OB - Item 3A - ROPS Submittal - July Through December 2013TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBERS FROM: MATTHEW HAWKESWORTH. ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER DATE: FEBRUARY 11, 2013 SUBJECT: ROPS SUBMITTAL — JULY THROUGH DECEMBER 2013 SUMMARY The Department of Finance (DOF) requires that the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) for the July through December 2013 be submitted by March 1, 2013. As with every previous ROPS, the layout and format of the schedules has been modified slightly, and the schedules may look slightly different. The new ROPS document now includes a contact information page, a summary page, a notes page, a schedule for the current ROPS period and a reconciliation page. The summary page provides a total of all outstanding obligations, a summary of current obligations and a reconciliation summary of the prior period of July through December 2012. Additionally, this page of the document better reflects the current period obligations against the projected funding for the period. During the same six month period in the previous fiscal year, the Successor Agency was underfunded by approximately $523,000 and due to the DOF's decision to fund all the Senior Housing related obligations from Real Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) and not the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund, the shortfall for the period is now projected at approximately $811,000. This amount should be recouped in the second six month period of the year when the obligations for debt service are less and the shortfall payment can be repaid. The notes page has been modified slightly and the DOF has provided instructions on exactly what type of information should be included on the notes. The reconciliation worksheet has also been changed so that it only includes those obligations in which payments were made and the Item Number is carried forward from the original ROPS in which it was approved. Printed copies of the entire new ROPS document have been included with this report for approval by the Board. Staff Recommendation: That the Oversight Board approve Resolution 2013 -0001 approving the ROPS for the period of July through December 2013. ITEM NO. 3 Rosemead Successor Agency Oversight Board February 11, 2013 Page 2 of 2 PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process in accordance with the Brown Act. Prepared by: Y' Matthew E. HaJsworth Assistant City Manager Attachments: Resolution 2013 -0001 RESOLUTION: 2013 -0001 A RESOLUTION OF THE OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION APPROVING THE RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULES FOR THE PERIOD OF JULY 1, 2013 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2013 WHEREAS, California Health and Safety Code section 34179 requires that each Successor Agency have an Oversight Board; and WHEREAS, Section 34177 requires each Successor Agency to prepare a draft Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule ( "ROPS ") and section 34180 requires the Oversight Board to approve same; and WHEREAS, Section 34177 provides that each ROPS shall be forward looking to the next six months; and WHEREAS, section 34177 requires that the ROPS be transmitted to the County Auditor - Controller, the State Controller and the State Department of Finance; and WHEREAS, notwithstanding the sequencing contemplated in section 34177, the Department of Finance is requesting the ROPS be considered by the Oversight Board and transmitted as soon as possible; and WHEREAS, the County will not make any payments of property taxes to the Successor Agency for use in payment of the obligations listed on the ROPS until the ROPS has been approved by the Oversight Board. Any delay in such payment could impair the Successor Agency's ability to make payments for the enforceable obligations; and WHEREAS, the Successor Agency prepared a draft ROPS for the period July 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013 is attached hereto as Exhibit A. NOW THEREFORE, THE OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION HEREBY RESOLVES: 1. The ROPS for the period July 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013 attached hereto as Exhibit A is hereby approved. 