ZCS - Item 1A - Comprehensive Zoning Code Update 20135 ROSEMEAD ZONING CODE UPDATE SUBCOMMITTEE STAFF REPORT �RPoRgTED � TO: THE MEMBERS OF THE ZONING CODE UPDATE SUBCOMMITTEE FROM: PLANNING DIVISION DATE: JULY 22, 2013 SUBJECT: COMPREHENSIVE ZONING CODE UPDATE 2013 SUMMARY The Community Development Department conducted public outreach meetings for the Comprehensive Zoning Code Update project on July 10, 2013 and July 11, 2013. During these meetings attendees received a PowerPoint presentation that provided an overview of the proposed changes to the City's Zoning Code. Time was also allotted during the workshops for the community to address staff with questions, comments, and concerns. Staff has prepared a summary report (Attachment "A" — Community Workshop Feedback and Comments) that outlines the comments and concerns received during the two (2) meetings. The report also includes staff responses to several issues that were raised. Staff will review and discuss the summary with the Subcommittee during its meeting on July 22, 2013. Lastly, Planning Commissioner Vice -Chair Nancy Eng has asked staff to share with the Subcommittee an article from the Los Angeles Times, dated July 14, 2013, which is titled In urban L.A., developers are building trendy homes on tiny lots (Attachment "B "). The article discusses a residential development approach that is aimed at adding more affordable, for -sale, single - family housing in multi - family neighborhoods. Planning Commissioner Vice -Chair Eng would like the Subcommittee to consider the possibility of this land use approach for the City of Rosemead. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: Submitted by: 0tiUt4_,1_W � Sheri Bermejo Michelle G. Ramirez City Planner Community Development Director AttachmentA — Community Workshop Feedback and Comments Attachment B — LA Times Article - In urban L.A., developers are building trendy homes on tiny lots ITEM NUMBER: ATTACHMENT A CITY OF ROSEMEAD COMPREHENSIVE ZONING CODE UPDATE Community Comments and Feedback received from Public Outreach Meetings held on July 10th and July 11th, 2013 BACKGROUND The following document has been prepared to provide the Zoning Code Update Subcommittee with an overview of comments and feedback that the Community Development Department, Planning Division, received during the public outreach meetings that took place on July 10, 2013 and July 11, 2013. The comments have been divided into two sections. Section 1.0 discusses the verbal comments that were received during the outreach meetings and Section 2.0 covers and provides responses to the written comments submitted after the meetings were conducted. Section 1.0 — Verbal Comments received during Community Meetings Public Meeting — July 10, 2013 A total of eighteen people attended the community meeting held on July 10, 2013. Those in attendance included residents, several architects, three (3) Planning Commissioners, one (1) Traffic Commissioner, and three (3) City Council Members. The following comments were received: • Proposed Prohibition of Flag Lot Subdivision: At least three (3) architects commented that they were not in favor of prohibiting residential flag lot subdivisions. • R -2 Density: At least one (1) architect commented that the density in the R -2 zone should be increased to meet maximum density permitted limitation in the General Plan. Public Meeting — July 11, 2013 A total of five (5) people attended the community meeting on July 11, 2013. Those in attendance included three (3) residents (two who had also attended the July 10, 2013 meeting), one (1) Planning Commissioner (who had also attended the July 10, 2013 meeting), and the City's Housing Element consultant. The following comments were received. • Proposed Prohibition of Flag Lot Subdivision: One (1) resident and one (1) Planning Commissioner stated that they were not in favor of prohibiting residential flag lot subdivisions. • Prohibition of Chain -Link Fencing in Front Yards: One (1) resident stated that chain -link fencing should not be a prohibited fence material due to cost factors. It was stated that chain -link fencing is a cheaper fencing material in comparison to other fencing materials. Section 2.0 — Written Comments submitted after the Community Meetings Staff received two a -mails from Mr. Brian Lewin (dated July 11, 2013 and July 15, 2013), which have been attached to this summary. Please note that the bold text indicates each comment from Mr. Lewin. Staff has included a response to each comment for the Zoning Code Update Subcommittee to consider. California Licensed Med Professional - include psychiatrist (can dispense medications); profession is also included in definition for "Medical Clinic" and "Office, Medical and Dental. Staff will add "Psychiatrist" to the definition. • "Carport - See "Po rte- Cochere." The Code does not allow carports to satisfy parking requirements. • Chief of Police - add detail? Current: "Chief of Police" means the Los Angeles County Sheriff or the Sheriff's designee. Proposed: "Chief of Police" means the Los Angeles County Sheriff or the Sheriffs designee. The Chief of Police directs the operations of the City's Public Safety Department, which includes law enforcement officers from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and civilian City support personnel. Eating - Restaurant, Sit -down - "... usually ordered from individual menus" (HomeTown, Zen Buffet, Sizzler are examples of exceptions) Current: "Restaurant, Sit - down" means an establishment engaged in the business of selling food and beverages, including alcoholic beverages, prepared on site for primarily on -site consumption. Food and beverages are served to the customer at a fixed location (i.e., booth, counter, or table). Food and beverages are ordered from individual menus. Customers typically pay for food and beverages after service and /or consumption. The sale or service of sandwiches, whether prepared in the kitchen or made elsewhere and heated on the premises, or snack foods, shall not constitute a sit -down restaurant. Staff recommends not changing this definition for public safety reasons. Even though some restaurants offer buffet style dining, they usually do have a menu board or advertisement, which covers the description of the buffet and price for dining. The menu is an important feature, especially when alcohol is served as an incidental item. The menu offers proof that the primary business is for the consumption of food or drink. • Food Truck - need definition to distinguish them from, say, ice cream trucks for purposes of eventual regulation of either one. The City of Rosemead has regulated Food Truck Sales (also known as "Mobile Food Vendors ") on private property through the Special Event Permit and Business License application processes. This land use type is under the "Peddler" Business License category, which includes catering and ice cream trucks. The Zoning Code Update proposes to codify the Special Event Permit process, and it includes a standard that Special Events shall not last for more than three (3) days. Due to the growing Food Truck revolution and the formation of the Southern California Mobile Food Vendors Association, some cities have adopted ordinances to govern mobile food vendors both on private property and property within the public right -of -way that cover the following categories: vehicle and pedestrian obstructions, noise, trash, restroom access, street slope, signs on sidewalks, and parking /safety issues applicable to certain locations. From a land use planning perspective, the food trucks breathe new life into a city where empty and unused nonresidential lots exist. Some have the opinion that food trucks can help revive a small piece of the urban landscape when regulated with appropriate standards. However, often the argument from restaurant operators is that they take away their business. The Zoning Code Update could propose a definition that defines the land use and limits the operation of Food Truck Sales to the duration of three (3) days through the application of a Special Event Permit, such as: "Food Truck Sales" means sales of prepared. food (including food that is displayed, offered for sale, bartered, exchanged or otherwise given) from vehicles in a non - residential parking area. Food Truck Sales may only occur on private property . as a Special Event in compliance with the Special Event Permit requirements outlined in Chapter 17.124 of this Zoning Code. • Hotel - I think some newer ones do have at least modest cooking facilities Staff proposes the following amendment to the existing definition. "Hotel" means a building or a portion of a building containing guest rooms intended or designed to be used or which are used, rented, or hired out to be occupied, or which are occupied for temporary or overnight accommodations, but not used as the legal residence or principal dwelling place of the occupant(s). is;th or- tmtheat teals., in whieh ro I evsien is made for seeking in any ' ^aiWdual reem or suite Entrance to all guest rooms must be from completely enclosed interior halls. 