Excel PavingCITY OF ROSEMEAD SAFE ROUTE TO SCHOOL PROJECT CYCLE 9 BIDDER: J,H.�: <. a ss.m- �nnna� rteaeR�n�N MME o-eew NG GMWA � SECTION 1- BID SCHEDULE CBF -0 BIDDER: PAW tllu�u SA x:5 E . I`A'sOPS COPAPANY BID SCHEDULE SCHEDULE OF PRICES FOR SAFE ROUTE TO SCHOOL PROJECT CBF -1 UNIT OF EST. UNIT ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION MEASURE QTY. PRICE COST 1 Clearing & Grubbing per plans and LS 1 specifications. 2 Traffic Signal Modification per LS 1 Plans and Specifications yap 11061400 3 Furnish and Install Solar In -Road EA 5 Pavement Lighting System Complete per Plans and Specifications. 5 Locations with a Total of 50 In -road Pavement 37190 Lights. &%C.Pe• I$S95p.' 4 Furnish and Install Solar Speed EA 6 Feedback Sign System Complete per Plans and Specifications. 12(ob4D.- 5 Furnish and Install Signing and LS 1 Striping per Plans and _ Specifications. 236. 1<412,36. 6 Furnish and Install Pedestrian EA 128 Count Down Heads Complete per Plans and S ecifications. 290, — 3"712c) .- 7 Remove Existing and Install 4- SF 6,525 Inches Thick PCC Sidewalk per SPPWC Std. Plan 113 -2. See "K "76-D37.� Appendix erLocations. II,sp 8 Remove Existing and Install 6- LF 110 Inches PCC Curb and 24- Inches PCC Gutter per SPPWC Std. Plan 120 -2. 5zv .� 9 Remove Existing and Install 8- LF 270 Inches PCC Curb and 24- Inches PCC Gutter per SPPWC Std. Plan �.Q•8 120 -2. $L. � ti e 1 g0gC). 10 Remove Existing and Install PCC SF 385 Cross Gutter per SPPWC Std. Plan 1252 -2. 9. 11 Install PCC Curb Ramp per EA 3 SPPWC Std Plan 111-4. h gCO. 12 Remove Existing and Install 6- SF 3579 Inches Thick AC Pavement (C2 Al PG 64-10). 1 31063- 13 Adjust Sewer /Storm Drain EA 2 Manhole to Grade 2(p0 14 Cold Mill 1 -Inch Existing Pavement SF 810 CBF -1 B PAW., , 96��.0 a'' BIDDER: M Ft PAW., ,,- CCEgP�J J�TJ TOTAL BASE BID PRICE (SCHEDULE BID PRICE):$ 7729 / I. $'5� Dollar amount in written form J 6? wqw 4,vf- Geads. Note: The City of Rosemead reserves the right to reduce or increase the quantities of any items in the schedule of bid items above, within the limits define in Section 3 -2.2.1 of the Standard Specifications, to stay within the budgeted amount of this project. If the Bid Documents specify alternate bid items, the following Alternate Bid amounts shall be added to or deducted from the Total Bid Price entered above. The owner can choose to include one or more of the alternates in the Total Bid Price of the Project. If any of the Alternate Bids are utilized by the Owner, the resulting amount shall be considered the Total Bid Price for the Project. The undersigned agrees that these Contract Bid Forms constitute a firm offer to the Owner which cannot be withdrawn for the number of Working Days indicated in the Notice Inviting Bids from and after the bid opening date, or until a Contract for the Work is fully executed by the Owner and a third party, whichever is earlier. The undersigned also agrees that if there is a discrepancy between the written amount of the Bid Price and the numerical amount of the Bid Price, the written amount shall govern. ` Attached hereto is a certified check, a cashier's check or a bond in the amount of "TEN PERCENT OF AiJjp}Jrgl�� said amount being not less than ten percent (10 %) of the Total Bid Price. The undersigned agrees that said amount shall be retained by the Owner if, upon award, we fail or refuse to execute the Contract and furnish the required bonds, certificates and endorsements of insurance and other certifications within the time provided. If awarded a Contract, the undersigned agrees to execute the formal Contract, which will be prepared by the Owner for execution, within five (5) Calendar Days following the Letter of Award for the Contract, and will deliver to the Owner within that same period the necessary original Certificates of Insurance, Endorsements of Insurance, Performance Bond, Payment Bond and all other documentation and certification required by the Contract. The undersigned offers and agrees that if this bid is accepted, it will assign to the purchasing body all rights, title, and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. Section 15) or under the Cartwright Act (Chapter 2 of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professional Code), arising from purchases of goods, materials or services by the Bidder for sale to the purchasing body pursuant to the bid. Such assignment shall be made and become effective at the time the purchasing body tenders final payment to he Contractor. Bidder understands and agrees that, when requested by Owner, he shall provide: (1) evidence satisfactory to the Owner of Bidder's California contractor's license(s) in good standing; (2) evidence that the person signing this Bid is authorized to bind Bidder to this Bid and to a contract resulting therefrom; and (3) any other information and documentation, financial or otherwise, needed by Owner to award a Contract to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. CBF -2 PALP ING.0 BIDDER_ y .p E^rp eogS+1 �9 S, . n ... �'ea N9 6v 'r time will begin to run ten (10) working days from the date of the Notice to Proceed and subiectto the terms and conditions described in the Contract Form and the Contract Documents. Bidder acknowledges that data submitted with its Contract Bid Forms which it requires to be incorporated into a Contract arising out of this Submittal has been so identified by Bidder. Bidder further acknowledges that the Owner may, at its discretion, incorporate any of the remaining data submitted herewith into a contract arising out of this Bid. The undersigned acknowledges receipt, understanding and full consideration of the following addenda to the Contract Documents. U1. 11- M11.7? The Bidder understands and agrees that the Total Bid Price is inclusive of all labor, materials, and equipment or supplies necessary to complete the Work as described in the Bid Documents. If this bid is accepted, the undersigned Bidder agrees to enter into and execute the Contract with the necessary bonds and accept the Total Bid Price as compensation in full for all Work under the contract. CBF -3 A� 1�Ce0 BIDDER: � � flw� a�nnss�s,rrz® / 230 LEMON AVENUE By: l `'�. N---' I-CNG f;FA(:H. (:A 90306 Signature Business Street Address C. r', !ROW 1, PREMENT Type or Print Name Title City, State and Zip Code (562) 5%. -5941 Telephone Number Bidder's /Contractor's State of Incorporation: CALIFORNIA Partners or Joint Venturers: Bidder's License Number(s) STATE LIC, 686659 W NOTES: 1) By its signature on this Bid, the Bidder certifies under penalty of perjury the accuracy of the representations made on the Contract Bid Forms. 2) If Bidder is a corporation, enter State of Incorporation in addition to Business Address 3) If Bidder is a partnership or joint venture, give full names of all partners or joint venturers. As further discussed in the Instructions to Bidders, Bidder will be required to provide evidence that the person signing on behalf of the corporation, partnership or joint venture has the authority to do so. CBF -4 CALIFORNIA ALL - PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California Countyof Lts Angeles On JUN 2 0 7017 before me, C. Phillips, Notary Public _. (Here insert mmmo and li0c of Use Off ) personally appeared who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the personal whose name( is /use subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that heish executed the same in hisAarithrk authorized capacity0§0, and that by hisAwzA h6f signature(a) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct, WITNESS my hand and official seal. Public 0C. PHILLIRS COMM. #1809758 M Notary Public -California tt `• LOS ANGELES COUNTY u My Comm. Expires Acs. in, 2012 �( (Notel) ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUtvENT (Title or descnptioa of attached document) (Tine or description of attached documeal continued) Number of Pages Document Date _ (Additional information) CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER ❑ Individual (s) ❑ Corporate OfFlcei (Title) ❑ Plulner(s) ❑ Attorney -in -Fact ❑ Trustee(s) ❑ Other 2008 VCISiQTI C'APA v 12.10 07 800 -873 -9865 ivwiv NotnryClesscs corn INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM Arty ocka.ledgmeo, completed in California must contoin verbiage —city as appears above in the notary section or a separate acknowledgmem form must be properly completed and mtached to that document The l dy uception is if a doaamenl is to be recorded rocade of Cal ifemia In such irutarsces, any alternative acknowledgment verbiage as may be primed on such a document sa long err the verbiage does nil require the rotary to do something that is dlegd for a notary in California (i.e. certifying the authorized capacity of the signer). Pleare check the document casefidlyfor proper notarial wording and alfach this form ifrequired. • Shpt end Cowry information must be the Stele and County where the docuauml sigsser(s) personally appeared before the notary public for acknowledgment • We of notarization must be the dale that Use signers) personally appeased which must also be die same date the acknowledgment Is completed. • The no ust lary public m prbm his or her name as it appears vn hin his or her Lnmmission followed by a comma mid the, your title factory public). • Print the nanic(s) of document signers) who personally appear al the time of nolarvnlion. • lndicau the coral singular or plural fmfns by crossing off incorrect From (i.e, helshdNrcv- k lore ) cr circling the coffee( fonus. paihue to correctly indicate "its info ration inay lead to rejection of document recording.- • The now,)' seal inipres.sion ,just be clear and photographically reproducible. Impression must lief cover lex( or lines. If seal impression sinudges, re -seal if a suHicicid area p rinks, otherwise coniplme s di0erenl aclmowledgmenl form. • Signature of Use notary public must match the signature on file ividl the office of Use wunty clerk. Additional information Is not require -d but caulU help to ensure this acknowledgment is not misused or mulched to a different document. Indicate title or I) Ix of fattened docuueid, number of pages mid dale. Indicate the capacity clatined by Use signer. If Use claimed capacity is a cogiorate officer, indicate die title (ix, CEO, ( p0, secrehir)'). • Securely attach this document to the signed document �lP INUMA BIDDER:wP.- ns+, aens� SECTION 2 BID DATA FORMS CBF -5 131DDER: PALP Inc. dba Excel Paving Company Bidder shall submit its Bid data in accordance with the format shown on each of the following Bid Data Forms. Bidders shall prepare and use as many sheets as are necessary to adequately provide the information required. Bidder shall ensure that every page of its Bid Data Forms are properly identified with the Bidders name and page number. 