CC - Item 3A - Minutes 10-09-12Minutes of the City Council Meeting October 9, 2012 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Armenta at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council Member Ly INVOCATION: Mayor Armenta PRESENT: Mayor Armenta, Mayor Pro Tern Low, Council Members STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Allred, City Attorney Community Development Director Ramirez, Director of Works Director Marcarello, and City Clerk Molleda 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None 2. PRESENTATION SR710 Presentation by Metro Michelle Smith — Metro is available in the City C Council Member Ly aske`&Ms, ,Smith effects of surrounding commuhf §,aR Ly City of the SR710 study. Presentation )act Report indicated the impact on the health project is not completed. looking'at consequences and assessments in terms of health Council 1160" qr Ly stated tha ere hasEeen criticism about the funding of the project and asked if there are any fundir'grces directe the SR710 project. Ms. Smith — explain Veport dy was being funded by Measure R funds that voters earmarked in 2008 and allocated $780,00 e used to fund a Transportation System Management. As a requirement in the Environmental Impaiable funding sources can be develop. Council Member Ly asked if Metro was looking into impacts on communities along the 1 -10 and 1 -605 freeway if the 1 -710 freeway project is not completed. Ms. Smith - replied that all needs will be address within the study. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 9, 2012 Page 1 of 10 ITEM NO. Council Member Ly asked Ms. Smith what major arterials would be impacted if the 1 -710 extension tunnel is built and what other expansion lanes will affect other freeways. Ms. Smith — replied that traffic should decrease on major arterials such as the San Gabriel Boulevard, Rosemead Boulevard, and Atlantic Boulevard. She added that the California Department of Transportation and Metro are working together on this matter. Council Member Clark asked if the 1 -710 expansion lane project will have ca nes. Mrs. Clark also inquired about the impact on monitory communities and how traffic was goin�gase from 25% to 10% according to Ms. Smith's presentation. Ms. Smith — replied that she was not sure if carpool lanes were goin be add .• the project and that the study indicated that 1 out 4 cars that are on city streets will use �17 freeway' . ;*.�I. Council Member Clark inquired about the 1 -710 freeway tel project and Rapid Bus. Ms. Smith — explained that the underground tunnel project with" uire_,p erty easements only. Rapid Buses work like local buses but with fewer stops in between. Mayor Pro Tom Low asked where the Ms. Smith — replied the entrance would be on miles and exit at California Boulevard. MayorArmenta asked if sustain an exist would be 16O on the 1 -710 freeway tunnel. would stretch about 4.2 issues. Ms. Smith - stated th a T eotecl' -cal study confir !that a tunnel could be built and currently the technical team is looking at op ni Ss patch9 or every 650 feet in case of an emergency. She also stated th M o roposi f itu n system that would automatically come on when emissions . Bria 3 • — suggested th City an become more proactive in the SR710 project. He stated the South Pas group, who is sed tq� a project, is very active. Mr. Lewin stated he would like to engage me m f the commun who support the SR710 project and get more press to the public. Mr. Lewin requested t et with th %•, ty Council to provide him with some guidance to best represent the City's view point on poten i rid o ons. x>, Council Member Clark i uired about the hybrid options. Ms. Smith — explained that hybrid alternatives is combining alternatives to better adjust to the project needs or add more traffic strategies that support the light rail alternative. Juan Nunez — asked if any studies were being done regarding impacts on major north and south streets. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 9, 2012 Page 2 of 10 Council Member Ly explained to Mr. Nunez that Metro included all major arterials in their study. He also stated that if the 1 -710 freeway tunnel is created there would be a crime reduction in the community because traffic would not be absorbed by major arterials. Mr. Ly asked that the City Council support the completion of the 1 -710 freeway. