TC - Item 4A - Request to Review Traffic Conditions at Hellman Avenue and Del Mar AvenueROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: MAY 17, 2012 SUBJECT: REQUEST TO REVIEW TRAFFIC CONDITIONS AT HELLMAN AVENUE AND DEL MAR AVENUE SUMMARY Staff received a request that the Traffic Commission review traffic conditions at Del Mar Avenue and Hellman Avenue. Field observations were conducted at the location, including traffic counts and tracking vehicle movements in adjacent areas (including nearby businesses). A summary of these findings is included as an attachment to this report. To summarize, the report reviews the following concerns: • Consideration of traffic signal modifications, including the addition of protected left turn modifications or protected /permissive left turn modifications; and • Consideration of adding a designated right -hand turn only lane from eastbound Hellman Avenue to southbound Del Mar Avenue. The traffic study conducted at this location concludes the following: Left -Turn Traffic Signal Modifications • There are not sufficient delays to justify modifications to a protected or protected /permissive left turn. Approximately 19.4% of eastbound traffic is delayed (forced to wait an additional signal cycle) in the afternoon and approximately 1.9% is delayed in the morning. Neither meets the requirement of an 80% delay to justify a protected left turn. • Traffic accident history data was not available at the time this study was completed, but will be provided to the Commission prior to its consideration of this item. • There is sufficient volume to justify the addition of protected /permissive turn modifications, although this change is not recommended at this time due to the observation that there is little delay at this location. Right -Turn Lane Addition • Approximately 68 vehicles were observed turning right from eastbound Hellman to southbound Del Mar in the afternoon, while 60 vehicles were observed in the morning hours. Neither meets the requirement of 100 vehicles during a peak hour to justify the addition of a right turn. Traffic Commission Meeting May 17, 2012 Page 2 of 2 • There is adequate spacing to accommodate a dedicated right -turn lane; however, this modification will require changes to existing street striping, signage, and traffic signal detection equipment. A dedicated right -turn lane is not recommended at this time due to the low traffic volume observed at this location. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Traffic Commission: 1. Review and comment on the traffic study; and 2. Direct staff to re- evaluate the traffic conditions at this location in approximately 6 months to determine if traffic volumes have changed. ANALYSIS A detailed analysis is included as an attachment to this staff report. Additionally, a review of traffic accidents will be forwarded to the Commission prior to its consideration of this item. Submitted by: Chris Marcarello Public Works Director Attachment 1: Neighborhood Overview Attachment 2: Field Observations /Analysis Memorandum sv , now J f, *Tw r iu JV i r v r 4�U � lP7 �a I h` aqy. Jellman Avenue at De Mar (eastbound) Y y 1 II 1 s y f 1 4 It r l y ,1 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Fully Protected Left Turn Warrant Criteria (from CA MUTCD 2010 Edition) When other means of eliminating left turn conflicts are not practical, the use of fully protected left turn phasing operation should be considered when one or more of the following conditions exist: 1. Collisions - Five or more left turn collisions for a particular left turn movement during a recent 12 -month period. 