8 Live Entertainment - "Singing...provided by a performer at a place of business." (Otherwise, private contracting of a facility for that purpose would be exempt, as would anything else that did not involve the operator "securing" a performer. As originally written it could allow restaurants and bars to skirt the code by arranging for a "private party. ") Current definition: "Live Entertainment' means singing, dancing, acting, or similar performances provided by a performer who is hired or otherwise secured by the operator of the business where the entertainment is presented. Staff proposes a revised definition: Amended definition: "Live Entertainment" means music, comedy, readings, dancing, acting, or other entertainment performed on a site. This includes dancing by patrons to live or recorded music. Live Entertainment may only occur on a site upon approval of a City of Rosemead Business License. Pharmacy - "...are dispensed, whether as an individual business or incorporated into another use, such as a retail store or supermarket." See comment below related to "Drug Store." • Shopping Center - "four or more "; I think two is too small to constitute a "center." The existing Zoning Code defines a "Shopping Center" as "a single parcel of land with two or more uses in the C -3 (Medium Commercial) zone." It also contains a separate definition for a "Mini -mall Project', which is "any development with a site area of less than forty -five thousand (45, 000) square feet which is to be improved with multiple uses or retail sales, retail services or restaurants, or combination of retail or industrial uses and which are developed into a commercial complex with surface parking situated on the same property. Commercial projects devoted to office use exclusively shall be exempt from this definition." The Zoning Code Update proposes to eliminate mini -mall projects and consider multiple tenant sites as shopping centers. The following is the proposed definition in the Zoning Code Update. Definition: "Shopping Center" means a commercial site with two or more separate businesses managed as a total entity, sharing common access, circulation, signage and pedestrian and parking areas so that a public right -of -way does not need to be used to get from one business to another in the C -1, C -3, and CBD zones. • Tandem Parking Stall - "...and are allowed for use only in conjunction with valet parking." (I assume this means stack parking, where one car must be moved for the other to get out.) Yes, that is correct. However, valet parking requires the approval of an Administrative Use Permit. • Transitional Housing - include maximum occupancy? Transitional Housing is regulated by California State law, and Government Code Section 65583(a)(5) basically states that Transitional Housing is permitted in all zones allowing residential uses and is not subject to any restrictions (e.g., occupancy limit). Staff is proposing to revise the proposed Transitional Housing definition in the Zoning Code Update, as follows: "Transitional Housing" means a project or facility that facilitates the movement of homeless individuals and families to permanent housing within a reasonable amount of time (usually 24 months) and that immediately takes the homeless individuals out of danger and provides support services for finding permanent housing. This transitional space . take the feFm of c ommun a l hous bettered shelters sh Fshes pF ivate homes eF temp.,..+.+, r s f9F Fen+ • Use, Sensitive - Does this not include establishments catering to seniors, or would that just be for "sensitive receptors," in terms of air pollution? A sensitive use is a use that may have the potential to impact the surrounding neighborhood. Sensitive uses are placed in appropriate zones, and may have specific development standards, or require an Administrative Use Permit or a Conditional Use Permit for approval. P -D has no open space requirement? The existing Code has specific open space requirements for P -D developments. Those requirements are as follows: Units Required Open Space 1 -20 25% 21 -40 40% 41+ 50% Most residential planned developments have had a hard time satisfying these requirements. Since the purpose of a P -D development to provide diversification in the location of structures and other land uses while insuring compliance with the General Plan and compatibility with existing and future I . developments in surrounding areas, the update proposes to eliminate the percentage requirements so that greater flexibility and creativity can be achieved. • 17.08.050 C(4)(a) - Question: Can someone increase an existing nonconforming structure to a legally conforming size if it is on nonconforming lot, so long as it meets setback and FAR requirements? If not already allowable as written, could it be specifically stated to be allowable, either here or in 17.72? It is not unreasonable.... If for example a legal non - conforming 700 square foot, single - family dwelling exists on a legal non - conforming 5,000 square foot lot in the R -2 zone, and the only nonconformity in addition to the non - conforming lot size is that the dwelling unit does not meet the minimum 750 square foot floor area requirement in the R -2 zone, the unit could be expanded, providing that the addition complies with all development standards, including the minimum floor area requirement. Chapter 17.72 reiterates this provision in Section 17.72.070. H: Would like to talk to you a bit about this one to better understand it. Staff is available to discuss these provisions with Mr. Lewin. I(1)(a) - Why 15 and not 6 ft? This appears to contradict your presentation, or did I miss something? The existing variable height requirement is measured.from an angle projected six feet from above ground. The proposed (revised) variable height requirement would be measured from a height 15 feet above ground. However, the existing variable height measurement is made at the property line. The revised measurements are made from setback points (25 feet from a rear yard residential property line, 10 feet from a residential side yard property line, and 20 foot front yard setback). M: Good! Please consider incorporating a requirement for a bicycle rack of some type. Chapter 17.112 (Off- Street Parking and Loading), Section 17.112.112 provides a provision for bicycle parking. "Secure bicycle storage shall be required for all developments over twenty thousand (20,000) square feet in the P -O, C -1, C -3, C -4, CI -MU, and M -1 zones, and in any commercial or industrial development in the P -D zone." 7 • 17.12.030 B(1)(a): This is routinely ignored; is there some way a compliance requirement or proof of CUP /variance prior to property transfer could be incorporated so that it must be corrected when a property is bought/sold? This Section deals with Lot Coverage and Impervious Surfaces /Landscaping. When property owners fail to maintain their landscaping it becomes a property maintenance issue and Code Enforcement gets involved when complaints are received. The same occurs if property owners pave their front yards without a permit, as this would also be a Zoning Code violation. B(2)(d): Include prohibition on any permanent structure abutting driveway and within 5 feet of property line (sightline issues) This Section deals with R -3 residential development standards, specifically driveway requirements. The zoning code proposes a 15 foot front yard setback requirement. Fencing height in the front yard setback of the R -3 zone is also restricted to a maximum height of four feet, which is the same requirement for R- 1 and R -2 developments. Furthermore, any proposed new multi - family development will require additional site design and circulation review, as such developments will require the approval of a discretionary Design Review application before the Planning Division. 