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes a C. July 10, 2012 — Regular Meeting Claims and Demands Recommendation: to approve National League of Cities Congress of Cities November 28th — DecemberJst —Boston, MA The City Council will consider Congress of cities and Exposi rl League of Cities — December 15t. attendance, at City expense, of any ue of Cities Congress of Cities and and of same Election. Resolution No. 2012 -60 calls for the conduct of a Special Runoff Election for elective offices in the event of a tie vote at the March 5, 2013 General Municipal Election. Recommendation: That the City Council approve Resolution Nos. 2012 -58, 2012 -59, and 2012 -60, respectively, entitled: f a General Municipal Election to be held on the Board of Supervisors of the County of rs to the City Relating to the Conduct of the 12 -58 cis for a General Municipal Election to be held on Tuesday, March provisions for the conduct of the election in accordance with the ,code. Resolution No. 2012 -59 requests that the Board of Supervisors of Angeles render specified services to the City related to the conduct of the Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 9, 2012 Page 3 of 10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, CALLING AND GIVING NOTICE FOR THE HOLDING OF A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 2013, FOR THE ELECTION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS AS REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA RELATING TO GENERAL LAW CITIES A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T 17 OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING T OA RD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF L LES TO RENDER SPECIFIED SERVICES TO TH TY R G TO THE CONDUCT OF A GENERAL M I L ELE TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, MARCH 5 A RESOLUTION OF THE C) UNCIL THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, PRO G F E CONDUCT OF A SPECIAL RUNOFF ELECTION ECT VE OFFICES IN THE EVENT 0 A TIE VOTE AT' MARCH 5, 2013 GENERAL MUNICIECTION � E. Amendment to Resolution No.' 1' lishing An - tfal Salary Ranges and Benefits for Classifications in t Midd ,Professional and Confidential Service of th The Ci • uncil will ider approva an amendment to Resolution No. 2012 -28 insertt g ecutiv ssistant to the anager classification back into the Middle - Managemen fe Confide Service of the City. This classification was j Wyftntly o whe n was approved in June. Council approve Resolution No. 2012 -57, entitled: A RE TION F THE ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0 OSEMEAD AMENDING RESOLUTION N0. 2012.28 ESTAB HING ANNUAL SALARY RANGES AND BENEFITS OR SSIFICATIONS IN THE MIDDLE• MANAGEMENT, ESSIONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE OF THE CITY Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 9, 2012 Page 4 of 10 F. Resolution Establishing the Successor Agency as a Separate Legal Entity and Resoluition Adopting a Conflict of Interest Code Related to the Successor Agency and Oversight Board Adoption of Resolutions pursuant to AB1484 which amended AB26 regulating the redevelopment dissolution process. Recommendation: That the City Council approve Resolution , s. 2012 -62 and 2012 -63, repectevely, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ROSEMEAD ORGANIZING AND Dq PERFORMANCE OF CERTAIN ADMITF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY , COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, : COA AUTHORIZING THE CITY CL RK TO FILE ORGANIZATION OF SUCH SUCH R) SECRETARY OF STATE AND THE ANGELES COUNTY, A RESOLUTION OFD ROSEMEAD, AS THE THE CALIFORNIA PO CONFLICT OF INTI Council Member Steven Ly mi Consent CL�ar itotn ith Yes: Alarc No: No stain: None ? nt: None 4. MATTERS FROM'M to , Ly & STAFF - None CITY OF 6 THE OF ATEMENT OF' qY WITH THE .ERK OF LOS f COUNCIL' ' CITY OF t�IING BOD RSUANT TO A DDMIIWr_ TUC ODE FO rHE SUCCESSOR DEVI MENT COMMISSION AND THE OVERSIGHT BOARD Mayor Pro Tern Polly Low to approved s of July 10, 2012. Vote resulted in: Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 9, 2012 Page 5 of 10 5. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL A. Establishment of a Public Art Ad Hoc Committee for a Mural at Savannah Pioneer Cemetery The City's Strategic Plan for 2012 and 2013 includes a strategy to: Assist in the Preservation and Improvement of Historical, Cultural, and Natural Resources. The City Council will consider the establishment of a five- member Public Art Ad emmittee with the objective of creating a mural at the historic Savannah Pioneer Ceme� proposed ad hoc committee would be comprised of a City Council Member taff member, one representative each from the EI Monte Cemetery Asso ' the Rosemead Moose Lodge, and a representative of the public at- large. Recommendation: That the Mayor ap member of the City Council, a City staff serve on a five - member Public Art Ad H appointed by the El Monte Cemetery A: Rosemead Moose Lodge. City Manager Allred reviewed the staff report. MayorArmenta stated she had been working appointed as a member of the committee. She Scott and suggested to appoinrnt Julie Mayor Pro Tem Low to the Public Art Ad H Mayor City Ma er Allred stater` � zi # Council ii r Steven Ly mt Armenta an ks and Recre Vote resulted in` Yes: No: Non Abstain. None Absent: None ij&dtto confirmatioiib..V : a City Council, a and a member of the tp.,at -large to �ittee sing with a repres9ft �0 to be �and,a, `` resentative appQ16fed by the the MooLodge and would like to be