June and December 2011 payments required for these bonds. A debt payment schedule (Attachment B) has been included for reference. The 2010A series bonds will be paid off in 2023. ITEM NO Rosemead Successor Agency Oversight Board April 25, 2012 Page 2 of 2 It's also important to note that the 2006 series bonds received a rating of BBB+ and the 2010 series bonds were upgraded to A, The City as the Successor Agency is very proud of this upgrade as Standard and Poor's recognized the fact that the previous Rosemead Redevelopment Commission had been fiscally solvent, responsible with their budgeting and expenditure practices and had solid programs and policies in place to ensure ongoing stability. It's important the bond holders or investors of these bonds that the Successor Agency remain solvent and stable to ensure timely payments and reporting as required by the bond covenants and law. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process in accordance with the Brown Act. Prepared by: Wkw9p". r Matthew E. Hawkesworth Assistant City Manager