17.16.020 - Uses • NEED DEFINITION FOR "COFFEE SHOP" ( "serves coffee and related drinks and may serve small confectionary items prepared off -site) AND ALLOW IN ALL COMMERCIAL ZONES (Starbucks in P -O - obvious support service) - I think you got this one? Staff proposes to allow a coffee shop as an accessory use in the P -O zone, as well as a permitted use in all other commercial and industrial zones. • Book or Stationery Store - CUP or AUP (size limitation) for P -O The Zoning Code Update proposes to significantly reduce the P -O zone in the City from approximately 12 acres to 2 acres. The General Plan land use designation for the proposed remaining parcels is High Density Residential. However, the P- O zone is a corresponding zoning district in the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance Consistency Matrix (LU Table 2 -5). A future General Plan amendment would be appropriate to redefine the types of uses allowed in this specific area. If the General Plan land use designation is changed to a commercial designation it would be appropriate to expand the type of uses allowed in this area. Therefore, from a General Plan /Zoning Code consistency perspective the zoning should be limited to office uses. F] • Drucl Store -not defined; should be CUP or AUP (size limitation) for C -1 The Zoning Code Update does not contain a definition for "Drug Store." Staff suggests eliminating the use since we do have a definition for pharmacy. The definition in the Zoning Code Update could be revised to state the following: "Pharmacy, Medical Supplies" means an establishment that sells medical equipment and supplies forhome health care (e.g., scales, walking aids, bathroom safety aids, skin and personal care products, braces, supports, and splints; bandages and tape, etc.). This use could be added as a permitted use or an accessory use where appropriate. • Florist - drop "Shop" and need definition (to distinguish from nursery - no growing plants and flowers) - P for P -O (somewhat support service; innocuous use) Staff proposes a revision to "Florist." • Hobby Shop - CUP or AUP (size limitation) for P -O Please see comment above regarding the P -O zone and General Plan consistency. • Pet Store - CUP for C -1 (size limitation) or not allowed Staff does not have a professional opinion on this matter. This may be discussed at the Zoning Code Subcommittee. • Pawn Shop - Can we really prohibit them citywide? That seems to be what you're doing here.... The existing Zoning Code does not list this use as a permitted or conditionally permitted use in the City. However, the City does have one legal nonconforming pawn shop business on Garvey Avenue. • Financial Institutions - CUP or AUP for C -1 (size and ATM use - i.e., no 24 -hr drive -thru ATMs abutting residential) Specific Regulations for ATMs and Drive -up (Drive- through) facilities are outlined in Article 3, Chapter 17.30 (Regulations for Special Uses and Structures). The proposed land use matrices in Article 2 of the Zoning Code Update do not allow drive - though or drive -up facilities in the C -1 zone. However, an ATM is proposed as a permitted accessory use. E • Outdoor dining (either size) - CUP; this should NOT bypass Planning Commission Specific Regulations for outdoor dining are outlined in Article 3, Chapter 17.30 (Regulations for Special Uses and Structures). Any establishment that serves alcohol would be required to obtain approval of a Conditional Use Permit. The updated Zoning Code proposes to allow outdoor dining as an accessory use in the C -3 and CBD zones. Outdoor dining greater than 800 square feet would require an Administrative Use Permit in the C -3 zone. Staff can discuss this further with the Subcommittee. • Barber and Beauty Shop - P for P -O (natural support service) Please see comment above regarding the P -O zone and General Plan consistency. • Dry Cleaning Pick -Up Store - P for P -O (natural support service - dress clothes and uniforms) Please see comment above regarding the P -O zone and General Plan consistency. • Locksmith - P for P -O Please see comment above regarding the P -O zone and General Plan consistency. • Nail Salon - P for P -O Please see comment above regarding the P -O zone and General Plan consistency. • Postal and mailing service - P for P -O (obvious support service) Please see comment above regarding the P -O zone and General Plan consistency. • Shoe Repair Store - P for P -O (small; natural support service) Please see comment above regarding the P -O zone and General Plan consistency. • Studio Art. Dance .... - remove; more thoroughly addressed in "Recreation and Education" section 10 Staff proposes to eliminate "Studio Art, Dance" under Service, Uses - General, as it is repeated under "Recreation and Education." • Tailors and Seamstresses - A or P for P -O (natural support service; usually folded into on- or -off premises dry cleaners) Please see comment above regarding the P -O zone and General Plan consistency. • Services Uses - Restricted - "Check Cashing and Payday Loan" Staff proposes to revise the following definition to include `Payday Loan businesses. "Financial Service or Institution" means a company specializing in consumer loans and lines of credit and other financial services such as a bank, savings and loan, credit union, mortgage office, or automated teller machine (ATM). This does not include check cashing, payday loan, or any similar establishments. • Automobile Parking Facilities - CUP for C -1 Staff can discuss this further with the Subcommittee. • Game Arcade, Internet Cafe - P for P -O (some people leave office to do work....) -1 think you said you would check with Sheriff on this...? Please see comment above regarding the P -O ,zone and General Plan consistency. • Movie Theatre (CUP for CBD), Museum (P for CBD) & Performing Arts Center (CUP for CBD) Staff can discuss this further with the Subcommittee. • Tutoring Services - should be in C -1 the same way as in the others - does serve neighborhood Staff can discuss this further with the Subcommittee. • Government Buildings - CUP (size limitation) for P -O and C -1 Local agencies are not able to impose local Zoning Codes on State agency buildings. The Zoning Code Update would also not be applicable to City of Rosemead buildings. Staff can discuss this further with the Subcommittee. 11 • 17.16.030.A.1 What is the difference between "0 ft" and "None "? Add front setbacks to C -1 and C -3 - aesthetics and safety (driveways) Staff proposes to revise the table to reflect "None," to infer that no front yard setback is required in the C -1 or C -3 zone. Site distance and setback requirements have been incorporated in Chapter 17.112 (Off- Street Parking and Loading) for parking areas. • 17.16.030.A.2 Allow subdivision (and lease space ?) exception for office uses only. 800 square feet is almost as large as my house, and may be far too large for certain types of office uses, especially for a one- or two- person office. Staff can discuss this further with the Subcommittee. • 17.16.030.A.6.d Add "No landscaping abutting the intersection of a lot line and a driveway shall exceed a height of four (4) feet." (Maybe three feet ?) Article 4, Chapter 16.68 (Fences, Walls, and Landscape Screening) contains height limitations for landscape screening. Section states "landscape screening located within the front yard shall not exceed a height of four (4) feet." • 17.16.030.A.9.c Really? So if someone comes in and builds a taller building next to me, could 1 then be required to screen my equipment from the top so as to make their view more aesthetic? Remove everything after "...similar architectural features." This standard has no affect on residential zoned property. The intent is for new commercial structures to screen rooftop mechanical equipment with quality architectural features to reduce any potential view impact to adjacent properties. • What happened to 17.16.030.B? It appears to be missing, at least from the red -line version. Staff will check and revise all of the section numbering. • 17.16.030.C.1.b.1) 'one square foot of sign area for each three (3) linear feet of building frontage." (One for every two allows for a potentially HUGE sign relative to building size.) The Zoning Code Update does not propose any changes to current sign regulations. A future comprehensive sign code update would address all sign development standards. 