CC - Item 5F - Public Works Department Budget AmendmentsROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER 1� DATE: MAY 14, 2013 `7vJN' SUBJECT: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENTS SUMMARY The Public Works Department budget includes funding for maintenance and operations of City infrastructure, including parks, facilities, and roadway assets, among others. In reviewing the Department budget, it was determined that a budget amendment is necessary to reflect changes from the original budget, including: the receipt of additional grant funds, additional expenditure of grant funds, and a fund transfer for a recently completed project. The amendments are routine budget clean -up items that need to be made to adjust for revenues and expenditures that were unanticipated in the original budget. The net of all adjustments are positive for the General Fund, reflecting more anticipated revenue than expenditures. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2013 -19 (Attachment 1) amending the Public Works Department Fiscal Year 2013 budget. DISCUSSION In reviewing the Public Works Department budget, it was determined that a budget amendment is necessary for the following program areas: Revenue Adjustment (Account #101- 0000 -4215) County Proposition A Grant Award - $40,000 was budgeted in Fiscal Year 2013 for the receipt of County Proposition A grant funds. These grant funds are available through the Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District assessment from 1992 and 1996. The City was recently informed that $103,095 is available for receipt this fiscal year. Based on this, the City will realize an additional $63,095 in revenues this fiscal year. Expenditure Adjustment (Account #101 - 3030 - 5340) Parks /Open Spaces Facilities Repair /Maintenance — $13,000 was budgeted in Fiscal Year 2013 for routine repair and maintenance activities. It was recently determined that several curb ramps adjacent to the Garvey Community Center are not compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Due to the high usage of this facility, 111a10'A NO. City Council Meeting May 14, 2013 Page 2 of 2 especially by senior and disabled patrons, these repairs should be completed immediately to avoid potential safety hazards. Ramps at the facility will be replaced with new, ADA compliant ramps similar to those installed at street intersections. As such, an additional $35,000 is needed to install new curb ramps. Expenditure Adjustment (Account #301 - 21005 -105) Safe Routes to School Grant Project - $720,545 was budgeted to complete this project, which included traffic safety improvements adjacent to Garvey Unified School District campuses. Of this amount, $450,000 was funded through a Safe Routes to School grant and $271,000 was funded through local gas tax monies. After further review, it was determined that approximately $141,000 of this amount can be appropriated to the City street lighting fund for traffic signal and lighting improvements that were completed as part of the project. As such, a "net zero" budget amendment is needed to appropriately account for project costs. Doing so will make $141,000 in gas tax monies available for other road - related projects. FINANCIAL REVIEW The attached budget amendment resolution will approve the following: 1. The appropriation of an additional $63,095 in revenue monies from the Proposition A grant; 2. The appropriation of an additional $35,000 in expenditure monies for Garvey Community Center curb ramp pedestrian safety improvements; and 3. The amendment of the Safe Routes to School Project funding sources, transferring $141,000 in gas tax fund expenditures to the street lighting fund. This amendment will not increase overall revenue or expenditure amounts, but rather is a "net zero" transfer between funds. Submitted by: Chris Marcarello Director of Public Works Attachments: (1) Resolution No. 2013 -19 (2) County of Los Angeles Regional Park and Open Space District Letter ATTACHMENT RESOLUTION NO. 2013- 19 A RESOLUTION OF THE ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA CITY COUNCIL AMENDING THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FISCAL YEAR 2013 BUDGET WHEREAS, appropriations are the legal authority for a City to spend its funds; and WHEREAS, from time to time it is necessary to amend the budget with additional appropriations; and WHEREAS, the City was recently notified that it will receive additional Los Angeles County Proposition A grant monies in excess of original budget projections; WHEREAS, several curb ramps adjacent to the Garvey Community Center are in need of repair in order to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act to help ensure pedestrian safety; and WHEREAS, the City's Safe Routes to School Project, Cycle 9, was approved by the City Council in June 2012 and included the use of gas tax monies. It was determined that the completion of traffic signal and lighting improvements as part of the project can be transferred from the gas tax fund to the City street lighting fund. The transfer of these costs will make these gas tax monies available for other road - related projects; and WHEREAS, the net of all budget adjustments are positive for the General Fund, reflecting more anticipated revenue than expenditures. NOW THEREFORE, $35,000 is appropriated in the General Fund for Expenditures and $63,095 for Revenues as defined below: Expenditures $35,000 101- 3030 -5340 Parks /Open Spaces Facilities Repair/Maintenance Revenues $63,095 101 - 0000 -4215 Fund Transfer $141,000 301 - 21005 -105 County Proposition A Grant Award Safe Routes to School Project Transfer: From Gas Tax Fund to Street Lighting Fund ATTACHMENT 1 The additional appropriation is made a part of the approved FY 2012 -13 budget as though it were a part of the initial approved budget fully set forth and the City Manager is authorized and empowered to expend such sum for the purpose of such account, but with no expenditure by any office or department for any item within an account shall exceed the amount budgeted without written approval of the City Manager. