CC - Item 5I - Review of Traffic Conditions in the Vicinity of Rosemead Place and Earlswood DriveROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JEFF ALLRED DATE: JUNE 11, 2013 CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REVIEW OF TRAFFIC CONDITIONS IN THE VICINITY OF ROSEMEAD PLACE AND EARLSWOOD DRIVE SUMMARY The Traffic Commission recently reviewed a request to evaluate traffic conditions in the vicinity of Rosemead Place and Earlswood Drive. Residents in the area expressed concerns over the traffic conditions, including vehicle speeds, road characteristics, and street signage /markings. Additionally, a resident along Earlswood Drive requested the installation of red curbing to increase site visibility in the area. After visiting the site, it was determined that the installation of traffic safety enhancements would improve safety in this area. Based on these existing characteristics and resident concerns, the Traffic Commission concurred with the proposed enhancements. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation to install traffic calming measures and striping plans in the vicinity of Rosemead Place and Earlswood Drive, as further depicted in Attachment 1. DISCUSSION Rosemead Place is a residential local roadway that runs north /south and carries one travel lane in each direction. The length of the roadway from Garvey Avenue to its northern terminus is approximately 2,500 feet. At its northern terminus, the street is a cul -de -sac. Rosemead Place is approximately fifty -five (55) feet in width and allows parking on both sides of the road, with the exception of street sweeping restrictions. The posted speed limit is 35 miles per hour. Rosemead Place is signal controlled at its intersection with Garvey Avenue. Earlswood Drive is a residential local roadway that runs northwest/southeast and carries one travel lane in each direction from Ivar Avenue to Rosemead Place. The roadway is approximately thirty -six (36) feet in width and allows parking on both sides of the road, with the exception of street sweeping restrictions. This segment of the roadway is approximately 1,300 feet in length. The posted speed limit is 30 miles per hour. ITEM NO. City Council Meeting June 11, 2013 Page 2 of 4 In the investigating traffic conditions at this location, the Public Works Department, analyzed several neighborhood characteristics and traffic behavior along these street segments, including traffic volume, traffic speeds, and accident history. These elements are key to evaluating the safety of the roadway and developing potential improvements recommendations. Twenty -Four Hour Counts April 17 & 18, 2013 Twenty -four hour tube counts were taken for roadway segments between April 17 and 18, 2013. The segment of Rosemead Place had a northbound vehicle count of 887 and a southbound vehicle count of 875 for a twenty -four hour total of 1,762 vehicles. During the same period, Earlswood Drive, between Ivar Avenue and Rosemead Place, had an eastbound vehicle count of 1,181 and a westbound vehicle count of 1,052, for a twenty - four hour total of 2,233. This chart below expresses the results of the twenty -four hour counts. Street Northbound Southbound Total Rosemead Place 887 875 1,762 Earlswood Drive 1,181 1,052 2,233 Speed Survey A radar survey was conducted to measure the actual speeds of travel on these streets, relevant to the posted speeds. Rosemead place has a posted speed limit of 35 miles per hour. A two hour radar survey recorded 84 vehicles traveling along Rosemead place, with a maximum speed of 45 miles per hour and 33 vehicles exceeding the speed limit of 35 miles per hour. Along Earlswood Drive, a two hour survey collected speed data for 76 vehicles. The maximum recorded speed was 40 miles per hour and 34 vehicles were surveyed exceeding the posted speed limit of 30 miles per hour. The chart below expresses the results of the speed survey. Street Posted Speed # of Vehicles # of Vehicles Over Seed Limit Rosemead Place 35 MPH 84 33 Earlswood Drive 30 MPH 76 34 Accident Data Accident data was searched for both roadways (Rosemead Place and Earlswood Drive) through the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS) for a two year period, September 1, 2010 through September 1, 2010. During this period, there were no reported