2.A BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT PALP Inc. dba Excel Paving Company as Principal, and Federal Insurance Company , as Surety, are held firmly bound unto the CITY OF ROSEMEAD (hereinafter called the OWNER) in the sum of Ten percent of the total amount of the bid ($ 10% ), being not less than ten percent (10 %) of the Total Bid Price; for the payment of which sum will and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, said Principal has submitted a bid to the OWNER to perform all Work required for the SAFE ROUTE TO SCHOOL PROJECT as set forth in the Notice Inviting Bids and accompanying Bid Documents, dated NOW, THEREFORE, if said Principal is awarded a Contract for the Work by the OWNER and, within the time and in the manner required by the above- referenced Bid Documents, enters into the written form of Contract bound with said Bid Documents, furnishes the required bonds (one to guarantee faithful performance and the other to guarantee payment for labor and materials) furnishes the required insurance certificates and endorsements, and furnishes any other certifications as may be required by the Contract, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. In the event suit is brought upon this bond by the OWNER and judgment is recovered, said Surety shall pay all costs incurred by the OWNER in such suit, including reasonable attomeys' fees to be fixed by the court. SIGNED AND SEALED, this 18th day of June , 20 1z PALP Inc. dba Excel Paving Company (SEAL) Federal Insurance Company Principal Surpty By: ( , A. J By: Signature J tu Doug4Aa R• C rsolll y n1cc. ip'-NT Attorney in Fact CBF - 6 ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Orange ) On 06/18/2012 before me, Debra Swanson, Notary Public (insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared Douglas A. Rapp who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the personw) whose name($) isAw.& subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that hel*N- ey executed the same in his /hes4Meir authorized capacity(**, and that by his*9Fr heir signature(sr) on the instrument the person(B), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(jr) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. °Frxy WITNESS my hand and official seal. C14 DEBRA SWANSON ; COMM. # 1822117 ;U ® NOTAWRMLIGCUORNIA X (� ORANGE COUNTY N lam My Comm. Exom NOV 1% 2012 ^Ib Signature a (Seal) C Chubb POWER Federal Insurance Company Attn: Surety Department OF Vigilant Insurance Company 15 Mountain View Road Surety ATTORNEY Pacific Indemnity Company Warren, NJ 07059 Know All by These Presents, That FI COMPANY, a New York corporation, and P appoint Douglas A. Rapp and Timothy COMPANY, an Indiana corporation, VIGILANT INSURANCE MPANY, a Wisconsin corporation, do each hereby constitute and D, California----------------------- ------------- ------- ---- each as their true and lawful Attorney- in- Fact to execute under such designation in their names and to affix their corporate seals to and deliver for and on their behalf as surety thereon or otherwise, bonds and undertakings and other wntings obligatory in the nature thereof (other than bail bonds) given or executed in the course of business, and any instruments amending or altering the same, and consents to the modification or alteration of any instrument referred tom said bonds or obligations. In Witness Whereof, said FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY, and PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY have each executed and attested these presents and affixed Mir corporate seals on this 16th day of December, 2011. Kenneth C. Wendel, Assistant Secretary . Noris, Jr., Vice President STATE OF NEW JERSEY ` ss. County of Somerset On this 16th day of December, 2011 before me, a Notary Public of New Jersey, personallyceme Kenneth C Wendel, to me known to be Assistant Secretary of FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY, and PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY, the companies which executed the foregoing Power of Attorney, and the said Kenneth C. Wendel, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he is Assistant Secretary of FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY, and PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY and knows the corporate seals thereof, that the Seals affixed to the foregoing Power of Attorney are such corporate seals and were thereto affixed by authority of the By- Laws of said Companies; and that he signed said Power of Attorney as Assistant Secretary of said Companies by like authority, and that he is acquainted with David B. Norris, Jr., and knows him to be Vice President of said Companies; and that the signature of David B. Norris, Jr., subscribed to said Power of Attorney is in the genuine handwriting of David B. Norris, Jr., and was thereto subscribed by authority of said By- Laws and in deponent's presence. Notarial Seal KATHERINE J. ADELAAR �� AOF NOTARY PUBLIC 16 NEW JFkSFl a�- r �GZPR�Y N�. 2316665 a S Cot MI1161 n Expires July 16, 2014 Pti c� Notary Public CERTIFICATION Extract from the By- Laws of FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY, and PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY: 'All powers of attorney for and on behalf of the Company may and shall be executed in the name and on behalf of the Company, either by the Chairman or the President or a Vice President or an Assistant Vice President, jointly with the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary, under their respective designations. The signature of such officers may be engraved, printed or lithographed. The signature of each of the following othcers. Chairman, President, any Vice President, any Assistant Vice President, any Secretary, any Assistant Secretary and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or to any certificate relating thereto appointing Assistant Secretaries or Attorneys- in- Fact for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signature or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed andmrUffed by such facsimile signature and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached." I, Kenneth C. Wendel, Assistant Secretary of FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY, and PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY (the "Companies') do hereby certify that (i) the foregoing extract of the By- Laws of the Companies is true and correct, (ii) the Companies are duly licensed and authorized to transact surety business in all 50 of the United States of America and the District of Columbia and are authorized by the U.S. Treasury Department; further, Federal and Vigilant are licensed in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Federal is licensed in American Samoa, Guam, and each of the Provinces of Canada except Prince Edward Island; and (iii) the foregoing Power of Attorney is true, correct and in full force and effect. Given under my hand and seals of said Companies at Warren, NJ this 18th day of June, 2012. *(O(w Kenneth C. We el, Assistant Secretary IN THE EVENT YOU WISH TO NOTIFY US OF A CLAIM, VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY OF THIS BOND OR NOTIFY US OF ANY OTHER MATTER, PLEASE CONTACT US AT ADDRESS LISTED ABOVE, OR BY Telephone (908) 903 - 3493 Fax (908) 903 - 3656 e -mail; surety@chubb.wm Form 15 -10- 02258- U (Ed. 5- 03) CONSENT CALIFORNIA ALL - PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Los Angeles On JUN 2 0 1011 personally appeared C. P beforeme, C. Phillips, Notary Public _ I I Ittt msm runx uhd n II c o if dx olDcn I who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is6ftmsubscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that hefA mW3hW executed the same in hishhesboir authorized capacity(ies), and that by his4tjgk/"ksignattfre(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. C. PHILLIPS Y 4'•, COMM. ti1609758 N Notary Publlr.- Callfornia LDS ANGELES COUNTY k (Notwy SW) My Comm. Expires Aug. 16, 2012 ADDPCIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT (Title or description of attached document) (Title or description of attached document continued) Number of Pages Document Date _ (Additional inforrmtion) CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER ❑ Individual (s) ❑ Corporate Officer ❑ Partner(s) ❑ Attorney -in -Fact ❑ Trustee(s) ❑ Other 2(X08 V'ayion CAPA v12 -10 07 800 871 9865 wow.Nolmy( ss,s "n, INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM dny aclnowledgmcN completed in Cal(fomm marl contain verbiage esocrty as appears above in the weary s<cnon or a separate acknowledgment Joan must be property compleled and tamched to that docwnent The only escepdrM ❑ I( a document is to be recorded oldside ofCatifo.•nfa in such. irufanou, any alternative ack nwledgmerr verbiage ar may be pronled on such a documeN w tang as the verbiage does not "quire lie notary to do something that it Illegal for a rotary In California (i e, cert(tying the ausiorized capaciy of the signer). Plenre check the docwnenr cargNlyJor proper notarial wording and atmch thlsform if required • Suse and County information must be the Sate and County where the document signals) personally appeared before the notary public for acknowledgment. • Dun, of notarization most be the date that the signer(s) personally appeared which must also be the same date the ecl nowledgmenl is completed. • The notary public must print his or her name as it appears within his or her commission followed by a connote and then your tide (notary public). • Print the nemc(s) of document signer(s) who personally appear at the time of nolarizedon. • Indicate the wnect singular or plural forms by crossing off Incorrect forms (i.e. Wshdtrat is 1wa ) or circling the corrcet forms. Failure (a correctly indicate this Information may lead to rejection of docurcenl recording. • The notary seal impression must be clear and p(otogrephically reproducible. Impression raw( not cover teal or lines. If seal impression smudges, re -seal if a sufficient area Permits, otherwise complete a different acknowledgment form. • Signnore of the notary public must mnich the signature on file with the office of the "Only deck. 4 Additional infommtiou is 1101 inquired but could Ihelp to ensure this acknowlts1 nhen is not misused or attached to a different docwrvenl. Indicate title or lynx of allached document, number of pages and date. J Indicalc [be capaciy claimed try the signer. If the claimed capacity is a "moralo of X-11. ludicam the title li e. CEO, CFO, Seacmry). • smurcly enrich din doaunwut to the signal documcnl BIDDER: E,' 79. HAA� lNprll r'umfa I ^E!s?.I T 2.B LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS In compliance with the "Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act," Sections 4100 through 4114 of the California Public Contract Code, and any amendments thereto, each Bidder shall provide the information requested below for each subcontractor who will perform work, labor or render service to Bidder in or about the construction of the Work in an amount in excess of one -half of one percent (greater than 0.5 %) of the Bidder's Total Bid Price, or, in the case of bids or offers for the construction of streets or highways, including bridges, in excess of one -half of 1 percent of the Contractor's total bid or ten thousand dollars ($10,000), whichever is greater, and shall further set forth the portion of the Work which will be done by each subcontractor. Bidder shall list only one subcontractor for any one portion of the Work. Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 4104, the Owner has determined that it will allow Bidders twenty -four (24) additional hours after the deadline for submission of bids to submit the information requested by the Owner about each subcontractor, otherthan the name and location of each subcontractor. If the Bidder fails to specify a subcontractor for any portion of the Work to be performed under the Contract, it shall be deemed to have agreed to perform such portion itself, and shall not be permitted to subcontract that portion of the Work except under the conditions hereinafter set forth below. ` Subletting or subcontracting of any portion of the Work in excess of one half of one percent (greater than 0.5 %) of the Total Bid Price or, in the case of bids or offers for the construction of streets or highways, including bridges, in excess of one -half of 1 percent of the Contractor's total bid or ten thousand dollars ($10,000), whichever is greater, for which no subcontractor was designated in the original bid shall only be permitted in cases of public emergency or necessity, and then only after Owner approval. CBF -7 BIDDER: PAM IMMA 2.6 LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS (continued) ["Duplicate Next 2 Pages if needed for listing additional subcontractors. -I Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Tree gEmpv *L Address: 2y 1,y M. via ST. dPi0nf�lcA 92stCnS Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted ,, - t s Name and Location of Subcontractor Description of Work to be Subcontracted Name: S SMPInl6 ST�lt�liSC, Address: 15W 5. &" Name and Location of Subcontractor Name: Address: CBF -8 Description of Work to be Subcontracted h "Ila0l r � aa. BIDDER: r ` p'-i 5t wad 2.0 REFERENCES The following are the names, addresses and telephone numbers for three public agencies for which BIDDER has performed similar work within the past two (2) years: 1. bo Y311 �W %0()^ -m V3, oaslo g>tita Name and Address of Owner DIMa M -1 a&U&-n AJ14 451D W06 7 3. Name and telephone number of person familial with project Name and Address o I I� M cc Name and telephone 1. gj40M Contract amount Contract of Owner 4. U' U) LJJM VL Name ,and -A'd^dressDcl Name and telephone Contract amount person person person �F-6 cF- 1�r OL(SW Type of Work �_]7 project Work `6 12011 Date Completed BIDDER: SECTION 3 NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT CBF - 10 NON - COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT In accordance with Public Contract Code Section 7106, the undersigned, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he or she holds the position listed below with the bidder, the party making the foregoing bid, that the bid is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the bid is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a false or sham bid, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any bidder or anyone else to put in a sham bid, or that anyone shall refrain from bidding; that the bidder has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the bid price of the bidder or any other bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the bid price, or of that of any other bidder, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the contract of anyone interested in the proposed contract; that all statements contained in the bid are true; and, further, that the bidder has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her bid price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company association, organization, bid depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham bid. C&UMI� Signature n'0r�, an510ek+T Typed or Printed Name Title gwscLar ateg, Bidder Subscribed and sworn before me This _ day of IIIN 2 0 7017 20_ (Seal) Notary Public in an or C. Phillips. Notary Public the State of Californ My Commission Expires: l2 =N,.�bi' CE 6097 Fib icCaliforn1. i5 ES COl1NTY 0.es Aug. 16, 201^1 CBF -11 .�?XCEL PAVING COMPANY A GFNEJZAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR STATE LICENSE NO. 698659A P.O. BOX 16 LONG BEACH, CA 90806 -5 (562) 599.5 FAX (562) 591.7 C. P. Brown, President: 30+ years experience working for other general contractors with the past 24 years being self employed in own general engineering contracting business. PALP, INC. DBA EXCEL PAVING COMPANY A GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR STATE LICENSE NO. 688659A Description of Operations P.O. BOX 165 LONG BEACH, CA 90806 -51 (562) 599 -5E FAX (562) 591 -74 Excel Paving Company is a general engineering and paving contractor that has been in business for the past 30+ years. The company is a corporation owned by C.P. Brown, Jr. Their operations include street and road construction, widening, and repairs; related sidewalk, curb and gutter construction; paving of school yards and parking lots; and excavation and grading of "pads" for building sites. On approximately 80% of theirjobs the company will operate as a general contractor, responsible for all off -site improvements, grading, removal, etc. but will subcontract any work, which is not specifically within their domain. Occasionally the company will perform work at airports. They also may occasionally perform work in the "THUMS" area of Long Beach Harbor, requiring them to transport their equipment and personnel by barge to these Islands, approximately %: mile from the harbor. The company estimates 2009 gross revenues of 50 million, $33 million of which is subcontractor and material costs. All work is performed in Southern California, with most in Los Angeles and Orange County. A great deal of work is done for public entities, repairing/widening existing surface streets and roads (75% public entities and 25% private entities), pipe work, concrete, landscaping, electrical, cold milling, highway, bridge, or overpass work is subcontracted out to other firms. Excel Paving Company also repairs a great number of paved schoolyards and parking lots (30 %) and usually has a small amount of on going work at the Los Angeles, Burbank and Long Beach Airports. INCUMBENCY AND SIGNATURE CERTIFICATE OF PALP, INC. The undersigned, Marcia S. Miller, being the duly elected and Incumbent Secretary of pale, Inc,, dba Excel Paving Company, a California corporation (the "Corporation "), hereby certifies that the persona named below are, on and as date hereof, the duly qualified, elected and acting OMeers of the Corporation holding the office set forth opposite their names below, Such officers being authorized to sign, in the name of and on behalf of the Corporation. Curtis P. Brown President and Chief Executive Officer Curtis P. Brown III Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Bruce E. Flatt Vice President and Chief Financial Officer George R. McRae Vice President Marcia S. Miller Secretary Michele E. DrakuHch Assistant Secretary IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Certificate as of the date set forth below. Date: January 27, 2010 h1"ARCIA S. MILLER, S cretary PALP, INC. nr3A EXCEL PAVING COMPANY A GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR STATE LICENSE NO 688659A Excel Paving Company 2230 Lemon Avenue Long Beach, CA 90806 Telephone: 562/599 -5841 Type of Business: Contractors License # Fed I.D. # CREDIT APPLICATION Fax: 562/599 -3679 General Engineering Contractors 688659A 95- 3672914 Excel Paving Company is a Corporation Owner: Palp, Inc. 2230 Lemon Avenue Long Beach, CA 90806 In business since October 1981 Same location since October 1981 Property Owned by Brown & Mills Financial rating with Dun & Bradstreet: Rating 3A2, SIC #0161 U.S. Bank: Account Representative: Phone #: Fax #: Account #: TRADE REFERENCES: Company Vulcan Materials R.E,H. Trucking Blue Diamond Materials Savala Equipment 4100 Newport Pl. #130 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Robin Woods 949/863 -2462 949/863 -2336 153491958689 Phone Fax 626/334 -4913 626/334 -4161 909/591 -0871 909/591 -0506 714/578 -9600 714/449 -2295 800/223 -2473 949/552 -8597 P.O BOX 1 LONG BEACH, CA 90806 (562) 599 FAX (562) 591 -' Contact Bill Watt Gina Mendiola Rich Shoan Yoganda Ellis 3 certify that the above information is true and correct, and that we can and will comply with your terms. C . Brown - President Bonding Agent: Rapp Surety Services 120 Vantis Ave, Suite 300 Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656 Office: (949) 540 -6770 Fax: (949)'540 -6771 Contact; Douglas A. Rapp Surety: Federal Insurance Company 801 South Figueroa Street 23'" Floor Los Angeles CA 90017 P.O. Box 30127 Los Angeles CA 90030.0127 Insurance Caller: The Wooditch Company One Park Plaza Suite 400 Irvine CA 92614 Contact: William W oalitch Office: (949) 553 -9800 Fax: (949) 553 -0670 1'RI'V'1OU.ti 3() ll R1_1 1 1 (1 N( I , r; niricior's N;rmr Palp Inc 1)13!