2. Successor Agency staff is directed to provide a copy of this Resolution along with the approved ROPS to the County Auditor - Controller, the State Controller's Office and the State Department of Finance. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 11th day of February 2013. Chairperson ATTEST: Matthew E. Hawkesworth Successor Agency Staff Assistant City Manager HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the Oversight Board for the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission at its special meeting held on the 11th day of February 2013, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAINED: Matthew E. Hawkesworth Successor Agency Staff Assistant City Manager SUCCESSOR AGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION Successor Agency ID: County: Successor Agency: Primary Contact Honorific (Ms, Mr, Mrs) First Name Last Name Title Address City State Lip Phone Number Email Address Secondary Contact Honorific (Ms, Mr, Mrs) First Name Last Name Title Phone Number Email Address 139 Los Angeles Rosemead Matthew Hawkesworth Assistant City Manager 8838 E Valley Blvd ROSEMEAD i CA 91770 626 -569 -2107 mhawkesworth@cityofrosemead.org Gloria Molleda City Clerk 626 -569 -2171 gmolleda@cityofrosemead.org p - T n m � � v m c 3• d � m o v � ort J 3 K µ N J d W W n S A pp S (D Y rt m d V ry �G 3 p m �- o v n S n S J < J J d d d ^ J 3 c � N lA Q � d d d (p 09T m m n n w n 7 SD N a oa m c m z 3 m r � - - =I 6 c N e O 4 d m m m J J m m C C d d 3 J d d 3 N �p d m a x F U d _ J S N A m a T S v o � H N W W m m W W Y Y Y tD N w A A A W Y N W W Y Y1 n A O A w V V t0 O l0 lD tD O N A W N T O m T m O n W D o< m O O d J < a v N G o a o a N d n D O m d o O S k J n n c d - D � O A � � N a- �. J U A d � � � M a � T O O T C J G 4 D J O + m ao k + n n � u d m o '^ z $ o n � o- n � a' a a 3 m m � 3 0 c T � C O N a a O 0 3 N X 3 0 o 0 C� 0 s 0 W 0 m O M W 2 00 0 0 v O J w N Y N N N 0 c v n w O A w 0 M 0 d z 3 M N D A 0 3 D 0 N D Z m H m a 0 s m c` N 0 w 0 O m 3 Q m w N O Y m o` a H N W W N N W W Y Y Y tD Y w A A A Y N W W V Y1 n A O A A V V t0 O l0 lD tD O N C� 0 s 0 W 0 m O M W 2 00 0 0 v O J w N Y N N N 0 c v n w O A w 0 M 0 d z 3 M N D A 0 3 D 0 N D Z m H m a 0 s m c` N 0 w 0 O m 3 Q m w N O Y m o` a ROSEMEAD (LOS ANGELES) RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (ROPS 13-14A) -- Notes (Optional) July 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013 Item9 Project Name/ Debt Obligation Noes /COmmenJs 1. 2006A Tax Increment Bonds 2 2006B Tax lnaemen[BOnds ' 3 2010 Tax Increment Bonds 4 n C ntinuingD I Bonds - - -- _ – - - -- 5 State Controls& Report 6 Bond T to F ees ] Annual Audit – – - -- 8 Hmmna Syst _ 9 Statement oF Indebtedness — 10 Arb Calculations ! 11 Property Tax Aud It 12 Rosemead Communi Cm . Pa Lot I Pending Ending of Completion. All required document have been submitted to the 00F. Project amount of $13,670. 13 Rosemead C a iTy Ch. Parking t Pend F nding of Completion. All required documents have been submitted to the 00F. P roject a mount of $1 19 _ L 2apopan Park Improvements �I Pendin Finding of Completion. All required documents have been submitt m[h BO Project mount of $1,050.000. ' 151 Rosemead Park Improvements (Pending Finding of Completio All required documents have been submitted to the DOE. Project amount of $280,000. lfi Rosemead Community Rr. Parki LO�e dog Findi ofC omp l etion. Nl required documents have been submitted to the BOB. Project amount of $9,000,000. i P New Park a[ Rush & Wa Grow Pendi Finding ofCompl All required documents haw been submitted [o the DOE. Project amount of$600,000 . 18'S wer systemE pension ( Pending Finding of Completion. All required documents have been submitted to the D0F. Project amount of $750,000. 