accidents on Rosemead Place. There were two reported accidents on Earlswood Drive during this time period. The accidents, which occurred in May and October 2011, both occurred on the stretch between Ivar Avenue and Greendale Avenue. City Council Meeting June 11, 2013 Paoe 3 of 4 Analysis The objective of this study was to assess traffic conditions within the neighborhood bounded by Rosemead Place from Garvey Avenue to northerly terminus and Earlswood Drive between Ivar Avenue and Rosemead Place. Based on the analysis of traffic data, field observations, and concerns raised by residents, an improvement plan is proposed to address the neighborhood traffic concerns. Traffic calming treatments have been identified to reduce speeding and cut - through traffic in the residential neighborhood. These improvements are proposed in a two phase plan. Evaluating the effectiveness of Phase I improvements will determine if additional Phase II improvements are necessary. Further, after reviewing the traffic counts and traffic conditions, it is not appropriate to install stop signs at the intersection of Rosemead Place and Earlswood Drive at this time. It should be noted that studies have shown a significant violation rate for unwarranted stop signs, with as few as 7% of all vehicles coming to a complete stop at three -way strops. Unwarranted stop signs delay all motorists whether they are traveling the speed limit or not. Proposed Traffic Calming Improvements for Rosemead Place Phase I (Current Improvements) • Install edge line striping to narrow travel lanes to 12 feet wide, leaving a 15 foot shoulder /parking lane. • Paint speed legends (Speed Limit) on the pavement Phase II (Long Term Improvements) • Raised, landscaped median adjacent to the intersection of Rosemead Place and Garvey • Medians and /or bulb ours on the northern end of Rosemead Place, north of Whitmore Proposed Traffic Calming Improvements for Earlswood Drive • Reduce corner radii, using striping and delineators, to make turning movements tighter • Install edge line striping to narrow travel lanes to 10 feet wide, leaving an 8 foot wide shoulder /parking lane • Paint speed legends (Speed Limit) on the pavement • Targeted radar enforcement • Installation of approximately 25 feet red curb at 3469 Earlswood Drive — Residents contacted the City regarding installing red curbing to help increase visibility for motorists along this stretch of the road as well as those making right - turns onto eastbound Earlswood Drive from northbound Ivar Avenue. City Council Meeting June 11, 2013 Page 4 of 4 FINANCIAL REVIEW Funding for street striping and traffic calming improvements is included in the Public Works Department operating budget. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project does not require environmental review. PUBLIC NOTICE This agenda item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. In addition, notifications were delivered to residents in close proximity to the location where on- street parking restrictions are proposed for installation. Submitted by: Chris Marcarello Director of Public Works Attachments: 1. Neighborhood Map, On- Street View 2. Resident Notification Flyer 3. Striping Plans 4. Traffic Commission Minutes —May 2, 2013 5 •t. C � � yc � to If Sullivan Ave man Ave Roseme2 °g`�a 4 +.•� '+ 1 _ i�t+i� r�i�k {{}} "y� � "[ �+ r Posemer.AF�I "I I i �.Gr<eoda NV! ' —I_.y� _ �( — `�• - �q �_ t�I � ♦y *"Y. •t A.. tR / -. i; /f r, IF I ~ _�� � . 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G1 W 'C G� O Co 3 Y 40 R �a W m m C O M W 5 'O Q a 0 b w O w N T N C8 X 00 O G a� Q U N r C E d 7 L CL E m a E m N City of Rosemead TRAFFIC CONCERN NOTIFICATION The City of Rosemead Traffic Commission will be reviewing a request to install red curbing along the southern curb adjacent to 3469 Earlswood Drive. As proposed, 25 feet of red curbing would be installed at this location, extending existing red curbing currently in place. This request has been made due to a resident's concerns that parked vehicles at this location create a narrow turning lane from Ivar Avenue to Earlswood Drive. You are being notified because your property is in close proximity to this location. We encourage your comments regarding traffic safety in this area. If you wish to comment on the issue, you are