\ Lxcel 1):)\ 111p („ Project Name: Slauson Ave. /SR -90 Impvts. Project Description: On ramp & off ramp widening on SR90, Traffic Mitigation Added left turn on Slauson Signal ization & Signing & Storm Drain Impvts. Location: Slauson Ave., SR90 Culver City, Los Angeles Construction Value: $2,136,269.00 Date of Completion: 4/09 General Contractor Information: Pall) Inc. DBA Excel Paving Company Contact: David Cook Phone: 562/599 -5841 Ext.239 Fax 562/591 -7485 Owner Information Contact: Phone: Fax: Playa Capitol Company LLC Cliff Ritz 310/448 -4678 3 10/822-53 36 PREVIOUS JOB REFERENCES N2 Contractor's Name: Pall) Inc. DBA Excel Paving Co. Project Name: Slauson Ave. /SR -90 Impvts. Project Description: On ramp & off ramp widening on SR90, Traffic Mitigation Added left turn on Slauson Signalization & Signing & Storm Drain Impvts. Location: Slauson Ave. @ SR90 Culver City, Los Angeles Construction Value: $2,136,269.00 Date of Completion: 4/09 General Contractor Information: Palp Inc. DBA Excel Paving Company Contact: David Cook Phone: 562/599 -5841 Ext.239 Fax: 562/591 -7485 Owner Information: Playa Capitol Company LLC Contact: Cliff Ritz Phone: 310/448 -4678 Fax: 310/822 -5336 PREVIOUS 1013 RLFIiRENCLS it3 Contractor's Name: Palp Inc. DBA Excel Paving Co. Project Name: Santa Monica Transit Parkway Project Project Description: Underground, Retaining Walls, Fwy. On Ramps, A/C Pave, Sidewalk, Curb & Gutter, Signalization, Landscaping, Storm Drain Impvts. Sewer, Water And Retaining Wall Location: From 405 Fwy. To Beverly Hills City Limit, Los Angeles Construction Value: Date of Completion General Contractor Contact: Phone: Fax: $34,455,152.00 11/05 nformation: Palp Inc. DBA Excel Paving Company Bruce Flatt 562/599 -5841 562/591 -7485 Owner Information: City of Los Angeles Contact: Carl Nelson Phone: 213/485 -4474 Fax: 213/485 -4836 PREVIOUS JOB REFERENCES N4 Contractor's Name: Palp Inc. DBA Excel Paving Company Project Name: Alameda Street Project Description: Redesign of Arterial Streets and Storm Drain Impvts. Location: Intersection of Alameda Street and N. Spring St., L.A. Construction Value: $3,197,043.00 Date of Completion: 11/09 General Contractor Information: Palp Inc. DBA Excel Paving Company Contact: Bruce Flatt Phone: 562/599 -5841 Fax: 562/591 -7485 Owner Information: City of Los Angeles Contact: Steve Chen Phone: 213/485 -4516 Fax: 213/485 -4838 PREVIOUS JOR RlTr:RI :NCES NS Contractor's Name: Palp Inc. D13A Excel Paving Co. Project Name: Phase 3 Container Yard Expansion, Pier T Project Description: Container Yard Parking Lot Expansion. Storm Drain Impvts. Sewer and Water Location: Pier T, Long Beach, CA Construction Value Date of Completion General Contractor Contact: Phone: Fax: $21,703,834.00 10/07 nfonnation: Palp Inc. DBA Excel Paving Company Bruce Flatt 562/599 -5841 562/591 -7485 Owner Information: The Port of Long Beach Contact: Gary Cardemone Phone: 562/590 -4172 Fax: 562/901 -1732 PREVIOUS JOB RGFERENCG:S i G Contractor's Name: Pall) Inc DBA Excel Paving Company Project Name: Pier E Berths E24 -326 Project Description: Asphalt Utility Removals, Grade, New Asphalt Paving and New Concrete RTG Runways, Storm Drain Impvts., Sewer and Water Location: Pier E, Long Beach, CA Construction Value: $5,251,800.00 Date of Completion: 1/08 General Contractor Information: Palp Inc. DBA Excel Paving Co. Contact: Bruce Flatt Phone: 562/599 -5841 Fax: 562/591 -7485 Owner Information: The Port of Long Beach Contact: Gary Cardemone Phone: 562/590 -4172 Fax: 562/901 -1732 Contractor's Name. Project Name: Project Description: PREVIOUS JOB REI RENCES N7 Palp Inc. DBA Excel Paving Co. Highland Avenue Widening Redesign of Highland Ave. and Adjacent Streets, And Storm Drain Impvts. Location: Highland Ave. @ Franklin Ave., City of Los Angeles Construction Value: $2,754,889.00 Date of Completion: 11/09 General Contractor Information: Palp Inc. DBA Excel Paving Company Contact: Bruce Fl aft Phone: 562/599 -5841 Fax 562/591 -7485 Owner Information: Contact: Phone: Fax: City of Los Angeles Steve Chen 213/485 -4516 213/485 -4838 PREVIOUS .1013 RFIT'RENCES #8 Contractor's Name: Palp Inc. DBA Excel Paving Project Name: North Maclay Ave Project Description: Street Beautification and Improvement of North Maclay Avenue Location: North Maclay Ave. from Is' Street to Eighth Street Construction Value: $3,682,624.00 Date of Completion: 7/08 General Contractor Information: Palp Inc. DBA Excel Paving Co. Contact: Bruce Flatt Phone: 562/599 -5841 Fax: 562/591 -7485 Owner Information: Contact: Phone: Fax: City of San Fernando Ron Ruiz 818/898 -1237 818/361 -6728 WORK EXPERIENCE 5 -31 -11 OPEN JOBS Job 4 Project Description PROJECT NAME EST. FINAL % CONTRACT WORK 4240 CALTRANS LINCOLN 07- 1660U4 COMPL. 4242 CHANDLER/LANKERSHIM: C108099 CALTRANS 13,385,340 99.8% 4245 LINNIE CANAL COURT: C108109 CITY OF LOS ANGELES -DPW 5,421,529 ° 100.0 /° 4324 USC, FIGUEROA & JEFFERSON LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT 364,772 100.0% 4328 HIGHLAND AVE.:L.A. 109718 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIF. 1,584,914 ° 100.8% 4370 ALAMEDA ST NO SPRG ST C110421 LA.000NTY DEPT. PUBLIC WORKS 3,436,914 gg,g% 4508 ALVARADO TRANSIT CORRIDOR: CITY OF LOS ANGELES 2'799'012 93, 4549 RAMIREZ CANYON:MALIBU 06821 LA COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGY 2,203,013 93.00% % 4567 LANKERSHIM/VARIOUS LOC:LA TORRES CONSTRUCTION 395,&35 100.0% 4573 ATHERTON STRM DRAIN:1_8 R -6732 LA COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGY 1,228,138 93.3% 4597 WILSHIRE /FAIRFAX:LOS ANGELES CITY OF LONG BEACH ,618,888 4598 CHEVIOT HILLS:LA C113689 MATT CONSTRUCTION RUCTION CO. 1,125,815 100.0% 00.0% 4611 USC ST IMPROVEMENT:LOS ANGELES CITY OF LOS ANGELES -DPW 843,818 100.0% 4639 4 INTERSECTIONS: LB & LKWD UNIVERSITY OF S SOUTHERN CALIF, 2,350,000 99.0% 4649 SUNNYMEAD BLVD:MORENO VALLEY THE BOEING COMPANY 1,358,509 100.0% 4651 BALBOANICTORY BLVD:LOS ANGELE C/0 MORENO VALLEY 2,628,000 100.1% 4681 ARBOR VITAE ST.L.A. C- 115478 CITY OF LOS ANGELES 1,118,416 100.0% 4690 BNSF- POLA:BNSF R/R CITY OF LOS ANGELES -DPW 1,860,961 100.1% 4692 CENTINELALA TIJERA/LA CIENEGA: BURLINGTON NORTHERN SANTA FE 61,OOD 98.0% PLAYA CAPITAL CO 4695 NO STATE COLLEGE -LOT E:FULRTON BALI CONSTRUCTION 1 100.0% 4703 AIRCARRIER RAMP:LB ARPRT R6777 CITY OF LONG BEACH 15,785 100.0% 4712 SAN DIMAS BL:SAN DIMAS 2009 -04 CITY OF SAN DIMAS 5,289,943 89.0% 4713 ELECTRIC AVE STRM DRN:SEAL BCH CITY OF SEAL BEACH 1,990,520 100.0% 4722 HARBOR & YACHTAEDONDO BEACH 1,750,943 99.1% 4726 KAISER WALNUT:PASADENA BRUTOCO ENG 20,017 100.0% 4728 WILSHIRE /BEVERLY:BEVERLY HILLS KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN 219'401 ° 100.0% 4731 SIERRA AVE.:FONTANA TISHMAN CONSTRUCTION CORP. 779,302 100. 4735 PIER G RAILYARRPOLB HD -7565 MCCARTHY PACIFIC DIVISION 44,000 96.66% % 4741 RES RD WAY REHAB:FOUNTAIN VLY PORT OF LONG BEACH 33,256,425 52.0% 4742 ARTERIAL OVERLAY PROJ:WESTLAKE CITY OF FOUNTAIN VALLEY 1,598,588 100.00 4746 COLLEGE WAY:POMONA CITY OF WESTLAKE VILLAGE 473,049 100.0% 4748 90TH ST EAST PALMDALE LA CO PW BALI CONSTRUCTION 4,740 100.0% 4751 SAN VINCENTE BLVD:LOS ANGELES LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT 1,414,456 65.5% 4752 LAGUNA ALLEY REHAB:LAGUNA BCH HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO 1,056,000 73.4% 4756 VAR SITES BIKE TRAILLONG BCH CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH 61,367 100.0% 4759 E. FRANCIS AVE:ONTARIO THE BOEING COMPANY PANY 27,814 100.0% 4761 PATRIOT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 7,919 100.0% 2ND ST. REHARLONG BCH R -6846 CITY OF LONG BEACH 4762 BROADWAY /3RD:LONG BEACH C.T.& F. INC. 1,805,070 100.0% 4764 VAR -WEST LK/AGOURA HLS WUAHL CITY OF WESTLAKE VILLAGE 81,384 100.0% 4775 HAWTHORNE HS STRM DRN:CVHSD CENTINELA VALLEY UHSD 2 ,047,859 100.% 4777 VARIOUS LOCATIONS:HUNTNGTN BCH CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 352,000 103.77% 4779 17TH ST. SANTA MONICA:HC OLSEN H.C. OLSEN CONSTRUCTION 529,709 100.0% 32,974 100 ,0% Job 4 4240 4242 4245 4 324 4328 4370 4508 4549 4567 4573 4597 4598 4611 4639 4649 4651 4681 4690 4692 4695 4703 4712 4713 4722 4726 4728 4731 4735 4741 4742 4746 4748 4751 4752 4756 4759 4761 4762 4764 4775 4777 4779 WORK EXPERIENCE 5 -31 -11 OPEN JOBS Project Description CALTRANS LINCOLN:07- 1660U4 CHANDLER/LANKERSHIM:C108099 LINNIE CANAL COURT, C108109 USC, FIGUEROA & JEFFERSON HIGHLAND AVE.:L.A. 109718 ALAMEDA ST NO SPRG ST C110421 ALVARADO TRANSIT CORRIDOR: RAMIREZ CANYONWALIBU 06821 LANKERSHIMNARIOUS LOC:LA ATHERTON STRM DRAIN:LB R -6732 WILSHIRE /FAIRFAKLOS ANGELES CHEVIOT HILLS:LA C113689 USC ST IMPROVEMENT:LOS ANGELES 4 INTERSECTIONS:LB & LKWD SUNNYMEAD BLVD:MORENO VALLEY BALBOA/VICTORY BLVD:LOS ANGELE ARBORVITAE ST, L.A. C- 115478 BNSF- POLA:BNSF R/R CENTINELALA TIJERA/LA CIENEGA: NO STATE COLLEGE -LOT E:FULRTON AIRCARRIER RAMP:LB ARPRT R6777 SAN DIMAS BL:SAN DIMAS 2009 -04 ELECTRIC AVE STRM DRN:SEAL BCH HARBOR & YACHT:REDONDO BEACH KAISER WALNUT:PASADENA WILSHIRE /BEVERLY:BEVERLY HILLS SIERRA AVE.:FONTANA PIER G RAILYARD:POLB HD -7565 RES RD WAY REHAB:FOUNTAIN VLY ARTERIAL OVERLAY PROJ:WESTLAKE COLLEGE WAY:POMONA 90TH ST EAST PALMDALELA CO PW SAN VINCENTE BLVD:LOS ANGELES LAGUNA ALLEY REHAB:LAGUNA BCH VAR SITES BIKE TRAIL:LONG BCH E. FRANCIS AVE:ONTARIO 2ND ST. REHAB:LONG BCH R -6846 B ROADWAY/3RD: LONG BEACH VAR -WEST LK/AGOURA HLS:WL/AHL HAWTHORNE HS STRM DRN:CVHSD VARIOUS LOCATIONS:HUNTNGTN BCH 17TH ST. SANTA MONICA:HC OLSEN PROJECT NAME CALTRANS CITY OF LOS ANGELES -DPW LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIF. L.A.000NTY DEPT PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF LOS ANGELES LA COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGY TORRES CONSTRUCTION LA COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGY CITY OF LONG BEACH MATT CONSTRUCTION CO. CITY OF LOS ANGELES -DPW UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIF. THE BOEING COMPANY C/O MORENO VALLEY CITY OF LOS ANGELES CITY OF LOS ANGELES -DPW BURLINGTON NORTHERN SANTA FE PLAYA CAPITAL CO BALI CONSTRUCTION CITY OF LONG BEACH CITY OF SAN DIMAS CITY OF SEAL BEACH BRUTOCO ENG KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN TISHMAN CONSTRUCTION CORP. MCCARTHY PACIFIC DIVISION PORT OF LONG BEACH CITY OF FOUNTAIN VALLEY CITY OF WESTLAKE VILLAGE BALI CONSTRUCTION LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH THE BOEING COMPANY PATRIOT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CITY OF LONG BEACH C.T.& F, INC. CITY OF WESTLAKE VILLAGE CENTINELA VALLEY UHSD CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH H.C. OLSEN CONSTRUCTION EST. FINAL CONTRACT 13,385,340 5,421,529 364,772 1,584,799 3,436,914 2,799,012 2,203,013 395,835 1,228,138 1,618,888 1,125,815 943,818 2,350,000 1,358,509 2,628,000 ` 1,118,416 1,860,961 61,000 15,785 5,289,943 1,990,520 1,750,943 20,017 219,461 779,302 44,000 33,256,425 1,598,588 473,049 4,740 1,414,456 1,056,000 961,367 27,814 7,919 1,805,070 81,384 2,047,859 352,000 529,709 32,974 e� WORK COMPL. 