CC - Item 3A - Minutes 9-11-12Minutes of the Joint City Council, and Housing Development Corporation Meeting September 11, 2012 The regular joint meeting of the Rosemead Housing Development Corporation and City Council was called to order by Mayor Armenta at 7:10 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. v; PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Director /Council Member Alarcon INVOCATION: Director /Council Member Ly PRESENT: President/Mayor Armenta, Alarcon, and Ly ABSENT: Director /Council Member Clark STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Allred, City Community Development Director Ramirez, C Works Director Marcarello, and City Clerk Mo 1. PUBLIC Lanny Aplanalp — corffin4t that as 1 91Yeteral etiquette. He stated he he Zled fla nc Aplanalp stress d4that,Amencan j § sh sort of liphtir�§ed that "4ti %City raise Mayor Statewide agreed with City Manager Allred Tern Hawkesworth, v- Scott, Public he felt the-need to come in and speak in regards to flag the City,that are left out in the rain and in the dark. Mr. the dark after sundown, unless the flag has some on flag etiquette to citizens and replace any and requested that staff replace any tattered flags. rmission to use the "Miss" title, as a contestant for the California California pageant in 2013. that Ms. Gaddi meet with him to discuss her request. Jack Jackson — submitted an article on the spread of typhus from animals and spoke about animal control fees. He also submitted an article indicating that City of Los Angeles would pay its residents, five dollars per animal turned in. MayorArmenta explained that the City of Los Angeles receives more funding than the City of Rosemead and that animal control fees are in conjunction with the Los Angeles County fees. Rosemead Housing Development Corporation and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of September 11, 2012 Page 1 of 6 ITEM NQ. Council Member Ly clarified to Mr. Jackson that the article states that a 501(c) non - profit organization was offering to spay and neuter animals at a low cost and not City of Los Angeles. Patricia Trujillo - shared an article published in the Rosemead Reader newspaper on crime in the San Gabriel Valley. Mrs. Trujillo, expressed concern on the high statistics of crime in Rosemead. MayorArmenta stated that the Rosemead Reader newspaper has published inaccurate information, such as the State of the City Address by the Mayor. She added that the City's crime statistics are lower than published by the newspaper and Chief of Police Murakami, along with his team"' i working hard to combat crime in Rosemead. Council Member Ly stated that crimes in Rosemead have only list crimes which were not a good indicator of crime in The newspaper Chief of Police LT. Tim Murakami stated that crime in Roseread has decreased and ek'0lalned that the article has an unfair crime comparison because of the sib 'a populaft6q of other cities. Mr Mur'akami reiterated that the City of Rosemead is a safe city and month es r6 "'; shows that crime' has dropped. City Manager Allred stated that an article in the San Gabriel Valle �K 6 ne indicated that Rosemead's crime has decreased forty percent in the last four years He reiterated that i used crimes on grand theft auto were being addressed by Chief of Police Muraki. Janice Wiggin White — invited Council and the public to a Pioneer Cemetery. City Manager Allred stated'that tl memorandum of understandl t raising event. C /. .4 2. PRESENTX'f& k ' 2 ^d Annual ` School and Ri City Manager Ashow cased football team on September 20, The the Savannah Memorial and the City entered into a g easy -ups and tables for their fund un Classic (Golden Spike Trophy) -- San Gabriel High School Football Teams Golden Spike Trophy which will be awarded to the winning high school Council Member Ly explained that the Annual Mission Crosstown Classic started because both schools are off Mission Drive and near the rail roads, which was the inspiration of the Railroad Gold Spike Trophy. Elizabeth Martinez - representative of Consolidated Disposal Services presented certificates of appreciation and $1,000 donation to San Gabriel High School and Rosemead High School. Rosemead High School Principal and Football Coach thanked Council and Consolidated Disposal for their donation and support. Rosemead Housing Development Corporation and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of September 11, 2012 Page 2 of 6 San Gabriel High School Coach Liva thanked the City Council. Mayor Armenta — thanked Council Member Ly for coordinating the Annual Mission Cross Town Classic between the two schools and finding ways to contribute to their programs. • San Gabriel Valley Consortium on Homelessness Scott Chamberlain - presented a PowerPoint presentation on responding to homelessness on a regional level and strategic goals to end homelessness. City Manager Allred stated that the City provides Community Development ft,ck Grant funding to programs like Family Promise that also assist with homeless issues.:` Mr. Chamberlain - replied that Pasto Shell, of Lutheran Directors of the San Gabriel Valley Consortium, as well providing counseling and support. Council Member Low inquired on the statistics of Mr. Chamberlin - replied that by providing medication compliance. Mayor Armenta commented that that there will because of facilities closing. untreated mental illness City Manager Allred stalp.&Ihat the Aslb Pacific Family`t enter receives funding from the State and County that also provide assistance;.tb the homfless. 