OB - Item 2A - Minutes 10-08-12Minutes of the Oversight Board for the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Meeting October 8, 2012 The regular meeting of the Oversight Board for the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission was called to order by Board Member Allred at 5:03 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Board Member Redondo - Churchward PRESENT: Board Members Allred, Jones, Miller, Lash, Redondo - Churchward, Wallach ABSENT: Board Members Alvarez STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager Hawkesworth and City Clerk Molleda 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE — None 2. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes September 10, 2012 — Regular Meeting Board Member Irene Redondo - Churchward made a motion, seconded by Board Member Nicole Lash, to approve the Consent Calendar. Vote resulted in: Yes: Allred, Jones, Lash, Redondo - Churchward No: None Abstain: Miller, Wallach Absent: Alvarez 3. MATTERS FROM STAFF OF THE ROSEMEAD SUCCESSOR AGENCY A. Chamber Loan Agreement The Board reviewed the Chamber's request to modify the terms of existing loan agreement at the September 10, 2012 meeting. At that meeting the Board expressed some concerns that Section 34162 of the Health and Safety Code may prohibit the Board from taking any action on this request and asked staff to further research the Code. After a thorough review and consultation with the City Attorney's office, staff believes that section 34162 is only applicable to the former Redevelopment Agency and does not apply to the Oversight Board. Section 34162 of the Health and Safety Code falls under Part 1.8, titled, "Restrictions on Redevelopment Agency Operations ", which was implemented to prohibit former Rosemead Oversight Board Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2012 Page 1 of 4 ITEM NO. redevelopment agencies from taking certain actions prior to dissolution. Health and Safety Code Section 34181 provides guidance and direction in regards to the authority to the Oversight Board. Subsection "e" provides the following authorization: (e) Determine whether any contracts, agreements, or other arrangements between the dissolved redevelopment agency and any private parties should be terminated or renegotiated to reduce liabilities and increase net revenues to the taxing entities, and present proposed termination or amendment agreements to the oversight board for its approval. The board may approve any amendments to or early termination of those agreements if it finds that amendments or early termination would be in the best interests of the taxing entities. Due to the severe financial hardship of the Rosemead Chamber of Commerce resulting from the loss of $38,000 per year in annual funding from the former redevelopment agency, staff believes that the Oversight Board should be permitted to renegotiate the terms of the loan as long as the principal is not forgiven and the overall term of the loan is not extended. Additional back -up regarding the loan may be found in the original staff report dated September 10, 2012. Recommendation: That the Oversight Board approve Resolution No. 2012 -0010, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION APPROVING REVISED TERMS FOR THE PROMISSORY NOTE WITH THE ROSEMEAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DATED SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 Assistant City Manager Matt Hawkesworth reviewed the staff report. Board Member Nicole Lash made a motion, seconded by Board Member Irene Redondo - Churchward, to approve Resolution No. 2012.0010. Vote resulted in: Yes: Allred, Jones, Lash, Miller, Redondo - Churchward, Wallach No: None Abstain: None Absent: Alvarez B. Housing Due Diligence Report Under AB 1484, the Successor Agency was required to complete a due diligence review of the former Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund. At the last Oversight Board meeting the Board authorized staff to enter into an agreement with Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP to conduct the review and work to complete the report by the October 1, 2012, deadline. The review was completed on October 1, 2012 and the report was sent to the various Rosemead Oversight Board Regular Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2012 Page 2 of 4 governmental agencies as required by the legislation. Prior to the Board formally accepting and approving the review, the Board is required to hold a public comment session at least five (5) working days prior to the approval. As such, the Board will need to set a date for a special meeting to consider the approval of the report on or after October 17, 2012. The Board may recall that the due date for the approval of the report is October 15, 2012; however, staff has been informed by the Department of Finance (DOF) that there are no penalties for late submissions and the DOF requests that the report be submitted as soon as reasonably possible. The Agreed Upon Procedures review was conducted in accordance with AB 1484 in order to ensure that all of the winding down procedures had been followed and to make a determination as to the amount of available fund balance in the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund that may be remitted to the State. As noted in the report, there were no adverse findings made during the review and the Successor Agency has made the appropriate transfers of assets and duties as applicable. Recommendation: That the Oversight Board take the following actions: 1. Open a public comment session to allow for the public comment regarding the Agreed Upon Procedures reviewed as required by AB 1484. 2. Set a date and time for a special meeting to consider the approval of the Agreed Upon Procedures review not earlier than October 17, 2012. Assistant City Manager Matt Hawkesworth reviewed the staff report. Board Member Irene Redondo - Churchward made a motion, seconded by Board Member Robert Miller, to open the Public Hearing and allow the public to comment regarding the Agreed Upon Procedures reviewed as required by AB 1484. Vote resulted in: Yes: Allred, Jones, Lash, Miller, Redondo - Churchward, Wallach No: None Abstain: None Absent: Alvarez Board Member Jeff Allred made a motion, seconded by Board Member Marty Jones, to continue the Public Hearing to Wednesday, October 17, 2012, at 5 p.m. Vote resulted in: Yes: Allred, Jones, Lash, Miller, Redondo - Churchward, Wallach No: None Abstain: None Absent: Alvarez Rosemead Oversight Board Regular Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2012 Page 3 of 4 4. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:21 p.m. The next special Oversight Board meeting is scheduled to take place on October 17, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. Pat Wallach Chair ATTEST: Matt Hawkesworth Successor Agency Staff Assistant City Manager Rosemead Oversight Board Regular Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2012 Page 4 of 4