99.8% 100.0% 100 0% 100.0% 99.8% 99.7% 93.0% 100.0% 93.3% 99.8% 100.0% 100.0% 99.0% 100.0% 100.1% 100.0% 100.1% 98.3% 100.0% 100.0% 89.5% 100.0% 99.1% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 96.6% 52.5% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 65.5% 73.4% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 103.7% 100.0% 100.0% 4780 BELLFL OWE RNICTORY:ADELANTO BALI CONSTRUCTION 187,382 100.0% 4781 MULTI LOCATIONS LAGUNA BEACH CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH 962,500 97.9% 4782 VARIOUS STS Z -21A HABRA HGTS LA HABRA HEIGHTS 445,978 1000% WORK EXPERIENCE 5 -31 -11 OPEN JOBS Job # 4 784 4 786 4789 4791 4793 4795 4796 4797 4798 4800 4802 4803 4804 4805 4806 4807 4808 4809 4810 4811 4812 4813 4814 4815 4816 4817 4818 4819 4820 4821 4822 4823 4824 4825 4826 4828 4829 4830 4831 Project Description LIVE OAK ST- CUDAHY (LAUSD) BLAST FENCE:BGP AIRPORT CROSS CREEK RD,:MALIBU KATELLA/LEX BASE:LOS ALAMITOS NO AIR CARRIER RAMP LB R -6858 CLARK/CARSON:LONG BEACH MOODYNLY VIEW STORM DRN:CYPRS CITYWIDE AC REHAB:LAGUNA HILLS THOUS OAKS /LWRNC/TLR THOUS OKS DEMILLE MS WATERLINE:LBUSD PIER G (I T S.):LONG BEACH ELSEGUNDO:MATHEW &STEWART TERMINAL C -JW AIRPORT:BALI 6TH ST /AMHERST:POMONA PEYTON DR REHAB:CHINO HILLS ST ANDRE WS(RESC ROOTR:TORRANCE ANDRE AV RDWY WTR IMPRV:LOMITA TUSTIN ST /MEATS:ORANGE ALEXANDRIA STAUNTINGTON BEACH USC NO SCI BLDG:LOS ANGELES R/R ASPHALT -RR YARD:LONG BEACH LB WTR DPT VAR LOC:LB WD 18 -10 SANTIAGO SUBSTN:LONG BEACH WESTMINSTER BLVD:HARGIS NORMANDIE /190TH:LOS ANGELES 12TH /LOCUST, LNG BCH:CHLS KING PARAMOUNT BLVD:LONG BEACH REDLANDS AVE:WESTMINSTER FOOTHILL SERVICE CNTR:FONTANA LINDA VISTA AVE:PASADENA BNSF WASH /INDIANA:VERNON STREET CUT REPAIR:ALHAMBRA EUCLID /GARDEN GR BLVD:GARDN GR APPIAN WAY IMPRV:LNG BCH R6889 BEV BLVD - HATH /DIN:BEV HILLS VENTURA /COLDWATER: STUDIO CITY SHORELINE DR- FLTIRON.:LONG BCH BOLSA AVE, HARGIS:WESTMINSTER VAR LOC- HARGIS COSTA MESA PROJECT NAME A & B CONSTRUCTION, INC. BURBANK/GLENDALE /PASADENA MARMOL RADZINER & ASSOCIATES J.I. GARCIA CONSTRUCTION CITY OF LONG BEACH BALI CONSTRUCTION CITY OF CYPRESS CITY OF LAGUNA HILLS C/O THOUSAND OAKS LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST I.T.S. MATTHEW & STEWART COMPANY INC BALI CONSTRUCTION DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CITY OF CHINO HILLS RESCUE ROOTER CITY OF LOMITA CITY OF ORANGE HARGIS & ASSOCIATES HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO H & H ENGINEERING LONG BEACH WATER DEPARTMENT AMERICAN INTEGRATED SERVICES HARGIS & ASSOCIATES AVOCET ENVIRONMENTAL CHARLES KING COMPANY CAL - CARTAGE CHARLES KING COMPANY PATRIOT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CHARLES KING COMPANY BURLINGTON NORTHERN SANTA FE CITY OF ALHAMBRA CITY OF GARDEN GROVE CITY OF LONG BEACH HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO MOE PLUMBING FLATIRON ELECTRIC GROUP, INC. HARGIS & ASSOCIATES HARGIS & ASSOCIATES EST. FINAL CONTRACT 25,080 591,152 31,841 554,521 3,989,405 22,404 2,108,350 1,533,310 3,160,000 370,263 50,220 3,850 ' 5,949 41,628 111,802 1,585 1,243,652 1,275,963 6,243 318,049 360,000 500,000 4,492 3,489 2,324 3,950 105,035 2,995 2,915 5,853 689,995 66,384 1,081,976 596,252 5,648 1,390 188,373 6,754 9,250 WORK COMPL. 100,0% 100.0% 100.0% 82.8% 35.4% 100.0% 24.1% 99.6% 95.3% 90.9% 132.5% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 99.5% 100.0% 71.1% 27.1% 41.3% 91.5% 97.5% 58.8% 100.0% 0.0% 100.1% 100.0% 48.2% 71.0% 120.0% 107.8% 77.5% 91.4% 1.1% 50,2% 0.0% 96.7% 0.0% 37.9% 68.1% 4832 15TH ST, PCL LANCASTER PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 8.100 0.0% 4833 SO ALMONT ST -MOE PLBEVERLY HL MOE PLUMBING 2,600 60.5°/ 4834 SUNNY HILLS HIS:FULLERTON UHSD FULLERTON UNION HIGH SCHL DIST 583,790 0.7% 4835 GETTY CENTER- HATHAWAY:CENT CTY HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO 566,920 0.5% 4836 HIGH PUVIRGINIA:SANTA MONICA BALI CONSTRUCTION 7,300 18.5% 4837 1500 LOMITA BL WILMINGTON CAL - CARTAGE 67,945 0.0% WORK EXPERIENCE 5 -31 -11 OPEN JOBS Job 3/ Project Description PROJECT NAME EST. FINAL o� WORK CONTRACT COMPL. 4838 FY 2010111 ST, REHAB:SIMI VLY CITY OF SIMI VALLEY 650,946 0.6% 4839 HOLLYWOOD WAY:BUR- GLEN -PAS ARP BURBANK/GLENDALE /PASADENA 59,477 40.4% 4840 PARK AVE ST SCAPE'SAN FERNANDO CITY OF SAN FERNANDO 778,061 0.3% 4841 ANNUAL RDWY RESURF:DANA POINT CITY OF DANA POINT 1,784,496 0.0% 4842 PKG LOT- SUNSET:WEST HOLLYWOOD CITY OF WEST HOLLYWOOD 111,660 0.0% WORK EXPERIENCE 11-30 -10 CLOSED JOBS Job k ProJect Description PROJECT NAME 4769 LOMITA YD- CALCARTAGE WILMNGTON 4266 CENTINELA AVE: C-108597 4689 W VIA ACOSTA:MONTEBELLO 4652 LA AIR FORCE BASE: 4658 LA PALMA AVE.:ANAHEIM 4734 CENTINELA:DWP LOS ANGELES 4655 ARTESIA FILAR IMPRV:SANTA ANA 4662 VARIOUS SITES:COMPTON USD 4710 IMPERIAL HWY43REA GATEWAY:WATT 4743 FAIR OAKS/BANK ST:SO PASADENA 4778 VERMONT ST.:HOLLYWOOD 4408 HOLLYWD WY BRBNK AIRPORT A2977 4640 BERTH 731BERTH 191:POLA 4643 PLAYA VISTA- CAMPUS CAP PAVING 4656 RTE 23/118:SIMI VALLEY 4675 TAXIWAY C,D, d G:BUR- GLEN-AIR 4697 BUR/GLEN.PASA AIRPORT:BURBANK 4719 TECH PL BUS SHELTR, LB:WATT CO 4750 LONG BEACHAIRPORT:BOEING 4753 BURBANKAIRPORT:BURBANK 4669 HARBOR PLZA/QNS WAY:POLB 7430 4685 IMPERIAL HWY:OR CO 12- OJ0904 4621 MISC. AC REPAIRSDANA POINT 4425 1ST 8 SPRING:LA -55797 4620 EAST LA WS:LOS ANGELES 4670 6TH 8 COLORADO:SANTA MONICA 4676 BNSF- WASWINDIANA:VERNON 4677 DWP 1ST ST. TRUNK LINE:LOS AN 4680 KAISER -IRIS AVE:MORENO VALLEY 4686 MARYMOUNT WS:LOS ANGELES 4693 OAK HART HS:OAK PARK 4702 KAISER CANTERA ST:PANORAMA CTY 4708 CONC P- IT- HOBART YD:BNSF 4715 MGM DR, HATHAWAY:LOS ANGELES 4716 PIER G- CONNOLLY- PAC:LONG BEACH 4717 CANAL AVE.- COWELCO:LONG BEACH 4724 BNSF WASWIND:VERNON 4729 MAYTIME LANE:CULVER CITY: 4732 LOMITA BLVD:WILMINGTON 4738 HEDON CIR/GERMAIN:CAMARILLO 4739 VIA DEL MONTE:RANCHO PV 4744 USC CAMPUS HATH/DIN °LA CAL- CARTAGE CITY OF LOS ANGELES CITY OF MONTEBELLO RMA LAND CONSTRUCTION PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LA, DEPT, WATER 8 POWER SANTA ANA, CITY OF COMPTON UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST WATT COMPANIES CHRISTOPHER R. MORALES INC ELECTRO CONSTRUCTION BURBANK/GLENDALE/PASADENA CONNOLLY- PACIFIC PLAYA CAPITAL CO C. A. RASMUSSEN. INC. BURBANKrA ENDALE7PASADENA BURBANKJGLENDALEIPASADENA WATT COMPANIES THE BOEING COMPANY BURBANWGLENDALEIPASADENA PORT OF LONG BEACH CALTRANS - ORANGE COUNTY CITY OF DANA POINT TUTOR SALIBA PERINI, JV TUCKER ENG C. A. RASMUSSEN, INC. BURLINGTON NORTHERN SANTA FE SAGE CONSTRUCTION KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN W.S. KLEM CONTRACTORS C. A. RASMUSSEN, INC. KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN BURLINGTON NORTHERN SANTA FE HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO CONNOLLY- PACIFIC COWELCO STEEL FABRICATORS BURLINGTON NORTHERN SANTA FE WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTION JOHNSON CONTROLS, INC. CHARLES KING COMPANY CORRPRO COMPANIES HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO Final Contract Amount 13.731 2,946,389 534,654 18,462 737,834 49,239 2,157,719 127,142 76,110 8,203 1,560 144,304 318,682 432,878 31,998 3,469,876 52,580 76,043 30,223 54,247 743,816 1,224,881 111,748 252,935 209,161 17,534 916,740 155,681 538,412 151,249 54,344 32,980 161,170 25,875 86,354 181,100 133,890 6,175 18,843 8,700 1,250 2,158 4147 DAWSON CYN RD CORONA SUKUT CONSTRUCTON 17,3DO 4749 FRANKLIN AVE NO HOLLYWOOD ALLIANCE RESIDENTIAL 36,025 4754 BROADWAY AVE LONG BEACH CHARLES KING COMPANY 36,000 WORK EXPERIENCE 11 -30 -10 CLOSED JOBS Final Job H Project Description PROJECT NAME Contract Amount 4755 VERMONT & PCH:HRBOR CITY ARB INC. 30,538 4760 N. GLENDALE BLVD:LOS ANGELES CITY WORKS MANAGEMENT, INC. 6,411 4763 GETTY CENTER:CENTURY CITY HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO 6,182 4766 DRIFTWOOD ST:MARINA DEL REY MARMOL RADZINER & ASSOCIATES 4,497 4768 MARINA DEL REY:CORRPRO CORRPRO COMPANIES 1,850 4772 2161 GONDAR AV:LB(PRIVATE RES JACK SIMMONS 5,850 4774 KATELLABLOOMFIELD:C KING ORNG CHARLES KING COMPANY 6,850 4165 EL TORO RD:LAKE FOREST CITY OF LAKE FOREST 11,763,683 4534 7TH & CATALINA:LOS ANGELES HENSEL PHELPS CONSTRUCTION CO. 73,954 4632 W. 6TH ST:LOS ANGELES MATT CONSTRUCTION CO. 460,258 4678 CERRITOSlORANGE SEWER:CYPRESS CITY OF CYPRESS 502,688 4683 BROADWAY STRM:REDONDO BEACH CITY OF REDONDO BEACH 100,489 4737 VARIOUS CONIC. R/R:DANA POINT CITY OF DANA POINT 99,518 4765 ORANGEWOOD AVE.:CYPRESS CITY OF CYPRESS 16,433 4502 WEST CHAPMAN SEWER:GG7805 GARDEN GROVE SANI DIST 1,967,738 4552 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT:CO OF ORG JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT 1,464,867 4605 MWD WATERLINE:BEV HILLSlL4 RUDOLPH & SLETTEN, INC. 421,629 4623 VAR SO IMP CANDLBERRY:SEAL BCH CITY OF SEAL BEACH 1,625,310 4553 PACIFIC COAST HWY:DANA POINT CITY OF DANA POINT 6,033,387 4585 PAVEMENT REHAB:WESTLAKE VILLAG CITY OF WESTLAKE VILLAGE 2,125,350 4628 LIMECREST DR- LACDWP:CO OF LA LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT 219,845 WORK EXPERIENCE 11 -30 -09 OPEN JOBS Job q Project Doscrlptlon 4042 4093 4165 4240 4242 4245 4266 4302 4324 4328 4329 4330 4370 4408 4425 4482 4502 4508 4526 4534 4549 4552 4553 4566 4567 4573 4585 4597 4598 4605 4611 4613 4618 4620 4621 4623 4628 4632 4639 4640 4643 TUDOR- /WESTWD REPL 945760.01 TRANSIT HUB -SAN FERN VLY/LA EL TORO RD:LAKE FOREST CALTRANS LINCOLN:07- 1660U4 CHANDLER/LANKERSHIM: C108099 LINNIE CANAL COURT: C108109 CENTINELA AVE: 6108597 VERMONT AVE.- E.LA # C-109146 USC, FIGUEROA & JEFFERSON HIGHLAND AVE.:L.A. 109718 SUNSET BLVD. C109716 -1 HARBOR GATEWAY:LA. G-109717 ALAMEDA ST NO SPRG ST C110421 HOLLYWD WY BRBNK AIRPORT A2977 1ST & SPRING:LA -55797 20TH & REDONDO:LONG BEACH WEST CHAPMAN SEWER:GG7805 ALVARADO TRANSIT CORRIDOR: LAKEWOOD BLVD PH 2:DOWNEY 7TH & CATALINA:LOS ANGELES RAMIREZ CANYOMMALIBU 06821 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT:CO OF ORG PACIFIC COAST HWY:DANA POINT CLEVELAND HS:RESEDA LANKERSHIM/VARIOUS LOC:LA ATHERTON STRM DRAIN:U3 R-6732 PAVEMENT REHAB:WESTLAKE VILLAG WILSHIRE/FAIRFAX:LOS ANGELES CHEVIOT HILLS:LA C113689 MIND WATERLINE:BEV HILLS/LA USC ST IMPROVEMENT:LOS ANGELES STORM DRAIN POLL/DUSTROLB7328 FEDEXRAMP BURBANK AIRPORT EAST LA H /S:LOS ANGELES MISC. AC REPAIRS:DANA POINT VAR SD IMP CANDLBERRY:SEALBCH LIMECREST DR- LACDWP:CO OF LA W. 6TH ST:LOS ANGELES 4 INTERSECTIONS:LB & LKWD BERTH 73 /BERTH 191 POLA PLAYA VISTA- CAMPUS CAP PAVING PROJECT NAME TUTOR SALIBA PERINI, JV LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT CITY OF LAKE FOREST CALTRANS CITY OF LOS ANGELES -DPW LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT CITY OF LOS ANGELES LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIF. L.A.000NTY DEPT. PUBLIC WORKS L.A.000NTY DEPT. PUBLIC WORKS LA.000NTY DEPT. PUBLJC WORKS CITY OF LOS ANGELES BURBANK/GLENDALE/PASADENA TUTOR SALIBA PERINI, JV ALAMITOS RIDGE GARDEN GROVE SAKI DIST LA COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGY CITY OF DOWNEY HENSEL PHELPS CONSTRUCTION CO. TORRES CONSTRUCTION JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT CITY OF DANA POINT LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL LA COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGY CITY OF LONG BEACH CITY OF WESTLAKE VILLAGE MATT CONSTRUCTION CO. CITY OF LOS ANGELES -DPW RUDOLPH & SLETTEN,INC. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIF. PORT OF LONG BEACH FEDERALEXPRESS TUCKER ENG CITY OF DANA POINT CITY OF SEAL BEACH LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT MATT CONSTRUCTION CO. THE BOEING COMPANY CONNOLLY- PACIFIC PLAYA CAPITAL CO EST. FINAL CONTRACT 2,344,007 1,473,973 11,591,333 13,385,743 5,421,529 351,920 2,946,389 1,392,670 1,584,799 3,449,309 2,082,158 2,743,862 2,776,225 63,090 235,000 315,429 1,964,738 2,203,013 2,315,355 73,954 395,835 1,464,867 6,033,387 1,469,797 1,143,779 1,449,183 2,125,350 1,125,815 870,948 356,737 2,1D0,000 4,429,516 3,983,195 214,210 111,748 1,625,310 219,845 449,337 1,623,150 318,682 432,878 WORK COMPL. 