TC - Item 2A - Minutes 12-06-12Meeting Minutes for the ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION December 6, 2012 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Hall at 7:03 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Chair Hall INVOCATION: Vice Chair Quintanilla PRESENT: Chair Hall, Vice Chair Quintanilla, Commissioners Russell- Chavez, Masuda, and Tang. ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Public Works Director Marcarello and Administrative Assistant Llamas 1. PUBLIC COMMENT FROM THE AUDIENCE Francis Nakano, resident at 8512 E. Villa Park Drive, expressed concerns with traffic issues at the intersection of Rose Glen Avenue and Arroyo Drive. He has recommended the possibility of adding a stop sign or improving street markings in this neighborhood. Members of the Traffic Commission inquired regarding school traffic and bus drop -off zone locations. 2. CONSENT CALENDAR After reviewing minor spelling corrections on Item A (October 4, 2012 Minutes) Commissioner Masuda motioned, seconded by Chair Hall to approve Item A (October 4, 2012 Minutes) on the Consent Calendar. Votes resulted in: Yes: Masuda, Hall, Tang, and Russell- Chavez No: None Abstain: Quintanilla Absent: None Salvador Portugal, resident on Dubonnet Ave. thanked the Commission for the safety improvements along Loftus Drive and Bartlett Avenue. Commissioner Tang motioned, seconded by Commissioner Russell- Chavez to approve Item B (Traffic and Pedestrian Safety Enhancements Adjacent to Southern California Edison Corporation Headquarters) and Item C (Review of Traffic Conditions at Bartlett Avenue and Loftus Drive) from the Consent Calendar as presented. Votes resulted in: Yes: Russell- Chavez, Tang, Hall, Masuda, and Quintanilla No: None Abstain: None Absent: None Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of December 6, 2012 Page 1 of 4 3. NEW BUSINESS A. FOLLOW -UP TO EDUCATION/OUTREACH EFFORTS FOR THE BICYCLE TRANSPORTATION Staff provided the Traffic Commissioners with an update on the item, along with a Power Point presentation and a draft of the brochure for the bicycle safety outreach efforts. Commissioner Masuda suggested that verbiage in the brochure should be reduced to help keep possible readers more interested in the content. He asked that a reference be included regarding sharing the road with bicyclists. Commissioner Quintanilla discussed the possibility of creating one brochure for kids and one for adults. He further discussed the importance of brochures being age appropriate. Commissioner Russell- Chavez recommended that the number of bicycle information websites be reduced and that only the most commonly used links be included in the brochure. She also added that the addition of a bicycle route map would be helpful for bicyclists. Commissioner Tang concurred with his colleagues and recommended that only summary information be included in the brochure. From his experience in producing brochures he indicated that if too much information is included, it may confuse the reader and they may lose interest. He emphasized that the brochure cover several main goals and serve as an easy to use guide for the public. Chair Hall also concurred with the comments that summary information be included to minimize confusion. She further requested that additional changes be incorporated regarding riding bicycles on sidewalks and in crosswalks. Commissioner Masuda suggested that a brief True /False Quiz be included in the brochure. Adding such a quiz would be designed to test the reader's knowledge on bicycle safety and could be an important learning resource for children. Commissioner Russell- Chavez also suggested that interesting bicycle facts and statistics could be included in the publication. Brian Lewin, resident of Rosemead, thanked staff for generating the brochure and also provided some suggestions on what information to include in the brochure. After discussing this item, the Commissioners asked that revisions be incorporated into the brochure and that an updated draft be presented at a future meeting. B. TRAFFIC CONCERNS ALONG ROSE GLEN AVENUE AT ARROYO DRIVEIOAKMILL AVENUE Staff provided the Commission with a brief summary on this neighborhood, along with a traffic and stripping plan to help with traffic calming efforts. Staff also informed the Commissioners that the City of Montebello was contacted regarding traffic striping adjacent to the border of Rosemead and Montebello. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of December 6, 2012 Page 2 of 4 Commissioner Masuda asked if the installation of a crosswalk was included as part of the stripping plan. It was explained that crosswalks were not initially included; however, they could be integrated into the striping plans. Chair Hall recommended to paint 25 mph street markings and speed limit signs throughout Rose Glen Avenue and ending at Arroyo Drive. Commissioner Russell- Chavez asked that feedback and input from the church be solicited to determine if they have additional concerns. 4. STAFF REPORT Staff provided the Traffic Commission with an update on the completed and upcoming projects throughout the city. 5. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Masuda asked if the City has a policy regarding work by utility companies in recently improved public areas. The City's moratorium on excavation of recently paved streets was explained. Vice Chair Quintanilla asked for an update on the completion of the street sign installation project. The project was briefly reviewed, including an overview of project phases and budget constraints. Chair Hall asked for further information on the procedure to purchase old street name signs. Commissioner Russell- Chavez asked staff about the location if they knew who is responsible for the street signs at the intersection of San Gabriel Blvd, Potrero Grande, and Rush. Mrs. Russell- Chavez also informed staff that there are some locations that have new signs with bent poles. Staff informed the Traffic Commission that the City and County will share the cost of the signs at that intersection. Staff also informed the Commissioners that damages poles will be replaced. Commissioner Tang invited his fellow commissioners and the residents to attend one of several Open Houses that will be held for the 710 gap closure project. Chair Hall informed staff that the sign near the IHOP off the San Bernardino exit near Rosemead Blvd has graffiti on it. Vice Chair Quintanilla asked for an update on the potential improvements at the intersection Valley Blvd, Mission Dr., and Rio Hondo. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of December 6, 2012 Page 3 of 4 Staff informed the Commission that the City is planning to pursue grant funding for this project and no schedule has been determined for this location. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for February 7, 2013 at 7:00p.m., and in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard. Jean Hall Chair ATTEST: Chris Marcarello Public Works Director Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of December 6, 2012 Page 4 of 4