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 14 day of May 2013. Polly Low Mayor ATTEST: Gloria Molleda, City Clerk APPROVE AS TO FORM Rachel Richman City Attorney LOS ANGELES COUNTY REGIONAL PARK AND OPEN SPACE DISTRICT May 6, 2013 Sean Sullivan Management Analyst City of Rosemead Public Works Dept. 8838 E. Valley Blvd Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Sean: MAINTENANCE AND SERVICING BUDGET Garvey Community Center #581-118 -98 -0764 Calendar Year - January 01, 2011 through December 31, 2011 Thank you for submitting the Prop A Maintenance and Servicing Budget for expenses that were incurred during the 2011 Calendar Year for Grant #58H8 -98- 0764. The budget for Calendar Year 2011 was reviewed and approved. Your maintenance and servicing payment request in the amount of $103,095.28 is being processed. To discuss, I can be reached at Ihancock of�.parks.lacounty aov or 213- 738 -3031. Sincer ly, L,�[ La rina Hancock P gram Manager Administrative Offices . 510 S. Vermont Avenue Los Angeles, CA 900204975 . (213) 738 -2981 . http:// openspacedistrict.lacounty.info MAYOR: POLLY LOW MAYORPROTEM: WILLIAM ALARCON COUNCIL MEMBERS: SAMJRAARMENTA MAROARETCLARK STEVEN LY May 6, 2013 City of W9semead 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD P.O BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE. (626) 569 -2100 FAX (626) 307 -9218 Ms. LaTrina Hancock Program Manager Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District Department of Parks and Recreation 510 South Vermont Avenue, Room 230 Los Angeles, CA 90020 -1975 Subject: Proposition A Grant No. 581-18 -98 -0764, Garvey Community Center Dear Ms. Hancock, Please find the attached Updated Maintenance and Service payment request for the Garvey Community Center. The request includes the operation expenditures incurred by the City from Jan 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (626) 569 -2189, ssullivan@cityofrosemead.org; or contact Mr. Chris Marcarello, Director of Public Works, at (626) 569 -2191, cmarcarello @cityofrosemead.org. Thank you for your help. Respectfully Yours, ean Sullivan Management Analyst Attachment: Updated Maintenance and Servicing Program Payment Request LOS ANGELES COUNTY REGIONAL PARK AND OPEN SPACE DISTRICT MAINTENANCE AND SERVICING/YES PROGRAM PAYMENT FORM REQUEST# 4 Agency Name: Payee Name: (Leave blank if same as Agency Name) CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CA Melling Address: 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD Malling Address City ROSEMEAD Slate CA ZIP 91770 City State LP Contact Person: SEAN SULLIVAN Telephone 626 569 -2189 Contact Person: Telephone Maintenance Servicing Funds Grant No. and Expenses(mmid"y) 111 /11- 12/31/11 Extraordinary (Attach Walled Accounting) Amount YES Prograin Program Name Program# Amount 58H8 -98 -0764 $103,095 $ 103,095.28 $ - Total Request: $ - Employment Period From To ❑Advance Payment Total Request: $ 103,095.28 $ 103,095.28 I hereby certify Mat the requested metrumence and servicing funds Will be used only to maintain and aeMce prefects funded pursuant to Me Propositions; end Coat these funds have been expended or Wit be used to supplement existing levels of servce tl net to fund existing levels of service. / / / / El Reimbursement Sign re f Agency Auth i d Representative ate S Lod Signature of Agency Authorized Representative Date Print Name and Title CHRIS MARCARELLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Print Name end TRIG Comments: Comments: • 10 a I 2Mj1Njl • • Program Manager Date •• s • Administration Supervisor Date Grants Supervisor Date Finance Supervisor Date LA COUNTY GAx DNUMBER 9CHEp11LE PgYMENi DALE A CCOUNTING BUDGETFY District Administrator Date -GAPS pam ErNy by. ome VENDOR CODE REVENUE ACCRUAL FYB AMOUNT LevelWm Appover pam FUND NUMBER LOCATIONCODE REVENUEACCRUALFYa AMOUNT LevelTw gppmvv p SUB-FUND PROJECT CODE PAYMENT REQUEST AMOUNT LevMTM1ree Approver w�- ------ - CODE WEPT OaJECT PIF SPEC HANDLING Level POMAppmrer p� OMMENTS: PROCESSED PAYMENT INFORMATION- WARRANT* WARRANTAMOUNT WARRANTDATE I.V.# I.V. AMOUNT LV.DATE REVISED 07/01/06 RESOLUTION NO. 2013-19 A RESOLUTION OF THE ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA CITY COUNCIL AMENDING THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FISCAL YEAR 2013 BUDGET WHEREAS, appropriations are the legal authority for a City to spend its funds; and WHEREAS, from time to time it is necessary to amend the budget with additional appropriations; and WHEREAS, the City was recently notified that it will receive additional Los Angeles County Proposition A grant monies in excess of original budget projections; WHEREAS, several curb ramps adjacent to the Garvey Community Center are in need of repair in order to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act to help ensure pedestrian safety; and WHEREAS, the City's Safe Routes to School Project, Cycle 9, was approved by the City Council in June 2012 and included the use of gas tax monies. It was determined that the completion of traffic signal and lighting improvements as part of the project can be transferred from the gas tax fund to the City street lighting fund. The transfer of these costs will make these gas tax monies available for other road - related projects; and WHEREAS, the net of all budget adjustments are positive for the General Fund, reflecting more anticipated revenue than expenditures. NOW THEREFORE, $35,000 is appropriated in the General Fund for Expenditures and $63,095 for Revenues as defined below: Expenditures $35,000 101- 3030 -5340 Parks /Open Spaces Facilities Repair /Maintenance Revenues $63,095 101 - 0000 -4215 Fund Transfer $141,000 301 - 21005 -105 County Proposition A Grant Award Safe Routes to School Project Transfer: From Gas Tax Fund to Street Lighting Fund The additional appropriation is made a part of the approved FY 2012 -13 budget as though it were a part of the initial approved budget fully set forth and the City Manager is authorized and empowered to expend such sum for the purpose of such account, but with no expenditure by any office or department for any item within an account shall exceed the amount budgeted without written approval of the City Manager. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 14 day of May 2013. Polly Low Mayor ATTEST: Gloria Molleda, City Clerk APPROVE AS TO FORM Rachel Richman City Attorney