OB - Item 3A - Meet and Confer Regarding the LMIHF Due Diligence Reviews E M f ° 9 ° ROSEMEAD SUCCESSOR AGENCY STAFF REPORT '���RPOkhTFD t4hN TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBERS FROM: MATTHEW HAWKESWORTH. ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER DATE: NOVEMBER 26, 2012 SUBJECT: MEET AND CONFER REGARDING THE LMIHF DUE DILIGENCE REVIEW SUMMARY On November 8, 2012 the Successor Agency received the findings (Attached) from the Department of Finance (DOF) regarding the Due Diligence Review of the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund (LMIHF). The DOF has made the determination in their initial finding that the enforceable obligations related to the Senior Housing complexes should be funded by Real Property Tax Trust Funds ( RPTTF) and not the LMIHF. This finding is in direct conflict the DOF's approval of the ROPS II for July to December 2012 and the ROPS III for January to June 2013 in which the DOF approved the funding of this obligation from the LMIHF. While swapping one funding source for another funding source would normally be very simple, this change creates some unintended consequences which staff must clarify with the DOF in order to ensure that sufficient funding is available for the enforceable obligations. Staff immediately contact the DOF and submitted a request for a Meet and Confer meeting to have an opportunity to discuss this matter. The DOF has assigned a meeting date of November 27, 2012 at 10:30 a.m. Staff will be travelling to Sacramento in hopes of providing clarification and to secure the necessary funding from either RPTTF or LMIHF for the enforceable obligations. Staff Recommendation: No action is necessary. This is an information item only. BACKGROUND Funding for the Senior Housing complexes has been included and approved on each ROPS. The Successor Agency received funding for the ROPS II in June 2012. The Successor Agency did not receive RPTTF for this obligation as it was approved on the ROPS to be funded with LMIHF. When the DOF approved the ROPS III, they once again approved the funding for these agreements from existing LMIHF. Therefore, when the DOF sent the approved enforceable obligation amounts to the County Auditor - Controller's Office for the release of RPTTF, funding for these obligations was not included. Now that the DOF has made their determination regarding the Due Diligence Review and have stated that the Senior Housing obligations cannot come from LMIHF and should come ITEM NO. 3P. Rosemead Successor Agency Oversight Board November 26, 2012 Page 2 of 2 from RPTTF, the Successor Agency does not have a means to instruct the County to remit additional funds to cover the obligations. Further complicating the situation is the fact that the Meet and Confer deadline for the ROPS III has already passed so the Successor Agency cannot ask the DOF to amend the ROPS III to correct the funding source. As it stands today, the DOF has determined that the Senior Housing obligations are enforceable obligations; however, they have not provided a funding source for the payments. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process in accordance with the Brown Act. Prepared by: �� V Matthew E. Hawkesworth Assistant City Manager Attachments: LMIHF Due Diligence Review Letter LL nun Z W 1111 D O AI * DEPARTMENT OF Q�LIppRN1P F I N A N C E November 8, 2012 EDMUND G. BROWN JR. • GOVERNOR 91 6 L STREET ■ SACRAMENTO CA ■ 95614.3706 ■ WWW.00F.CA.GOV Mr. Matthew Hawkesworth, Assistant City Manager City of Rosemead 8838 E Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mr. Hawkesworth: Subject: Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund Due Diligence Review The City of Rosemead successor agency (Agency) submitted an oversight board approved Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund Due Diligence Review (DDR) to the California Department of Finance (Finance) on October 18, 2012. The purpose of the review was to determine the amount of cash and cash equivalents available for distribution to the affected taxing entities. Since the Agency did not meet the October 15, 2012 submittal deadline pursuant to HSC section 34179.6 (c), Finance is not bound to completing its review and making a determination by the November 9, 2012 deadline pursuant to HSC section 34179.6 (d). However, Finance has completed its review of your DDR, which may have included obtaining clarification for various items. HSC section 34179.6 (d) authorizes Finance to adjust the DDR's stated balance of Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund (LMIHF) available for distribution to the taxing entities. Based on our review of your DDR, the following adjustments were made: Senior Housing obligations totaling $458,815, procedure 8 of the DDR. Based on our review of your DDR, the Agency has not adequately proven there will be insufficient