2. Delay - Left -turn delay of one or more vehicles, which were waiting at the beginning of the green interval and are still remaining in the left turn lane after at least 80% of the total number of cycles for one hour. 3. Volume - At new intersections where only estimated volumes are available, the following criteria may be used. For pretimed signal or a background-cycle - controlled actuated signal, a left turn volume of more than two vehicles per approach per cycle for a peak hour; or for a traffic - actuated signal, 50 or more left turning vehicles per hour in one direction with the product of the turning and conflicting through traffic during the peak hour of 100,000 or more. 4. Miscellaneous. Other factors that might be considered include but are not limited to: impaired sight distance due to horizontal or vertical curvature, or where there are a large percentage of buses and trucks. NOTE: The most recent edition of the CA MUTCO should be referred to when analysis of fully protected left turn warrant criteria is conducted. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Protected/Permissive and Permissive/Protected Left Turn Warrant Criteria REVISED When other means, not including left turn phasing, for eliminating left turn conflicts are not practical, the use of protected/ /permissive or permissive /protected phasing operation should be considered when one or more of the following conditions exist: Delay - Based on an engineering field study, one or more vehicles are consistently delayed more than one cycle when making a left hand turn. 2. Volume — Daily volume of 80 or more vehicles per hour completing the left turn movement. 3. Miscellaneous — Other factors that might be considered include but are not limited to: intermittent, but anticipated heightened left turn demands, such as from special events, limited left turn storage capacity, or special conditions identified in an engineering study. Transportation Stadia, Inc. 2640 Walnut Avenue, Suite H Tustin, CA. 92780 City: ROSEMEAD NS Dlrectlon: DEL MAR AVENUE E -W Direction: HELLMAN AVENUE File Name : H1205026 Site Code : 00005057 Start Date : 5/6/2012 Page No :1 _ Groups PrlM Tu Movements -' -- DELMARAVENUE ' HELLMANAVENUE DELMARAVENUE HELLMANAVENUE T_ Southbound +_ _. � �� Westbound Northbound Eastbound r—� . _._ ers - T - _ r__ _ - _ — � - _ —i -1 07:00 AM i 19 110 9 2 ''. 20 35 6 2 ! 1 147 10 15 I 4 13 20 0 19 394 413 07:15 AM ''. 10 114 8 4 18 51 B 10 1 168 22 9 1 7 16 34 4 27 449 478 07:30 AM 26 126 15 1 21 61 16 3 5 256 25 3 ' 13 37 41 1 8 642 650 _ 07:45 AM, 27 199_ .122 22 58 _12 121 7298 22 141 10 4 753 Total, 82 549 44 B f B1 205 42 27 14 859 79 41 34 102 147 9 _32 86 2238 - - 2324 - 08:00 AM 39 261 13 0 16 48 18 0 11 194 14 12 19 40 37 3 15 710 725 08:15 AM 27 162 14 2 17 65 7 2 8 209 13 3 18 40 41 7 14 621 635 08:30 AM 19 164 10 2 25 52 14 5 3 178 7 4 1 10 28 37 1 12 647 559 08:45 AM 14 157 14 2 { 22 61 7_ 6 � 2 202 12 1_ 10 27 46 0 9 S74 Total 99 744 51 6 80 226 46 13 24 783 48 20 _ 57 135 161 11 50 2452 2502 BREAK " 04:00 PM 25 196 17 0 17 30 9 5 7 159 9 13 1 10 47 39 5 23 565 588 04:15 PM 27 160 19 3 6 25 7 2 8 154 9 3 8 55 25 0 8 523 531 04:30 PM 31 174 23 2 11 32 5 13 2 158 7 8 14 30 25 1 22 512 534 04:45 PM -8 _ 15 26 11 0 3 175 _ 1_ 0_ 0 17_ 43 33 5 585 590 Total i 12 1 9_. 78_ 2 � 49 113 32 20 20 646 35 22 1 49 175 122 - 9 58 2185 2243 05:00 PM 37 204 23 0 7 25 4 6 7 158 6 3 9 44 38 0 1 9 562 571 05:15 PM 33 215 23 0 15 35 8 6 10 207 16 4 22 67 40 1 11 690 701 05:30 PM 42 218 34 3 25 35 10 6 6 213 19 4 14 56 30 3 16 702 718 0.5:45 IM 215 18 8_ 8 37 7 7 8 188 13 1 23 76 47_ 0 14__ 670 684 Total 142 _ _ 852 98 9 55 132 29 31 766 53 . _ 12 7 88 ___ 243 155 _ 4 _ 50 2624 2674 Gtand Total 444 2889 272 31 265 676 149 85 89 3064 213 95 206 655 585 33 1 244 9498 9743 Apprch % 12.3 80.1 7.5 24.3 62 13.7, 2.7 91 6.3 14.4 45.2 40.4 Total % 4.7 30.4 2.9 2.8 71 1.6 0.9 32.2 2.2 2.2 6.9 62 2.5 97.5 Tra Studies, Inc 2640 Walnut Avenue, Suite H Tunin, CA. 92780 City: ROSEMEAD N -S Direction: DEL MAR AVENUE E -W Direction: HELLMAN AVENUE File Name : H1205026 Site Code :00005057 Start Date : 5/812012 Page No : 2 L __ DEL MAR AVENUE Southbound r HELLMAN AVENUE Westbo DEL MAR