3. PUBLIC A Zone Chan. 12.01 an onditional Use Permit 12 -01 ` ,.n... 7850 Garvey, enue ar 743 Strathmore Avenue Selina Luong submitted a Zone Change and Conditional Use Permit application requesting to operate an automotive sales business located at 7850 Garvey Avenue (Parcel "1")'ikthe C 3 edium Commercial) zone and 2743 Strathmore Avenue (Parcel "2 ") in the P (Parkii }r:4 Approval of the Conditional Use Permit would allow onsite storage of vehicles'Wsale on Parcel "1 ". Since an automotive sale lot is permitted in the C -3 zone, upon t4approval of a Conditional Use Permit, a Zone Change has also been requested. Zone Change 12 -01 would amend the zoning map by reclassifying Parcel "2" from P to C -3. This item was presented to the Planning Commission for consideration on August 20, 2012. At the conclusion of the hearing, the Planning Commission added two (2) additional conditions of approval and adopted Resolution No. 12 -14, recommending that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2012 -50 and Ordinance No. 923. iMonterey Park, is on the Board of Promise Board, and assists homeless by 0,,4 ' omeless that are mentally ill. it's easier to ffe4tthe mental illness and their Rosemead Housing Development Corporation and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of September 11, 2012 Page 3 of 6 Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Conduct the noticed public hearing and receive public comment. 2. Approve Resolution No. 2012 -50, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 12 -01 FOR THE OPERATION OF AUr 10MQTIVE SALES BUSINESS LOCATED AT 7850 GARVEY AVENUE AND 2743 STRATHMORE AVENUE (APN 430 001 AND 002) 3. Instruct the City Attorney to Introduce and re2i1'by, title only, Ordinta ce No. 923, and waive further reading of said ordinance,?::. t;. F A ORDINANCE OF THE ROSEMEAQ CITY OcUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD CALIFORNiAi,, 'APPROVING ZONE CHANGE 12.01 CHANGING THE ZONING, CLASSIFICATION OF 2743 STRATHMORE AVENUE FROM ARKING) T C -3 (MEDIUM COMMERdA &' 274 { TRf�THMORE AVENUE (APN:5284 -03$ f64)`;, Assistant Planner Lily Trinh re,iw, d the staff Mayor Armenta opene public ti' gat 8:01 p m . There being no comments, Mayor Armenta closed the public hearing at Council Member Ly asked if t i okhe 6W4646sinjifie with the Garvey Avenue Vision Plan. He also asked whaVolift r businesses can develop in a medium commercial 3 zone. Trinh replied yes and other permitted uses in a medium commercial 3 zone could be retail, office; "rriarkets and restaurants. Council Member LyIexpressed concern regarding changing only one parcel; he felt it would not be good policy to do so. He reiterated thaf part of the plan to beautify Garvey Avenue is to attract more commercial opportunities. Mayor Armenta inquired about availability of sufficient parking spaces. Assistant Planner Trinh replied that there is enough parking in the parcels Vice-President/Council Member Polly Low made a motion, seconded by Director /Council Member William Alarcon to approved Resolution No. 2012 -50 and introduced Ordinance No. 923. Vote resulted in: Rosemead Housing Development Corporation and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of September 11, 2012 Page 4 of 6 Yes: Alarcon, Armenta, Low, Ly No: None Abstain: None Absent: Clark The minutes of April 24, 2012 were deferred to a future meeting. 4. rnucGUT rAi rKMAD Rosemead Housing Development Corporation and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of September 11, 2012 Page 5 of 6 A RESOLUTION OF THE ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $615,221.70 NUMBERED 78434 THROUGH 78620 INCLUSIVELY Mayor Pro Tern Polly Low made a motion, seconded by Council Member Steven Ly to approved Consent Calendar items, with the exception of April 24, 2012 minutes. Vote resulted in: Yes: Alarcon, Armenta, Low, Ly No: None Abstain: None Absent: Clark 5. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF - None 6. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL Council Member Ly reported he attended the League of Califoi attended a discussion regarding how to bring good quality econl help of Redevelopment; also, he had the opportunity to me .wil and discuss how they are dealing with this issue. He alsrsd6 letter from a resident trying to form a home base business he fe business friendly because we did not have a home base busing bring this back for Council's review as soon as possible. Mr. Ly Zia Citii s confer6ficb San Diego and had Al development into: >She, City without the i other council members,, in different cities on a different matter that "d received a It,that r .rektly the city was not being (%e * in place. He urged staff to had been printed stating that the City of Roseiiodemanded Engl that this was untrue, as well as, unconstitutional asked that this discussion, along with the discussion on "substitute, rridtioi over a s requested that any city flags that are tattered get r6placed MayorArmenta reported she attei discussion on filming in cities. She portion of royalties if cities .decide( more incline to film in your cib will after the movie i .Pleased Avis Director, He�ii Huai` ` ed rfl the Ly 7. that an article in the L.A. Times signs on businesses; he clarified �i� brought back for Council 6fion ruling ". Lastly, he Jed the League oft alifornia Citios'conference in San Diego and a :xplained that citieshave the option to waive fees in exchange for a to wive the fees in exchange for royalties then companies would be use tne,yt f companies do not have the money upfront; however, they afineiite a 4'.bokl time to introduce Chamber of Commerce's new iisf,(amber can make sure that all Military Flags are not tattered or torn. rito the Military Flag Program contract that was executed by Chamber of Commerce. The meeting was adjoilrm6° `.16 p.m. The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to take place on September 25, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. Sandra Armenta ATTEST: Mayor Gloria Molleda, City Clerk Rosemead Housing Development Corporation and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of September 11, 2012 Page 6 of 6