12 • 17.16.030.C.3.a.1) San Gabriel Boulevard, not Avenue. Use "8069 E. Garvey Avenue" instead of "Paradise Trailer Park and Apartments"; it's clearer, and will avoid making the Code outdated if Paradise goes away. - Or 1 think you said you were eliminating the boundary description...? Staff proposes to eliminate the existing boundary references in the C-4 zone. • 17.16.030.C.3.b.1) Shouldn't "hotel" be in this list? Or movie theatre? Add movie theatre to table as well? Or are they not in the General Plan and therefore not allowed? "Discount and variety store" as the major anchor tenant? I don't think so.... Not sure if "drive- through services" would be a good idea for this type of development; they tend to screw with circulation patterns and /or take up extra space. The C-4 zone identifies that a hotel could be allowed upon the approval of a Conditional Use Permit in both project areas (Former Auto - Auction Site and Barr Lumbar Site). There were no changes proposed to the types of land uses allowed in the C-4 zone in this Zoning Code Update. Staff would be happy to review these existing land uses with the Subcommittee. • 17.16.030.D.2.c Why are 3 -5 in Bicycle Parking? They should be broken out into "d." 3: Do all buildings have to have street frontage? 4 & 5: 1 think you will need more than one point of access for lots that big. And what's with the alley access? Do we really want to send ALL of the thousands of cars that may (we hope) visit these sites down alleys right next to residents, who certainly never expected to have the primary or even exclusive point of access to a major shopping center to be right next to their houses. And how late are these places going to be open ?? As shown in the redlined draft version of the Zoning Code Update, only a few amendments are proposed to the C -4 development standards. New developments in the C -4 zone require an in depth discretionary review before the Planning Commission and approval by the City Council. • 17.16.030.D.4.c 1:1 ratio for sign size ? ?? Maybe 1:2 or 1:3? The Zoning Code Update does not propose any changes to current sign regulations. A future comprehensive sign code update would address all sign development standards. • 17.16.030.D.4.e 1: one square foot per three lineal feet? Add 10: If near an access driveway, it shall be placed at an angle to both that driveway and the lot line. It shall not be placed near an access driveway to any adjacent facility 13 or residential area. (The first part is to improve visibility, and the second is to avoid having people inadvertently going into the wrong driveway, as has been happening with New Valley Plaza customers going down Hidden Pines by mistake.) Approval of a comprehensive sign program is required for new development in the C -4 zone. The total square footage of exterior building signs (building fagade signs, window and awning signs, etc.) is limited to one square foot of sign area per one lineal foot of building frontage. This requirement is quite conservative. The existing code states that pole signs are prohibited. Furthermore, there are other limitations on the size and number of monument signs. The location of monument signs are reviewed with the City's Public Works Department. • 17.20.030.A.4.d Add "No landscaping abutting the intersection of a lot line and a driveway shall exceed a height of four (4) feet." (Maybe three feet ?) See Section 17.112.111 "Parking design and layout standards" in Chapter 17.112 (Off- Street Loading and Parking). This section address site distance requirements and parking lot landscape screening. • 17.20.030.A.7.c Remove everything after "...similar architectural features." Same as noted previously. This standard has no affect on residential zoned property. The intent is for new commercial structures to screen rooftop mechanical equipment with quality architectural features to reduce any potential view impact to adjacent properties. • Why no setback for P -D? Or height limitation? The P -D zone currently does not contain setback or height limitations, because the planned development zone is used to provide diversification in the location of structures while insuring compliance with the General Plan. The P -D zone allows development standards to be tailored to the project site. For this reason P -D projects require a zone change, and any modification of the plan requires City Council approval. Although the P -D zone does not contain a height limitation, projects are required to comply with the variable height requirements that are outlined in Article 2. • Why are we allowing free - standing signs for P -D? I thoughtwe were trying to get rid of these...? The Zoning Code Update does not propose any changes to the current sign regulations. A future comprehensive sign code update would address all sign development standards. 14 • 17.28.020.A.1.a 2 -3) "...and do not affect the front facade...." Staff will revise the grammatical error. • "check cashing and pay day loan services...." Remove "Retail sales of automotive parts without installation and no outside storage" - not well- suited to mixed -use, and customers have a tendency to want to change parts, add oil, etc. in the lots. You can post signs all you want, but they will still do it. Staff can review and discuss this comment with the Subcommittee. • 17.30 Need display- window visibility requirement for massage facility. Many appear to have their front windows and doors completely covered, blacked out, etc., for obvious reasons. Requiring clear visibility for both would make things a bit more difficult for the less legitimate enterprises. Massage operating requirements are contained in Title 5 (Business Licenses and Regulations), Chapter 5.24 (Massage Establishments). Currently, massage establishments are allowed by right upon the approval of a business license. The Zoning Code Update proposes to require an Administrative Use Permit for the use. Staff can discuss this suggestion with the Zoning Code Update Subcommittee. • Add "If such use, building or structure was established by right prior to the institution of a variance or conditional use permit requirement for such use, building or structure, it shall be considered to have a de facto variance, so long as it remains in compliance with all other provisions of this code." Or something like that. The intent here is to protect uses such as Harry's Radiator, which pre -date the CUP requirement - and in Harry's case, the City itself - and would therefore not have a CUP (or variance) to prevent them from becoming a legal nonconforming use. The legal nonconforming section already allows legal nonconforming uses to continue provided there is no increase or enlargement of the use. If, for example, Harry's Radiator does not have a valid CUP but was legally established before the City required a CUP the use is already legal nonconforming. • Table Shopping Center - What if most or all of the uses are restaurants? That could be as little as a quarter of the properly required parking for a small shopping center. I think you need a minimum size or some limitation on the percentage of restaurant floor space, or small- or food service -heavy shopping centers (such as Big Saver's over on Garvey & Jackson) could find themselves with significant parking deficiencies. 