2000 - American Red Cross - Shelter Agreementj 1 - 5 0 American Red Cross Los Angeles Region April 30, 2012 City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA. 91770 Re: American Red Cross Shelter Agreement Dear Mr. Allred, Emergency and Disaster Response 11355 Ohio Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90025 Phone: (310) 445 -2672 Fax: (310) 445-9961 After Hours: (855) 891 -7325 www.RedCrossLA.org Please find enclosed two signed original copies of the Shelter Agreement. If you would, please ensure signature on all documents where indicated and return one original copy of the Shelte tross— T-he_other cony is for your rernrds Please send one signed copy to: Alex Rose Agreements, Facilities & Vendors Specialist American Red Cross Los Angeles Region Emergency and Disaster Response 11355 Ohio Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90025 Again, I want to thank you for your dedication and commitment to this important partnership. You are a true champion of your community! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us anytime. Sincerely, Kate Spence Emergency and Disaster Response American Red Cross Los Angeles Region American Red Cross Shelter Agreement The American National Red Cross ( "Red Cross'), a not - for - profit corporation chartered by the United States Congress, provides services to individuals, families and communities when disaster strikes. The disaster relief activities of the Red Cross are made possible by the American public, as the organization is supported by private donations and facility owners who permit their buildings to be used as a temporary refuge for disaster victims. This agreement is between the Red Cross and a facility owner ( "Owner ") so the Red Cross can use the facility as an emergency shelter during a disaster. DR #: Owner Facility: Parties and Facility Legal name: City of Roseme Chapter: 24 -Hour Point of Contact: Name and title: David Montgomery Scott Director of Parks and Recreation Work phone: (626) 569 -2161 Cell phone /pager: (562) 522 -2323 Address for Legal Notices: 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead CA. 91770 Red Cross Legal name: The American National Red Cross Chapter: Los Angeles Region 24 -Hour Point of Contact: Name and title: After Hours Unit: Ask for Chapter Disaster Duty Officer Work phone: 855 - 891 -7325 Cell phone /pager: Address for Legal Notices: 11355 Ohio Ave. Los Angeles CA 90025 Copies of legal notices must also be sent to: The American National Red Cross, Office of the General Counsel, 2025 E Street, NW, Washington DC 20006 and The American National Red Cross, Disaster Operations, 2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006. Shelter Facilit (Insert name and complete street address of building or, if multiple buildings, write "See attached Facility List" and attach Facility List including complete street address of each building that is part of this Agreement). Rosemead Community Center, 3936 N. Muscatel Avenue, Rosemead, CA. 91770 3233 Kelburn Avenue Rosemead Aquatic Center, 9155 Mission Drive Rosemead CA. 91770 Rev. 03.2012 Terms and Conditions 1. Use of Facility Upon request and if feasible, the Owner will permit the Red Cross to use the Facility on a temporary basis as an emergency public shelter. 2. Shelter Management The Red Cross will have primary responsibility for the operation of the shelter and will designate a Red Cross official, the Shelter Manager, to manage the sheltering activities. The Owner will designate a Facility Coordinator to coordinate with the Shelter Manager regarding the use of the Facility by the Red Cross. 3. Condition of Facility The Facility Coordinator and Shelter Manager (or designee) will jointly conduct a pre- occupancy survey of the Facility before it is turned over to the Red Cross. They will use the first page of the Facility /Shelter Opening /Closing Form available on CrossNet, to record any existing damage or conditions. The Facility Coordinator will identify and secure all equipment that the Red Cross should not,use while sheltering in the Facility. The Red Cross will exercise reasonable care while using the Facility as a shelter and will make no modifications to the Facility without the express written approval of the Owner. 4. Food Services Upon request by the Red Cross, and if such resources exist and are available, the Owner will make the food service resources of the Facility, including food, supplies, equipment and food service workers, available to feed the shelter occupants. The Facility Coordinator will designate a Food Service Manager to coordinate the provision of meals at the direction of and in cooperation with the Shelter Manager. The Food Service Manager will establish a feeding schedule, determine food service inventory and needs, and supervise meal planning and preparation. The Food Service Manager and Shelter Manager will jointly conduct a pre- occupancy inventory of the food and food service supplies in the Facility before it is turned over to the Red Cross. 5. Custodial Services Upon request by the Red Cross and if such resources exist and are available, the Owner will make its custodial resources, including supplies and custodial workers, available to provide cleaning and sanitation services at the shelter. The Facility Coordinator will designate a Facility Custodian to coordinate the provision of cleaning and sanitation services at the direction of and in cooperation with the Shelter Manager. 