TC - Item 2A - Minutes 7-12-12Meeting Minutes for the ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION July 12, 2012 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Hall at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Chair Hall INVOCATION: Commissioner Masuda PRESENT: Chair Hall, Commissioners Masuda, and Quintanilla ABSENT: Vice Chair Wong and Commissioner Russell- Chavez STAFF PRESENT: Public Works Director Marcarello, City Clerk Molleda, and Admin. Assistant Llamas 1. OATH OF OFFICE City Clerk Molleda administered the Oath of Office for Commissioners Masuda and Commissioner Tang. 2. REORGANIZATION OF COMMISSIONERS Staff opened the nominations for the position of Chair. Commissioner Masuda nominated Jean Hall; after hearing no opposition from the Commission, staff closed nominations and congratulated Jean Hall on her appointment as Commission Chair. Chair Hall opened the nominations for the position of Vice - Chair. Commissioner Masuda nominated Edward Quintanilla, second by Chair Hall. Votes resulted in: Yes: Masuda, Hall, Tang, and Quintanilla No: None Abstain: None Absent: Russell- Chavez 3. PUBLIC COMMENT FROM THE AUDIENCE NONE 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Commissioner Quintanilla motioned, second by Commissioner Masuda to approve Item A (May 17, 2012 Minutes) and Item B (Request for Parking Restrictions at 3823 Delta Avenue) from the Consent Calendar. Votes resulted in: Yes: Quintanilla, Masuda, Hall and Tang No: None Abstain: None Absent: Russell- Chavez Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2012 Page 1 of 4 5. NEW BUSINESS A. INSTALLATION OF RED CURB AT 3 LOCATIONS- ACCESS TO EPA MANDATED GROUNDWATER EXTRACTION WELLS Staff provided the Traffic Commission with a brief description of the item. The Commissioners were also introduced to David Zell, representative from the EPAIEMOU, which has been working on the project. Mr. Zell's provided the Traffic Commission with an overview of the project. Chair Hall asked if the devices that will be used in front of residence will be noisy. She also expressed concerns with the potential negative financial impacts that the project may have on property values. David Zell informed the Traffic Commission that there won't be any noise generated by the devices once installed. The devices are submerged and the extraction wells will pull ground water from nearly 300 feet below ground. He also informed the Commission that the project is funded by a combination of federal funds and court- mandated settlement monies provided by the entities that had released the contaminants into the water system. There will be no financial impacts to the City or residents. Commissioner Masuda asked Mr. Zell if any of the residents had concerns over their property values. Mr. Zell informed the Commission that the issue of property values was not raised in the public input process — including the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review meetings and community forums. Commissioner Tang asked Mr. Zell what would happen to the well equipment and what efforts would be made to restore the area back to its original state after construction. Mr. Zell informed the Commission about some cleanup activities. Mr. Tang asked Mr. Zell about community outreach and notification for the project. He inquired about the information that was distributed to residents and the language translations that were used. Mr. Zell informed the Commissioners that the residents were given the same information that was presented to them at tonight's meeting in four languages. After asking for public input from individuals in attendance and hearing none, Commissioner Masuda motioned, seconded by Vice Chair Quintanilla to approve for the Traffic Commission recommend to the City Council that red curbing be installed at 3 locations- adjacent to 3787 Brookline Avenue, 9326 Ralph Street, and 9448 Guess Street- upon installation of groundwater cleanup wells. Votes resulted in: Yes: Masuda, Quintanilla, Hall and Tang No: None Abstain: None Absent: Russell- Chavez Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2012 Page 2 of 4 Vice Chair Quintanilla asked Mr. Zell if the residents had any issues with adding parking restrictions. Mr. Zell informed the Commissioners that he had not received any complaints regarding the red curbing. Commissioner Tang asked what the residents' concerns were. Mr. Zell's informed that the main concerns were the inconvenience during construction, the impact on traffic and property conditions. B. RESIDENT CONCERNS REGARDING TRAFFIC CONDITIONS AT MARSHALL STREETMALNUT GROVE AVENUE Staff informed the Traffic Commissioners that this issue was brought up in a Council Meeting during the month of June. Members of the Council asked that the resident to attend the Traffic Commission meeting to voice her concerns. The resident was not present at the meeting so staff has recommended postponing the item to a future meeting. 6. STAFF REPROT Staff provided the Traffic Commissioners with an update on current and future projects throughout the City. 7. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Tang thanked the City Council and public for giving him the opportunity to participate as part of the Traffic Commission. Commissioner Masuda welcomed Commissioner Tang onto the Traffic Commission and acknowledged Joe Wong for his time on the Commission. Chair Hall thanked the Public Works Department for making the traffic improvements at the crosswalk of Muscatel and Marshall. She has seen a big improvement in traffic issues along that area. Vice Chair Quintanilla asked staff for an update on the Muscatel Ave. traffic issues. Chair Hall asked for an update on the traffic stripping at the shopping center across the street from City Hall. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2012 Page 3 of 4 8. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for August 2, 2012 at 7:00p.m., and will take place at the Rosemead City Hall, City Council Chamber, located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard. Jean Hall Chair ATTEST: Chris Marcarello Public Works Director Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2012 Page 4 of 4