15 Staff can discuss the comment with the Zoning Code Update Subcommittee. • 17.112.070 A neighbor down the street has been violating A.2.a for months now. Also, please add on- street parking restrictions - i.e., "No recreational vehicle may be parked within 100 feet of any intersection" (visibility for people turning the corner and for neighbors exiting driveways) - or prohibit it altogether. Some people like to "store" their RVs by parking them in the street. The Zoning Code Update includes land use regulations for private property. It does not contain regulations for land within the public right -of -way. Regulations for on- street parking are contained in Title 10 (Vehicles and Traffic) of the Rosemead Municipal Code. Amendments to Title 10 are not proposed in this project. • 17.112.120.A Add 4: "No existing billboard shall be converted to an electronic billboard." The code citation is 17.116.120.A. The Zoning Code Update does not propose any changes to the current sign regulations. A future comprehensive sign code update would address all sign development standards. However, it is important to note that new billboards are prohibited in the City. Existing signs that have permits are legal nonconforming. Furthermore, the Zoning Code does not currently allow, or propose to allow, electronic reader boards in the City. • 17.112.130 - "...shall be completely removed... within the time allowed...." Staff will correct typo in existing code. • 17.142.040 Noticed Public Hearing before the CDD must be at a reasonable time; i.e., evening. Many people do not have the flexibility to attend daytime meetings. • 17.28.030.C.1 • "Coffee shops" (add use) • "Florists, limited to retail sales only" Staff can review and discuss this comment with the Subcommittee. o remove "Photo- copy ... desktop facilities" and replace with "Office supply and support services" 16 Staff proposes to an amendment from "Photo -copy, printing or desktop facilities" to "Photo -copy, printing or office supply stores." • 17.28.030.C.2 - "Psychiatrist, psychologist and counseling services" Staff proposes to an amendment from "Psychiatrist' to "Psychiatrist, psychologist and counseling services. " • 17.28.030.D.8 - Add 7. "No landscaping abutting the intersection of a lot line and a driveway shall exceed a height of four (4) feet." (Maybe three feet ?) See Section 17.112.111 "parking design and layout standards" in Chapter 17.112 (Off- Street Loading and Parking). This section address site distance requirements and parking lot landscape screening. • 17.28.030.D.18.c - One square foot per three lineal feet? Or is there something about this formula that I'm not getting? This section refers to the total amount of exterior wall sign area permitted in the RC -MUDO zone. The standard states "Building mounted signs, including wall, window and awning signs, shall not exceed a cumulative total of one (1) square foot of sign area per one (1) lineal foot of building frontage of each business." This is an existing standard that is similar to other sign codes in surrounding cities. • 17.28.030.D.18.e.5) -Add "No monument sign abutting the intersection of a lot line and a driveway shall exceed a height of four (4) feet." (Maybe three feet ?) The Zoning Code Update does not propose any changes to the current sign regulations. A future comprehensive sign code update would address all sign development standards. • 17.28.030.E.2.b - Add "It shall be open -air, with no doors or other enclosures." This code section refers to ATM development standards in the RCMUDO zone. Staff can discuss the proposed standard with the Subcommittee. • 17.28.030.E.6.c - Not sure that this is necessary or recommended; I think "d" pretty well covers it, and if they're feeling patriotic, let them. Oh, and I think "d" needs an exception for the short -term display of the US flag in commemoration of national holidays or other appropriate occasions. 17 This is existing code in the RC -MUDO zone that regulates flag display and outdoor advertising display. 17.28.030E.6.c allows for the display of the US flag. Staff proposes to revise 17.28.030E.6.d to allow outdoor advertising in compliance with Article 4, Chapter 17.76. • 17.30.050.C.3 - Add "It shall be open -air, with no doors or other enclosures." This code section refers to ATM development standards in the RC -MUDO zone. Staff can discuss the proposed standard with the Subcommittee. • - Automobile Car Washes • Add 13. "The wash areas shall be sloped inward to prevent the escape of wash waters; full service facilities shall additionally have a berm - hump at the entrance and exit points of the wash facility." • Add 14. "Washing down of the car wash lot area shall be prohibited, unless the water is retained for proper disposal by a licensed hauler, or for treatment through the on -site clarifier." • Add 15. "On -site automotive detail work areas shall be designed and operated in such a way that all wastewater generated shall be routed through the on -site clarifier, or collected for routing through said clarifier. Wastewater from washing machines used to wash rags and towels associated with car washing and detailing shall also be routed to the clarifier." • Unless there is another provision requiring a clarifier for these facilities elsewhere in RMC or County/State /Federal code, you should probably include a provision requiring one. To wit: "A clarifier to collect and treat all on -site wastewater associated with car washing and/or detailing shall be provided. Said clarifier shall be sized and located subject to the requirements of the [City of Rosemead] Department of Public Works." • 17.30.070.C.8 — (Automotive Lube and Tune Facility) o Add "Washing down of the work area or lot shall be prohibited, unless the water is retained for proper disposal by a licensed hauler." • 17.30.080.C.4.d — (Automotive Service Station) • Add "Washing down of the work area, pump area, or any other part of the lot shall be prohibited, unless the water is retained for proper disposal by a licensed hauler." • Unless it is already addressed by County /State /Federal code, you may want to consider incorporating roof and slope design standards to keep stormwater out of the pump area. To wit: "All pump areas shall be covered with a solid roof a minimum of twenty (20) feet high [ ?; whatever height is sufficient that 18- wheelers and RVs can get in and out], that shall provide coverage at least ten feet beyond the pumps on all sides. The ground shall slope inward towards the center and outward toward the property boundaries at a point approximately two feet in from the edge of the roof, as established by a perpendicular line from the roof to the ground. Any water collected within the pump area shall be stored for proper disposal subject to the provisions established elsewhere in this subsection." Currently all new development is required to comply with existing water quality standards and waste discharge regulations set forth by the Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles region. Each individual development project is required to comply with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements related to construction and operation measures to prevent erosion, siltation, and transport of urban pollutants. The City of Rosemead recently opted to participate in a Regional Enhanced Watershed Management Program. The City's participation in this program will result in a comprehensive approach to address storm water issues. At this time, staff recommends continuing to review and condition projects on an individual project basis, since new comprehensive storm water regulations will be adopted in the future. The current review of such projects is coordinated with the City's Public Works Department, and Building and Safety Division and project conditions are incorporated prior to the issuance of permits. • 17.30.080.C.4.h -Add g. "No signs more than four (4) feet tall shall be located at any ingress or egress point." The Zoning Code Update does not propose any changes to the current sign regulations. 