6. Security In coordination with the Facility Coordinator; the Shelter Manager, as he or she deems necessary and appropriate, will coordinate with law enforcement regarding any public safety issues at the Shelter. 7. Signage and Publicity The Red Cross may post signs identifying the shelter as a Red Cross shelter in locations approved by the Facility Coordinator and will remove such signs when the shelter is closed. The Owner will not issue press releases or other publicity concerning the shelter without the express written consent of the Shelter Manager. The Owner will refer all media questions about the shelter to the Shelter Manager. 8. Closing the Shelter The Red Cross will notify the Owner or Facility Coordinator of the closing date for the shelter. Before the Red Cross vacates the Facility, the Shelter Manager and Facility Coordinator will jointly conduct a post- occupancy survey, using the second page of the Shelter /Facility Opening /Closing Form to record any damage or conditions. The Shelter Manager and Facility Coordinator or Food Service Manager will conduct a post- occupancy inventory of the food and supplies used during the shelter operation. 9. Reimbursement The Red Cross will reimburse the Owner for the following: a. Damage to the Facility or other property of Owner, reasonable wear and tear excepted, resulting from the operations of the Red Cross. Reimbursement for facility damage will be based on replacement at actual cash value. The Red Cross will select from among Rev. 03.2012 bids from at least three reputable contractors. The Red Cross is not responsible for storm damage or other damage caused by the disaster. b. Reasonable costs associated with custodial and food service personnel which would not have been incurred but for the Red Cross's use of the Facility for sheltering. The Red Cross will reimburse at per -hour, straight -time rate for wages actually incurred but will not reimburse for (i) overtime or (ii) costs of salaried staff. c. Reasonable, actual, out -of- pocket operational costs, including the costs of the utilities indicated below, to the extent that such costs would not have been incurred but for the Red Cross's use of the Premises (both parties must initial all utilities to be reimbursed by the Red Cross): The Owner will submit any request for reimbursement to the Red Cross within 60 days after the shelter closes. Any request for reimbursement for food, supplies or operational costs must be accompanied by supporting invoices. Any request for reimbursement for personnel costs must be accompanied by a list of the personnel with the dates and hours worked at the shelter. 10. Insurance The Red Cross shall carry insurance coverage in the amounts of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence for Commercial General Liability and Automobile Liability. The Red Cross shall also carry Workers' Compensation coverage with statutory limits for the jurisdiction within which the facility is located and $1,000,000 in Employers' Liability. 11. Indemnification The Red Cross shall defend, hold harmless, and indemnify Owner against any legal liability, including reasonable attorney fees, in respect to bodily injury, death and property damage arising from the negligence of the Red Cross during the use of the Premises. 12. Term The term of this agreement begins on the date of the last signature below and ends 30 days after written notice by either party. CITY OF ROSEMEAD By (si ature) Jeff Allred Name (printed) City Manager Title Date THE AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS By (signature Corey Eide Name (printed) Assistant Director Title Date C11 D( Rev. 03.2012 Owner initials Red Cros i nitials Water C_ . C- pk C-. L Electricity L . C Waste Disposal �- E• The Owner will submit any request for reimbursement to the Red Cross within 60 days after the shelter closes. Any request for reimbursement for food, supplies or operational costs must be accompanied by supporting invoices. Any request for reimbursement for personnel costs must be accompanied by a list of the personnel with the dates and hours worked at the shelter. 10. Insurance The Red Cross shall carry insurance coverage in the amounts of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence for Commercial General Liability and Automobile Liability. The Red Cross shall also carry Workers' Compensation coverage with statutory limits for the jurisdiction within which the facility is located and $1,000,000 in Employers' Liability. 11. Indemnification The Red Cross shall defend, hold harmless, and indemnify Owner against any legal liability, including reasonable attorney fees, in respect to bodily injury, death and property damage arising from the negligence of the Red Cross during the use of the Premises. 12. Term The term of this agreement begins on the date of the last signature below and ends 30 days after written notice by either party. CITY OF ROSEMEAD By (si ature) Jeff Allred Name (printed) City Manager Title Date THE AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS By (signature Corey Eide Name (printed) Assistant Director Title Date C11 D( Rev. 03.2012