e tion Director David Montgomery- . s a member of the public at- large. are other rested people they should be encouraged to apply Gs limited on time. se�ould be issued and a notice posted on the city's website. a motWn, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Polly Low to appoint Mayor n Director Montgomery-Scott to the Public Art Ad Hoc Committee. Clark, Low, Ly Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 9, 2012 Page 6 of 10 B. Rule Related to Parliamentary Procedure: Substitute on Substitute Motion Council Member Ly has placed this item on the agenda for review and discussion. Steven Ly spoke about the previous City Council ruling on whether to allow a substitute motion on top of another substitute motion. As Mayor and Chairman, he ruled that he would allow the practice and Council proceeded to appeal with a 312 vote. Mr. Ly stated that he research the topic and concluded that his over ruling was an incorrect vote. He continued by reading section 2.04.06 of the city' municipal code and there were three areas to be correct based on past City Council precedent. First, on INe , e m eting of September 11, 2007 former Council Member Gary Taylor made a substitute motion, whe they substitute motion was still on the floor and it was not ruled out of order. Second, substitute motio t should be treated as amendments to the main motion. Third, the League of California Citi corn d Rosenberg Rules of Order, which allow up to three main motions to be on the floor at g en time. ' .< m stated that his ruling was correct and asked the Council to override their previous r lid af�ow a subs otion, when there is another substitute motion and issue an apology to him fWe initial incorrect ruling. r Council Member Alarcon asked for the City Attorney's optibJ , ` zY frx. City Attorney Richman explained that substitutes on substitutes arc coned in Roberts Rules of Order. At the time of the last meeting, nobody knew wht`$hr rule was and it wa. dled appropriately, where Council appealed Mr. Ly's ruling. s Mayor Pro Tern Low stated she was impressed wf C0 %jl'`M r� y' "research and asked for clarification on the Rosenberg ,Ruj@"r Order.' Council Member Ly ex ,j*,j ed that y an have the ri*n motion and two substitute motions on top of that and referred to page Toff staff re packet.> Council Mem ►stated citj('f)f the Rosenberg Rules of Order. She expressed concern re utes a ted they were supposed to be friendly amendments that changed the wordi and not the a ain m There should not be a third substitute motion on the substitute City Attorney man referencefl'ofage 146 of the staff report packet and reiterated that Robert Rules of Order stated tha j ri you have' original motion and a substitute motion or amendment is made, a secondary ame A fan be de. Mrs. Richman added that the footnote on page 146, states you cannot amend a secondary arril[n t. Council Member Clark '1 don't see it here and I don't think the attorney agrees that we can make a 3rd. What happened that night was that there was a motion to go with one company and a substitute motion to go with another company, which completely changed the motion. It was not an amendment and then there was a third substitute motion on a substitute which changed again, which allowed the three companies to negotiate with each other. The reason why we did not go along with that (if it was allowed under Robert rules I don't think it was maybe it was) is because it would have gone against our bid process which we stated to the trash company that they needed to get our specifications and they were to come in with their best offer. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 9, 2012 Page 7 of 10 Our bid specs said we would talk to that one company that we chose, we would work with them. We would not negotiate with the other companies. My feeling on that was how would the companies that we did not choose feel about that. And the precedent going back to Gary Taylor, the issue was about some personnel issues within the city. His substitute on the substitute motion was to have all the documents to be sent to that Grand Jury and other public agencies. At that time I was in the minority with Gary, not in the majority, the attorney at that time .... the motion went nowhere it was mute. There was no need for a discussion if it was okay to do a substitute on a substitute motion. To say that is a precedent when his motion did not even get on the floor. If we want to bring this back for discuss as to whether we want to ado�that we may want to do that. ,. Mayor Pro Tem Low — we sometimes pick and choose what we want t., Nth stated her reasons why she did not support the substitute on a substitute. Are we allowi _ e sver the substitute regardless of the item? We are showing inconsistency. You can a evmotion, a substitute motion and another substitute and no more. { Council Member Ly —the reason why I am bringing thoop' becausel at night this was ovable motion when a council member did this, and that is why this i wab den this council errode that rule, it said that I was wrong. I took the time to research; I got th ary aylor, he was very thorough. F Council Member Clark — to Polly that we pic S. oose what we d did want his motion, I just said Gary wanted to send all these things to a public d I did not se he motion was mute, there was no second. Read the minute that the motion 'ed f p second. Mayor Pro Tem Low reiterated , ouncil should l support a substitute motio , . 