'A future comprehensive sign code update would address all sign development standards. Furthermore, all new developments with proposed signage near ingress and egress points are reviewed with the City's Public Works Department. • 17.30.100.C.2 - Add period at end of sentence, then add "No unattended donation box shall be located within 20 feet of a lot ingress or egress point." Staff will correct typo, and can discuss the proposed standard with the Subcommittee. • 17.30.180.D — (Recycling Facilities) Needs structural and operational stormwater BMPs for each type of facility - proper liquid waste collection and disposal (people like to pour excess on the ground) and prohibition on wash down runoff - but I do not have time to compose a suggestion for each. 19 At this time, staff recommends continuing to review and condition projects on an individual project basis, since new comprehensive storm water regulations will be adopted in the future. The current review is coordinated with the City's Public Works Department and Building and Safety Division, and project conditions are incorporated prior to the issuance of permits. 20 Michelle Ramirez From: Brian Lewin <kisenosato @gmail.com> Sent: Friday, July 12, 2013 2:05 AM To: Sheri Bermejo Cc: Michelle Ramirez Subject: Zoning Code Thoughts Hi Sheri, Thanks for tonight; great job as always. Below are my thoughts. I tried to remove most of what we covered during the meeting. My apologies for any ramblings. (I mean, I know you're used to it, but....) Definition check: * California Licensed Med Professional - include psychiatrist (can dispense medications); profession is also included in definition for "Medical Clinic" and "Office, Medical and Dental. "Carport - See "Porte - Cochere." * Chief of Police - add detail? * Eating - Restaurant, Sit -down - "...usually ordered from individual menus" (HomeTown, Zen Buffet, Sizzler are examples of exceptions) * Food Truck - need definition to distinguish them from, say, ice cream trucks for purposes of eventual regulation of either one. • Hotel - I think some newer ones do have at least modest cooking facilities • Live Entertainment - "Singing... provided by a performer at a place of business." (Otherwise, private contracting of a facility for that purpose would be exempt, as would anything else that did not involve the operator "securing" a performer. As originally written it could allow restaurants and bars to skirt the code by arranging for a "private party. ") * Pharmacy - "...are dispensed, whether as an individual business or incorporated into another use, such as a retail store or supermarket." * Shopping Center - "four or more'; I think two is too small to constitute a "center." * Tandem Parking Stall - "...and are allowed for use only in conjunction with valet parking." (I assume this means stack parking, where one car must be moved for the other to get out.) * Transitional Housing - include maximum occupancy? * Use, Sensitive - Does this not include establishments catering to seniors, or would that just be for "sensitive receptors," in terms of air pollution? P -D has no open space requirement? 17.08.050 C(4)(a) - Question: Can someone increase an existing nonconforming structure to a legally conforming size if it is on nonconforming lot, so long as it meets setback and FAR requirements? If not already allowable as written, could it be specifically stated to be allowable, either here or in 17.72? It is not unreasonable.... H: Would like to talk to you a bit about this one to better understand it. I(1)(a) - Why 15 and not 6 ft? This appears to contradict your presentation, or did I miss something? M: Good! Please consider incorporating a requirement for a bicycle rack of some type. 17.12.030 B(1)(a): This is routinely ignored; is there some way a compliance requirement or proof of CUP /variance prior to property transfer could be incorporated so that it must be corrected when a property is bought/sold? B(2)(d): Include prohibition on any permanent structure abutting driveway and within 5 feet of property line (sightline issues) 17.16.020 - Uses * NEED DEFINITION FOR "COFFEE SHOP" ( "serves coffee and related drinks and may serve small confectionary items prepared off -site) AND ALLOW IN ALL COMMERCIAL ZONES (Starbucks in P -O - obvious support service) - I think you got this one? * Book or Stationery Store - CUP or AUP (size limitation) for P -O * Drug Store - not defined; should be CUP or AUP (size limitation) for C -1 * Florist - drop "Shop" and need defmition (to distinguish from nursery - no growing plants and flowers) - P for P -O (somewhat support service; innocuous use) * Hobby Shop - CUP or AUP (size limitation) for P -O * Pet Store - CUP for C -1 (size limitation) or not allowed * Pawn Shop - Can we really prohibit them citywide? That seems to be what you're doing here.... * Financial Institutions - CUP or AUP for C -1 (size and ATM use - i.e., no 24 -hr drive -thru ATMs abutting residential) * Outdoor dining (either size) - CUP; this should NOT bypass Planning Commission * Barber and Beauty Shop - P for P -O (natural support service) * Dry Cleaning Pick -Up Store - P for P -O (natural support service - dress clothes and uniforms) * Locksmith - P for P -O * Nail Salon - P for P -O * Postal and mailing service - P for P -O (obvious support service) * Shoe Repair Store - P for P -O (small; natural support service) * Studio Art, Dance.... - remove; more thoroughly addressed in "Recreation and Education" section * Tailors and Seamstresses - A or P for P -O (natural support service; usually folded into on- or -off premises dry cleaners) * Services Uses - Restricted - "Check Cashing and Payday Loan" * Automobile Parking Facilities - CUP for C -1 * Game Arcade, Internet Cafe - P for P -O (some people leave office to do work....) - I think you said you would check with Sheriff on this...? * Movie Theatre (CUP for CBD), Museum (P for CBD) & Performing Arts Center (CUP for CBD) * Tutoring Services - should be in C -1 the same way as in the others -does serve neighborhood * Government Buildings - CUP (size limitation) for P -O and C -1 17.16.030.A.1 What is the difference between "0 ft" and "None "? Add front setbacks to C -1 and C -3 - aesthetics and safety (driveways) 17.16.030.A.2 Allow subdivision (and lease space ?) exception for office uses only. 800 square feet is almost as large as my house, and may be far too large for certain types of office uses, especially for a one- or two- person office. 17.16.030.A.6.d Add "No landscaping abutting the intersection of a lot line and a driveway shall exceed a height of four (4) feet." (Maybe three feet ?) 17.16.030.A.9.c Really? So if someone comes in and builds a taller building next to me, could I then be required to screen my equipment from the top so as to make their view more aesthetic? Remove everything after "...similar architectural features." What happened to 17.16.030.B? It appears to be missing, at least from the red -line version. 17.16.030.C.1.b.1) "one square foot of sign area for each three (3) linear feet of building frontage." (One for every two allows for a potentially HUGE sign relative to building size.) 17.16.030.C.3.a.1) San Gabriel Boulevard, not Avenue. Use "8069 E. Garvey Avenue" instead of "Paradise Trailer Park and Apartments"; it's clearer, and will avoid making the Code outdated if Paradise goes away. - Or I think you said you were eliminating the boundary description...? 17.16.030.C.3.b.1) Shouldn't "hotel" be in this list? Or movie theatre? Add movie theatre to table as well? Or are they not in the General Plan and therefore not allowed? "Discount and variety store" as the major anchor tenant? I don't think so.... Not sure if "drive- through services" would be a good idea for this type of development; they tend to screw with circulation patterns and/or take up extra space. 17.16.030.D.2.c Why are 3 -5 in Bicycle Parking? They should be broken out into "d." 3: Do all buildings have to have street frontage? 4 & 5: I think you will need more than one point of access for lots that big. And what's with the alley access? Do we really want to send ALL of the thousands of cars that may (we hope) visit these sites down alleys right next to residents, who certainly never expected to have the the primary or even exclusive point of access to a major shopping center to be right next to their houses. And how late are these places going to be open ?? 