AVENUE Northbound HELLNI AVENUE Eastbound Btalt T lme 1 Rluht _Thru _ LeR asl, Tom _ _Right I Thru. _ Left I Avv, Tow Right 1 Th7, Left I App. Tow I Right I Thru I Left I APr, TOW read Flour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Fast: 1 of 7 DEL MAR AVENUE ou t In Total L7opid , pi F zt_2s 1 Peek Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 07:30 AM 1 191716 341 reels Taw Left 07:30 AM 26 126 15 1671 21 61 16 98 5 256 25 286 13 37 41 91 07:45 AM 27 199 12 236 22 56 12 92 7 299 22 327 10 34 52 98 08:00 AM 99 267 13 979 16 48 78 82 17 184 14 219 19 48 37 98 _08:15AM_;_ 27 162 — 14 203 17_ 65 891 8 209 13 230 18....___40_ 41 99 Total Volume 119 748 54 921 76 232 _ 53 361 91 957 74 1082 60 157 171 382 % App. _Total l 12.9 81.2 5.9 21.1 64.3 14.7 1 2.9 90.1 7 15.7 39.5 44.8 4 -a Lea _T6N Filed - fill _ 967r_ 31' I O In n In T r1Fl MAR AVFNII Int. Tabi 1 642 759 710 DEL MAR AVENUE ou t In Total L7opid , pi F zt_2s 1 1 191716 341 reels Taw Left 4 1 F Peak Hour Data A, _ �so 71 North I Peek Hourilegmat07:30� i 3 MovememA Turning se 4 -a Lea _T6N Filed - fill _ 967r_ 31' I O In n In T r1Fl MAR AVFNII Int. Tabi 1 642 759 710 Transportation Studies, Inc. 2640 Walnut Avenue, Suite H Tustin, CA. 92780 City: ROSEMEAD NS Directon: DEL MAR AVENUE E -W Direction: HELLMAN AVENUE File Name : H1205026 Site Code :00005057 Start Date :518/2012 Page No :3 DEL MAR AVENUE HELLMAN AVENUE DEL MAR AVENUE HELLMAN AVENUE __ Southbound _ _ Westbound Northbound_ _Eastbound__ Start Time Right Thru Leib MP rets Right Thru L_Left - App_Teq. Right Thru Left) nPV -� Rly Thnr I Left A ry Tmel_. IM.741911 FWK Flour Analysis broth u4:uu PM to 5:45 PM - PeaK I or 1 North �IQ I J € � Peak Hour Begins at O5:o0 PM 1 -1(� liumlo0.nq L�g 55 ��� xp jg If Peak Hour for EnB he Intersection Begins at 05:00 PM 05:00 PM 37 23 11 1...._ 05:15 PM 33 215 23 271 15 35 B 5 10 207 15 232 22 67 40 129 05:30 PM 42 25 3S 30 100 i 702 5 PM a 37 7 62 a 188 13 20 9 23 870 Total Volume 7 2 852 - � — 98 1092 5 132 - 29 216 31 75 53 850 8 249 155 488 I 2824 out_ In T ate_ C._Pie7 � Sp2? z4ee I 5 on - Rleht Thtu Lea 4 -I t Peak Hour Data _ North �IQ I J € � Peak Hour Begins at O5:o0 PM 1 -1(� liumlo0.nq L�g 55 ��� xp jg If 4 No IPM WON w•m mm W I LLDAN Engineering Memorandum TO: Chris Marcarello Director of Public Works FROM: Joanne Itagaki Traffic Consultant DATE: May 9, 2012 SUBJECT: HELLMAN AVENUE AND DEL MAR AVENUE — REQUEST FOR EAST/WEST LEFT TURN PHASING AND EASTBOUND TO SOUTHBOUND RIGHT TURN LANE As requested, I have reviewed the concerns related to traffic on Hellman Avenue and Del Mar Avenue. You indicated the concerns include: 1. the delay experienced by east and west left turn movements. Consider possible installation of east/west left turn phasing on Hellman Avenue at Del Mar Avenue. The left turn phasing could be protected /permissive left turn (PPLT) phasing or protected left turn (PLT) phasing. 2. the delay experienced by eastbound to southbound right turn movements. Consider possible installation of an eastbound right turn only lane. Existing Conditions Hellman Avenue is an east/west roadway approximately 44 feet wide with one lane of traffic in each direction. Opposing lanes of traffic in the vicinity of Del Mar Avenue are generally separated by a double yellow centerline. Separate eastbound and westbound left turn lanes are provided at Del Mar Avenue. Parking is generally prohibited in this area of Hellman Avenue with red curb. The posted speed limit is 30 mph on Hellman Avenue. Del Mar Avenue is a north /south roadway approximately 64 feet wide with two lanes of traffic in each direction. A double yellow centerline separates opposing lanes of traffic. Separate northbound and southbound left turn lanes are provided on Del Mar Avenue at Hellman Avenue. Parking is generally prohibited except on the east side of Del Mar Avenue south of Hellman Avenue where parking is allowed. The posted speed