property tax revenues to pay for the $458,815 in obligations. HSC section 34179.5 (c) (5) (D) states that a successor agency shall provide a listing of all approved enforceable obligations that includes a projection of annual spending requirements to satisfy each obligation and a projection of annual revenues available to fund those requirements. If a DDR review finds that future revenues together with dedicated or restricted balances are insufficient to fund future obligations and thus retention of current balances is required, it shall identify the amount of current balances necessary for retention. The review shall also detail the projected property tax revenues and other general purpose revenues to be received by the successor agency, together with both the amount and timing of the bond debt service payments of the successor agency, for the period in which the oversight board anticipates the successor agency will have insufficient properly tax revenue to pay the specified obligations. It is not evident the thorough analysis required by HSC section 34179.5 (c) (5) (D) was conducted. Further, it is not evident that future property tax revenues will be insufficient. Therefore, your request to Mr. Hawkesworth November 8, 2012 Page 2 retain current LMIHF balances for future obligations is denied and the LMIHF available for distribution to the affected taxing entities will be adjusted by $458,815. If you disagree with Finance's adjusted amount of LMIHF balances available for distribution to the taxing entities, you may request a Meet and Confer within five business days of the date of this letter. The Meet and Confer process and guidelines are available at Finance's website below: http://www.dof.ca.goy/redevelopment/meet and confer The Agency's LMIHF balance available for distribution to the affected taxing entities is $1,456,968 (see table below). Pursuant to HSC 34179.6 (h) (1) (B), any remittance related to unallowable transfers to a private party may also be subject to a 10 percent penalty if not remitted within 60 days. LMIHF Balances Available For Distribution To Twdng Entities Available Balance per DDR: $ 998,153 Finance Adjustments Add: Requested retained balance not supported: 458,815 Total LMIHF available to be distributed: $ 1,456,968 Absent a Meet and Confer request, HSC section 34179.6 (f) requires successor agencies to transmit to the county auditor - controller the amount of funds identified in the above table within five working days, plus any interest those sums accumulated while in the possession of the recipient. If funds identified for transmission are in the possession of the successor agency, and if the successor agency is operated by the city or county that created the former redevelopment agency, then failure to transmit the identified funds may result in offsets to the city's or the county's sales and use tax allocation, as well as its property tax allocation. If funds identified for transmission are in the possession of another taxing entity, that taxing entity's failure to remit those funds may result in offsets to its sales and use tax allocation or to its property tax allocation. Failure to transmit the identified funds will also prevent the Agency from being able to receive a finding of completion from Finance. Without a finding of completion, the Agency will be unable to take advantage of the provisions detailed in HSC section 34191.4. Specifically, these provisions allow certain loan agreements between the former redevelopment agency (RDA) and the city, county, or city and county that created the RDA to be considered enforceable obligations. These provisions also allow certain bond proceeds to be used for the purposes, in which they were sold and allows for the transfer of real property and interests into the Community Redevelopment Property Trust Fund once Finance approves the Agency's long - range property management plan. In addition to the consequences above, willful failure to return assets that were deemed an unallowable transfer or failure to remit the funds identified above could expose certain individuals to criminal penalties under existing law. Mr. Hawkesworth November 8, 2012 Page 3 Pursuant to HSC section 34167.5 and 34178.8, the California State Controller's Office (Controller) has the authority to claw back assets that were inappropriately transferred to the city, county, or any other public agency. Determinations outlined in this letter and Finance's Housing Assets Transfer letter dated August 22, 2012 do not in any way eliminate the Controller's authority. Please direct inquiries to Kylie Le, Supervisor or Michael Barr, Lead Analyst at (916) 445 -1546. Sincerely, STEVE SZALAY Local Government Consultant cc: Ms. Molleda, City Clerk, City of Rosemead Ms. Burns, Manager, Los Angeles County Department of Auditor - Controller California State Controller's Office