17.16.030.D.4.c 1:1 ratio for sign size ? ?? Maybe 1:2 or 1:3? 17.16.030.D.4.e 1: one square foot per three lineal feet? Add 10: If near an access driveway, it shall be placed at an angle to both that driveway and the lot line. It shall not be placed near an access driveway to any adjacent facility or residential area. (The first part is to improve visibility, and the second is to avoid having people inadvertently going into the wrong driveway, as has been happening with New Valley Plaza customers going down Hidden Pines by mistake.) 17.20.030.A.4.d Add "No landscaping abutting the intersection of a lot line and a driveway shall exceed a height of four (4) feet." (Maybe three feet ?) 17.20.030.A.7.c Remove everything after "...similar architectural features." Same as noted previously. Why no setback for P -D? Or height limitation? 17.24.040.I.3 Why are we allowing free - standing signs for P -D? I thought we were trying to get rid of these...? 17.28.020.A.1.a 2 -3) "...and do not affect the front facade.... "check cashing and pay day loan services...." Remove "Retail sales of automotive parts without installation and no outside storage" - not well- suited to mixed -use, and customers have a tendency to want to change parts, add oil, etc. in the lots. You can post signs all you want, but they will still do it. 17.30 * Need display- window visibility requirement for massage facility. Many appear to have their front windows and doors completely covered, blacked out, etc., for obvious reasons. Requiring clear visibility for both would make things a bit more difficult for the less legitimate enterprises. 17.72.030.D Add "If such use, building or structure was established by right prior to the institution of a variance or conditional use permit requirement for such use, building or structure, it shall be considered to have a de facto variance, so long as it remains in compliance with all other provisions of this code." Or something like that. The intent here is to protect uses such as Harry's Radiator, which pre -date the CUP requirement - and in Harry's case, the City itself - and would therefore not have a CUP (or variance) to prevent them from becoming a legal nonconforming use. Table Shopping Center- What if most or all of the uses are restaurants? That could be as little as a quarter of the properly required parking for a small shopping center. I think you need a minimum size or some limitation on the percentage of restaurant floor space, or small- or food service -heavy shopping centers (such as Big Saver's over on Garvey & Jackson) could find themselves with significant parking deficiencies. 17.112.070 A neighbor down the street has been violating A.2.a for months now. Also, please add on- street parking restrictions - i.e., "No recreational vehicle may be parked within 100 feet of any intersection" (visibility for people turning the comer and for neighbors exiting driveways) - or prohibit it altogether. Some people like to "store" their RVs by parking them in the street. 17.112.120.A Add 4: "No existing billboard shall be converted to an electronic billboard." 17.112.130 "...shall be completely removed... within the time allowed...." 17.142.040 Noticed Public Hearing before the CDD must be at a reasonable time; i.e., evening. Many people do not have the flexibility to attend daytime meetings. Sorry, I was not able to get through the entire document. I may have a bit more if I am able to get to the other parts later. Thanks, and see you all soon. Brian "The source of my intention Really isn't crime prevention My intention is prevention Of the lie." - Scatman John Michelle Ramirez From: Brian Lewin <kisenosato @gmail.com> Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 12:54 AM To: Sheri Bermejo Cc: Michelle Ramirez Subject: Zoning Code Good morning, I hope you don't mind, but over the weekend, I finally got back into the Code update a bit, and came up with the following. I still haven't made it through everything, but at this point I am figuring anything other than typos will be saved for the joint meeting. As before, you are welcome to contact me with any questions. Most of the below is stuff that you saw in Friday's e -mail for earlier portions of the code - just trying to keep things consistent - and stormwater operational and structural BMP suggestions for various uses, based on my experiences and observations from inspecting numerous examples of each type of facility in Burbank. 17.24.040.I.3 - Why are we allowing pole signs for P -D? (ref 116) 17.28.030.C.1 "Coffee shops" (add use) "Florists, limited to retail sales only" remove "Photo-copy ... desktop facilities" and replace with "Office supply and support services" 17.28.030.C.2 - "Psychiatrist, psychologist and counselling services" 17.28.030.D.8 - Add 7. "No landscaping abutting the intersection of a lot line and a driveway shall exceed a height of four (4) feet." (Maybe three feet ?) 17.28.030.D.18.c - One square foot per three lineal feet? Or is there something about this formula that I'm not getting? 17.28.030.D.18.e.5) - Add "No monument sign abutting the intersection of a lot line and a driveway shall exceed a height of four (4) feet." (Maybe three feet ?) 17.28.030.E.2.b - Add "It shall be open -air, with no doors or other enclosures." 17.28.030.E.6.c - Not sure that this is necessary or recommended; I think "d" pretty well covers it, and if they're feeling patriotic, let them. Oh, and I think "d" needs an exception for the short-term display of the US flag in commemoration of national holidays or other appropriate occasions. 17.30.050.C.3 - Add "It shall be open -air, with no doors or other enclosures." - * Add 13. "The wash areas shall be sloped inward to prevent the escape of wash waters; full service facilities shall additionally have a berm -hump at the entrance and exit points of the wash facility." * Add 14. "Washing down of the car wash lot area shall be prohibited, unless the water is retained for proper disposal by a licensed hauler, or for treatment through the on -site clarifier." * Add 15. "On -site automotive detail work areas shall be designed and operated in such a way that all wastewater generated shall be routed through the on -site clarifier, or collected for routing through said clarifier. Wastewater from washing machines used to wash rags and towels associated with car washing and detailing shall also be routed to the clarifier." * Unless there is another provision requiring a clarifier for these facilities elsewhere in RMC or County /State/Federal code, you should probably include a provision requiring one. To wit: "A clarifier to collect and treat all on -site wastewater associated with car washing and/or detailing shall be provided. Said clarifier shall be sized and located subject to the requirements of the [City of Rosemead] Department of Public Works." 17.30.070.C.8 - Add "Washing down of the work area or lot shall be prohibited, unless the water is retained for proper disposal by a licensed hauler." 17.30.080.C.4.d - Add "Washing down of the work area, pump area, or any other part of the lot shall be prohibited, unless the water is retained for proper disposal by a licensed hauler." * Unless it is already addressed by County /State/Federal code, you may want to consider incorporating roof and slope design standards to keep stormwater out of the pump area. To wit: "All pump areas shall be covered with a solid roof a minimum of twenty (20) feet high [ ?; whatever height is sufficient that 18- wheelers and RVs can get in and out], that shall provide coverage at least ten feet beyond the pumps on all sides. The ground shall slope inward towards the center and outward toward the property boundaries at a point approximately two feet in from the edge of the roof, as established by a perpendicular line from the roof to the ground. Any water collected within the pump area shall be stored for proper disposal subject to the provisions established elsewhere in this subsection." 17.30.080.C.4.h - Add g. "No signs more than four (4) feet tall shall be located at any ingress or egress point." 17.30.100.C.2 - Add period at end of sentence, then add "No unattended donation box shall be located within 20 feet of a lot ingress or egress point." 