limit on Del Mar Avenue is 40 mph. The intersection of Hellman Avenue and Del Mar Avenue is signalized. There are marked crosswalks on all legs of the intersection. The traffic signal is a 2 phase signal operation (north/south and east/west) with no left turn phasing provided at the intersection. Page t of 4 May 9, 2012 HELLMAN AVENUE AND DEL MAR AVENUE — REOUEST FOR EASTMEST LEFT TURN PHASING AND EASTBOUND TO SOUTHBOUND RIGHT TURN LANE Page 2 of 4 Data Collection Peak period turning movement counts were taken at the intersection of Hellman Avenue and Del Mar Avenue. The counts were taken on Tuesday, May 8, 2012 from 7:00 to 9:00 AM and 4:00 to 6:00 PM. These turning movement counts revealed the following: Table 1 Peak Hour Turning Movement Counts Hellman Avenue and Del Mar Avenue Left turn delay studies were also conducted for eastbound and westbound left turn movements on Hellman Avenue at Del Mar Avenue. The delay.studies were conducted on Tuesday, May 8, 2012 from 7:00 to 9:00 AM and 4:00 to 6:00 PM. The delay study counts the number of vehicles waiting to turn left at the end of the red signal phase and then counts how many vehicles turn during the green signal phase and the yellow signal phase. This helps to determine how many left turning vehicles are delayed from making this movement and have to wait through another signal cycle. The left turn delay studies reveal the following: • 103 signal cycles occurred between 7:00 -9:00 AM and 4:00 -6:00 PM. • 7:00 -9:00 AM o No left turn movements were delayed in either the eastbound or westbound direction. 4:00 -6:00 PM 0 20 of 103 cycles (19.4 %) were delayed for the eastbound direction. 0 2 of 103 cycles (1.9 %) were delayed for the westbound direction. 7:30 -8:30 AM 5:00 -6:00 PM NB Left Turn 74 53 NB Thru 957 766 NB Right Turn 31 31 SB Left Turn 54 98 SB Thru 748 852 SB Right Tumil 119 142 EB Left Turn 171 155 EB Thru 151 243 EB Right Turn 60 68 WB Left Turn 53 29 WB Thru 232 132 WB Right Tum 76 55 Left turn delay studies were also conducted for eastbound and westbound left turn movements on Hellman Avenue at Del Mar Avenue. The delay.studies were conducted on Tuesday, May 8, 2012 from 7:00 to 9:00 AM and 4:00 to 6:00 PM. The delay study counts the number of vehicles waiting to turn left at the end of the red signal phase and then counts how many vehicles turn during the green signal phase and the yellow signal phase. This helps to determine how many left turning vehicles are delayed from making this movement and have to wait through another signal cycle. The left turn delay studies reveal the following: • 103 signal cycles occurred between 7:00 -9:00 AM and 4:00 -6:00 PM. • 7:00 -9:00 AM o No left turn movements were delayed in either the eastbound or westbound direction. 4:00 -6:00 PM 0 20 of 103 cycles (19.4 %) were delayed for the eastbound direction. 0 2 of 103 cycles (1.9 %) were delayed for the westbound direction. May 9, 2012 HELLMAN AVENUE AND DEL MAR AVENUE — REQUEST FOR EASTANEST LEFT TURN PHASING AND EASTBOUND TO SOUTHBOUND RIGHT TURN LANE Page 3 of 4 The reported accident history was requested for the intersection of Hellman Avenue and Del Mar Avenue. However, as of this writing, this data has not been supplied by the LA County Sheriff's Department. Discussion The City has left turn warrant criteria (attached) for both protected left turn (PLT) and protected - permissive (PPLT) phasing. The fully PLT phasing criteria has not changed with the adoption of the new 2012 California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD). Protected Left Turn Phasing Analysis 1. Collisions — Reported accident data was not available at time of writing. 2. Delay — The delay study did not identify any left turn delay in the morning peak period. During the afternoon peak period, 19.4% was delayed in the eastbound direction and 1.9% in the westbound direction. This does not satisfy the 80% required of the warrant criteria. 