invited to attend the Traffic Commission's next meeting on Thursday, May 2"" at 7 PM at the Rosemead City Hall City Council Chambers. If you are unable to attend the meeting, you may send a letter with your comments directly to City Hall, attention Chris Marcarello, Director of Public Works. You may also fax your letter to City Hall at (626) 307 -9218. We appreciate your concern for traffic safety in the City of Rosemead. Should you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact us at (626) 569 -2118. For information please call: Para obtener m6s informacibn, favor de Ilamar al: IbJt? t AMC: D6 bi6t thdm chi ti6t, An g9i: 626 - 569 -2150 0 EARLSWOOD DR / xqvm�-4 0 GEK Aj NOTES R E V I S 1 0 N S CONSLRUC LION NOTES R E F E R E N C E S EZ ..�..... ..,.. p....... ...wow... ROSEMEAD ® PLACE �wPL wNl�ewR A ROSEMEAD ® PLACE CONSTRUCTION rmres f `Q_lYl , z , S V F �y w ROSEMEAD PLACE ' w�P c- v 5 i O N 5 R E F E R E N C E S ._:. .. r�l "' EMAwQD DA 1IDA�E'b2nwAVPAp.lCf ✓^'R"ry _ Pi ry c PI S }2 R —_ —__ CRY CF RCBEA EAD Meeting Minutes for the ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION May 2, 2013 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Hall at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Masuda INVOCATION: Commissioner Tang PRESENT: Chair Hall, Vice Chair Quintanilla, Commissioners Russell- Chavez, Masuda, and Tang. ABSENT:NONE STAFF PRESENT: Public Works Director Marcarello, Management Analyst Sean Sullivan, Engineering Intern Kevin Roque, Elie Farah (Consultant) and Administrative Assistant Llamas 1. PUBLIC COMMENT FROM THE AUDIENCE Nancy Whitehurst, resident at Ralph Street, expressed concerns with tour buses parking on residential streets making it difficult for driver to see oncoming traffic. Lucille Senitella, resident at Norwood Place, asked staff if they were familiar with Edison's Underground Project and whether it was part of the planned median improvements on Walnut Grove Avenue. Ms. Serritella also complimented staff on all the Beautification Projects done throughout the City. 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Commissioner Russell- Chavez motioned, seconded by Commissioner Masuda to approve Item A (May 2, 2013 Minutes) on the Consent Calendar as presented. Votes resulted in: Yes: Russell- Chavez, Tang, Masuda, Hall, and Quintanilla No: None Abstain: None Absent: None Brian Lewin, resident of Rosemead, provided the Traffic Commission with some minor suggestions and recommendations on Item B (Follow up to Educational /Outreach Effort for the Bicycle Transportation Plan) on the Consent Calendar. After reviewing Item B (Follow up to Educational/Outreach Effort for the Bicycle Transportation Plan) on the Consent Calendar, Commissioner Russell- Chavez motioned, seconded by Commissioner Tang to approve Item B including minor formatting changes provided by the Traffic Commissioners. Votes resulted in: Yes: Russell- Chavez, Tang, Masuda, Hall, and Quintanilla No: None Abstain: None Absent: None Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of May 2, 2012 Page 1 of 4 Brian Lewin, resident of Rosemead, expressed support for staffs recommendation on Item C (HSIP Funding- Intersection of Valley Blvd and Mission Drive) on the Consent Calendar. After reviewing Item C (HSIP Funding- Intersection of Valley Blvd and Mission Drive) on the Consent Calendar, Commissioner Masuda motioned, seconded by Chair Quintanilla to approve staffs recommendation. Votes resulted in: Yes: Masuda, Quintanilla, Russell- Chavez, Tang, and Hall No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 3. NEW BUSINESS A. WALNUT GROVE AVENUE SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL GRANT PROGRAM- STATUS REPORT AND PARKING MODIFICATIONS Staff provided the Traffic Commission with a brief description on the item.. along with a PowerPoint presentation. Commissioner Masuda asked staff what type of landscaping would be used on the medians because some plants /shrubs can overgrow and obstruct the visibility of drivers. Staff provided a brief overview of the landscape pallete. Vice -Chair Quintanilla asked staff if they had a timeline to complete this project. Staff informed the Commissioner that it would take about 45 calendar days to complete the project. Chair Hall expressed concems with people or school kids