100.0% 100.0% 99.9% 99.6% 100.0% 100.0% 99.9% 99.9% 100.0% 99.7% 97.7% 100.0% 99.7% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 89.4% 98.9% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 99.8% 8.8% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 96.3% 100.0% 100.0% 88.7% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 99.5% 100.0% 92.6% 84.1% 100.0% 100.0% WORK BACKLOG 11,741 47,365 1,556 1.148 8,785 47,823 9,421 234,295 26,234 2,494 1,043,652 32,616 498,395 7,393 33,435 258,575 4649 SUNNYMEAD BLVD.MORENO VALLEY GO MORENO VALLEY % 4651 BALBOANICTORY BLVD: LOS ANGELS CITY OF LOS ANGELES 2,582,373 74.7% 4652 LA AIR FORCE BASE: 1,013,578 70.4% LA PALMA AVE.:ANAHEIM PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES RMA LAND CONSTRUCTION 18,462. 100.0% 4655 ARTESIA FILAR IMPRV:SANTA ANA SANTA ANA, CITY OF 100.0 °% 4662 VARIOUS SITES:COMPTON USD COMPTON UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST 277,703 2,157, 719 1000% HARBOR PLZA/ONS WAY:POLB 7430 WORK EXPERIENCE 11 -30 -09 OPEN JOBS 127,142 100.0% Job ProJect Descrlptlon PROJECT NAME EST. FINAL % CONTRACT WORK 4656 RTE 23/118:SIMI VALLEY C. A. RASMUSSEN, INC_ COMPL. 4658 LA PALMA AVE.:ANAHEIM PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 31,998 100.0% 4661 BIKE ROUTE:LONG BEACH R-6762 CITY OF LONG BEACH 726,300 100.0 °% 4662 VARIOUS SITES:COMPTON USD COMPTON UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST 277,703 59.4% 4669 HARBOR PLZA/ONS WAY:POLB 7430 PORT OF LONG BEACH 127,142 100.0% 4670 6TH 8 COLORADO:SANTA MONICA C. A. RASMUSSEN, INC. 743,375 95.1% 4673 EOUIP RENTALIBCH MAINT:LNG BCH CITY OF LONG BEACH 17,534 100.0% 4675 TAXIWAY CA 8 G:BUR -GLEN -AIR BURBANK/GLENDALE/PASADENA 69,175 100.0% 4676 BNSF- WASHANDIANA:VERNON BURLINGTON NORTHERN SANTA FE 3,469,876 100.0% 4677 DWP 1ST ST. TRUNK UNE:LOS AN SAGE CONSTRUCTION 916 ,740 99.2% 4678 CERRITOSIORANGE SEWER :CYPRESS CITY OF CYPRESS 155'681 100.0% 4679 HANSCOWPETERSON AVE.:SO. PASA CITY OF SOUTH PASADENA 382• 1003% 4680 KAISER- IRISAVE:MORENO VALLEY KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN 1�•�i 57.3% 4681 ARBOR VITAE ST.:LA G115478 CITY OF LOS ANGELES -DPW 538,412 99.7% 4683 BROADWAY STRM:REDONDO BEACH CITY OF REDONDO BEACH 1'900'487 18.8% 4684 08-09 OVRLAY /SEALSANTA CLARA CITY OF SANTA CLARITA 100,489 98.8% 4685 IMPERIAL HWY:OR Go 12-OJ0904 CALTRANS - ORANGE COUNTY 5,231,122 98.0% 4686 MARYMO UNTWS:LOSANGELES W.S. KLEM CONTRACTORS 1.215.217 100.0% 4689 W VIA ACOSTA:MONTEBELLO CITY OF MONTEBELLO 150,000 100.0% 4690 BNSF- POLA:BNSF R/R BURLINGTON NORTHERN SANTA FE 534,654 98.6% 4692 CENTINELALA TIJERAILA CIENEGA: PLAYA CAPITAL CO 71,000 0.7% 4693 OAK HART HS:OAK PARK C. A. RASMUSSEN, INC. 1,242,662 0.7% 4695 NO STATE COLLEGE -LOT E:FULRTON BALI CONSTRUCTION 54,344 100.0% 4697 BUR/GLEN.PASAAIRPORT:BURBANK BURBANK/GLENDALE/PASADENA 15'785 100.0% 4698 HARBOR PLAZA BLVD:LONG BEACH TUCKER ENG 52'580 7.8% 4699 KAISER - BELLFLOWER BLVD:DOWNEY KAISER FOUNDATION 175'000 20.7% 4700 IMPERIAL HWY ST IMPRV:LYNWOOD CITY OF LYNWOOD 117,816 0.0% 4702 KAISER CANTERA ST:PANORAMA CTY KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN 944,965 48.9% 4703 AIRCARRIER RAMP:LB ARPRT R6777 CITY OF LONG BEACH 32,980 95,1% 4705 WASHINGTON BLVD:CULVER CITY CITY OF CULVER CITY 4,674,935 0.7% 4707 GRAVES AVENUE:000NTY OF LA LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT 68.3% 4708 CONC P- IT- HOBART YD:BNSF BURLINGTON NORTHERN SANTA FE 386,000 3.2% 4709 RES ST REPAIR PH VI:SANTA ANA SANTA ANA, CITY OF 161,000 64.9% 4710 IMPERIAL HWY-BREA GATEWAY:WATT WATT COMPANIES 2,913,200 2.5% 4711 CONSTITUTIONAVE.:LOSANGELES TOTAL TEAM CONSTRUCTION 76,110 100.0% 4712 SAN DIMAS BL:SAN DIMAS 2009-04 CITY OF SAN DIMAS 329,980 0.1% 4713 ELECTRIC AVE STRM DRN:SEAL BCH CITY OF SEAL BEACH 1,627,282 19.0% 1,653,458 1.0 % 654,510 318,118 WORK BACKLOG 112,635 36,084 6,965 592,548 1,513 1,605,491 1,178 103,372 7,459 70,529 1,233,915 48,486 138,738 117,816 482,779 2,239 4,643,710 155,065 373,575 56,536 2,841,056 329,622 1,469,287 1,637,637 4 715 4716 4717 4718 4719 4720 4721 MGM DR, HATHAWAY. LOS ANGELES PIER G- CONNOLLY- PAC LONG BEACH CANAL AVF COWELCO:LONG BEACH WATERFRONT ST..PLAYA VISTA TECH PL BUS SHELTR, LB:WATT CO MARINE STADIUM E:L.B. R-&451 KAISER NORMANDIE:HARBOR CITY HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO 25,875 93.6% 105 CONNOLLY- PACIFIC 80,000 0.0% 80 000 COWELCO STEEL FABRICATORS 182,997 0.0% 182,997 PLAYA CAPITAL CO 87,279 0.0% 87.279 WATT COMPANIES 73,900 0.0% 73,900 CITY OF LONG BEACH 192,575 03% 191,295 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN 199,250 0.0% 199,250 0 WORK EXPERIENCE 11 -30 -09 CLOSED JOBS Job p PrOJect Description PROJECT NAME 3843 LAUREL CYN, LOS ANGELES CITY OF LOS ANGELES -DPW 4103 HOLLAND CANALCO LA 4348 PH 3 CONT. YD EXP PIER HD7050 LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT 4650 SPEED HUMPS -VAR LOC:PASADENA PORT OF LONG BEACH 4653 GETTY CENTER:LOS ANGELES CITY OF PASADENA 4672 5901 7TH ST VA HOSP:LONG BEACH HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO 4682 AVALON ST:WILMINGTON MOTORCYCLE SYSTEMS 4706 P -LOT @ SHORELINE DR:LONG BEAC BIGGE CRANE 8 RIGGING CO. 4714 FLORENCE AVE WALNUT PARK:TESTA CITY OF LONG BEACH 4340 SLAUSON AVE. @ SR -90 CULVER TESTA CONSTRUCTION 4416 STIMSON AVE.# 07-85 ILA PUENTE PLAYA CAPITAL CO 4442 SEPULVEDA BLVD. 20073001 CITY OF LA PUENTE 4497 CALIFORNIA BLVD.:PASADENA PLAYA CAPITAL CO 4535 SHENANDOAH E/S:LAUSD 0810124 CSI ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION 4568 NUEVA VISTA E/S:BELL LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL 4578 PACOIMA MIDDLE SCH:PACOIMA PREMIER WEST 4588 EAGLE ROCK WS:LAUSD 0810277 TORRES CONSTRUCTION 4593 LOWELL EL SCH:LONG BCH USD LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL 4599 VARIOUS SITES:COMPTON USD L LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST 4 ANCHORAGE RD:LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST 4606 PERRY LINDSEY ACADEMY:LONG BCH R.E. SCHAEFER INC. 4642 WOOD BLVD:LA CO AFL -CIO LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST 4704 WASHINGTON ST:SANTA ANA LA CO FED OF LABOR AFL-CIO 129 NO. SCIENCE BLDG. MT AC PATRIOT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 4466 LA CO SAN[ DIST:SITE IMPRV MT. SAN ANTONIO COLLEGE 4490 VARIOUS LOC:LB TRANSIT LOS ANGELES COUNTY SANITATION 4492 TIERRA REJADA RD/2ND ST:MORPRK LONG BEACH TRANSIT 4515 MT. SAC PAY LOT B MOD CITY OF MOORPARK 4531 CAL CARTAGE:WILMINGTON SAN ANTONIO COLLEGE 4545 BERTHS 261- 267:CON- PACIFIC CA CAL- CARTAGE 4558 LA PALMA AVE.:ANAHEIM CONNOLLY-PACIFIC 4559 BERTH 302- 305:PORT OF LA PENNER PARTITIONS 4572 VARIOUS LOCATIONS:LONG BEACH DYNALECTRIC 4577 SLAUSON OVERPASS:BELL LONG BEACH TRANSIT 4582 2007 -08 ST IMPRV:INGLEWOOD CITY OF BELL 4587 COLUMBUS ELEM SCH:GLENDALE CITY OF INGLEWOOD 4591 LAS BRISAS SPSIGNAL HILL CHARLES PANKOW BUILDERS. 4594 FIRE LANE UCURVINE CITY OF SIGNAL HILL HI 4604 MADISON ELEM. SCR REDONDO BCH UNIVERSITY OF CALIF-IRVINE 4609 JUVENILE HALL:ORANGE REDONDO BEACHAUS 4627 SHEILA ST.:COMMERCE ALCORN FENCE 4628 WASHINGTON BLVD:MARINA DEL REY ELECTRO CONSTRUCTION 4633 WEST /BALL:ANAHEIM PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 4635 JOHN WAYNEAIRPORT:BALI BALI CONSTRUCTION BALI CONSTRUCTION 9 Final Contract Amount 807,100 299,025 23,552,507 38,130 6,700 5,445 6,725 5AW 1,000 2,755,625 396,099 594,814 14,982 733,279 206,362 13,892 1,139,422 541,572 837,133 7,710 1,074,447 8,388 8,441 910,385 2,453,930 879,832 3,167,306 224,919 18,500 174,979 15,695 1 147,364 74,614 548,259 224,715 146,749 907,704 72,219 476,412 2,698 129,305 16,876 15,536 4636 CRLNSHAW8PV DR NO RGLiING HILL ROLLING HILLS ESTAI LS 178,41, 4637 DISNEYLAND TRENCH PATCH BALI BALI CONSTRUCTION 9,985 Job N 4638 4641 4657 4659 4663 4664 4666 4691 4458 4530 4590 4592 4647 4413 4468 4499 4523 4548 4571 4574 4603 4607 4612 4615 4616 4232 4282 4415 4505 4507 4516 4583 4595 4624 4625 4626 4630 4631 4646 4648 4654 4660 WORK EXPERIENCE 11 -30-09 CLOSED JOBS Project Description VARIOUS SCHOOLS:COMPTON PUENTE HILLS LANDFIL:LACO SANI SO. FREMONT ST.ALHAMBRA VIA CAMPENSIA/VALMONTE:PV EST EMERSONAVE.:OXNARD UC IRVINE ENG 3:IRVINE 5TH ST.:MANHATTAN BEACH LEWIS AVE.SIGNAL HILL TAPO CYWALAMO ST:SIMI VALLEY VARIOUS LOCATIONS:CULVER CITY 07 -08 ROYAL AVE:SIMI SV08-02 07/08 MADERA RD:SIMI SV08-05 WOODS AVE SEWER:FULLERTON LACC - VERMONT & MELROSE 12157 LACC- VERMONT/MELROSE: LA KAISER CANTARA ST.:PANORAMA KAISER:BALDWIN PARK KAISER.:HARBOR CITY AVE. 45/FIGUEROAHIGHLAND PARK SOUTHERNIGARFIELD:SOUTH GATE INGLEWOOD /CULVER:LOS ANGELES LACC CHILD DEV CTR:LOS ANGELES KAISER VENTURA CYN AVE:VAN NUY PIER A WEST:568-0017 PIER A WEST:568 -0013 VALENCIA MESA DR.:FULLERTON LOOP RD @ PARK PL: 6060-02 5550 CASE AVE., LA 18234 TOPANGA & VICTORY:WESTFIELD N. BRAND BLVD:GLENDALE TUSTIN AVEMST ST:MCCARTHY OLYMPIC/CENTINELA:SANTA MONICA MARINA H/S:HUNTINGTON BCH WASH I N GTON /I NDIANA: VERNON EL PRESIDIO ST.:CARSON VAN NESS & SLAUSON:LOS ANGELES LAMAR & MAIRLOS ANGELES 4TH ST SAN BERNARDINO:REMPREX CALIFORNIA BLVD.:PASADENA BANDINI BLVD:BNSFNERNON WESTERNAVE:TORRANCE GOODEAVE.GLENDALE PROJECT NAME CITY OF COMPTON LOS ANGELES COUNTY SANITATION INTERSCAPE CONSTRUCTION, INC CITY OF PALOS VERDES ESTATES INTERSCAPE CONSTRUCTION, INC HENSEL PHELPS CONSTRUCTION CO. BEARDSLEY CONSTRUCTION BGI CITY OF SIMI VALLEY CITY OF CULVER CITY CITY OF SIMI VALLEY CITY OF SIMI VALLEY CITY OF FULLERTON BERNARDS BUILDERS BALI CONSTRUCTION KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN KAISER PERMANENTE (USE) KAISER FOUNDATION BUNTICH PACIFIC JT VENTURE MLADEN BUNTICH PLAYA CAPITAL CO CA CONSTRUCTION KAISER PERMANENTE (USE) TUTOR SALIBA PERINI, JV TUTOR SALIBA PERINI, JV SWINERTON & WALBERG HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTIO HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO MCCARTHY PACIFIC DIVISION BAYLEY CONSTRUCTION HUNTINGTON BEACH UHSD JOHNSON CONTROLS, INC. LANE AIRE MANUFACTURING MLADEN BUNTICH ELECTRO CONSTRUCTION REMPREX,LLC HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO BURLINGTON NORTHERN SANTA FE MOOG AIRCRAFT GROUP DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Final Contract Amount 89,200 474,349 4,600 204,212 17,450 144,019 1,500 650 2,957,391 801,667 1,816,110 711,585 1,080,938 182,916 6,085 91,879 345,764 58,823 76,100 27,300 371,356 36,549 43,997 142,872 321,780 934,135 1,112,969 166,308 2,597,572 217,460 233,937 1,961,558 3,345,226 160,359 13,122 4,850 33,320 1,438,337 37,708 454,993 7;240 256,760 4665 MIDWAY FUMP SlA WESTMINSTER CHARLES KING I.OMPAN) 41.215 4667 34TH ST USCLOS ANGELES UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIF 134,903 4668 SULPHUR PR/SISAR:SANTA