'tute motion. at whafjW, iitem is; weather, they support or not Council Member Ly Z pay ' of 17 ember 11, otion ." .= = „ >n that it was allowable m motion read, "City attorney indicated Council M cia hen the majority changed and our new city attorney now gave advice we took her a J t that we want to change how we do things in the future fine. There is no np ologize. MayorArme agreed with • City Attorney that at the time when we render the decision we did it with all the facts that resented us. We did make a sound judgment, I will not apologize for the judgment that I made. At no ti we t. you were inaccurate, but we did have to follow certain laws and it was impossible to go over Robert Rules of Order. It is allowable to do a sub over a sub but we still, as a governing body, have they t to appeal the decision of the chair, which was you at the time. We acted as body. Do we want to bririg this back? Council Member Ly recommended overriding the initial ruling and allowing subs over subs. Also, he felt that Council should consider adopting the Rosenberg Rules of Order. Council Member Clark— I need clarification on this — of what is allowed as far as a sub on a sub. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 9, 2012 Page 8 of 10 City Attorney Richman stated that Roberts Rules are not crystal clear. She explained that a motion was given to appoint "Rainbow" as the new trash hauler, and then a substitute motion was offered to the main motion for "Consolidated ". It can, there for be moved if there are no other amendments pending. If a motion proposed to replace one or more paragraphs that are involve in a pending on the primary amendment, which is the second motion, in our example was to approve "Consolidated ". It is a secondary amendment to which the term subs is also applicable. That is your third motion, or your secondary amendment. Council Member Clark— if a motion to replace one or more paragraphs that tare' lved are involve in a pending primary amendment, that is the substitute, to replace one or more pa s. It wasn't to replace a paragraph it was to change everything. The third motion was to change a City Attorney Richman stated that the motion can change the whole a fe pa it does not say it could only be part of it. Interpreting Robert Rules, whether it's a sentence orhe entire it could still be considered an amendment or substitute. Your concern is that it'ribproper to have arl ;amendment that is in fact amending the entire language. :s Council Member Steven Ly made a motion, seconded by "6 the allowance of a substitute motion on top of a substitute of Order. Vote resulted in: Yes: Alarcon, Armenta, No: None Abstain: None Absent: Non:G.r City Manager Allred Order to replace the 6. Counc' mber Clark 4*1 securd• s. Mayor Pro w— stated was informed pe ed the feeding stray cats. w c City Manager Allred cats. the e of Iles over. ilker William Alarr n to restore it pertains to the Robert Rules is recommending the Rosenberg Rules of to cirjnatg with the Garvey School District in responding to their ed feedback from residents about the $10 stray cat fee and that she She asked staff to look into a policy to discourage people from staff for a successful Fall Fiesta event. something could be done in terms of education regarding not feeding stray Council Member Ly commended staff for a great Fall Fiesta event. MayorArmenta commended staff for the Fall Fiesta event and stated that it is important for Council to attend seminars and network at conferences to bring back vital information to the city. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 9, 2012 Page 9 of 10 Council Member Alarcon commended staff on the Fall Fiesta event and thanked Public Works staff on the new generator. 7. CLOSED SESSION A. Conference with Legal Counsel — Existing Litigation Government Code Section 54956.9 (a): 1 matters Tammy Gong, and L &G Rosemead Garden, LL tyrgf Rosemead and John Tran - Case No. BC487865 MayorArmenta recessed the meeting to closed session at 8:54 p.mKVe City cil reconvened back from closed session at 9:15 p.m. City Attorney Richman announced there were no session. taken by the City 8. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. The October 23, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. City Council meets scheduled to take place on Mayor Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 9, 2012 Page 10 of 10 ATTEST: °:r,