3. Volume — This intersection is not "new ". However, we reviewed how the traffic volumes would relate to this warrant. The traffic volume counts identified: • AM Peak Hour: 171 eastbound left turns v. 232 westbound through = 39,672; 53 westbound left turns v. 151 eastbound through = 8,003. • PM Peak Hour: 155 eastbound left turns v. 132 westbound through = 20,460; 29 westbound left turns v. 243 eastbound through = 7,047. • The existing traffic volumes would not satisfy the 100,000 warrant criteria. 4. Miscellaneous — There are no other factors that were considered regarding the requested left turn phasing analysis. Recommendation: Based on the analysis of the Fully Protected Left Turn Warrant Criteria of the City of Rosemead, the installation of east or west protected left turn phasing is not recommended at this time. Protected - Permissive Left Turn Phasing Analysis 1. Delay — The delay study did not identify any left turn delay in the morning peak period. During the afternoon peak period, 19.4% was delayed in the eastbound direction and 1.9% in the westbound direction. This does not satisfy the warrant criteria. 2. Volume — The traffic volume counts identified peak hour volumes of 171 and 155 in the eastbound AM and PM peak hours respectively. The westbound peak hour volumes were less than 80. Though not specifically counted, based on the peak hour volumes, the eastbound left turn volumes may satisfy the daily volume of 80 or more. The eastbound left turn direction is likely to satisfy this warrant criterion. 3. Miscellaneous - There are no other factors that were considered regarding the requested left turn phasing analysis. May g, 2012 HELLMAN AVENUE AND DEL MAR AVENUE - REOUEST FOR EASTANEST LEFT TURN PHASING AND EASTBOUND TO SOUTHBOUND RIGHT TURN LANE Page 4 of 4 Recommendation: The eastbound left turn volumes do satisfy the "Volume" criteria. The City may consider the installation of protected/permissive or permissive /protected left turn phasing in the eastbound direction of Hellman Avenue at Del Mar Avenue. Based on the minimal delays, however, 1 would not recommend the installation of protected/permissive or permissive protected eastbound left turn phasing at this time. Eastbound Right Turn Only Lane Analysis In general, separate turning lanes (left or right turns) are considered when the volume of turning traffic exceeds 100 vehicles during a peak hour. The turning movement counts taken at the intersection of Hellman Avenue and Del Mar Avenue indicate the eastbound right turning volume was 60 during the AM peak hour and 68 during the PM peak hour. These eastbound right turning volumes do not exceed 100 vehicles per hour. In addition, the width of Hellman Avenue is 44 feet. Currently, the lane configuration on Hellman Avenue provides a 15 foot westbound lane, 10 foot left turn lane and 19 foot eastbound lane. Due to the curb and gutter on the side of the roadway, a 12 foot right turn lane should be provided to allow for the appropriate width to execute the turn. This would require "shifting" the travel lanes on Hellman Avenue 2 feet to the north and reducing the westbound travel lane to 13 feet. The width of Hellman Avenue could accommodate the eastbound right turn lane. However, major striping changes would be necessary along with the installation of loop detectors. If such a move is approved, a complete signal modification plan is suggested to clearly define the necessary changes. Recommendation: Based on the eastbound right turning volumes, the installation of a right turn only lane is not recommended at this time. Attachments Neighborhood Overview - Photos Fully Protected Left Turn Warrant Criteria Protected/Permissive and Permissive /Protected Left Turn Warrant Criteria Peak Period Turning Movement Counts Left Turn Delay Study 0*17470•Red 2008 TE oncalAEnglneedng WodA2a12Qel Mara Hokanla -9.12 TC Memo RE Hellman & Del Mar.doc