CC - Item 3C - Senior Executive In State and Local Government Program/Harvard Kennedy School - June 3 to June 21 Cambridge, MAROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER CJI�► DATE: MAY 28, 2013 V �U SUBJECT: SENIOR EXECUTIVE IN STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT PROGRAM /HARVARD KENNEDY SCHOOL — JUNE 3 —JUNE 21ST _ CAMBRIDGE, MA SUMMARY The City Council will consider authorizing the attendance of Council Member Sandra Armenta to the Senior Executive in State and Local Government Program in Harvard Kennedy School — Cambridge, MA, on June P — June 21S Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the attendance, at City expense of the air flight only, of Council Member Sandra Armenta to the Senior Executive in State and Local Government Program in Harvard Kennedy School — Cambridge, MA. ANALYSIS The Expense and Use of Public Resources Policy, adopted by City Council Resolution No. 2005 -47, requires prior City Council approval for out -of -state travel beyond an adjacent state. Funding for this purpose is contained in the City's annual budget. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process Submitted by: j GLORIA MOLLEDA CITY CLERK Attachment A: Conference Information ITEM NUMBER: 3 Home § Senior Executives in State and Local Government (Spring 2013) Page 1 of 2 • Hi, Guest • login Senior Executives in State and Local Government (Spring 2013) • Home • Pre-program Tasks • Arrival Information • Course Materials • What to Expect at Harvard • Program FAO Home Welcome Dear Participants, Welcome to the Senior Executives in State and Local Government program website! We invite you to explore this website to help you prepare for the program that takes place at the Harvard Kennedy School from June 3 -21, 2013. Via the navigation buttons at the top of the page, you will find information regarding arrival and check in procedures, and what to expect during your stay. The draft schedule faculty and staff profiles, and information about alumni benefits will be posted in the coming weeks, Additionally, under the Pre- Program Tasks section, you will find a tab with information about the Outward Bound experience, which all participants are required to attend on Saturday, June 8. There you will also find the release form, which must be signed and returned to us by Monday, May 13. Approximately 2 weeks prior to the program start, you will receive an email explaining the HUID/PIN process, which you will need to complete to access the posted readings and materials. We hope you find the information useful. Please be sure to check back here often, as all materials will be updated frequently. For any questions regarding the program content and/or logistics, please contact a member of the program team: Erica Lane, Program Director +1617-3 84-7372 or Erica _Lane e harvard.edu Melissa Kotoch, Program Assistant +1617-495-8307 or ee programs2na hks.harvard.edu httn- //i sites -hg rvard.edn /ich /i ch.d n?kevword=k90R 5 3 5/22/2013 Home § Senior Executives in State and Local Government (Spring 2013) Page 2 of 2 Kennedy School Campus The Kennedy School campus is located minutes from Harvard Yard in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Its three buildings house all of the school's programs and, through a multilevel forum space, give the school a unique town - meeting environment for a wide range of public policy debates, lectures and conferences, featuring a constant flow of world - renowned figures each year. The school also houses numerous research centers and programs - for science and international affairs; business and government; social policy; state and local government; housing studies; science and technology; criminal justice policy and management; emerging democracies abroad; and the press, politics and public policy. An innovative Institute of Politics serves as a bridge between the school and the world of elective politics by bringing to campus leading political figures from the U.S. and abroad. The additional resources of Harvard University, with 10 professional schools, numerous research centers, the largest university library system in the world and a full -time faculty of several thousand, are located within walking distance of the Kennedy School. Announcements There are currently no announcements. Search Search Search This search box allows you to search the site and its documents for specific keywords. Social Media W L7 Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter ©2013 President and Fellows of Harvard College httnJ/ isites. ha rvard .edu /ich /ich.do?kevword= k90R53 502/2013 Pre - program Tasks § Senior Executives in State and Local Government (Spring 2013) Page 1 of 2 • Hi, Guest • login Senior Executives in State and Local Government (Spring 2013) • Home • Pre-program Tasks • Arrival Information • Course Materials • What to Expect at Harvard • Program FAO Pre-program Tasks • Outward Bound Getting Prepared Congratulationsl You are about to join a select group of senior leaders who have been chosen to make up this June's cohort of the Senior Executives in State and Local Government program. Our goal is to give you a full, well rounded experience that will live in your memories as a professional and personal highlight. We want you to go home at the end of the program with your head full of new and renewed ideas about how to go about your professional work, your address book full of new contacts and friends, and your heart full of great memories of the fun activities that you had here in Cambridge. This is a challenging but achievable goal that we can only accomplish with your help. Here are five tips to help you make the most of your time here: Prepare yourself professionally - Go to the course website, log in with the HUID and PIN (you will receive this 2 weeks prior to the course start), and read all the pre- reading assignments that we have posted. Write notes in the margins, highlight places where you have questions, and be ready to share your perspectives on these topics. The more you prepare, the more you will get out of the program. Once you get here the days are so full of activities