17.30.180.D - Needs structural and operational stormwater BMPs for each type of facility - proper liquid waste collection and disposal (people like to pour excess on the ground) and prohibition on wash down runoff - but I do not have time to compose a suggestion for each. Hope you find that helpful, and have a good week. Brian "The source of my intention Really isn't crime prevention My intention is prevention Of the lie." - Scatman John ATTACHMENT B In urban L.A., developers are building trendy homes on tiny lots ... http: / /www.latimes.com[ businesslrealestate/la -fi- small -lot- home... latimes.com/ business /realestate /la- fi- small -lot- homes - 20130714,0,563473. story latimes.com In urban L.A., developers are building trendy homes on tiny lots The latest in Los Angeles residential development: Clusters of skinny single - family homes in the city's hippest neighborhoods. By Andrew Khouri 7:57 PM PDT, July 13, 2013 Just north of downtown Los Angeles, skinny homes on tiny lots are sprouting from the hillsides — a building boom of miniature proportions. The rectangular structures come in clusters of six or 15, or even 70, and developers are racing to build them in trendy Silver Lake and Echo Park. They're eyeing younger home buyers who crave hip cafes and proximity to work but don't want a sky -high condo or a Craftsman bungalow. advertisement The so- called small -lot homes speak to a growing desire for a more compact and walkable Los Angeles, while still clinging to the single - family ideal that spread outward from downtown over the last century. The homes often have a small patio or roof deck but no backyard. what sits beneath the house, a tiny footprint that cuts the cost in pricey neighborhoods. "It's sort of the Whone or Prins of homes," said Christian Navar, co- founder of L.A. architecture firm Modative, which designs the projects and hired five more employees this year to handle the boom. In the next 18 months, builders will break ground on roughly 250 small -lot homes in Silver Lake, Echo Park and northeast L.A., said Chris Gomez- Ortigoza, a land broker specializing in the deals. And the trend is spreading to other neighborhoods including Studio City, North Hollywood and Toluca Lake. The homes typically fetch between $500,000 and $800,000. Robert Kim is among the buyers whom developers are looking to attract. The 35- year -old had grown tired of his 16 -mile commute from Brentwood to his job at the historic Park Plaza Hotel, across from MacArthur Park. So Kim began looking for a new home, finally settling on an airy, modern Echo Park three- bedroom for $669,000 instead of a "fixer- upper." 1 of 3 7/16/13 4:51 PM The buyer owns little land beyond In urban L.A., developers are building trendy homes on tiny lots ... http: / /www.latimes.com/ business /realestate/la -fi- small -lot- home... "I wouldn't have the time or patience to do that," he said. When Kim moves into his new small -lot home next month, he'll cut his commute to three miles and avoid the Santa Monica and San Diego freeways during rush hour. The Echo Park project was developed by Planet Home Living of Newport Beach. Seven of what will soon be fifteen homes, priced between $669,900 and $768,394, have already sold. And the developer plans to break ground on about 45 more small -lot homes in the next 18 months in Silver Lake and Echo Park, said Michael Marini, Planet Home's chief executive. "I love this area," Marini said, shortly after lunching with his wife at an Echo Park restaurant known for its small plates of sustainably grown produce and meat. Builders usually pack in two or three bedrooms, stacked in two or three stories. Size typically ranges from 1,000 to 2,000 square feet, allowing for a spacious living room and kitchen on an open floor plan. The homes are clustered in mini - communities, a modern twist on L.A.'s famed bungalow courts. There are no shared walls, but neighbors are separated by mere inches. Developers enclose the miniature gap between the homes to keep out water and unwanted critters, giving the impression of town houses. Such projects grow from a 2005 Los Angeles city ordinance that aimed to add more affordable for -sale housing — at least by L.A. standards — in densely packed neighborhoods. It lets developers carve up a lot zoned for multi - family use into small single - family plots, allowing multiple homes with separate foundations. The regulations chopped the minimum single - family lot size in those areas from 5,000 square feet to 600 square feet. The city of Glendale is now considering a similar ordinance. Unlike condo owners, residents of small -lot homes own a plot of land, which makes financing easier for both builders and home buyers. And although small -lot owners do pay a monthly fee for common area upkeep, it's typically much less than homeowners' association dues at condo developments. Navar, of the architecture firm Modative, sees the compact homes as a chance to inject more homeowners into walkable neighborhoods, who will in turn support more businesses. Their popularity, he said, is evidence of a younger generation that wants to live more efficiently. "This isn't your parents' house," he said, seated in Modatiive's office in the Helms Bakery complex. In Silver Lake, developer Trumark Homes hopes to break ground this summer on 70 small -lot, three -story homes with no backyards, most with rooftop decks. Trumark plans to sell them early next year for between $575,000 and $635,000. "It's an attainable price point for the young urban buyer," Trumark partner Jason Kliewer said, adding that the company is planning an additional 18 small -lot homes across the street. Navar's firm has designed most of its small -lot projects in a strip of Los Angeles near the Culver City art district. Jeff Morrical and Phil Olson, both 31, moved to a three -story small -lot home off La 2 of 3 7/16/13 4:51 PM In urban L.A., developers are building trendy homes on tiny lots ... http: / /www.latiTnes.com/business /realestate /la -fi- small -lot- home... Cienega Boulevard in January, after deciding against "the romanticism" of rehabbing an older property. They paid $650,000 for the Modative- designed property within walking distance of art galleries. "We like more density — more people around," said Olson, who works in programming for a cable network. "You get the benefit of more dense apartment living, but it is like your own space." Many buyers see the small -lot homes as a better fit for Southern California than the dense multi- family projects built along L.A.'s expanding rail network, which have been promoted by local politicians, said Gerd -Ulf Krueger, principal economist at HousingEcon.com. "They are selling like hot cakes," he said. The homes have their critics, said Jesus Sanchez, founder of the popular neighborhood blog the Eastsider LA, about Echo Park and surrounding areas. Some complain that the clustered homes could spoil the character of a neighborhood characterized by older hillside homes and spacious backyards. "I think these buildings speak to something new and flashier," he said. Often the arrival of the builders has surprised neighbors, accustomed to the green space or the parking lot the homes are built on. Or they simply had other ideas for the lots. "People envisioned single family homes and duplexes, and it's different," said Andrew Garsten, president of the Echo Park Improvement Assn. "It's a little more dense." Architect Kevin Wronske, of the Heyday Partnership, lives in a Silver Lake small -lot home that his company built, one of six houses in a development with white fin -like vertical panels on the exteriors. Sitting in his modern three -story with solid oak floors, Wronske ticked off his upcoming projects: one in Venice, another in Silver Lake, one in Glassell Park and one near Dodger Stadium. "L.A. is known for its sprawl and pollution and long commutes in traffic, and it's got a lot more to offer than that," Wronske said. "So it's sort of, how do we change that, and what does the future of L.A. look like ?" andrew.khouri@latiines.com Copyright © 2013, Los Angeles Times 3 of 3 7/16/13 4:51 PM