PAULA C. A. RASMUSSEN, INC. 16,824 4671 R STIFIGUEROA: KAISER .WILMINGTN KAISER PERMANENTE (USE) 8.450 WORK EXPERIENCE 11 -30 -09 CLOSED JOBS Job # Project Description PROJECT NAME Final Contract Amount 4674 OLDEN ST.:SYLMAR TUTOR SALIBA PERINI, JV 36,710 4687 RIVERSIDE DR/10TH ST:CHINO CHARLES KING COMPANY 7,597 4688 12TH 8 BROADWAY LOS ANGELES MLADEN BUNTICH 8,200 4694 KAISER VERMONT AVE:HARBOR CITY KAISER PERMANENTE (USE) 1,200 4696 ALVARADO/SANTA YNEZ:LOS ANGELE TUCKER ENG 9,296 4701 VENIZIAIUNCOLN:LOSANGELES WORLD OIL 3,190 4211 VARIOUS INTERSECTIONS:LONG BCH C.T.B F: INC. 306,515 4295 CULVER BLVNISTA DEL MAR: PLAYA CAPITAL CO 1,601,060 4319 REDONDO AVE:LONG BEACH R-6681 CITY OF LONG BEACH 221,979 4339 VARS LOC., C/O LNG BCH R6703 CITY OF LONG BEACH 1,353,277 4434 IMPERIAL HWY:DOWNEY#55 585 CITY OF DOWNEY 2,427,816 4443 INGLEWOOD AVE.:RB 40420-40302 CITY OF REDONDO BEACH 540,525 4454 UCI:IRVINE HENSEL PHELPS CONSTRUCTION CO. 58,853 4522 BELMONT PIER PLAZA:LB R6660 CITY OF LONG BEACH 514,419 4541 CAMINO REAU182ND ST:REDONDO CITY OF REDONDO BEACH 444,555 4569 MIDWAY/39TH PL•LONG BEACH SAFEWAY INC: VONS SUB DIVISION 6,353 4584 VARIOUS LOCATIONS:SANTA ANA SANTA ANA, CITY OF 3,570,920 4586 7TH ST.:LONG BEACH R-6722 CITY OF LONG BEACH 1,782,650 4126 UNIVERSITY AVE.:RIVERSIDE CITY OF RIVERSIDE 2,431,003 4483 BOB HOPE AIRPRT:BURBANK E06-53 BURBANK/GLENDALE/PASADENA 13,177,103 4524 VERDUGOBARRINGTON:GLENDALE CITY OF GLENDALE 585,432 4596 MAT ARRESTING SYS:BURBANK ARPI BURBANK/GLENDALEIPASADENA 3,642,247 4608 TAXIWAY DELTA:LONG BEACH R6757 CITY OF LONG BEACH 816,228 4619 SO REGION ELEM SCH #7:LAUSD LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL 415,720 4645 USC -SCH CIN ARTS:LOS ANGELES HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIC 19,130 4481 CERRITOS/EL RITO AVE.:GLENDALE CITY OF GLENDALE 1,197,065 WORK EXPERIENCE 11 -30 -08 OPEN JOBS Job * Project Description 3843 4042 4093 4103 4125 4129 4165 4211 4232 4240 4242 4245 4266 4282 4295 4302 4319 4324 4328 4329 4330 4339 4340 4348 4370 4408 4413 4415 4416 4425 4434 4442 4443 4454 4458 4466 4468 4481 4482 4483 4490 4492 4497 LAUREL CYN, LOS ANGELES TUDOR4WESTWD REPL 945760.01 TRANSIT HUB -SAN FERN VLY/LA HOLLAND CANAL:CO LA UNIVERSITY AVE.:RIVERSIDE NO. SCIENCE BLDG. MT.SAC EL TORO RD:LAKE FOREST VARIOUS INTERSECTIONS:LONG BCH VALENCIA MESA DR.:FULLERTON CALTRANS LINCOLN:07- 166094 CHANDLER/UWKERSHIM:C108099 UNNIE CANAL COURT: C108109 CENTINELA AVE: C- 106597 LOOP RD @ PARK PL: 6060-02 CULVER BLVNISTA DEL MAR: VERMONT AVE: E.LA # G-109146 REDONDO AVE:LONG BEACH R -0681 USC, FIGUEROA 8 JEFFERSON HIGHLAND AVE.:LA.109718 SUNSET BLVD. C109716 -1 HARBOR GATEWAY:L.A. C- 109717 VARS LOC., C/O LNG BCH R6703 SLAUSON AVE. @ SR -90 CULVER PH 3 CONT. YD EXP PIER HD7D50 ALAMEDA ST NO SPRG ST C110421 HOLLYWD WY BRBNK AIRPORT A2977 L4CC- VERMONT 8 MELROSE 12157 5550 CASE AVE., LA 18234 STIMSON AVE. # 07 -051 1ST 8 SPRING:LA -55797 IMPERIAL HWY:DOWNEY #55 585 SEPULVEDA BLVD. 2007 -3001 INGLEWOOD AVE.:RB 4042040302 UCHRVINE TAPO CYN /ALAMO ST:SIMI VALLEY LA CO SANI DIST:SITE IMPRV LACG-VERMON TIM ELROSE: LA CERRITOS/EL RITO AVE.:GLENDALE 20TH 8 REDONDO:LONG BEACH BOB HOPE AIRPRT:BURBANK E06 -53 VARIOUS LOQLB TRANSIT TIERRA REJADA RD /2ND ST:MORPRK CALIFORNIA BLVD..PASADENA PROJECT NAME CITY OF LOS ANGELES-DPW TUTOR SALIBA PERINI, JV LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT CITY OF RIVERSIDE MT. SAN ANTONIO COLLEGE CITY OF LAKE FOREST C.T.B F. INC. SWINERTON 8 WALBERG CALTRANS CITY OF LOS ANGELES -DPW LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT CITY OF LOS ANGELES HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO PLAYA CAPITAL CO LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT CITY OF LONG BEACH UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIF. L.A.000NTY DEPT. PUBLIC WORKS LA.000NTY DEPT. PUBLIC WORKS L.A.000NTY DEPT, PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF LONG BEACH PLAYA CAPITAL CO PORT OF LONG BEACH CITY OF LOS ANGELES BURBANKIGLENDALE/PASADENA BERNARD BUILDERS PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES CITY OF LA PUENTE TUTOR SALIBA PERINI, JV CITY OF DOWNEY PLAYA CAPITAL CO CITY OF REDONDO BEACH HENSEL PHELPS CONSTRUCTION CO. CITY OF SIMI VALLEY LOS ANGELES COUNTY SANITATION BALI CONSTRUCTION CITY OF GLENDALE ALAMITOS RIDGE BURBANK/GLENDALE/PASADENA LONG BEACH TRANSIT CITY OF MOORPARK CSI ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION EST. FINAL CONTRACT 807,100 2,339,610 1,473,973 299,925 2,067,233 910,385 11,091,333 306,515 930,000 12,146,938 5,421,529 351,920 2,880,145 1,112,969 1,601,060 1,392,670 221,979 1,585,000 3,552,591 2,062,587 2,744,039 1,353,277 2,510,518 23,446,239 2,741,613 23,710 182,915 186,308 397,215 230,000 2,427,816 596,857 540,525 59,976 2,957,391 2,453,930 6,085 1,197,605 315,429 1 3,177,103 879,832 3,167,306 14,982 WORK COMPL. 99.5% 100.0% 100.0% 99.8% 99.9% 100.0% 99.6% 99.9% 93.4% 99.2% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 99.6% 99.9% 98.8% 100.0% 94.4% 100.0% 99.1% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 58.5% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 1000% 100.0% 100.0% 1000% 99.8% 99,3% 100.0 °% 100.0% 100.0% WORK BACKLO+ 41: 7( 2,41 41,91 1 61,7, 99,81 14,4 1,2 32,0 141,E 23,7 95,: m 4499 KAISER CANTARA ST :PANORAMA KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN - 4502 WEST CHAPMAN SEWER:GG7805 GARDEN GROVE SANI DIST 81.999 20.1% 6S,` . 4505 TOPANGA 8 VICTORY . - WESTFIELD WESTFIELD DESIGN 8 CONSTRUCTIO 1,967,739 100.0% 2,598,409 93.6% 167,2 WORK EXPERIENCE 11 -30 -08 OPEN JOBS Job N Project Descriptlon PROJECT NAME EST. FINAL WORK WORK 4507 N. BRAND BLVD:GLENDALE CONTRACT COMPL. BACKLO HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO 217,460 97.2% 4508 ALVARADO TRANSIT CORRIDOR. LA COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGY 6,0. 4515 MT. SAC PAY LOT 8 MOD MT. SAN ANTONIO COLLEGE 2,140,870 72.2% 594,3: 4516 TUSTIN AVE11ST ST:MCCARTHY MCCARTHY PACIFIC DIVISION 224,919 100.0% 4522 BELMONT PIER PLAZA:LB 86660 CITY OF LONG BEACH 233,937 100.0% 4523 KAISER:BALDWIN PARK KAISER PERMANENTE (USE) 514,419 100.0% 4524 VERDUGO/BARRINGTON:GLENDALE CITY OF GLENDALE 339,000 97,33 4526 LAKEWOOD BLVD PH 2:D0WNEY CITY OF DOWNEY 617,495 98.71.5% 9,25 4530 VARIOUS LOCATIONS:CULVER CITY CITY OF CULVER CITY 2,047,150 92.22% % 159,91 4531 CAL CARTAGE:WILMINGTON CAL - CARTAGE 801,667 100.0% 4534 7TH 6 CATAUNA:LOS ANGELES HENSEL PHELPS CONSTRUCTION CO. 18,500 71.1% 5,35 4535 SHENANDOAH E/S:LAUSD 0810124 LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL 73,954 100.0% 4541 CAMINO REAU182ND ST:REDONDO CITY OF REDONDO BEACH 744,408 99.8% 1.581 .4545 BERTHS 261- 267:CON- PACIFIC CONNOLLY�ACIFIC 444.555 98.8% 5,53, 4548 KAISER.:HARBOR CITY KAISER FOUNDATION 174,979 99.9% 9e 4549 RAMIREZ CANYON:MALIBU 06821 TORRES CONSTRUCTION 58,500 85.7% 8.35E 4552 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT:CO OF ORG JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT x'265 99.,410 4553 PACIFIC COAST HWY:DANA POINT CITY OF DANA POINT 1,538,269 89.33% % 1844,214 4508 LA PALMAAVE.ANAHEIM PENNER PARTITIONS 5,792,241 49.3% 2,938,263 4559 BERTH 302- 305:PORT OF LA DYNALECTRIC 15,695 100.0% 4566 CLEVELAND HS:RESEDA LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL 35,000 3.5% 33,773 4567 LANKERSHIMNARIOUSLOC:LA LA COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGY 1,304,212 90.4% 124,921 4568 NUEVA VISTA E/S:BELL PREMIER WEST 1,143,779 5.5% 1,080,360 4569 MIDWAY /39TH PLLONG BEACH SAFEWAY INC: VONS SUB DIVISION 206,362 100'0% 4571 AVE. 45/FIGUEROA:HIGHLAND PARK BUNTICH PACIFIC JT VENTURE 6,353 100.0% 4572 VARIOUS LOCATIO NS:LONG BEACH LONG BEACH TRANSIT 78'100 100.1% 4573 ATHERTON STRM DRAIN:LB R -0732 CITY OF LONG BEACH 147'364 52. 70,535 4574 SOUTHERN/GARFIELD:SOUTH GATE MLADEN BUNTICH 1'318'214 89.55% % 138,165 4577 SLAUSON OVERPASS:BELL CITY OF BELL 27,300 100.0% 4578 PACOIMA MIDDLE SCH:PACOIMA TORRES CONSTRUCTION 74,614 100.0% 4582 2007 -08 ST IMPRV:INGLEWOOD CITY OF INGLEWOOD 13 892 461% 541 4583 OLYMPIC/CENTINELA:SANTA MONICA BAYLEY CONSTRUCTION 548,259 100. 4584 VARIOUS LOCATIONS:SANTA ANA SANTA ANA, CITY OF 1,964,556 99.22% % 15,497 4585 PAVEMENT REHAB:WESTLAKE VILLAG CITY OF WESTLAKE VILLAGE 3,564,725 99.8% 6,241 4586 7TH ST.:LONG BEACH R-6722 CITY OF LONG BEACH 2,125,347 100. 4587 COLUMBUS ELEM SCH:GLENDALE CHARLES PANKOW BUILDERS, 1,713,347 99 .9% 929 4588 EAGLE ROCK H /S:LAUSD 0810277 LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL 225,945 95.0% 11,319 . 4590 07 -08 ROYAL AVE:SIMI SV08 -02 CITY OF SIMI VALLEY 1,145,847 86.8% 151,754 4591 - LAS BRISAS ST:SIGNAL HILL CITY OF SIGNAL HILL 1,791,856 93.6% 113,799 4592 07/08 MADERA RD.SIMI SV08 -O5 CITY OF SIMI VALLEY 142,749 97:5 % 3,597 711,585 100.0 °k 4593 4594 4595 4596 4597 4598 Job # 4599 4600 4603 4604 4605 4606 4607 4608 4609 4611 4612 4613 4615 4616 4616 4619 4620 4621 4623 4624 4625 4626 4627 4628 4629 4630 4631 4632 4633 4635 4636 4637 4638 4639 4640 4641 4642 LOWELL EL SCH:LONG BCH USE) FIRE LANE UCI:IRVINE MARINA WS:HUNTINGTON BCH MAT ARRESTING SYS:BURBANK ARPT WILSHIRE/FAIRFAX:LOS ANGELES CHEVIOT HILLS:LA C113689 LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST UNIVERSITY OF CALIF- IRVINE HUNTINGTON BEACH UHSD BURBANK/GLENDALE/PASADENA MATT CONSTRUCTION CO. CITY OF LOS ANGELES-DPW WORK EXPERIENCE 11 -00 -08 OPEN JOBS Project Description VARIOUS SITES:COMPTON USD ANCHORAGE RD:LONG BEACH INGLEWOOD /CULVER:CULVER CITY MADISON ELEM. SCH: REDONDO BCH MWD WATERLINE:BEV HILLSJL4 PERRY LINDSEY ACADEMY:LONG BCH LACC CHILD DEV CTR:LOS ANGELES TAXIWAY DELTA -LONG BEACH R6757 JUVENILE HALL:ORANGE USC ST IMPROVEMENT:LOS ANGELES KAISER VENTURA CYN AVE:VAN NUY STORM DRAIN POLUDUST:POLB7328 PIER A WEST:568.0017 PIER A WEST:568-0013 FEDEXRAMP BURBANK AIRPORT SO REGION ELEM BCH #7:LAUSD EAST LA H/S:LOS ANGELES MISC. AC REPAIRS:DANA POINT VAR SD IMP CANDLBERRY:SEAL BCH WASHI NGTONANDIANA:VERNON EL PRESIDIO ST.:CARSON VAN NESS & SLAUSON:LOS ANGELES SHEILA ST.:COMMERCE LIMECREST DR- LACDWP:CO OF LA WASHINGTON BLVD:MARINA DEL REY LAMAR & MAIRLOS ANGELES 4TH ST SAN BERNARDINO:REMPREX W. 6TH ST:LOS ANGELES WEST /BALL:ANAHEIM JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT:BALI CRENSHAW &PV DR NO:ROLLING HILL DISNEYLAND TRENCH PATCH:BALI VARIOUS SCHOOLS:COMPTON 4 INTERSECTIONS:LB & LKWD BERTH 73/BERTH 191:POLA PUENTE HILLS LANDFILLACO SANI WOOD BLVD:LA CO AFL -CIO PROJECT NAME COMPTON UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST R.E. SCHAEFER, INC_ PLAYA CAPITAL CO REDONDO BEACH U.S.D. RUDOLPH & SLETTEN, INC. LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST CA CONSTRUCTION CITY OF LONG BEACH ALCORN FENCE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIF. KAISER PERMANENTE (USE) PORT OF LONG BEACH TUTOR SALIBA PERINI, JV TUTOR SALIBA PERINI, JV FEDERALEXPRESS LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL TUCKER ENG CITY OF DANA POINT CITY OF SEAL BEACH JOHNSON CONTROL, INC. LANE AIRE MANUFACTURING MLADEN BUNTICH ELECTRO CONSTRUCTION LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES ELECTRO CONSTRUCTION REMPREX,LLC MATT CONSTRUCTION CO. BALI CONSTRUCTION BALI CONSTRUCTION ROLLING HILLS ESTATES BALI CONSTRUCTION CITY OF COMPTON THE BOEING COMPANY CONNOLLY- PACIFIC LOS ANGELES COUNTY SANITATION LA CO FED OF LABOR AFL -CIO 541,662 907,704 3,215,000 3,642,247 1,071,699 777,869 EST. FINAL CONTRACT 837,132 7,710 386,070 39,300 1,809,170 1,074,447 36,549 816,228 452,834 1,717,400 43,997 4.688,404 121,706 327,832 3,493,821 638,518 166,000 94,600 1,419,864 83,288 13,122 4,850 2,698 228,859 124,000 31,900 1,435,273 352,051 16,876 15,536 178,414 9,985 94,603 1,303,476 237,765 447,645 8,388 VX) 0% 96.8% 90.3% 99.9% 49.1% 54.2% WORK COMPL. 