walking across the medians to cross the street and suggested including a crosswalk as part of the plans. Commissioner Russell- Chavez and Masuda indicated that they do not think a new crosswalk is needed at this time. They expressed a need to encourage residents to use the existing crosswalks where there is currently a crossing guard present. Jenny Cheung, resident of Rosemead, provided the Traffic Commissioners with her input on the item and is very pleased with what is planned for the area. Sai Chong, resident of Rosemead, asked staff if there will be breaks in between the proposed medians, so that cars traveling north on Walnut Grove Avenue can make left -tums into the residential cul -de -sacs. Staff informed the Commissioners that there will be breaks included as part of the proposed plans. It was further clarified that the intersection break for a private residential street would be added to the final design plans. Commissioner Tang asked staff if vehicles turning out of the cul -de -sacs would still be able to make a left turn onto Walnut Grove Avenue. Staff informed the Commissioners that there won't be any turn restrictions added. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of May 2, 2012 Page 2 of 4 Commissioner Russell- Chavez motioned, seconded by Commissioner Tang to approve staffs recommendations and present it to the City Council for their approval. Votes resulted in: Yes: Russell- Chavez, Tang, Hall, Masuda, and Quintanilla No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 4. OLD BUISNESS A. REVIEW OF TRAFFIC CONDITIONS IN THE VICINITY OF ROSEMEAD PLACE AND EARLSWOOD DRIVE Staff provided the Traffic Commission with a brief description on the item, along with some ideas and recommendations that can be used at the location to improve the traffic safety for the neighborhood. Commissioner Russell- Chavez asked staff for clarification on the type of devices being proposed for the traffic improvements. Vice Chair Quintanilla asked for clarification on the location of some of the proposed traffic improvements. Chair Hall suggested that she would like to see more reflectors and stripping so that vehicles can see the turn from Rosemead Place northbound to Earswood Drive northbound. She has also suggested that modifications be made to shorten the intersection radius at 3344 Earlswood Drive, including painting some red curbing. Loreta and Raymond Perez, residents of Rosemea when making a turn onto Earlswood Drive and would red to avoid accidents from occurring. , expressed their concerns with vehicles driving fast like the curb in front of 3469 Earlswood Drive painted Chair Hall also informed staff that some of the street signs appear to be missing along the northern end of Rosemead Place. Commissioner Tang motioned, seconded by Chair Hall to approve staffs recommendation and to also include adding red curbing at the corner of 3469 Earlswood Drive. Votes resulted in: Yes: Tang, Hall, Russell- Chavez, Masuda, and Quintanilla No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 4. STAFF REPORT Staff provided the Traffic Commission with an update on current and upcoming events throughout the City along with some follow -ups previously approved by the Commission. 5. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Masuda requested that staff look into extending the study from the Rosemead Place/Earlswood Drive issue to also include Ramona Blvd, due to heavy traffic along that area. Vice Chair Quintanilla asked staff for an update on the Street Sign Replacement Program. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of May 2, 2012 Page 3 of 4 Commissioner Russell- Chavez informed staff that when turning from Valley Blvd., onto Rosemead Blvd., the signal timing is short, only allowing 2 or 3 cars to turn at a time. Chair Hall informed staff that the street sign near Ivar Avenue /Ramona Blvd is missing. Commissioner Masuda asked staff if they can look into the arrow markings that adjacent to the UFC Gym near the freeway entrance at Rosemead Blvd. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for June 7, 2013 at 7:OOp.m., and in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard. Jean Hall Chair ATTEST: Chris Marcarello Public Works Director Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of May 2, 2012 Page 4 of 4