19 Landover, Overh Costs Due m payroll ccrual and the accounts payable schedule from the Christmas holiday some payments r made in January. _ 20 Valley Blvd.Streetlmprovemen[s Pending Finding ofC Om pleGOn All required documents have been submitted to the DOF Prot amou of $250000 21 Rosemead Park Tuff Renovations I Pend F ding ofCompletion, All required documents have been submitted to the D0E Project amount of $784,000 2.2 S Housing Land Lease- Angelus 1 Per the findings of t he Agr Upon Procedures, this enforceable obl shall now come from RPlTF and n ot LMIHF. 23 Senior Housing Operations Overhead- I Per the findings ofthe Agreed Upon Procedures, thisenforceable obligation shall now come from RPTTF and no [LMIHF. ' Angelus 24 Senior Housing Shortfall Subsidy - Angelus ( Per the findings of the Agreed Upon Pr« edures,t his enforceable obligation shall now come from RPlTF and not LMIHF. 251Senior Housing L dLease -G Ga rvey ( Per findings of the Agreed upon Procedures, this enforceable obligation shall now come fr mRPTfF and not LMIHF. _ 26'. senior Housing Operations Overhead ' Per the of the Agreed Upon Procedures, this enforceable obligabon hall now come from RPTTF and not LMIHF. Garvey . 27 Senior Houzing 6h rfall Subsidy Garvey tPerthe findings of Agreed Upon Procedures, this enforceable ob0gaEOn shall now come from RPTTF and not LMIHF 28 Bond Payment R rve - - - T Oversight Board Approval Dare: ROSEMEAD (LOS ANGELES) RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (ROPS 13 -14A) July 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013 ROSEMEAD (LOS ANGELES) Pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 34186 (a) PRIOR PERIOD ESTIMATED OBLIGATIONS vs. ACTUAL PAYMENTS RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (POPS II) July 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012 ItemN Project Name/ Debt Obligation Payee Description /Project Scope Project Area LMIHF Band Proceeds Reserve Balance Admin Allowance RPTTF Other Estimate Actual Estimate Actual Estimate Actual Estimate Actual Estimate Actual Estimate Actual $229,406 $206,976 $0 $0" $D $0 $119,505 $2,735,831 - $2,]35,831 $0 $0 1) 2006A Tax Increment Bonds US Bank Tax Increment Bond Debt Service Merged 1,158,466 1,158,466 2) 2006B Tax Increment Bonds US Bank Tax Increment Bond Debt Service Merged 595,468 595,468 3) 2010 Tax Increment Bonds US Bank Tax Increment Bond Debt Service Merged 981,897 981,897 4 Continuing Dlscolsum on Bonds Urban Futures Continuing discolors service for 2006A, 2006B and 2010A Don Merged 5,200 0 5) State Contollers' Report RAMS Preperation of annual report Merged 0 1,000 6 Bond Trustee Fees US Bank Banking fees related to the 2DD6A, B and 2010A Bonds Merged 0 1,000 7) Annual Audit RAMS Annual audit services Merged 0 8,076 8) Finance System Bank of the West Lease Obligaton for Finance System Merged 5,800 5,800 9) Statement of Indebtedness Redevelopment Reporting Solut Preperation of annual report Merged 0 0 10) Arbitrage Calculations Willdan Preperation of Arbitrage Rebate Calculation Merged 0 0 11)Property Tax Audds /Monitoring HDL Monitor Property Tax Collections& Appeals to ensure BO Merged 6,300 6,300 19) Emloyee /Overhead Costs Successor Agency- City of Roses Acminisbalive Costs (Staffing, audits, legal, supplies, etc.) Merged 302,205 97,329 22) Senior Housing Land Lease - Angelus Rosemead Housing Developme Cost of annual land lease for property Merged 45,600 45,600 23) Senior Housing Operations/ Overhead - A Rosemead Housing Developme Cost of annual operations and overhead subsidy provide I Merged 56,550 56,550 24) Senior Housing Shortfall Subsidy - Angel Rosemead Housing Developmer Cost to cover shortfall between rents and operations /ma Merged 8,202 0 25) Senior Housing Land Lease - Garvey Rosemead Housing Developmer Cost of annual land lease for property Merged 46,099 46,099 26) Senior Housing Operations/ Overhead - G Rosemead Housing Developmer Cost of annual operations and overhead subsidy provide Merged 56,550 56,550 27) Senior Housing Shortfall Subsidy - Garve Rosemead Housing Developmer Cost to cover shortfall between rents and operations /ma Merged 16,4DS 2,177