100.0% 100.0% 92.6% 100.0% 1.9% 99.8% 58.2% 100.0% 14.4% 38.8% 100.0% 12.8% 12.3% 28.1% 2.8% 9.3% 34.3% 17.5% 0.9% 85.7% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.7% 35.0% 100.0% 78.3% 17.6% 100.0% 100.0% 99.3°% 0.0°% 1.4°% 0.2°% 0.0% 5.0% 100.0°% 4643 PLAYA VISTA - CAMPUS CAP PAVING PLAYA CAPITAL CO 4645 USC-SCH GIN ARTS:LOS ANGELES HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO 338,600 1.0% 4646 CALIFORNIA BLVD. PASADENA HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO 19,130 194% 4647 WOODS AVE SEWER:FULLERTON CITY OF FULLERTON 37,426 0.0% 4648 BANDINI BLVD:BNSFNERNON BURLINGTON NORTHERN SANTA FE 1,090,322 0.8% 454,993 0.0% 3 333.3 15,4 31,4 1,081,2 454,9 WORK EXPERIENCE 11 -30 -08 CLOSED JOBS Job # Project Description PROJECT NAME Final Contract Amount 3947 TUSTIN AVE, ANAHEIM CITY OF ANAHEIM 4,370,876 3959 SANTA MONICA BLVD, LA C104287 CITY OF LOS ANGELES -DPW 49,757,848 4062 MWD/ WATER LINEISANTA MONICA CITY OF LOS ANGELES -DPW 7,739,622 4084 KAISER -SAND CANYON /IRVINE 9280 WHITING- TURNER CONTRACTING 720,447 4088 DANA POINT ANNUAL RD RESURF CITY OF DANA POINT 1,490,592 4123 ANAHEIM ST..:LONG BEACH CITY OF LONG BEACH 3,249,006 4164 KENNEDY HS:ANAHEIM UHSD ANAHEIM UNIFIED HIGH SHCOOL DS 1,037,004 4218 ASHCROFTIROBERTSON:W.HOLLYWOOD 52,900 4247 7TH7710 BIKEWAY CON:LONG BEACH CITY OF LONG BEACH 606,153 4275 CLAY MIDDLE SCHOOL: #0510459 LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL 620,819 4296 GLENDALE BLVD:LA C108979 CITY OF LOS ANGELES 597,309 4307 NEWPORT SHORES:NEWPORT BEACH CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 1,584,279 4316 MONTROSE AVE.:LA COUNTY DPW LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT 2,447,026 4332 &BRAND BLVD.REHABILITATION CITY OF GLENDALE 1,867,221 4336 VERMONT AVE CITY OF GARDENA 1,204,230 4337 McFADDEN AVE. REHABILITATION SANTA ANA, CITY OF 1,121,382 4343 BRAND & HARVARD, GLENDALE CITY OF GLENDALE 134 DDO 4353 FOUNTAIN VALLEY HS, FOUNTAIN V MCCARTHY PACIFIC DIVISION 1,074,427 4354 LA BREA AVE. CITY OF WEST HOLLYWOOD 496,890 4359 MICHELSON BLVD, IRVINE 6060-06 HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO 2,909,722 4361 OSAGE AVE, C/0 LAWNDALE CITY OF LAWNDALE 209 1132 4365 WEIDLAKE DRIVE IMP:LA C110050 CITY OF LOS ANGELES 465,183 4366 2006 ANNUAL ST. IMPROVMNTS CITY OF ALHAMBRA 651,988 4367 GRANADA AVE. & STAMY RD IMPRV CITY OF LA MIRADA 564,180 4373 2140 CENTURY PRKG LOT 6072 -00 HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO 736,152 4374 WOODRANCH PRKWY, SIMI VALLEY CITY OF SIMI VALLEY 1,982,642 4377 PIER E BERTH E24 - 326 HDS2282 PORT OF LONG BEACH 5,295,408 4385 VARIOUS ST. IMPRVTS CITY OF INGLEWOOD 379,574 4393 JEFSN BL, PLYA VISTA 2006 -3001 PLAYA CAPITAL CO 7,938 248 4394 CLARA ST.ATLANTIC AVE STPL5369 CITY OF CUDAHY 556,434 4401 N. MACLAY AVE.7510 P -700 FED CITY OF SAN FERNANDO 4,981,426 4404 PELTASON - UCI HENSEL PHELPS CONSTRUCTION CO. 22,443 4407 ORANGETHORPE AVE CITY OF BUENA PARK 1,038,513 4412 VARIOUS LOCATIONS CARSON MLADEN BUNTICH 16,824 4414 TOPANGA & VICTORY WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTIO 2,166,954 4417 PROSPECT VILLAGE- TUSTIN CITY OF TUSTIN 941,017 4418 2401 E. PCH:WILLMINGTON CAL - CARTAGE 22,830 4420 VERMONT MANCHESTER, 7403 -098 MCCARTHY PACIFIC DIVISION 915,500 4421 TAXIWAY D, LNG BCH CITY OF LONG BEACH 59,379 4427 CO LAGUNA BEACH- 2005 -06 CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH 3,848,764 4429 RANDALL_ST. STORM DRAIN.S.A_ COUNTY OF ORANGE -RDMD 824,976 4435 CALTRANS ST. JOHN'S 07A2220 CALTRANS 90,524 4436 DULLER & GARNER WEST HOLL 1,UVv C11 OF l'yl Si FCAL1 Cab(A) 4439 DESOTO AVE CHATSWORTH MLADEN BUNTICH WORK EXPERIENCE 11 -30-08 CLOSED JOBS Job # PrOJect Deacrlpllon PROJECT NAME 4440 226TH ST. /CLARETTA:HAW GRDNS CITY OF HAWAIIAN GARDENS 4444 ALLEN AVE ST /STRM DRN: #3210 CITY OF GLENDALE 4445 RAYMOND ST.:PASADENA DAMON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 4448 MARYMOUNT HIGH SCHOOLLA. W.S. KLEM CONTRACTORS 4450 ST. IMPRV:LYNWOOD 05 -5261 CITY OF LYNWOOD 4451 OVERLAY SLURRY SEAL 06-07 CITY OF SANTA CLARITA 4452 4082 -4092 GLENCOE:L.A. WEST BUILDERS 4453 ST IMPROVEMENT 06-07:INGLEWOOD CITY OF INGLEWOOD 4456 EL DORADO E/S:SYLMAR LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL 4457 ACCESS RD REPAIR:LA FCC0001046 LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT 4461 CDR 233 UPGRADE: FC00001023 L.A.000NTY DEPT PUBLIC WORKS 4462 VIRGINIA ST:EL SEGUNDO CITY OF EL SEGUNDO 4463 MODULAR SITE:EL CAMINO COLL EL CAMINO COMMUNITY COLL DIST 4464 WASHINGTON/GRANDE :BF46013 BURLINGTON NORTHERN SANTA FE 4465 CANTARA ST:KAISER F02597017 -00 KAISER FOUNDATION 4467 VALLEYHEART DR:SHERMAN OAKS ST. FRANCIS DE SALES 4469 HALDEMAN RD:RUSTIC CYN HOA RUSTIC CANYON HOME OWNERS ASSO 4470 LATIMER RD:RUSTIC CYN HOA RUSTIC CANYON HOME OWNERS ASSO 4471 ANAHEIM ST.:LONG BEACH 07 -019 LONG BEACH TRANSIT 4474 LOOP RD IMRV:IRVINE HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO 4475 6TH & PCH:BOVIS BOVIS LEND LEASE, INC. 4477 WEST LA COLLEGE:LACC #70331 LA COMMUNITY COLLEGE 4479 UNION AVE/BEVERLY BLVD.:L.A. SNYDER LANGSTON 44-80 EAST OLIVE AVE:BURBANK CITY OF BURBANK 4484 UNIVERSITY HIGH SH:LOS ANGELES TORRES CONSTRUCTION 4486 BLUFF CREEK DR:PLAY VISTA COLICH & SONS 4489 BUR/PAS/GLEN AIRPORT E07 -11 BURBANK/GLENDALE/PASADENA 4491 WESTFIELD DESIGN CENTER WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTIO 4493 FREEDOM DRIVE:CALABAS 07 -08-04 CITY OF CALABASAS 4494 SPAZIER AVE.:BURBANK ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY MGMNT 4495 PORT OF LONG BEACH:RYAN CO. THE RYAN CO. 4496 POLICE SHOOTING RANGE:LAGUNA CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH 4498 VAGABOND: MONTEREY PARK CITY OF MONTEREY PARK 4500 CAMPUS AVEIARTISAN WAY:PLA VST CSI ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION 4501 GAGE AVE.:BELL CITY OF BELL 4503 GRANADA HILLS E/S:TORRES CONST TORRES CONSTRUCTION 4504 BERENDO MIDDLE SCHOOL:TORRES TORRES CONSTRUCTION 4506 LAKE FOREST (VARIOUS):ORANGE ORANGE COUNTY 4509 KAISER ROSCOE BLVD:PANORAMA CY KAISER FOUNDATION 4510 LIGGIT E /S:TORRES TORRES CONSTRUCTION 235,383 9,437 Final Contract Amount 92,155 279,890 25,155 856,482 766,795 5,503,565 309,434 479,793 794,632 499,954 374,942 92,774 147,800 1,122,915 106,978 135,875 58,395 66,500 244,032 2,99,158 10,686 186,054 55,297 313,656 88,537 207,560 380,925 29,118 82,619 25,977 16,091 51,837 89,325 4,200 25,375 50,496 207,053 32,744 100,937 84,479 45; I PIER E AVE LONG UEACH U 6 D CONTRUCnON J, 1GO 4512 L STREET BNSF BURLINGTON NORTHERN SANTA FE 146,806 4513 LEAPWOOO EIS TORRES TORRES CONSTRUCTION 142,331 4514 FOOTHILL BLVD PASADENA BERNARD BUILDERS 81.317 WORK EXPERIENCE 11 -00 -08 CLOSED JOBS Job # Project Description PROJECT NAME Final Contract Amount 4517 18TH ST:SANTA MONICA CITY OF SANTA MONICA 15,198 4518 PCHINORMANDIE AVE; HARBOR CITY ARB INC 94,W 4519 MOORPARK HIGHLANDSISPRING ST CHAPARRAL CONSTRUCTION 616,202 4520 AMBLER AVE. SCH:TORRES CONST TORRES CONSTRUCTION 134,849 4521 ZANE GREY H/S:RESEDA TORRES CONSTRUCTION 75,326 4525 TAPER AVE. SCHOOL: SAN PEDRO TORRES CONSTRUCTION 108,842 4527 SUNNY BRAE SCHOOL:WINETKA TORRES CONSTRUCTION 15,345 4528 THE GETTY CENTER HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO 37,887 4529 NORTHRIDGE M/S:NORTHRIDGE TORRES CONSTRUCTION 6,542 4532 SAN MIGUEL E/S:SOUTH GATE TORRES CONSTRUCTION 315,091 4533 USC CINEMATIC ARTS BLDG:LA HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO 2,134 4536 4TH ST. SAN BERNARDINO BNSF BURLINGTON NORTHERN SANTA FE 265,323 4537 26TH ST:VERNON CBRE 52,143 4538 PLAYA VISTA PRESHING DR. CSI ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION 76,194 4539 WEST EQUIP LOT;BURBANK AIRPORT BURBANK/GL ENDALEIPASADENA 63,382 4540 EVEWARD RD:CULVER CITY DLSB, INC. 47,967 4542 WESTERN/PASEO DEL MAR:PV VALVERDE CONSTRUCTION 13,374 4543 AMELIA AVE:GLENDORA(ROYAL EL) ROYAL ELECTRIC 21,950 4544 BURBANK RUNWAY 8.26 BURBANK/GLENDALE/PASADENA 16,585 4546 ORCHARD ST:BELL CITY OF BELL 19,375 4547 WRIGHT MIDDLE SCH:LA(TORRES) TORRES CONSTRUCTION 99,389 4550 4TH 8 LOS ANGELES:LOS ANGELES CHARLES KING COMPANY 18,527 4551 GEORGE BURNS:CEDAR -SINAI MED CEDAR SINAI MEDICAL CENTER 39,219 4554 BLUFF CREEK RD:FINGER CO FINVEST PLAYA VISTA 91,269 4555 VICTORYNINELAND:NO HOLLYWOOD WHITING- TURNER CONTRACTING 429,749 4556 GARVEY AVE.ROSEMEAD REYES CONSTRUCTION 38,216 4557 DACOTAH EARLY ED CNTR:L.A. TORRES CONSTRUCTION 159,273 4560 ROSCOE BLVD:WEST HILLS MARX MECHANICAL 2,200 4561 BESS /LEORITA:BALDWIN PARK KAISER PERMANENTE (USE) 15,866 4562 J PAUL GETTY TR:LOS ANGELES J. PAUL GETTY TRUST 17,079 4563 NICHOLS/BELSITO:HUNTINGTON BCH BALI CONSTRUCTION 405,647 4564 SPAZIER:BURBANK ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY MGMNT 1,600 4565 AVE. OF THE STARS:LOS ANGELES HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO 9,375 4570 BURBANK AIRPORT LOT E:BURBANK BURBANK/GLENDALE/PASADENA 37,158 4575 DOUGLAS/EL SEGUNDO:EL SEGUNDO RMA LAND CONSTRUCTION 4,300 4576 MISC. AC REPAIRS:DANA POINT CITY OF DANA POINT 94,080 4579 KAISER NORMANDIE:HARBOR CITY KAISER FOUNDATION 8,225 4580 CAL ST NORTHRIDGE 810277 TUCKER ENG 6,200 -1551 BNS( :6TH ST IMPRV COMMERCE 4589 9900 WILSHIRE BLVD.:BEV HILLS 4601 SHEILA & INDIANA: COMMERCE 4602 CALSTATE NORTHRIDGE 4610 SEPULVEDA BLVD:LONG BEACH 4614 LOMITA BLVD.:WILMINGTON bUkLING1ON NOR IHERN SANTA I PSOMAS ELECTRO CONSTRUCTION HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO B & D CONTRUCTION ELECTRO CONSTRUCTION WORK EXPERIENCE 11 -30 -08 CLOSED JOBS Job # PrOJect Description 4617 SEPULVEDA BE (HARBOR).LONG BCH 4622 D & E YARD CROSSINGS: COMMERCE 4634 SPRINKER FITTERS UA LOCAL 709 4644 LOSANGELES 4042A GAYLEYAVE:WESTWOOD PROJECT NAME B & D CONTRUCTION LOS ANGELES JUNCTION RAILWAY SPRINKLERS FITTERS LOCAL 709 HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO TUTOR SALIBA PERINI, JV 296,935 32,189 8,784 9,386 8,939 3,486 Final Contract Amount 16,600 44,041 27,441 47,068 728,533 3