that you will have little time to prepare for each day. Prepare yourself socially - Download and read the information about your classmates, the faculty, and staff. Though one week is a good amount of time to build relationships with your classmates, doing a little reading ahead of time will speed up the process and help you to make friends more easily. The full participant roster will be posted one week prior to the start of the course. Prepare yourself organizationally — While you are here, we would like you to be able to clear your mind and participate without interruption or pressure coming from your office. For this week delegate your work to others and tell them not to contact you during your time here. You will be surprised at how much others are capable of doing and achieving if given the opportunity. Prepare yourself intellectually — What are the three big issues that you are facing into which you would like to have new insights? What are the challenges you are facing that you would like advice on? If you could gather the brightest minds together to talk about decision making, what would you ask them? Given your experience and background, what is the one thing you would like to share with others that would encapsulate the wisdom you have accumulated over your career? We would hate to have you return home after the course and not have had the opportunity to ask the big question or share the seminal insight. Prepare yourself logistically — Make sure that your passports, visas, travel arrangements, and tuition are all in order. Do you have enough money for your free evenings, and souvenirs for your family and colleagues? Looking through the website at the activities will give you some ideas of what is available in Boston for cultural entertainment during your time here. And lastly, make sure you have proper clothing for our unpredictable weather. httre / /isitea.harvard.edu/ ich / ich. dn?kevwnrd= k9OR538stnhproiinid= ich.tahprolin160052 502 /2013 Pre - program Tasks § Senior Executives in State and Local Government (Spring 2013) Page 2 of 2 Photo Submission Instructions (Your Photo Here) Please submit a passport-type (head and shoulders) photograph of yourself (any size, black & white OR color) by Monday, May 13. Photos will be compiled into a photo roster of all program participants to be posted on this website the week before the program starts. In addition, you'll receive a printed copy while here. Please send photos electronically Opg or gif format) to Meliss at Melissa_Kotoch @hks.harvard.edu. Please include "Senior Executives in State and Local Government Program" in the subject box of your e-mail message. Thank you! ©2013 President and Fellows of Harvard College httn: / /isites.harvard_edu/ ich / ich .do?kevword= k90R5.1&tahgrounid =ich tahuroun160052 5 /22/2013 Arrival Information § Senior Executives in State and Local Government (Spring 2013) Page 1 of 2 • Hi, Guest • login Senior Executives in State and Local Government (Spring 2013) • Home • Pre - program Tasks • Arrival Information • Course Materials • What to Expect at Harvard • Program FAO Arrival Information Your Arrival Welcome to Boston! Directions from Logan Airport to Soldiers Field Park: If you are arriving by plane, Soldiers Field Park (located on the Harvard Business School Campus) is easily reached by taxicab from Logan Airport. Cab fare from Logan Airport to the apartments is approximately $40.00 with tip. Tell the driver to take the Williams Tunnel to the Massachusetts Turnpike. Take the "Cambridge" exit and then turn left onto Soldiers Field Park Road followed by another left onto Western Road. There is a large sign with the street address, One Western Avenue, at the main entrance to the complex. All Executive Education participants are asked to enter the campus through the East entrance on the right (next to the parking garage). The Soldiers Field Park apartment complex is a series of large red brick buildings, whose driveway is on the right about two blocks from the river ( see HBS Campus Map ). Please look for the signs marked Executive Education to direct you to 3P where check in will be held. Registration: Registration will be held from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm on Monday, June 3 in the Soldiers Field Park Apartment Complex, Apartment 3P,1 Western Avenue, Boston, MA 02163. Please note that there is no early registration. You will receive your room assignment, keys and orientation packet for the program upon registering. Orientation: All participants will convene in Apartment 3P at 1:30 pm for a brief welcome and then walk to Harvard Kennedy School, where the first session and opening dinner will take place. Dress is casual. Name Badges: You will receive a name badge at the time of registration. The badge not only identifies you to your htm:/ /isites_harvard_edu /ich /ich.do? kevword= k90g538stah ground= ich.tahgroun15,1455 5/22/2011 Arrival Information § Senior Executives in State and Local Government (Spring 2013) Page 2 of 2 peers, but also identifies you as an executive education participant and will grant you access to Harvard Kennedy School buildings. The name badge also serves as your ticket to breakfast at the JFK, Jr. Forum each morning. For security reasons, you are required to wear the badge at all times while on the Harvard Kennedy School campus. For your convenience, a map of the Kennedy School campus can be found here Early Arrivals: (Arriving before June 3) Unfortunately, we cannot provide accommodation at Soldiers Field Park prior to June 3, if you must arrive before Sunday we suggest that you book accommodations at the following locations: Sheraton Commander Hotel 16 Garden Street Cambridge, MA 02138 (617) 547 -4800 or (617) 783 -0090 Harvard Square Hotel 110 Mount Auburn Street Harvard Square Cambridge, MA 02138 (617) 864 -5200 or 1-800-458-5886 Departure Information The program will conclude by 1:00 pm on Friday, June 21. We recommend booking flights after 3:00 pm (4:00 pm if traveling internationally). 02013 President and Fellows of Harvard College httn ich / ich .do?kevword= k90R53&tahm-ornnid =ich tahpronn153455 5 /22/2013